Shoulder Impingement PAIN RELIEF in 5 Minutes (Faster than Tylenol?!?)

Need immediate pain relief from your shoulder impingement with a few simple exercises? You’ll learn how to settle down your shoulder pain and get you on the first step to long-term restoration of your shoulder.

First, learn about shoulder impingement and the three main root causes — all of which are fixable with corrective exercises that we’ll link at the bottom of this description.

You’ll need a few pieces of equipment: a foam roller, a massage ball (or tennis/lacrosse ball), and a long strength band (or a belt/rope/bungee cord).

The first exercise will help break up any adhesions in the tissue and release tension from your shoulder muscles.

The second exercise will help mobilize your spine. Getting the thoracic spine strong will not only help your shoulder pain but also begin improving posture. It’ll activate the deep muscles that let you hold good posture effortlessly all day.

Pay attention to the cues on the third exercise. Keep your shoulder from rotating forward.

The key for the fourth exercise is in the setup. You’ll want your shoulders down, shoulder blades pinched together, and the top of your shoulder blades pointing back, behind your head.

If this reduces your shoulder pain, click the like, subscribe, and notify buttons. You’ll find new information each week on how to keep moving freely and without pain and help others discover these exercises, too.


00:00 – Intro
00:26 – What is shoulder impingement?
01:22 – Root causes of shoulder impingement
02:37 – Shoulder impingement study review
03:23 – Exercise equipment needed
03:42 – Exercise 1: SMR Shoulders
05:50 – Exercise 2: Segmental Thoracic Mobilization
07:30 – Exercise 3: Lower Trap Activator
09:15 – Exercise 4: Retracted Rotations
11:19 – Additional Resources


“The effectiveness of surgical vs conservative interventions on pain and function in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome: 

SHOULDER IMPINGEMENT: 8 Exercises and Strategies to Treat it For Good: 

5 Unique Serratus Anterior Exercises for Strong & Stable Shoulders: 

Shoulder Pain Solution: – eliminate shoulder pain with a 3 phase, easy-to-follow program that addresses the root cause of your pain, whether it’s shoulder impingement, rotator cuff tears, bursitis, scapular winging, serratus anterior dysfunction, or wear and tear.

ROM Coach app (free!):​ – our beautiful mobile app to improve your mobility and help you achieve movement longevity, includes the Daily Movement Tuneup and gives you 3 new exercises that will activate every muscle and mobilize every joint in your body every 1-2 weeks (only 3-5 mins/day!)

Precision Movement Academy: – includes everything you need to get ALL of your joints and muscles functioning properly to eliminate compensations and imbalances so you can get back to and keep doing the things you love, for life

[Medical Disclaimer] The medical information on any/all of our content is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider before making any health care decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition.

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In this video we’re going to show you how to get pain relief from your shoulder impingement in just five Minutes hey it’s co from Precision movement and today we’re not going to go indepth into the topic of shoulder impingement as this is a video to get you some quick pain relief so know that this is just the beginning to a long-term solution to strong pain-free and mobile shoulders now I will review

Three points really briefly so you have have a basic understanding of shoulder impingement and I’ll review the results of a recent systematic review that talks about shoulder impingement and physical therapy versus physical therapy and surgery and then we’ll get into four exercises that will take you five

Minutes or less to get you some quick pain relief first up I’ve got Stan here to help me illustrate to you what shoulder impingement is shoulder impingement is when the rotator cuff tendon which comes in through here or the Bersa which sits right here get it’s pinched every time you move your arm

Between what’s the chromian which is part of the scapula the shoulder blade and the head of the humoris which is your arm bone here so it’s the pinching of the soft tissues right in this area whenever you’re move your arm especially when you move your arm up

Overhead into what is known as shoulder flexion now why does this happen there are a few key root causes number one is weakness of deep scapular stabilizer muscles like the seratus anterior and the lower trapezius which prevents the scapula from properly rotating whenever you lift your arm up when the scapula

Doesn’t properly rotate it sits forward and in a stuck position here and the tissues get pinched whenever you move your arm number two is pour posture through the thoracic spine and of the shoulder girdle so especially here in the thoracic spine if you lack thoracic extension so mobility in this direction

Then that closes down this space in between the acroman and the head of the humoris those are the main root causes of shoulder impingement whether it’s the Bersa or the rotator cuff tendon that’s getting impinged and it’s really important to because now you understand those root causes the third point is

It’s not just about stretching muscles and it’s not just about external rotations and internal rotations with the rubber band those exercises are not going to get you to the root causes and not going to give you long-term or even short-term pain relief and the last thing I wanted to go

Through before we get into the exercises is a recent study that I found the study is from 2019 and it’s titled the effectiveness of surgical versus conservative interventions on pain and function in patients with shoulder impingement syndrome and this is a systematic review in the study the authors included 11 randomized control

Trials and they found that the results displayed no statistically or clinically different between surgery plus physiotherapy versus physiotherapy loan on pain levels at three and 6 months five and 10 years followup similarly the pulled results were not statistically or clinically different between groups for function at 3 six months and onee

Follow-ups so the results from the research are pretty clear it’s all about exercise not surgery so with all that being said let’s get to the exercises and for the exercises you’ll need a few pieces of Quip foam roller or a yoga block some kind of rubber band or a men’s belt and a

Massage ball or a golf ball or a baseball gather this stuff up and then let’s get started first exercise we’re going to start with is self M fashion release for the shoulder muscles in the front around the sides in the back around the shoulder blade and above the

Shoulder blade we’re going to spend 30 seconds in each area do not go right over top of the painful area if you could point to the painful area don’t go right over top of that go around that all right so let’s get started on the front place the ball on the wall and

Then press your body into it and we’re going for 30 seconds so just rolling around go right into the pecs PEC minor and if you can move your arm around just a little bit behind you to open your pecs up a little more and get a little deeper into those muscles and

Really release them so if you’re doing the muscles not right over top of the area you’re not doing any damage so if it’s uncomfortable good it’s supposed to be now let’s switch to the sides the deltoids just put right on there the meaty part of the

Arm and roll around for 30 seconds nice and slow don’t roll too fast nice and slow breathe in try and relax the muscles don’t let the muscles tense up just all around for 30 seconds okay and then we’re going to go to the back so place the muscle uh the

Ball on the shoulder blade and in the back of the shoulder and again just roll it around under the armpits roll it around and here you can move the arm around a little bit pin the ball in one area you can move the arm around and get a little

Active self Mast release but don’t worry about that too much just getting a little release in the muscles is all we need right now so that’s the self mile fast release with the ball next up we are working on your thoracic spine with the segmental thoracic mobilization for this technique

You need the roller and you’re going to do three different moves three reps of each move start off at the lower end of your thoracic spine and you can keep your arms by your sides here fingers on your forehead so that your shoulder doesn’t get irritated and you’re doing three

Reps extending over and back two inhale on the way up to get more extension and then you’re doing three reps of a side bend on each side and then three reps of just a little rotation from there you move up a little bit higher do it again one two three side Bend one

Two three and then rotation one two three we’ll do one more area so three reps three moves three areas the highest part of the thoracic spine three reps flexion extension three reps side bending two three and three reps rotation one two three and that’s going to help to not only

Mobilize the spine into extension but also activates some of those deep muscles that we need to keep that good thoracic spine posture the third exercise is the lower trap activator and it gets the lower trap activated as well as the serus anterior and opens up the

Space in front of the shoulder for the Tenon and for the Bersa when you do the exercise it’s important that you don’t allow the shoulder to rotate forwards when you do the exercise you pull your elbow down and you open up the space it rotates backwards for this exercise you need a

Band I’ve shown how you can use a pair of pants you can use a belt or a rope anything to just get a little bit of force pulling you that way I’ve got the band I’m going to set it up above my elbow we’re just doing four reps holding

For five seconds so I have a little bit of tension here and I pull down and then I’m not rowing I’m rotating my shoulder griddle back so I’m opening up the space hold for five seconds breathe naturally and then slowly control back to the start position again that’s rep number two

Pull it down and then open up the shoulder and pinch the shoulder blade back a little bit retract that shoulder blade five seconds breathing and then slowly control it back to the start two more elbow down slight retraction and opening up the shoulder girdle nice breathing nice and relaxed

And control that back last one elbow down open up the shoulder pinch the shoulder blade back a little bit hold breathe and control it back and that’s the lower trap activator the fourth and final exercise is retracted rotations and the key is the setup we want our shoulder blades

Retracted so pinch together and we want that posterior tilt movement so the upward rotation of the shoulder girdle not the downward rotation so we’re going to start off four reps holding each movement for 5 seconds retraction open the shoulders up open the chest up and then we’re going to make fists and start

Off with external rotation and you’re trying to get deeper into the range and really pinch those muscles work it at the end range and then we’re going to rotate into internal rotation but the shoulders stay where they are keep pinching the shoulder blades together you’re going to feel them want to come

Apart don’t let them come apart now go back into external rotation keep the shoulders down don’t hike them up into your ears pinch the shoulder blades together and then internal rotation this is key don’t let the shoulder blades come apart when you go into internal rotation try

To get deeper into internal rotation but keep the shoulder positioning and then external rotation again getting deeper into the ring range breathing low back stays relaxed shoulders are down and then internal rotation think of rotating the biceps that’s the shoulder girdle movement not the forearms Last One external rotation

Nice and slow through the rotation pinch the shoulder blades down and back posterior tilt open the chest and then keep that positioning and internal rotation fight to get deeper into internal but don’t let the shoulder blades come apart then go to neutral keep good positioning and posture and

Then gradually relax everything but keep that good positioning and posture and we’re going to train your body to maintain this open position and posture when you’re relaxed how’s that feel let us know in the comments our goal here was to help you to quickly get some pain

Relief down from whatever you started at zero out of 10 if it was a five or six or an eight down at least a few notches like I said this is not a long-term solution this is just getting you some quick pain relief so we’ve got some

Other resources for you here this video will give you a little more in-depth discussion on shoulder impingement this video will’ll give you some more exercises for the seratus anterior which is key to getting long-term results and finally the shoulder pain solution when people ask me what do I do if I want to

Get rid of this pain for good the shoulder pain solution is it hope to see you on the inside of that


  1. Another good ROM exercise that feels like its getting to the deeper areas that need to be woken and fired up. With daily practice i can see it opening up the joint and freeing it to do what it should be doing without pain or restriction getting it into its correct position. Pain free longevity love it👍

  2. My shoulders just smiled. Holiday greetings to you & yours. And thanks to Dr. B. for the feasting Rx. 🙂

  3. Its amazing how these videos just find you. I believe my phone is watching me and know areas that i hurt n shows up on my suggestions.

  4. Coach Eric and team. Thank you for the lists you sent out for knee, shoulders, back, etc. You do more than you realize.
    See ya back in 2024 after a well deserved rest. Blessing for a blessed New Year ahead to you all. ❤ 🏒.

  5. Thank you. I did a couple reps of the last demonstration. I'm in my mid 70's so slow and easy. I felt unexpected muscle movement in area near and under scap I did not expect. Tingling in that area I suspect was from fascia movement and getting unstuck. I'll increase repeps as the week progresses. YOU CAUGHT ME. My shoulders were up near the ceiling. Happy New Year.

  6. This is exactly what I needed to find in my inbox this morning. I appreciate your time and instruction. Subscribed to your YouTube ✅

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