Golf Babe

Liquor Store Manager Cursed And Threatened Over An Illegally Parked Golf Cart & A PD Call

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Everything Auto Bingo:

0:00 PD call for someone who was run off the road
5:10 Discussion
9:53 Background info on the golf cart situation
11:00 Pickup of the illegally parked golf cart
24:52 Discussion

Intro Music:
Towin’ Dem Bones – (Roan/Passalacqua/Ozier ASCAP/BMI 2022)
Produced by Sammy Roan & George Ozier
Recorded at Finger Bear Studios, Greenup, IL
Matt Poss – Lead Vocals
George Ozier – Background Vocals, Banjo, Percussion, Keyboards
Sammy Roan – Acoustic Guitars, Electric Guitars


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[Applause] All right guys uh same location got a PD call in here for uh what you see there’s a waterfall over here it’s pretty need to be right there where he is aren’t you it’s okay good morning I think all it is somebody run her off ain’t no damage but okay what do you

Want to set up and I’ll just block it should be we should be good you I might have to have you back up just a little bit but I’ll yeah I’ll just pull forward okay thank you you’re welcome yeah yeah don’t oh it was yeah it was really right extra

Right I think it’s okay look like look like we that’s nobody here it’s already GE there yeah a yeah I thank you guys so much that was the wor the best C for Me yeah I’m an old lady I’m I’m an old s I’m an old lady I got town so you know okay guys um goodness breakfast in the belly a little late for breakfast we got there about 10:30 I guess but uh yeah heading back down the uh Dudley Creek

Bypass um just got that wind out done right before that poor gal we’ve been there in that spot so many times I don’t it’s like a I don’t know there’s some sort of force field right there that magnetic draw says car come to me it just pulls it’s the same location I

Don’t understand you think I mean I could understand like various places along that road but like it’s always right there that ditch is hungry it’s like Fe bir it’s so crazy we just got Coen he just helped me with one right right there just gosh very just a few days ago but

Anyway yeah got him out of there uh appreciate the officers man that he’s he’s telling the uh the the vehicle owner there hey you guys they they’ll get it out of there they’ll get it out of there they won’t damage it we got good people here and you know he’s he’s

Talking us up and we appreciate that we appreciate the support and and uh at the end of the day we got her we got her lifted up so she wasn’t dragging like she drove going in anyway and uh that one’s kind of tough the last time I got that one there I had

To do I had to lift it and get it scooted over just a little bit then I had to do a low pull to finish it off um truck placement guys is is crucial uh that’s that’s the difference between doing it in one shot and and uh doing it

In two steps or three steps not that any of them are the wrong way to do it it’s uh you know whatever it takes to do it safely but I just so happened to get that one right on the dot I guess where I it came out

Of there in in one swoop one pool but she was happy she got to drive it home no crazy stuff no oil leaking no antifreeze leaking the trolley’s out on the prow we’re back over here on the spur shout out to the trolley drivers oh yeah

For sure I a lot of trolley drivers that say they’ve watched they watched the channel yeah we appreciate those guys they they have to really navigate like tight areas I mean that’s a huge vehicle oh my goodness there’s someone running across the road I thought it was a bag

Blowing they got a I don’t they got some kind of big walking group okay big fluffy Jack over yeah at least it was white I can see her this is the dangerous of all intersections right here guys but yeah the trolley drivers they have to navigate all this traffic these

Narrow roads they’ve got that big giant bus that they’re trying to drive and it’s not like you know us or the the smaller Vehicles where you can just go and you find a little opening in traffic and you can get out there safely that trolley driver I mean there’s there’s

Our traffic down here is crazy and uh for them to pull out and have enough time to either get Cross or or get out in the lane and get moving um so guys if you see them just just kind of slow up for them a little bit because they’re trying their hardest

To to navigate this and do it safely with all of the all of the folks on on board and got to be super tough on heck yeah on getting that thing just going I mean that it would take probably five times as long just to get across the

Intersection versus a little car or pickup truck which could just kind of Zoom across in a small opening so but those people you know they’re just trying they don’t want to sit there for an hour trying to get across one intersection but yeah they do an amazing

Job on they navigating those buses and keeping everybody uh on the move not everybody wants to drive everywhere they want to go they want to hop on that trolley and take it to their destination and they don’t have to worry about pay in the park pay the park but man what a day

It’s uh like it’s about 11:00 we’re up to 62° think it’s going to be another great day I’ve got three disastrously filthy trucks not sure there’s enough energy or time for me to get those clean but I think I’m going to scoot on over the

House and try got a lot of other stuff going on here too so um yeah stick around stay tuned or coming your Way Oh Oh okay guys this guy was really upset on the phone I didn’t get the conversation this is the illegal Park Golf Cart we didn’t even get that on video last night he uh he was cussing the liquor store employee out like big time hey buddy guess you’re after are you marter marter

No oh okay no everything Auto did you talk to Jerry uh I talk to somebody I guess the golf cart is that what you’re after yeah okay yeah yeah they they towed it and they didn’t know I was in there with them while they were talking that’s how

Fast I could touch people she said oh he was name dropping I’m it’s going to be a funny name drop for cuz she said I sitting there right there and just sitting there like this and she just running that mouth and saying yeah

Was glad I did wa I see what uh so was it just a is it just a customer’s no the the customer said he I don’t know it was a Westgate I never rent a Westgate but he said that he said yeah man I guess I could park it here I’m close Sundays

Nobody calls I don’t answer the phone yeah they said they tried to call or something like that and then so this morning we’re at my other Warehouse in several by the golf course yeah and then we go in at you know 1:00 and we’re like What’s this called hey what’s going on

So I guess he told her that uh I said he could park it out my yeah I don’t know all I know is they called me and said that no it wasn’t supposed to be there and it couldn’t stay and they tried to call you and the owner tried to call you

So the thing is though man if it’s a owner to owner I’m not going to tow a businesses I’m going to try to is at least get through Monday and then I’m not going to tow another business’s yeah I don’t I don’t know never do that

That’s a Caren move man yeah I don’t know what’s going on over there she was yeah she just called to come and get us to um hey just just let her know the guy bought Peach listening to at least I know what she looks like

Yeah I got to do you got a card I got a card do I got to I I yeah cash is the only thing I can do on so you do cash yeah okay there’s uh think I got there’s an ATM there’s a bank right up here at the top but I can

Get you I’ll make sure you got the receipt and all that good stuff yeah I’m going to put it on my uh I’m going to have to put it on uh Hot Wheels I have put it on there I have to get a receipt yeah I’ll get you the

Receipt made up and everything if you want to to do that all uh but yeah they got an ATM at that bank I know that right there at the corner uh First Horizon I think it is I’ll just I’ll just pull forward if you want

To yeah unless you just want to walk up there okay okay yeah suck that name dropping yeah I’m name dropping wait till she gets a I don’t understand what’s going on what I don’t either he’s he’s claiming I guess he’s somebody he’s somebody big time and it

From one business to another it should have never been towed and like they should have left it till at least Monday I’m not why I’m not answering the phone on a on a weekend and okay then anyway he’s going up to the bank I guess okay

Then hey I don’t need it yet I’m going to leave my truck here take my golf cart CNB and I’ll be right back but you got my truck okay oh sure sure now he’s going to go to CMB on his golf cart and then he’s going to like you got my truck he

Said like I guess so what was wrong with the golf cart you’re dang right I’m name dropping I’m thinking you know I the only time I would be worried would be if I was the name dropped like if you’re talking to me and you’re the guy that you’re talking about

I might be worried but if you’re just going to drop names anybody can drop names what why is he name dropping what I don’t understand I guess he’s trying to he’s trying to intimidate her on I I’m guessing the the liquor board and um I guess and you know she’s the

Manager and uh but I guess he’s he’s in there trying to intimidate her by dropping all these names and I’m like I’m like I said I’m thinking you know unless you’re like the big wig that you’re talking about it doesn’t I can talk names I I can say

That I know whoever I can say that I know the mayor or the president or unless you’re the president I’m trying to figure out why the liquor board cares if the liquor store has an illegally parked vehicle towed from their lot exactly cuz I don’t think the liquor

Board cares about that it’s their property and they have the right to say who is on their property and there is no reason in the world that you need to leave something there for 24 48 Hours you know and they were closed last night she called as she was leaving she said

That golf cart’s still here it needs to go um she said that she tried to call the number on the golf cart nobody answered nobody answered the customer tried to call the number that was on there because they rented it nobody answered and he’s like well I don’t

Answer the phone on on the weekends I it should have just left should have left it there till Monday or Tuesday so I could have got over here and and no just because you think you you know somebody or you have the privilege or the right to to just leave

Your stuff doesn’t work that way I answer the phone on Sunday at 10:00 11:00 I had to go take care of it so he was even mad that she called us instead of a different towing company yeah should have called a different toe company they would have no that’s not how this

Works well I know uh he was yeah he was trying to name drop with me too I’m like okay but I’m glad you know them how does that affect me in any way shape or form I just remove the golf cart so pay me and I’m sorry but when people start name

Dropping I just instantly like okay you’re I just kind of like disregard all that yeah cuz it like just because you know somebody that’s I don’t know more well off or higher established or that ranks right up there with do you know who I am yeah

No I’m not real sure but uh I’m guessing you’re going to tell [Laughter] me wow some people man some people are just it’s crazy but this guy was a total totally uncalled for hateful person on the phone like he started in on me and uh wasn’t really so much about me you

Know just asking why and it should have been a different tow company that come and got it kind of went that direction but he he called the manager of the liquor store some vulgar things things that we will not repeat I will not words

That we do not use and uh and and said it multiple times and I’m sorry that I I mean even if I had caught that on camera and recorded it guys it would have it would have just sounded like this and you asked him why that was

Relevant yeah and then after he called her all those names I said and why does that matter well that’s because she’s a like come on dude and then he just hung up on me and I yeah and here we are I thought well he’s probably coming to

The lot to get his stuff and I’ll meet him over here and that’s kind of where we’re at right now is is uh he’s running around now trying to get the money to pay us for the and then he just zooms off and like so I have no idea why they

Parked the golf cart there it obviously runs and drives so he went off to the bank to try to get some money cuz I’m not taking his card not if he wants to talk to people that way I’m definitely not taking his card no um but anyway he’s supposed to

Be back we didn’t get the pickup on that last night because we were in the other truck yeah I’m sorry guys I but it was nothing really to see it was a golf cart that was left in the middle of the parking lot at the liquor store and uh

We were out and about and I was already in the roll back and I didn’t have any of my gear with me and that’s usually what it catches me I get bad times I I get caught in bad times every now and then without a camera I try to have a

Camera in every truck but it doesn’t always happen plus you know it was I thought it was going to be a slower afternoon it was Sunday and it was 10 10:30 at night those are always the times that catch you off guard but anyway I’ll um if he comes zooming in

We’ll get you back up to date what so why the heck why the heck did they leave it if it runs that’s Bizarro because they couldn’t keep it at at the Parkway oh my my misunderstanding was he uh talked to the people at the liquor store but who

Would I would never as a business to another if I knew that was another business that rents yeah you know yeah I was just so confused about the situation him man I’m a I’m a vindictive mother that 300 could cost him a lot more than what he wants to that’s crazy have you

Talked to huh have you talked to him I don’t want to talk to him now I didn’t know if you talked to him so off about it it ain’t your fault you’re the guy D dude look she said I was name dropping you call you call Shorty stooksberry

Kenny Baker and all of them and tell them Teddy Jones’s little brother is about this and they probably T that sucks man no it just sucks man I mean who would do that Sunday and it wasn’t even in her way from from cuz I called the guy said where the did

You park my golf cart man yeah you know I said you could have parked it across the street I said it cost me to to get my golf cart cuz you you park it right there he said I parked at the end it was

At the end right it was it was in the end spot it was at the end what is that what is she going to do that for at least wait till Monday or at the end of the day Monday yeah she made it sound like you know they there was something

Wrong with it and the customers had been trying to call you cuz she said they’ve been trying to call all day and then she said I tried to call him right before I left and still nobody answered so she said I can’t leave it here that’s what

She told me so the guy call me that’s Jennifer sell uh So you you’re in severville though right yeah right on the parkway he I guess you can drive that all the way that’s long you can’t you no I have to deliver it to Westgate or because a

Spur right that’s what we were trying to figure out like how does a golf cart get over here cuz I didn’t think you I had to deliver it you know and then I delivered it right there at the store and he took it and he calls me this morning he’s like

Uh he’s like oh hey would you be you know I got his insurance and stuff he’s like hey would you be able to give me a call it’s 88:13 a.m. yeah I’m thinking what’s going on well a Spanish guy rear ended him for one and broke my damn

Broke my thing then I didn’t even know he said well I parked it there everything’s fine I said okay I said I I’m busy till about 1 I’ll go get it yeah and then usually nobody nobody you see like markings on it you’re not nobody’s going to really yeah some

People will leave notes and stuff like that but man I don’t know yeah that was that was a crazy thing that’s what I thought when you was in it they moved it no that’s crazy it was in a trunk so anyway I call her and I’m like hey I

Said I missed a call from this number yeah I said is this the liquor store I said I got a cart maybe right there you know I said I’m going to come here I had it towed and I’m thinking why the would you tow it man was it in your spot and

Then I called the guy I was like where did you put it he said oh at the end and I’m thinking yeah why would they tow it yeah look yeah she does have 10 signs out there whatever but at the same time if it’s not in your way yeah man I yeah

I don’t know like I said I just I I answered the phone and uh I thought it was kind of a weird situation last night when I answered but you know sometimes we’ll get the utvs and and all of that stuff too they’ll call because their the

Belts are broke and they’ll leave them but but at the same time I was like how did they get it here I was thinking they rented it from you and they took it someplace they shouldn’t have cuz that happens a lot with the utvs no no it it

Was it was them being they’ll be up in Parson’s Branch or something with a UTV and you’re like what in the world I mean we we got those like I I always pick up our stuff you know what I mean and when the customer see it was my fault should

I should went in there and talked to the the liquor store people and said hey did this guy but yeah I’m am I going to know that you know I should that that’s what I should people do some crazy stuff my friend all right well you guys have a good

One all right guys I mean I guess that’s the story but no she doesn’t have to leave your stuff sitting there it’s uh it’s her parking lot and they don’t want anything there overnight and she shouldn’t have to leave anything there overnight you know he said he he dropped

It off there and he said somebody rear ended it and so I don’t know guys that’s the story on that he’s getting it out of here so I hope somebody knows Teddy Jones Oh Oh


  1. I think it’s funny that he was calling the other owner a Karen but he was defiantly an entitled Ken.
    Obviously he never made arrangements with the other owner to leave the carts there.

  2. I was just talking with Teddy Jones and he said anyone who drives a golf kart should be heading to the golf course unless they're some kind of stoned hippy.

  3. When I worked at a grocery store during high school and college, people would try to name drop the head store manager all the time. Some were kicked out for doing it so much because it was harassment. Point is no one cares whose name you know, people typically aren't going to bend over backwards and in some cases break laws just to appease you.

  4. Great video when I watch the video last night and when I about to post a comment I couldn't do that because some reason your video was taken down last night sadly…

  5. The golf cart jerk is a real d-bag. Hopefully he watches and sees how embarrassing his behavior is. 🙄

  6. Super cool to hear you guys talk about the trolleys i actually work for a company that operates trolleys here in san diego but i think yalls is a different company and I still appreciate the moment of acknowledgement it really means alot to how much yall care

  7. Guessing that means if you need somewhere to store a couple of cars at the weekend, he won't mind if you drop them at his place?

  8. I'm glad the guy mentioned the name of his own golf cart rental company. He thinks he can damage someone else's business, we can certainly damage his business by not renting from him

  9. I saw this and thought the eedjit must be a sovcit given his sense of entitlement! You should never leave your property in someone elses parking space – I was just asked if I wouldn't mind parking on my next-door neighbours drive while they are away for the next three days for Christmas!

  10. Like you said named droppers are the worst just because you know somebody doesn’t mean it’s right you call that person say why did he do this? I have no idea talk to them. Great job you and Kristen are the best.

  11. so I work for Westgate and saw this Golfcart up in one of our lots one day. then 1/2 way through the day was at the liquor store and was like that's not supposed to be there but dang

  12. Good Morning, I am the mentioned golf cart renter in the video. I just wanted to comment and clarify one important aspect of this issue. I did ask the liquor store for permission to leave the cart there. Saturday night near closing, I went into the store, there were 2 guys and a woman working. One guy was stoking shelves and when I approached him, he informed me that his English was not very good, so I waited in line so I could speak to someone behind the counter. I was able to speak to the woman behind the counter and explained my situation. I had rented the cart for the weekend but had to check out on Sunday and the rental placed was not going to open until Monday, I asked if it would be an issue for me to leave the cart there on Sunday, so it could then be picked up on Monday. I first asked if I could park it near the road and she informed me that was the fire lane and wouldn’t work. We decided that it would be best to leave it next to the shed as far out of the way as possible. I also mentioned that if this was going to be an issue I could try and leave it up on the hill in the Westgate over flow and she said no, Westgate will tow it. So she stated that I could park it in the lot next to the shed. Sunday at check out between 9-10 am, I parked the cart next to the shed.

    I was very pleased with the customer service I received from the owner of the golf cart rental, he was gracious enough to drop it off for me that weekend and it is unfortunate that this situation has occurred.

  13. why no guard rails along the road in the Netherlands (Europ) we have Guard rails along such roads

  14. I apologize for the video and my actions that were horrible and disgusting. I deserve everything that is being said and I am Embarrassed and should be. But there are two sides of the story and I'm not justifying what I did because it is wrong to the fullest extent. I think people should know what happened. My customer explained that he talked to the People of Liquor of the Smokies, and they said he could park in their parking space they have cameras in the store proving that he did do as he says but I'm sure they won't show the video I should've called myself lesson learned. So Monday morning we were going to go pick up the cart from Liquor of the Smokies and received a call from their store and I said I was on my way to pick up the cart and she said it has been towed so at that moment I was confused she was really being rude about it and I tried to explain the situation and she said she tried to call us I said we are closed on Sunday so basically she said too bad. I asked her who Towed it she said Everything auto little did I know that they are in cahoots together. I was informed later that the owner was told and he said F*@k him tow it. I'm sure that's on their camera as well. So, I call I think Jeff at everything auto I'm sure he already knew. I admit I was not happy at all, but I was upset with the Liquor of the Smokies not him. so, I wanted to see if Liquor of the Smokies had cameras and see who I was talking to and went and bought a small bottle of crown peach and while I was in there, she is on the phone with the tow truck driver colluding, so I go to the counter, and she starts talking smack about me to me not knowing it was me! I didn't say a word and walked out camera shows that too! I get to the place where they told me to go, and the tow truck driver pulls up and the video starts. It's funny how he was acting all cool but goes in the truck like a saint and talks crap like a coward. Knowing he was recording and even trying to get a reaction for click bait. To be honest if I knew he was recording I would have probably not tripped out like an IDIOT! I've tried to contact both companies to apologize before this video was ever released and no reply, they knew they wanted to put this video out with malice. Yes, I did name drop. And I was a POS for doing so. I deserve everything said for my actions, but you know who doesn't. Everyone I name dropped and Jeff knew this, but he released it anyway without taking those names out I'm the one that deserves this not them. but he did it for Likes so he can profit off of it. I was basically his customer unless the Liquor of the Smokies pays him too. but this is what he does to his customers records them and blasts them. I'm a lot of things but I would never do that to my customers because without them there is no YOU! Now I am getting death threats and I have small children you can punish me all you want I am taking full reasonability for my actions like I should but don't punish everyone for my mistake Please edit and take them off your video unless your likes are more important than the people involved.

  15. The old do you know who I am or I know this person. Wow so immature. I always say the same things to them “don’t know don’t care” or “If you know that then you should not have to be reminded”.

  16. Why are you all so addictive? I found you about a week ago, been binge watching, and subbed yesterday. I swear there must be some subliminal messages in here somewhere 😂 seriously, I am enjoying the content and look forward to more great videos! 💞

  17. The only way name dropping affects me is if that name is handing me money. How petty! Some folks need to grow up and be an adult.

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