Golf Babe

I CHALLENGED Holein1trickshots to a MATCH!

What a fun match with Caitlyn, Zack and Josh!

Here’s their socials:

Let me know your favorite moment in the comments!

My oh that’s tracking oh it’s actually tracking it is actually tracking get in the hole boys and girls Marty Borg’s back in Dallas and we’re playing golf at the Omni Frisco and we’re playing a scramble and we got an interesting team setup we got holding one trick shots

Josh Kelly and we got the beautiful gorgeous stunning Zack arens social media manager cway they’re teaming up I’m playing with Kaylin she smashes it like 300 yards plus it’s pretty interesting how she’s playing and she’s going to lead us off on a nine-hole match play Let’s Go

Yep come on Kaylin we’re Team now okay let’s go now you’re rooting for me I I’ve been rooting for you the whole time oh she came to play on the back oh my go she came to play on the back great ball she was like I’m with Josh I’m going to

Play you I’m so sorry we’re good right just for a reference we might references a little bit we just had a nine hole match on my channel go check it out yep exactly right Kaylin didn’t haveit drive like that the entire like seriously check out this

Video up here we played the first nine already in a different team setting and I mean I don’t want to say kayin sucked but she was not that great I mean it was it was different it was different never never was like dead straight like it was

Right and now wait for it wait for it I mean she I guess she feels a little more freed up having Martin behind her what oh my I don’t know that Martin hit one like that either something is different in this video nope that is a shot Josh Kelly right

Down the middle that’s Elite perfect shot nice I need you to leave me off each shot here do your post after this shot hold on all right what do we got it’s 205 it’s uphill into the wind I like a 235 shot oh dude I suck again oh no we suck

Again I don’t know if this is enough club we got four iron here for 205 we have the Rope a draw in there go go oh yeah baby come on this is a par five yes precisely that is under regulation you’re putting for eag yeah I’m just saying the facts 190

To the pin it’s into win and Uphill so I go kayn 79 yeah she’s King every body’s clubs but his that’s that’s the plan hold hold and now bounce over to the left it’s a little there okay yeah it’s up there that’s it’s up there we

Got it yeah that’s good we got it good job okay Kaylin what were we thinking okay I’m having a three hybrid I’m going to grip down on it a little bit cuz it is playing uphill into the wind aiming a little bit right of it too come on baby

Oh oh that’s not what you want to see but you aimed right of it and that’s where it is why that far right s great that’s all I meant we’re good we’re we’re good pick mine right feels like an honor to be on Martin’s Channel thanks for having me

Martin is one of my favorite human beings in the whole world the dude is so funny so talented but in this video I will be talking a lot of trash to him okay but just keep in mind that I still love him Martin are your pants tight

Enough or do you need tighter pants no I’m just we’re just having a conversation okay let me know if you need some tighter pants do you want to go f i mean I go first and show you the line okay because your because your short game is so much better oh

come on kayin okay I mean that that was not no bueno got a little a little more yeah a little bit more than that a little more juice okay yes yes that is it and it’s not breaking come on roll down there good

Shot run run run run run very nice yes I love it okay thanks kayen right to left very slow not that hard I like it get a chance oh yeah oh out of it definitely breaks so boys and girls this one is to tie the hole D hey that’s that’s good tough

Start tough really tough tough start tough start start man if you’re am I supposed to do the scoring here again like okay here we go so through one one down 177 is the range the range yeah range is 177 okay so you found the range yeah beautiful Zach does all the posting for

Callaway he’s making a callway post right now this where the magic happens he doesn’t care about our match he just cares about C got to respect it don’t shank it I’m in Danger oh that is a lead that’s a double cross yeah I I went for a cut cart you went for the cart and you hit it oh c c path and bushes 177 downhill I go P I go kalin’s P actually oh you took my club are you talking about the club

Okay get left no it’s going right oh bounce off the hill it’s going to bounce left like plug okay oh it’s kind of coming little I mean we’re shortsighted up there somewhere it’s great okay you took pitching wedge I’m taking a mid grip seven iron beautiful it’s a little bit

Different oh you did what I did I mean that split the two balls so farad did got to sit down that’s okay that’s an easy up and down okay yeah got it thanks also for like rooting for my team I app I will always root for Kaylin but

And it’s going to have it’s going to be top the route for you and then’s doing this it’s so garbage it is still the best get over that’s interesting not a great shot but listen one good shot you just need one good shot each hole was in the

Bunker all right good layup that’s smart you lay up and I go for it almost on the green so easily like Z Now k yeah that’s like oh my God that is pretty sick okay that is pretty sick rolled green come on grained that was good do your thing

Graen okay what did you hit what was that I went 56 5 okay so I 54 since I yeah so there was a low little something yeah low little Runner that didn’t nip kayln that is exactly what we needed get in the hole get in the hole sett

Settle it did okay like barely in front of yours this this is how you play is that a bladed no no no no I told her to play it that way fully calculated I to land at like right there that was a little short but uh yeah very

Nice shot thank yeah oh she say nice result and I’m get yeah you should say nice result oh it’s in oh yes he can’t miss he doesn’t you know if if I don’t have the ai1 that lips out this guy I’ve never seen a like this

That’s cuz I never had the ai1 fair from modesty a little bit we got to make this it’s going left yeah yeah so I would say like a ball out maybe like yeah right Edge like I said right Edge great putt very nice putt I’ve

Never met seen a man make a 34in putter look so small in my entire life he makes it look like my son’s putter so first and foremost my friend this is 36 and a half okay no it’s not it is what oh my gosh it is cuz I’m 36 are you 36 they

Told me it’s 36 and a half yeah but when you hit it it looks like it’s like the tiniest because your arm your arm blocks this and it just looks like you’re like hunting with like a little toy club yeah one day you Learn nice like right there bullet perfect there he is he’s back there we go there we go Zach that one was nice irons that was real nice yep copy that dude what is your ball doing up there all the time it almost like it Knuckles and then falls

Down come on kayin okay Mar let’s go okay go smash it as hard as you can that’s what it’s about okay really nuggets right over the bunker on the right side she’s picking up the tea now she’s walking through the Tracer and right there is the ball through the Tracer literally as it

Landed man that’s SM hang on come on I think it’s okay though I think it opens up over there oh yeah I saw it you did nope well Martin is the longest drive one of the longest drivers in the world he’s like five yards in front of me so

Not too impressed but uh we are one up Zach what you got here we got I think we got 125 yeah it’s kind of a weird number with the wind into us I was thinking just kind of like a saw off nine it might be on the

Green I got to kind of hammer this probably not the right Club but I’m going to try to hammer this 50° little draw that’s actually drawing baby Drew too much good shot Josh really beautiful shot the camera like backwards it might be long 10 105.4 in J’s in y’s in

Y so I found the range I’m never going to catch on to that it’s always I mean it’s a rang finder so it’s finding the range isn’t it I it makes sense yeah it makes sense it makes a lot of sense do you ever say

Like oh I’m can you go gun it for me you said that gun no it’s like I said can you find the rain we’re uphill so I play this it’s 104.5 I play it 108.3 okay okay oh God I pulled it it’s on the green I saw it jump so

What you got to do is you got to go right at the edge of the tree got it whatever you do stick it close okay good so one thing is certain you boys are out so I we don’t have a rangefinder I went off my GPS the GPS says the pin

Is in the back of the green all the way in the back yeah right I literally hit it like exact yardage I wanted to hit it yeah sure so that’s why you need a range finder in your life go look you get off look at the flag on the uh on the GPS

When you walk your cart do you know why you need a rang finder to find the range that’s good point yes stay high stay high stay high oh I knew it was going to break it the great C dude all right Joshy your putting is insane man thank

You what do you feel like are these good those no no I mean this got to be good you give I don’t like giving a lot that’s that has a little bit left on that I think okay I feel like right off the bat so we decided we’re not giving

These when you’re further away then we’ll have a conversation again it breaks right yeah it breaks right is this okay good good is that okay good good sadle all right what do you what do you want to do good good W you’re good you guys are actually away we are

Away I respect I respect that kayin this thing is breaking heart left like hard I agree at least a cup just firm it on in there just go hard hammer it yeah no just nice and firm good Pace nothing crazy that’s what she said yeah all

Good no no no got this Focus okay kayin stop it now stop it you’re dirty mind good power lift to the right side they did not look at thaty what a guy and he gets the flag what a guy takes the putt grabs the tea grabs the flag that’s awesome Kaylin got

Me in the mood I don’t know what it was but like something was going on there like don’t know there was a lot of hormones on that green 136 from down here I found the range already into US 136 winds into US minus three like maybe maybe 134 3 Zach what are you

Doing I mean you dude you’re one up you haven’t set much in two holes I’ve just been busy posting dude I keep doing that but it might work that’s on the green it’s not on the green okay it’s on The Fringe that’s nice oh it’s going right

At Jacob a little left a little long Ah that’s just a bad shot what did you oh kayn get right oh K get right yes okay we’re closer than Josh for sure so I feel like we’re somewhat between a three and a four it’s

Like a it’s a three and a half so we go over here and let the aan do the do the pace like this way right there oh break for him breaking over break for him break more that way wow dude that’s insane I mean the the

Pace is perfect but I kind of you just misread it I overread it yeah it’s actually it’s not a three and a half it might only be a two but I mean we can we can go from that was sick what a shot ooh kayn right I gave her right number I

Know where definitely not up the number we are definitely not up okay you pulled it pulled it but maybe we were wrong yep pre much that straight cuz you yanked it look that is way too far it’s like way too far here we go that’s a lot

Better ah that was good speed you know what Josh we’re generous today you’re going to give me this one and a half L uh well mark it Mark it Mark it for now oh it breaks even more nice stay up oh let’s stay up did

It good a good oh thank you no cap boom hey we made a par let’s go we need birdies we need more birdies we are still one down aren’t we are you guys one up yes we’re one up you guys are one up and you’re not even proud of

It not even I’m not proud cuz we should be like four or five up and we only played like three holes so all right guys we got a great hole here downhill par 4 430 yeah 432 one up yeah that’s usually my 3w yeah then go

For it but I’m going to lay up with driver so see I’m going to are you trying to stay short of the I’m going to cut one into this wind wow or just go dead straight yeah it was piped that work you said you were

Going to cut it off the wind yeah and then just go that’s good though also it’s downwind oh that’s perfect yeah all right my partner’s in the Fairway no te no te needed oh oh okay oh it opens up oh man I mean that’s not a DOD how do

You call that it’s not I mean you didn’t use a t DOA drive out of the air do king bra # do bro a do if I if I attempted that my driver would break I was actually a little worried do get theam it’s fine I can catch

It all right kayin what we doing so I cannot do that this is just do I mean it’s a bold play it it really is yeah okay come on baby uh no no no no uh the the Fairway is over there yeah fa you look right that

Ball sometimes that’s way it goes kayin right sometimes that’s way it go use that tricker oh no one wants to see the long drive guy go to the iron in the bag although there is a I don’t think you could get over that thing anyway so oh I

Got a swing look at this so we go three iron yeah and just put it somewhat down the middle now when shoes grow up are they going to be an orange cone or like what what yes right now they’re just like the basis of a Christmas

Tree oh my God yes this is this is good what did you what did you just hit think is it too far it’s going to be right next to my drive past your driver oh my what did you hit that’s 340 to like an eight iron

Dude that’s I hit like an eight iron yeah I I did a punch I mean when you when you use like when you when you close the number it’s made like um yeah I mine was a punch driver that was a thing punch driver I really

Laid off my driver it was more find a new Range girl it’s all right it was like a quarter swing oh yeah I mean yeah I I mean listen I I don’t want to step on it there’s there’s a hazard down he hits his three iron 200 he just hit that 333 yard

That’s crazy I mean it’s downhill downwind but 333 guys we have essentially the same shot here this he’s you guys like a little closest to the whole wager oh what are you thinking yes whoever’s further away 10 push-ups each right next to the push-ups yeah I’m going to do them later

In the CH if if you hit it closer you can cut my hair so what can I cut off of you my beard your beard like offard coming off yeah my wife will kill me and then kayin has to grow up beard that’s not possible and what about you

Zach she has to put his red hair social oh there you go and he chunked it no go uh yes you chunked it but you chunked it chunk flyer okay it’s just really wet it’s not a chunk chunk okay that thing is good but not unbeatable go a little don’t worry

Don’t worry don’t worry okay yeah hit that exactly how I wanted to don’t worry yeah you hit that well that’s all that’s all that’s all oh it’s so good sit sit sit sit yes spin off all right that’s one you been the one I didn’t you been the one for me

I didn’t know if you knew that song oh No rote up the face I didn’t I did it here’s your man’s scrunchy how do you feel not good actually I will say I did say bets off so we come up with another bet oh yeah we’ll have to we’ll

Have to do something else I thought we were going to lose that’s all me that’s all me can you can you go first yeah definitely I’m I’m not in the mood right now that’s what she [Laughter] said wow that jumped oh that could go in

It did no no no no oh how does that not break it didn’t all stop going right wow okay that uh 21% closer that was really good no way all right yeah that’s good guys good par thank you you guys’ team name should be team par just cut it cut it

Short hit it dude uh this one we’re generous today this one is okay this is such an easy putt Josh it’s just uphill boom easy for the ai1 gets the job done nope that’s short if I hit it the was dead too oh techers score-wise absolutely nothing changed we’re still

One down against DJ here against DJ I’m the wish Dustin John like if you went to pay LS and you ordered like Dustin Johnson that’s I’d show up that someone someone called You Wish John R yeah or wish John ROM I get wish John ROM wish Dustin Johnson you

Know we’re pretty much the same other than the fact that you know they have millions of dollars in their bank account other than that I play golf is just as good as they do the question is can DJ and John ROM do what you do no

They made it baby I can’t do what they do either though that’s the Problem you already checked the next hole what is wrong with you a lot wrong with me I’m not sure ex I can’t pinpoint one specific thing but there’s a lot how long is the one after that how how long is this hair in your beard that’s from kayin that’s kayin that that’s teamwork

Right there we kiss on Zachy Fairways that is not Zachy Fairway it’s going to touch the Fairway though and it is in the first cut and now it’s in the bush that was that was that was ideal like right in the tree you see the trees oh tiger okay tiger

I try to get to stop talking actually you can talk go ahead Mark Tree on the left you talk the whole time while I’m my hit go ahead I show some respect back off jum no no I show some respect I’ll I’m a respectful golf I like banana

Bread I’ll talk when I hit it’s all no good all good I’m just going to hit a little 300 y bomb down the middle that’s overdrawing a little bit but don’t yeah you’re going to be just fine yeah yeah yeah kayin come on down there oh it’s so bad but such a big

Fairway that it’s fine be okay Kaylin you’re in the Fairway yeah hard to push holy that one blew my that is sick wow that is sick great ball b w how’d that feel oh it felt like I can’t I mean this is it it it’s got the wrong rating I can’t

Tell that’s a nice shot Josh oh oh spinning off the green see you nice shot bad result Zack get in the hole oh keep going keep going keep going oh no oh no so hey all we got to do kayin and I we just got to hit it far enough yep and

Then we got the hole oh that’s so good yeah that’s smart I mean it’s long but it’s smart yeah know solid look at that even that’s coming back how hell it’s actually coming back yeah so that was a safety shot it looks perfect distance little left making we’re good it’s

Fine okay that’s pretty Saucy dude no sit okay oh it started rolling back it it’s still moving it’s still moving don’t mark it it’s still moving don’t tou it it’s still moving don’t mark it don’t touge it he marked it oh come back come on come on it does it does it’s rolling

It’s rolling and now it’s sitting pretty good nice roll off the green that’s off the green off in the hole that’s off the green off the green off the green go go go go go go go all right was that R allow for you I’m sorry I think the line

Was great just a little slower oh it’s a really good pot I love it good sit sit sit very nice putt beautiful kayen we’re Z what a putt baby right in there there we go a w it doesn’t stop these guys keep making putts say are still down but J and I

Making birdies we’re making birdies birdies birdies birdies we need Birdies I really want to film home mon First Day filming YouTube videos ho in one and that is actually on good track is right just to right of it perfect sit sit sit running away okay good job do you still see it oh yeah nice oh my god oh that’s

Tracking oh it’s actually tracking it is actually tracking oh oh my God oh my God it’s long but it landed right next to the hole oh my Josh Kelly yeah okay this one’s a three hybrid I’m going to try and land it over the bunker and let it just run everybody’s been

Long you want to hit it on the green right well yeah okay I’m going to land it cut cut oh it’s started cutting going to hop in that buer just carry it nice though the bunker pop out no I tried to it came back in what are you hit upside down 6 iron

Hoing oh my goodness oh my God right at it wow that’s a 6 iron folks from 250 get in the hole oh what a sh my good how did get soft dude that was sick this guy just hit a six still rolling no it’s not six

Iron dude six iron six iron that’s crazy that’s crazy D nasty not even his six we’re winning this hole we’re winning this back to all square we have two more holes to win this look you hit it like 50 yards longer than me oh holy yeah not enough spinach you need

More spinach we’ll get this up and down two and we’ll go one up to the next hole all right if that’s the plan keep doing you got be release that is so good 6 ft when they were like down there and we were on the green it was like that

Changes everything good shot thank you buddy nice 6 it’s not even your 600 either no it’s yours no it’s ZX okay dude my life just flashed before my eyes so bad still alive are you good up there down there that everything okay Callaway social media manager kills two influencers a shank golf

Ball oh it’s hard to hit it yes oh hard if you hit it good oh oh oh oh good okay so this is half the hole one up lead left nope that was not a good putt hey hey your last two were a little right it’s all

Right I really okay we’re doing the scores again okay we’re back to all square these boys just made a fantastic par kayin and I made a birdie so we’re back to H Square two holes left the game is on first time you guys had the honors since the first

Congratulations for my first birdie it’s not about how you start it’s how you finish that’s right and we’re going to finish strong with birdie birdie here right Zach the thing is this is a perfect n iron for me and I can’t find my nine iron so we’re going to try to

Hammer up it too much we can’t find a birdie and we can’t find a n want me to start yeah you start how go first yeah okay downwind little softy Li angle standard so we aim left ah you didn’t adjust enough just not used to that

L so first of all Josh Kelly I am on the green okay second of all I don’t the jury’s out you might be in the talk don’t first of all Josh Kelly I made contact okay great also I’m somewhat close to the Green in the general of a city okay I’m

Going to do a iron there you go left to right going to aim I’d say middle maybe just left of middle of the green let it float on in there yeah edge of edge of the bun yeah sometimes it comes out the little TR that is where I am teammates you’re

Right you’re in the whole day yeah right you’re no worries K we’re good we can chip that in we’re good it’s all good don’t worry uh Martin’s on the green he’s 4et from the hole it’s mine yeah just ask Martin he’s got to tap it you know the guy’s number like

On the green right yeah I just texted him place it closer he’s on my payroll so I can do things join Martin over there short you got a bunker that’s terrible that is terrible oh wow it’s not good all right I got a hammer that fit you that was a

Good layup yeah okay Josh Kelly pressure is on you oh yeah and he just freaking drew it perfectly Against the Wind held it off kick off that right and that thing is right in the middle of the that’s really good shot that was shot good shot yes we’re not worth come

On yes let’s win this Helloe Josh Kelly Josh Kelly you were absolutely 100 % right I am not on the green you are right yeah and you know I I still think he kind of gave you a foot wedge out of the high grass too so you know I think it was actually worse than that thanks Jacob

Appreciate it thank you yeah you pay these guys good huh it’s part of the job description like filming editing throwing golf balls hand wedge you are closer to the green than I thought you were yeah you were only a foot yeah how many centimeters is a foot 30 30 okay

Kaylin so I’m I’mma chip this do you normally chip these when they’re no but I want to make I really want to make it um Josh can you pull the flag here oh thank you feeling confident that that was presumptuous perance anxiety Josh that’s so good bro you got it like

You got to hit that thing a good line you got to hit that thing that’s good go go good try that is a good part good try oh yeah they they haven’t mowed this today just leave it here I’m not sure if he’s going to be inside of it I mean let

Me just mark it real quick can you grab just just in just in case he’s hitting it over I I would make that that Mark grab this out of the hole for me doesn’t matter yeah that’s what I said I mean in case it goes in

Yes he’s yelling at he’s yelling at me so now this yelling at me and I’m closer this is the reason I marked the golf ball he’s yelling at me and I’m closer if you want to you can put it back here believe that he he tells me that’s a

Terrible putt he’s away listen he’s away team chemistry not say that listen they’re fighting your put is still terrible mine was just more terrible pushed it again oh it went in though that went in right I can’t believe we just did that it’s all right they’re going to choke that’s so

Bad that that was Unreal how much they sucked I feel so sorry I feel sorry I feel kind of bad too yeah all right so here’s the situation we are one down heading into the last hole short par five 480 y I kind of like our chances as long as

Martin hits a bad Drive oh it might be over man yeah I think we’re done Zach look how high that is that’s as high as it is far oh my God oh my gosh that’s so sick W that was hit well that’s perfect it’s perfect yeah oh it’s really good

Nice yes Z absolutely perfect nice yes don’t go that don’t go in that bunker don’t you dare yeah maybe that was pumm though huh yeah I hit that really good yeah you did really good they have like 150 yards we have 250 yards we’re down

One I don’t want to like speed badly but it’s not looking good for us right now we need to really clutch up hit a good shot here at least make birdie and make them not do something stupid th000 Taps sh last time I coming back a little

Bit 21,000 Taps okay it’s all balc it’s fine you make birdie from there do you know Hannah well go go go to be very honest oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my my God that’s a golf sh that thing went

Right by the hole I I go soft nine soft kin n kin n yeah aim left though right yeah aim left wind is off the right though but that was a sick shot Josh that was that was nice thank you buddy that was great oh no catch it wind catch it wind

Catch it wind catch it wind oh what a shot really really good oh man great shot I have a feeling I’m inside you right where I’d like you to be Mark what’s that that’s where I like you to be hey dude it’s not my first language okay A little

Slappy it’s okay your partner’s good Kaylin did you know that we got this butt for Eagle yeah I do know that you do oh we’re a little bit closer than them too just so you know this is a dormy one so these guys basically can’t afford a birdie because we’re going to

Make birdie as soon as we tie the hose over so oh he’s putting all right so it’s like this needs to be that is definitely not that’s off wiggled right and then you know what this is okay come on go go go go go go go go go

Go go go go go come on are you kidding me dude let’s go let’s go let’s go that was pretty good that was up the three that’s how you make up for a three right there Mar what an insane Eagle oh man this is the seven 17th hole if you you

Guys missed this we’re going to 18 oh that’s gone that’s gone that’s so bad such a bad such a bad P kin be the answer I hope so can Kaylin clutch up this would be huge get him though go oh my go that was good girl let’s go I finally let’s

Go double eag to finish off if we didn’t three butt dude that was good get out of here get out well done well done great job that’s devastating it’s devastating it’s devastating it’s devast to make eagle and then still lose you know I wasn’t even trying the whole round so

You weren’t even trying no j Kelly follow that guy hole inone trick shot thanks for having me guys on IG plus your YouTube is ex your YouTube is Josh Kelly golf Josh Kelly golf on YouTube follow him on IG as well hole in one trick shot thank you kayln Henderson on

IG she is C O2 three oh chendo no sounds two three okay I like on IG you follow her and you follow kway Golf and Zack irons Z thank you so much for being a part of this it was a lot of fun thank you thank you thank you aome nice nice

And see you boys in the next one because we do more because you’re subscribing and you’re liking the video what about those two Eagles huh comment down below let’s go


  1. Martin looks like a carrot plant w that orange and green. Orange tip peeking off the ground and 6 ft leaves growing on top 😂😂😂

  2. not sure why you keep playing with female guests. she doesn't bring any game, humor, insight into the videos like your male guests. all she does is parrots what martin says, and says yes. just saying.

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