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2023-12-21 Wrestling Observer Live: AEW Dynamite, WBD-Paramount talks, weekend preview, more

With Bryan still away, and Filthy on the hunt for the Slim Jim FAST MEAT car, Mike Sempervive rides solo to take a look at everything going on in the world of professional wrestling.

We’ll take a look ahead and see what’s been announced for WWE SmackDown, AEW Rampage, and AEW Collision. Matt Riddle being back in MLW, Mustafa Ali announcing his first bookings since being released by WWE, the looming threat of a WBD-Paramount merger, plus the WORLD FAMOUS AEW DYNAMITE REPORT, and more!

A fun show as always, so check it out~!

#wwe #aewdynamite #wrestling

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Mike Seer VV here with you for the next hour talking about professional wrestling which is something we do every single day here on the sports by line broadcasting network tune in iHeart American forces radios over the air Affiliates like kab 99 kmsr and the mighty a 1090 podcast replays on

SiriusXM or maybe your video streaming on Twitch or YouTube however you’re joining me today i’ just like to say thank you hopefully Wherever You Are sunny outside if not hopefully it’s sunny inside your mind beautiful clear day here on Del Marva I got a programming note to start I will not be

Here on Friday so don’t show up and think that I know showed okay no show Friday we’ll have a replay of one of the shows we did this week maybe this one you never know but because we’re not here on Friday I will run down what has been announced

Thus far for the weekend shows not all of it just what’s been advertised as both Smackdown and Rampage are already in the can WWE has made two new signings I’ll let you know about those right now according to PW Insider today Broan Finley the son of fit Finley

And former NWA women’s tag team champion matd rankowski have signed the 28-year-old rankowski has also wrestled several matches for aew the 21-year-old Finley is the brother of bullet club’s David Finley and began training in 2020 under AR Fox he’s worked his way around the Indies since then and has now been

Signed by WWE there’s a lot of WWE Talent former talent that have gotten their no competes expiring and Mustafa Ali is one of those guys and we’ll let you know what he’s already got lined up Matt riddle has also been announced For an upcoming show and we’ll let you know

Who that is for Paramount and Warner Brothers Discovery yeah they’re in merger talks and uh with wbd back in the picture to possibly grab the rights for raw we’ll take a look at how that might affect aew plus as we always do on Thursday the world famous a almost said

NXT the world famous aew Dynamite report we’ll get started when we get back wrestling Observer live welcome back to the show Mike SV here with you you know we do this show right here for an hour at a time every single day but if you

Want us 247 you can try to find us on Twitter SLX at sebe at Brian Alvarez at filthy Tom Lawler at Jim Valley I believe at Andrew Arion as well too and certainly at sports by line USA you got to make the wrestling news part of your

Day too folks come on now I’ve been telling you this for a long time why haven’t you done it many of you have and I thank you for it the rest of you should everything you need to know to get your day started get you up to date

Or get you to your favorite wrestling review pod like wrestling observer radio each edition of the wrestling wrestling news is between 5 and 15 minutes long 365 days a year no clickbait no speculation or rumors just the wrestling news find it wherever you find your favorite podcast or head on over to the

Wrestling or wrestling newss AV on Facebook and Twitter so Paramount and Warner Brothers Discovery are in the very early stages of merger talks which is exactly the way that a professional wrestling show should start out wbd CEO David zazo has met with Paramount CEO Bob bakish on Tuesday

Zasloff has also spoken to Paramount’s non-executive chairwoman Sher Redstone about the deal there’s a an old major M name Redstone Paramount has been sucking wind for a long time now apparently they have like $15 billion in debt and things are not looking good for them wbd has

Notably done a lot of slashing and burning under the zazo regime to reduce the $45 billion in debt or something like that that they had and then start to increase their cash flow which he says they have done it wouldn’t even be an equal partnership if they got together because

Wbd is so much bigger and more profitable but there are assets that are there Paramount Global has got the Tiffany Network CBS which is the one thing that wbd doesn’t have a major American Network they if they so chose that they could in theory in this case

Like merge CBS news with CNN if they wanted to it also consolidates the shares that both companies would have in another major American Network technically major the CW both companies own 12 a half% of that company with the rest of it owned by nextstar uh they may

Then have to end up selling that off in that case uh if they were to get together or not a lot of consternation and and a lot of things that are making people upset revolve around Paramount Studios and the possibility of that merging with Warner Brothers and that’s

Even if the federal government were to allow such a thing but when this whole thing really shakes out a lot of it comes down to how they can optimize streaming and if wbd took over Paramount they would have the 63 million reported subscribers that Paramount plus has right now roll them

Into Max and then probably kill off Paramount plus that’s what all of these things are doing they are all now getting together there’s a a bunch of mashing together and people trying to hook each other up and help each other out this this is why reals ended up on

Peacock um CNBC uh said yesterday though you know the sizes of these things could be an issue uh NBC Universal trying to merge with one of these groups is is something that Federal Regulators would hate and why does any of this matter it matters because in all of this

Fluctuation and all of this change not only does this provide a a a way for Dopey Talking Heads like me to fill a bunch of time but also because it’s interesting and it’s interesting to see what happens with Monday Night Raw up for grabs and there’s apparently people

At wbd who are fans of CM Punk not sure which of those people may also have held a grudge against the brisos I’d still like to find that one out but obviously people there are fans of CM Punk because the doors back open for wbd negotiating with WWE now could this all

Be coincidental timing yeah could two things be true yeah you know someone there could have an affinity for Punk but you know the realistic look of all of these bigger gears grinding away in the background could have caused this door to open back up we don’t exactly

Know quite yet WWE Network rights are going to go up in the air I guess in what late 2025 or at least they’re they’re going to be up in 2025 or that’s when the negotiations for them will begin and I think in theory that could be a car WWE

Could tease to wbd if their numbers are truly as robust as nickan said that they were and indicated that they were earlier on this year after Fox had already pulled out and he started going to all those media Summits and was shopping all the shows is it enough to

Make it attractive to a new combined Max Paramount gimmick where their main competition is peacock I don’t know if it matters it could still hurt peacock I would assume it would hurt peacock a little bit so of course what does that mean then for aew you know Disney ESPN is I don’t

Believe even with ESPN having 87 sub networks like news and all that sort of stuff that it’s a place that’s conducive for pro wrestling at all the only reason I can see ESPN wanting aew is that it could probably land over the course of a year they if they expand a 12

Pay-per-views say 100,000 on each one that’s 1.2 million pay-per-view buys at 50 bucks so that’s what $60 million that could be a reason why they would do it uh you can negotiate app for aw’s library to be on ESPN plus as an addition there but the thing is WWE’s

Network will still be up for bid at some point and what would be more valuable to Disney ESPN WWE’s library of content which is established or starting a new one with aew EH Disney FX is a good spot for aew to land it’s good for FX it

Would be good for aew FX is pretty much on on every major cable provider out there every you know on demands overthe toop service or whatever you call them with with YouTube TV and all all these other types of services it’s there so you don’t lose a whole lot of of you

Know visual you know you don’t lose a whole lot that way usually FX is around wherever they usually stack TNT and TVs and USA and those sorts of channels so you know that probably is be the best move but then it’s still does Disney why do they want this

You know if they lose out on Raw if they lose out on WWE would they have an interest in aw I think they should under the circumstances if you look at what FX is doing and the fact that they’re lagging back so badly it would actually

Be a benefit for them Fox FS1 we know the networks definitely out could there be value there for FS1 yeah but the problem is where do you put it on the schedule where it airs consistently and that’s just for one show let alone two and we’ll we’ll take Rampage out of that

Mix but like the ratings aew would do they would love to have but with everything else that FS1 has on and the money that they pay for college basketball and for college football you know I I think it’s a bad spot to be in I would think that’s a bad

Spot to be in I think the CW came up earlier on today on wrestling Observer radio with Dave Meltzer and Jim Valley I don’t know if going back to them hat andand after you already turned them down and after they’ve already picked up NXT is something that would be in the

Cards especially again with the merger thing going on at that point but I guess we’ll see they already have the NWA on their app and they have women of wrestling on the station and that may NE may not mean a whole lot overall but it’s still content that they don’t have

To pay hundreds of millions of dollars for like they would for aew and considering they spent a a bunch of money to sublease the ACC basketball and football games and they have NASCAR’s expended series and they want to do more of the NFL that doesn’t seem like it’s a

Promising option which means then you go to the streaming services and at some point Google and YouTube are probably going to get involved in this down the line but it’s not now so then that leaves Apple Amazon and Netflix and Amazon is probably the one that would make the most sense it’s

Probably the one you could get the most money out of and it’s probably the one that would ultimately at the end of the day be the best bet for aew but who knows the Mello music has come in we can put all that corporate nonsense to the side and we can get into

The pro wrestling ring we get back from break here on wrestling Observer live back on the show Mike SV here with you wrestling Observer live thank DJ Convoy for pointing out at least in the twitch chat that yes these mergers are very interesting especially for somebody like

Me who grew up outside of of DC and remembers Reagan’s uh repeal of the fairness Doctrine and then remembers when Clinton signed into effect the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which I mean those two things have led to why you see a lot of the things that you see

In media why you see these media groups that have gotten together because the restrictions on who owns media and and how those media rights are held are just went completely out the window and how news is reported to you and how it is given to you has changed dramatically

In that time but H what can you do ratings news folks we’re going to go into ratings news that’s my big transition here Tuesday night’s episode of nxd average 641000 viewers on the USA Network down 5 12% from last week third lowest audience the total is done since

September 26 NXT drew a .17 rating in the 18 to 49 demo about 223,000 people down nearly 6% from last week nxt’s lowest rating in that category since August 29th went head up with the NBA and TNT which it usually does TNT did 1.42 six million viewers during that

Time and A4 4 three in the 18 to 49y Old demo we’ll see what happens maybe the aew dynamite number will come out during the show last week it did 845,000 viewers with 394,000 of them between 18 and 49 years old Mustafa Ali is not 49

Years old but my God he might feel like he’s 49 years old uh once he gets done booking all these Indie dates to his non-compete Clause as it has for a lot lot of WWE releases expired today and several promotions have announced and I mean more than a handful have announced

That Ali is going to be a part of their show uh Prestige wrestling gcw and others have all revealed that Ali has been booked for future events it all starts for him apparently on January 19th as he’ll face off against Gringo Loco on a gcw show there will be three motions in

Ontario uh that Ali works for demand Lucha on January 18th C4 on January 19th and he’s going to go over to Quebec City on January 20th for nspw then he goes over to the UK and what’s being advertised as his UK debut was he not

Over there for WWE at least this is his UK Indie debut progress wrestling uh announced that he’ll be there on January 28th Prestige wrestling posted that Ali will wrestle speed Beed ball Mike Bailey so there’s the first I mean no offense to Gringo Loco but Ali and Mike Bailey

That’s that’s kind of that’s kind of flashy that’s going to happen on February 25th in Hollywood the promoters behind Warrior wrestling in Chicago have announced Ali for trouble Brewing on March 1st and Destiny wrestling is bringing in Ali for its March 3rd show in Miss Saga Ontario so a lot of people

Believe that he could be showing up in aew he is one person that seems to be on everybody’s short list as somebody that could be very effective in gcw we’ll see gcw in aew we’ll see if that happens Matt riddle is headed back to Major League wrestling mlw has confirmed that

Riddle will face Jacob Fatu at Kings of Coliseum at the 2300 arena in Philadelphia on January 6 riddle previously wrestled for mlw from December of 2017 to April of 2018 his last match for the promotion was the finals of a tournament to Crown a new mlw Champion where he was defeated by Shane

Strickland Court Bower was on the busted open show today with Denise Aledo and Tommy Dreamer talk about a beauty in the Beast scenario there that’s also where he revealed that Sammy Callahan would be starting back with the promotion as both a wrestler and an agent that Kings of

Coliseum show coming up on January 6 I mean it’s got a incredible lack of filthy Tom Lawler on it I mean that’s the first thing that that really flashes out to me here is where’s filthy uh mlw world champion Alex Kane will defend against Richard Holiday World featherweight Champion Janai Kai with

Selena de laa in her corner will face hyper mow Ricky Shane pagee against Akira There Will Be Blood in that one love Doug against Brett Ryan Goselin Brent Brett Ryan Goslin sure Matt riddle against Jacob Fatu so that’s what they have advertised on that show we’ll see how the

Reaction uh from the public is to mlw signing Matt riddle and having Matt riddle on that show for uh you know a good dose of people out there they are not happy with seeing Matt riddle around they don’t like Matt riddle they don’t want to see him booked anywhere and they

Say they will not watch wherever Matt riddle goes we’ll see if that’s actually the case or not um it’s one of those things that I don’t know I’m one of those people put me in the category and this is whether he was having issues or

Not I don’t know what kind of is he that big of a benefit for aw I mean the fact is he does have you know issues at least when it comes to how he is perceived as taking care of himself and and acting in a you know in his personal life and

What he does in his personal life is is certainly one thing and you know people brought up his relationships and and things like that but I mean just the coming back smashed at at JFK airport just that where you’re accusing a TSA worker of feeling you up and and being

Loaded on there I mean with that with you know the suspensions from the past in WWE when you look at the whole scenario it’s like there are a lot of people out there who probably don’t come with anywhere near as much baggage who don’t they don’t have the name power but

They’re better balls of clay that you might be able to mold and utilize you know Mustafa Ali would be you know he’s not even a ball of clay you know somebody younger I mean he’s an established guy that could walk in and probably help you out a lot I think

Dolph Ziggler could come in and help you out a lot in a certain way you know if you don’t push him as he’s the devil or something like that or try to push him as a world champion I think he could probably do a whole lot for you you know

I’m not sure other than again just just having the name Matt riddle on your show if you’re aew I don’t know if it’s if it’s all that important now when it comes to New Japan when it comes to mlw when it comes to other places you know they’re probably

Going to look more the other way and they could absolutely use Matt Riddle’s name power a whole hell of a lot more but we’ll see how things start to play out with him uh as we go along here he’s we still have the impact announcement of what Scott deore is saying is the

Biggest signing in impact history or in in new TNA Wrestling history a big gamechanging announcement so could it be riddle we’ll see what happens since we won’t be here tomorrow as I said a little bit earlier on let me give you a preview of the weekend’s TV shows

As I mentioned smackdown’s taped Rampage is taped Collision will be live maybe aew could announce like I don’t know a few more matches for worlds Zend considering it’s only nine days away there’s three so far but we’ll get into that later WWE SmackDown on Friday two US title tournament semi-final matches

Bobby Lashley against Santos Escobar and Kevin no’s against Carmelo Hayes holiday Havoc a eight-woman tag team match Bianca belir shsi zelina Vega in mein against damage control Universal Champion Roman Reigns will also be on that show aew Rampage on Friday orange Cassidy will be defending his AWA aew international title against Rocky Romero

We’ll let you know during the world famous Dynamite review how we ended up with that match cmll at Arena Mexico on Friday I believe again this is going to be one of those uh $5 price shows it ends up being like $574 or something like that but those

Cmll shows on Friday nights really have been great nice change of pace if if you’re looking for one and dado ELO teams with Espanto Jr and brante Jr to face volador Jr Magnus and mag Blanca uh in the post show press conference after last Friday show andr indicated that he

Wanted singles matches with Mystic voladora and Atlantis Jor uh it was Atlanta senior that took his mask back in 2015 so we may be getting the first step uh to that Andrade and volador match on Friday man volador starts off his his uh his years just in the

Toughest way last year was with Rocky Romero giving him all sorts of headaches and now this as we go into 2024 it’s going to be Andrade aw Collision is on Saturday night three continental Classic Blue League match es Brian Danielson and claudo casoli Brody King and Daniel

Garcia and Dade and Eddie Kingston I still think that Eddie Kingston is going to end that night as one of the men in the semi-finals the acclaimed in Billy Gun will defend the aw Trio title against Top Flight in action andred I’m not saying that they have to

Do the title change Saturday but I’m saying do something to keep those two teams paired with each other and in the mix with each other because I think top flight and aand readyy should probably win those titles I think you’ve gone as far as you could with the acclaimed and

Billy Gun with them and the acclaimed frankly should be back in the tag team mix Julia Hart and sky blue will face Thunder Rosa and avidon and Keith Lee will face Brian Cage so that’s what they have got going on on that show and that’s what everything is going to be

Happening for the weekend hey aw was also before we go to break they’ve announced the double taping of dynamite and in Collision for February so if you’re down in the Huntsville Alabama area uh on Wednesday February 28th both shows will be taking place at the Von

Bron Center so aw has not revealed when tickets for that show will be put on sale but it is listed on the promotions event page we’ll get back when we get back the world famous aew Dynamite review go get you some wrestling Observer live back on the show Mike SV

Here with you wrest Observer live it is time for the world famous aew Dynamite review the holiday bash on TBS last night from the paycom Center in Oklahoma City the show opened with the first Continental Classic Gold League match of the night between swerve Strickland and

Roou a cold open by the way to boot there uh there was no light the fuse and breaking the rules and all that sort of stuff we just went right into swerves opening and enjoyed it much more started off with a little bit of mat wrestling and jockeying for Advantage they did a

Little Lucha a little back and forth Ria’s hamstring was all taped up and began that selling that early after he hit a dive to the floor and Strickland went to work on it but sv’s shoulder was also all taped up and roou took out swerves leg as he stood on the apron and

Swerve smashed that shoulder into the mat and then onto the floor they went to picture and picture Ro had a release belly to Bell belly to belly suplex I should say in the corner and went for the Bulls horns but his leg gave out that allowed swerve to put on a single

Leg Boston crab and then a stretch Muffler which the crowd popped for uh roou ended up getting out of that they ended up on the apron where they were trading shops until roou belly to bellied swerve onto the floor which as Brian would say looked like it sucked uh

Rou got a two out of that uh when they got back in the ring tried to go back up top but his leg failed him and that’s pretty much where the end came swerve knocked him off hit a 450 but Ro kicked out with uh with uh adrenaline at one

Swerve Then followed up with a flatliner and a Brain Buster but Ro still kicked out swerve then kicked him in the head went up top and landed the double foot stomp to finally get the win swerve now has nine points and put all of the pressure on Jay White for later on and

Roou ends up finishing the Continental classic with six points after that we got a subdued sensitive Chris Jericho to tell us that Kenny omega’s out with diverticulitis and this went on for two minutes and Jericho was so a shuck during it that I kept waiting for Starks

And Bill to come in and just start beating the hell out of them it didn’t happen also what didn’t happen was an announcement on what’s going to be taking place with the aw aew World Tag team title at World’s End they had six days to figure something out you got nine left to

Go maybe they’re extending out the drama the next week I don’t know but I’d probably have uh Starks and Bill run Jericho down leading into whatever surprise you know is actually planned I thought that would have came off better and maybe if those belts come off the Acclaim this weekend it’s Jericho

Announcing that it’s going to be the acclaimed going after Starks and Bill and look with Mega being out for a while there’s no reason to have Jericho in that mix at all with Starks and Bill it doesn’t help Starks and Bill at all frankly and I think they would be much

Better off maybe going back and forth with the acclaimed I know the the promos would be better as we saw from last Wednesday night Kell Classic Gold League match Mark Brisco against Jay Lethal in a battle of guys who had not won a match during the tournament but both are

Awesome awesome professional wrestlers this was an awesome professional wrestling match easily one of my favorites of the entire tournament both guys 38 years old both guys been wrestling for 22 years maybe longer in the case of of Mark Frisco having him under the mask at 16 years old and I

Think both of them have more to offer than what aew has given them thus far we’ll see if that changes next year especially in the case of Mark Brisco there were Fargo struts redneck Kung Fu the Cactus Jack nesty Plunge Taz referenced Lynn Swan who retired in 1982 and everything that happened during

The match made sense it was almost perfect and what wasn’t perfect you couldn’t tell because they’re so great at covering things up lethal tried to J driller but Mark kicked out at two he went for it again but Mark pushed him off lethal went for a lethal injection

But Mark reversed it into a burning Hammer he followed up with his own J driller to get the win they shook hands afterwards they started the year with a banger of a match between each other in tribute to J Brisco and they finish with one two watch the match we then got a

Short video package on mjf being inducted in the Jewish Sports Hall of Fame that’s located on Long Island before we went to break when we got back from break we got another video package of an intense wlow who says we are closer and closer to mjf’s world ending

And it’s time to bring the devil to his knees Samoa Joe then came out to the ring and said that even though rodrik strong is the dimmest bulb on the Christmas tree he made a good point last week every time someone has been laid out by the devil’s

Henchmen we’ve seen it except for mjf who was just laying there and and Joe called him our luscious world champion said he was just laying there with a bottle next to his head he’s got questions and he wants mjf to come out and answer them which he does he’s also

Shooting back with a bunch of ins SS as well and then mjf’s got accusations of his own he said when he was laid out in the back as the goons surrounded the ring they never touched Joe and mjf wonders why he’s waiting until World’s End to fight Joe but before they go any

Further they’re attacked by a bunch of Max henchmen they came out of the crowd then a bunch more came out surrounded the ring the Lights Go Out the Devil comes on the screen they make a challenge for the RO World Tag Team title next week

Max are you a hero mjf begins to ask Joe if he team with him but then Joe grabbed the mic accepted on their behalf before storming to the back better be good better be good Rene is in the back interviewing the best friends orange Cassidy statlander Rocky

Romero and Trent she asked what Rocky and Trent have planned for the rest of the year Rocky says he’s just lost his Welterweight Title in Mexico and he’s looking for some more internet ational opportunities orange then cut him off and said I get it I’ll see you on Friday

And walks away and Rocky shocked and Chris and Trent congratulate him he’s got an international title match on rampage aew women’s world champion Tony storm made her way to the commentary booth for the next match between rho and Sera for the right to face storm at World’s End Ruby Soho was shown watching

Backstage with the announcers noting her relationship her budding relationship with Angelo Parker maybe driving a wedge between Soho and Sera wasn’t long before the match was in a commercial break where sé was back in control when they came back rho began a rally the crowd

Was not really that hot for this uh they were also not treated to what was getting you know taking place on commentary that we were all getting with Tony and Taz and Excalibur and Tony Shani just being ridiculous rho used a Northern Light suplex and I was terrified because I thought Sera was

Going to get spiked she did not rioo used a double foot Stomp and then the running Meteora and that was that Tony came down to the ring broke out some some opera glasses to see Rio with who ended up jumping her she hit the 619 Mariah May ran down hit Rio with the

Title belt Tony then took that opportunity to roll out of the ring into Luther’s arms and ask who Mariah May was she acted like she had absolutely no idea who the woman was as she got carried to the back Tony shobani then stood up and read a prepared statement

From Christian Cage which to Tony did a really good job playing this up it was uh cage says he he took his son Nick Wayne on a well- needed vacation and he’ll be on collision to address Adam copelan’s no DQ TNT title challenge for World’s End then we see Samoa Joe and

Mjf arguing backstage they go their separate ways Max just just walks a couple of steps and oh look what he finds on the ground it’s a black ski mask the camera pans up and it’s in front of the Mogul embassy’s dressing room mjf then knocks on the door pulls

Nana out and demands an explanation swerve steps in between them says you better keep your hands off my property they go back and forth they bring up their past together they invoke the name of William Regal insults and all that stuff before we finally get to mjf

Asking if swerves the devil swerve says he’s not the devil but if mjf keeps getting in his face he’ll bring hell the Mogul Embassy then steps out of the door so Mo Joe walks up pulls Max away and Nana tells swerve Strickland as he’s closing the door I’m sorry boss I forgot

To put you on about Collision last week could that mean something I don’t know wasn’t the kingdom originally a prince n thing way back when am I wrong about that it’s possible it’s possible especially if you want to keep Brian Cage and TOA Leona and Bishop KH in

Ro could not have something to do with this we’ll see rodrik strong with uh Tav and Bennett defeated Commander after the match Bennett and Tav put Strong’s neck brace back on them and began posting mjf is the devil signs all around ringside Renee got into the ring to ask strong

What they were doing strong yelled for Samoa Joe to believe him and to see that mjf is the devil Renee asked strong well if Joe believed him wouldn’t he have already listened to him by now to which strong said Joe is his best friend by proxy there are moments with the rodri

Strong thing and I’m happy after all these years he’s on national TV it doesn’t work all the time and it’s too much and it’s I’m not saying it sucks but it’s close Main Event time John Moxley against Jay White Contin Classic this was going to decide everything here for

Jay white white had to win the match outright to have a chance at advancing Jim Ross came out to join commentary first time he’s been there in a while story of the match moxley’s determination to go all out even if he already had a spot in the semi-finals

And to overcome a knee injury that he picked up in story line by doing a dive to the outside they were on the outside quite often during the first part of the match Moxley hurt his knee and the show went picture in picture white slam moxley’s leg around the ring post a few

Times before turning up his offense when Moxley did turn things around and he went on the offense he barely sold the knee at all he’s he did did he was he’s stomping him in the corner he’s jumping up and down on him all that sort of

Stuff Brett Heart John Moxley is not but white did slam moxley’s knee into the ring steps he then distracted the referee by threatening to use a chair as the ref was getting rid of that chair he hit moxley’s knee with another chair went for the Blade Runner but Moxley

Reversed it into the paradigm shift for a two count Moxley then tried for a bulldog choke but white escaped both tried finishers back and forth for a little while there were half and half suplexes knee strikes curb Stomps all that sort of stuff until finally finally Jay White reversed a death rider and

Then hit the Blade Runner to get the victory which means we have a three-way match next Wednesday to decide who gets into the final as filthy Tom Lawler said a couple of days ago makes sense if you’re going under the idea that Eddie Kingston could end

Up in the finals here that his story with John Moxley can can have one more moment before I would assume Kingston wins takes advantage of a a very injured John Moxley who has now had his knee banged up and in fact after the match was over as swerve Strickland came out

To to glare at the two guys in the ring Jay White went back after moxley’s kneee so we’ll see uh how they play that up coming up on Saturday on collision if they do any promos about it and but obviously at least I think it’s pretty obvious it’s going to probably play into

The close of the match coming up on Wednesday so that was your world famous aew Dynamite review for Wednesday December 20th I know just does not have the appeal that that that Brian can give it doesn’t have that flare doesn’t have that special feeling that Brian can

Impart into a report but don’t worry everybody soon he’s going to be back especially all of you who listen on Wednesdays and love that NXT like DJ Convoy we’ll be back ring him server live back on the show Mike simper V here with your wrestling Observer

Live as I was saying to Dom during the break if you have to put A1 on a steak and I like A1 it’s not a good steak just it’s not a good steak if you put A1 on a steak it’s not a good steak if you put ketchup on a

Steak you probably should be deported I I don’t know where to but you need to get out and wherever you are you got to get out just don’t put ketchup on St don’t do it you probably should go watch the ironclaw movie I’m sure the folks over at a24 would

Appreciate that hopefully I’m going to get a chance to see it at some point over the weekend I doubt I say that but I’m old and then I won’t leave the house but the thing is my wife wants to see it really badly and I can imagine it being

What is being described on wrestling observer radio by Dave as I could see it happen there are people that apparently if you don’t know the story if you’re not all that into wrestling you watch it you will love it if you know the story which

I do it will drive you nuts so I look forward to to that where she loves it and I’m picking it apart uh I’m already see the the the Gino Hernandez not not not handsome enough not not a handsome enough dude to be Gino Hernandez Dr Keith Linsky pointed that out earlier on

Twitter I agree with him wholeheartedly that guy doesn’t look good we’ll see how it ends up turning out it’s enough for this show is it is it I hope your Christmas is great I don’t know if I’m going to be back with you on the 26 or

Not with Brian I assume he’s going to be back I don’t know if I am or not so if I’m not because I don’t feel like being here that day happy K Quanza happy boxing day and all that sort of stuff to you definitely for all you out there who

Celebrate Merry Christmas and I hope uh you get a chance to spend some quality time with your family the family that you like hopefully you don’t have to spend too much quality time with a family that you don’t like and hopefully you fill yourself up and Gorge yourself

On a whole bunch of food and have a hell of a time I want to thank you out there for listening and watching me this week I want to thank producer Dom I want to thank producer Daniel as always I want to thank producer John on the video and

We shall talk to you again in a few days which is like after a while bye


  1. Tony Khan it’s a humble request, reduce the match timings, add more entertainment segments, make the show more creative.. a 2 min backstage segment between Cassidy and Romero to decide a championship next week.. that’s what we don’t want.. there should be a long story behind championship matches.. when I followed AEW.. I was looking for that attitude era resurgence buts it’s been too long and I’m just seeing the show becoming less entertaining and more wrestling/match oriented.. nothing bad in that infact some of the matches are way too good but this will limit the audience to hardcores only.. a fan like myself who is more inclined towards entertainment rather than the wrestling aspect, It’s an honest opinion, I just switch the channels while matches take place.. you can see yourself, your ratings are high when there is either a good in ring segment or some high profile match. Add stories and create characters like Toni storm or swerve.. You have the wrestlers, you have your young rock and young Austin in Ricky and MJF, you got the arsenal, you need some firepower in creative writers and we can have the attitude era back. I know this is just an opinion and many will disagree but I bet most of the fans would love it. I don’t feel as passionate as I used to during the 2021s or early 2022.. to watch Aew. I am and many others like me are hoping for a change.

    I am not on twitter but incase if there are true Aew fans with same belief as me, please share this so that it reaches AEWs ears.. mainly Tony’s .

  2. Was a good Dynamite
    F the sad pathetic hating rating watchers hater brigaders doomsdayers & other assorted toxic wrestling troll 💩.s like what you like don't be a hating di@# support all wrestling f the haters have a merry Christmas wrestling fans 🎄👍

  3. Lets "swerve" talking about doing less than 800k in viewers!

    Wasnt even against NBA either 😂😂😂.


  4. Everyone on this channel criticizes wwe for going to ad break super early but they have an ad break on here literally 2 minutes after the show starts

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