The Best Wedges Of 2023

Alan shares his (Subjective) opinion on what he believes to be the BEST Wedges in 2023! Do you agree with his choices? Comment below…

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Guys welcome back to the channel and today we are doing our 2023 review of wedges now it’s pretty difficult to do a wedge review in our studio but it’s cold wet and miserable outside so we’re not going out there so we’re going to do a little bit testing and hitting into the

Studio remember if you like our videos please hit that subscribe button and tell all your golfing friends so it could be one of the most important areas of the game I’m not not necessarily always sure of that I think uh when we talk about golfers and the most important club for most Club

Golfers is probably their driver if I’m honest if you can get your driver down the the middle of the Fairway 200 plus yards you’re going to play a lot more enjoyable golf than if you snipe it into the woods however wedgies are going to definitely help lower some scoring around the green

And maybe get you out of trouble when you’ve hit a Mis Mish hit iron or or hit it into the Trap so they are important and I think think what’s really important is that you get them right and Blended to your iron so this year there has been some very good wedges there’s

Been a couple of uh good launch wedges as well couple of brands of launched wedges um and I think what’s been interesting is is is that there’s more options available now and and the difference between the bounce and the grind and the loft is is as important getting that combination right for each

Golfer and that’s not necessarily because of the turf they’re playing off and how they play the shots it’s also what they like to look at and what they like to feel and the shape of the wedge is there’s a lot more of that across all

The brands it used to be one or two brands that really focused on that but now there seems to be more so let’s get on with it third place is the Callaway Jaws raw a little sneaky one this one because what you tend to see is most um

Wedgies being sold to marry in to a new set of irons so if someone buys a new set of irons they’ll tend to to try and marry in the set of wedges as much as they can they like the feel the look um and Callaway this year have only just

Launched Apex so that forged iron has only just come out so the wedge shs have not been as good as they want this has been a much more Improvement on the old wedge md5 macdaddy stuff um I quite like this personally I think that kind of rough looking dull finish in the face

Helps to create a lot of spin um decent options they’ve added a couple of grind and bounce options as well which has been really really good um but yeah it’s a good wedge they’re getting there Callaway um I feel like they dropped off a few years ago md3 and before that they

Were superb um they had a little bit of a kind of space in the abyss and they didn’t really know what they were doing wedges but this has definitely popped back this year and is performing very nicely in number two though and it is I mean I’m going to put Callaway in third

But it’s a long way in third these two are well ahead in terms of wedge sales wedge fittings and just everything about them in technology um this is launched this year Taylor Made mg4 now I played mg2 I wasn’t a big fan of mg3 I thought

It was average at best um I didn’t think it was a big Improvement on mg2 I didn’t um mg4 however is next level I think the way that they’ve set the grooves up on the face you’re able to get some more grip you’ve seen some of the videos I’ve

Done a couple of reviews before on this out when it wasn’t raining and we were on grass and you’ll see the ability to spin this wedge is pretty insane Loft options bounce options have been brilliant as well which is great um they’ve added a couple of options as

Well into high bounce low bounce standard bounce they’ve added a couple more um just a very good wedge obviously tailor made Iron CS when you get p790 p770 the MC range you marrying into with that is superb I think I really for my personal opinion and on terms of the

Face I really like the fact that the the Chrome on the edge has sort of married into the face in the old mg2 it really highlighted the middle and the face the hitting area kind of went really rusty very quickly and it it looked really cheap um but it performed really nice

Mg2 so in second place for me is the tailor made mg4 but in number one by a country mile like a country mile has been the tight list sm9 that tight List have got it feels like they have got the wedge Market sewn up they they produce time and time again a wedge

And I think one of the slight issues we have in the wedge Market is that if you become a Voki player it’s very difficult to go away from Voki once you’re in you’re in it’s like a cult um and you have to be you know once you’re in the

Gang you’re in the gang the beauty of this so many options M Grind D grind F grind they’ve introduced T grind this year year which is the tour grind so so many grind options with the Loft options which enables you to really fit wedges so much tighter to so many different

Golfers and off the back of that that beautiful t- series launch in the middle of the Year help bounce their wedge sales even further so overall sm9 has been an absolute success for 2023 so not sure what we’re going to learn hitting these into the studio but let’s hit a

Few shots and see how they do so here we go in the studio going to hit wedges it’s always a little bit difficult inside I’m hitting 506s as well so it’s not going to um tell us a lot we’ll get a little bit of spin data um so George raw looks good

Um actually suits my eye better than always the MD range did md5 did um not as high in the toe which is great they do do a high toe version um just clean just looks nice and clean I think one thing that where the this wedge has struggled is the power in the

Lower Lofts is really the power in the lower Loft so once you have a powerful iron like their Apex range or like one of the other brands you have a powerful wedge in a set then all of a sudden actually you can’t get the 50 or the 52 to Gap properly that’s quite

That’s quite disappointing it’s one of the real big um success stories of sm9 really is that lower lower lofted wedge where they move the CG up up the head to allow you to really flight the wedge better in the lower Lofts maybe we should just do wedge

Reviews all the time I actually hit these ones straight it’s probably a good idea so lots of nice spin there if we change back to that screen of the the face you start to see yeah get a little bit of spin on there when I’m hitting clipping

Some 50 60s so yeah overall just a nice solid wedge I think wedge is very similar to putter as well when we get into those 60s and 56 58s because you do just want to make sure you like the look of it you do want to make sure that

You’re comfortable with not just how it sits Square behind the ball but how how it looks when you open it up it’s really really important so mg4 little bit more bulbous in the end it’s a bit more rounded at the top I quite like that that’s my

Kind of my my history is what I kind of like um whereas the the Jaws was a bit more squarer should we say see we can get a couple nipping there a little bit more spin out of this Taylor M will love that picture show that the the grooves are

Working love that spin 9 and 1 half thousand revs indoors have a word right skin skinny but spinny right sm9 the success story it’s always good cuz vogi bring out the wedge every two years is here you go here’s sm9 does what it says on the 10 it’s just solid looks great little

More rounded great wedge solid wedge I just love the fact that you can fit these you know they’re new the new titless fitting tool on trackman as well they’ve worked with trackman this year and I don’t know if many people are aware of this and we’ll maybe do a video

On this is the new titless fitting tool connected to tm4 is pretty cool it’s really helpful us to to get players to hit certain distances and certain ground um certain distances and shots and their new titless fitting tool really guides them into the type of grinds and bounces

That they’re after it’s a really good piece of Kit C that lovely go enjoying that going forward still going right though where’s me spin Chris 9 and half thousand getting that one see if we can get one nipped a little bit quicker and see if we can get one over

10 no is the answer okay one more so if you’re looking at wedges please make sure that you just get that fitted obviously length Li grip size as a normal set of irons would and make sure you blend it so what we don’t want a bit we’ve talked about

This in the fairway wood video you don’t want too many wedges um I think it’s really really important that you don’t have too many wedges because again confusion from a from a professional point of view I like it when players have less wedges but are taught and practice different types of shots so

Having a wedge that is much more versatile is really really important so something you can open up shut down so and so forth and that’s where sm9 to be fair mg4 but sm9 really comes to its own you know DG grind M Grind that ability to open up Matt’s done a

Brilliant video for us back in the summer and I’m sure Chris can probably put that video in the link of this we’ll put it in the comments box so if you’re not sure which grind suits you we’ll put that video in the comments box under

This one so you can go back and watch Matt’s video on the detail of what the grinds are and what they do so overall brilliant brilliant year for wedgies sm9 a country mile ahead I hope that video was helpful we’re going to continue doing more reviews in 2024 some

Different styles not just in the nice dry Studio we will go outside as well so if you’ve enjoyed them thanks for watching please hit that subscribe button and tell all your golfing friends

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