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The Perth to Paisley Podcast – Episode 148 – Just Can’t Get Enough

Welcome to Episode 148 of the Perth to Paisley podcast! The boys discuss the unbelievable win against Celtic in Glasgow and preview the double header of St Mirren and the Edinburgh Derby before finishing with a quiz! We hope you enjoy! #ScottishFootball #FootballPodcast #HeartOfMidlothian​​​​​​​​​​

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Hello and welcome back to the Perth to Paisley podcast episode number 148 our last one of 2023 and we couldn’t really be ending it in any better way as somehow heart of medloan traveled to Celtic Park and ran out two nil Victors getting a league victory for the first

Time in over 15 14 16 years however you did want to Define it people have been defining it by a lot of different ways but regardless a [ __ ] long time and that’s finally over so this is going to be one of the happier episodes this year

I am Daniel mver and I’m joined as ever by Adam Kennedy Adam how are you I am absolutely Daniel maer I am in a fantastic mood I was thinking the last time we were victorious at parkhead I hadn’t even started Secondary School what a bizarre notion I was two months

Into Secondary School my my goodness gracious me this has been a long time coming we’ve had a long long wait but finally I I honestly I cannot believe I’m about to utter the words we were victorious at parkhead against Celtic H my goodness gracious me I I genuinely

Sometimes this club shock you very rarely positively but this weekend they most certainly did I’m I’m absolutely buzzing how are you I’m doing very well there is only one problem if you’re watching this I am in a Christmas jumper because it’s a Christmas episode and Adam’s got nothing christmy on so you

Should be I thought I thought pay homage to that Michael St penalty and you know you know pay yeah pay my respects to the last the last Hearts team that won at Celtic Park cuz it wasn’t yesterday that’s for sure no it definitely was not so a lot of

Positivity is going to be in this episode and to be honest the positivity starts right away with around the grounds as in terms of results they couldn’t really have gone much better for hearts so in the league everybody played on Saturday at 3M we’ll get to our game obviously for the majority of

This episode Livingston actually managed to pick up some points as konic continued to be absolutely minging at home in a nil-nil draw Ross County well I was about to say there was a game that happened they got beat 1 nil but the main talking point was Ross Count’s Derek Adams just going mental

Two weeks into his return to the Scottish game as Tony doer is done the I think it was a 95th minute winner I think it was up in the highlands St mirin and mother W St mirin kind of just continued to stumble as they have been

The last few weeks as they drew nil nil with a mother team that just keep managing to get enough points each week to keep Str H well on a job It Feels Like H and then finally Craig LaVine had a lovely weekend as the RH going as Nick mtgo’s hibs traveled through

A conceded one goal was disallowed conceded a goal properly through the fantastic and Adam’s favorite human being Dylan leit and then had a red card rended as well but not a good afternoon for hibs in pth and then of course the big game of the weekend in Scotland was

The next day on Sunday in the League Cup Final as Rangers ran out 1 nil Victors over an abine side that according to their manager shouldn’t have even really turned up so what did you make of all the games at the weekend um I don’t mean to go fil Derek Adams

But oh no knew there were four goals scored in Scotland’s top tier this weekend and we scored half of them this league is awful he’s right he’s not he’s not right in what he said if he’ said it’s a bad standard I think that would

Have been fine but what he tried to do was is go it’s terrible and League 2 in England is much better than this which a separate points he’s he’s simultaneously slating Scottish football and sort of sugarcoating the English stuff which yeah he’s he’s he’s been successful in

England so I think he he’s pretty much got to say that but I mean across the board my goodness Livingston are relegated they have to be yeah Livingston are defin they they they have to be like that is you presented a golden opportunity Bruce Anderson I he

Didn’t hit the target with his penalty no he didn’t no so that just speaks volumes about where they’re at in front of goal what what did I he I think it’s over 10 hours since Livingston scored a goal well you know what’s going to happen in the New Year oh nothing sure

Exactly up against their [ __ ] hot deps there’s absolutely nothing sure um Hy don’t get there a away they fear I thought that I thought they conquered it up at P but evidently not um being a karic fan must drive you absolutely poy how on Earth can you pick up six points

From six against abine and Celtic and then go to Livingston who are at the foot of the table and not win yeah uh I fancied Ross County to to take care of D I’ll be honest um because they’ve looked pretty solid at the back under Dereck Adams they were headed for

Yet another clean sheet but yeah dunde what a job Tony do is doing I thought they would be I thought they be so buy average at they’re they’re actually they could like they’re pushing for top six so like there’s no reason why they couldn’t looking at this league

Um Ross County yeah I’ve got to say as well I don’t know if you’ve seen the clip but I saw this one angle the Dundee fans celebr did you see Simon muray that that’s so funny just down to the ground catch you after big fan of that but

Decent limbs actually from from dund but that’s that’s given I’m a Hearts fan that’s all the praise that they’re going to get from me I quite like Tony Docker as well which is annoying I think he just comes across quite well I think I

Think he stuck a a a good two fingers up at most of the media that thought they would be I did like that from the the The Transition Sports in CH to use where they go from Derek Al being like this game doesn’t matter about my side losing

This game is absolutely minging it’s terrible horrible standard and then there was just a smash cut to Tony do going I think we deserve the three points I’m quite happy with we was that after Derek Adams said that Tony do would agree that Ross count were by far the better team

Yeaha really pleased for G KY because obviously with what with what his wife’s going through it’s it’s nice that he can still perform in the park um fancied hims to take care of and Johnston but I just I’ve got to respect the power absolutely Sensational for M

And i’ seen tweets saying that HS fans were doing their usual saying have you ever won a trophy cine have some of that just absolutely glorious no no no no no no no no no no I’m going to take it up at every opportunity I can do to just

Continuously prove you wrong in your assessment of football players what is Dylan W it do oh oh I’ve actually delighted that you brought this up why does he not just play it to the center half what what is he trying to do he’s got like four options I don’t I don’t get

Like there is no need for the Hollywood pass there I really don’t I don’t understand he’s trying to justify his wages he’s like I need to do something really impressive that’s six bags a week exactly he’s trying to impress the gapper um yeah that’s it’s nice I’m not

Going to lie it’s it’s nice see that [ __ ] up um yeah just just a really good laugh um s Merin as well I think this is a golden chance for us to take advantage of S M and Saturday I really do um another missed penalty just really Liam

Kelly needed that um yeah from a Scotland perspective if he’s if he’s to to be on that plane for the Euros mother will like what this run I don’t understand I I think i’ seen something that it part this will hold like the longest record without a winning the

Premiership and I think M will equal it when they take on Rangers on Christmas Eve is that right what the hell H 15 games but and motherwell haven’t beaten Rangers for 20 years in the league so would just be the ultimate power Victory Rangers like adamant that they can now

Climb to the top of the league and mother just1 or something that’d be a good laugh um but no look looking at the other four League fixtures we can talk about the find just separately but see if we just found that bit consistency and I see like I we’re going

To chat about parkhead and as much as we can revil in that and I really want to enjoy that there is like fans talking about like oh if we have held on it patre if we if we hadn’t crumbled eyebox like just enjoy it let’s use these

Fixtures that are coming up to try and get a run together because it’s doable there’s absolutely no reason why we cannot finish third in this League um because aine I thought on Sunday Jesus where I’ve not seen any of it apart from the goal oh stinking really really poor I mean Rangers were

Knocking on the door and don’t get me wrong obviously the goal came late but really brutal I I kind of hope that they do enough to keep Barry Robson in a job yeah definitely I don’t believe that it is like it’s they’re such a curious case because in Europe they’ve done really

Well yeah and yet domestically they’ve just not really got going it’s it’s odd um but then who has got going in this league so yeah I I I I don’t really know what to say other than aside from us and hips was quite funny yeah it’s

It’s it’s just a really murky weekend is probably the word I’d use S Mar dropping points was pretty huge in terms of next week and just the general league position yeah ay dropping points hibs dropping points like the fact that we ascended from 6 to third you everything

You need to know really particularly when you’d have probably backed s mirin and and potentially yeah potentially all three to win yeah absolutely and the team you definitely wouldn’t have picked to win was hot of midlo in at the weekend as yeah coming off the back of a

Collapse at the end at P A lot of people both of us included were very much like almost right just get this game out the way we know what’s coming it’s going to be a batter in and then really focus on St Mir and hibs and I’ll be totally

Honest when I saw the team I very much had that idea as well because Hearts lined up in their typical 352 formation but with slightly different Personnel this time so four changes is a lot you chat about them it definitely is especially for a team that has been

Reasonably I know it’s still Steven nouth has still never played the same lineup consecutively as Hart’s manager however this even this felt bigger than normal there was quite shock conclusion like one or two you’d expect three a push four it’s like whoa H second what’s happening here so the

Lineup was zand clar retained his position in goals Des spite Craig Gordon being on the bench there was four out of the usual back five as Alex cocher and KY rolls Frankie Kent and Stephen Kings have kept their points however natti Atkinson after playing the first half

Against Rangers coming off and then what we turned out I didn’t know this until actually only the day before the S game missed out the abedin game through illness that’s what that’s why he wasn’t playing he comes back in for so he consecutive two starts after two months

Out as Rangers and Celtics so for point that then there is the Midfield three of Benny Bening George Grant and the returning from the cold Aiden Denham last scene at dun D away I think it was I think that was his last game in August H and then finally up front is laen

Shankland and then Kenny Vargas dropped out the team for Alan Forest who it’s the BBC have him alongside shankin but he was more like in the 10 behind shankland what was your reaction when you saw the team I um I’ll be honest I thought that my Celtic four Hearts now prediction was

Coming to [Laughter] fruition I just thought that is just that is typical us I I feel like that was just that was just a recipe for disaster um never been so happy to be proven wrong in my life I just I I I don’t know like I say four I think is

Bold Nathaniel Atkinson this this to me could be up there with one of his best performances I think it is sing I think there is nothing comparable I think it is easily his best performance in the heart unbelievable I’m not I’m not a big George Grant fan

But again played part like Aidan Denham drafted in from the cold I thought was bold like what’s going on and Alan Forest again has his critics but he and shankland obviously have that chemistry hav played together previously I don’t know what to say honestly I was less speechless I thought that that was

Just a recipe for disaster like I said I was not feeling confident or optimistic one iota um thought there was too many changes of I’m honest but just go the show I know absolutely nothing this is why we are talking on this and not in Stephen n’s position 100% I’m delighted

Is that way yes 100% what did you think I was like oh it could be 4-0 by half timee with the way this is I just felt it was really irresponsible to or unfair on Atkinson and denim in particular to just be like right you want an

Opportunity take it at the hardest place to go in the country I think that five in Midfield as well like George Grant is obviously the most advanced out the lot of that but even then you don’t really see him occupy aen position as much as maybe some of our fans would like like

That just that to me just screamed a flat Quinte um but ultimately that that pretty much proved that way and and it was to our benefit which which which was excellent um Florest is foil for shankland I’m not sure about yeah same um and I think if we were to kind of

Pick it a one position in the 11 that’s maybe the one that we’d question um but I think everybody else pretty much Justified their inclusion which was absolutely marvelous to see yeah I will we’re about to get in the highlights I do want to preface this with the fact

That I think this is one of the best hearts performances I’ve ever seen and what I mean by that is not like for example at the opposite end of this year in January when it’s like we’re beating Aberdine 5 nil and the 23 NS against HS

And then Ross County come with B of them I don’t mean it’s one of the best in terms of free flowing lovely attacking football it’s like oh my God we could score any time but in terms of an 11 plus Subs going we’ve got a game plan

Stick to it I can’t remember ever is just like flawlessly doing it this is this is I think why everybody’s so frustrated because there there they can do it there have been points this season where we’ve either been spot on or miles off it yeah and there’s no there’s no

Average there’s no medium yeah it’s either brilliant or brutal and there’s no there’s which look as fans we obviously want brilliant but onlookers must be looking at it thinking hearts are such a mixed bag yeah it must drive you absolutely poy and it does but there’s pros as well as cons there

There is light as well as dark people as I’m sure we’ll get into so the first highlight comes 12 minutes in Greg Taylor hits a pretty good effort from the edge of the box that Xander Clark does very well to P Over the Bar out for

A corner you as well just saying this is a common theme in that first half yeah like we did so well to limit them to efforts from range that didn’t really trouble yeah um but there was an effort from range that I can’t wait to speak

About but on you go but first we’ve got to get to the first one because then the next highlight isn’t actually the first part of this isn’t actually in any highlights package I’ve seen but I just remember it happening stepen Kingsley picks the ball up and swings a ball in

For Alan Forest who’s going for a dive in header but Carter Vickers heads it away I’ll be totally honest I think if K had left it Al Forest would miss because it looks like he’s already going it looks like he’s already underneath it but Kus does what a good Defender does

And gets rid of it did I just say raging that he’s been brought back in from the cold as well really really had it been like a lagera I know who scored the winner against fard a Steven Welsh I don’t know you’d fancy shankland up against skilles and a Welsh yeah

Vickers coming back in I was that a little bit more why why why us why could it not be Livingston at the we or whatever and this header was very much that was my thought process I was like oh God yeah he’s back so he’s just got to head everything away but thankfully

He headed it away because then from the ensuing Corner George Grant does what him Lowry and Cochran have all clearly been told to do this season and it’s get the ball to the back post and I think every Hearts F was from the goalkeeper yes exactly and I think every single

Hearts F was like right here we go the usual Frankie Kent will be there to head it back but as the ball’s in the air everyone starts to realize oh no wait the person who’s actually there is also unmarked and is the best striker in the country Lauren shankland must just be

Thinking how have I got this because he has unmarked a complete freeh header has all the Time in the World to think what he’s going to do and what he’s going to do is just absolutely bullet it past Joe Hart who doesn’t even really move which is funny

In of itself but for I think I saw a stat the fourth time in a row Hearts have taken the lead against one of the old firm wow really yeah whilst you’re talking about it I’m going to get the stat up because it’s must be can’t be le

Obviously right off toally the I Brock’s par head no that can he be right Cel smashed us at time castle hold on I will get it fourth from home fourth game yes yeah four League game in a row and fifth time in seven that Hearts have taken the lead

Way to Rangers or Celtic third time in succession that shankland has opened the score in shankland as well right oh of course yeah I rocks right and then L Sims at Park head before that yeah that right yeah um wow that’s a great stat yeah uh usually it’s often you know poking the

Bears but however it’s nice to see that that this wasn’t the case this weekend in terms of the goal I think I think Frankie kenes escapes loads of credit for this because ultimately he occupies two Defenders at the back post and it’s like it’s it’s brilliant it literally he’s fully aware

Of where Liam skills is where Greg Taylor is essentially bangs their heads together so that shankland can just nod home at the back post I I think it’s I think it’s incredibly well worked that is something that we have to have been working on um and since when did we get

Good at Corners like when did we get good at set pieces we we’re the only team to not concede from one this season and we’re now just regularly scoring from them really really bizarre like see this is it like there’s elements of performances where we seem to have it

Well tuned and then there’s other things that were just a little bit Rusty on if it all comes together we’re going to be fine but it’s just I I don’t know like from open Play I still worry about us yeah but it set pieces I know Frankie

Kent hasn’t scored for us yet but you’d be confident of like him getting on the end of one or I don’t know just just it being in the general vicinity and shankling maybe picking up a scrap or I don’t know is is bizarre how some things we’ve absolutely nailed but like because I

That was the thing for me it wasn’t necessarily that Hearts got loads of credit but everybody was slowing Celtic for the marking I just think it’s brilliant from Kent in the sense it Chucks the pair of them together and shankland can just nod home as as he does Joe Hart is Dreadful as

Well that’s the one so I think Joe Hart’s been getting away with a lot of stuff because everybody’s going The Defenders are marking themselves or that where I’m sat there going Kent not as you just said Kent knows what he’s doing why is Joe Hart complet do you think part of it is

Because Joe Hart’s worried he would recreate what he did against Mother wol where he just kind of flapped at a corner and it went in maybe I I don’t know that’s not a good enough excuse by the way for it’s funny you say that because heading into

The game I thought I thought the Celtics win over finard would be at our detriment yes I thought [ __ ] like they’ve had that setback domestically where they’d obviously lost to Kelly but they’ve sort of not pulled the will over the fans eyes so to speak but they

They’ve had that win in Europe allbe it dead rubber but they’ve needed that for ages because we hear about how big Celtic are and how they deserve to be in the Champions League and they belong there and all the usual Spiel that you hear but they had picked up the three

Points in Europe so then they’ve got no European football after Christmas they’re two the the two trophies that their attention terms towards are the Scottish Premiership and the Scottish cup so all eyes are on it domestically or so it should be and they absolutely love doing us there’s no getting away

From it I think we are second on their hate list yeah I I just I thought that they would use the the kind of honic catastrophe and finward victory to really I don’t know get the crowd going and just hopefully turn in a commanded performance against us and turn the tide

But I think I think there was a lot of certainly there was a lot of anger but not kind of I don’t know maybe aathy they or nervousness and I I we weren’t in the best of form heading into this so I don’t see what they’ve got to be

Nervous about and even when we’re in the best form it’s us at Celtic par we could have beaten exactly I think I i’ done a stat before the game that it was like I think we’d lost something of like 23 of our previous 24 visits think it is or 24

Or 25 or something like that it’s like the only exception was a nil nil draw under Robbie neelson yeah and that was yonks ago as like a newly promoted team so I I don’t know it just I I think they don’t get me wrong we were we were great

But we certainly used the crowd to our advantage like even when we had our struggles at time castle opposing teams would do exactly the same thing yeah if you can get on 60,000 people’s backs and you give yourself a chance and ultimately we did that by carrying out a

Game plan that was spot on yeah totally and three highlights all come together that show that game plan because as you said we just restricted them completely to like edge of the Box chances in the on that all day yeah Palmer fires a shot well wide from the edge of the Box alist

Johnson finds a terrible effort over the bar from the edge of the Box 25 minutes Matt O’Reilly H heads well wide from a Celtic corner and it did just feel like we’re managing to stop them obviously they’re going to get chance they going to have the majority of the ball but it

Did feel like okay they’re not getting really they’re not bearing down on Clark’s goal very often it’s not as though they were carving US Open and working the ball into the box getting decent opportunities or nothing like that not at all and then it somehow got even better because in the 30th minute

There’s some nice link up play between Atkinson and Forest and shankin shankin does a rouette at one point plays it to forest forest plays it ainson is then fed about 30 yards away sorry as soon as we get closer to goal you gradually hear the murmurs and discontent begins to

Pile up and increase it’s absolutely brilliant I must have watched it back good five 10 times it’s great by the way I just want to say at this point Celtic have never uploaded their highlights to their YouTube channel they upload it for every single game we the only game they

Not cuz they’re that [ __ ] pathetic that they don’t want to have that so right there is a free kick about 30 yards from goal Lori dun is on commentary explaining that Stephen Kingsley has not scored for hearts in 56 games his last goal was also a free kick against Hibbs

In the semifinal of the Scottish cup and I think I think the hearts fan base is responsible for that because I think everyone in that se went I don’t care if you never scor against Steven pleas he’s just score this one and he did so the universe went right you’ve said you were

F where I’m never scoring again he steps up and from roughly 30 yards away hits an absolute bullet of a shot that ends up hitting the side nting to the left of Joe Hart’s goal he goes meant up me up I will say the best part of it for me is Aiden

Denham’s reaction who you can just tell is a fan on the part yeah 100% believe what’s going on jumps into kingsley’s arms he’s the drought is over we’re actually 2-0 up at Celtic park inside half an hour oh I’m actually getting Goosebumps talking about this like I just wow I’m

So happy for him I didn’t know what to do so happy for him neither did I because I was I was actually on my phone and I think I was tweeting out like some update or something and then I just get the hearts notification and see Kingsley

With a screamer of a free kick or a cracker of a free kick or whatever they uploaded I was like surely not and then up comes F mob Celtic n Hearts I’m like oh my God and then of course I still want to see it because Hearts have bed it up to

Such a degree that this could be outrageous and I know what he’s capable of albeit as you rightly say we haven’t seen it as frequently as we would have liked oh just Stephen you stunner oh what a wonderful man you’re so right by the way so happy for him as well with

The troubles he’s had over the last kind of year or so I love love that guy that that 2122 season he was arguably one of our players or player of the year yeah and then the drop off that he had he’ll probably be the first to admit that last

Campaign maybe didn’t go as well as they’d hoped again we said we said it countless times last season it was like that Scotland callup was possibly the worst thing that happened to him y this season a left-sided player filling in on the right of a back three he’s been

Excellent really really Top Notch and he rolls h p look really good as a trio and just that like that I I’ve missed this stepen Kingsley I really really have I’m so so pleased because I honestly think he’s they were one of the best signings of Robbie’s second ER yeah

Totally just a lovely footballer and a setp specialist I think heart’s heart stats did I see that he scored something like six free kicks this Century the most of any heart’s player yeah um and just like the HS one’s great this is this is up there as well it’s it’s an absolute

Cracker I can’t honestly I was so Cho really really pleased I just I love stepen Kingsley and I really hope that he and a few others are back to their best this this could really kick them on and I I sincerely hope that’s the case totally and at this point it’s very much

Uncharted Territory for hearts the [ __ ] is this yeah I genuinely was just s going I don’t know what to do you don’t know how to react you’re normally I was so used to Turning I was like oh yeah by halftime I’ll just have it turned off

Because it’ll be 3 nil day and I can’t be bothered I watch the highlights for the podcast I chose to actively ignore Scottish football at the weekends where we go to the I will say This brilliant I do just have to raise it because it’s

It’s what a shame my dad was planning to go oh my god oh no it fall through he was potentially going to be in Hospitality as well oh my God but as late as Thursday he was like I can he justify it this close to Christmas where

We’re going to get bed and he doesn’t end up going and he was he wasn’t able to even watch it as it was happening so we just got the score and he would he was almost Furious he was like I’m I almost wish it hadn’t happened because

He hadn’t seen it so I feel I feel for I’m so sorry yeah because but it was any consolation it was it was a great weekend exact like it was nearly the perfect weekend but it was a great weekend yes exactly H from that point on again just

Continuing the trend of Celtic have terrible efforts from the hedge of the Box David turo has one but Clark kind of just pushes it away again then the moment that is as important as a goal and very much sums up how important Stephen Kingsley was in this first half

Kyogo fires a ball across the facee of the hearts go it’s incredible by the way just as a small side that we’re in the 41st minute and this is the first time I mentioned mentioning kyo’s name the drop off he has had under Rogers is UN unbelievable like and their fans are

Just like I I don’t know about you but see when Celtic I think when Celtic in particular lose you have to go on like your super scoreboards your go radios like and just inject all the pain because to me like the amount of TS I’ve heard them like rattle off members of

That Squad being like Taylor not as good as he was under an Alistar Johnston regressed the only one that he’s improved is Liam scales Matt oil will probably be away kogo I don’t know what’s happened with him I’m just like hook me up cannot get enough of it it

Just I don’t know what’s happened to him why on Earth and I think I think Rogers is try to be too smart but why on Earth you put a 30g goal a season striker to drop him back so he’s near enough on the center circle most weeks is just beyond

Me he scored 1 and 12 that like terrible awful but anyway he fires a ball across the box it ends up at the feet of Palmer who should score it is a really good ball and Palma should score he’s about two yards out but Stephen Kingsley just appears from nowhere and makes an

Absolutely incredible goal line block to keep at two that is as good as his goal it absolutely is because imagine that three minutes before the SEC the end of the half they get a goal and it’s like right we’re right back in this come on

100% and that was even my fear kind of I know we’ll get to like talk about the first half generally but that was my fear because I thought they’re ultimately being booed off they get an early goal how how does our mindset change yeah like 45

Minutes might seem like it’ll fly by but I tell you if Celtic get one back early doors this could be a long 45 possibly an hour yeah but I’m not being funny we could play until until now and you genuinely don’t get the impression that Celtic would have scored yeah which says

Firstly a lot about their finishing but secondly just how we good how good we were in a defensive sense and that blocked typifies it he he was he was Monumental at the weekend absolutely superb that does bring the first half to a close sadly Kingsley had to go off at halftime

Because of an issue with his groin H that Kingsley said he was going to play on but then when they went back into the dressing room it actually got worse when he was in the Dr not worth the risk given important is not at all not worth

The risk at all but now is the time that I will mention them because you said there how good we were as a half I think I described on Twitter as a Flawless half of football oh here we go I know coming here where it was just like everyone’s performing well everyone’s

Performing exceptionally well there was one person for the opposition that was noticeably not performing well and that was alist Mikey Johnson the other Johnson Mikey Johnson who was publicly called out by Brandon Rogers about a week and a half ago or something like that for saying that he wasn’t training

Well he wasn’t good enough he doesn’t have the required level even despite coming on at MCD Park and essentially turning that game on its head for Celtic you find these comments really strange Brandon Rogers sorry I know that you want to speak about your mate but Brandon Rogers is starting to get my

Tatty here I’ll be honest just he’s not doing well and he’s trying to make excuses a lot and it’s really I can get baby marale playing poverty but Brandon Ro yes exactly yeah a rest just crazy it’s they just conveniently forget the fact that they’ve sh shiled out on lagab beela nski

Holm tillo they’ve brought Nat Phillipson on loan from Liverpool who he wanted like what is wrong with this guy man yeah is oh we need more quality we need more quality this s when the treble last year how much more quality did you want yes you’ve lost J and starfelt but

You’ve brought two Center halfs in and Palma who nicked off Rangers so what the big who yeah exactly started to really annoy me well his decision the playmaker Johnson was one that was met with Confusion by cic fans and by the end of the 45th minute was met with ironic

Cheers when he was announced that he was being substituted because a guy coming up who is a confidence player anyway and has just been publicly called out by his manager is probably hoping for an easy day and what he came up against was one of the best defensive performance

I’ve seen from an individual defender in years for hearts and listen I think everybody that played I would give everybody like a nine out of 10 who played at the weekend because they were all basically perfect the one player if I had to give an edge to though is myy

As you said Alex Cochran because I said afterwards that it was like a Victory lap for the Alex Cochran fan club because it was so amazing to see the main thing everyone was talking about after the game was how good was Alex Cochran he just especially in that first half Mikey

Johnson couldn’t do anything against him anything at all and I’ve got Cochran’s stats here for the full 90 it like it was like Mikey Johnson had been space jammed you see Space Jam yes exactly exactly he’ lost all his powers to Reen that was on the side but just he then

Had to go and play because C with his ET head yes Alex Cochran versus Celtic 90 minutes played Seven recoveries 16 out of 17 juwels one three out of three aerial Jewels w six tackles completed four clearances a clean sheet at parkhead what was that on F mob no it

Was a midest sports on Twitter so thanks to them what did for M Bri he got an 8.6 and was man of the match it’s too low he should have got a 10 because was genuine I know I’m biased right and I’m going to praise him and I was

Thinking watching this to myself I was like oh God I think he’s been M of the match and I’m probably going to get people say that I’m biased but then you start hearing Lori and Rob saying how incredible he was how incredible was he because MAA then comes on and he just

Has MAA or game as well wallet car keys and any Celtic linger a choice after he emptied his pockets really um superb really it just again he’s another that kind of hasn’t been faltering at the start of this season but I don’t think he’s hit the heights as of the

Last two seasons um brilliant really really good as you say like you could apply you could apply a a top rating to just about any hearts player really Saturday but I I think any any one of the the five at the back you could you could certainly you could certainly pin

It on and Cochran probably is the the one outstanding shout Um to me Alex Cochran is just like he’s the perfect fullback yeah he literally what he gives you offensively defensively Cool Cam collected gets stuck in he’s everywhere love that I mean I can’t believe he didn’t even mention after the Kingsley free kick as well what he’s doing with Joe Hart on

The goal line oh God J of course I love that guy he’s just an absolute windup Merchant he he literally infuriates everybody and I love players like that he’s I love we C Absolut top he’s so clearly my favorite player in this team and I just I absolutely love it was such

A great thing to see just especially the context of the game where it is to have that level of performance is insane but we then mov into the second half well I’ll be honest I think every heart’s I was like well this was fun while it lasted exact just don’t ConEd early

Don’t early get to 50 minutes get to 505 minutes get to 60 Minutes get to 65 minutes and then you’re just come on come on come on come on SO in the 47th minute it’s probably the biggest chance until we get to the last minute as a

Lofted ball by Palmer is played in the Box go I can’t believe this that kyogo runs on to but I don’t know if he’s worried that he’s going to collide with the Clark I don’t know if he just realizes he’s not going to make contact

Or if he’s going to C with the post but it just drift past him and goes in and as we were saying I think if that’s K go last season that’s a goal oh all day all day it doesn’t matter even with what body part if it’s head if he meets it on

The volley if he brings it down and Slots it past Clark all day’s got to score I just I I think again like what has happened to that guy yeah like the Celtic fans were talking about as well like when he goes away to the Asia cup MH like it’s it’s

Quite funny actually that both he and O are Asian and then they’ll have no Center forward but it would be no great loss with his current V yeah right now yeah AB like honking really bad I just did not get the impression that he was he was going to score the changes at

Half time as well Celtics changes full stop were really weird the two at half time it was maida came on o came on and who else came on maida o and Anthony Ralston for John Al John that happening like and even then he brings bernabe on

To play left wing that was mental that he took Palma off I was about to just get to Palma has two highlights where he curls it in and finds Anthony Ralston who feeds kyogo but his effort ends up well over the bar and then in the 61st

Minute his last action the game Palmer curls a rubbish effort into the hands of Clark who just cly takes it but it was it was terrible listen I’m getting every we licking I could get here right it’s going to be another 16 year so I’m going

For it like like you said that rubbish what a mental substitution it’s just again like again to the to the powers that be is basically saying how do you expect me to challenge when I need to bring this little clown on it’s like I get you Brandon but you

Should be able to beat us with this little CL like exactly like what like I I just can’t I don’t understand I like and again they fans are like I don’t see how they’re blaming the board for that at all I know I saw a setic fan literally say this is a SP

Though well this was the culmination of a lack of spending it’s like this season we’ve lost to dundy m and mother will what are you talking about what do you mean it’s a lack of spending that has prevented you from Beating Heart Stephen n Smith’s Hearts

Th this is just honest to God it’s like the world has ended in their eyes it’s absolutely Sensational we’ve lost two games for the first times in 10 years and they’re like this this there is no other football cup who have experienced lows like us oh my heart bleeds for them honestly like

It is great because like it’s funny objectively when Celtic do get beat and just implode but saing it’s at the expense of us as well just like all the stars are line it’s great the last time they lost back-to-back League games Gary Lo was our manager and we were in

Administration do not tell me that you’re going through trouble right is that actually legit I didn’t know that well it was 2013 so was in charge around that I don’t know if it was early 2013 or late 2013 God but that’s when it was it’s been a decade that’s nuts yeah so

Spare me your Wars me stories I do not care and then we actually had a a good three minutes in the second half of attack in 40 as Atkinson swings a ball in that is met by Frankie Ken I forgot we had so but it’s wi the post then actually a

Really good chance in the 68th minute Kenny Vargas who came on finds Grant who shoots for the edge of the box and it just narly that was a bad effort Vargas was trying to like get in on it as well which is which was quite nice it would

Be very easy for him to just come on and like contribute in a defensive sense but actually D I say it tried to go and get a third which was which would have just been Laing on top of the cherry on top cherry on top of acing on top of the

Gate but I’m more than content I will say we mentioned them at the start and he his name came up there I do think this was Atkinson’s best game ever for us I thought he was exceptional I I I’ll be the first to hold my hands up and say that I’ve slow

Nathaniel Aon from Pillar To Post Yeah but he was he was was really good him and Cochran like has ainson been the biggest benefit of n Smith coming in oh I can’t think of a player who’s had such a like marked improvement since n Smith has coming good

Question because everybody else was kind of just like either has remained themselves or argue Kai rolls but rolls was amazing when he first came in under but then tailed off toward the end of last season and seems to found his form than he was previously that’s a good Shout interesting that it’s both

Aussie guys and then the only other Aussie we have n Smith hates I know I was weird that’s a good point I’m trying to think of anybody else yeah yeah probably yeah probably would be those two yeah fair point of them though because they’ve both been excellent and they

Were just great it was great rolls wasn’t another example it’s just like oh yeah he’s just back to that guy that we got before the World Cup you could run out superlatives for any any of the the 10 Outfield or sander Clark even made a couple decent saves it just a really

Really top mature performance away from home and it’s mad to think we’ve already won as many games crazy on the road as the entirety of last season we’re in December absolutely it’s crazy honestly if we can find some consistency and I know it’s easier said than done and I

Know it’s frustrating I’m as frustrated as you all are if we can find some consistency then we’ll be fine there’s no doubt about that but we’ve just got to go and do it yeah put our our words into action yeah last two highlights James Forest comes on and actually did

Order I think he out of all the set plays he actually looked like the one who could do something um he hit the by line Why not start him weird yeah I don’t know hit the by and cut the ball back for oh but his effort is awful as

He kind of kicks the ground or something I don’t know and then the final action of the game 93rd minute oh flashes the ball across the box and somehow my doesn’t get on to the end of it oh and he’s yards out he’s two yards out oh

Jesus and misses it entirely even then you be like oh my God no yeah exactly no there there’s 95 seconds left we will [ __ ] this no exactly but incredibly we didn’t and hearts have won at Celtic Park a result nobody saw coming apart from the people somebody put a fer on

Shank to score first in hearts two Celtic now and won two grand so fair that guy was that 400 to one yeah fair play to that guy who did see it coming but the rest of us think of that the rest of us simpletons had no idea about

It a just massive result massive result for this team but as we were saying before we came on a massive result for Step n Smith fully fully we like how how am I best putting this everybody has vented their anger and frustration at Steven Nesmith there were glimpses towards the

End of last season we’ve obviously not been overly Satisfied by what’s happened this season he’s he’s not had too meaningful a result against a domestic rival thus far so this is the first hopefully of many y um but it I don’t know this could be a real tide

Turner if we can go on a we run from here and try and create a gap um because there’s not been enough credit in the bank whereas like look look at countless managers that we’ve had countless teams that have gone to parkhead and been pumped Time After Time After Time After Time

We’ve somehow won this like Celtic were a shambles but take nothing away from us we were also [ __ ] excellent exactly we had a game plan we carried it out really pleased for the team really pleased for the manager but I’m pleased most of all for our fans

Because mver it’s horrible go to park head it’s horrible waking up with dread going to the football thinking doesn’t matter what we did today we we we probably won’t win we do well to come out with a point we do well to come out with maybe only conceding twice or three

Times we’ve seen it Time After Time After Time they absolutely love doing us and like the fans that have gone there in Hope as opposed to expectation been rewarded stick by this club through thick and thin I mean these Celtic fans couldn’t go 10 minutes supporting Hearts

Yeah there’s folk that have done that year after year after year rarely been rewarded as soon as we pass Hart Hill but thankfully that was the case at the weekend and hopefully we could see a few more of those because it’s just been it’s been a brilliant weekend I’ve Loved

Even going back to work and just I don’t know it’s just slating some Celtic fans that I don’t get the opportunity to sleep my mates that actively chose one of the old over hearts or hibs or anybody else for that matter we’ve we’ve earned this we’ve had numerous years of pain particularly in

Glasgow but just for a weekend at least we managed to to put those demons to bed so I’m really pleased for the fans most of all and hopefully we can carry this momentum that we’ve got into a massive double header over the festive period s

Mirin at home and the small matter of an Eden Derby away at Easter Road first one is the one that needs to get itself sorted before we get to the derby because it’s very much a situation we know what it’s like where if we win every Hots will be like this we couldn’t

Have set up this Derby result any better if we lose it’ll be this is going to be a disaster we’re [ __ ] whatever chaos again exactly s mirin company time castle who have not been in the best of form as of late how do you see it going I will say first

Of all we will be in the program for this game very we have got a feature in it mainly speaking about the result we’ve just had at the weekend and what we hope it does so if you’re there at the game be sure to get a program and

Read what we think of everything but this hour long episode has exactly get get it in print form essentially how are you feeling about St Marin two days before Christmas I’m confident I’m confident they’re not in a good place and I mean we’ve just we’ve just won at Celtic Park

I can’t believe you couldn’t have set it up any better no no definitely not got to take advantage of the poor form that they’re in I’m I’m going to say we’ll win two- nil again wow I’m actually just looking up their form they have had in

The last six games they’ve had two wins three losses and a draw Inc consistent the wins were against seven points from a potential 18 yes yeah the the two wins came at home against Livingston and Ross County um the draw came obviously most recently against motherwell at home and

Then they lost three on the bounce between 20th of November and the 6th of December as they lost away at Ross County lost away at I Brooks and probably most shockingly of all lost away at in Johnston that’s what I was going to say CU as much as I think we’ll

Take care of s mirin that’s only because they have a little bit of Kelly syndrome whereby they’re really strong at home but can’t quite replicate that away from Paisley so listen we let’s hope that t Castle has filled the brim can cheer on the boys after a fantastic result and

Can hopefully guide us to another important one I like I say I I’m I’m feeling really confident really optimistic I just worry that that’s like it’ be so us to win at parade and not succeed that yeah but I’m going to say that we will because I don’t think there

Any great shakes I’m going to say 1 nil nice scorer Lord sh no one else in this team scores goals unless it’s stepen Kings for free kicks I think we might get something else I can see I can see a Defender from Alex C come on continue the form and get me

Money do it for I’m going to say a Cochran Corner meets his compatriot Frankie Kent and he’ll get his first I take that as well a a little a little Christmas present there we go love that and then we have the edra Darby now hibs are going into this in very different

Form patch is a good way of saying it because the positives will say they’ve got some I can’t remember exactly I’ll try and get it actually but basically some positive glass half full HS fans are saying like we’ve got only two losses in 13 or something whereas glass

Half hibs fans will say no we’ve only got two wins in a certain amount of time because under Montgomery love draw they love a draw in fness though they’ve not had a draw in the last six games but prior to that they had six draws in their seven games and the only other

Result to that was a 4-nil loss at Park I Brooks so however hs’s most recent form we don’t know what they will do at the weekend they’re playing Ross County Derrick Adams I hope hope your shite football getss a result me but they’re coming in the last four games a 2-0 win

Over Aberdine a 4-1 loss to Celtic a one-nil win at Livingston and then a one-nil loss at s Johnston I have no idea what’s going happen here we all these bastards After Time castle that’s that’s that’s that’s all I’m going to say yeah this this is a chance to write some

Wrongs do I think we’ll do it don’t know I think we might be headed for another draw you know I think it’s going to be a draw as well I can see I can see a one one I was also going to say one one I really hope it’s not I was

Say one I just yeah I don’t know hopefully County can take something yeah and that would that would be nice but I don’t know it’s difficult to predict two games in it’s difficult pred a game the next game but two games in especially because something could happen against

St Mir we could get an injury or a suspension likewise HS against Ross County could get a big injury or suspension and it [ __ ] the entire game plan forly no result would surprise me but given what happened at T Castle man that that should be enough of an incentive

And again just like s mirin let’s try and pull away and N Smith can go my first game in charge here was a loss let’s show them how far we’ve come in the time that I’ve been manager I don’t know how far we have come in that time

But we’ve come far enough to beat Celtic and Celtic Park we can do anything Peaks and troughs exactly so we finish with a quiz the last quiz of the year the last disaster I’m sure it’ll be a perfect end of 2023 so think can cap on you’ve got

This you’ve got as ever multiple choice two normal questions and a true or false before the H Ami I’m dreading this who Ami cuz I’ve stitched you up recently so this could be a shocker I’m interested to see how you react to the who am at

Allly that’s not good that’s not good we are starting with the multiple choice Hearts vict by the way most of these are about hearts beat and selling so ex I’m milking this quite right I do exactly the same Hearts victory at Celtic Park was the first time the Glasgow side had

Lost at home in how many days was it a 1,000 was it B 150 was it C 1,100 or was it D 1,150 oh my God it’s been a long time since they lost at home was this this is domestically by the way I can’t remember

Maybe oh God it was either there that or Rangers is it co season must be it’s a thousand days I think it was it was 221 roughly right oh my God I mean it doesn’t really matter but like they’re 150 it’s somewhere in a 150 day period so it’s

Obviously it’s close to each other yeah are you the type that would chuck in like the answer to make it more impressive by putting it toward the end I think you are something tells me it’s 1150 days but is that answer yeah let’s go with that I I don’t know I don’t care

The answer is 1,050 days oh that’s annoying so yeah I don’t know they get I think it was either St mirin or Rangers they lost I can’t remember but 1,50 days in I lost I think I heard the thing that it was if they’d won that game they would have

Matched their total wins consecutively 52 but they stopped at 5’1 which is just great we love end records yeah ex I was to say that in that 24hour period because it was the next day the 16th 17th 16th 17th December best weekend of the year can we

Just play them every year at that time and it would be great I want that to be a weekend every single year from there yeah totally so next question this quiz including who am I is actually out of eight points so you can get multiple points in this question so the last

Victory har movan had at C Park was in 2009 with a Michael Stewart penalty in the League Cup yes but the last League Victory came in 2007 you’re going to ask me who scored what was the score and were the goal scor so there’s four

Points to get we won 31 right you’ve got a Point correct the score was 3-1 just our scorers yes you don’t need to get the C scorer God Andy driver Andy driver is one you’ve got two points oh I knew I should have looked at this and blood did Larry Kingston score one

Incorrect oh Jesus I can picture I’m going to give you pug ugly strip as well I that top three more guesses at two point you’ve got two play I’ll tell you that they’re two separate goal scorers and you’ll get three andreka incorrect oh my God why

Did I not do this man you’ve got one un scor didn’t they yes got one life oh I was going to see but I think it’s chos incorrect on both counts oh really the remaining two was Mickey and Evas [ __ ] knew it as well I would have

Got got but I’m aned I didn’t get Evas kiches do you want to know who the Celtic goal scorer was Steven mcmanis Oh I thought you were going to say it right it was Steven Pressley oh was actually yeah Jesus him and Harley were both playing in it wow

Bloody hell so right so you’ve got oh I’m annoyed I I’m really angry with myself because I knew that I knew something about that game would come up but I thought he might be the type that that’s too obvious that he doesn’t include it do you know what I mean so I

Was like exactly well and truly done me but still you’ve got two points out so you’ve currently you’ve got two or five oh I know I know but that’s I’m annoyed EV is POS would go yeah posil is the one that I would have when I saw it I was

Like who the guess that Mickey posil would score but he did I think he was still at heart I know so true or false Alex Cochran had more successful tackles completed in 90 minutes than the entire Celtic team combined he’s thinking again is this a Double Bluff I hatte this so

Much because as DFT as it sounds like they had lots of the ball but they didn’t necessarily do loads which makes you think that we are going to be the team that tackles most frequently just how much did Cochran I’m gonna say false but I wouldn’t be surprised if it

Was true the correct answer is false Cochran made 13 successful successful tackles the entire Celtic team had 18 wow he only made five L successful tackles in the entire team that play he’s so good he’s a baller I love and then annoyingly you mentioned this

Question earlier but I had to do it oh so love when that happens you know the answer but Stephen Kingsley has scored more free kicks this Century than any other Hearts player how many has he scored yes six correct it’s six so thanks heart stats love you SC exactly I

Was like [ __ ] he might see it but he might not and if he doesn’t he’ll be furious so I had to go for it so out of a possib seven you got five it’s all right that’s it’s not bad an equivalent of three out of five that’s not bad and then that’s

All right we’ve got the who am I so oh God are you ready this is going to be something Loney that got like a five you done a mcau t and got like a cameo in that Celtic game and I just W I wouldn’t have done my research so I currently

Play for a side where one of our current players was B got from as a youngster in the Academy I came up in I had a lifethreatening illness during my time there but managed to make a full recovery and became a professional footballer after leaving hars I featured

In two PFA team of the years at heart I criticized my manager’s training methods publicly and said that he didn’t feel fit enough as a result and I have played for a team that has had huge levels of investment and publicity in recent years who am I oh my

God a lot of off the field part of there but I’m GNA get this man so wait hold on a second can you run me through those again because I’m starting to wonder if they play in Scotland and England I’m getting very confused right so I play

For a side where one of our current players was bought from as a youngster in the academy that I came up in I had a life-threatening Illness but managed to make a full recovery and become a professional footballer after leaving Hearts I have featured in two PFA team of the years

When I was at Hearts I criticized the manager’s training methods publicly and said that I didn’t feel fit enough as a result and I’ve played for a team that have had huge levels of investment and publicity in recent years who am I Jesus I I feel like the the team that

You’re talking about is brighten in terms of the the investment the publicity what a job deser is doing that would also buy into the Cochran Academy link oh my God this is a stinker an absolute stinker I will say I did this with my mate and he got it without asking any questions

Jesus do you fancy how you go on the podcast exact oh my God You’ got your two questions no I don’t want to ask that yeah I do I was going to ask for the years that they played for hearts but I’m going to ask for

The clubs that they played for an order please okay TR M Rovers Vox all Motors Southport morom Hearts Caro trir reome morom Bon [ __ ] me that be Rex I’m ticked off close so wait they’re at Burton correct who the hell is that your other question no moram oh no

There oh I I think I think you’re doing what I like to do and you like to do like this because we’ve played against Celtic I think I know who this is but I don’t know like well I’m confused because we’ve had the recent game against Celtic you say that I often do

Like a who am I in relation to something that’s happened against the weekend opponent oh I see what you mean right I think this is I think this is Cole Stockton and you said that he came on against Celtic right okay it’s not it’s not in

The CL all right I see mean the fact he came on in the 40 made you think of Co Stockton to then use him as a thought is that your answer no okay I I need more I need more if you answer that they’re a striker I’m just going to go with it

What position did they play mver they are according to Wikipedia oh God a forward yeah I’m going call Stockton it’s got to be surely yes I was like when was the last big win that was amazing and the funny thing was when we brought on Rafael St the equivalent of cigars

Basically being out so that must be the quickest I’ve ever done that that that was yeah that was dreading that that was horrendous I wanted it’s Christmas I wanted to give you one I thought I I realized how easy I made it because I did it with two people and they both did

It without questions oh my God I know I probably dragged the ARs out of that but go so I play for the current side obviously plays for Bon that’s where we bought boys from as a young son in the Academy I came up in I had a life threatening

Illness he he had a life threaten about a sep toia when he was at trir at the age of 133 and he has a Mickey Mouse isn’t he so that sense to why trir spotted him in that yeah but it was fine after leaving for hearts I featured in

Two PFA team of the years both banging them in down south yeah exactly and and by the way Derek Adams that’s why the League’s good if Cole Stockton played 150 times for moram in this in this spell and he scored over 50 goals for them that’s the standard of That League

By the way um and then at heart I criticized the outgoing manager training methods he just said cro couldn’t train properly and that daily when he came in his in made them fitter Jesus John D’s in manager what a thing to be be alive and then as you correctly guessed I’ve

Played for a team that has had huge levels of investment and publicity in recent years he was on Loan in 2019 at rexon what and they were in the National League then yep I take it yeah Jesus it was pre-investment God that was awful in

Terms of like I was Miles off it at the start when you were like bright I was like who the [ __ ] previously played for us that currently plays for Brighton oh exactly I was like where the hell am I going with this the P the PF thing I

Just seem to think that like the Premier League is at such a level the rest of it’s mck I maybe need adopt Dereck Adams’s attitude exactly sugar Co it into into something that is not but yes oh thank God not bad on the quiz that

That was all right did very well six a possible eight Fair Point a lovely Christmas present for you there well done I’m so proud of you than but if you got Co stocked in or did even better than admin the quiz please let us know

And we’ll say it now cuz it’s our last one thank you for all the support this year I’m sure you’re the same oh absolutely yeah it’s h it’s good fun it’s it’s decent therapy for when you’re angry um it’s nice to revil in in glories that don’t come around too often

So yeah is it’s ever such a lot of fun but it also helps when folk actually do listen to it so your listenership is greatly appreciated and what a wait what a final episode of the year to have as well we’ve started the year and ended the year strong it’s the middle part

That was a bit a problem but we can just we can even that out totally fine we’ll get there so if you have enjoyed listening to us please do leave a review on your podcast platform T if you’ve been watching us on YouTube please leave a like comment and

Subscribe we are at pth deisley on all forms of social media petley if you want toy us over an email Adam where can they get you on all the socials uh you can get me watching an hourong episode of Cole stockt in the best bits at Adam T Kendall what about

Yourself mate you me at D mak22 we’ll be back in the new year to discuss all the Fallout that’s happened all the results but until then have a great Christmas have a happy New Year and we’ll see you next year byebye come on the J

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