How to SHORTEN your Golf Swing for more Consistency

Shortening your golf swing is a fast way to improve your consistency. Arm over run (overswing) at the top of the swing often leads to your arms getting stuck behind your body, ruining arm structure. In today’s golf lesson, Kerrod Gray and Oli Tucker demonstrate how to shorten your golf swing to make a better impact position and increase your consistency.

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Chapters ⛳
0:00 Introduction
0:30 The problem with over swinging in the backswing.
1:30 What are the effects of overswinging in golf?
4:15 Golf drill to stop overswinging.
6:25 Tips for trying the drill at home.
7:40 Arm over run drill demonstration.
9:00 Drill takeaway.

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Are you overswinging in your back swing or when you see the golf club travels far longer than your friends very common issue it’s all around the relationship of how far your arms travel relative to your chest turn and in this video with special guest olle Tucker we’re going to

Show you the best exercise to reduce that arm overrun and strike that ball clean every single time let’s get stuck in okay Ollie so what we’re going to do mate is we’re going to talk about arm overrun right and we see a lot of players they will make a functional

Pivot so they’re getting enough turn in the back swing shoulders turning 90° hips turning approximately 45 as a reference for the recreational golfer but then we can tend to see that sometimes the arms will travel independently and not only does that encourage a breakdown of the structure

Of the arm sometimes but also them to get too far behind the center line of the chest meaning that as they come back down into impact they get this look here where the arms would be stuck behind the body very common that we see that as and uh you

Had a recent golfer in here that was working with you and you had a great drill utilizing the stick down on the ground to match up the chest or the upper body rotation with the length of arm swing so it wasn’t traveling too much just give us a bit of a a rundown

About the process that you went through this go yes so exactly right a good player single figure golfer and like you say made a really good turn top of the Swing but then for maybe sort of an echo his old swing where things would get a

Little bit long uh the arm just kept going a little bit more high and like you say sort of pull behind this Trail elbow almost behind his uh be his rib cage at the top of way yeah yeah and what were the effects that we were

Seeing in regards to let’s say club path and angle of attack for this one um so tends to get some issues with striking in particular uh so angle of attack wasn’t quite down enough as it should be and the ball striking wasn’t quite there for a good enough player as he was yeah

Um but skillful enough to still play some good golf but yeah with the club getting trapped behind or his arms getting trapped behind his back here getting into impact was always a little bit tricky and T have to S help it out with his hands getting near impact

Rather than having the freedom of getting the elbow a bit more in front of the hip and better strike down the ball a little bit more like he needed to yeah yeah for sure so for example if we’re looking down at the numbers here and

We’ll look at angle of attack so I hit 2° down on that golf ball so as the golf Club was coming into impact it had that slight nice descending Angle now where was this player hitting the ball in the face uh it’s quite mixed actually but

Could get a lot of Healy ones as well yeah so when the club’s or when his arm stuck around here to release the club if we show us there to get the club back out in front it would have be this way that way so anything from here to here

Throws a club out away from the ball brings the heal of the club into play a little bit more oh yeah I can feel that coming in that’s for sure uh so this player uh he’s quite skillful he did make mention of this position here here where you’ll see the majority of the

Professional golf is getting the hands more in front of the chest by this section of the Swing you can see naturally the mass of the club head is moved behind uh the Hands by that section of the Swing giving lots of room and he was trying everything under the

Sun to try and fix this but you educated him on the cause and effect of the issue which for him you identified was a lot more about this arm overrun to the top wasn’t it correct so on a on a demo like he did there he wouldn’t have this

Overrun with the arms cuz you can feel it slowly certainly and he could easily get back into this position lucky rehearsed seen on YouTube seen on you know the pros do it but getting there with his real swing just wasn’t happening with the arm position top of

The Swing we’ll get back to that video in just a second but I just want to tell you quickly about my online training platform perform golf being a playing myself and going through the struggles of working on my game all the way up to playing on tour I understand that

Nagging feeling that you’re putting work in that’s not actually making a difference to your swing and your golf game so that’s why I’ve created an all-encompassing membership covering every aspect of the game to help you fast track your progress and get you shooting lower scores it’s available on

All the app stores and on the web the link is down below so sign up now experience the difference yourself let’s get back to the video okay so let’s uh get this stick here and let’s show the audience exactly what you need to do with this training aid okay so you can

Pop under your right arm you can do the Dum yep so right under the right arm and I use this uh quite a lot myself but talk about the setup starting off from where we would stand in this position yeah so like you’ve done there sort of

Parallel to the ground quite tucked in as far as you can go up the arm there that’s a slightly shorter stick because it helps with actually hitting the shot otherwise the long ones entertaining for us to watch as a coach but they do get

In the way a little bit and you see some funky moves so perfectly fine there you got to do your best to take your regular hold regular setup from there if you can mhm and in the address position having a slight downward angle of this stick is

Okay you don’t want players to then put it back to level you want yeah okay so get it level here and I must make mention that we’ll talk about this throughout the swing but having it underneath that armpit crease is important for another element of the golf swing the connection of the upper

Arms now that doesn’t mean guys that I want you to put your arms in like this the T-Rex and try and swing to the top and keep it connected you want to try and take as close to your neutral uh grip and hold on the golf club as

Possible so then down into position we can see that when I do so it will actually move a little bit across the line of the chest here as well and still angles to your spine as well correct correct correct so from this position taking my normal grip getting down into

My posture and then that first move back right uh let’s say that we get back to lead arm parallel and everything’s looking quite good you can see I’ve got a bit of space here then this player was doing what so there’ll be a little bit

More turn as they got near the top of their swing but once they got to here which is about your full turn the arms of carry on going you get this disconnect here this is going to drop and it certainly would also lift the if you could keep it under your arm it

Would definitely lift the buff exactly yeah and the thing is is you can get that immediate feedback here which is great and whenever you are uh working on your golf swing you do need to consider having some sort of feedback be that visual or in this stage or in

This drill specifically more about the feel and having that sensation of that lead arm hitting that stick in the back swing or straight away that’s a nice little reminder correct yeah now the one consideration here for players at home is that doesn’t mean that we want you to

Swing shorter right you still need to create a big turn but then it’s been more mindful that the chest needs to lead that rotation that’s the engine for the back swing and then the hands are staying more in front yeah and like you’ve demoed there that’s that is

Slightly short and it will feel short but like like we all know what you’re feeling there and what they’re going to see on camera if they do film themselves is going to be what possibly feel like a short turn for them or short swing and

They relate or how far the club and the arms have gone around their body and the AR will be a little bit but it’s it’s going to be a full-on turn yeah it just won’t have this extended movement with the arms yeah so mind muscle connection here for the back swing a great

Reference that I use with players is feeling the back of the right shoulder is facing for the right hander here moving and starting the back swing will really help you rotate that chest early if you combine that with some wrist hinge well then you’ll see that by this

Stage of the Swing if I come back to address I really haven’t moved those arms across my midline whatsoever so address position back of the right shoulder at the Target stopping into this if you have hit this readjust feel like it’s more chest T getting yourself into that position then from there you’d

Say just small half swings to start off yeah certainly cuz getting used to swinging through with that can be a little bit tricky so you can half swings tap it down there take some speed off it definitely mhm it’s more about where he gets on the back swing correct and I

Would say just do some uh practice swings to start off with not hitting a ball and just get a feel of what it’s like to make this motion without that lead arm hitting the stick and then film it for yourself I’ll hit one here anyway and that there felt so short but

It felt very very connected now in the reality probably still got back to this yeah you were close to touching the stick but with a really good full you really good turn and quite connected yeah and whenever you are doing your practice Wings you want to try and

Exaggerate as much as possible because the reality is in the swing for someone who has had so much arm overrun for a long period of time to then manage this and bring it back to more of a functional position P they want to achieve it is going to have to feel like

They’re making a turn that feels huge and their arms are down here yeah relative to this excessive movement yeah yeah correct I mean the arms like you say with the history of this with the arms that’s going to happen anyway and you can almost show them one extreme to

Here where it’s going to feel like no arm lift at all for them whatsoever correct with a big body turned and they’ll go they’ll question it yeah um and we never really see I want people to like really take the piss and exaggerate on I’ll show you no I’m coach and do

This no one does it they always add what they’ve been used to doing anyway and that’s kind of the middle ground we’re looking for yeah the amount of times that you use the words exaggerate exaggerate exaggerate more more more oh it feels like I am and then you Chuck it

On camera nowhere near even the same sense and I’ve been playing and teaching this game for a long time right and it’s the same thing with me as soon as I feel like I’m exaggerating something uh I usually need to do it a lot more okay

Now you can see I tried to cheat it then and I tried to put it up there so I had a lot more room just make sure that you always set up this drill correctly uh let’s hit one more here for us uh shaft level with the ground get into your

Posture I’m going to rehearse this once exaggerating that feeling nice and smooth touched a little bit then but look hands in front of the chest very very compressed through 4° down short face was a little bit open but the rest of it was great the TR good Work he


  1. This is something I have always struggled with and have failed to correct it with several different attempts. I'll give this a try as well.

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