Golf Babe

6 Real Life Murderer Encounter Horror Stories

3 Real Life Murderer Encounter Horror Stories

► Social media – @heyshyily


story one 0:00
story two 5:34
story three 8:26
story four 15:23
story five 18:00
story six 23:19

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It was summer of 2004 my family was supposed to vacation to Kennebunkport Maine my father was stuck in meeting so he was going to come up from Manhattan a few days after us my mom wanted to drive up there to Maine before my dad got there which was

Super annoying to me at the time but we didn’t have a choice and my brother sister and I loaded into the car and started the drive that was a about 14 at the time the drive was uneventful but there were various delays and we ended up getting there a lot later than originally

Planned because of this the owners of the house we were renting had turned in for the night and we weren’t able to get a hold of them to get the keys sounds like horrible planning but apparently they were pretty strict about the time frame to pick up the

Keys my mom UNF decided she wanted Lobster so we went to one of our favorite spots she called my dad to see see if he could make us reservations at a hotel in kab buunk Port from New York City while we ate we were enjoying the lobster while a

Guy came up and started chatting with my mom I figured it was just a friendly local making conversation during this my dad calls my mom and my mom excuses herself to speak to him apparently all hotels were booked for the night go figure height of vacation season in

Kenport the plan was for us to drive to the nearest town and just find somewhere to stay until we could pick up the keys for our vacation home apparently the local had been listening into my mom’s conversation and came back over when she got off the

Phone I want to say there was nothing outwardly off about him he was preppy looking clean cut unassuming and he fed in with the clientele he told my mom that he had a big home with a big guest house that we were more than welcome to stay at and

That his wife wouldn’t mind immediately my reaction was screw that no way in the world I would was staying in a random dude’s house in creepy Maine in the dark no offense to anyone from Maine but the streets get creepy my mom doing her due diligence determined this guy was legit

Said he was in finance my mom was an investment banker and they chatted enough for my mom to determine that he wasn’t totally full of it I called my dad pretty hysterical but he said I was overreacting that I need to get out of the city more and except

That sometimes people are just nice so my brother brother sister and I got into our car and followed him back to his house the guest house was actually really nice fully furnished but the beds were oddly placed it had two bedrooms and instead of the beds being located in

The middle or centered I imagine a symmetrical room layout they were right under the window in each room it just seemed out of place to me anyway fast forward we’re all getting ready to go to bed my mom hears a knock on the door and

It’s the guy he said he just wanted to check to make sure we got settled cool nice thing to do about 30 minutes later he comes back to check in again at this point my mom is like thanks we’re good we’ll stop by the house in the morning to say thank you

Etc okay so fast forward another 30 or 45 minutes I can’t sleep I’m feeling terrified we hear this rustling which is odd because the guest house was nowhere around trees or even close proximity to bushes that might cause such a noise at this point I see my mom wide awake

And look up at the window like motioning towards the window with her eyes let me add real quick none of the windows had curtains the guy said it was because his wife was in the process of redecorating when I looked up there was a male figure just

Standing I thought I was going to have a heart attack I don’t know how long he was there for when he walked away my mom waited a bit and then told us to get our stuff together she wasn’t messing around we had my dad on the phone at this point

And he was pretty much flipping out at my mom about something but I didn’t hear what my mom said she was going to put stuff in the car and to follow her out this was around 2:00 a.m. when we got into the car we pulled around to the

Front of the main house so we could get the hell out of there however when we got to the front all the lights were off not just all the lights but it looked like no one had been home porch light table lamp and front windows like everything black also the two cars were

Gone the locals car and what we presumed to be his wife’s car after seeing this my mom at this point pretty unsettled said we were leaving and we proceeded to drive to the gate the gate at the end of the driveway had been dead bolted and padlock shut

From the inside it wasn’t a super strong gate so my dad said rev it and we were in a big SUV we just smashed right through it we drove back straight to New York City not speaking the entire time we have never returned back to Maine and

My parents refus to speak about it I asked a family member one night about it when he was drunk and all he said was they didn’t tell you the actual owners of that house were on vacation I’m assuming my mom or dad followed up with local authorities and figured that out

But never told us I don’t know who that man was or what was planned that evening I was curious as to whether there were any known serial killers or murderers who were in that area at that time I was living in Asheville North Carolina

At the time I hung out at a local coffee shop all the time the day I met this guy was just like any other I went into the shop ordered my coffee and sat down to read the local paper when an older man came up to me and asked if he could sit

Down I had gone in there to meet new people and usually I went for the younger guys but I thought what the heck I said yes and he sat down and started to ask me questions like where did I work where did I live did I have any

Relatives Etc of course during our talk I asked him questions and I found out that he was a traveling salesman who traveled I40 from Ohio to Asheville the last question he asked me was how old I was when I told him he barely believed

Me I looked a lot younger than I was at the time I was 29 but I guess I looked like a teenager part of my kit was to show people my ID and I showed it to him too as soon as he saw it he said thanks for

The chat and got up and left I didn’t think anything of it until I got another cup of coffee the guy behind the coffee bar asked me if the old man was bothering me and I told him that it wasn’t anything I couldn’t handle I thanked him for his

Concern the next night I went to a strip club with my onag again off again boyfriend that had just opened up a town over my boyfriend asked me if I wanted to strip because someone had offered the manager $500 for me to do it I didn’t really want to but I was pretty

Interested to find out who it was that was going to pay me that much to strip coincidence or no it was the same guy from the coffee shop I was extremely creeped out he came up to me later on that night and started talking to me

About how many people he had killed in Vietnam especially young women and children I was really creeped out then and edged away from him and I found another group of friends to hang out with with and I made sure I was never alone he didn’t try anything with me

Though he just left I was kind of freaking out inside but I really didn’t do anything about it I just went to work the next day like normal and one of the girls I worked with came up and asked if I had heard about that girl who had been

Stabbed in the neck from behind as she came out of one of the bars the girl went on saying that her dad was a cop and they were looking for a serial killer who was killing young girls from Ohio to Asheville off of I40 they weren’t sure but they thought

He was an old guy who was probably a traveling salesman the cops thought he had a thing for women who had my characteristics and we 18 and under I freaked out and told her about the guy she called her dad but I don’t know if they didn’t believe me or what but they

Didn’t question me I really think that the only thing that saved me was the fact that I was much older this happened to me and my wife a few months after we moved into a new place this took place back in November of 2018 and actually wasn’t even fully resolved until just

Recently so back at this point in time me and my wife were going through some hard times I was making money through some slightly illegal means and had actually gone to jail for 9 months I got out in September of 2018 and I had a job

In the city waiting for me when I got home now when I got out of jail my wife was living with her mom about an hour away from the city but she knew we had to find find somewhere to live close to both of our jobs that were downtown in

The city that we were moving to since we were starting all over after the legal fees loyers fines and other assorted debts we knew we could only afford something super cheap that would let us pay week to week instead of having to pay security deposits and monthly rent

Upfront we found a boarding house in our city and checked it out there were four rooms in the house with a shared kitchen and bathroom for everyone we moved into one of the rooms our Neighbors on the first floor were a 30-year-old lady and her mom and then

Upstairs there was a young guy who moved in the same week as us and lastly a young couple that lived in the room next to the other young guy in the 3 months that we lived there the only people we talked to was the young couple

Upstairs they seem similar to us in age and interests and we just usually talked to them in passing or maybe on the front porch when we were all out there having a cigarette they were nice enough and they also smoked weed which me and my wife

Did as well and we smoked on the porch together a couple of times things were just a okay until the month of November came and just started to hit the fan left and right with this couple who will Nam Jim and Sierra it started off small things like

Hearing them get into short shouting matches or one or both of them asking me and my wife to borrow money or constantly trying to bum cigarettes one day I came home and Sierra was walking into the house the same time as me with three guys that

I’ve never seen before for and a case of beer they party all night and keep me and my wife up but we end up going to bed around 5:00 a.m. a few days later we are woken up on a Sunday me and my wife’s only day off to gym screaming at

Sierra throwing all of her stuff into the front yard he was calling her everything in the book you can imagine and told her to get out of his life yada yada yada they argue for like 3 hours and eventually someone picked Sierra up we had a week of peace and quiet but by

The next week she was moved back in and the fights and screaming were constant until one night it was a Tuesday night the day before my birthday me and my wife worked that day and just kind of lounged around after work my wife and I ended up smoking some

Weed around 1 a.m. and we put in a movie to giggle at all night the whole time we were watching this movie we could hear Jim and Sierra screaming at each other we could hear them stomping around as they moved around upstairs in the room right above our ceiling it went on the

Whole movie it seemed like after actually making it through the movie without falling asleep from smoking too much we both noticed that Jim and Sierra had finally stopped fighting we both wanted to take advantage of the quiet and we laid down and cuddled up to sleep until we had to

Go to work in the morning I was woken up in the middle of the night by my wife who was shaking me and looking off toward my side of the bed I was so tired and out of it that I thought maybe she saw a big bug and

Wanted me to kill her it I turn over to get up and when I do there is a man standing next to my bed punched over my nightstand going through my drawer and the man has an empty milk gallon in his hand after rolling over and US loocking

Eyes he stood up from his hunch position and was just staring at me I kicked my feet out onto the floor and I sat up on the bed as he started backing up slowly one step at a time at this point I finally realized that it’s Jim in our

Room going through my stuff holding an empty milk gallon now like I said I was still pretty out of it and just calmly said to him what’s up Jim why the hell are you in our room Bud after a few seconds Jim asks can I

Borrow your guys car man or can one of you take me down to the gas station and back real quick thank goodness for my wife who was finally fully awake unlike me who said what you broke in our room to borrow our car no you cannot borrow

Our car after you broke into our room at 4:00 a.m. now get the hell out of here you freaking weirdo surprisingly Jim leaves but he doesn’t just leave he Sprints out the front door and starts running down the street towards the gas station that he asked us

To take him to I looked at my wife and before we can even say anything to each other our other neighbor from upstairs comes down and says that Jim and Sierra were fighting worse than he had ever heard or saw that he hadn’t heard any noise coming from the room for about an

Hour my wife who was feeling protective of a fellow female who had to endure similar abuse in the past told me and our neighbor to go upstairs and check on her so we go upstairs and the door to Jim and Sierra’s room is shut but not locked I knocked and shouted for someone

And there was no answer standing side by side me and my neighbor turned the door knob and pushed the door open on the back wall of the room Sierra was laying on the couch face up and we also noticed that the floor and ceiling had been hacked up almost

Like someone was trying to get inside of the floor and ceiling for some reason me and my neighbor walked over to the couch thinking that Jim had knocked her unconscious but when we made it to her we realized there was blood on the couch and thin blood streaks on the wall and

Blood all over her I can’t speak for my neighbor but as soon as I looked at her I thought she doesn’t have a face the neighbor called the cops immediately and I was just standing there dumbfounded I heard him tell the police that Jim had smashed his girlfriend’s

Face in with a sledgehammer and the weapon was still there but Jim had run off the police told was to leave the room and wait outside if we felt safe doing so the cops came and they put a APB out on Jim they found him about an hour later running down the

Street after talking to the cops they said it looked like Jim was trying to find the gas line in the house and he probably wanted me to take him to the gas station to get fuel to help him burn down the house with Sierra inside after all the cops left and

Everything calmed down me and my wife looked at each other like what the hell we had to call on to work the next day because there were two news Vans out front all morning and every time we stepped out for a smoke or anything they were badgering us for an

Interview it ended up being a small blip in the news with a short paragraph in the newspaper and a one minute segment on the local news channel but yeah that’s how I was face to face with a murderer right after he killed his girlfriend in the same house I was

In this is a combination of very short stories that I heard after this guy was caught I’ll start with my own I live in a very small town and it is surrounded by woods and lakes and rivers one day I had gone to a mom and pop gas station

And grocery store made my purchases and returned to my car to leave as I pulled out the driveway there was a white van driven by an older gentleman pulling into the store as I waited to pull out on the road I was staring as he drove right past me

Because I was going to wave at him I thought it was my friend’s Uncle who had a van just like it and from a distance it looked like him but as I stared the guy turned to look at me and I realized that it was not my friend’s Uncle at all

But I looked into the coldest meanest looking eyes that I have ever encountered I drove home that day thinking of serial killers murderers and Weirdos before convincing myself that my imagination was seriously running wild but later in 08 a lady from our town met this guy with his van at

Another gas station a few miles outside of town he said he was looking for a campsite that was free and you did not have to register anything she assumed that he was homeless and down on his luck so she gave him directions to one and told him

To just follow her she would eventually turn at her house but if he kept going a few miles he would find the place later on that year she was really freaked out when it came out who this guy was and that she showed him where she lived another time some college girls

Were hanging out at the beach one of them said after this guy was caught that she and her friends had seen and talked to him several times at the beach during the summer of oit and that he seemed really nice but of course they were freaked out

Too when they later learned on what he was capable of once again in December of ’08 a lady from our area went missing I’m not going to go into details about that here you can Google and read about this the way this individual was caught was after he

Committed a horrible Act of kidnapping and murder here he went to Georgia and kidnapped and murdered a young girl and a hint of who this was if you Google the murder at Blood Mountain in Georgia you will know who I’m talking about at least I think you will anyway cuz I have not

Googled it but it is real anyway it was really freaky to know that I had actually seen him once after everything happened that he was living So Close by and probably driving past my house many times before he kidnapped and murdered this lady from our area this encounter happened in the summer of

2006 when I was 20 years old I didn’t get my driver’s license until January of that year and driving opened up so many doors for me that I took a lot of solo road trips to my friend’s houses I also look pretty young for my

Age and I was often mistaken for a high school student in my early 20s I was driving alone on i78 on a random July day on my way to visit my friend in southern in Pennsylvania for a long weekend her parents were away and we had the house to ourselves and we

Were planning on drinking and hot tubbing and watching planet Earth drunk it had just came out maybe run around some cornfields at night I was so excited and I had a great Drive listening to good music and it was a beautiful day for driving right after I crossed the border

From New Jersey into Pennsylvania I stopped at one of the first rest stops to get gas and snacks for the last part of my drive I’ve tried to figure out which rest stop this was and I can’t idea it but it was a gas station with a large Mini

Mart opposite of the gas station was the on-ramp back to i78 West and parallel to the onramp was a dirt road which comes into play later I was heading into the store when a man in his late 30s or early 40s approached me he was a stocky guy

Decently tall I’m 5’1 he had on a plain black tea in jeans with dark brown hair and a mustache and goatee he had just come out of a black pickup truck parked a few spaces away from my car he had a super intense gaze and immediately creeped me out he just had a

Crazy energy about him I don’t really get bad vibes from people that often but this was just strange he stood too close with his gaze crazy and direct and focused his word choice was strange he immediately set off all of my alarms he asked if I was from the area

Despite my Connecticut license plate he even asked where I was headed and if I knew of anything fun to do because he had plans later and time to kill beforehand he invited me to go play mini golf or watch a movie with him I truthfully didn’t answer any of

His questions and I declined his invitation to hang out with him and I told him that I didn’t know the area that well and I walked away towards the store I was blown away that he asked me to go somewhere with him it was so random and

Uncomfortable as I was walking away he actually screamed out you’re gorgeous and the volume and tone made my hair stand on end it was super aggressive and inappropriate and he even startled a family that was walking out of the store it was that loud he came into the store shortly

After and he was just staring at me so I went to use the bathroom and I stayed in there for at least 10 minutes texting my friend about this creep when I came out he wasn’t in the store anymore thankfully so I took my time buying drinks and snacks sour bright crawlers

And trail mix being my obligatory road trip food and I went out to gas up my car I was relieved his car was gone and I started thinking about the rest of my drive and getting excited to see my friends when I pull up to the road to

Get back on the highway though I hear someone persistently honking his horn and I see this creep show on the dirt road parallel to the onramp in his truck honking and shouting and waving at me to drive over to him he was directly facing the gas station and had been waiting for

Me to pull up I immediately freaked out and jumped on the on-ramp back to i78 he pulled onto the highway after me and I called my friend extremely scared I drove so fast and probably dangerously and looking back I’m lucky that I didn’t get into an accident but I

Just didn’t know what to do he didn’t follow me for that long and I think after a few exits he finally pulled off my friend and I had a backup plan that if I saw his car again she would direct me to a police station the next town

Over from her house house instead of me going directly there and leading some freaks to us I didn’t see the car again and went to my friends but the last hours of my drive I was extremely tense and anxious I remember checking my mirrors often for this black pickup truck it all

Ended well I got to my friend’s house safely and we had a nice weekend the encounter was definitely creepy but over the years I didn’t put much thought into it a few years ago though in 2014 I was talking with another friend who is big into serial killers and I

Mentioned my encounter jokingly suggesting that this was a serial killer I had met and told her my experience she was fascinated and she wanted to google active serial killers in Pennsylvania area at the time the first hit was for Adam Leroy Lane and he looked almost exactly like the man I met

Back in 2006 it could have been my mind filling in the blanks but the basic characteristics 40s tall but stocky brown hair with mustache and goatee and the time and area all match in my memory he was a little bit Slimmer than the pictures and it was 2006 not 2007 when

He was actually convicted of murdering women still it’s an odd coincidence and it’s one I’ve never forgotten so this part of the story starts in 2009 and I was a junior in high school I lived in a small town in Ohio in the fall I started to date my first

Real boyfriend John he was a senior and many of his friends were dating my friends and he was well-liked and funny at school I’m thrilled about the relationship especially because my strict parents even seem to like him as well he was pretty quiet around them but always polite and appreciative in their

Presence since it’s a small town John lived literally down the street and we hung out all the time my parents were actually getting divorced at the time so I like spending time at at his place more than mine John lived with Chris a man who wasn’t his biological dad but somehow he

Had lived with since around the age of 13 and often called him Dad Chris was an adolescence counselor who knew John because he had been in the foster care system and he had taken John in Chris was an amazing human who was fun to be around and it was just the two

Of them and their pug Murphy at the house I don’t know much about John’s childhood at first other than it had clearly been rough enough for him to be involved with Children’s Services anyways we spent a lot of time together and always had a good time with Chris as

Well eventually John confided to me that he often had really bad depression and would get really bad thoughts I was shook by this and I even told Chris about it as well regardless we continue today and I did my best to support him so the next

Year I’m a senior and John has graduated but he’s not really doing anything he didn’t go to college and his plans to join the military weren’t working out so he’s just living with Chris and working a part-time job that my dad had gotten for him I’ve always been into school and

Extracurriculars and I felt like John was holding me back our relationship was going downhill in many ways but I was scared if I broke it off that he might really do something drastic he had threatened to do so when I tried in May 2011 I graduated high

School and decided I had to leave the relationship behind I was having my own depression issues and John was having a detrimental effect on my mental health I finally told him that we had to break up and he needed to stop contacting me with these threats I mostly cut off all contact and

A couple of months later I got an apartment with a friend about 30 minutes away from home beside the college I was attending one Friday night in April 2012 I’m in my hometown to see a friend and I passed John’s house where I see police cars everywhere I’m shocked and I didn’t know

What to think think so I immediately call our mutual friend Kyle Kyle said he has no clue what was going on with JN and he says that JN had hung out at his house a few days before Kyle said JN seemed like he was in a good mood especially because he was

Driving Chris’s Beamer at the time which he loved to do anyways Kyle was actually hanging out at my apartment with my roommate this was normal as he had to crush on her so I just keep driving that way when I get to my place Kyle hasn’t heard anything

But my mom calls me with the scoop she’s friends with cop wives and stuff small town stuff it turns out that John murdered Chris and he was on the run somewhere someone had called for a wellness check after not hearing from Chris for a while

The cops found his body at home I was shocked and a little bit scared as were Kyle and my roomie so we all decideed to stay at my roommate’s parents house for the night by morning the cops had luckily found an arrested JN he had taken the

Beamer so it was easily spotted at a rundown Motel about 15 mi from his home and about 12 mi from our apartment when the details came out the whole thing was even more terrifying it was a brutal homicide and it occurred days before the body was found which means that John was just

Hanging out at Kyle’s house between committing this act and getting arrested just nonchalantly playing video games and telling jokes to Kyle’s little sister acting like everything was just fine meanwhile he had stuffed Chris’s body in their freezer at home it’s insane to think about how someone could be such a

Psychopath there was really no explanation given John initially tried to plead insanity but he was eventually deemed competent and then pleaded guilty he got 30 to life in prison I’ve obviously told this story from my perspective but the person who really matters the most in this is of course

The victim Chris was truly a saint of a human being he had been my role model for so many years you just wonder how could something so horrific happen to someone so good and at the hands of someone who they had given everything to someone they had loved trusted and

Seen as a son it’s horrifying Chris spent his life advocating for kids like John and the local Center he worked at is actually named after him now as is the street that it is on I often wonder about the why of it all Chris and John

Got along almost all the time and though Jon clearly had mental health issues no one thought he would really hurt anyone but clearly something was very wrong with John that we missed they say hindsight is 2020 and I can definitely look back and think of a few strange instances with him sneaky manipulative

And angry he eventually showed all of those traits but I was lucky enough to not experience any violence at his hands I wish I could say the same for Chris I’m thankful for the time that I did get to spend with him though and the positive impact he had on my life during

That time I know he had a positive effect on so many other lives as well may he rest in peace


  1. Ripshy, thank you for being here for me these few months while I've been struggling hard with my depression and sleep schedule. These videos always take my mind off of stresses and I am so thankful for them! Keep up the good work.

  2. I really like your writing style (and narration). Only suggestion is maybe some captions can help (I'm from italy and sometimes I need them).

  3. Over 6 million views, in one year.!? Congratulations ripshy. Consider yourrself, as already having entered the hall of greats. Every single horror genre channel i visit, people are always mentioning you in their comments , as being in their top 5 faves & how happy they are when you post new content.
    I must say , what a way to start your new year ! I am very happy for you & I look forward , to what you will bring us, in 2024. Happy Holidays🎉🎄🎁 to you & your, new little family . All the Best to you. 👍🏼

  4. I live near Blood Mountain in Ga, my fiancés professor was actually one of the detectives who helped out with the whole case, it’s genuinely insane and disturbing of what people are capable of

  5. Wtf is the relationship between the couple in the 2nd story? Going to a strip club together and then the boyfriend asks the girlfriend if she wants to strip?

  6. I was spellbound by your Murderer Encounter horror story video. It’s a treasure to find such a masterfully crafted narrative that perfectly blends the festive spirit with the chills of the horror genre. As a fellow horror aficionado, I commend the depth and ingenuity of your storytelling. Keep redefining excellence! 👻

  7. It's really sad trying to relax and sleep to these videos with ads suddenly popping up out of nowhere 😢

  8. Yeah seems like all these scary stories or bought too us by scams adds. Talking about all this free money the government trying too keep form us now putting all your information out there's now that's scary😮.

  9. The second story was really stupid that's girl and her boyfriend why is it so easy for a man too wasn't money on sex but don't won't too pay for the babies sex makes you took our children's child support too the strippers club when you knew Johnny need new shoes and clothes and you stuff the kids money down some strippers underwear she's wasn't wearing none get the hell out of here go stay with the strippers😮.

  10. Nice boyfriend wanting her to strip for money,and shes creeped out it was the sàme guy from the night before😮,ditch the boyfrend money is more important to him than you.

  11. Story 1 isn’t a murderer
    Story 2 is beyond fake
    Every single detail you encountered is exactly the same as the serial killer yet no one wanted to talk to you or ask you any questions, make sense
    $500 to strip 👌

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