Golf Babe

The Truth Is Tumbling Out About Barron Trump

Whether it’s at home or on the golf course, Barron Trump loves spending time with his dad — so it’s no wonder he’s been called Donald’s “mini-me.” From his love of sports to shouting out demands, Barron is like his father in more ways than one.

#BarronTrump #News #Truth

Donald didn’t change his diapers | 0:00
TV debut on Oprah | 0:48
Creative side | 1:23
Like father, like son | 2:09
Responsible for flavored e-cigs ban? | 2:49
Loves sports | 3:58
Major growth spurt | 5:01
Very young uncle | 5:38
Allegations of being autistic | 6:34
COVID-19 diagnosis | 7:16
Big fans of sneakers | 8:25
Closest to Tiffany | 9:23

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Whether it’s at home or on the golf  course, Barron Trump loves spending   time with his dad — so it’s no wonder he’s  been called Donald’s “mini-me.” From his love   of sports to shouting out demands, Barron  is like his father in more ways than one.  

In her 2012 interview with Parenting,  Melania Trump said of her husband, “He didn’t change diapers and I am completely  fine with that. It is not important to me.” “I’m not going to be doing the diapers.  I’m not going to be making the food.”

But that’s not to say that Donald wasn’t  a doting dad in his own way. Melania also   said that he and Barron love to play golf  and eat dinner together at Mar-a-Lago,   the Trump clan’s Florida residence. Golf and  dinner, huh? Some might say that sounds a bit more  

Like the closing of a business deal than a loving  father-son day. But as Donald told People in 2015, “I’ve always prided myself  on being a good father.” On May 16, 2006, when he was just two months old,   Barron Trump made his TV debut on “The Oprah  Winfrey Show.” Oprah’s BFF, Gayle King,  

Visited Trump Tower on behalf of the  show to introduce Barron to the world. For his part, Donald Trump seemed excited to  be a father once again. Throughout the show,   Donald could be seen holding his  youngest son, kissing him on the head,  

And calling attention to Barron’s “delicate  hands.” Melania informed King that Donald was   wonderful with Barron. She added that father  and son spent time together each morning   watching television and reading newspapers.  Donald even joked during the interview, “Five weeks old  

And we read the papers together?” What might not be immediately obvious about   Barron Trump is that he has a creative side. In  a 2012 interview with Parenting, Melania revealed   this trait about her young son. She even shared a  sweet anecdote to illustrate her claim, recalling  

An especially impressive moment of free play  when Barron was young. Melania told the outlet, “His imagination is growing and important.  He draws on the walls in his playroom,   we can paint it over. One day he was playing  bakery and he wrote Barron’s Bakery on the wall  

With crayons. He is very creative, if you say to  a child no, no, no, where does the creativity go?” So it’s clear Barron was a very  imaginative tyke. Of course,   it’s fair to reason Barron’s free reign  over his playroom had something to do with  

His artistic flair. Not many kids are allowed  to draw on their playroom walls, after all. “I let him be who he is. He’s my child.” It’s no secret Melania thinks Barron takes after  his dad, as she has openly stated so on multiple  

Occasions in the past. Interestingly enough,  the Trump family’s former butler, Tony Senecal,   shares her take. Senecal explained that while  he has a fondness for all of Donald’s five kids,   Barron is like his famous dad the most.  Senecal even told a hilarious anecdote  

About an interaction he had with the  then two year old Barron that reminded   him of his father. As Senecal recalled  to “Inside Edition,” Barron said to him, “‘Tony! Sit down! We need to talk!'” If this story is true, maybe Barron  will be shouting his dad’s famous  

“You’re fired!” line one day. Never say never. In September 2019, then-President Donald Trump  announced that the US Food and Drug Administration   would soon issue what he called “some very strong  recommendations” related to flavored e-cigarette   use. The ban followed multiple deaths due to lung  diseases thought to be related to vaping, as well  

As hundreds of reported lung illnesses related to  the product. Earlier that week, Melania tweeted, “I am deeply concerned about the growing epidemic  of e-cigarette use in our children. We need   to do all we can to protect the public  from tobacco-related disease and death,  

And prevent e-cigarettes from becoming an on-ramp  to nicotine addiction for a generation of youth.” During a follow-up press conference, Donald  explained that this issue first came to his   attention because of the first lady’s  involvement. Then, without mentioning   Barron by name, Donald referred to his  youngest son in a peculiar way, saying,

“She’s got a son, together,  that is a beautiful young man,   and she feels very, very strongly about it.” This led many X users to speculate that Melania   caught Barron vaping. Podcaster  Ethan Ralph wrote in a tweet, “Barron got caught with a Juul and  now we can’t have Mint pods anymore.”

There has since been neither confirmation  nor denial of Barron’s alleged vape use.   In 2017, then-11-year-old Barron Trump  joined D.C. United’s under-12 team as   a midfielder. Apparently, his love of  soccer has only grown since then. He’s   also impressed professionals with his  knowledge of the game. When members of  

D.C. United paid a visit to the White House  in 2017, the team’s striker Patrick Mullins   had a lot to say about Barron’s vast interest  in the game. Mullins told The Washington Post, “He was very knowledgeable about soccer,  knew about D.C. United and was interested  

To know more. Little kid to have a passion  for the game and to be knowledgeable and   have a conversation with us, it makes me feel  good about kids growing up playing the game.” In 2018, Melania even revealed that her athletic  son was very much into sports. However, one sport  

Barron will probably never be playing is American  football — at least if his father has anything to   do with it. The former president told CBS News’  Margaret Brennan before the 2019 Super Bowl, “I just don’t like the reports that I see coming  out having to do with football. […] The helmets  

Have gotten far better but it hasn’t solved the  problem. … I’ve heard NFL players saying they   wouldn’t let their sons play football. So  […] I would have a hard time with it.”   Donald Trump is 6’3″, so when you  see him standing next to Barron,  

You might be thinking to yourself, “Wow, this  kid is tall.” And you’d be right. According to   a 2021 report in the New York Post, Barron  was already 6’7″ at just 15 years old. Somewhat ironically known as “Little Donald”  among family and friends, Barron unfortunately  

Had some jokes made at his expense due to  his huge growth spurt. One X user wrote, “Barron Trump looks like  two kids in a trench coat.” Even reporters noticed Barron’s  height. In January of 2020, CNN’s   White House correspondent Betsy Klein wrote on X, “Also: did Barron grow half  a foot since Thanksgiving?!”

“My Barron. My tall Barron. He’s very tall.” Although Barron’s only a teenager, he’s long  been an uncle to a gang of younger Trumps.   Barron first became an uncle at the ripe age of  one. Donald now has a total of 10 grandchildren,  

All of whom have Uncle Barron to play  with. These include Donald Trump Jr.’s   five children with his ex-wife, Vanessa  Haydon, and Eric’s two kids with wife   Lara. Barron’s also an uncle to Ivanka  Trump’s three children with Jared Kushner. All the kids, especially Ivanka’s,  

Seem to love their uncle. Ivanka said  in a 2017 “Fox & Friends” interview, “Now with Barron here they have so  much fun together and they are so   young. They’re really just kids. So  they are just enjoying it. They spend  

A lot of time in the Oval [Office] with their  grandfather, which is a lot of fun for them.” In January 2017, Ivanka even shared  a since-deleted clip on X where a   smiling Barron could be spotted in  the background of the Oval Office  

Playing peek-a-boo with her youngest  son, Theodore. She wrote in the post, “My youngest brother proves he’s a baby  whisperer — while my father signs his   first executive orders.” In 2016, Barron’s health   became a topic of conversation when  comedian Rosie O’Donnell tweeted,

“Barron Trump Autistic? If so – what an amazing  opportunity to bring to the AUTISM epidemic.” O’Donnell’s speculation in that now-deleted  tweet was based on a YouTube video dubbed   “Is Barron Trump Autistic?” O’Donnell, who  has feuded with the ex-president for years,   denied taking a dig at Barron. Her  website contained a poem about her  

Own experiences with her daughter Dakota, who  was diagnosed with high-functioning autism,   and a suggestion that Barron  might have similar symptoms. But Melania was unimpressed. She even hired  an attorney to sue the person who made the   video if it wasn’t removed. O’Donnell  later tweeted an apology, stating,

“I am sorry for the pain I caused – it  was not my intent – I am truly sorry.”   After the World Health Organization declared  a global pandemic back in March 2020,   President Trump frequently downplayed  the damaging effects of the coronavirus. “Don’t let it dominate you.  Don’t be afraid of it.”

Later in October, the President, Melania,  and Barron all got infected by COVID-19. In   a since-deleted post on the White House website,  Melania said she worried about the effects of the   virus on her boy, even after his initial test  was negative. The First Lady wrote at the time,

“I couldn’t help but think ‘what about  tomorrow or the next day?’ My fear came   true when he was tested again and it came up  positive. Luckily he is a strong teenager and   exhibited no symptoms. In one way I was  glad the three of us went through this  

At the same time so we could take care  of one another and spend time together.” While the President required far more  intense treatment at Walter Reed Hospital,   Melania and Barron remained quarantined  in the White House. It was there that  

Mother and son took vitamins and stuck to a  healthy diet to recover. The President later   praised his son for bouncing back  from the experience, telling CNN,   “I don’t even think he knew he had it,  because they’re young and their immune  

Systems are strong and they fight it off,  99.9%. And Barron is beautiful and he’s free.” “Barron Trump. Did you ever  hear of Barron Trump?”   Barron Trump has a thing for sneakers. In 2020,   Footwear News reported that the youngest  Trump liked New Balance’s shoes, writing,

“The youngster, now 14, has repeatedly chosen the  classic style ever since his father took office.” The piece added that Barron also owns  a pair of New Balance sneakers that   can glow in the dark. Moreover, the  teenager owns several of the brand’s  

574 Core line in the colors black,  camel suede, navy suede, and gray. Barron has also worn other brands, including Nike,   which may not have sat well with  his father. If you’ll recall,   Nike was the subject of controversy in 2018  when Donald Trump berated the shoe company for  

Hiring former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick.  Kaepernick’s kneeling during the national anthem   throughout the 2016 NFL season outraged many  people, causing some to even boycott the league. “When there’s significant change and I feel   like that flag represents what it’s  supposed to represent I’ll stand.”

During one of Trump’s Nike attacks,  however, a shot revealed his son   wearing a pair of the company’s sneakers. Of all his siblings, Barron is closest to his   sister Tiffany. For openers, Tiffany  currently lives in West Palm Beach,   a relative stone’s throw away from Barron’s  Mar-a-Lago residence. Tiffany is also younger  

Than Barron’s older siblings, Don Jr., Eric, and  Ivanka, which likely makes her more relatable to   Barron. It also helped that Tiffany attended  Washington D.C.’s Georgetown University and   made time to hang with Barron when the  Trumps were living in the White House. She also makes a point of sending  Barron annual birthday messages,  

Including one touching Instagram  post in 2020 that read: “Happy 14th birthday to the best ‘little’  brother I could ever ask for! You mean   so much to me, Barron, I wish you all  the happiness in the world! Love you!”


  1. His a wonderful man DONALD Trump his not like Joe Biden it look to me and other said his trying to Destroy American

  2. Let's just hope Barron will be a better more successful, honest man than his corrupt criminal orange 🤡 of a father. 💯 ✔️ 🎯

  3. You can tell that President Trump is a great dad… just look at his kids…they are very successful, smart and drama free, unlike the current Resident in Chief!

  4. He seems like a good kid, especially when he played peekaboo with his nephew. I hope he is nothing like his father!

  5. Does Donald Trump with Wife Melania (Visa for BEST IN HER FIELD?)

    “Immigrants are Poisoning Blood of United States!”

    Result Baron Trump!

    Catering Extreme Voters that are “Alt Right,” & Militia to CAUSE ANOTHER JAN 6TH?

  6. Watch who we put in power on are side as well who is pulling the strings take a moment people does the future look good for all these children why are they Israel still bombing Gaza why wake up is everyone stone everything is coming out something is going to happen I hope am not around take a moment sit on your ass think about what life have these children have there children the future I hope it's not like that but please take some time think we sir down listening to music which put a smile on are facing you understand my children say how do you know look at are tree am happy to go life SHIT IT NEEDS TO GET BETTER FOR ARE CHILDREN ALL OVER THE WORLD WE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE GOD CHILDREN IT LOOKS

  7. To me it's the devil children the political say what they want we just suck it up look around us who,s winnings all these people sleeping on the streets it's wrong things needs to change big time or no future for the children can't we see it come on

  8. DONALD Trump son should run for president million %he doesn't drink or smoke you understand America what happens over the will have an effect on us remember truth is coming out

  9. “I’ve always prided myself on being a good father” I threw up in my mouth a little bit on that one!! What a joke, this guy doesn’t give a damn about those kids!!

  10. Him and Melania are the only members of the trump family I respect. Hopefully he doesn't turn out like his dad. and there's nothing wrong with being autistic if he is.

  11. You know you put this s*** on here and you don't even know what the f*** you're talking about you don't even know this man so keep your comments to your goddamn self

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