Golf Players

How Much Pressure Is On The Dodgers After Signing Yoshinobu Yamamoto? | 12/22/23

Dan Patrick discusses the Los Angeles Dodgers signing Japanese ace Yoshinobu Yamamoto to a 12 year $325 million contract

All right sat what’s the poll question we have many options okay do you want Paul’s or Todd’s first let me go to Todd first the to dub he sent in uh let’s see if the Dodgers don’t win the World Series next year or in 2025 okay your

Options are be patient more rings are coming it’ll be disappointing that would be humiliating well the uh Dodgers landed another Japanese pitcher he doesn’t hit at least I don’t think yoshinobu Yamamoto they got him for $325 million and uh it’s not deferred but uh he’s

Like 510 175 pounds he might be built a little bit more like Pedro Martinez and uh you know great fast ball breaking ball he’s got three pitches that are pretty Elite but there were probably six teams that were involved and it was going to go over $300 million and uh get

A $50 million signing bonus also the team that he came from in Japan they get I think $50 million as well that’s a lot of money so you got a guy who is 25 who’s never pitched in the major leagues and then another guy who is going to be coming off his second

Tommy John surgery and you got a over a billion dollars wrapped up in those two players what could go wrong yes Satan I have another question off of that which would be how long does Dave Roberts have to figure this out no pressure uh does he have till the allstar

Break does he have this season or does he have more than just this season when this season meaning he has to win the World Series w i i don’t know you know if management would have that pull the trigger like that but it I would say he’s he’s on the

Clock for for this year like you have now it’s not get to the World Series now it’s win World Series you know the Braves famously won only one and they had one of the greatest pitching staffs in baseball history and some really good hitters as well this is a 10year stretch

Where you probably have to be in the world series five of those 10 years right you got Freeman you got bets you got all of this money wrapped up in these two pictures here uh you know Kershaw I don’t know how much longer he’s going to play but

Man it’s it’s not World Ser it’s World Series Victory or Bust It feels like yeah morvin and I also feel like they need to be like the 27 Yankees you better have like 156 wins and then dominate in the postseason also I just need you to win the World Series so wild

Card in the world series I don’t care we saw the Seattle Mariners but they won 116 games they didn’t win the World Series I don’t care how it’s going to come down to this it’ll come down to you know seven game series and then you’re

Going to have to you’re going to have to avoid that team that might have a pitcher or two that dominates your lineup and then put you on your heels put you on the brink you that that’s what you got to be aware of here that’s all this comes down to it’s like the

Regular season as long as everybody stays healthy great you know it’ll be a ceremony hey how about those Dodgers they W again 10 to one okay everybody’s going to say the same thing well let’s wait till the postseason let’s see how these players do in the postseason I think that’s going to be

That’s what it comes down to hey they’re paying you all that money now you got to win and there’s going to be a situation in the postseason where those two players have to do something like big like shut down the opposing team and you I mean look at the Giants this year they

Were pedestrian during the regular season then all of a sudden they got hot they figured it out and then they went to the World Series the Rangers we thought the Rangers were going to be good and then they turned out to be really good when they needed to be yeah

C but this the timing of all this right I’m not saying that it would work out this way but even if the Dodgers win the World Series the next three years okay right three in a row all right by the year 2042 do you think anybody’s going to be

Like yeah but in 2024 we what remember 2026 that was awesome it doesn’t for the Yankees the Yankees are like they haven’t been in a World Series in 12 years it it doesn’t the the the winds don’t carry that long when you’re invested well over a billion dollars in

Two players in two players yeah right that’s not including you know mookie bets and whoever else they’re going to kick that can down the road well it’s like the Rams won the Super Bowl they went all in and it felt like the Rams Fans go okay all right we

Went all in they said look you know we we don’t don’t have draft picks and a year you know year removed from That season now here they are at 8 and seven but the Rams went all in as far as we know though they don’t owe Matthew

Stafford $40 million in 2037 no but they did give away their draft picks and and I think that that was what you know there’s a cap in football which makes everybody competitive but I you’re right and in 2038 I wonder if Dodger fans are going to be going why did we sign those

Two pitches 43 they’re going to be like all right it’s the last deal worth it the last year of it it was worth it though huh remember 2027 that was awesome but if the Angels had won one World Series you know maybe during that run we might have said well it it was

Worth it to get Albert pul like you had to get one at least in that span and they didn’t get that and then you had show and then Mike Trout they got nothing out of that but you’re right with the Dodgers and that P rooll for this amount of time the expectation can

You think of a team that has greater expectations than the Dodgers do they’re already a great team but can you imagine where you go into well maybe the Miami Heat did when LeBron went there and won a title um Kevin Durant going to Golden State like

You got to win but can you remember a baseball team that went into the season and you go oh they got to win I mean maybe we put that pressure on the Yankees but they did win with that group but this is this is as much pressure as you could possibly

Have starting with Dave Roberts the manager and this is international pressure too the faces of baseball here with Japan and the coverage you’re going I mean it’ll be truly a World Series if they go into the World Series with those two players but um you know I I know

That a lot of uh your get off my lawn guys are saying this is ruining baseball where there’s no cap I mean you’re going to spend it’s free Marketplace Yankees did this for years and everybody called him the evil empire and then the Red Sox did it and then all

Of a sudden the Yankees weren’t the evil empire you know the Cubs went all in now the Dodgers are going all in yes Eden yeah that is a funny part of it when the Yankees were doing it it was ruining baseball and then when everyone else started doing like well what we can’t

Too okay yeah I guess you can all right so uh yoshinobu Yamamoto $325 million okay I just saw uh highlights of him and it felt like every breaking ball he threw was not fair and he throws 99 miles an hour I’m always amazed when you see certain pitchers and you go how is

That guy able to throw it like like Pedro Martinez to me might be as gifted as any pitcher who’s ever pitched because you looked at him and you go he can’t throw that ball by me and then his breaking ball I mean he he threw inside

I mean all of those things he was a wonderful wonderful pitcher obviously but there’s certain guys where you go you know Randy Johnson you go of course he can throw 99 miles an hour but then there are other guys where you go man that guy throws really

Hard this guy he gives that appearance of I’m not trying to throw it hard there are guys who wind up and you know they’re bringing it and they looked like they’re working really hard to throw it hard but there’s certain pitchers that are just effortless and he might fall

Into that category so uh get to know yoshinobu Yamamoto now batting


  1. The CBT is a joke. Rich teams pay poor teams like the As to suck even harder. Either have a hard cap or no cap. Make the rule no Cap to sign your own players but if you sign a free agent from another team you lose 1 of your 2 year minimum controlled players outside your protected 30 roster players or your next years highest available draft pick. Teams can spend what they want and poorer teams don't get paid off but can at least develop the next free agents to be and be a glorified minor league team that they are.

  2. Dodgers have a billion dollar cable money to play with along with all the $$$ they make off all the jersey, caps and pennant sales World wide!!!!

  3. there was always pressure on the dodgers. world series or bust. so nothing new. however bringing ohtani on board will be fun to watch

  4. Already trash talk by these white guys on the Japanese players. Can you imagine what would they say during the regular season?

  5. Todd Boehly bought Chelsea Football club, saw what big European clubs do buying all the good players and said to his Dodgers ownership group "why can we do that??"

  6. A VERY unexpected Baseball renaissance! This is awesome, people are talking BASEBALL during the NFL playoff season. Incredible! Kudos Dodgers.. Yankees and RedSox and other big market teams.. we're looking at you now.

  7. That is the last question the professionall Dodgers think about. Wait till you hear about the next two trades

  8. Dan- Dodgers will make their money back from both stars in a few years. Guggenheim people are much smarter than you think

  9. If Mookie and Freddie hit like last postseason, these two signing will mean nothing

  10. 大谷翔平背番号17・山本由伸背番号18・佐々木朗希背番号19の現実味が帯びてきた、夢の日本人3本柱が活躍したら、日本はフィーバーだな



  11. I can agree the argument that the World Series is one of the tangible best return event baseball team should reap profit from after having investing crazily into the star players like Ohtani and Yamamoto. But I believe that's just one of it. For genuine baseball fans, the value of seing his or her star players in the team playing hard and thriving in the game every day give them so much excitement and have a great meaning even to thier own person life, and this can be the true value to the branding of Dodgers in essence and if Ohtani and Yamamoto can show audience in the world the true baseball game value in the minds of these people, I think Dodgers can prove themselves easily their 1 bn investment to 2 guys over 10 years and I think its worthwhile already. They are a genuine profession athletes and team players who truely want to win the games and the world series as their team's final goal for each year, and we would like to see their process of struggle to achive that goal every day through their daily serious endeavor while winning and loses everyday. If we can witness Dodgers making such dramas happening everyday while having 2 superstars striving hard for the team, we can say the money has been well invested. I am confident 100% they are not for chasing for the money primarily.

  12. 2 rings in the next 10 years is what the dodgers need to make this offseason pay off. I can't wait to watch how it goes down

  13. Glad the Yankees didn't sign this little guy that's unproven in the big leagues! He will be injured before the all-star break because they don't play as big a schedule in Japan!

  14. This guy said wild card 😆 dodgers have won 10/11 NL west division… and the only loss the giants barely bet the dodgers with like 109 wins. Dodgers run the NL west for another 10 years

  15. These guys are supposedly experts but they cant see that these signings are not just for winning the world series. These signings are to open the entire Japanese market. These signings are for future Japanese stars who want to go to MLB. Where will they probably want to sign?? How much money are they going to make from these signings???

  16. Then I remember that loaded Detroit Tigers team who was meant to all but win the WS. Miggy, Prince Fielder, Victor Martinez, Torii Hunter. Plus Scherzer and Verlander in their sub-30! It's a classic tale of win-at-all-costs strategy that failed and left a long-term burnout. To this date.

  17. I'm English, I love baseball and have been following the Dodgers for over thirty years. Fed up with all this "Dodgers will have no money in twelve years" shit from supposed Baseball experts. A little research shows that that the Dodgers have to put aside money for Ohtani's contract every year, so when the payment is due, it's all there. Ohtani knows this, the Dodgers know this but so called experts seem to either not know, or ignore it for clickbait on their chanels.

    One thing you can GUARANTEE, the Dodgers will make more money out of Ohtani than they spend on him. Oh, they also just signed Yamamoto. And Glasnow.

  18. Ten years from now when this huge contract kicks in and is stuck on the payroll for another ten years. The Dodgers will be in basement for years.

  19. Three future hall of famers in betts, freeman and ohtani in their prime as a 1-2-3 punch. Glasnow, Yamamoto and Ohtani as a three man rotation. The immovable object is the unstoppable force.

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