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Breaking News: Florida Gators Football Recruitment Exposed

Florida Gators Recruiting & Transfer Portal News. Buddy Martin, Franz Beard and David Whitley talk about how Billy Napier is fairing in the College Football Transfer Portal and Florida Gators Recruiting Trail.

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Good evening and Welcome to our new studio we’re just getting ready to teed up with David Whitley the Gator basketball team in overtime against Michigan 81 all so stay tuned for David Whitley and more on the basketball game we’ll find out along with you what’s going to happen tonight plus we got some

Updates on some changes in football every day other more can’t hard to keep up with standby David Woodley joins us next right here on the Buddy Martin show it’s time again for Buddy Martin call him up and tell him what you’re thinking but be kind because he’s doing the best he can Better

Stronger Faster mama said that alligators are owner cuz they got all them teeth but no toothbrush hey what if the voice calls while you’re gone take a message bye you ready ch yeah I’m ready for this my whole life I’m incapable of small but that’s why you love me right

Kind of intimidating to be in the presence of so many great Athletes Evening and welcome to the program and you probably notice this a different location we are on assignment just couple of weeks and we will be broadcasting from here tonight Brandon Martin is not joining us he’ll be out and about and uh basketball basketball basketball what a game tied at 81 you

Keep me in the loop David bald off and toony perimeter and all the rest of you folks are watching basketball my back is turn to it if you’ll keep us updated with that let’s go get David Whitley right now see what he’s finding out about the world out there it’s my

Pleasure always to have David Wy on the program he’s back hello David how you doing I’m fine I’m actually you know the green I’m sorry the orange and blue room uh the game is to your back it’s to my side yeah well I have to turn all the way

Around to see it right over here so I I can’t see these see tonight CarX says it’s 8383 right now yeah 83 all so so my Impressions were as I was watching made notes to myself I really like the way this team scraps they they they’re Fighters they a ball on the floor

They’re like a hungry dog it’s their bone you know they go after it big time and I like the way they play hard I don’t like the way I like the way they rebound offensively too they’re certainly good at that but I don’t like the way they shoot free throws and

Offensively their helter sculpure can’t count on anybody to really sort of tonight it was a Samuel obviously who had a big start and uh the guard play early on David they couldn’t stop McDaniel my gosh that guy’s going crazy seem like every there always some small guard tears him up their defensive guard

On their offense is scoring out of the Guard is not good but giveing credit they’re playing pretty well offensively and uh made some some key buckets down the stretch to get stay in the game 83 all now right yeah um you know I took a quick glance at the stats I think it’s

Amazing they’re an over got an overtime when you consider that they’re starting two guards cougal and Walter Clayton they’re combined what four for 20 really poor and and two of my favorite players and I don’t know what’s wrong with Clayton he just got married had a baby

Had played well a couple weeks ago he couldn’t throw it in the ocean tonight he made defensive lapses he didn’t pass the ball he gave the ball away on a turnover right down the last couple of minutes that he shouldn’t have so he’s not having a good stretch right

Now but I think this team has a lot of talent I don’t believe Todd H Todd is coralled it all yet I think the kind of team that’s going to develop nicely because they have some Dev those those freshman bigs are really good yeah that’s been the surprise of the year I

Mean yeah you’d heard Whispers that they felt they sort of pulled the coup getting Condon out of Australia sort of like a a uh he he would be a the the positive version of a virus that came to America that nobody was suspecting and and caught on and suddenly said oh this

Guy he’s got he’s got some game uh and uh I mean it’s good to have the Big H hotton back there yeah I mean so front line which is where they’ve been so lacking in the last couple years you know if Castleton wasn’t wasn’t there they they had nothing and yeah and now

They have a bunch of guy bunch of bodies that they can throw out there and that are playing well it’s just it yeah they haven’t played a complete Game nothing near there lately though I mean you figure all the pieces are there but it’s just but for you know this is you know

It’s basketball it’s December 19th uh yeah you paay in a sense you don’t want to you don’t want to be playing your best basketball in December had two months so you see the pieces are there but it uh would like to see from Florida standpoint it it coming together

A little bit quicker I mean this you know it shaping I’m gling 85 84 you know whatever happened this kind of game win or lose but you know they they really need to get you know some wins over these quality teams you know the michigans you know the quad one type

Teams that because that come in in two and a half months winning is come time to pick you know they’re not going to be a one or two seed anywhere or three seed they’re going to be in that thing where people gonna be looking back say they

You know these December games are going to count yeah yeah you’re right and and it is you know it is even know they’re what six and five on the year Michigan is a one of those one of those teams that you like to to B have a w against

Uh and uh a good feel here in the Jumpman classic a chance to show up and to be paired up with Michigan is good for the program so yeah I think that I think maybe we got our hopes up a little bit early on especially way they beat

Florida State so badly uh and uh we’ve had players come in and out I sure I love r cougle’s game but he just cannot get it together right now he just cannot yeah he’s he’s sort of the mystery right now um yeah you just you just wonder is it a sophomore slump kind

Of thing uh yeah it’s he he doesn’t have the same intensity that he seemed to have last year uh maybe it’ll come around uh but you know it’s you don’t see it quite yet I mean I’m not you know saying he’s gold bricking or anything but you know just reading the body

Language you just wonder you know if something is going on that uh you know he just he just somebody needs to light a fire into him a little bit and get what what I like about him though is that even on nice when he’s not shooting

The ball well he finds a way to contribute he can defend he can he’s a good passer he’s unselfish I just surprised he hasn’t scored more because he’s capable uh but but this team is I guess about what we expected especially with the bunch of guys had played together

Before but there’s some Talent on the team the guard players got to get better I think pullet played well tonight I think he’s showing promise of the only true point guard they got there and uh Clayton’s just game is just not there right now so so anyway so we’re talking

Basketball here any before we before we leave those any G up date real quick look over there and tell us what it is and we got it 8786 in favor of Michigan with 59 seconds left it looks like they just turned the ball over so Florida’s got

Possession and the way we go and Johan Howard’s looking up at the scoreboard with sort of a bad now he’s smiling thinking oh we got you know yeah I get that I get this feeling I don’t know why I keep think this is a game where m is

Going make a three at the end you know thows going lose by a point that’s kind of feeling I have about this game but we’ll see got that VI all right well all right three-pointer and misses and FLA gets the rebound and okay I

Know I got to admit it’s hard to to take eyes off it on this because it’s a 39 seconds left yeah watch it here I think everybody is watching this to oh there’s a good defensive play Somebody’s GNA have yeah I don’t know what uh they had three shots four shot back

Yeah a foul had their CH they had their chance right there yeah had a chance right there so all right well David um let’s go ahead and play a commercial while we’re waiting and then I want to get into some football news uh plenty of that going on

And I think we’re GNA have tonight I believe we’ll be hearing momentarily from Lauren Meadows he’s at this game and then France B will join us at the end to give us his two thoughts worth it so let’s let’s Shar from our friends at uh meldin law be back and wrap up the

Game and start with the basketball football start uh Jeffrey look forward to a great 2024 and being together with you and your wife to celebrate some special occasions yeah and buddy I want to tell our Gator fans out there that Todd golden is the real deal in in one year

He’s put together this really tall team that’s gonna outrebound just about everybody that they play they’ve got some great Shooters we got three or four uh you know guards in there that are awesome Y and um I predict that the Gators are going to be a ranked team by

The end of the season and that uh you wait and see they’re going to make some noise around March Madness sounds exciting you’ll be right there to report from Courtside give us the inside scoop Jeffrey yeah and and January 6 is meldin law day we’re playing Kentucky wow at

The oome it’s meldin law day we’ve got uh special shirts for everybody giving stuff away again like you do all over the place you give stuff but it’s gonna be a I mean it’s Kentucky buddy what do you gotta say what are you gonna do be a big night that the the

Home game against Kentucky is always the the big game of the year maybe I’ll come s with there night so okay January 6 buddy all right Jeffrey have a happy holiday season the best to you and don’t forget melden law they do not back down they wish you a happy holiday season

Yeah happy holidays to everybody all right thank you Jeffrey 8986 florid is down now with the ball and what is it 18 ticks 19 seconds ago so this will be we need to we need another commercial yeah I I think they’re gonna yeah yeah I think they’ll

Go for two here that three he’s two three and Rim’s out oh there’s off all right back out oh there it is they tied it got the two got it wow got it yeah so eight seconds left though yeah play by play here it is jacking it up for everything

Nope going to double oot yeah there you go all right okay we’ll talk a little bit about football uh what have you heard before we do let me interject yeah sure for for your for the big hockey audience I did see where the lightning one six to nothing

Okay there’s that guy there’s that one guy we got lightning fan so yeah good to know uh all right so David there’s a lot going on most of it is unsubstantiated but there’s a lot of good rumors there are some changes going on France beard reported a couple of things today what

Have you heard or have you heard anything lately about any any additional players in the portal have you heard about any progress that Billy’s made uh any thoughts about uh looks like the recruiting class might hold together give me your assessment of where they stand right now first on the portal H

Yeah portal I wish you’d ask me about recruiting Because ID tell you I’ll know I can tell you everything in 24 hours everything you want to know Port tomorrow yeah portal you know I’d say ask me January 2nd when that you know when that curtain draws close because I

I I honestly I I do not know you know like well they they lost Phil Sami however you pronounce his name recruit from the recruit Texas yeah I’m talk from from the portal aspect yeah who who I mean there’s you know a thousand guys

In it like I got the big guy from Pand didn’t they the big tackle 10 right yeah they got the tackle but I mean all these things like before they happened I I didn’t know I hadn’t read anywhere that that they were in on this guy blah blah

Blah or like they you know they got and and it was good that they did because people were starting to get a little antsy because they hadn’t gotten anyone then Sunday they get the two the offensive line and the defensive lineman yeah you are two are areas of need and

They both look the peral on paper like the kind of guys that can come in and help right away because because those are positions that need their help and then they get the guy from Oregon who I I couldn’t you know I couldn’t tell anything about but he come good program

Yeah well he was he was considered to be one of the top players in the portal in his position yeah yeah but so far if you balance it out you know they’ve lost more in the portal than they bought in but of course that’s because the Le

People leave earlier and now you can start bringing them in so on balance you know right now it’s a net it’s a net minus but there’s still you know two weeks to go before portal portal shop closes for this year it’s hard to tell because some of those players our

Players have really wanted to leave oh yeah and you don’t really know which ones I mean looks to me like they’ve lost four or five they didn’t want to lose they’ve lost quite a few they did want to lose yeah it’s it’s hard to spin when you lose arguably your you know and

Yan Mellen on defense and and uh eten on offense that uh that it’s it’s a good I mean those are two that that nobody would want to lose uh but you know Frank every team’s had some of those not I don’t think everybody’s had it quite

Like as bad as Florida losing that top end kind of guys but yeah I mean the the three4 of those are the kind of guys that they you know they didn’t kick out out the door but they weren’t sorry to see them go just because they got it for

Roster management sake they needed them to go to upgrade those positions yeah their space yeah so I mean we’ll see you know I think you a lot depends on tomorrow you know and if who if they can sign everybody they want and holds you know that’ll affect some a portal

Decision or two I’m glad that sign and day is finally here really so you know and and and I nobody is glad is more happy than you know the real recruiting the guys at 247 and on three who are have to track these kids and and that’s their bread and butter and tomorrow’s

Like yeah you know tomorrow’s dday for them you know yeah it’s it’s the craziest day of the year and they’ll be you know I mean those those recruiting websites they’ll be getting tens of millions of hits throughout the day you know all over the country well let’s see what some of the comments

Are Toby primer good evening buddy go Gators Thank You Toby Florida voice says no matter where the class ranks after going six to S signing lagway McCrae and Graham is massive makes a good point those are three good sigs for sure oh yeah and who knows that you you see well

These guys they may flip blah blah blah um you know and they may transfer next year so who knows I mean yeah yeah you can’t you can’t for but just taking it by tomorrow and and assuming they hold what they have I think people really consider it a success you know if there

Were no more defections and if they can sign another couple of guys I think he wouldn’t be just blowing smoke if he comes out there and says we’re happy I think it’ be given yeah everything I it’ll in a way it’s it’ll be disappointing because for so long they

Were you know number ranked number three in these kind of things and they’ll probably end up if if things hold in the seven to eight range uh which you know I mean that’s still pretty good I mean when you you consider the other people in that neighborhood uh but you know

It’s sort of like you know you think you think you think you’re gonna get the Lamborghini for Christmas and instead you get the Cadillac you know uh but you know Cadillac is I mean still beats you know the Prius that uh you know has been in park in the driveway the last couple

The last you know few Christmases before now so are the seveny old Lincoln you know one uh all right so so here’s a few of comments David balof who by the way is one of our original members uh nice to say by the way merry Christmas to you

Buddy thank you David appreciate that very much it’s nice uh let’s see uh let’s see uh Balo said we can still get Smith I I’ve heard that I have no idea he’s a wide receiver from Ohio State spent a lot of time down here obviously he and

Lagway are buddies uh I don’t know whether that’s you hear that but whether it’s true I couldn’t tell you be a great get of course um let’s see um jayen J Trucking LLC um unhappy about some of the playing basketball well let’s see um we are so sloppy all right JJ JJ

Trucking pretty hap unhappy tonight a lot of comments let’s see uh let’s J on JJ for a second uh uh pulling been playing good you’re right Toby he has been playing good um yeah that’s where the depth of this team comes in yeah which uh they

Haven’t had much of the last few years but yeah you know if uh if they’re starting guards weren’t playing well last you know there wasn’t much to turn to but you know now they’ve got you know he’s got really eight he goes eight to9 deep without much of a drop off yeah for

Sure all right so uh people are getting upset at J&J Trucking for too many comments and he’s getting called out and spamming uh Robert Turner says quit spamming David Arnold football is going to be good looking forward to surp surprise a few people maybe that would be nice

Um let’s see what else we got here from JJ JJ Trucking J&J take a little break buddy take a take a breath uh Robert Turner let’s see yeah slow your R you’re right Robert David Arn off I want I want a fight and a hockey I went to a fight

In the hockey game yeah that’s an old one uh nothing else here of anything of kind except for one guy going off a bunch okay let’s get to a little bit of news that France kind of broke earlier this week and he’ll be joining us at end of the game What’s the score

David we are now at 91 991 just still four minutes 18 seconds so yeah here’s a couple of tidbits all right we don’t have to be rude to to the to the audience and and turn all our attention to the TVs just yet yeah right right um apparently France says Corey

Foreman the former five-star defensive end we were in it to the end with is transferring out of Southern C there’s a lot we don’t know yet about who who’s where we going to Jo what this is going to come out this kid I met once before Bryce langon from Vanguard and LSU now

In the portal uh Bry Langston was a was a considered to be a five star when he was like a senior um and I talked to him a long time he wanted go to LSU well I guess it didn’t work out that well so

Now he’s the portal he was a heck of a player in high school I know that good luck to you Bryce Now France says no France didn’t say Florida football is about to see a familiar name in the transfer portal as a player who started his career in

Gainesville is back at the portal looking for a third School Josiah Pierre member of the 20 2019 recruiting class from Mount Dora Florida committ to the gator out of high school but only stayed in the swamp for one season all right so there’s a little bit of news here

Um yeah so um a lot going on here I noticed that there been a lot of talk about the stadium change David uh since we discussed this last time I think we’re just everybody’s like saying okay okay I can’t get my arms around the design of the stadium right now I’m

Trying to see the football team going to be competitive and one thing I will say one thing I will say is this I’ll give Billy this he did have a competitive team it wasn’t the team we wanted to see on the field but we’ve seen moments out

There when this when the Gators were not competitive and they were competing and almost they were playing hard and uh and lost a couple ofo closes no moral victories but I will say if you can’t play hard you got no shot yeah I mean they did play hard um

And you can you can see when a team has given up and I I mean a different league but if you saw that that la la Chargers game the other night where wow I mean that was it was an embarrassment you know they they were just mailing it in

They shouldn’t pick up their paychecks the next day but but they just you could tell but you didn’t there was none of that this year with Florida I mean they lost but it was never for a lack of lack of effort you know on their part just

You know lack of a lot of other things but but uh you’re right there there was you didn’t their their their hearts and minds are in the right spot so I think Billy’s getting them there with that it’s everything else that he’s got to get them to yeah and and you know that’s

Uh yeah we’ll be talking a lot about that in the next six months but you know tomorrow I’m just glad tomorrow it has said something something real something tangible for people to sink their teeth into yeah you know finally after months of you know this is it they’re sign and

As you said you know a third I mean if if stats hold a fourth to third of them won’t be here in two years but that’s just the way the game is but four we got to just judge it based on today tomorrow and who they you know and it’ll be

Something to actually be able to analyze and say okay this is what they got and uh you know who who we’ll be seeing in Spring practice come in and and get a look at them although you know it’s interesting the the best rookie or freshman they had last year as a turn

You know Wilson he he didn’t come in he he he went the oldfashioned route he stayed in high school you know he graduated yeah and you know then he just came in and and when you’re you know if you’re good you’re gonna play uh and

Talented but uh you can just see see the anticipation now you know when lagway shows up I mean he’ll be he’ll be registering for class you in theory on in January and uh we start counting the days till Spring practice and and all and the rest of these guys and seeing

What they got but uh you know as far the guys who who need to make the impact or the guys that you like the the offensive lineman and defensive lineman they sign they got out of the portal on Sunday whose names I you know completely yeah

Right I I will say I was impressed with the defensive lineman just the fact that he’s all academic uh you know in the ivy league right coming over right so well all right you know at least at least you know the team GPA will we’ll get a nice

Boost yeah good basketball team up 90 99 93 so lot of win there yeah you know while was while we were raming they put on a six0 run talking exactly yeah yeah it is quite quite quite the variety when you for you know one hour they’re getting a guy from

From uh the ivy league and pin the next guy they’re getting a guy from San Diego State so you could tell there they’re it’s it’s definitely going global you know with really wherever you know it yeah the clearing house and I’m sure they’re doing you they they got that war

Room and they’re they they’re aware of it and they’re making their their run at people yeah just it’s just crazy how you know I got me the portal see then boom he appears and you know and you just scramble the bombers and and you know if

You have a you hope you have a relationship there that’s existing and that that’s you know what a lot of recruiting has now gotten into even if you lose a guy tomorrow you know you said a third of these guys are gonna be back on the

Market in the next two or three years yeah and if you and so you don’t want to get up there tomorrow if if a guy flips on you and and do anything that will yeah your face yeah because if you finish number two you may still be number two when he’s looking for

Somewhere else yeah you may be number one when he’s looking for somewhere else in two years for sure um we’re gonna go and do a commercial we should be getting our guys quickly here Prett basketball game and the other thing I’m wondering about is the coaching staff I have heard

Nothing else about the defensive line coach you know have you heard anything David uh no not defensive line I mean there been I think other moves or a foot in the staff I think there be a lot of of non non- full-time assistant shifting around in you know in

That in that massive uh 120 person staff yeah uh maybe on the you know strength strength conditioning I think you’re gonna see some changes there uh moving around uh and and those kind of things that you know that that sort of the behind the scenes beneath the surface

Kind of Staff there’s there’s certainly a lot of movement going on but as far as you know the name full-time assistants haven’t heard anything yet on that DL guy right uh the guy’s name is slackman by the way the dep department is pretty good about the names the captain pin

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Um all right it’s a free throw shooting contest now which is not good uh oh no that’s not good what is it now well I mean they’re up six but they’re gonna be fouled every time now and yeah and uh yeah and and I think that I just was

Checking the stat there 17 of 28 from free throws all right well he made that one so 18 of 20 you know that that that’s going to hurt him in tournament tournament that where get hurt yeah it’s going to hurt them all season you know at first Todd ah we’ll get it together

But you we’re we’re you know oh another rainbow three man Michigan but so they and this kind of game where you they’re gonna be a ton of games before they got hit free throws yeah and uh that’s one yeah for sure if they’re gonna really make a run yeah for sure I think

Laoren Med is standing by Blue Room he’s up in Charlotte at The Jump Man before we do that let’s just say um I got to give kudos coach spier he is uh you know we take it for granted and I just want to say thank you to him he did have been

Solid I never ask for any special favors I never do I always just try to play it straight up but I had a need for something today for a person whose father was very sick and I called him up and ask if he’d give me a something

Signed for me they said sure call up and remind the person down at the at you at University of Florida at the stadium to get the information together with this and I’ll sign it well you know Ste I it slipped my mind s my mind I get ready to

Go about two hours later the phone rangs and steeve said did you ever send me that information I need to have oh oh I’m sorry coach so he said well just give it to me so he took the person his name would and got the item sign and

Delivered it to this person uh who really very much wanted to have this at this time and I I never try to Prevail upon my relationships with coaches or players but this was one I really needed he came through I’m very grateful I just want to say publicly thank you Steve SP

For being who you are I appreciate it very much um all right so let’s go get was yeah it made that person’s Day or Christmas or whatever made it made more than a day it made the year it made Christmas very special you don’t like to ask those favors for people unless it’s

Special here’s a special guy right here he’s up in Charlotte he’s hanging with Michael Jordan he’s got a Jumpman outfit on can you hear me Lauren yeah I can hear you well what about this crazy game yeah well looks like um looks like Florida Gator going to go ahead and

Finish them off 106 101 with about four seconds left yeah so uh you know uh Walter I think pulling hit a three to kind of extend the game and you know they kind of battle back and forth in the overtime and it been a nice game man people got people definitely got their

Money’s worth yeah it’s crazy there Dave and I were talking about if they can shoot free throws wel to you know my gosh the free throws are going to come back to bite him in the butt later on this year free throws yeah definitely definitely I mean

It’s going to be something that uh you know uh Samuel who had been pretty decent from the free throw line the last few games struggled a little then they they failed to finish around the rim you know at times too which probably would have would have would have given them

The edge but um you know it’s a good win good team win they fought it out I think this be a nice springboard you know as they finish up yeah la Lauren’s got problems with his wife F go ahead Lauren can you hear us you you were breaking up there nice win

Yeah I can hear you yeah all right U who impressed you tonight from Florida I mean The Usual Suspects I mean I think the um you know what I guess what didn’t impress me was that Riley cougal still kind of continues to struggle after such a great freshman

Year and you know they kind of been leaning on uh both Pullin and Walter Clayton Jr that backcourt combination and then you know like I said again I’m I’m a big fan of uh Samuel who uh yeah me too the Cen Hall transfer so you know

He he he really imp I mean kind of does a little bit of everything and and you know his showed tonight David I’m a big fan of R cougal where he played last year he’s not the same player he was David no he he’s yeah he’s working yeah he’s working through

Some stuff uh if they can get him back on track and playing like he was last year and I mean as you said there’s there’s a lot of pieces here that it’s just a matter of them figuring it out and and coming together uh but you know

But tonight even though the back court you know played poorly or shot poorly they found a way to win and this I mean as uh as Lauren said this this was the key win I think for the rest of December because now you can Envision them finishing out with you know going into

This conference play I think 10 and three record and some momentum and and so I think that you know if You’ have told Todd golden two months ago this is how you you’ll be set up after you know really what amounts to it’s not a pre

But it is a preseason in a way say okay you I can take that we’re in pretty good shape going in now yeah uh Lauren what’s the matter with uh Walter Clayton what’s the matter with Walter Clayton what do you mean well he just doesn’t see he’s he’s off his

Game I mean yeah yeah might be fatherhood you know stand up but no he I mean like I said he he he was off but I mean I thought late in the game he made some plays that that were key and you know I mean it’s just one of those

Things man when you get teams that are evenly matched you gonna have kind of a sloppy game sometime it’s still early in the season both teams playing in a in an arena that they’re not necessarily used to and uh no I think uh you know I mean

Just you know like I mean just one of those things you want to you want to get grind out these wins and that’s that’s the main thing I think you you go home with you know what could be at least probably what they call like a quad quad

Two win yeah you know on your resume there probably be a quad two quad three win for for Michigan I mean for Florida when they kind of look at Michigan throughout the year and uh you know I mean I just like I said you got to get these it’s a midweek game

You know and and you know I think coming off their last win and then going here you know and and with a winnable game against gramlin on Friday I mean they’re starting to string together a few a few little wins and and that’ll that’ll bow well once you get into the New

Year all right Lauren we’ll let you go up to this but David and I were talking about tomorrow’s Signing Day could be a halfway decent bit for signing for class for Billy he’s not going to get all the pieces but he had he’s got looks like a

Lot of what are you hear about that and any word anything else you heard about any coaching changes or prospects or anybody in the portal Lauren well as far as recruiting I think you know they’ve kind of got most of the ha in the barn like Fran said last night

Um and and I don’t know I’ve kind of been out of the loop today but they’ve got opportunity to flip a running back that was committed to to Arkansas ba who’s pretty decent player and uh could possibly um grab a receiver I can’t remember the kid name it could be

Another receiver that they add and then you know I mean it just kind of allows you to put some building blocks together and then they got to go out and you know get some grow you know I think signing the safety out of Oregon is is a step in

The right direction and you know it’s just going to be one of those things where it’s going to be a long off seon of a lot of questions and as far as coaches concerned I think you’ll start to see The Dominoes fall as the bulk of

The bowl games get finished and and you know I I would say one thing people need to understand that just because you want somebody doesn’t mean that they’re going to come to Florida because there is the question of what is Billy Napier’s future at Florida and if I’m uprooting

My family and doing those kind of things yeah the money’s better at you know it’s going to be better than a lot of other places but you know if I got wife and kids and things like that I really got to look at what the future is so you

Know there’s a lot of good coach Coes out there it may not be a name that people want um you know I’m still skeptical on the offensive coordinator thing but I guess I would tell people as far as that’s concerned just be patient and see what you know just let these

Bowl games fall fall away and things like that and and through Christmas in the New Year you’ll start seeing some moving and shaking all right Lauren Meadows from up in Charlotte jump man thank you good report we’re going to bring France beer and catch up what else

Is happening on thank you Lauren good job buddy appr and and and one one last thing I’ll tell people and friends can Echo this you know I think it’s time for uh Florida Gator fans to really start paying attention to our women’s basketball program as well you know

Kelly Ray Finley has done a great job recruiting um they’ll be the first game out the gate tomorrow against Michigan and you know I mean I think she’s really I mean they they had a big win a huge win against Gardner web that that increased their uh me their net ranking

Up like 33 points so I think they’re almost in the top 50 so you know if some things come together this could be a tournament team which would be a big step for the women’s team so you know some of you basketball fans give give the women’s team a little look tomorrow

Night all right Lauren thanks a lot appreciate it all right Lauren Mets coach me here’s coach beard what’s up Francis what do you think they pulled it out uh you know it’s amazing how bad you can play and still win against quality team and Michigan Michigan’s a quality

Team I mean uh the record is six and six but they beat a couple of quality teams their last two ball games in Eastern Michigan and Iowa and won by double figures in both games um and they got Jawan Howard back as their head coach he’d been out because of heart surgery

So you know to come away with a win like this in which you shoot badly you can’t hit free throws you turn it over way too much you make bad decisions and yet when it comes down to crunch time you come up with enough plays to win a game it and

They’re they’re fun they’ll they’re gonna give Todd a heart attack early but they’re fun to watch David go ahead no I mean he summed up right because if you to look at the stat sheet especially with that backc Court you’d think man they you know this they should

Have gotten wiped out by you know 10 12 points on this game and it this is you know a a good resume enhancer game you know with and they really needed one of those a win over a name team a brand name team and you know I don’t know what

Quad Michigan will be in by the end of the year but you know a win over Michigan sure looks better than than another oh darn we we we should have could have would have beaten that team because there’ve been you know a lot of those too many of those so and yeah the

Fact that they pulled it out and you know as we were yaming I you know you and I thought well we had that vibe that it just ain’t GNA happen yeah and they looked over a Sixpoint run yeah and I guess they hit a you hit a couple of

Threes And and suddenly they’re up six eight and they hit just enough free throws there you know down the stretch but they were they still you know you get sort of that that that Shack Vibe when they get on the on the things is oh

Man just you know C just you know uh and that that’s just you mental uh yeah it’s it’s not that they can’t shoot free throws uh they and and the more you think about it the less you need to think about it I I bring bringing a shrink but that’s something that that

They got to figure out you as this season progresses but so far you just don’t see much improvement there France what’s with the guard play you get two guys we like Walter Clayton and and Riley cougal and they’re just not playing like they ought be playing well you know

We say that and yet they’re not shooting the way we want them to shoot and yet you look at them they combine for 11 rebounds five assists two block shots and three steals they did a lot of stuff they just didn’t hit shots a lot of dirty work uh cougal particularly in the

Second half I thought set the tone and the way cougal played defense I mean coug people don’t people need to pay attention to what he does he absolutely positively gets it done on the defensive end this guy I I’m GNA tell you right now this is an elite Defender not good

He is Elite you score on him you’ve done something you’ve really really done something and my gosh he he got it done tonight if and particularly in the second half and if he doesn’t play defense in the second half when Todd had to stop the game call a timeout and just

Go with an F bomb Ty raade asking if somebody other than Riley cougal could play defense um you know and and it’s hard to hard to imagine but you look at I want you to imagine these take a look at these numbers for a second for the

Gators we had 10 block shots 10 steals in the ball game 54 rebounds and yet it us it took double overtime to get there you know that absolutely absolutely an an amazing win uh totally unsuspected yeah that’s nice win for that’s one like David said will stand

You in good stead down the way to win over a quality name brand like that and one I think the Florida program I will say this you’re right about one thing it’s very promising it’s hard to see at this point in time you also said pullup

Would make a big difference on this team as a as a point guard you’re absolutely right about that they’re a lot better with him in there the Freshman are big guys are very very good well they are aren’t they um rebounders lton is getting better uh as he goes and he’s

Still not at 100% uh because after the sprained ankle but he’s getting better and now you look they’ve got some days off here today’s the 19th they’re not going to play again for a week and you got two games they’re going to win them both uh against grumbling and uh kipc I

Think that’s how you pronounce it David smarter than I am he would Quin yeah the the the the university with all the polls the Quin of Pak polls so okay all right Quinn aak okay I think that may be their nickname the polls ah anyway those are two wins this will be

The first time since 2007 since December 20 17 that they go into a new year with 10 wins and that that’s impressive and that is that’s real progress for this team to do that but prior to that the the last time they done that was uh the

201 134 team that went to the final four that was the last time before that that they had 10 wins heading into heading into January so this is a this is a big this is a big deal this is big turnaround um I’m looking at this uh

Text here okay I’m GNA throw something at you guys and and this is what I am hearing from one of my buddies who is an Ohio State guy Germaine Smith will flip tomorrow that’s what the Ohio State while that was huge yeah and and the kid uh Jayla Bown who was committed to

Arkansas is going to sign is going to be a gator too for running back cornerback safety linebacker quarterback he’s wide receiver he’s he’s just he may be the best pure athlete out there and he had been committed to Arkansas he has pulled it uh everybody says he is 100%

Gator um they’re going to pull I I also believe that they’re going to pull uh an offensive lineman that Alabama is really putting the full court press on a guy named favor Edwin who is big big big guy um I I look for the I look for 22 23

Guys in this signing class um and it I know that losing uh losing the kid from the five star kid is painful anytime how you say his name Phil Samy how do you say it h Phil same Phil Samy yeah I’ve heard Phil yeah Phil yeah knew

You if if we want to do a little East in London Phil s me okay he gone yeah but but um there you hear about Smith you those rumors for couple week but I the question is I don’t think the surpris that he’ll flip it where does he flip too you know

Because you he in UF you’re in FSU and maybe Miami uh the Ohio State people are saying that he’s going he’s going Florida that’s what that’s what they’re saying that would be that’s huge yeah I mean because he he is you know he’s he’s the guy he’s the number

Recruiter and if he comes you know that that is your lagway effect uh in in in in motion right there he spent more time down here visiting lagway is but now there about five times yeah here’s the thing why Florida’s Florida really stands the really good chance to get him

Florida’s gotten the quarterback situation you’ve got you know uh FSU is talking about getting a fifth year guy uh Miami’s talking about getting a fifth year guy Ohio State’s talking about getting a fifth year guy Florida’s that got fifth year guy but they got lagway coming with with him Florida’s got the

Best and this is why my my Ohio state Buddies say he’s going to be a gator because Florida’s got the best quarterback situation of all the people who are in the in the market for him now watch him pull a shocker and go go something like Alabama yeah yeah yeah

That certainly makes sense because when you do weigh it I mean yeah you you you have no clue who’s going to be fsu’s QB next year and you know say same Miami’s just been all over the the place too so I mean yeah and Florida you figure at

Worst you’re gonna have gr Merz throw into you next year you know and down the road you got you know the BR and after that you got lagway so yeah any receiver if you’re in the market I mean that is a that is a prime selling point yeah yeah

It it really and truly is and and you look at all the guys that are leaving Ohio State leaving Georgia I mean Georgia’s got 17 guys who have gone I think Ohio state has 17 also including their starting quarterback um we we look at this and look at

Schedules and everybody thinks well Flor is really going to be terrible next year and they could be they they really could be terrible next year as far as record goes but you look at what else going on with stuff in the portal and how we’re looking at this is chaos this is

Absolute positive chaos and I’m not sure that that I’m not sure that anybody not named Nick Sabin is is sitting there thinking they’ve got it made next year Nick sabin’s got Milford coming back and apparently Dallas Turner’s coming back too so that’s you know it’s going to be

Really really strange though the entire landscape though because of the portal has changed you realize right now only 20% of all the guys in the portal have found a new home and you know and 50% probably may not you know that’s and that’s amazing yeah where they will go who knows but uh

You hope that they thought this through before they threw their name in the portal you talk about Sab you know there’s a lot of strong rumors about sa not retiring you know lot of strong very strong uh not not retiring about retiring there’s lot lot of strong

Rumors it’s not just this not just your everyday kind of kind of hacks this is stuff that people of substance are talking about it I think there’s two chances that happens I think there’s a better chance that you’re going to be called back to finish out your eligibility in baseball and baseball to

Pitch for the Gator next year before Nick saving well but both could happen [Laughter] I’ll go I’ll go with buddy I go with Buddy being the weekend starter yeah before I see Nick buddy buddy is a buddy is a Florida baseball Letterman I know a lot of remember

That put that in your smoking piping yeah all right guys I’d be shocked if if if Sav with how you know things are going especially you know he you uh I mean Georgia is obviously Gonna Be There For the Long Haul but you know he this year I think you know sort of

Restored balance to the to the uh Universe a little bit he did yeah sure did here’s the thing the guys that I think why Nick is not going to retire he’s got the same number of national championships at Alabama now he’s got seven more than anybody else but he has

The same number of national championships at Alabama as that bear guy he was was a pretty good coach in his day you got to admit gets one more he’s got seven uh if he’s going to retire it would have I think if there’s any chance

He’s going to retire it would have to be after winning another National Championship now if he does that then what better way than just ride off into the sunset with a championship yeah I mean that is the ultimate trump card when they when when everybody from here

To to the end of time in Alabama debates or you know bear or Nick uh you know if you if you put up seven versus six you know and I mean and of course it’s the same kind of argument you have a generational thing you know who is

Better you know deio or or uh you know ory ma or yeah yeah or Mike D Snider the three of them that one time New York all well we we can’t we cannot forget Felding up yast yes yeah but yeah but just the fact that we have we’re having

This convers you know I was you know born in Alabama you know you know and and when bear was the king and it would be like yeah it’d be unfathomable for anybody to think that anybody could even tug on his cape you know and and here

Comes Nick Savin doing it I mean I mean there that he will never I mean because bear given the time and and where it it came about and and the the evolution and the and the cultural moments that he brought to Alabama you know he he will

Never be replaced in their hearts but in their heads I think they say man that you know say save and you know and doing it in this era you know where you know when bear was doing it you probably had 10 teams you had to worry about you know

And I mean God God knows you didn’t need need a you know we make fun of Billy needing 120 people I think you do need at least 100 people these days to keep track of everything you know with with the way you know between now the nil and

Portal has have entered the things you know I mean bear yeah he signed 70 I remember one when you was reading they signed 77 guys to a scholarship one year and that was probably just typical yeah but that was because they also just want to keep him

From going someplace else yeah yeah you didn’t have to worry and you know God knows you didn’t have to worry about re-recruiting them you know they were they were there for four year five years you know well you you know the the people who used to love it were the

People in division two because you didn’t have division one AA and you know the guys in division 2 who won national championships you look at that there was a period of time there from 60 to say about 1979 when just about every division 2 National Champion was loaded

Up with Alabama guys you know because up until I think it was 73 when they put in SC ship restrictions you know he’d signed he had one year you were right about one thing he had one year when he signed 90 guys wow yeah 90 guys the

Freshman team was 90 you know and of course you also look at the rosters when they were one platoon football and you’d see 33 guys on the varsity you know you didn’t need more than 33 because it was one platoon football but boy when you when when the when they went to platoon

And and that was the that was the death nail for for Old Miss and people like that uh for also for I would have say for Bob nean was two platoon football would you say buddy yeah yeah yeah that was awful T football I went I live through

It uh let’s let’s let’s let’s go to bed with a warm fuzzy thought tonight m is the gator won a big basketball game against the name school tonight it’s a big win right now go to the holidays as Fran says this basketball team looks very promising big win tonight for

Florida in Charlotte I think that’s a nice thought to go to B on what you got David oh that’s that’s about as as good of a present except actually the ultimate present would be if if uh if fr’s uh predictions come true tomorrow and they flip the number one player and

The wide receiver then uh then it will it will it would give this off season a a but a very much nicer Sheen for Florida fans because they that will jump them back up to the top five and and I think it’ll it’ll give him a jolt of

Optimism that’s been it’s been lacking severely lacking for the last couple months they France of fact I don’t think it’s even France somebody else brought it up France Tak it home yeah yeah well take it home friends well you got to remember we are a basketball school after all

You know especially now especially now when we you know we’ve won more basketball games seven right now or eight right now actually then the football team won this year which was six so you know we we had we can officially declare ourselves a basketball you go uh we got a good thing

Going with basketball I like what Todd golden has done uh and if you think we’re big this year wait till next year when the 76 kid from IMG can’t wait see that and and all I can tell you is this I think football I think we’re going to

Be in for even if they don’t get Jeremiah Smith if they get if they get bound and and a couple of these other guys uh it’s going to be a top seven top eight class no matter what and I think that that’s real progress that’s a jump

Of five spots in the recruiting rankings now if Florida people are going to be patient that that’s another question all together different but I think that we’re going to see progress tomorrow at least on the recruiting Trail all right guys great job thank you friends thank you David a good hour there appreciate

You guys stay well uh I’ve talk to you before then have a very Merry Christmas all right merry Christmas everybody Merry Christmas bu light all right David and France bringing it to you tonight folks hope you enjoyed the program we broadcast from our remote Studio here

And uh we’ll be here all week and maybe Beyond we’ll see so so have a good night Francis thank you very much and uh let just tell you first of all don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast when you see it here on our uh on our on our program

Subscribe to it helps us a lot when you subscribe to it uh and continue to do that thanks for your support thanks to our sponsors of course meldon law Titan M and these folks are going to talk about here next rest our medical research uh I hope you folks have a good

Week happy holiday to everyone big win for the Gator basketball team it’s nice to go to bed with some good news for the Gator Nation isn’t it yeah one to remind you some other good people renstar medical research folks over there have been doing this for a long time

Supporting this program they are high H high quality patients in a clinical research facility right there in downtown okal good stewards of the community uh they bring Cutting Edge clinical research trials to Ocala in areas like Alzheimer’s disease dementia psoriasis osteoarthritis migraines and fibromy along with many other things that we

Have in our community we’d like to participate in the like you to participate in their some of their clinical research trials because that that that all goes up to the major pharmaceutical biomedical companies on ways to have us have a healthier living and they’ve held over 700 these clinical

Research trials they started back in 1998 that’s rstar medical research seeking tomorrow’s answers to the health questions of today Brendon Martin will be back tomorrow hopefully and all the best to you folks out there thanks for participating in the program thanks to France and to Lauren meas uh and to

David to David Whitley back tomorrow night hopefully with David molon and maybe Ali PE Wilber have a good night folks we’ll talk to you tomorrow night again from the remote location on assignment buddy Martin Show yes it’s time again for Buddy Martin call him up and tell him what you’re thinking but be

Kind because he’s doing the Best

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