Neville & Carragher on the title race after Liverpool’s draw with Arsenal | The Gary Neville Podcast

Gary Neville is joined by Peter Drury and Jamie Carragher as they analyse Liverpool’s 1-1 draw with Arsenal at Anfield and whether either side can mount a serious title push. The trio also discuss Manchester United’s worrying inconsistency, Nuno Santo’s appointment at Nottingham Forest and more rumours around a European Super League.

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Hello everybody we’re at anfield for the Gary Neville podcast joined today by Jamie carer off the back of a terrific one or Draw between Liverpool and Arsenal both of whom chaps aspire to being the Champions um in that context how do you read it Jamie I I still think there’s there’s

Questions uh probably for both teams in terms of have they got enough to win the title I think I think I would favor Arsenal more than Liverpool when I actually look at an Arsenal sort of play this season obviously just slightly above in the table when I look at sort

Of strength of the two center backs Dean rice in Midfield uh they look really solid you know coming to anfield today it was tough at times for them but they didn’t really give up too many chances to be honest it was the same with Aston Villa they lost the again quite

Unfortunate again didn’t give up too many chances and they they are the two best teams at home this season you know the records tell you that so even though they’ve only got one point I was more impressed with the performances in both those away games really than what theyve

Picked up points wise so a better point for Arsenal do you think Gary yeah I think so so I think when you’re coming here I think you always take a point unless obviously there’s some sort of desperation at the end of the season where you need to win to do something

Which Arsenal did famously was 34 years ago but uh no I’m I’m a little disappointed probably just because I felt as though the game could have had a winner um and I’m looking for a team to step up I’m looking for a team to emerge and think right okay go on

Really grab this opportunity and look they leave here tonight Arsenal I think you know I think probably proud of the work that they’ve done they’ve been solid here this year they well last year they weren’t solid were they they really sort of crumbled so I think there’s an

Element of real positivity I just feel that there’s that little bit of tinger disappointment maybe in me that if you’re really going to go and win the title I always think go and win here and that’s very difficult to do not many teams win here but big ask but it’s not

Happened but I think like I say we they live to fight on another day and uh big games to come up in the next few months I think one of the reasons why it was difficult for anyone to go on and win the game is I thought the four center

Backs were outstanding you know both honestly you could have give any one of them man of the match really when you look at at all canti at times though we came across he made three or four blocks in that second half Gabriel and and C

I’m sure it was a tossup to sort of give a man of the match and Van DJ’s been outstanding again as he has been all season so I think it was always going to be difficult for anyone to go and win the game or create a lot of chances

Considering the form of those four players in this game on the reverse of that I think that and we’ve seen probably one of the best front threes you’ll ever see um at Liverpool in the last 10 years um and Arsenal I think is an emerging front three that could be great but they

Don’t actually to combine a lot together and I think that’s a real problem I think that the best front threes you know they involve their Center forwards the Y players they play off them they Bounce It Off them like a wall pass you see sort of in Years Gone by Salah

Firmino and San mané they would link between the three of them and when I was playing at United the front two did not a three but two when we were at our best the front two would link between them it’s very difficult when front players link for Defenders to actually be able

To deal with it and at the other end of the pitch Martinelli jezus and sacka I don’t see them linking a lot either even when saaka is trying to cross it to the back post he’s smashing it across I don’t see Martinelli charging at the

Back po so there’s quite a lot to work on in the front threes of both teams the question mark is I don’t think Liverpool will sign anybody in January in that front three so they’ve got to work from within because they’ve got jot they’ve got plenty of players up there it’s more

Arsenal in terms of I’ve left myself or I found myself talking at the end of of many Arsenal games this season now about whether Ander and Jesus are number one and two Strikers in Premier League champion uh premier league title winning sides or whether they’re actually more

Two and three Strikers and they need that number one because I actually love jezus I really love him honestly I think he’s a brilliant player I’d love to play with him um he’s got a bit of Rooney in him he’s got a bit of TZ in him he’s got

A bit of the sort of everything but he hasn’t got that sort of what a bit Instinct in front of goal and sometimes it’s everywhere you don’t want him you know what I mean by that yeah I think when you have someone like jayus up the

Top end of the pitch your Ries need to have more Salah wide your goal scor needs to be wide so he’s almost like a little bit not exactly like but forino like in that forino when he played for Liverpool his job wasn’t to score goals now when you look at Arsenal’s front

Three when you put them all together there’s not really enough goals there they need someone to be be a moal or a s man when you go back to Liverpool’s front and then no one mentions firmino’s lack of goals firmino would you believe in this season Liverpool won the title

He didn’t score a goal at anfield in the league I mean that is unbelievable for the team winning the title The manal wasn’t it exactly but Jay Zeus we look at him because there’s not those amount of goals coming from the wide area so you do that’s the one thing you look at

Arsenal there part of Liverpool you look at you think can they win the league with with deficiencies in certain positions and you look you do look at Arsenal think can you win without a real sort of goal goal scorer you think every week he’s going to be getting a goal or

Very close to getting a goal yeah we had when we had um TZ would run around every everywhere sometimes Rooney would disappear and You’ be out on the left wing but you did have Cristiano Ronaldo up there who would be to be fair prolific and Rooney was prolific as well

But I’m just thinking about the great front threes or great part the these three not even just in goals they don’t combine a lot together within the game to play and I just feel as though that’s going to cost them at some point so you know look definitely Arsenal I found

That there’s been a lot of times during this season whereby that player running across the near poost across the center back stepping across them to get in front to tap it in the back of the net or just get a little Nick on it they haven’t got that they haven’t got a

Sniffer I actually thought Ana coming on might just give them that edge but he just couldn’t get into the game with only 50 minutes to go I think looking at Liverpool’s front three I there’s something not right about it and for me Nunes starts on the bench today I know

He’s in a poor run for him in terms of goals but for me Darwin Nunes has to be almost one of the first names on the team Sheet I I I think even when I watch the midweek he still creates a goal he creates Panic there’s there’s a feeling

Even if it’s not going well you’re thinking he could run past someone he could get a shot off him somewhere he could do something gak po has been here now close to 12 months and he’s had flashes but nowhere near enough and Diaz just looks a shadow of himself since those knee

Injuries he had last season obviously had family problems this season but I really feel that Diaz especially on that left side’s got to have a really big second half of the Season or I’m sure Liverpool will be going into the market in the summer because it just feels like

With sort of Madi om man going for me know they haven’t really replaced him in terms of quality noon has a feel listen was almost making excuses for him but what Liverpool have still got right now in terms of a front three moal is your number one Nunes is your number two and

Then it’s who else is playing for me in a front three but you say that you know you’re not sure about the front three jgen klopp’s not sure about that front three because he switches them around he moves them from position to position you’re not quite sure which he’s going

To play on the you know which he’s going to play each week he substitutes them quite early you know you had that front three for years who to be fair were like clockwork and they always played and now he’s got a situation whereby he’s sort

Of if you like s of juggling balls every week and wondering which one he’s going to pick and it they are the scruffier I mean the three that were there before World Class you know Nunes is scruffy Diaz is a little bit scruffy gakpo is a little bit scruffy salah’s obviously not

Um and I think that’s something that ultimately yeah Liverpool just just a little bit shot one thing on the positive for Liverpool I actually thought the Midfield three today could get overrun thought Endo Curtis Jones in I could get overun I actually thought this stood up to erard rice and HTS

Would you agree yeah and considering those three players played midweek as well and then you think about who you’re playing against the quality they’ve got they’re going to be a lot of fresher The energy they put into the game the amount of times they won the ball back and I

Think that’s just one of the reasons why Arsenal came into the game a little bit more as the game went on and while jagen Klo brought Kus Jones off I mean that was a big surprise for me I thought Kus Jones was outstanding in the game but it

Was the fact he played midweek uh and grain be comes on but that that is I think on the back of what happened midweek and and what happen today that I think for the foreseeable future or certainly the next few weeks that is Liverpool’s goto Midfield three now I

Would say so moving on how do you think Manchester City are viewing all of this and and in that context how important has this weekend been for them they are the world champions just say a little bit about no I I I think that tournament doesn’t get obviously the credit in this

Country that it will never get the credit in this country it got a bad name the world club champion even though it’s slightly different 20 years ago yeah 23 years ago when we as United went and missed the FA Cup and it was at the time

I’m seen as a crime maybe it was um but it’s a really important competition in the sense that to win the league and then to win the Champions League to get there you you’ve got to have done a hell of a lot to even be in that competition

And then to go and win it it’s not always easy so for Manchester City it’s a great achievement this weekend well done to them they’ll be happy about how the results have gone with Villa Arsenal and Liverpool so that’ll be something that gives them a little bit of a a lift

And for Manchester City you know they’ve been below par let’s pick I won’t use the word complacent I’ll say below par based upon their sort of unbelievably high standards but I think if they’re going into February in the position whereby they’re sort of neck and neck with these teams and these

Teams haven’t just stepped up a level they’ll feel really confident because that’s sort of know how running down the final straight with that power that they have with Highland up top and if de bruyne comes back he’s obviously a different player I I I think this last week’s been fantastic for Manchester

City it was talk that I think the handy plays are across Stanley Park at gooderson and they could have been 12 points behind Liverpool you know and Liverpool have dropped four points now so I think it puts them in a great position if they get back to anything

Near their best and they’re within touching distance uh I think they go want to win the title okay that’s then that’s the that’s the title race Gary wouldn’t be one of these without a word on Manchester United who’ had a well they’ve lost again today yeah what did

You see of it what did you make of it I to be fair I’ve just seen the goals on the on the app because I was traveling over to anfield and didn’t see I think you’ve seen the full game haven’t you um it doesn’t surprise me at all you know I

Didn’t get carried away last week when they played here against Liverpool I thought Liverpool were below P I didn’t think I said in the podcast that I thought Manchester United actually were relatively poor in possession I think they showed some resilience and got through the game and you’ve always got

To respect to draw at anfield but I think now we we what we see from this team um and I say this team I don’t just mean under this manager I mean this team under any manager in the last six seven eight years is pretty much the same that

You can’t trust them um they will let you down when they give you a sort of glimmer of hope that they might be on track to do something they go and basically lose a game that they shouldn’t lose uh and they you know they’ve got Villa on boxing day could

You even could they could go and win that that’s how Daft it is and then they could go and lose at Forest four days later and that’s just what we watching watching such an inconsistent bunch and inconsistency is a really bad trait in all walks of life what you want is to be

Reliable and consistent to be that seven or eight out of 10 to make sure that everybody knows in any single job every single day imagine if you’re a brick layer right and one day you don’t know whether the ball that he builds that brick layer with those sort of 400

Bricks that he might lay or 300 bricks that he might lay are going to fall down the day after they’re going to be really good bricks imagine if that was the case in any job in life you’d be really really annoyed wouldn’t you s do you do your hotel

Had a very good brick ler no but I’m saying what I’m saying to you think about every Walk of Life of consistency and reliability is really important in every you know if we came up here every single week you know I’m not you you’ve got to turn up you’ve got to maybe give

A little bit of insight you’ve got to be consistent in your work and Manchester United are inconsistent in their work and the the problems go a lot deeper we’ve talked about them so many times now it’s cultural failure right the way through the club that only can be fixed

Through new ownership and they’re still playing bad so the players on the pitch not doing very well the manager is going to come under great pressure you didn’t like the manager interview at the end of the game did you no I mean I saw the in

At the end of the game and listen I understand managers are not going to be totally honest I’m sure he’s a lot more honest with his coaching stuff on the way back from the game and when they they go through the video and and you’ve

Got to be careful what you say and not criticize your players and bring you know some sort of you know sense to the game and when I he the manager saying they had control of the game it reminded me a little bit of managers I’ve had when they were in

There last season that things weren’t going well and when he was saying they had control of the game I mean I watched the game I mean it was a really poor game from both teams but I think the the when I saw the teams I didn’t think for one minute Man

United win that game so when when the result happens 2-0 to West Ham I’d think well I’m not that shocked by it I’m thinking well that’s what should have happened when I saw those two teams pakar is involved in both goals he’s the best player on the pitch no after I’ve

Watched the game I know that before the game you you know and so when I saw that United Team the biggest shock about Manchester United for me this season is where they are in the league I can’t believe how often I’ve seen them how poor that they’ve been they’re so far up

The table and you know if they got a two or three olds together he wouldn’t be far away from a champions league position so that for me is sort of the biggest shock but but no there there are really they’re a really average team right now and you know what the worst

Thing You’ ever say about man united the’re boring and that’s it’s not a dig it’s just when you watched them it was always when I we were Rivals but you watched them it was exciting even if they get him beat you know it was they

Would go for the throw to be all guns blazing at the end of the game now it’s just I mean they’ve scored 18 goals in 18 I think they’ve scored the same amount of goals as Luton as sheffeld United is it I think Chef United are the

Only ones who scored less than them is it you’re right I think it is Luton they only scored the same goals to Luton and that’s just I mean that that can’t be Man scor four games have they no no no I mean I said this I said this a few

Couple of months ago obviously we know that there’s new owners coming in and I said how much that make the people who are in the club we know the CEO’s already left so we obviously knew that the writing was going to be on the wall

For him so he’s left and gone early and you hear all the reports that have come out this week very detailed pieces about what potentially what Jim rff’s going to do and what Dave brailsford are going to do and they’re going to have a complete wipe out you can imagine how the

Atmosphere must be in there waiting for what would be the inevitable for probably 60 70% of the staff you imagine how they must feel they must all feel not undermined but they must all feel like let me get out of here quick because the reality of it is they’re

Going to probably have to at some point in the next few months anyway because there’s no doubt a new football director coming in a new sort of if you like sporting leader which is what Jim rackliff is he’s taking over the football he’s going to make sweeping

Changes cuz there’s been 10 years of failure so he’s just going to make lots and lots of changes and and that’s going to mean that at this current time I almost feel like now it seems terrible we’re almost like getting to a point whereby you just right off this season

Finish sort of like as high up the league as you can it won’t be obviously in the Champions League places can we get into the Europa League and just almost forget about it to the point whereby it can be almost corrected that seems like a really defeated St but I

Think that’s where I feel we’re at I I I think with Jim rackliffe coming in no club’s got a divine right to win anything you know but you’ve got to make Manchester United box office again we’re here watching this game you know you’re you’re enthralled you’re involved in the

The game you never see Manchester United in games like that anymore you know he’s got to get as I said Manchester United back to being sort of the team everybody wants to watch and excited buying big games on sky sports I mean if you want to see Manchester United play well now

You’ve got to go to UK gold I mean you don’t see them involved in the we’re coming here excited about this big game you don’t see you’re not excited about Manchester United in a big game you watch them against City you watch them against Liverpool they’re

Hanging on for dear life you know that that’s that’s that’s what you’ve got to do as I said there’s a lot of competition in the Premier League but as I said you’ve got to get them back to being exciting and a team that people

Want to watch I think I on my way down in the car I think there was some sort of stat put out on the radio that Manchester United have never lost I think for 92 years as many games as they have done at this stage of the Season

That which was a staggering statistic that’s how bad it has been now I obiously not L they’ve not drawn a lot of games they’ve won quite a few but you know this is the worst start to a season in terms of actual losses that they’ve

Had for 92 or 93 years it’s a really bad start the season but I can’t help but think that you know the owners was said they were going to sell the club 12 months ago how they didn’t get that dealt with in the summer so that we

Started the new season aresh they’re a disgrace those owners by the way they are a disgrace to the end and they still hang on for day life and they’re going to now pass over the football department and Jim rack’s going to come in and take their sort of main worry away from from

Them they can just sit there and say it’s not my fault anymore it’s up to him over there and if Jim M doesn’t succeed then they’re just going to still sit there and have their value in the club it’s it’s a look if youli sorts it out

Then great and for that obviously then hopefully he’ll have some sort of exit plan for the Glazer family in the next three to five years but they can’t lose now the glazers they’re sat there in America like they always have been knowing that basically they can just the

Main focal point of the club can be you know the main target is not them anymore in terms of football it’s not it’s going to be someone else which is just unbelievable position they find themselves in they’re the great survivors yeah and the Saga goes on just

Was it was it a penalty by the way erard I I I thought it was a slip oh it was a penalty it’s a do you not think it was a slip that basically a slip if you got to slip the first thing you do is put your

Arm down there it’s the first thing you do okay well the best forget it was hand ball you know if he’d slipped and fouled someone is there still a foul if you slipped but hand Ball’s a different barometer and measurement in the area it’s about it is about intent it’s about

Obviously did he mean to do it did he mean to get an advantage I don’t think he did so I just want to have a little debate about that because that’ll be something that potentially could get mentioned by the managers that I look if it had been given I wouldn’t have been

Jumping up and down it’s not been given I’m I’m not jumping up and down saying that’s a disgrace I thought the one last night by the way at uh Villa Park at the chef of United that was that that one yeah I yeah I think definite penalty

That one I think we both agreed on that I think OD guard’s gone down there is a slight slip of course there is yeah but it’s his arm’s not right close to his body it’s out here and it’s almost like there is a movement with his arm towards

The ball whether comes from being and slipping but that’s that’s not Liverpool’s problem that he slipped Theo Walcott in our studio who let’s face it is Arsenal through and through said if I’m playing I want that penalty as in of course if you’re playing you want the

Penalty but if I’m a Defender if Jamie carer’s defending his box and he slips he puts his arm it hits him he wouldn’t want it against him I mean we could I’m looking at it objectively because I stand nothing to game from Liverpool or Arsenal getting the penalty or not I

Just feel I can see some I can see some reasoning as to why that wasn’t a penalty because of the slip and the fact is a it’s a protective measure to put your arm down and it felt like a natural movement of his arm to go down to almost

Counterbalance the slit but yeah I just thought worth discussing yeah and and maybe just before we finish we ought to touch on events towards the bottom of the table a because Nottingham Forest have made a management change and are as a result of some quite remarkable results this weekend now sucked back

Into a relegation battle we thought we might not have you you guys saw Sheffield United chisel out a good point at Villa and Luton have won and we yeah lony we thought B Lon would win didn’t we against Newcastle yeah I think newcast just finding it tough the same

Players are playing week in uh week out but I think Luton have been a revelation this season because I know they find themselves where they are on the table where we all expect them to be probably all expect them to be bottom but every game they play no matter who they’re up

Against they’re in the game and if they do lose they lose by the odd goal and I think they’ve got Sheffield United on Tuesday Tuesday I think well the boxing day fixture and that feels huge and we’re talking about Nottingham Forest today you know making a change new know

They lost the game so they’re getting dragged closer but I think teams who are five or six points above the relegation will see those results today and starting to see banley win games Luton always being in a game win a game today Sheffield United Lon if someone wins

That game I think your Crystal palace’s I’m not saying these teams will go down but I think they’ll start looking over the shoulder because I think there was a feeling even for me probably a month or so ago six weeks ago when I always thought I can’t see how many points the

B the the three promoted teams are really going to get and just slowly they’re just cloring points back and just bridging that Gap and there’s still an awful long way to go and they expect them to improve the more experience they get the more belief they get and players

Getting used to the Premier League so I think this weekend there’ll be a few teams just looking over the shoulder it’s never quite how we think it’s going to be as it at the bottom or at the top for that matter sometimes but I think at the bottom last year I had Bournemouth

Certain to go go down like February and I was pretty clear about forest and where they were going and then all of a sudden Bournemouth went on this incredible run forest went on a great run and you end up seeing it completely differently inside four or five weeks so

That doesn’t surprise me what’s your view on Forest now on the the management change do you know something I instinctively when I first sort of heard the sort of Nom the the the um that Nuno had gone in I thought well Steve Cooper plays great football he’s a coach he

Plays out the back but he’s not been playing like that I think at what we saw last week against uh Spurs on Friday Night Football was a team defending deep and looking to Counterattack well I actually think and playing Five at the back actually Nuno does that very well

He did that very well at wolves didn’t he where he plays Five at the back he is methodical he does get a team playing with a pattern so I actually think Forest will be okay once he gets a bit of work into their legs and sort of work

Into their system um and I think that generally I think that it may suit them to get through this season with Nuno in the sense that that’s how they’ve been playing with five at the back and playing deep to Counterattack is it worth discussing a little bit of the

Super League or not go ahead go you want me to start yeah uh I mean I’m obviously we’re against the you know the super league and and how it’s gone about but I actually thought I mean I was actually embarrassed for Perez and leaport uh coming out you know the

Owners of or or the presidents of of Real Madrid and Barcelona The Way They carried on after this Court ruling that they’d won this big case and when you dig into the detail basically nothing really had changed but they tried to put on this big fac hard that theyd come out

The winners we’re going to do this league and the great thing was football clubs around the world just come out and put statements out and the best one was Atletico Madrid the number three team in Spain basically just laughed at those two and the carry on and the Premier League clubs

Have reacted really well but I couldn’t believe how poor they were a couple of years ago where you don’t understand that this is the Super League we’ve got the super league and the reason the super league is trying to be created is because because Barcelona and Real

Madrid who’ve been top dogs for so long financially bying the best players in the world are terrified of the product of the Premier League and the money that comes into the Premier League and maybe the owners are getting involved all around the world you’ve got obviously uh

You know huge backing behind them so there is no Super League without the teams here the German teams are never going to get involved maybe not exactly because of of our reasons but I think they you know fan situation and fan ownership so I’m H I’m looking at I

Think the best thing uh that sephron said the head of UEFA and let’s not forget you know UEFA are not the good guys exactly but he said I hope they start the I hope the league starts tomorrow with the two of them and that was just the best way to talk about it

Yeah I mean it’s really sad in the way in which particularly Barcelona who I’ve always viewed as being different than Real Madrid I thought we’ve always seen Real Madrid as being sort of like a club that would do anything to win in the sense of the the’re Mighty the mighty in

Spain they got the sort of investment from you don’t know where but it comes they sign the best player in the world every single year it’s cuz Barcelona are absolutely skint Barcelona are a mess and they’ve had lots of financial mismanagement they’re sold their sort of crown jewels

Of the future with their TV rights and all that sort of stuff but I always felt Barcelona as a members Club you like more than a club sort of promote an attitude that to me sort of stood for something when I was playing football

When I used to go and play at the new camp and you play against this great Club it stood for what was right and I look at them now and you’re right the other day they were almost like despot leaders of sort of Rogue countries stood there sort of

Defant at the last like we are standing we will win this this is this is the best thing and greatest thing that’s ever happened and I was like come on this is over now look they won’t lie down my concern with these two clubs is that they’re Monsters of football clubs

And if they can somehow encourage and entice clubs from Italy and clubs from some other part I mean German Germany the German clubs won’t go in the the English clubs definitely won’t go in but if it can somehow entice clubs from maybe other Saudi Arabia I think that’s

The play eventually maybe Saudi Arabia or maybe there’s clubs in Italy that might think you know Juventus might go and join they were there at one point weren’t they uh AC Milan and all of a sudden you’ve got five or six of the great clubs not playing in the in the

UAA competitions playing in their own competition and then they’ll start to have like a live golf type situation whereby you’ve got a divide and then people start to say we need to bring this together and they’ll start to get you know I mean it’s almost like a bit

Of a it’s a bit of at this moment in time a dangerous situation where we just need to be careful it absolutely can’t happen but we also have got to be mindful that these clubs are huge and that their game might be to play the long game with it Playing devil’s this

Is a devil’s advocate quick listen I’m a football fan I don’t want anything to change I love our football every bit as much as you guys who’ve played it so many times for Big clubs but Devil’s Advocate question is there actually anything wrong given that the Premier

League is the big league if you’re an ambitious Club somewhere else trying to compete with it trying to find the way just as we say within our league Manchester city are the best now they’re Untouchable well it’s everybody else’s job to catch them up so is there

Anything per se wrong in being ambitious around revolutionizing football because I didn’t but I didn’t see the Italian League 25 30 years ago holding holding a hand out to the English league when we were struggling and they weren’t the English league had to redesign itself Rebrand itself resell itself and

They that’s what they’re going to have to do in Spain and Italy I I am all for a social approach where we look after one another not just in this country but in in Europe but what they have to do is find a way to be able to Market their

Product in a way in which the Premier League did in 1992 which turned it from you know people were scared to go to football matches we had a hooliganism problem we had an issue whereby there weren’t that many games on television we couldn’t compete with the money that was

Being spent in Italy in Spain with Real Madrid Barcelona Juventus Lazio sdor all these great clubs we couldn’t compete our players were going over there by the way so it’s now a case of we’ve obviously done really well in the last 30 years I wouldn’t like us to go too

Far ahead of them cuz I do want that and there is that we don’t win the Champions League every single year by the way English clubs and and the two best English players don’t forget have gone abroad Harry Kane and Jud Bellingham you shouldn’t forget that but that that

Exactly why Perez and Leo want this is because they’re worried that they won’t be top top dogs in terms of the Premier League and I totally agree with you Peter in that football should never stop evolving and becoming better you know the Champions League the way we see it

Now compared to sort of the European Cup 20 30 years ago different competitions the Premier League out from the face division you know the transformation has been fantastic but so football shouldn’t stop evolving the Champions League’s evolving next season in terms of a different format we’ll see how that goes

So that should never stop but I don’t think the reason of Real Madrid and Barcelona is to sort of push football forward they’re looking after themselves to make sure they’ve got enough money to always be the the team who always has the best players Real Madrid and Barcelona notoriously have always had

The best players in the world the the best player in the world always or the Balon door when it always seems to play for a Real Madrid or a Barcelona and that’s what terrifies and that it’ll start happening in the Premier League I think what we might need to do rather

Than think about how we you know those clubs and sort of clubs in this country they always looking to try and sort of grow their revenues which is a natural thing to do what we might have to do is just put some controls in place on potentially the clubs I know that there

Is ffp and there is sustainability measures in place what we might have to do is make it you know rather than sort of say that we need to basically create new competitions that alienate a lot of clubs in Europe and create what would be a closed League which is never going to

Happen what we might need to do is just curb some of the big clubs in terms of spending and neutralize it so that it becomes about scouting recruitment coaching that’s what we really want yeah of course there’ll always be bigger clubs that have more money but we don’t

Want it to be in effici I mean we still see some Lon have beaten Newcastle United today in this in our league you know sheffeld United the bottom of the league went to Aston Villa last night one of the best clubs in the League this season that could have gone top and got

A point and within a couple of a couple of minutes of winning we still get those competitive elements in our league but but again going back to the the two giants one of the reasons why we get that I think there’s a greater distribution in the Premier League in

Terms of the funds so you talk about Real Madrid and Barcelona so that I mean that League I mean thank God for Atletico Madrid and Simeon who’s won a couple of titles in in sort of the last sort of 10 years or so they have it all sewn up there to

Make sure no one else can compete in their league so now on the back of the Premier League doing really well they want us to go and join down in a Super League to make sure they can get back you know their heads above water they’re

In huge debt they’re not even doing that to their own people in their own country they’re a joke them to I I I’ve never actually said this because I think it to be fair it wouldn’t be right but I probably it’s the right time to say it

Seven years ago when I went to Valen I was there for four months I obviously had my challenges on the coaching side of things but what stunned me every single week was the actual Match Day experience not just from a point of view of actually for the fan because the

Stadiums are really poor over there apart from say Bill baau uh I think too Madrid I’m not sure was built at the time but Bill Boward amazing Stadium um I think obviously Madrid now I’ve got a stunning stadium and Barcelona and Real Madrid renovating theirs but when I went

Basically to uh Spain and I obviously went away from home quite a few times I was stunned at the lack of quality and investment that gone into what would be the LA leue of stadiums and the actual match their experience it’s a million miles behind our stadiums in this

Country and it’s a million miles in terms of how how you feel not just that there were no pre-match interviews with television broadcasters for sort of you know me as a coach there was no sort of pre-match production that sort of bet you were made of but you know something and I I’m

Saying like you obviously you don’t I was happy as this carage just said not having to do interviews but it just felt like yo we sometimes we you we get accused like last week of building up the Manchester United in Liverpool game and it ends up being a little bit of a

Sort of disappointment in the end but that didn’t exist over there from a production perspective six seven years ago and I was stunned at sort of how sort of we were so far ahead in facilities in infrastructure in training grounds in Match Day experience in the

Way in which the game sold over there they miles they were miles behind and and honestly I’ve seen this the Premier League obviously for many years from this side of the fence and from a play side honestly they were it was night and day now obviously that doesn’t sort of

Take away from the fact that you know I went away and lost too many games uh but it still and that wasn’t the reason I lost too many games by the way but I just say it really did surprised me some of the stadiums that I went to I thought

Wow this is like this is English this is like League two this is League one this is not like sort of like you botom of the Premier League so this is like really low down some of the quality they may have improved in the last six seven

Years A lot of them but they were poor they were in a poor place and a lot of them needed money spend them including new camp and obviously bnab about yeah well maybe that’s the time then for us all to say thank goodness for our wonderful League absolutely are we lucky

To come to games like this in stadia like this can we Pan the can we Pan the camera just to the Rain I’ve now got to wander through the streets of Liverpool to try and get to my car in that in you see it we can’t see it it’s absolutely

Throwing it down there yeah thank you very much we’re driving home for Christmas we are so thank you God bless you thank you well done well done


  1. Arsenal had to play man city a few times before they could worked them out. At the end of this game they had worked Liverpool out. Next game at the emirates I will expect Arsenal to win. For this game, happy for the draw

  2. Try blaming the players instead of the owners all the time, too much going on elsewhere instead of the pitch.

  3. Carra looks like hes really stayed in shape since his playing days. You can tell by his cheeks, hes really lean

  4. Gary's "looking for a team to step up"…good man Gary. Failed manager. Failed owner. His man united club are in the mire too. This is sky sports big anchor celeb 😂😂

  5. Whats happened to the singing at English Football matches?
    I watch lots of games from the 70's and 80's and the fans were so loud and always singing…you dont hear it much anymore.

  6. Best in the business these two. Carragher gets better every season literally nodding to everything he says. And Neville is quality tbf

  7. As a Scottish football fan it's funny to hear them talk about the 2 giants in Spain monopolising the whole league getting 90 percent the tv money signing rivals key players and benching them ….. I gave up on the spl because of this

  8. Luton what a result… and I don't support them, I am a Man United fan (all my life but these days I don't know why!)

    That Luton result is a scalp for sure.

    I expected Liverpool to beat Arsenal but it seems this Arsenal team have truly got what it takes to pull off just about anything. Gary Neville said early on they will win the league and he might end up being right but I don't think they will… however I do think Arsenal will win the Champions League this time around. I dunno what it is about them but, they have got to the final in the past albeit way back in 2006 where they lost 2-1 to Barca, but I reckon it's going to be them this time.

    The league?

    Man City again. It sounds funny maybe but Aston Villa could win the league this time, Emery is underrated and to me he is an absolute elite level manager. Villa aren't dropping out of the top 4 that's for sure.

    Liverpool look like they might be in with a shout at the moment, but I don't think so over the course of the season, to May. I think the league is between Man City and Aston Villa. Yep, not Arsenal but Aston Villa.

    The Champions League between Man City and Arsenal and if they both end up in the final, or anyone else ends up in the final with Arsenal, then Arsenal will win. So help me god!

  9. Can question how city are buying up all the talent across the country in all age groups? Their class of 07 is clearly bought

  10. Endo was man of the match in my opinion. Didn’t put a foot wrong for 90+ mins. Made it look easy against a top class Arsenal midfield & attack,

  11. Gary with his word salad about handballs SMH. Disgraceful ref decisions against Liverpool again.

  12. I love seeing Gary and Man U fans so miserable because of the performances and condition of the club. Karma is merciless. They gave Liverpool fans so much crap for so many years. Now it's their time to suffer.
    Barca and Real M will always be bigger than the EPL teams. The Super League will happen one day, whether Carra and Gary like it. They don't have problem when EPL clubs buy all the talented players from other leagues. But they certainly have problem when Barca, Real or the Saudi clubs do it. Very hypocritical.

  13. Why does Neville do that nonsense with his head and act like it’s normal lie we didn’t see …bro what da hell is that wa gwarn for g nev

  14. Arsenal without a midweek game were still lucky to not loose, Arsenal will fall flat again come March. 😂

  15. the hate on Martinelli is dumb, he's had an off day. He seems gassed out. Martinelli is relentless and aggressive usually.

  16. Looking at Barca and Madrid and saying they are looking to prevent competition….maybe look at your own clubs lads, felt a bit pot, kettle and black……

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