Heavy rough next to the green?….what should you do?

If you are in the rough next to the green how do you get it out and get it close to the hole? This weeks Anne Rollo Golf tip will show you what the options are and why you should NOT putt in this situation.

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So what would you do here we’re in a little bit of a tricky situation here we’ve got a poor lie we’ve got very heavy grass for the first section normal Fairway grass for the next section then we’ve got the pin very close to the front so it’s a really tricky one um you

Can’t putt because the grass is too thick here well you can putt a lot of people will try to putt but it’s going to be very hidden Miss if you’re putting out of that poor lie thick grass you really don’t know how hard to hit it so

So you can’t really chip and run either because out of a poor lie it’s very hard to get the ball up and out so you need something with a little bit of Loft but bear in mind that off a poor lie the ball is going to run a little bit so

What I’ve done is chosen a sandwich that’s going to chop it out of that lie but it will run more than a sandwich normally would so just allow for that so I’m going to try and aim to land it about halfway between here in the flag

Because I’m allowing for a little bit of run out of this poor Li and B basically you’ll just sort of hope for the best and see what happens I didn’t quite get it up far enough there I could have tossed it up a little bit further but

Next time you’re in a really heavy lie with thick grass some Fairway and the pin close Sand Wedge land it about halfway and allow for a little bit of run

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