What A 16 Handicap Golf Shoots (Every Shot!)

Join me for my full round of golf and see what a 16 handicap golfer really shoots. Thanks for watching!

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Welcome back to another video with rough golf special video today I’m doing a full 18 holes opening t-shot at clinch View and I sky this one so actually lose track of it in the Sun but uh you know we’ll pick up on the second shot in just

A second just off the cart path here pretty good approach in kind of wide open a little little bit of tree Danger on the right but I avoid that thankfully uh but I don’t quite make it to the green unfortunately just not a good strike on the ball um little wedge

Shot to the green here getting set up I wish I had placed it a little bit better but uh it’s not terrible actually it was terrible I’m on the back of the green so I forgot about that chipping up and uh not a stellar chip either but I’m on the Dance Floor

Finally and I’m putting and I miss that putt there leaving me with a triple on the first hole which is it’s pretty bad guys but I promise you it will get better second T here par 4 I kind of like this hole fairly decent t- shot leaves me in a

Good position um faded a little bit more than I would have liked but uh I’m not going to argue with uh my next shot here so got a wedge in hand hoping to clear that tree on the right which I do thankfully and it felt really

Solid now on the green got a birdie putt here it’s a long birdie Putt and as you can see I just totally misread that so coming back for par and I SN it so sticking at plus three moving on to the next hole now this hole is a par three

Here I’ve got a six iron in hand I make what I think is a great strike of the ball and I’m rewarded because it actually lands on the green and stays on the green this green does pitch back quite quite a bit long putt for birdie here but at least I’m looking at

Birdie and again another another misread I’m doing terrible on these Bermuda greens I’m just not that great so a little low there as well so end up with a a bogey on this hole putting me to plus four moving on to the next hole it’s hole number four dog leg left it’s

Another Par Four I’ve got a five iron here I like this strategy just puts me out in the Fairway and leaves me a wedge in I make what I think is a good strike uh at this uh sh sh here got a wedge in here feel like I hit a good solid wedge

Thought my wedge played today was uh was pretty good this puts me near the green a little chip because the wind caught it and brought it back a little bit chip came out a little bit hot so got a long putt back and uh yeah putting is uh it’s off

Right now this uh this early part of the round here it’s it’s a little off so that moves me to plus five for the round moving on to next hole here got a three-wood in hand and I totally hooked this one just duck hook out of bounds so I’m going to

Hit a provisional on this next shot this one goes much better although it puts me in a very interesting position for my followup shot so I’ve got to work this around this little tree here I can’t get over it so I just kind of do a little low fader

Puts me out there in wedge distance getting up with my wedge and I do make it to the green thankfully so I’ve got a long putt here and this is really hard especially after you go out of bounds on your t-shot you just want these holes to be over with

Uh and I’m unfortunately it it it just keeps going and going and I’m I stand there in disbelief that I now moved to plus n and missed that putt so all right ho number six here got the driver out I really smashed that drive and I

Feel so good about it really makes that uh that last hole disappear in my mind here I believe is one of the best shots of my round I’ve got a five iron in hand this is uh my second shot into a par five here and I can completely just work

This ball around that tree and it lands on the green so I have an eagle putt here Eagle putt okay first of the round super excited and the line was good the speed was not it definitely was not but I end up with a birty dropping me back

Down to plus eight so I feel like things are turning around on hole number seven here t-shot with a three-wood and it goes way left over into that uh that little cluster of trees there not a great t- shot but I can recover got my four iron here just going

To do a little punch shot out and that was successful so leaving me with a wedge in to the screen and I’m happy with that wish it have gotten a little bit closer to the flag but what can you do my putting on the front side’s just

Not great this moves me back to plus n after that an amazing par five we got a little par three here got the eight iron out and I totally pull this one to the left actually get some really weird bounce off the cart path and I’ve got to get up and down for

Par really really happy with that little Chip Shot there I mean I could not have asked for anything better unless it went in the hole that would have been better so I do drop par here so I’m staying at plus n n for the front side last hole on

The front side hole number nine long par five and I fade my drive over into the first Fairway but I can play it from over there so that’s good got a six iron here thinking I can reach the green and uh I don’t know what’s going on with a

Shot Tracer because it’s really weird but the wind caught it and pulled it back and I actually land short of the green not over by that tree so nice little chip here got the chip in cam set up and uh come up short so not happy with that got to putt

Here and just not enough steam just just very frustrating putting on the front side is just not so good so end up with a plus n total of 45 on the front side we’re going to move to the back side now hole number 10 got the driver out and I

Just ripped this thing I mean one of the best t-shots of the round I love the trajectory the thing was just like a low bullet and sets me up perfect for a three-wood into the green about 257 and then this happens a total freaking top I just I

Topped my beautiful second shot into the green that’s golf for you so I got a four iron here this comes out really really well off the club face but just does not quite make it to the green so I’ve got to uh get up and down here

Not happy with the chip shot at all but at least I’m putting I just keep misreading these greens Guys these Bermuda greens are are very difficult I seem to putt better on bent grass and uh probably because bent grass doesn’t have a grain and I just don’t really understand REM muted grains

Par three here hole number 11 it was a good distance I just made it off to the right of the green so not quite enough got to get up and down got a little Chip Shot here almost goes in the hole just bounces over it so I got to putt back

Here and I don’t quite make that so yeah finishing off with a bogey there it seems to be a continual theme for the start of this backside Par Four long and straight here got the driver out hit another good shot really really happy with that shot so my driver so far

Has been doing pretty well on the back side got a wedge in and uh I hit the green but I’m a little bit farther from the pin than I would want to be so I’ve got to put my putting skills back to work we know how those go long putt here for

Birdie and I just totally misread it and send it off to the right side of the green so coming back for par and uh go a little bit High so yeah but I finish off with the bogey so bogey bogey bogey for the backs side little par three here got the six iron

Out make a pretty good swing at it and uh actually make it onto the green so I’m looking at birdie here I love those birdie opportunities long putt for bird and again just another bad read I mean I really need to take a green reading class coming back back for

Par way too high I think I might be pushing it a little bit on these putts I just need to maybe slow down just a little bit concentrate a little harder puts me to plus 13 all right ho number 14 I hit another great Drive uh scared

Me a little bit because it did fly over the out of bounds section but uh I made it through thankfully so got a wedge in hit a fantastic wedge shot or at least what I thought was a fantastic wedge shot I I mean it flew right over

The pin so I’ve got to get up and down here CU I went a little bit far and really happy with that chip shot this one just sneaks in and keeps me at plus 13 I got real lucky on that par but I needed it hold number 15 got a

Four iron here just going to put it up there and uh put myself in good position for my next shot with a nine iron into the green that way I avoid the hazards hazards are not good for your golf score that should be okay be all right my sh

Nine iron here into the green and I hit a great shot I mean I really feel like it was a good shot from where I was at so another look at birdie here I like that I’m hitting these greens in regulation that’s at least giv myself an

Opportunity but my putting is just guys I’ve got to work on my putting coming back for the par here and just can’t can’t see seem to convert so plus 14 for the backside moving on to the next hole hole number 16 my shot tracer was not working on

This hole for some reason and I hit a weird Stinger Drive got a pitch and wedge into the green here and I totally hook it and puts me in a uh spot over by the cart path for my next shot little Chip Shot

Here and I flub it I mean it just it was a terrible Chip Shot so this hole was not going my way but I feel like this Chip Shot right here was really good so little bit of a confidence booster there got my putt just does miss it so not happy with

That uh sinking this moves me to plus 16 for the backside favorite hole coming up Par Four Hole number 17 and I Sky my drive over into patch of woods it was just uh beautiful view but not a great shot so going to take a little four iron just

Punch out and take my uh my lumping this puts me in wedge distance and I hit what I thought was a really good shot I mean my my aim was very very good just my distance was not uh what I thought it would be so got a long putt

Here and I had the line I really did I like it was going in just not the speed moving me to plus 17 with the final hole of the round coming up long par five here got the driver out and uh I have I do this I fade it to

The right puts me behind a really big tree I don’t like that tree got my four iron here I try to get cute with it and fade it and I just I hit it terribly so got a wedge in here perfect distance 118 yards with the 50° and I hit it fat

I was kind of in a little depression there and uh it just didn’t work out but I got a Chip Shot here which I think is just beautiful very happy with that chip shot and I’m able to finish off with par round total 89 thank you guys so much

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