This Makes Hitting Long Irons EASY!

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In this video, Adam teaches you how to correctly hit pure shots with your long irons. For most, this club gives them trouble but by using these simple checkpoints and mindsets, you will be striping these long irons every time!

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Longer clubs came out and this is where you said the majority of the inconsistencies come from yeah everybody’s shaking their head right now who’s watching this going love me too you know it’s like I mean typically you struggle with the longer the club right yeah um the longer the club came out it

Magnified the misses now whenever we’re coming in steep in this way with an already Del lofted Club just gets greatly affected low pulls cut you know weak Cuts things like that right this is where now the practice s would come in to you feeling everything you just did

With a little bit more of this swing Direction absolutely you know and that’s where just something on the ground like that that can remind you if the back of the ball is 6:00 and the front is 12:00 you know essentially the right-handed golfer want to feel like they’re hitting

It more at 7:00 correct so when you’re on a range sometimes and like I have a practice logo like this well you know not only do you you know that’s that’s down your line well sometimes what you can do is just kind of angle it like

That hit some golf shots like that yep CU that’s the direction you’re going to feel like you need to swing that just helped you so much yesterday and with you know just that little adjustment immediately immediately helps so I’m I’m I’m going to stick with

It oh oh yeah lot better yeah lot better much better I mean I’ll be honest I’ll be first person I’m going to call you were struggling with this club yesterday it was not it wasn’t pretty I mean you know for as pretty as That Swing looks the shots were not indicative of that

You know the minute I said hey Taj I just want you to start the ball out to the right who cares about anything else yeah everything was dead straight and it was clean and shallow and the reason why was your body reacted to what it needed

To do to swing more right what you didn’t know was you were staying more centered your arms and hands were getting moving first rather than your chest dragging it through sometimes with a longer Club what do we all feel they need to do get after it a

Little harder yeah so a little harder for you is more chest arms behind for sure so that goes this way like so many do you know with longer clubs the arms really need to feel like they free up and swing effortlessly around the body you know old school teachers Jack grout

Jim flick who I you know respect tremendously you know they would always say things like you know swing the arms around your body and as as as basic as that sounds this is not swinging the arms behind your body you know around your body this is swinging the arms you

Got to get them freely moving always use the skipping the rock analogy you’re not going to skip the Rock at the same Pace as the body’s turn you’re going to get it ahead yeah and it’s not that the body’s not rotating it’s just what the human being needs to feel in order to

Get the arms and hands caught up to the Body Center yeah so mistaught leave the club there and rotate God if you hear that advice just turn and run run in the other direction watch a poror ZL YouTube video I mean like seriously it’s just unbelievable what people get told out

There you got to think of it like this outside horse inside horse big turn to the top no matter how connected we are outside horse especially for a taller guy has 6 seven feet to get back to the ball yeah inside horse right here has 6

Seven in if we need a photo finish with everything arriving to the you know to the bottom together well the outside horse can’t run at the same Pace as the inside horse and sure as heck can’t Trail it so with that being said the arms and hands do need to have a

Component of starting and being a little bit faster and just getting going from the top that feeling of the old school teachers talking about swinging the club around you what was great for you was something simple as thinking about swinging out to the right did all that naturally

Yeah oh dude I’m so proud of you bud thank you it’s just so nice know he’s working on his game he’s going through a process that he goes through on the golf course you know one thing he does very well you know look he’s checking his shoulder alignment right there see he

Has the beautiful hip bump that I always preach you know you look at this is a four iron look at the ball position it lines up more with there was a logo on his shirts right there his heads behind the golf ball he’s in a position where

He can turn to the top behind the golf ball without having to sway off the ball so Taj does a lot of things well that make you know improving him a lot easier and I just love I love even the misses today like I’m okay with that I know it

Like that’s low on the face but it’s down the line and it’s shallower it’s not off the toe like yeah so much better yeah yeah so like look like when you look at these guys I mean he’s hitting a four iron right and the only divot he’s

Had with his four iron look at the depth of them or clean right so like that’s a big step in the right direction for somebody who was coming in steeper a steeper angle will lead to a lot more dig and that’s what was happening yesterday you know and that’s not a high

On the face shot it’s actually the opposite now yeah I mean dude that was the best one so far that was just the best one and you know what that’s where we’re going to cut it because at this point in the session yeah let’s just put it on repeat okay

Yeah hey you’re the man buddy you did a great job proud thank you at poor Zack golf we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on the planet we do this through Simplicity our full swing master class will take

You on a step-by-step easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the many before you who’ve utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond


  1. Ive been binging your videos all week. Yesterday I hit my long irons at the range so much better. I played today and hit my lowest round. I swear your teaching style fits my brain so well. Great videos.

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