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Tom Garratt:

N One two three let’s Go 1 2 3 Let’s Go He One two three let’s Go One 2 three let’s Go N 1 2 3 Let’s Go 1 2 3 Let’s Go Yeah Yeah 1 2 3 let’s Go it was the Friday before Christmas and little Sheffield United went all the way to Villa Park Chef United it’s fing football on a Friday hey go uh as you can tell guys it’s the Christmas special stream cuz we’re not going to be here before the new year

So you already did that well I didn’t know you could actually do that on live do yeah man look at this whoa wait so every time the say something stupid we’ll do that can you can you what’s up up is that the sound of [ __ ] Tom it’s the police behind you

Run dude it’s also cool doesn’t this look cool yeah I the viewers will love that Boots Were Made for Walking guys it’s a huge game tonight it’s Aston Villa versus Sheffield United top of the league yeah but then Arsenal go back top of the league tomorrow against Liverpool

So if you I haven’t looked at the table if Villa win tonight and you two draw tomorrow let me have a look for you th are they top at Christmas well Tom the answer is yes I’m going to have to drink a lot Arsenal on 39 Arsenal 39 points

Liverpool on 38 points Villa on 38 points oh my [ __ ] god Man City are nowhere near anything we actually could draw as well you might have to drink a lot we did that anyway wait does that mean Man City could be out of the top four at

Christmas if new if Spurs win toas like doesn’t matter yeah possibly wait they will be yeah they will be yeah if Spurs win they will be out cuz they don’t have a game this week and Newcastle United ruin the coefficient so they’re not even going to get Champions League in fifth do you

Know what we should do instead of talking about this [ __ ] game do our Super Six predictions which I’m doing right now Spurs 2 oh yeah by the way guys before we do what Tom is alluding to uh Super Six this weekend is a million pounds million so so get

Involved like if you if you don’t play it if you’re thinking of playing it for the first time this is the perfect opportunity to how much1 million um but take itead go on oh yeah and the code to join our league is pt23 I think I think we should wait

Secret Center for a few more viewers yeah let’s let’s simmer but let’s simmer I reckon we do it 10 minutes before KO but we should say you know I’ll KO you we off screen said who we going to be getting secret s for none of us know and

The limit was5 pound and it’s a it’s one press up for every pound over the 15 limit you in one of my video ideas I’m not going to lie I’m I’m 99% sure I’ve got the right person got rid of the also he forgot Tom forgot who he got so two

People uh this isn’t part of the secret santa but because I know that Lewis Bowden is now a massive Villa fan I brought in a kit that says killer Villa oh my god wow I got gifted it who gave you that uh I think EA I think EA get it

Off yeah hey the V you’re a villa fan so I thought this isn’t part of theer I just I thought embarrassing supporting Villa by the way I’m not supporting them I’m just saying they’re going to do well got Lester Ram is on Super Six yeah yeah

Where R in the league bottom yeah like they’re dog [ __ ] 40 L them it’s a Christmas kit 21 Arsenal I’m gone for by the way yeah it just came through the post it came bar yeah it came through the post today and I thought it was

Quite fitting for you yeah it’s cool man of the Villa that is the type of thing you would wear as Welly it’s a good no that’s a good little F side top isn’t it yeah that’s what I thought yeah man there you go oh it’s actually proper W

Though man you should wear it to a rave then when people drop when people drop Mandy you can just go in their face and go what what’s Mandy who’s Mandy why are you taging Mandy to that’s actually pretty lit that looks pretty cool yeah that’s [ __ ] hey I’m not I don’t

Support V I’m just acknowledge the title race do and then you switch to all Newcastle what you say um we’ll see how the season progresses it’s not looking bright but without exit from champions league and The League Cup we so now are you in the title race I’m not writing us off I’ll

Never write us off so are you in the title race no you’re not we’re on the brink of being out of it or no interesting question in your opinion who’s actually out of it then because you said everyone’s in the race they’re not right in the one point we’re

Around and then they just like Dr so Brighton are out of it and everyone below Brighton are also out of it yeah that’s [ __ ] that’s R yeah I just don’t see anyway City get back into this God he’s back he back see as we’re going to do

Like uh secret Santa and all that stuff prior to kickoff should we just do the lineups and everything now yeah yeah because there’s an interesting lineup for Aston vill because Matty cash starts well no because Kamar still out as well Al so where’s Diego caros that’s what I

Mean is he still out that was last game when he that last game yeah B and obviously pal is injured but where’s the Diego Carlos uh just hasn’t got the call up ahead of cins apparently he’s benched Diego Carlos that means it’s Emmy Martinez in goal Matias cash coner

Langle ex barer D left ex barer D future Liverpool kad’s XB right yeah really yeah PSG barer yeah mad ever uh Bailey Douglas Louise that’s my player FPL y penalty Merchant y uh Jacob Ramsey John G also xer jump again uh and then diby and Watkins uh Dar is obviously X

Barer Sheffield United they got foding him lukoi trusty Robinson Boggle or is Paul Maron calls him Bole a Bole with an awful tackle bugle okay uh slaman uh Brooks no what duza Costa balduck and Cameron Archer up top Cameron Archer he might be coming on for

Me if Gordon’s not playing is it um what’s his face Chris wild is Chris Wilder yeah wow [ __ ] Villa are GNA win like8 nil it could be like 5 nil for I’m hoping Watkins gets five and so does Douglas leiz oh that’d be cool wouldn’t it and coner also gets hatrick yeah this

Ain’t looking good you got three you got three V players yeah Jesus I have done I’ve had I’ve had three Villa players of Ages I bought in pal Torres last week and I just replaced coner this week so annoying though isn’t it but got super chat from Jack Stewart the 499 not a

Question just wanted to say hope you have a great Christmas and New Year brackets Tom don’t get too drunk we can’t promise that I’m afraid on a scale of 1 to 10 be honest with your family on Christmas Day how drunk do you get 9 10

Really family but on the night going I couldn’t do that oh I’ll get [ __ ] fast with my dad all the time no on the night I’m going then we’re going snow on Christmas day no then on the night we’re going around my best mate Al with all his family and

Friends oh that’s cute and your family friends of his fames yeah yeah yeah that’s really cute actually class that is class you go around get sh well no basically sh [ __ ] face M go around to get more [ __ ] I’ll wake up on Christmas Day open presents no no no over Chas so

Open presents go back no then then sleep until dinner y then or what time what time Christmas din you sleep on Christmas day yeah sleep before dinner yeah all of my have time that we’ll have like books we’ll have book i’ have open presents be like so okay so cuz

Obviously we’re not we’re not going to see each other on Christmas day or brush love you Mom I I want to I want to see what the Tom Garett routine is so so Christmas morning what time are you getting up at 10ish okay tennis you gone out the Night Before Christmas Eve

Yeah ask question yeah we’re going through the Tom you know you’re 10. wake up you know you’re 10 a.m. wake up are you allowed a Layin or is it like breakfast guys we have to have breakfast together no they know not to wake me up a yeah okay so

And then you come down for breakfast prior to presents or you do presents first depends how rough I am I I find Christmas routines fascinating so basically it’s it depends how rough I am usually I don’t get home that late on Christmas Eve because it’s don’t do that

Home by midnight you’re out all day and then yeah you probably home by 121 so get up 10ish between 10 and 11 probably have a books f just to Hair of the Dog maybe maybe I don’t know maybe some my dad will have like a pork pie he always

Has a pork pie [ __ ] mental for breakfast M nice pork pie has pork pie por a pork pie and probably a Guinness um so and this is what 11:00 a.m. yeah and then you have presents before then we’ll all open now then we’ll start opening presents all of us together and

You do all the presents and same do you do all of them or do you save some no I just do them all that’s mental what you save them yeah M it’s so irritating I well you don’t let you all my brothers have start to overpower it now like no

We must do them all yeah you can rise up yeah we’re going toise up then I’ll go and sleep either on the sofa or upstairs whatever and then we got dinner what time’s Christmas dinner for you probably 2ish okay yeah that’s dinner time time not tea time lunch time dinner time then

Then I’ll eat I’ll go I’ll just scran loads have loads of wine beer and then probably have another nap and then so actually you to answer your question about how [ __ ] I’ll probably only be like five out of 10 drunk with my family but on the night I’ll be [ __ ] F oh yeah

And then boxing now we going to the races on the night RAC man RAC on the night you stay with the family get Shish are you going out somewhere yeah are you de no I didn’t I miss he said he’s going around his M’s house they’re all friends

They’re like really close friends yeah small community in Birmingham where are you from where wolves are from dley so what’s yours um I have two Christmases technically we do my girlfriend’s this year anyway it would be Christmas day my girlfriend’s and she has young nieces

And nephews so we’re up at like seven or oh God yeah oh God oh my head would be banging oh shut the [ __ ] go out thingy probably not probably not oh actually this year I might go for a walk with the dog in the morning yeah that that be

Nice just clear my head we sometimes go in the sea oh you could go and then and then Christmas evening the evening of Christmas day will go across to my mom and dad’s and then do the day again on boxing day ah you the double Christ I

Get two Christmas I yeah same that’s pretty good it’s nice yeah double Christmases I have been for the last six seven years it’s lovely two Christmases mate what about you double Christmas litmas nice Yeah Christmas double Christmas how though cuz you you I have big family oh double Christmas in your

Own family not even like sh I thought you just me your misses no double yeah big family uh but Christmas Eve used to be the best night I always I always I don’t know anymore because ever shut in Seaford ever shut we have one Pub to go to

M go to the local we’re going to go for a few but what happened was is that all this one place we we used to go to we realized like when we’re like 23 24 going there we’re like What [ __ ] hell I feel like I’m 80 years old what what I

Don’t want to anymore now we go to theb a a couple points with the lads you know Christmas catch I [ __ ] love it man maybe I’m playing golf on the 27th as well nice might even play golf Christmas Eve might I even play golf on golf day

Christmas Day on golf golf day onf on golf day well Christmas Eve is a bonanza this year cuz you got the footy on as well I I man it’s a [ __ ] banan I can never get people out now who are Chelsea Players Christmas Christmas Eve is like

You know when like there’s a derby about to happen and like everyone’s talking about it for weeks and it’s that’s what what Christmas Eve is like weeks leading up everyone’s like oh God what are you doing Christmas Eve who Chelsea playing this time Wolves yeah and how the hell

Are the Wolves fans meant to get to Stanford bridge on Christmas Eve wolves how the hell are Chelsea fans meant to go up to wolves trains on Christmas Eve it’ll be a nightmare I tell you trains at the moment are [ __ ] why do you think there was so so much uproar when

They got announced they’re playing Christmas Eve yeah it’s terrible it’s bizarre they’ve done it very odd behavior from the Premier League there but we got a few super chats um niy became a member for three months sorry Miss last game I don’t do n Nils oh did

You did do n nil didn’t you yeah technically we haven’t done a n nil we’ve never done o la la with the $5 usually I would just [ __ ] on Theo C banter okay but last stream was such a [ __ ] show Theo’s a legend for real putting up with a drunk

Reeve and blue-eyed daddy actually that was two streams ago so it’s actually you’re wrong there that’s $5 down the drain well you’re not wrong you’re not wrong you’re actually not wrong and an with 199 best boxing day game you have watched it’s got to be 1963

Oh I don’t know I can’t top my head I a oh mate greatest greatest day football in football history probably go when will still um played against um played against l l di de did you know every time man actually 16 find 40 Grand who what’s how that well still every time he

Manages a match it’s 40 Grand yeah but did you know Luke ller the 16-year-old darts player is actually the security guard on kenor road is he actually yes I check that man’s passwort I I don’t think he’s 16 I think he’s on a whole you know Lazio uh r wfx with the

199 thank you oh my god notification from weather spoons open for drinks on Christmas Day from a you actually who goes to weather Spoons on Christmas who get weather spoons notification yeah not me that’s for sure um guys fabrizio’s tweet what Fabrizio just tweeted about super league is it is it super

Super super league six what’s he super leag what has he super leaked something what are you talking about bro are you good the thoughts on the two drinks tonight one is just um flavorsome so I had an oasis zero and this is because I’m driving home afterwards driving I

Need I need I need a tiny amount of caffeine but not like an actual energy I coffee so I’ve just had a little oh R’s injured rog’s injured so we’ve won the Premier League oh was out again no so AR I don’t know Arsenal won the Prem [ __ ]

We’ve won the Prem thanks guys oh day to celebrate Merry and the Champions League it he’s going to boot it he’s going to P hamstring he’s going to slip over he didn’t right we we’ve got 15 minutes I Reon I reckon it’s good time yeah before

My uh caffine off I reckon I reckon it’s good time let’s do the real let’s do hold the let’s have to do a nice big let’s give us a big production ladies and gentlemen this is the pitchside secret [Applause] Santa and Super Chat from r99 forgot to message on the last one up

The Villa $5 from Jason hey Lads Love the vids can I get prediction for Everton Spurs tomorrow I’ve done two1 Spurs I said two nil Spurs the cor will score mate come on he always does who I think for this what happens is we all close our guys no we

All say who we got no you have to hope you have to guess oh well mine has mine has a n said mine literally says the person’s name on the rapping cuz I had wrapped so many presents I had to remind myself of whose it was oh but then it’s not secret

It don’t matter does it it’s revealed now yeah not thing it’s been secret for weeks and now it’s been revealed okay I mean yeah technically that’s the way to do it mine’s very underwhelming I’m not going to lie right who want to go first I’ll go as in give or receive give okay

I’m pretty sure I had Theo what do you mean you’re pretty mate if I’ve come away without a present here did anyone else get did anyone else have me I’ve not got no you did have me um I have a wrapped inside and I mean what do you buy the man who has

Everything you know what that my I thought I’ve thought more I’ve thought more practical things you will probably use well things guys we must say as well there was a this is thoughtful was 15 15 15 C 15 budget and for every1 you’re over is one press up yeah mine was bang

On you got cut with the frog in the corner I think you might be 16 qu well whoa oh that’s clever no you do it then you got one you know what it’s actually very need show the people I got some plasters yeah you got plasters is that for my

Hair look at what else I let me open it why you get away what is he doing what is he doing trying Chistmas day I’m trying to speed up the process so we get it done before off hey let me enjoy my moment all right I got some panad is it

Oh mate is this the liquid on or you take it as a pill pill oh soluble I’m going to have this on Christmas Day morning yeah I can’t tell you this is class do I don’t cut myself very often how have you spent 5 minutes saying I’ve

Got plaster and paracetamol uh and oh here we go I’m the that’s what I saw right you got to do them whilst the other presents are being given out [ __ ] hell thanks Tom if I if I win if I if I actually win this can I have some

No wait does do you have the receipt what don’t you need the receipt that is the receipt no look on the back yeah you never done a scratch card before not a big one like this though um yeah I got you I got you the daddy ones use your

Keys you got keys in your if you don’t got a coin I don’t have a coin do you have Co coin use the back of a key what’s going on who’s a coin I don’t carry cash mate come on use the back of a key what are you talk bro we carry on

We let while he’s doing that um we’ll go around the table uh I had Lou B you spoiling me and you’ve already got your presents yeah I’m I’m wearing it and also I got you airpods yes I feel like there a very one way street of present

Bet you [ __ ] I bet you I’ve got lues wait Tomy needs to do a pres a press up by the way yeah we’ll we’ll I need to do 11 that was 26 okay at least you keep them Cal right oh that’s a hey that’s good you

Know boxing gloves yeah I don’t have own down yeah see I I boxing now aren’t you is that the Rocks brand no no I don’t know what the name of the brand is bro did you get them Rock gloves the Rocks give you them the

Rocks oh yeah give us give us a little give us a little one two give us a little oh hey These are nice man if you win a game they’re very they’re very wolves very you know right ohone got a coin you got a coin so um I had Tom oh

For [ __ ] sake oh I’ve got good ones here then I’m happy with this I’m not a good what the [ __ ] is that why have you CET it mate you you should have just given it to him that’s embarrassing I’m not a good rapper can he even open that can you even open

That’s not a that’s airlock sealed mate that is mental I is this a human skull I I did get you another present but it didn’t arrive so I’ve written an apology note oh it didn’t arrive in time well well one of them did can we get

Clos on these this is exactly how I imagine Lis B to rap something your poor yeah no it is your poor family on Christmas St when they see you’re giving them old tin foil packaging cut bro wrapped a cabbage I live and die by this

Man you going to rip it off anyways why are you making it look nice it’s only going to end up on the floor I don’t even know you can’t get that open he it’s just stuck in I needed some how do I know if I’ve won something it should tell you what

The winning if you if you win in a game the prizes year for that game when where’s the note what the [ __ ] is that it’s inside the Box oh you are such a weird guy crystal ball a crystal ball well we House of

M oh is what is this oh oh this is a going on here oh I’ve got money oh you got press that was more my apology yeah that W who W you came up with a press R that’s my 20 quid no no you give me

50s hang on hang on hang on there’s a not hi Tom this Christmas I want you to know I forgive you for the insults abuse and harassment that I’ve enjoyed this year and in return I hope you can forgive me for one of your presents not

Arriving here is an extra 20 for a bet I will be have I’ll be using that yeah but like part of it is like I’ll have you know I’ll have half the winnings okay I tell you what deal and and I also have a crystal wait what it

Do it do it he’s the Oracle oh I see the Oracle is you have to tell us what you see man I see Chef United winning 1 nil tonight you should have got him a Bible what a gospel I’m keeping ah yeah you I’m keeping that forever there so like everyone

Knows thank you mate there you are and then Theo you got read I’ve still not won yet hang on just take it by process of elimination I had re y oh he’s got two oo I went over budget by by 1010 oh so we’ve both both got to do 10 and 11 press

UPS is that one mine as well maybe okay well is this in case I don’t like this one yeah this looks like a very similar box oh sick what’s that what is it really chess set now when he goes running in the dark I thought it was chess chess it’s a chest

Light it was a chest it was a chest it’s a chest light cut off it’s a chest light it’s front and back so every time you go running in the dark you won’t die now I might need that for when you go home no

For the and when you do the big run yeah the big run yeah because you know what I’ve realized every time you go running in the dark you could die yeah but now you won’t thanks mate that’s a very smart gift yeah well put it on oh put it

On put it on is the other one really they doing a [ __ ] light show wait who is this the other one for I I have to find out W you oh is it not for me then I still not what I ain’t matched anything yet how the [ __ ]

Did M how do you right also before we start we do also have an extra present hang on hang on hang on hang on I got one more present how how do I oh I have sit down how do I put this on it’s like

A yeah but there it’s one St yeah it goes over your shoulder oh yeah I just pick a shoulder it goes over City he just won 40 by the way I do also have it’s like the suspenders yeah that’s [ __ ] oh there you go yeah oh it’s

Like a cross yeah whack it on you look like you’re like Iron Man you put it by your chest mate you look like um if youever been to SSB and the staff where them [ __ ] cameras someone use that and a hard edit one more present here this is a real

Christmas present present a real one not a secret santa present and it goes to re oh so it’s the same thing I got you an actual Christmas present oh no this is still just press UPS material it’s CU of the other no you got to open it on

Christmas day then yeah I’ll save it for Christmas day is that all right no no I want to no let’s get reaction I gave you on camera so I’ll open it now yeah open it now it is it a car it’s a piano it’s a piano it’s a football

Oh no way oh that’s [ __ ] brilliant thanks mate happy Christmas pal oh [ __ ] what the hell is that it’s a Theon mini what the hell is that it’s [ __ ] unbelievable what is it is it it’s a Min m a tiny massage guns really portable and so you’re getting in the

Tight spaces but it is actually one of them good ones so it feels you can feel it thank you so much man thank you imagine pulling that up your ass thank you is that not what it’s for yeah well it’s a travel one you can travel with

You can do on the plan right let’s do the real thing now there was I was going to have two more presents as well but it’s not coming till 27th okay so yours AR there as well right this no no real pres this uh on behalf of all of us uh

Leis is is is because you have genuinely put in an unbelievable amount of work to this show and you are without question such an important part of our Lives I don’t I feel uncomfortable nice words it makes me you want to you want to open it he should

Come here yeah but definitely do it in the middle do it in front of the desk yeah now we we we we spent a lot of [ __ ] money on no no seriously L we did so do not break that you better enjoy it you better enjoyy bring it

Close here bring it in the middle it was already open cuz I had to check it was all right we get ke that Keys you get the can you can you make it with bit wider that’s pinned in yeah it’s already been open at the

Top it yeah I I just I just bre it it back up let me point the mic this way this I be careful Lis L be careful it’s all right it’s I’ll help I’ll we love you this is very deserved we love you and you’ve earned this it’s a cardboard piece

Of I know exactly where you [ __ ] got this from as well you little bastards show the camera show the camera Lift Up Lift It Up it is a sign Bruno Bruno t-shirt authenticated wait should legit you haven’t seen the the thing there you go so you’ve got the the signature and the

Stuff on the bottom oh my God that’s so fit it’s a really it’s a really smart why they’ve done it as well I don’t really know what to say if I’m honest now you deserve it it’s very well deserved you do you work hard yeah please say thank you though

Because it cost us a fortune don’t don’tu thex have to take it home later Merry Christmas buddy you stand [ __ ] H I’m went again we just leave that there yeah leave it no leave it behind you leave it yeah put just put it behind you so F

Really like are you able to put that up on your wall at home yeah it’s going take care with it taking it home cuz yeah I’m getting an Uber like all right good who no Peter up for you tonight oh look at that’s so nice and now every time you

Go to bed just so you know a part of Bruno is in your room with you H’s inside me punching you in the back of the head yeah that’s very very very generous thank you Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas everyone one else because it’s actually a minute

Until kickoff Fu that was a good bit of time for those well obviously no one Lis knows where I got this from or we got this from it does now cuz I we had to we went to a charity du and the same charity du where I ended up winning

About £20,000 worth of things how much have you bid on this thank you for that where this will be like [ __ ] do you get my questions now I do now I do know sorry but basically I had to say no to all of them do you remember that she come over she’s

Like you do you realize You’ve Won like 12 did you say no to them I just remember Comon over and chat to you cuz you must have like yeah she was like you’ve won the trip to Prague to Vegas and I was like I don’t want it I can’t [ __ ] afford all

This what do you have to look for I got to get the same I got to match it but then I also got a year here and you got to get a year for that game win 100 grand every month man that’s too confusing I got I

Basically got a match to oh oh I’ve won I’ve won s have you actually what have you won match two idental winning prize double to win I want 20 quid 20 quid gotch what about the bottom the rest of them I need do I [ __ ] 12 quid what

About the rest of them I’m going to do it now there a bunch of Super Chat okay yeah super chats um we got any further back than that hey Lads Love the vids can I oh that’s done sorry apologies toast Malone welcome back Jingle Bells Theo head on almost smells mudri all the

Way oh what fun it is to bottle a one horse title race up the pitch side Merry Christmas Lads he’s always good man his donations are sick and then Paul 202015 can you donate the money from this Super Chat to West Brom so they can fix their gate the M wolf fans smashed

Or maybe get a new Striker wolves AE good where do I take this into good one bro uh just a shop yeah any uh agents I think probably the sh down the road where I got it from really yeah oh sick uh right on to the how how do I

Hang this cuz I feel like it’s a bit heavy nail it or put it on the floor against the wall or get three M strips the velro ones on the back holded yeah oh ask me dad he’s done yeah wake up halfway through the night and smashed

Well you leave it there as a permanent feature yeah just hang it on the wall right yeah then there might be something on the back where you can hang it anyway games kicked off guys it’s Christmas I’ve got I’ve got I’ve got one like that for Kuma so but I don’t know

How my dad did it in a row if yours weighs in more than their right I want to get this um if yours weighs in a if yours weighs more than theirs win a prize okay oh so you got a find all I see right you say the

Back as well first he signed the back or is that just an authentication the same yeah cool first one is 12 G oh [ __ ] hell and there’s it so mine need to be higher than oh so you just need M need be below 12 yeah below 12 oh it could be a

Pen oh uh Freddy with 2 pounds thoughts on Chelsea’s win over Newcastle yeah we haven’t really spoken about that no no let’s let’s not you know let’s just GL over that it’s okay right fine it is Christmas you Chelsea beat Newcastle when did that happen in the court finals

Of the carab cup a pens yeah who missed trippy I think trippy missed a pen yeah and and gave away the go trippy lost them another game like three in a row he’s lost him we we leave him alone you know he’s done a lot for us we just

Support him and hug him and what happened again newcast trippy gave Madrick a goal they went to penalties they’re actually out yeah Newcastle they’re out of the League Cup they’re not in the CH League out the title R it’s almost like it’s unsuccessful season I missed all of that that’s silly and

They’re going to lose to their Arch rivals in the FA Cup yeah cuz they can’t win any game imagine if that happens by the way we’re going to battle at what point do you come to terms with the fact you can’t can’t win game away from home

We can we can I promise we just a I was three Gs away from winning 2 mil Jesus if yours sure doesn’t say 100 yeah if I could could I change that 16 to 20 you’ll never know what would the felt tip oh here we go

D do what this kit is outrageous by the way the sheffi United oneu it’s like Watford Vibes oh yeah Aston Villa versus Sheffield who thinks winning this then guys oh I think it’s going to be one n Chef United vers you know if it’s like 3-0 first half leis and it’s like an

Automatic FIFA forfeit can we all just go home I think so Christmas in it yeah yeah cheers guys you already know where the outcome is see you later right I I have completely gone with my uh heart over my head and it will be one Chef United and Cameron Archer will score I

Wouldn’t mind actually cuz he’s he’s first on my bench i’ [ __ ] love that I need gold Maas kashki if that happens I will I’ll spunk on this table on on camera thingy um the interview is prior to this game in the press conference is like uh is there any doubt about C being

Able to play and basically they were like well he’s been bought so no he’s not owned by oh um are we doing Liverpool AR or tomorrow no because we’re all going home for Christmas home for Christmas me and re are literally driving we are literally driving home for Christmas tonight

Literally driving home Watkins n no League one win Captain Watkins our group Captain son that means someone’s going to bark yeah it literally does um right the two numbers add up to exactly 10 win a prize oh yeah but that requires you doing math you want to PR so I need two

Two [ __ ] got six oh that doesn’t win oh he’s on solid as well let me just good pass out was that m is that 13 or three my gun that’s not very fair is it it gives you 13 as the first number imagine oh no oh that you’ve been baited there

Baited least you w 20 quid you got one left this is doing my Sweden okay right in a row match two identical symbols to win a prize it’s sh okay Boxing Day stream uh no because it’s boxing day and we have a live yeah um the only we we get

Off Cloud son or suitcase you got to match it though so surely you know what to look for you just look for another Cloud son suitcase have you won no imagine if you actually just worn lot a million pound that would be a would on

Stream I saw a you know some like on on Twitter those random videos pop up and they’re like really old clips and they’re just these random accounts from like they’re called crazy Clips or you know like historic Clips or whatnot and there was this guy that uh woke up from

A coma what the [ __ ] uh after like two years when he was supposed to have died and he basically the doctor was like you should have died this is crazy go put a lottery ticket on uh and he went out and bought a scratch card first scratch card

He bought was quarter of a million pound he’s like I can’t believe it I’ve just won £250,000 isn’t that no isn’t that the guy who no didn’t he win is that Dynamo no no no you’ve got that wrong what what happened was the guy no no the

Guy won the lottery on a ticket right and they reenacted it on camera like to be like this is what gu did went in and then went I call I’ll call bloody believe it I’ve just won another 250,000 and he won again and he won again yeah shut up it’s [ __ ] mental

Wait have I just completely confused stories there yeah I don’t know what the com on is all right hey another stream where Theo doesn’t even watch the game uh because I was doing my scratch yeah he was opening his Christmas is this Christmas do we have to abuse abuse each

Other on Christmas sorry Jord app it was just a straight line mate I’ve confused two different videos hey Tom technically you’ve gone well over budget now no I haven’t 20 quid overd I I didn’t spend 20 quid though thank you which one was it [ __ ] which one’s the

Winner that’s the winner that one’s the winner where one one right to be fair you just keep hold of both and then double double double Owen Coy won the double let me see where you actually won left so how does it work that’s a good

Win that is you just you match them and then you get the 10 pound underneath yeah [ __ ] sick I want 20 quid that’s pretty good you know where’s the 20 double what 10 look to win double the prize it’s 20 quid a that’s like having

A three to one winner so so if You’ have got two matching shapes it would have been the actal amount but because it says double you get double the amount yeah oh what a touch that was imagine that said 100 Grand [ __ ] then you would 200 Grand yeah that would have been

Litmus litmas yo thanks Tom really appreciate it a Merry Christmas to all to all night thanks Ollie Merry Christmas to everyone but Louis no leis deserves it as well but the moment Christmas is over he’s back to being a scoring little you have a you have a crap massage gun don’t

You it’s like yeah it’s not it’s not one of Amazon ones yeah yeah I’ve got two of them actually Welcome to the Real Life thanks man why is it so small to get into plac big ones can’t mate that’s going to honestly you’re going to be like oh my God I’ll

Never go back to the Amazon sh once again really yeah just so handheld it’s pretty mental that uh you were using the and Sh ones you are using a high price one there yeah how’s that they’re both top of the line but going to sound great

I’m but you can take that with you wherever you go I thought yeah yeah that’s supportable that packs a punch and it’s miniature take it away to like you know H Barcelona and stuff like that yeah are you doing H Barcelona no but I’m saying if you could take it can you

Are you ready for hro London M oh good pass go feeling like super fit I’m ready for Manchester I’m not ready for London London London’s the one we’re doing oh yeah [ __ ] you’re doing Manchester the first you making a video on this one or not y [ __ ] well you can

Also make a video on the London one yeah I wish I did the one back in [ __ ] November I have to man I still can’t believe you’s got me this by the way I mean dad’s going to be [ __ ] well not [ __ ] but he’s going to your dad’s

Going if that’s the way your dad’s inclined on Christmas then fair enough I don’t know if you remember but there was the Bruno and the trippier one yeah oh yeah there was did did you you go for one be I’ll beat on both you prefer you prefer Bruno then right I think that

Yeah they’re both are just on like level you prefer Bruno prefer Bruno we agreed on a budget and I is Bruno’s going to go be Club Legend sort of thing so like yeah cuz tri’s kind of like ruining his reputation Now isn’t he no how old is

Kieran trippier like 36 31 32 I think 33 32 33 chance oh Penny that’s a pen He’s 33 that’s a pen stop calling for pens for Villa he’s got Douglas re in his P that could actually be a pen ree is your auntie getting bench pressed for three times eight after Christmas lunch

In the back in the back that could be a pen I don’t even know if are Jims open on Christmas oh well the 24-hour ones are oh God he does that is actually a pen that’s OE Watkin’s assist and Douglas we penalty he does barge him

That’s a I actually think that’s a pen oh he’s definitely that is a definite pen look he’s pushed him two hands that’s as much of a pen as the foul from Jonathon on Gabrielle is oh my God why do that live right through in your head I do think that’s a

Bit soft but he probably his a it’s the thing is oh he’s May the crazy thing is he’s never actually getting to that ball they are going to give that yeah that’s just silly silly silly Defender action this is a long long night for Chef hopefully Martinez takes

It wait why is Chris Wilder the manager again cuz they’ve got another they literally no he’s looking he’s gone to look he’s gone to look oh he’s gone to look well why would you do that to us man why you doing that man oh it’s a

Corner it’s not no no penalty yes what the flip relegate him as well how would I know Jo my gun how join my gun that’s a p again that’s another handall stop asking for pens pens everywhere there three penalties Dr of Douglas with his pens please they’re

Foding him penalty save come on Chef United Chef United Chef United Chef United Chef United um if you’re wondering what loyalties we have to this game guys it’s FPL only no that’s a title charge you you’re actually a villa fan look at the T-shirt I don’t treat Aston Villa as a contender

I despise Villa that’s what I’m that’s a that is a pen that’s straight up his hand another at this point Lads just oh that’s a pen as well what the [ __ ] is going on give him a benen man i’ had threee oh here we go again that ain’t a pen

No he’s already going down that’s less of a pen than the other one that’s not a pen give him another pen man surely surely you got to look at the hand ball from Molly Watkins as well that’s another pen have three four penalties look this is a

Pen no way are they genuinely checking no way are they looking at thatal checks in two minutes it’s a it comes off his head on natural position have been robbed from five pens here if they’re all like if they’re all like miniature pens they all combined like

Power Rangers it’s like one big pen yeah good well done V Anthony Taylor’s in charge though we do a big big stinker this how big how big an autograph could you make from one big pen depends if it’s a pineapple pen pen AP oh it’s one

Pen [ __ ] I just read that as well Matias cash what happened to him man why did you fall off so hard what you on about has he fallen off he’s only just got in the team because of an injury that isn’t true yeah it’s true to be

Fair coner would be playing right back it’s true cuz actually I said coner does play right back and he’s played a few games at right back do you know what the biggest play against us at biggest Trav is having Keen over skulls instead of trending you at all time

11 hey that is genuinely the worst T ever $5 from the one dog opinions on the new Super League format what is the new super I thought it just got scrapped it’s the Champions League Super League the super Super Champions League the Super Champions League I don’t know what

I thought they scrapped the old Champions League new I thought they up the old new Champions League I [ __ ] knows what’s going create the new old one yeah um I don’t you think Chris wer looks like he’s been on holiday I hate Chris Wilder he been glowing up in Dubai I

Reckon [ __ ] him bit winter sun thoughts on the rodri injury how bad is his knee because if so you’re at the yeah what is it I what’s he doing it’s actually really bad is it I’m not too sure if I’m honest it said it was a re rupture or

Whatever from as side I’m really oh yes I just remembered I’ve got my Christmas haircut tomorrow what the [ __ ] does that mean sorry we’re talking about rodri’s knee injury and you say christm hair mean I’ve just remembered I’ve got my Christmas haircut tomorrow sorry what do

They do shave a shave a tree in the side of your it’s just you get three Min pie with it that’s not Christmas that’s Easter what no you’re thinking of pork pyus man you’re thinking of cheese and milk no I’m just when you getting yours I got mine and really didn’t go

Well look what they’ve done to me what what they haven’t even cut this bit got you got your cut in Jerusalem bro it’s just Christmasy isn’t it uh no that Bethlehem wouldn’t it from Denis Romero is so disrespected best center back in the world no he’s

Not Romero best in I don’t I think not and Owen how do I get my 100 classic footb sh vouch to in Super Six uh they will be in contact with you yeah they should email you how often do you get a trim every 10 days he does either weekly

Or every thinks he’s a footballer either Seven every seven to 10 days and every 10 haircuts right what why do I you you know what’s mad about that I’ve heard other people start using it now yeah that’s me every 100 days a pig I I say in like it’s part

My vocab what you mean is him him using that phrase doesn’t doesn’t validate the phrase part of my job part of my job is to look good on camera didn’t ask so you you should have a haircut every week this guy Oscar Bob scoring in the Champions League he’s

Your yeah see Oscar B scored in the Champions League that’s litness yeah I did stop saying Litas but that’s like lit Christmas you’re very you’re you’re a little grin aren’t you little e start itching e is a Giza want to roll with Eben arola want to roll apparently he’s

Starting tomorrow which is scro oh yeah scre Scrooge one N I got Turner in goal oh no wish time I playing United anyway United going to score man hodg Lin true true that and if not that that guy will be making another song oh dougas did did you see you SE have

You seen his latest one of him teaching H how to school finish by the way got a fake shirt on as well dhk I didn’t know he’s Australian he’s like good ey yeah he’s actually not even a bad singer either is he does he like get girls no he doesn’t whoa

10 San the gamer I looking forward to see Lewis try and talk himself out the mighty maam when the mighty maam beat them ha the L well he stopped wearing red and white shirts at that point if they win that would be so funny if they

Beat you oh no oh oh what a saying a penalty that’s a he just controll that’s another he’s controlling it with his hand no way he’s controlled it with his hand what’s did heend to doing though kicking it at him six pens Louis are you a Newcastle fan or t fan I

Am a Newcastle fan you literally just spent a lot of money on vill fan on that look at the top oh I’m not oh boys I’m not even joking by the way I actually that’s a penalty he just booted it his hand he stopped the ball going to a

Villa player oh my God what a that is real or coner more like conino yeah why doesn’t he get a looking for England by the way I think he’s been one of the better center backs in the league right going to start him over Stones uh who do we who do we usually

Take usually Maguire and Stones a it Maguire Stones CO’s been in the squads uh gay he gets calls uping yeah that’s what I mean when Ty gets pick he’s injured though is he yeah he’s out Paul ree James by the way that’s rough yeah he might be done you

Know it’s proper surgery now isn’t it yeah in Finland so you can have a few saers out there as well you to L is that where it is the surgery I mean I mean not laand La leou D yeah but when I said leis D in my England team everyone just

Told me I’m an idiot so why you not saying is loud now you know what I mean yeah you were there you there when it’s an unpopular thing you there before everyone else you should have the crystal ball trust me man’ in 10 years time everyone in 10

Years time everyone’s going to look back and say wow Trent really did deserve to go on the ultim level but he wasn’t a predict called EV man united do you mean that it’s being looked at a do you admit that stupid that was a pen oh have a look in

Your Crystal bottle tell us it does it all the time actually have a look at your Crystal Bo no oh just yeah but it won’t work for me I just want to see if give it a go you got one give it go on predict something harsh give it a go see see

What see what we come up with what are you have I already said you Haven looked into it yes I have virus with the 79 I it looked into it and said it’s going to be one mil Chef United what are you going to get for Christmas a

Bag chocolate yeah I am going I don’t know I haven’t asked for anything yeah me neither actually I’ve literally just gone I don’t really I don’t really want very hard buy for people I don’t really need I was like just enjoy giving I was just get me some

Boxers genuinely I’ve got to the age now where I enjoy getting boxers and socks yeah yeah true that socks I have an issue with Calvin kle and then Nike socks I keep getting new socks but I never thr runs away so I just got a mega sock yeah yeah you got

Get I only rotate like 10 pairs of socks no you can’t I I always have likeo I’ll get rid of like holes in my boxes and that didn’t we in when you you get like a dra what but then also when I’m wearing my crotchless boxes it’s easy access crotchless puns L he’s

Had the most chances cre for Villa this season that’s what he said that’s what he says mate why didn’t I put D into the concert oh so um cuz Moreno I caused up a bit of a stir the day on the old x xor what would

Be your death row meal oh because this also said one of honestly that you should be banned off X for that can I can I what was your his was a deep man Margarita can I please explain you wanted a pieza h a deep man and a

Margarita with the man and soup so this is a death raw meal okay why are you explaining it to us if we’ve never done this before we’ve already discussed how atrocious yours is you AR you aren’t in you aren’t in par the freshest of fruit

No no a death rone meal is just a it’s just a term it’s basically what’s your perfect meal death the fact that you’re trying to be practical and pragmatic about something before you die no comparing it against like if if you ask for a stick on it’s

Not going to be good sck it’s going to be the prison sh the prison sh that’s point they bring in you say I want a none of them going to a death raw to me Ste they’re bringing a hawk if you say want Gordon Ramsey to make you a

Beef wellington they will can we talk about this so okay you want Hawk steak where there’s no Hawk M steaks near your prisons it’s going to be called can you not live in a hypothetical world you’re stupid the only person who’s managed to make this [ __ ] oh my God how the hell is

That he how can you make just a hypothetical question about your favorite meal boring and [ __ ] I still have my same answer I don’t want to go all fancy I want my taste of childhood so you’re saying so you’re saying that basically oh you need to be practical

This and that but my my selection mine the same regardless so what you about it’s where people like all love C muscles it’s like the entire point of the enti point of the discussion is it’s completely hypothetical anything you want on the planet is available this guy in the chat says Nah

The tomato soup with L pack spread is valid for a stter i back it I’d have a bit of bread with a l pack the last the last thing is like a nice crusty baguette what did you say that or did you soup and butter no tomato soup isn’t the worst on

The list because I’ll let you have that because as a starter it doesn’t really matter anyway you’re not going to remember the the worst thing about your list is the last thing before you die that’s been in your mouth is a jelly pot a a black jelly po if I would die being

In the chair he strapped in nice and tight you’re not actually dying it’s just your favorite meal why have you made that sound so weird when they strut me in nice and tight before I’m dead and then he has a pink gin lemon that’s lovely no no I’m not having this no

Strap Me Harder son I’m a little bit piss anyone anyone who doesn’t have tonic with with with the Gin is not embarassing my stomach’s full of jelly boys Str me in a little bit out of a couple of jeans so when Charlie came when when Charlie came to visit um when

She came to visit her we went to her bar that she ordered like crumby vodka and ordered pinkin lemonade and he put the pinkin lemonade in front of me and then like you could see his mind thinking and he swapped it so like it was in front of her so

Likea that it’s like I like a pink gin lemonade but I have it on no not as the last thing I’m going to drink before andic days but not pinking lemonade that goes nicer with the black her and jelly a pinking lemonade in Black her and

Jelly just mix it in at that point you’re telling me the best dessert you’ve ever had in your life it’s surpris have Angel it’s a 10 calorie jelly po [ __ ] nice it’s lovely no no before I get electri I don’t want my stomach to be too but you’re actually a freid no mine’s

Childhood happiness I’m not going to get all fancy and Tori because it’s my last meal I’m wait I don’t think I don’t think you picking a jelly pot means that you’re completely anti I think you picking a jelly pot means that you’re an idiot no you’re Reinventing the wheel that’s a

Pen by the way that’s another one what’s your my question to you is what’s your happiest childhood meal no we’re doing the death Ro meal that’s yeah I’m child anymore he’s actually dead doug is dead I’m not a child anymore well you’re act like one eh mate if you don’t go for

Something extravagant bushed up banana am I yeah someone said you’ve made a hypothetical question theoretical 199 what do you think of wolves plus v I think they’re [ __ ] and I ha them okay Matthew Goden related to uh what’s his name Daniel not Daniel Daniel Goden what’s his name de what’s his

First name Goden Diego Diego de uh Matthew Goden what watching it work these patients are going to wait oh wait oh are you a brain Sur are you a nurse don’t put pict don’t want you’re doing brain surgery please um but ree what is your de meal three course meal with a

Drink three course meal see starts start just a glass of water with I have aide of broccoli with a caesar salad quickly I had a Caesar salad in New York without the Caesar the dressing oh yeah was Unreal yeah lettuce chicken croutons parmesan uh so in terms of like a

Starter does it have to actually be a starter all right so I’ll have I’ll probably have like chicken enchiladas to start oh good show spicy they no no no you don’t have to go you don’t have to go spicy on them you just get like you

Can choose you can choose the heat yeah don’t get hot what he doing he’s uh main meal I don’t know you smelling I love a pizza but I feel like I tell you what you have a thing the do you know yours yeah start I got two options either I already know

Your may your May is a double decadence pepperoni recor it is is it really is actually to my B then your we’re not we’re not we’re not taking issue with your main meal no one even brought that up your main meals a pizza that’s fine have what you want

You had a jelly pot to finish your life yeah because you’ll be full man St are either going potato and leak soup with a nice with a nice bit of sourdough and butter or I have uh cheesy garlic bread from Goos in Seaford it’s [ __ ] lit uh and then desert what about your

Man oh Pizza you can have cheesy garlic bread for your s and then a pizza you and then then have a cheese I have a cam bear for dessert no I wouldn’t really I’d have um have you ever had them like chocolate pots at like waiter’s finest on the goo pots no

Not the goo ones no they’re like they’re like domes and then you like mix them together and it’s like it’s [ __ ] so I thought you’d go fancier with it I like that I respect that I don’t care about your respect I don’t respect you I have i’ have a top

Of the top of the range Elite T cookie though I reckon oh [ __ ] yeah man something from bis spread on it chocolate sauce ice cream cre I think just oh I didn’t I didn’t tweat mine so mine would be um muscles to start shut such a little this what I mean I

Mean mus garlic sace no one you didn’t tweet it cuz you’re scared of get [ __ ] video on it I did a video on it that’s embarrassing you’re a Tory then for me I never would have thought that Tom gar is a tour bet some fancy wine on jelly babies and you’re muscles jelly

Babies are actually better than what you’ve been oh have the blue Skittles of tropical oh M you could well you just put them brownie as well have squashies for M I had just a filet steak I Ste with mac and cheese and then beef dripping fries oh oh yeah and then

For for dessert I just had apple crumble Crum vegetables homemade apple CR lemang and then a bottle of red wine oh what is [ __ ] that is I’d have an Oreo milkshake really good cool yeah I like that KFC one used to Doc Crush orio used but when you’re drinking it it doesn’t

Quench your thirst aass Point t water as well don’t you with can’t course you can have tap water in a prison you worri about being hydrated you pink G lemonade yeah but it goes like you know what I mean uh like milkshakes like EA like a hamster no

Milkshakes like get stuck on your tongue it doesn’t cleanse your palette stuck on your tongue what are you clear it’s not you had a [ __ ] Pizza Ro I’ve got top of if you could a snack into it what would you have oh I cocktail chrisand por cocktail Chris

Sandwich that’s not snack that’s a full on you can have the crisp how was a sandwich not snack that’s like dinner does does do nachos count that’s a good sh I’d have poutine is a snack I feel like snack’s something more like accessible quick you don’t have to cook

It you just pick it up who oh um scampy FR that’s right how about just Scamp here to start chicken tenders noien I can whatever I want in why can’t you that’s not a snack that’s an appetizer a snack is like is that an appe saying

So I said oh chicken tenders are a snack I wouldn’t be allowed to be sered them they’re not a snack yeah Sor that doesn’t fall in the snack they’re bar snacks think of bar snacks by the way ow super sick also thought of another death row meal main course I’d bring back the

Chicken Legend salsa God you’re so weird s you actually actually don’t have a very chat’s calling you chat’s calling you a t he is a you don’t have a very developed pet do you bra you’ve gone for a steak M stick to your roots look I know what’s happened to you you you’ve

Gone all big time and now you’re like oh I’m having muscles with a garlic white wine sauce wine as well oh Blanc is not a red wine mate yeah you know Tor did you just say s Blanc I love s BL white wine mate

Like to know the red wine I choose is a bolo unreal you are roric okay what you think of me oh he’s [ __ ] he he missed all those chances against Newcastle didn’t he Tori Bara bellaaa yeah when they played inter you thick idiot X podcast who who have Newcastle got in the Champions

League next I’m not sure Douglas red card please oh my God red card whoa ref’s attacking him there oh he’s actually off oh my God he’s been sent off he’s actually off I’ve got the notification saying Theo you’re ugly something that call someone else ugly is just insecure about their own looks insecure

Insecure oh that’s not very so close to these good comebacks and Vortex with one [ __ ] H not the one night9 the 9.99 vort oh that’s a dirty foul from Norwood there Vortex just want to say hope you at pitchside have a wonderful Christmas and happy new year thanks M can’t wait

For more content in 2024 there’s more content on Christmas Day mind New Year what time CHR day we can oh Douglas I think we’re looking at we can we can talk about that tell them what it is yeah actually might go for a nice A5 wagy steak slic right come on

See that’s a good that’s a that yeah go on then you see no cuz it’s your creation mate coming out on Christmas diet so so I need I need more I’m sorry I need more to wait for the lights I now over to Tom coming to you live on

Christmas day around midday it’s not live by the way it’s edited yeah right start it’s not live okay no no you could leave that in coming to you live but it’s not live it’s edited but it’s also live yeah okay we’ll start again coming into your room right after Santa comes

Into your room is going to be us on Christmas day where we give you pit sides big fat football quiz of the Year yay sound effects have you watched it back is it good um I’ve watched as much as I can I’m not going to lie I’ve

Barely had time but the bits I’ve seen are very good but it is what well is it 11 rounds one game had to be cook cuz it was [ __ ] he only spent 11 rounds of just pure football how how’s he spent six weeks on one video and still got it

Wrong that’s classic P you did a great job Le it should be a nice little you know whilst you’re waiting for the family to arrive while you’re having a few drinks you know you know no one wants to watch the [ __ ] the King speech or St it little for the 100th

Time or [ __ ] Die Hard come and watch the pit side Lads have a bit of a giggle and for an hour and a half someone’s asking how longer this an hour and a half special and we went all out for this it’s and I’m not going to lie um me

And Theo got a bit it gets spicy oh yeah you weren’t you weren’t away yeah that’s what really sell it mate I just remember being angry at Louis yeah classic Christmas e yeah come on we’re just like a proper family L it’s a top tier theaker performance it really

Is to be fair by the way just I actually had a really I actually did really well in the quiz I can’t lie yeah you the you love the name of it as well I’m SC it’s outrageous you did that by the way it’s over there if you want to leak

It thoughts on the absolute stink at Arsenal Liverpool clip you posted today Louis I’m not taking the L on that oh well a good boss blames himself I you I let you guys I’ll let you guys into a little secret right so I was the first to realize what Louis’s how was so

I put I put in our pit group chat oh what Hower that video has to be taken down uh and then L responded with what PR video thanks for that mate always always supporting the I was confused cuz I seen that I was doing well oh yeah yeah it’s basically because

You decided to re-upload the top transfer targets one yeah people liked that one you know they they just didn’t like it for the second time with a different title and thumbnail hey I actually saw a few bit of Defense about on the de shout you were playing him

Down he’s played at the top teams in Europe no I’m not you have this cuz he’s an evertonian let me guess one person said it moment all the all the Liverpool fans in the comments said that would never ever happen what did you have to do sorry we did we picked one position

Or player that each Club from the Premier League needed and he said Liverpool left back look in Roberts they got yeah but he’s injured yeah we said Rob be back they they shouted at me for saying a for Crystal Palace it’s not a bad

Shout the ox for was it Luton the ox oh pen oh that’s a pen is that a pen theor Chamberlain yeah that that’s a great one for l no you didn’t say Len Burnley you said o CH you said o Chamberlin should uh move to Burnley because his family’s in

London no he didn’t he didn’t his family are actually from Southampton yeah I know is that Tom’s take on the Liverpool AR tomorrow is shocking what was your take what was my take oh I think I think Arsenal win who what’s the joso shout what was that about he said what you

Said they need Striker depth husto that’s a pen by the way that’s actually a pen is he going to get looked at that’s the seventh pen of the day that’s no pen go on I love I love oh my God [ __ ] one oh he’s done well oh that’s good defend God please

Win that’s a pen this is going to be Watkins blank isn’t it no chat saying it’s a pen to be fair oh oh yeah he also said West LA as that’s not even a bad idea you know yes he prefaced it he went right West Ham need to be in the market

For a quick Piercy powerful Striker he’s not P so bring back L of that yeah I like it leis I like it yeah good profile where we going is that aren’t they just bottom of the league yeah but he’s doing well he scored like bot Leon a botom no they’re

Doing [ __ ] though Z bot bot they not all to play the matches cuz Taylor Swift playing instead they actually make more money from her playing the gig right yeah they did yeah yeah t a villa scored yet man come on Douglas give us a come on Douglas no no oh my

God want a pen no my M account might be back yay Christmas a Christmas miracle have you guys been listening to Christmas music throughout this period it’s probably since start November really proba the was blasting oh mate it’s the only December where I haven’t been I’m trying to I don’t know I don’t

Know oh my god let’s do our top three Christmas I’m trying to force it in the last days a good shout uh my number one is Wizard I wish it could be Christmas every day yeah that is top three [ __ ] no way that’s not even my actual favorite

One is Happy xas by John Len that’s war is second for me is pitar Christmas day now what’s the one that goes can you start the Cav yeah I think that’s what up there you C my God it’s Cameron number one is justtin Bieber Mistletoe yeah very T New York’s always up there

New York’s in the top three it’s just [ __ ] that’s so [ __ ] boring man no I’m sick of all these ones that are too happy it’s shut up Ariana Grande Nah if it’s catching though if you really care you really care um what’s that one Ed

And John it’s quite basic but it was a good Merry Christmas yeah just C I like stepping to Christmas bi andas guys we missing one hello Mariah that’s actually your second Christmas I already said that okay yeah they’re they my top three third Wham and then wizard can you name wizard can you

Name two Mariah car songs yeah uh we belong together and um one she did about M I couldn’t I could have name another oneart from All I Want for Christmas did that song about emem it was like an emem dis how did Mariah Carey get so big is it from the

Christmas song was I know but how did she get so big We Belong Together Car Guys no no way Christmas drillings [ __ ] h no I actually have a Maro Carey song in my playlist it’s a banger what is it do I know is she like there are loads of good

Christmas any any my body do you know like driving on for Christmas when I’m on the on tomorrow it’s I’m 76 million listens a month and that’s all because of one song yeah but you don’t yeah but that’s that’s the one you listen to where you feel like

Switching off from work finally and like belong we come work mate if you sit in the office you’re working it’s not work yeah bandaids a good shout as well actually but they I don’t know if the new ones you’re a media personality that is true no I’ve upgraded now to

What together that’s the song yeah and touch my body bigger than that touch my body you get the Christmas hat she actually doesn’t have he’s got be joking here been wearing this Christmas hat the whole time has been wearing it all the time you do realize he’s slow but Tom do you

Know what I mean though yeah she actually don’t have many bangers she got like three songs no well hers but like my mom would know L your mom knows iic I know I know she iconic but why she that’s like saying name three SEL songs yeah

Titanic did you ever hear the Eminem Dis Track you did on Mariah Carey yeah cuz she climbed and never shaged yeah and then he like released like but he’s basically saying he lasted like 10 seconds Eminem went out of sh well they had a whole track before

The San dis tracks this was the the original Feud oh yeah started the original feud in the 1800s yeah not too oh come on break it villagers would get pillaged Feud is it Feud end we Bel can we Lads M this is actually such a oh happy birthday re by the way happy

Birthday happy birthday what about what about uh Tom’s birthday in January as well no we don’t talk about them they stopped us earning money for charity yeah what about pitchside P can we get a live rendition of the adbs how much money we rais for charity guys

Yeah bit let me just check not going well we [ __ ] donate why don’t you donate I have did you donate I have the same birthday Grand oh 140k views I thought it was going to go more wbl wombling cuz they got demonetized it’s yeah it’s a tricky side because they don’t like

Charity oh 200 it went everywhere on um 200id it went everywhere on Tik Tok everyone was reac to you should have put the link in the bio on Tik Tok bio H you didn’t get what I said so we did all that to raise 200 we did it for a great

Time yo Jo see my new ski jacket [ __ ] SK SK B Bop Let give Bop are you going skiing this year or next year oh that’s cold ain’t that it’s about time you got to change to be fair yeah isn’t that [ __ ] lit L I bet that’s like ,000

That is that in the no no I got it in New York oh how much $400 that’s really that’s I lost my mind I was like for nor yeah M gex North look at the detailing don’t know what TR is to go for though that’s a bit of a tough

One where the classic the or orange I could do that yeah they wouldn’t really go they’ have to go with you can’t you can’t you can’t hit them with the completely new outfit you have to just one no no but the only things that go

With that is like a is like a pasty beige yeah you should go reflective get mirror e on the street maybe I’ll go from like trendy you know that website trendy ski what’s the first line in the Christmas song it’s reev shares Tales come what there’s a l been a lot

Of confusion on nobody can hear or people say what people think they say don’t know oh that was filthy yellow card might cash send him off that was Douglas Lise both of them yellow card that pen to it’s Douglas sent offed it’s sad okay baby if you got to go away what

The lyrics again I’ve forgotten if we ever perform that live man I wouldn’t know the lyrics we do a live show then we going to perform some people like going on we going on about charting we literally can’t chart can we no we couldn’t upload it to audio platforms which was great so

My dream of being a worldwide superar we are going to have to per that live if we ever do a live no way yes of course we are no way you know the Euro you know the you know the Euros idea we have yeah there’s a as a stage

Whoa why I’m not doing that there I’m not singing a Christmas song at the Euros we’ll have to make a Euro Song then I’m going to up to that event I’m going to grab your microphone and go I’ve forgotten all the words guys why we just stop singing because we need to

Evolve as a we’re not be on the podcast moreb videos chat would you guys would you guys want to see pit we we could actually do more football content yeah would you rather do actual football content make we’re make 100% making an England gun Bo Dare To Dream is all I’m

Saying you can Inspire England to win the EUR isn’t Dare To Dream the Chelsea yeah some slogan South Gate no I tell you who it is it’s Spurs they they don’t all that to dream is to do isn’t it to DARE is to dream dream to do I

Don’t know pits side in Germany okay oh God why don’t you slide on I think I think I would if if we do a Euros if we do a Euros pit side song I would like to formally hand in my notice of not being involved in that wait really you want to

Do that well given the fact that it’s going to be German related I think that it’s not going to go well it’s not going to be German related well they have some German references W it because the euras are in Germany it need it needs to be one for

The had enough comments about German things from the Christmas song that I don’t need to be boled look like um you look like Matrix yes because Lewis put me in [ __ ] hit I will say I will say this though we need to make a Euro Song for the ages

Like you don’t want a Euro song that only goes with the German no I know I know I was making a joke about me being called a SS officer for two two days constantly after theong a bit of RPP in there yeah but I might ask disy Ras to

Jump on the C yo it’s pitch side please shut up my name is dizzy but you can call me Pitch side pitch side dizzy pit side dizzy that I was my bro Theo shut up why don’t we just get R off to write it then it

Might be decent we way to ruin what we’re doing oh well you’ve actually Ru what we’re doing yeah you could have played it off as if we’re not really doing thats on the track right well okay it’s a good job there’s only 3,000 people in Tom gron to jump on the track

Out the pitch side I I actually think DIY rasco would do it you know no he wouldn’t I think he would I re we got I reckon we got enough clout we can just peer them to do it let’s just everyone get your P yeah why don’t we get vickar

To I’ll do that oh Pitch that’s quite good you should do that as a we make two songs we make two songs the real song and then the vickar remix remix yes DJ Dirty Dirty drum and bass version yes Slim Shady no no what [ __ ] game uh yeah

Where come on Chef United we’re all by there we what do you mean by that anything anti uh Birmingham related anyone but Villa ABV um let me just check my captains andr Bas boas and right then guys okay it’s half time nil nil not the best first half but there

Should have been about five penalties Lou you got us half let me punch you once with the glove on no I don’t want that I’ll do it left hand you can actually use those for your classes now right like so if you guys don’t know LS actually goes to boxing classes that’s

Why the things are relevant I have gloves but they’re all the way back on and they’re ripped a bit so I also have to use like the Ming sweaty on got black and gold ones like a ripped tennis ball The Heist Before Christmas this looks

Like a good film and do you know what the good thing about this is um the class has 16 o everyone uses to everyone uses 16 o to spar these are 14 oz so means I can get a little bit of extra that’s just cheating Lo yeah cuz

Some use 12 though they little bastards I didn’t know whether to get you 10 12 14 or 16 but I figured 14 are probably the best for like quick pad work right yeah nice caff’s one off oh God right quiz time anyway we could get Tommy T on the track Tommy

T A Merry Christmas to you and to me that was really gnarly but guy doesn’t want to be on the truck you got some good ideas no I don’t want to be on the track if we’re wearing German costumes why not doesn’t go well what happened between oh Felipe Melo was still playing

Football in goal do you remember when he went into Suarez sign for Miami Suarez yeah look is he really [ __ ] man that’s [ __ ] crazy is Messi still going to be there yeah they’re MSN they got the back together [ __ ] imagine Neymar goes Miami he won’t he’s injured no I know but

Imagine he does right onto the half time Queen right can I get buzzer noises please yes CH okay let’s do the final halftime quiz of the year keep do just hit me three hours in the last 36 ladies and Gentlemen let’s do the final oh that is

FY everything’s too much for me now the tiredness has hit my brain it’s Christmas time Christmas time the final one of [Applause] the to get serious who’s getting the question right it’s not me cuz I am sh too much in my head right now try some of the tablets

Tongue got you oh yeah that’s true to be fair put a plaster on your eyes like this Mr be all right um question number one Ollie Watkins is only one away from reaching 50 Premier League goals which two players have scored more than him for Villa in the competition CH s uh

Chip Juan Pablo Angel and bente incorrect on a banglaore and John Karo correct on one Bongo yeah yeah he get a bongo you got tell it w John Kar not John um I will go With oh chip I know it no you don’t I do Barry Gareth Barry I can tell you Reeve you are incorrect T already Darren B oh no Baron D let’s have a clue um you’ve already said t yeah you you like no no no Ashley Young ashle no okay everyone’s

Back in your clue is he has played for Man United wait hang on it’s I’m not back in you bet they’ve had two and I’ve had one oh [ __ ] okay I pretend you didn’t hear the clue he’s playing for Man United oh is that the yeah oh yeah D

Didn’t Buzz yeah there’s a clue then man united you said he’s playing for man he played for Man United he played for Man United so he’s obviously got this record at ason Villa but he played for Man United as well in his career oh I know

It chip I’m buzzing in ready you keep saying oh I know it but you keep [Laughter] getting said it once I’ll bet you 100 pound I know you’ve got said it twice no I haven’t you have no I haven’t you have oh the chat is screaming the name oh am

I not going to get this oh guys P you for an answer oh [ __ ] I’m not going to get this am I um I don’t know pass yeah you can’t buzzing when I’ve buzzing a 100 times yeah I’m getting it after you it’s dght yor I’m can tell you

Tom you are correct I actually KN that how did I know that in my head I was going to say dght but I had no idea you played for Villa maybe there’s something some computer in there hello you can’t there is a super computer in your head

Okay F will be playing Burnley J Rodriguez could make his 250th Premier League appearance who was the last player to achieve that feat while playing for Burnley back in March 2021 in what year March 2021 [ __ ] oh uh s um chip tarski tski chip you’re next uh Charlie Taylor

Who no okay never mind uh Joe har no uh so the cre path on this fell is he went he started crew Alexandra then he went to nwit town on lawn went to Aston Villa where he played 147 games then went to Burnley where he played 162 games and

Then at the moment he’s out in Charlotte FC oh oh he was also a midfielder oh um oh is it Villa oh lur getting the answer right in the chat as well why ever wearing like a hoodie uh s is it it’s not Jack cork is

It no no he play for South didn’t he um oh that’s a tough one yeah you know we do the tough e he in midfielder Elder that’s a pen by the way no he’s not it is a tough one to be F Gary Neville said it’s pen he went

To Villa and then Burnley and then he’s now in America should have done this as the extra hard one really but I was going to say Luke young but he’s a right back he didn’t play for Burnley Either I’m struggling with this what what years was he Villa he was at Villa 2012 2017 147 games Christ if you all want to go back in I can give you the um initials yeah a w oh chip oh Ashley Westwood yes I never would have got that I would that without

The without the trick on that I didn’t realize he played so many games just a lot was you don’t watch that right Newcastle are unbeaten in their last 16 Premier League matches against promoted sides have you managed to try and make your season look good since a 2-1 home defeat to

Who that’s it oh my head in January 2021 I’ll give you a uh you I think it was maybe s s s yeah uh leads I I was G to say cor well done wow that counts as a point for me as well well done okay which ever

Player has been involved in the most goal since Shawn D took over took charge T San it’s D mcneel I think he’s right incorrect why would you flash the lights if I’m wrong that’s the difference late was he before me it was me yeah it was you before me dor oh good

D yes Mr Theo well done good sh all right wolves unbeaten in six Premier League horn matches who were the last side last a we side start that again T can you say that again please can you say the question again answering so yes do guess have a thing while say it again

While he’s thinking wolves are well no don’t say it again cuz he’s already come up with an answer remind him of the question he might change his answer no no I can say it up until the point that I sto saying it all right wolves are unbeaten in six Premier League home

Matches who were Chelsea no uh incorrect finish finish question who they seem to be who were the last aw side to win at molu chip I was going to say Spurs but then realiz Liverpool Thomas Garrett you are correct sir you can’t do the same light for yes and these are

Different lights it’s also making my brain really frazzle okay does this one help I like the you also can’t keep giving Tom questions about wolves by the way cuz it’s just un why have you keep why you doing this that was a guess J I don’t remember the game no player has

More Premier League assists against Arsenal than Steven Gerard with seven but who could move level Salah yeah it’s got be incorrect Mr Reeve thanks M chip chip chip hello TR Trend y it’s SC same lights it’s the same lights it’s different lights one’s gold and one’s red l a victory for Tommy

Garrett what’s the extra hard bonus that was it okay lucky lad you losers oh I need to go for a Wii do you want more cool lights yeah I’m going to get for oh well I’m going to have to hold this down oh right let’s have a look into my

Crystal ball Super Chat from James with one pound thank you mate appreciate it so I’m just looking into my crystal ball and it’s still saying one n Che United Cameron Archer Cameron Archer goal oh can you not wait for re to come back I guess me and Tom will just talk that’s

We’ll hold it down [ __ ] hell like don’t you think I’m I’m capable of hting on my own no and you can yeah you big div you underestimate my power man you can’t do anything right any have we got any Super chats have we got anything no we’ve got oh he’s

Choking his first time being left alone let’s get a nice closeup come on then I look really chubby on that camera entertain us entertain the masses no Theo looking at the chat was he oh was he Oh banned from bevs tonight are you Lads no me and REE what don’t don’t leave it like that please like it it looks weird um me and re are driving home after this so driving home I would have had beds if I was like staying over down in London

But is time from Dudley yes leis you can’t even upload the Right video never mind host he has got a point there anything happened since I went for a dinkle with my Wile don’t one say all you need is sorry that’s what he Says Tom do you think West Brom will get promoted and stay in the Prem if we get promoted we’ll come straight back down and we’ll be bottom oh that’s not very that’s not what you’re supposed to say man it actually depends with the new owners we got coming in John if they’ve

Got a load of money then you never know the would you say yes to Mike Ashley coming in no about about Mike oxlong yeah all no the question thing with Mike Ashley like he’d probably just get you into the Prem but then you you’d never do anything else ever so would that would

You accept that no what are these questions uh what have you got for Super Six predictions tomorrow okay Lou yeah good chat sorry I’m just showing off my brand new sign Bren G um authenticator chat yeah what would you what’s everyone saying for their million pound potential I’ve gone for 2-1 Spurs

Against Everton oh 21 Newcastle w at Luton oh I went 22 I went two I went one nil Luton little bit I love it uh Forest Bournemouth 21 Bournemouth I went one one two nil Fulham against Burnley it’s weird these predictions are why 40 Leicester against ram oh my

He has copied completely the Gary Neville podcast oh really yeah they’re the exact same scores is completely different I went 3 since when has Gary ever done predictions on his podcast a yeah whatever you just so happened to have picked the same six scores bro you think I had time to listen

To I I’m sure show his predictions on the app as well who like the Gary Neville or like jam or something what are you talking about know it definitely shows Jamie hang on a minute so I I fly in from New York go to the

Office York and then I come to P when the [ __ ] would I have time when when did you go there I’m not you should have mentioned it oh [ __ ] off I can’t be asked for this [ __ ] I’m too right well uh for a person one Arsenal I’ve gone for it’s on the how

The [ __ ] do you even know the scores so he’s done cuz I watched I watched he BL over up Podcast and watching the rivals there it’s good uh I’ve gone three N Spurs very uh 22 1 21 Fulham 4-1 Leicester and then 32 Arsenal 32 yeah oh M you just copied

Jamie carer man Jamie carrot no not not one of those are the same all six of yours are that’s really irritated me it’s true C out just so just so you know if those come in then you’re going to be showing the prize money yeah there’s no way he’s done the same

As me yeah they are they’re literally this subed I can’t believe it and he hasn’t done the same as you you’ve done the same as prove it what do you mean yeah let’s let let me go on Spotify let’s have a look at this well tech tech oh yes not even on

My re you want to see my recent search you pretending that you don’t know it’s on YouTube oh also also you could have only when you landed it’s not Spotify no don’t act like overlap first thing comes up when he types an overlap w where is it where is it show me where

It’s watched um I don’t you have a red line under if I watched anything you might watched it on somewhere else [ __ ] off I don’t I’m not I’m too tired for his bollocks why are you tired all you need is a tinle why you looking at me like what died

For um anyway slep three hours in 36 hours you’d give me more [ __ ] I’ll [ __ ] kill you I should really change change the Spur score shouldn’t I [ __ ] it man I’ve committed do you want to hear mine yeah go on Spurs 3-1 oh copy jimy car he’s not Jamie carrot Lon 1

N Bournemouth 2-1 yeah Fulham 2-0 Leicester 51 51 I went 41 and Arsenal 2-1 2-1 Arsenal two that’s say what Gary Neville did isn’t it you copy him I think he did 2-0 I have a question what league should you join cuz we are almost

A 35 ,000 uh don’t join us yeah no point you only win1 pound every weeky yeah definitely join us PTC h23 is the code I can’t believe after all the [ __ ] you tried to say about me copying going another you actually copied all these scores you’re Dam that’s that’s really it’s [Applause]

Christmas oh yeah I’m definitely having some of this oh yeah look you’re making them stressy now also the fact that you even know what he’s done actually cuz I watched it I’m not climing I watch I didn’t have a clue what he done I don’t care I’ll try one I’m not really a

Peanut butter I’m not pretending like you to have not watched it you want one yeah please no you can’t have one why are you mad at me for just calling you out what are these very peanut buty and these are white ones as well that’s a very that’s a very guilty

Way of acine can I just take a few and then just eat them for yeah yeah get a few out you wait is that got double layer the [ __ ] is be careful guys it’s double layers they smell very open them you’ve never had a peanut but cup ree I

I don’t like peanut butter you it’s nice [Laughter] bro you must have had a Reese’s Pieces you don’t like that look at him get him on C you’re joking what a waste I you don’t like peanut butter and chocolate together you have the most childish taste butter you don’t I don’t like

Peanut butter why would you eat Reese’s peanut butter for a man that behaves exactly like a dog you don’t like peanut butter anytime you can start the timer again really 2 minutes late guys 2 minutes lat another yet another time again oh my God you’re useless whaty

Like and want another one yeah I I’m stuck in like a little racist squirrel I need to stay awake so you EA CH yes eat numbers is it sugar oh yeah true to be fair is there e numbers in chocolate I thought that was just like e numers everything mate no e

Numbers is the coloring isn’t it what’s an eum oh my God it’s in the coloring not in I don’t there’s e numers in chocolate what’s E number um I don’t really know this is American as well so it’s probably loads of [ __ ] in that yeah there’ll be loads of

Miniature cups oh penalty another one it’s 7 n and it’s all penalties two grams of protein in here what an old bag you eat 10 bags you got 20 GRS of protein are you a mathematician I like you you probably heard that from someone else and copied it no not happy not

Happy not on Christmas Boys Hey you do have a kiss make up say something nice about them you off yeah yeah man I’m hungry about tell us what your C ball says about second half I already have when you was having a we no you didn’t

It saying the same thing yeah I did no you didn’t oh Jack do it with 199 thank you mate you’re a weird guy sometimes you’re strer thing on the plate with a Christmas dinner and you can’t say p and blanket you can’t say Pig and blanket well I have y your puddings gravy

Um stuff’s a great member of the oh you dirty G um [ __ ] man when we serve up Christmas dinner we have like the you know like the little Calvary heater things we we have like tons of those now like of food we we have an open flame n so we B and we

Put the camp we put a spit of turkey we have fresh road kill just on the [ __ ] no no Ro men my gangsters no it’s class you have like your own carv and you come back and you pick up back what you want your own car

Yeah I swear down you and you pick what you want then you put the heater back on like being there my life and then you have seconds it’s it’s the future yeah how how much dinner food do you have like honey roasted carrots oh I tell you

What I do I tell you what I do like um as sparas do you know what do you know what youed don’t do down here no um they what’s underr if they’re done properly Sprouts you don’t do fry UPS here no what what it like not fry up as in like

What’s the sausage meat C that you get on Christmas dinner sausage stuffing no it’s like a sausage meat what do you mean what I don’t know you about it’s like just it’s just like chunk of sausage meat I know some people have like beef and that or duck for Christmas

That’s more of like a parody isn’t it a parody not I saw that go I saw that mile off oh he’s got it I was I was so shocked I think almost could say it yeah man I thought you’ve tricked me at my own game no but like you say that’s got me

Rock hard you get all the leftovers clip it put on Twitter I’ve clipped it just there you get all the leftovers and then like you just throw all in one pan the day have to fry all up throw it on a that’s called um that’s called um fry no

It’s not called a fryer it’s got a name here we go no it’s actually smash it’s um sprouts and bacon no I know exactly what you’re talking class I’ve never heard of that do it the it’s like Christmas dinner like the the morning after yeah it’s it does have a name hang

On why’ you fry it up though cuz just sque bubbl and squeak yeah I guess yeah just like that so you just throw it all oh I’ve heard of oh I didn’t know that’s is that the name for when youy it Bubbles and squeaks yeah I think think I didn’t realize that

The name of it yeah I know yeah it’s [ __ ] class that was attributed to a different thing it’s freaking class like yeah cuz it’s a second because especially You’ go on out Day drink and a boxing day it’s like class to have that in yeah you lay your where’ you go

We in Fishburn in the one Pub you are yeah we don’t go out and never go out Fishburn probably go out around like Durham or something and then go back to Segi oh not Newcastle I thought you from Newcastle it’s hard to gather gather people together it’s all to travel 2

Hours it’s newcast gatherers you are you Sil sausages I no but um I I actually like all everything on the I hate Sprouts hate them no if they’re done properly like a bit of pet or something in the class you such a Tory man you so Tor no people boil

P people boil them and they’re horrible you have to throw them off in a bit of P their class cabbage is it ra you’re such a red cabbage is all right I like that on Christmas dinner but I [ __ ] ate red cabbage I ate cabbage oh I don’t

Have I don’t like cabbage you know I can’t cauliflower is [ __ ] stupid cheese no but just T broccoli cheese is really cheese I’m real bread sauce potato that sounds so weird about bread pudding it’s bread sauce you have on Christmas never Cheese Sauce Cheese Sauce Cheese Sauce just

Can’t break down the Sheffield side can they told you one nil Chef United I can’t see Sheffer United getting a chance though they haven’t even had a shot on goal yeah but shush okay and I want another peanut butter cup yeah definely bread sauce is nice you’re

Right Jay I I’ve never heard of bread sauce oh my god get all you need is a dingle is Ollie Watkins good yes oh two balls on the pitch stop the game whoa you got double package double wrapped I was about to put that in my mouth look at that double WRA that’s

Amazing I it’s lucky does it oh your need is or someone else says no rapping someone’s other everything is a stink uhoh you dirty [ __ ] can I taste it’s not mine like I’m keeping it no it I don’t think you can do that yeah I can no one’s going to be

Here what’s that to be fair you are Talent you what you stay in the night here no I’m going to wait tomorrow I’m going to wait on Christmas Eve that jumper yeah can’t do that bread sauce is made of milk and onions with breadcrumbs and butter and added as thickeners

Seasoned with nutmeg clove bay leaf black pepper and I’ve never heard of that that’s a Super Chat there for a second could you imagine yeah Rod Rey injured yeah shocking who look at that training top that’s crazy that’s disgusting it looks like a gambling

App oh cuz of the red or black yeah po chips PR nice C his class oh Maas what C parody nuts of in your mouth child nuts of me very childish have you tweeted it yeah oh we The Lads I’m going to retweet that oh we

The Lads indeed oh I need a poo sorry excuse lovely lovely lovely that’s the monster talking mate it is who monster I dropped a free tweet and a free like shut up he made you look like a right knob oh all the replies on the uh Bruno G one is cute

Replies that’s nice John mug again finally finally some nice Christmas thingy Miggy hit it Douglas we pen I can’t believe I’ve wasted my Christ watching a nil nil it’s not going to be n going to be nil nil man ceron arer is going to get a winner the Oracle said

It I’ve already seen it I’ve watched it happen here I’d reckon you I could fit that up my ass they are quite like we like you reckon it’ll smash if you threw it to work out if you could oh man unless share his toys if you could name three

West romage albian captains from history I’ll let you have a look you can do that Chris brm correct you got this Ben Foster no Grady danana no Andros Town end Andy towns end neither no no Andrew towns end what the [ __ ] you want about towns end no uh G Barry What towns end

Roger towns end Gareth Barry uh yeah I think he has Captain does but he was never Club Captain I want a club captain Evans you can’t just look at the chat it’s void now I think that is exactly why you’re not allowed kley to have the crystal

Used to play for Arsenal well you was Z gar one yeah oh actually okay that was was going to be one I was going to say I know he’s in the chat but um z g is in the chat hey Zan Craig dawon don’t mess with the Zan Michael Dawson Roger

Banister Roger banister you’re a weird guy asked me another question and I’ve covered the chat roer banister he’s the guy that invented the what invented no invented the panels on a landing give them the question you give me on tenal [ __ ] sorry that’s a better way of saying can

You name 10 African footballers of the Year oh that’s a great question you have three lives etto yes the first one see what’s that what you we did it for they did it and he didn’t know etto was one I know I just didn’t think of it I have a

Bad memory etto Drogba yeah yeah mané yeah yeah Salah yeah yay tore yeah yeah that’s getting tricky think of the current one who’s currently a really good African player what league I would give it away ridiculously really yeah oh a men yeah oh really you heard you’re such a bad

Lawyer oh really I didn’t hear I didn’t hear re go see the thing is his brain’s processed it subliminally but he’s did you say I went [ __ ] is that so your brain actually your brain wait do that again you know exactly what that is you’re such a bad liar from the Train what

No go I’ve never heard you say that in my life oh walk assist [ __ ] he’s on the score sheet oh Bailey yeah you thought that was di no sign of Champions that Sig of a premier league title contenders that Chef United just passing the ball to them [ __ ] a

Disgrace Human by the way OE Watkins assist Captain Fantastic now the floodgates have opened Douglas weed going to score hattick wait is is it fing them’s fault they’re fing there’s a play literally tried to dribble it out and just passed it straight to Villa I need

Four more Tom I need four more I need four more oh who’s picking up Watkins what’s that oh that’s oh it’s terrible oh my oh my God this what clear it look at this clear it what oh my God that’s embarrassing that is sh good ball could

Finish as well what are you [ __ ] doing um I need four more right oh go on [ __ ] what’s his name I can’t even remember when we just did it no no he’s the guy in the world cup I think he played for Cameroon with the short sleeves no not the short

Sleeves [ __ ] his name [ __ ] you thinking about etto no he’s really famous he played in like the 9090 World Cup oh oh foul yes give a foul oh his name I don’t know who you mean I don’t think he is one there he’s holding the goal his arm there’s no

Way no way man he is he’s holding the goal arm it doesn’t affect play yeah it does yes give that give that n the the player continues that’s not evenmore same oh it’s not cuz they got the ball left leave with it yeah mahz

Yeah F if that’s given a foul it’s m how I got left they just been given to him no I’m cover chat but you have who’s the guy I’m thinking about for the World Cup I don’t know who you mean at this at this stage no you do you

Absolutely do born I’m Bard with this anyway no I got two more to get if your phone up again who am I thinking about George wh was us wasn’t he no George is Li Libya Liberian George oh George we I think he’s I don’t probably probably you won

The ball on no we but the fact you’ve got two from your phone doesn’t really count does it no he hasn’t he hasn’t that counts okay aubameyang no he has run it yeah he has yes that’s a foul that’s yes he’s got to check are you Roger Miller that’s

What I talking about Roger Miller I see yeah I know the name I didn’t know that was the guy how was that F he reg possession and like leave with the ball cuz the goalie probably would have punched it clear got a few super chats

Michael hat with n who Subs on a corner against who Subs on a corner against I’m confused yeah look he holds his arm JJ acher he didn’t win it didn’t win really yeah it’s crazy is it yes this is a foul [ __ ] the villa and a theorist of everything with a 2 pound

Are you the happiest you’ve ever been in life uh yeah why not maybe maybe as a child I was happier though because you don’t have responsibilities very true you don’t know you’re happy at that point do it’s like in the office you know and he goes how do you know you’re

In the garden years yeah until you know you leave yeah it’s crazy no he says I wish you knew oh that’s it I wish you knew you yeah when you in melan are you in the good old days right now I don’t know why you still going I have a great

Time with my friend so one up um I would say my happiest moment in life was when I [ __ ] myself at 3 years old that’s actually a really I remember sh myself and like squeezing it in M trousers as a kid and then me Mom I

Think Mom had like a friend over the house yes well we don’t do new nails but it’s back to noil that’s B what the vill um sorry did you hear what he just said no what you say I just remember like squeezing it in me like on the outside of on the outside

Of me trousers so it wasn’t like Bear poo to hand was this at the fell Christmas party Christmas party yeah you and I just remember coming down and me m was around with a friend and she was like what the f you that young yeah thoughts this thought V was for

Clear and obvious mistakes only that was clear and obvious very clear very obvious that the Villa The Villa should be [ __ ] [Laughter] over uh he’s he is not having a good we’ve already been over I can’t remember how old I was I just have random memories sh be a foul the game would

Have played off that’s what I’m saying they have possession right they gave it away it’s 100% the biggest foul I’ve ever seen that’s I don’t get it though Anthony Taylor with the they did try and dribble it out didn’t they they should have sent him off

Shitty when was the last time you [ __ ] yourself um cuz I’ve never done it as an adult or even as like that’s a lie I definitely I’ve never [ __ ] myself as I shut myself in bed have you yeah but I was horrendously ill I thought it was a

F I’ll tell you where I nearly Sho myself after the Southampton game you remember when we went out oh really I could I was going to go in the park I could would find a toilet I was going to [ __ ] my pants have you ever had it where

Like you’re going to be sick but you also need a [ __ ] really bad cuz I had it where I was like hung over right so I ran to the toilet I was like but in being sick I started squeezing out like a p so I had Tock quickly swap I was so

Ill I had like a 24-hour bug and every 15 minutes I swear to every 15 minutes for 24 hours it was either a poo like diarrhea or just R up bile nothing in you boils are worse any both both ends anyways moving swiftly on B like

When you got it’s just like it’s like black liquid that com what the no it doesn’t have to be black clear liquid a lot yeah it’s basically when you got nothing in you oh it just hurts that’s why it’s brutal if you if you just [ __ ]

In the toilet then you having to be sick though you’re putting your head the way to combat that is [ __ ] in the toilet and then lean in the bath and throw up in the bath oh sink yeah or just get the how can you lean how can you lean to the

Sink how close the sing anyway the with the knuckle ball Royale coming up what there’s like a sink there guys there’s people tuning out because they’re eating dinner who the [ __ ] eating dinner maybe people who work late well they’ll probably like it yeah he’s actually going for a knuckle ball you know is

He go on Douglas maybe he’ll do a chrismd video Alicia back together they they put online didn’t they oh did they I don’t really check up she is she still at Villa what the [ __ ] what the hell was that go that is shocking that is one of

The worst free kicks I’ve ever seen in my life in my life in life I ain’t going to live forever you know I used to have a part-time job which was setting up like footy goals on the week Su ask oh you could have you could have

Said oh let him finish I want man sry when L when no give one more time no l go ahead de when you setting up dos where no no I just used I just it was a [ __ ] story if I’m honest I think everyone Captain Dolly Watkins no chip didn’t no I’m just

Responding to the guy in the chat so don’t worry about it why does the Christmas pitchside song say featuring Nick Pope cuz he’s in the video oh my God they’re so [ __ ] he’s in the video if you’ve missed them you have to watch it again again go on what go on what what

Oh what you on [ __ ] man you’re doing all right oh that’s it C Chef United I need a e Go bomb e bomb e bom I saw dum dum e oh no no he’s he’s offside or there’s a foul or there’s a hand ball for sure

It’s one n it’s a pen it’s a pen good tackle tack is Villa pen why you want Villa to win I Don’t Want Villa to win I just want some points for my f play at point no seriously I’m in bottom three look how deep the goal is at Villa very

Deep is and and when it hits the back of the net it goes or they go Imagine That Go music oh don’t do it again Jacob but it’s a sensor that every time someone crosses the line just F him again what is the point why does he keep doing that he’s

Just stopping the Goos MADD oh my oh you got the minerals oh oh my God he not got the minerals who is that it’s Cameron he’s looking a bit fat M come on don’t fat him don’t F him I’m not I’m just stting a fat F shame F shame fatty

Shame fatty shame fatty shame how have they ended up back at the [ __ ] Center off backward they stupid [ __ ] you’re the one that I want you are the one I want Who oh don’t give it away catched up a bonus after not being able to start do you have him in your team no got rid of him didn’t I that’s you should have just kept it oh referee get him off that’s never they both each other off he going

To be cleared down the wing One n shefford United this is definitely a yellow anyone want a don’t know he turned he turned oh yeah he is this Arsenal prediction 32 versus Liverpool I said 2-1 two on ass no come on the ass come on me

Ass I’m going to use it as fuel to drive home is it half nine already few stops on me man you’re going to be using your new club anytime soon oh my God please what your new club what you used it have you have you

I used it once how’d it go one hit oh yeah I heard about it 230 yards was it first hit you’ve never had HB first hit ever with that club straight 2 30 yards it is genuinely the best club ever especially when like you haven’t been

Playing years and years I’m playing in a couple of days I’m going to try and play I’m going to play tomorrow back home oh man talking we man might play on my own tomorrow that’s actually crazy that’s been disallowed they played entirely out the back there no it’s mental that is

Mental I wonder if Villa fans are crying on Twitter cuz they should I think it’s because he literally would have punched it clear I think actually they need to get the club statement out huh they need to get Club statement oh not funny whoa I think I’m going watch

[ __ ] he’s [ __ ] prick that wasn’t a f that great shot who asked you a bit muscle worst game you seen this season it’s [ __ ] Christmas let just Tor that down turn that downo I’ll shut your mic off son if you keep going I’ll shut your son that’s

Called Power hungry Louis no one likes a power H yes William we both are mate driving to the Midlands ding home a podcast it was Casey neistat on the diary Co is he the over actually I don’t listen to enemy I don’t really like Steven B no

But he Steven Bartley is oh so tell me about like that really sad thing that happened in your childhood oh hu he’s our sponsor today if you don’t want to be a weak little [ __ ] as a child you need this food Stu you don’t want to be abused

Like our guest was then drink hu good guess though yeah it’s a good shot I’m going to listen to on the way home yeah and fall asleep but if you you watching and you want to me you can I’ve never actually tried a Fu which is pretty crazy actually quite like them

There are horrible you’re joking and it’s all that’s John Duran don’t take off Watkins dur it’s going to be isn’t it no they’re going to get put two up front they wanton to win they’re going to take off Jacob Ramsey he ain’t going to take Watkins off no wa hell although I hope

He does that’s offside oh my [ __ ] God you in yellow Tom William just said he’ll sponsor you for Jan I ain’t doing that actually how much name your price how much did you dry Jan name your price uh 2,000 two grand I’ll do two grand Jesus Christ it’s Jason borne but

What did not drink in January for two grand I’ll do it for three yeah I think you you get to one of the first few nights out and you’re like [ __ ] the two grand I just go out it’s quite sad oh that’s s b oh is that sad can’t go out without drinking

Are we going to see like the no I mean I go out I could sit in a pub but not we’re going to see the gymra Tom Garrett in January it’s another pen oh it’s a pen oh that actually is a pen that’s a penilla he’s moved the ball with his arm

That’s another pen that’s actually a pen that’s actually another pen look he actually moves oh that is 100% that is such a pen it’s got to be isn’t it he’s just [ __ ] he did that on it he went it’s a pen oh they going to say

Shoulder no it’s aen no is it Watkins off though it’s a pen that’s a pen that’s a pen that’s not a ball oh doggy please I should have Captain Douglas I knew I had a feeling I should have captained him a Shalom Jackie that’s a

Pen yes oh my God Anthony Taylor Al not had a pen he just hates everyone from the midd said his shoulder is he blind 12 that’s okay bro you should have gone to spec save is anthy Taylor that’s that’s that’s the ob’s not number 12 is

He 12’s D in it oh yeah so dii and D Watkin survives what can survives how they out a pen how they actually not had a pen that’s eight penalties how that’s a pen no seriously how they not had a pen you got penalty no not about yourself a penalty a

Penalty kick how would they not had a penalty kick though I don’t get it believe cash is of bonus oh you’re vial yeah that stunk me Martin is hasn’t done anything he’s not going to get any [ __ ] points has he have one save yet no I don’t think they

They actually haven’t had a shot on target until now vill have only had one one n Dr Dr G man Gman oh one Salen this is actually such a dominant nil nil as well is it yeah cheff United look at possession stat possession stat for this game is 8020

That is do they did they show the field tilt as well on that app yeah it’s probably just all Villa isn’t it somewhere ho ho CH days three days I she it oh Sheffield had completed 11 passes after 25 minutes of this game doing that was odd why was that odd Fe I

Know you don’t understand what a real Ry feels like but this is it just implies who what’s a field tilt um you know the lines that show who has more active stuff in the game I’ll show you what I mean do you mean um dominance graph yeah whatever that is

Domination gra tells me it’s still going to be one nil Archer oh someone just said in the chat Villa nil shefood United one 89th minute Archer goal we will be there I will be there with my [ __ ] out please don’t do that Anthony Taylor’s performance today

Thoughts the blades uh it should be 8 nil Villa Man City do everything they can to stay in the top four what a crap what a crap turn of events he Martinez on the ball yes Not back to back nil nil’s on Pitch side well I wasn’t there for the last one so technically this would be our first was it nil nil 5 why does it only matter when you’re there Robbie because we have to be all L Robbie oh here we go

Matias oh yeah oh you what are you doing oh my God good defending get rid of it this is not is this the end of The Villa title charges I can’t beat Chef United they should have five pens no they should not Douglas we should be on five

Goals that’s actually about yeah he should have at least three penalties yeah doggy he says he would have scored him we doggy of course he would have scor he’s a pen Merchant is he yeah he’s a good player he’s a live streamer as well isn’t he yeah he basically leaked P

T’s injury on live stream yeah pal not playing tomorrow P injured not a robot the most knowledgeable football fan with the bets opinions easily the smartest man on the panel what a touch come on I think comment right out man cuz you say speaking straight facts shut

The [ __ ] Rec coner oh my God foul that’s a foul that’s a yellow card [ __ ] foul contact spot man oh my God away that’s a red card by the way he’s put his arm around his neck yeah I mean that’s that doesn’t even get looked at

Either does it cuz it’s not even like it well it could no it could be cuz it could be card is a red card yeah come on come on here we go Sheffield oh that’s so bad going Che field strike it yes oh yes come on Martinez what a save I love seeing

People actually hit those instead of just being boring boring yeah they just normally control it these days and should have just smashed there we go couple more he didn’t even need to dive man what camera points what cameras come on Chef United yeah come on Sheffield United

Come on Sheffield no come on shefeld United come on Sheffield come TI Village we come come j and Anthony Taylor had zero penalties given today on his bet oh my God oh my God Watkins H oh my God that like if he jumped out the box

Crazy what happened to the 6 second Roll by the way cuz they should call that up well why are they showing a replay of this what the [ __ ] was that [ __ ] this [ __ ] that’s from uh 22 Jump no way was he use your eyes these [ __ ] is shocking Anthony Taylor what do you

Expect man he’s crap it’s a proper Chris Wilder performance though what’s he what’s he giv here is it not off that’s a foul he’s g a foul oh my God wait wait wait wait no that’s on wait a foul foul that’s not a foul hor do you know why he’s giving a

Foul though cuz he regreted not giving a pens you have to let that play on and then pull it back for yeah he’s he feels bad man A know oh my God that’s mental that wasn’t even he was actually in as well that’s classic I told you boys do

You understand about the agenda when Anthony Taylor’s there what agenda you just [ __ ] ref gender is only against Arsenal though no no gend the gendary shouldn’t be reing what he got relegated and promoted instantly in the same week I actually can’t believe that question for Tom from a wolves fan oh what K

Question from Tom from a wolves fan if you could use one word to describe Lee Hughes which word would you use who’s that from Paul is he he relate to Will Hughes knob knob why he’s a knob why how do you know him do you know him he’s Play the album he killed

Someone oh that’s why he’s a knob oh uh Tom how was Dar O’Shea ever West Brom Captain he crap Jesus because he was playing in the championship not the Prem yeah and it’s a different level that’s why it is a different level oh ref that’s a that’s a oh my God you

Are [ __ ] joking how is it’s proper football game I know cash should be on a yellow the honestly he’s a [ __ ] edat [ __ ] hell Anthony Anthony Tay and he’s still getting very open this game now is it yeah very open yeah very open yeah fit

Indeed just shoot man oh make a save oh what B oh flip money cash money [ __ ] hell that would have been bad that would have been a long goal does Martinez get a touch there no he just straight out that would have been really bad if that

If that was a conert own goal I would have cried oh that’s a lovely cross Sheffield United oh my God that’s so close oh my God how [ __ ] close so close come on Bailey off oh robbed of a goal and theno he comes Zolo I don’t really write him I think

Villa got a better team than than Chelsea you know man for man or if if you read his name backwards Alo NZ why would you what cash doing man pull your short down yeah man he thinks he’s Ronaldo after that [ __ ] long range shot is that Sean Target is that safe safe mine

10 I’m telling you they’re going to do this five can’t wait to start watching him between as I do it I can feel I’ve seen it I’ve seen the goal feel it in my I just I just slip through and just calmly please please question Love

Actually good film yes or no great film I watched it with me the other day and she went what a [ __ ] film I’ve never seen it what don’t girls love that yeah what is she all right in the headed I don’t know mate it’s a strange film because it’s just like separate stories

Together isn’t it it’s unreal it’s one of my favit I love it it was the first kind as well wasn’t it where they like loads of stories isn’t that the holiday it’s the holiday although to be fair holiday is a good film as well holiday Jude Law

And amle Pen oh my god oh you [ __ ] they’re getting away that norw like 40 no oh it you good technique just not really arer was in Target oh here he comes no he’s taking archer off m Bernie here he comes he ain’t going to [ __ ] score you need

The pace of Archer Wilder MCB also I hate the fat I hate the boots MC Bernie’s wearing he’s [ __ ] MC is they crap boots I wore once and they were sh no he’s a [ __ ] player crap boots o they MC is he MC Scottish he is actually does he does he like

McDonald oh oh oh [ __ ] feel been the only good player yeah they’ve had a good few mate if he takes archer off he’s a [ __ ] idiot and I’ll fight him OE mcbob disaster class incoming M I’m actually quite tired so find everything funny who’s looking forward to the old

Liverpool Arsenal I actually really am yeah I think I’m a bit w 5 can’t wait to watch it will going to listen to the commentary for the first time ever it will be it will be a pet Peter Peter Dr how is that not a foul what’s going on

He just rugby tackled him and then going to be [ __ ] is Bernie not Scottish no I don’t think so isn’t he Welsh oh am I thinking of burn he’s Irish you’re think oh I’m thinking of thinking of Willie the caraker don’t take hello hello he’s actually a great car he is Scottish I

[ __ ] knew it man OE MCB I’m sure he’s English mcburn is a Scottish name he has to be Scottish is this no it’s the second game is it Chris say it’s a bit wild yeah this is his third game in charge is it oh is it no

Second he was he was it was his third no that F his first proper game was the one nil they won against uh brenford was it oh he’s English but he represents Scotland yeah he’s [ __ ] Scottish they play Matthew David 199 says Merry Christmas Lads no that was before one no that was

Chris R’s first game I think no no no his first game was the 1 nil it might have been his second game oh yeah well he’s after when they beat was it brenford oh my God [ __ ] is don’t even know his name his English is from leads

Yeah oh why what the Good’s going on oh give me a kiss I want to kiss you Jan said sorry man he said sorry sorry his name Duran Duran say twice I feel it in my fingers this is his third game why is he trying to separate this fight here oh my

God that could be a yellow C why is he trying to he slapped him then in the face off why why is he not let him keep going and get himself sent off I would say that’s a foul [ __ ] hell she’s 11 in oh he hits him in the face that’s a

Red card send him off send the dirty kit off why is he getting he he should have let him keep that’s a red card he didn’t mean to do it but it’s a red card dur dur a little bit like Tammy Abraham yeah he was just about to say

That he’s got the same face as Abraham is his name Duran Duran yeah about song so good they named him twice like the song though right what song the B oh my God yeah that’s going to be given a red he’s red card oh please send him off I

Really don’t know why he’s even splitting the fight oh he’s off he’s got to go he has to go blad zero pens given to Villa and a red card I would call the uh Club statement out right now yeah but also they were about to score Chef

United and he stopped it oh he’s actually he’s cled him mate oh he’s got to go he didn’t mean to do it he’s just Tred to he was wiping away that’s not he spit his head open though that’s not red look he spit his head open he’s got elbows made of

Knives no that can’t be a red he’s he’s he’s not meant to didn’t he didn’t it’s a red card M can’t rush him away but it was a bit more aggressive than just waving him away elbow caught him could be a red it’s a play on okay not even a yellow

How’s it not even a yellow no to be fair um they man down now oh and one n up yeah is he oh wait he’s R his back wait I swear look when his back if this stay is one n what did I say arer the ball that’s

Christmas in a nutsh Archer yeah he said Cameron AR shut up let me see oh my God I am praying what have you got on I am praying this saying it on camera message me here no mate you cash out out right now oh my God mess me what you call

What’s cash out what’s cash no let it run no I might cash that one out let it run one n yeah yeah cash out the one n I’m going to leave that one [ __ ] off what the [ __ ] that is mental oh my God what did the crystal

Ball oh my God Chef United Chef United United that’s mental mate I hope it stays sh you better get all those clips of me [ __ ] saying that was going to be one n Archer oh my wait I put the camera here mind Miss how much

It’s what the [ __ ] yeah I only have 25 quid [ __ ] hell what 25 quid I don’t even care my con clean sheets gone cuz everyone’s got a villa Defender they’re offer me they’re offering me half of it you got to send it you got to send it

It taking that no but ride out no I’ve done three bets I’ve backed Archer One n and then Archer One n okay so and that’s one as Weller um oh yeah maybe like cuz like [ __ ] say that you just said it you just said it now oh Christmas Eve’s going to be a good night boys hold on hold on hold on oh no I don’t like this F League one win oh you thought we did boring games not for tummy G in his betting account

But would you say you’re up and over all over the last five years on this account yeah well you are now not even without that oh he should have scored in general no um they all heard you Tom they did all hear and O laa with the $5 if you

Had to pick one of the other three so Tom so is that the 20 I’ll give you for Su Santa yeah yeah I’ll send you dets don’t worry can you just see Tom do you mind just seeing what the Arsenal Liverpool score is going to be tomorrow have a look into [Laughter] the there’s going to be goals for but both teams will score but I think I look down looks like you got looks like you got a turtl next swear was it both goals it’s going to be 2-1 to Arsenal oh oh who’s first goore well played AR H’s first goal

Score good purchase by cheffers United this oh baby please hold on oh baby baby it’s not good for my FPL 9 minutes to hold minutes to hold on you are [ __ ] joking and only MC Bernie’s on could be another goal M cash it out cash out cash out the way already

By the way imagine imagine he loses the bet if cheffers United go two nil up what is Cash Out actually why would I cash out when I’ve won that the cash out yeah don’t Cash Out Point cash out let me see I don’t care I really surely surely

He gets to like they need to get some cramp right now cramp when am I ever going to have a chance to win that how much money off 25 quid I’m not wait you better tweet that out if you win that I’m not tweeting the wow much why you

Just it’s not like you’re doing High stick bet it’s a 25 bet it’s only different when you’re like betting like whatever thousand true true that’s true yeah just hold that El Rao Villa go on MC berie hold it as that foul freezy’s loving it by the way why

You just said don’t Cash Out ride the way boo no I’m [ __ ] riding the [ __ ] out of that we donate oh yeah baby charity I already have fair enough man I don 20 quid then L gave it [Laughter] back I’d say this shows a villa soft underbelly I think you’re right

Chat well it depends if they they it is true that Louis you would you would say that right if this was Arsenal You’ say soft underbelly wouldn’t you yeah haven’t invested as much as you and they’re not the stereotypical tit invested as they haven’t they’re arle us

Are the biggest Spenders in the league bought load and let’s remember you bottled a 16o lead stop adding a point on every time you’ve done a drake spent 40 mil to make [Laughter] 50k it’s not it’s not it call me what chat chat troll chat troll chat

Trolling they’re trolling oh no can we can we put it down for the last bit I did say cash out his way forward you know oh for [ __ ] sake how we we can’t be that far behind no we’re not they’re trolling don’t know like this looks like

A promising attack oh no what’s a pen oh my God please get away get away get away get away they’re waffling they are waffling I don’t know like that’s a pen that’s a pen shut up that’s a pen get away like We Can’t be this far be we’re

Not this far trolling man they’re trolling one one person said one one and then everyone jumped on it oh unless Douglas a weird screamer I don’t like this you tell me it’s all part of the fun it’s all part of the fun I wish you put like 10 grand on that

Bet if I had 10 grand putting 10 grand on Cameron Archer One n is probably not the way to I would probably I wish you put your life savings on it oh my God good Chef United fan go I’m a chef you don’t want another goal no but just get

To the corner now foul yes everybody sit on the vill cuz they’re alone sh sh o Sheffield United are about to beat Aston Villa at home for their first loss at home in the year we do the best games we do dude every time do do do every

Time you look at it you think oh that might be a bad game boom almost oh stop looking at the chat close the chat up don’t score Jesus get Crump Crump yeah Dive Dive Dive we’re in a corner oh there you go keep kick it off him what’s cash out

Ref what’s Matty cash out I don’t want to look it doesn’t matter I’m not cashing out you should cash out the night should pull cashing out oh that was a bit risky will this be your greatest ever yeah win surely um what was the odds for

For the for the stake yeah for what the odds uh like 190 to one that’s [ __ ] mental well at least we didn’t do a n nil [ __ ] now no foul oh wi yes Chase it Chase it Ollie mcney mcney do your job oh my God they’re still five minutes I’m

Nervous for you Tom just ain’t going to the pr to the ball the ball’s already told me it’s stay 1 n i I even described the goal by the [Applause] way snow is falling I actually think I actually think if wins this bet he could be dead

With oh he’s going straight up my basket straight in your basket yeah good save oh baby tomorrow and [ __ ] that means that means your parents are going to get way better presents now right I would no I got you know that one the golden ramsy thing I won at the oh [ __ ]

No she won’t be watching but the golden Ram she’s definitely watching the 95th minute no but my dad watches so I can’t say my dad’s one um my mom’s [ __ ] it’s that Gordon Ramsey experience don’t say it just in case she’s watching she won’t be watching yeah just play a bit

Man just clicked to see oh my god I’ve heard the rumors Tom’s got a massive bet on by the way M I’ve ruined your Christmas but it’s all worth it because Tom can buy a house now or another one M three minutes three minutes long as three minutes change the scope of

Your entire genu I mean seriously that the game might be over now that clock is yeah actually we don’t know that clock is chicking soy you should call someone who’s at the game and tell them minutes keep you updated put the radio on mate that’s all I not join again oh my God

It’s good ball I don’t like any of this you L more [ __ ] nervous than I am I’m [ __ ] myself is that no that’s a goal kickn do this no getting Crump man this is an unreal performance by Chef United Chef United mate is it un yeah I said

That I already CED myself get on the line boys please just head it away such a bad such a bad God love you not my tire cash not go home go back press big head yes oh my God go to the corner do not score another one oh brilant oh three

Leg send him off what’s the word for that he it’s a head injurer you got to stop then pause the game what the [ __ ] was that oh no oh my God you bastard oh my said he was [ __ ] when he come on oh M you should have cashed out

I told I told you to cash out I never would have cashed out you you could have W I don’t care AO oh you do care a little bit though I mean I would have rather have won it yeah but got book there is that Watkins Why did youat no I

Think there’s a hand ball in the buildup it’s Matty cash Matty cash the that’s a f they may pull that back for that is that on the floor is that Matty cash assist no he said Matty cash out pull it back no no it won M cash it’s l l assist

Is that actually I think oh my God it is I should have captained him oh he’s miles on side Douglas L assist what is the goalie doing by the way is it is bad goalkeeping a that that is bad goalkeeping that’s a shame oh well we’ve

Had a mate still had a really good win [ __ ] H oh wish you cashed out how what was Cash Out would it be like about three Grandy from 25 you just W off your next big win though now keep mining away yeah can you tell everyone what you would

Have won well I did win so it was going to be 4,700 if it stayed like that but I’ve already won I cashed out the one nil I had a single on one nil and a single on Arch of first goal which has would me like 1,300 quid so yeah I think

You’re pretty happy could have been an extra four grand but like I don’t hey what’s difference between three and four grand man you should have cashed out there why you should cash out no but if you cash out you’d be fre Grand richer never cash out but you should have done

Never cash just won away from his next big win but he should have cashed out I only cashed out the one n because should have cashed out minut it was practically the amount I was going to get anyway but cash out for 95th man oh [ __ ] I’m got

It for you I’m nice all right you’re going to cry in the car on way home why I’m could be two I’m 1300 up I’m more annoyed the Villa haven’t lost yeah that’s not good for Arsenal either going be GG it one one is a sign of a champion should have should have

Catched put it on red no never always black yeah just n turn it around red man you’re well cuz Sunland I feel like I’ve lost that with you know yeah I feel deflated man I was hoping that you I’m 1300 up that’s brilliant yeah oh oh no don’t win oh oh win always

Falling oh come on red red carded card red card second yellow red card God that would have been amazing though imagine that [ __ ] H I only would have spunked it with the pub anyway so all of it no well how would you do I’m going to

Ireland as well a i for New Year so H you oh yeah what Dublin that’ll be wild shout out to all the you know where to stay now going to go go and Dublin she play is banned against United now yeah oh is he oh done his shoulder you got

Cramp looks like you had a my pretty little girl will you go home in the car you just have like a horrible feeling in your stomach like [ __ ] I I really genuinely not even slightly I’m buing I would feel like [ __ ] i’ I’ve laid out

About 70 quid and 1300 why why would I feel bad I never had that full Grand I’m not going to be a to sleep why for you that’s that’s not the right way to bet mate I don’t bet never had that money I don’t bet oh my God go on please win oh

Did he touch that no what the f going on there he still a bad it’s a good result for Chef United though they’ve actually played well in fness could have to be fair though GG’s that Douglas ladies and gentlemen when you think of it I can’t remember

Massive chances vard top of other than other than the the the disallowed goal that was it really wasn’t it they ain’t winning the league um ladies and gentlemen I hope you’ve enjoyed 23 because that is oh that’s it thank you all for your support over the year we you are there’s a

Reason we’re at the top because of us and because of you yeah you like that so have a very Merry Christmas Happ New Year and we’ll see you on Christmas day oh we are and also we are streaming next January the 2nd who what’s the guy I can’t remember it doesn’t matter though

But yeah we’ll see you on the SEC on the next part have an amazing Christmas perod big special on Christmas Day big special on Christmas make sure you watch on Christmas day did you say that doesn’t and remember the Christmas Day special is all a light-hearted banter and remember we’ve got a Christmas

Special um coming out on Christmas day christas make sure you tun in on Christmas Day if someone has a stinker don’t have a go at them and actually the four thing will be on YouTube as well which will make a lot of people happy yeah so on the 25th of December

Christmas day which which is Christmas day there will be be Christmas special and also remember uh if you’re watching that thing we all play characters yeah on on I just to play Angry Dum character we’ll love when you leave you because Tom and I have to got aot dri a long

Drive we’ll see you in a bit peace we love you see you next year [ __ ] the Villa thank you cust


  1. terrible refereeing, it influenced the final result by 100%, how can a referee as bad as this one in such a big competition, harm all the work and investment of a team. Does anyone know the name of this referee?

  2. Watkins fouled for pen in first half..utd a poor poor premier team..worse ive seen at Villa this season..didnt deserve to win ..we go on..UTV

  3. The farce of English arbitration continues. In the 72nd minute, the Sheffield player cleared the ball with his hand. The question is where is the VAR video technology.

  4. First time watching this channel.. how on Earth could you not cash out even part of the bet? If you stand to win 4k, cash out £1500, let the rest ride.. I learned my lesson about 10 or 12 years ago on a Spanish game. I'd had a huge 6 selection accumulator bet riding on over 5.5 goals, [first 5 had all won nicely] and the score after about 20 minutes was 4-1 .. I stood to win around 10k, and for my bet, I could have cashed out about £9,200.. but I was greedy any thought "70 minutes left for 1 goal, easy peasy".. switched the computer off, went to the pub, came back expecting 10k in my account, but no, it stayed 4-1… for my £50 bet, I won fook all!!!.. lesson learned!!

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