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Texas Tech Football: 2024 NSD Press Conference (1:15 PM) | Dec. 20, 2023

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Hello Don all right we’ll start quick statement from coach on the class and then we’ll jump in questions B has a mic over over there I coach well it’s like uh Christmas for uh football coaches is on national Signing Day really excited about this class you know um last year uh told you

That we signed the fastest class in the nation um we’ll see where we end up um in the next couple be weeks whenever they come out with some of the uh stats as far as the times and everything like that but I I do think that one thing

That you can see real quick on film is we signed a very athletic class um we signed an explosive class and we have a lot of really long football players uh two of the tackles are 67 um two of the defensive ends are 65 65 and a half and the other one 6’4

And so I think the one thing that you’re going to see with this class really athletic really explosive and uh really long and so we uh we are really excited to get these guys here our midyear freshman and our transfers will move in uh January 6th um we’ll have a team

Meeting on January 9th and school starts January 10th so we’ll be rolling early to starting getting ready for football school in February and uh Spring football in March so with that I’ll open up for uh any questions Jacob we go Jared over here I’m sorry Justin sorry I’m keeping hson committ and finally

Being able to sign him and get him on campus I guess what does it mean to sign the Blue Chip kind of prospect for for your program moving forward yeah you know really excited Ed um you know he he committed to us in June uh we didn’t

Know I told all these guys whenever they commit to us they can do it whenever they want to as far as publicly um talked about it this morning you know he was um he wanted it to uh you know make it public against Oregon and you know

And then we didn’t have a great game or a great ending to that game and so uh and you could tell um he he was upset you know just emotional because he wanted us to win and man he’s part of the family he’s been part of the family

For a long time since the first day that he stepped on campus you know to visit and so it means a lot for a guy you know I have a couple guys like him that um are ranked really high that have stuck with us that have been very vocal uh you

Know when we’re one and three and three and five and they’re still sitting there saying hey we’re you know we’re with Texas Tech we’re committed to Texas Tech and so it means a lot you know and he’s one of those guys that uh I’ll be shocked if he’s not a you know an

Instant contributor I mean we’re expecting him to play as a freshman um I don’t think you’ll ever hear me say we’re going to red shirt Micah Hudson uh I think from day one from the time that he’s here uh he will have a presence on this football

Team the Young quarterback that you sign also will Hammond he’s been really active in recruiting this class and I guess future classes too what does he bring from the on the field and in the locker room in that perspective know uh tremendous leader um you know he he’s

Very vocal whenever it comes to you know uh workouts and and um you know I think as a freshman he’ll he’ll earn that you know just by the way he works uh you I’ve been doing this you know whether it’s been in high school and seeing my

Guys recruited or um you know now in college I’ve never seen a a family as a whole you know really recruit for a university I mean you know they went and watched Micah play play they went and watched cam dicki play you know whenever they had they were playing on different

Days and and that meant a lot to that recruiting class and so excited about him you know I think some people look at him as a pro Style guy we’d look him at as’s a dual threat I mean I think he had over a thousand yards rushing this year

And um you know he’s got a big arm uh the thing that I love the most seeing him live is his Pro pocket presence you know he’s very um relaxed he’s got great feet in the pocket and and um you know can make all the throws so he’s another

Guy he’ll be here um you know mid year and um you know it’s going to make a big difference for him starting to learn the offense I know we could go one by one with all these high school guys but I’m just curious with the transfer portal additions that you guys announced on

Twitter in the offensive guards and scurry and Carter and then the wide receiver players and Kelly and Douglas how do those guys play in and I guess where would they slot in moving forward looking to next year if you could project that far yeah you know a lot of competition in

Spring because they’ll be here they’ll be here in January you know and um and so you know signing one was a big one today with our Joo s Maurice um you know whenever we evaluated all the tackles the two tackles that we got were really in the valuation him and Sterling were

Our top two evals um Vinnie was our top uh guard eval uh you know and and we added Carter who is a guy that can play center or guard um very physical he grades out really high in the passing game whenever you look at his PFF

Numbers and so um we were losing those three interior guys uh the the older guys with Denny and and Cole and Rusty and so we had to we felt like we had to identify some older guys in the portal and get them here um and then at

Receiver I mean you’re talking about uh whenever you talk about Kelly I mean when you look at his numbers um he he had uh he was very productive he had 900 plus yards eight touchdowns um he could play inside receiver and play outside receiver one thing that’s really

Exciting about him too there’ll be a little bit of difference but he pretty much played in this offense last year so he knows the offense coming in from day one and then we’ve known Caleb for a long time you know whenever he jumped in we already had uh relations

Relationships with him um juice did and then I did because at one point he was committed at the school that we were at and then ended up going to Florida um so excited another long guy you know we project him as an outside receiver where uh Kelly can play inside or outside so

We got to kind of sort that out but there’s going to be some great competition in the spring to see you know um I think uh offensively we could be really special hey coach I’m curious about just the calendar with the bowl game being early obviously the high school signing

Sign day today but then the Fast and Furious nature of the transfer portal yeah can you just break down how your staff was able to accomplish the win and then we have you as the top 10 transfer class top 25 High School recruiting class break all that down yeah you know

The one thing somebody asked uh and I heard him last year I think uh commissioner of the SEC was even talking about um changing the calendar and pushing it back and I don’t let’s don’t push it back if we’re going to do anything let’s Push It Forward if you’re

Going to come out of a month come out of December because cuz January is going to be the same thing like for us January is going to be an easier month cuz now we’re really looking at 202s and 2026 when we go on the road so you get to

Relax a little bit you’re not trying to hold on to a class an extra month that for the most part our guys were committed in June so they would ass signed in August or September and so if you’re going to push it up uh push it up

With a calendar but December’s crazy I mean uh with us playing such an early bowl game we had Bowl practices uh we went six straight days to we had multiple uh transfers on campus doing official visits uh we were trying to hold on to our U High School commits

Because we had new staffs coming in trying to you know steal them and and you know that’s just the nature of recruiting and so um December it’s crazy there’s not a lot of uh you didn’t get a lot of sleep um especially with you know

I want to give uh you know say uh one thanks and what a great job our recruiting staff did whenever you’re talking about Blanchard Nance and uh Pitman and and Sean Kenny but not only that but Kate and Presley are to uh director of recruiting and director of

On campus recruiting I mean they’re talking to parents constantly about flying them in when they can fly out hey we’re going to the we’re coming to Texas Tech but then we’re the two days later we’ve got to fly to another school to squeeze in another visit they’re just

Not bringing uh people in from home and then sending them back home they’re bringing them in from everywhere all over the country and so man that staff was uh it was pretty incredible to watch those those guys work and and get people on campus to get us locked in with the

Transfer transfers that we did get you have any thoughts left for this class and if so what positions do you think you you’ll Target we’re we’re looking right now now at uh really interior defensive line um you know uh not saying that we’ll take one uh cuz we feel

Really good about our you young guys I mean um you know Jaden kof fielders really come on he played in the bowl game um you know I thought I was really proud the way Trey mccalpin ended the season you know had a good game against

Texas had a good game against Cal so we feel good about the interior but we would take one more older guy we could so you know we as we get through in everybody today we literally went from one room to the defensive staff room to watch all the defensive tackles that

Were still out there and so um we I could see us having another visit in uh January other than that we feel good about you know the positions that we have on the team you mentioned 2025 and I know this changes throughout the year

But do you have an idea of how big of a class and not necessarily what position but what you’re looking for uh exactly from from that group yeah you know we’ll go somewhere between 18 and 20 um High School guys I mean uh we’re about when you look at our roster uh

When we first got here it was really split it was not a lot of uh middle like red shirt sophomores red shirt Juniors so we’re we’re transitioning more and more with the recruiting classes that we’ve brought in to having more of that what I call the meat and potatoes of

Your roster guys their their third or fourth year in college that you know especially in the line and D line that should be playing because they’ve grown and so we’re getting closer but we’ll still you know be somewhere between 201 18 and 20 just because we still have a

Young roster with uh signing the class that’s here right now that played for us this year and then the class that’s coming in half your roster is still going to be really young coach the packet kind of talks a little bit about where you see each of

The defensive backs playing but I guess if you had to project maybe one of them uh who could maybe play Star I guess who would it be how do you kind of evaluate that just kind of trying to see who can play that position yeah it it’ be

Interesting because I kind of see uh you know Oliver as a a corner slash he possibly could play Star just because of his his body type and um you know he’s a guy that’s really athletic I mean he would have placed at the Big 12 track

Meet in the triple jump last year um you know and I think he’s got a chance he won the state track meet last year he’s got a chance to do it again so he’s a guy that’s body type I see more like when you start talking about Payton and

You start talking about Malik uh they’re more your high safety is more a free safety boundary safety I could see those two guys staying there I do think that uh you know because we are young in those positions um you could see some freshman like we saw this year get some

Playing time um we’ll kind of to see how they grow through the midyear guys and then the guys that are are um you know will come in in June if they can physically develop enough to play but I mean perfect example pton Morgan I mean at he led the state and interceptions

And he’s got just a natural ability he had almost 20 interceptions at the varsity level you know in his career and so and probably had probably three or four called back you know for different penalties you know that didn’t count as interceptions so you know he’s a guy and

Then Malik is a really physical U safety so it’s G be interesting where they end up and then the The Three Edge rushers I guess what do they all bring maybe that sets them apart from one another and I guess what was the idea behind bringing

In three CU I know yall usually play two but I guess what’s the idea behind bringing in three guys yeah uh the hardest thing was saying no to three guys like that you know that uh they’re so athletic um you know that if you got

2-1 you know Charles I think is 65 uh Eddie 65 and A2 and then cheda is 6’4 uh ched is your true boundary the other two are more FS um that possibly can grow uh you know maybe into a a guy that could play inside and outside kind of like

Miles Cole um but when we had the opportunity to sign all three of those guys you know and that that’s something if you look and you think about Texas Tech you know traditionally uh you have Tyrie Wilson not many guys that have played in the red and black

Have looked like Tyrie not many have looked like miles Cole and uh so when you have a chance to sign three guys that look like that in one class it’s hard to say no to guys that can Rush the quarterback and so we wanted to get better there um you know they’re all

Three coming in in June so to be interesting of what their summer looks like and you know if they could get on the field um but they’re also I think being coached by the best uh defensive end outside linebacker coach in the nation you know CJ IU just continues to produce

At that position I mean you miles Cole will get drafted this year and then um you saw will get Isaac Smith back but you saw how he progressed late as he grew and then we all saw what Amir did in the bowl game and so I I think he’s

One of the best coaches in the country and and so to give him tools like that but it’s hard to say no to Long fast athletic guys coach signed I I guess more than half of these guys are coming in in January how much does that accelerate

That group and help you guys to like you mentioned a moment ago potentially get some of those guys maybe on the field faster yeah if you if you look at uh like if you think about the class that we signed a year ago and the midyear

Guys that played they were they were the majority of them came in on the defensive side of the ball and like Dylan Spencer was able to play Chapman Lewis was able to play Jordan Sanford was able to play uh BJ Jordan was able to play Michel dingo was able to play

And so those guys were all midye so just picking up the defense but then turning around and also being in a a college program whenever it comes to nutrition and and in the weight room makes a big difference and so these guys that are coming in more on the offense side of

The ball but like it wouldn’t shock me like we already talked about Micah but it wouldn’t shock me if like a a cam Dicky found a role you know somewhere whether it be you know playing four games uh playing some running back and playing on special teams but a guy

That’s a midyear it’s always hard for offensive lineman to come in and play um you know whenever even if they are mid years it’s always hard to do they’ve got to be you know physically they’ve got to be ready and it’s hard to be ready in

The offensive line but you know I I can see some guys getting on the field you know and uh again you know we hope we never get to having to play three quarterbacks like we’ve had the last two years but you know Jake strong there’s

No way he would have been ready to play whatsoever he hadn’t have been mid year and so will Hammond coming in mid year uh it’s going to help him a bunch I know you don’t want to play the offensive lineman and not necessarily asking about playing but how much does that help I

Think the majority of your offensive linemen are here early how much does them getting in that program and getting that weight up and everything help them as well yeah it’s it’s going to be huge you know um you the guy that was the closest to being ready to play as a true

Freshman was Kaden Carr he’s the mid year now we get three of the five freshman come in at mid year um really four I guess and so that that’s going to help them a lot you know because usually those guys um way we recruit offensive line we’re really looking for guys that

Can grow you know we’re looking for that length and we’re looking for guys that are probably 270 280 that are going to grow into their 300 lb bodies or more we’re not looking the other way usually when you look at guys that are in high school that are 310 320 it’s usually not

Great weight you know and so now we’re having to take it the other way and um as we all know that we’ve experienced in our lives um it’s harder to take weight off than put weight on and and so that’s usually how we look at it with those

Guys it’s going to make a big difference like man I can’t wait for Jacob ponon to get here I mean he’s a legit 67 I got to go into his school the other day and see him when we’re on the road he’s 270 lbs right now and so I could see him being

290 to 300 lb by the time we start fall camp and so that’s going to make a big difference and since you mentioned Kaden Carr can you kind of give your thoughts on being able to keep Hendricks and uh long in town as well yeah that that was

Huge that was one thing you know I I’ve said it before uh but whenever I was in on my interview you know that was I I showed uh Kirby in the group uh 11 power fou guys that were from the west Texas area that weren’t coming to Texas Tech

You know and and you know that can’t happen I mean you’re going to you’re going to not be able to keep some guys at home but if they’re power Five Guys and they’re in what we consider West Texas starting with witto Falls and working our way down in West they

They’ve got to stay at home and to to get those two guys which are both midy guys too um made a big difference you know cuz they’ve grown up watching Texas Tech and understand what Texas Tech football is all about and so that that was huge to get those

Guys uh we were with KAS yesterday when he signed I mean he would be here today if he could the kids so excited but academically he had to double up on on Dual transfer credits and all this stuff can you just talk about these guys who are doing so good academically to come

Here uh athletically uh and they ahead of the game yeah you know it makes a big difference guys that can handle that load you know because um uh different you know different times they decide you know to do it and um it puts a lot of stress on them because they’re playing

Football they’re having to do all that and they’re most of them are taking some college courses or taking uh the second half of English while they’re still doing the first half half of English you know we try to identify them as soon as possible that want to do that and that’s

Their choice we never uh pressure guys we want them you know to be able to really enjoy their senior uh year the great thing with local guys they still can it’s easy to get to prom you know it’s easy to walk um all the guys that

Are mid years will be able to do that it’s just easier to do it with them being you know West Texas guys but it says a lot to how dedicated they are because you know it does take a lot you know that final um their junior second semester they’re they’re having to take

Classes in the summer and then they’re usually trying to double up U why football is going on and so it says a lot about those guys about how dedicated they are to be you know early enroll e and it’s one thing that we always talk about you know a these guys should be

Able to get into school pretty easy whenever they’re already academically qualified and graduated from high school early and so uh that was one thing that Quinton Jordan he’s the best in the country he’s uh he’s over that and uh Works hand inand with all counselors and

All the parents to get them ready to go you know it’s uh probably tougher today than ever to be a college football coach how do you handle all the emotions you love these guys guys that left for the portal guys going to the NFL whatever reason leave and then all these guys

Coming in the the highs and lows as a coach yeah you know um it’s uh it’s going to be interesting I I listen to and I’m probably everybody in this room because of the work that y’all do probably all heard Chip Kelly the other day and and for the football and power

Five at the level we play at he had a great idea you know and and I think it would solve a lot of problems if if we go in that direction but it’s one of those deals I kind of always say it’s just kind of the nature of the Beast

Right now you’ve got to understand that uh this is a great opportunity for a lot of young men and then there’s uh you know times to where you feel like that um there’s other opportunities and you know I want to help our guys I I texted

Uh you know the guys that did leave um the last couple days and hey where you at how can I help is there anybody I can call uh because I want everybody to find a home I want them to you know feel good about what they’re doing and then man

I’m really excited about the guys that we’re getting in man they’re they’re this is a really special class give you an example of all our freshmen that are that are coming in every freshman that we signed Lance Barlo comes in our head strength coach and he goes hey because

As soon as we can sign them we start sending out their workouts so every single guy that we signed today got their workout you know for uh January uh February March April and May that weren’t mid years and then the midy years got anything that they can do

Before they get here and he said I’ve never had a class respond back to me that day they always get back to me but he said by the time he walked out of the building today every single one of our freshmen had responded back thank Co

Thanks coach I got the packet so it kind of tells you about the group that we just signed how serious they are about being great and um how serious they are and fired up to be Red Raiders coach talk about the the perception change of recruiting to West

Texas with two back-to-back top 25 School uh classes well uh you know I think it starts with uh you know y’all heard me say it I’ll say it again we don’t make excuses you know uh it it I it might help perspect my perspective

That I was at Cedar Hill and I had young men go to OMS I had young men go to USC I had young men go to Oregon and they found a way out there you know and so where people say it’s tough to get to LC

Texas it’s really easy to get to LC Texas it’s a lot easier to get to LEC Texas than it is to get to Still Water to get to Norman um you know and and to get to places like that and so for me we started off by not making excuses not

Being able to get guys here to see what we have here in West Texas and then what we have is we have a great University with a great uh education and then with what’s being done right now in the South End Zone and the Womble football facility uh we’re showing them something

That’s the best in the country you know that can go up against anybody when it comes to facilities um and it’s a great place to play Whenever you know that you have an opportunity to play in front of a sellout crowd that is uh just fanatic Fanatics about their University and this

Program and so um says a lot about what we’re doing uh we’re going to continue to do it you know uh I’ll send out a text later we’ve already have some 25 commits but the 25 2025 class is on the clock you know and we’re already starting uh I walked into the uh

Recruiting room the other day uh yesterday and I was like hey we need to look at this this and this and I was like what are y’all doing I thought they were going to be looking at transfers and bch goes ah we’re looking at the 2025 so you know we hadn’t even signed

The 202 24s and they’re already looking at what we need to be doing in the 2025 class and so says a lot about what we’re doing recruiting wise and and as a staff and as a university and how does the these two classes change the way that Texas Tech

Will be in the future with all these athletic all this speed all these length and height that you’ve you’ve been looking for how does it change the way Texas Tech will be as a team in the future well you know talking about the last two classes and and should because

They’re top 25 classes but I don’t want to leave out the defensive play defensive newcom of the year and Ben Roberts and I don’t want to leave out Joseph Ador you know that first class we signed it wasn’t as big and uh you know some guys have left but a lot of guys

Are still here and so that that class started it all um I think there’s a good group of that class mohorn is about to take over that DB room that was a message uh from me to him after the bowl game that it’s his time uh he’s kind of

An alpha whenever it comes to a leadership role and he’s taken a back seat you know because of rabbit and and uh understanding that but he’s really going to be a vocal leader for us but this class these two classes really three classes coming in we are going to

Continue to look different whenever we suit out for game day you’re talking about you know you’re going to have a bigger faster stronger football team you’re going to have a more athletic football team and uh that tends to being more explosive on defense uh more explosive on special teams and you know

Uh more explosive on offense and so I think it’s just going to continue to make us a a a better football team and a better program Joe do you have a a player comp for Micah Hudson he remind reminds you of anybody God man that’s a that’s a great

Question um just from the standpoint of and I I I’ve had some really good receivers that I coached I coached Demarcus L who was a fantastic receiver at oh miss Quincy had boo Charleston Rambo is the all-time single season leading receiver for the University of Miami and so I’ve I’ve been around some

Freaky dudes and in high school and honestly I’ve never seen anybody like him um you know the first time I ever saw him live uh the very first play ran a post it was his junior year and the quarterback threw it up and it looked

Like he was just hanging in the air um this is a huge compliment so I hate to even say it but it’s almost like jordanes I mean if y’all watch his highlights it’s almost like he has another gear that he can reach up and go get the football he’s got phenomenal

Body control most great receivers can put their body uh in position to catch a ball uh he’s got some CD lamb esque type uh body control and then um you know he’s got some good thickness I think you know he’s definitely coming into the weight room because he plays so many

Sports in high school he played basketball in high school he played soccer in high school he ran track in high school so he’s probably not been in the weight room as much so I think he’s got a chance to fill up fill out especially as upper body

And then he’s got legitimate speed he ran in the state track meet last year and so uh he’s a pretty special guy he loves football he absolutely loves football and he loves the Red Raiders man he’s been he’s uh you know two guys that really have stuck out to me in this

Class whenever talks to loyalty is Ellis Davis and Micah Hudson uh they have been very vocal in them being Red Raiders what’s the uh immediate expectation but like and quick early potential for uh Maurice Rodriguez and what was his what was his recruitment like yeah he uh he visited some really

Big-time programs uh we were lucky enough to get him in the first weekend that we could have somebody in in December um you know he is he is a big man I he’s 6’5 uh to give you an idea about his arm length he has longer arms

Than Tyrie Wilson and miles Cole uh which probably had the longest arms in this program um so he has got some really long arms he’s a young man that uh he’s kind of new to football he he came to the United States from Jamaica whenever he was in high school and uh so

He just continues to get better and better uh very serious young man’s already graduated with his associates degree uh great family and U really excited because he is your prototypical left tackle think that there’s going to be a battle there because you know if I look at that left tackle room right now

You know Sterling has played a lot of left tackle and so there’s going to be a battle there and then you know that’s where Dalton maryman who is 68 you know 310 pounds right now is going to he he’s there and so the great thing about spring football and where we are roster

Wise um there is probably the most competition on the offensive side of the ball that we have had um here in this program like legitimate competition because you’re bringing in some big time receivers um you know in the running back room there’s going to be some serious competition to who that number

Two running back’s going to be they’re going to get a lot of it because ties won’t get uh very many live reps at all in Spring football um he’s carried the ball enough this this fall to you know be able to take a break in some of those

Scrimmages and help the young guys out and then in the o line when you’re kind of rebuilding that offensive line you got some really young talented guys that are are going to grow up and then you’ve got you’re bringing in four uh older transfers and then the leader in that

Room’s uh you know Caleb Rogers and so it’s going to be it’s going to be a lot of fun in the spring how the competition sorts itself out yeah a couple more quick ones uh would the severity of Jackson Jackson knots and the injury is it are you

Expecting him to red shirt next year and if so what is is your freshman that you announc today the leader to be that guy it what Mike has told us is that Jackson would be ready for Camp you know so he’ll have uh surgery uh right at the

First of January um they feel like that uh as far as deep snapping he’ll be back by then and then by the time we line up against aene Christian and he’ll be good to go but if he’s not we really we signed the best deep Snapper in the

Country and that’s exciting you know and and the thing about Ryland is he is a really athletic guy I mean he’s he started on defense for his school you know and so we’re fixed to have a guy that is going to be running down down on

Punt you know that is has that defensive mindset the last time I’ve been around a guy like that um he’s playing for the Jacksonville Jaguars he’s already on his second contract and um he actually played linebacker and we had a linebacker go down at the school that I

Was at before and so that’s Ryland reminds me a lot of that but uh we feel like Jackson’s going to be ready and if he’s not you know we’ve got some guys uh already on campus that deep snap uh Hayden wiggington is a deep Snapper for

Us but we feel really good about Ryland and last isly lastly is there any uh do you have any plan or desire to add a more experienced transfer guy to the quarterback Room walk preferred walk on or Joo or anything like that uh L portal guy or spring portal guy yeah we’ll look

At it um you know there’s one that I can’t talk about yet uh that we feel really good about and so um you know I I think uh that room definitely needs an older walk- on um you know and and it’s a very it’s was really talented room but

You besides Baron you don’t have a lot of snaps in that room so we’d like to get an older walk on all right thank you’all all right thank y’all good to see y’all


  1. Refreshing to see a head coach know the depth chart, cold, down to the recruits… I remember in summer 2012, during a booster dinner, I asked Tuberville who he thought would start at CB and the only name he could even remember, off the top of his head, was Bruce Jones, let alone know the rest of the depth chart.

  2. Tech needs a QB. we are a 7 win team without a new QB. we have no QB and all the recruits will enter transfer portal at the end of 2024.

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