Merry Christmas from The Real Life Crew

In the final episode before the holiday break, the guys got together and shared memories of Christmas past. They talked about some of their favourite memories from their childhoods and also, talked about what they’re looking forward to this year. There wasn’t a lot of Oilers talk, because the guys have decided they’d rather not put themselves into a depressive state, so they just kept it to Christmas talk and nonsense. Things did get off the rails quite a bit, but they always worked it back to their central theme for the day. Chalmers also had a new edition of Keep It 100, where he ranted about how aggressive people are getting in malls nowadays. Is he right in his observation? Or is he just becoming a grump old man? They wrapped up the show by having Chalmers assign New Years resolutions for all the other guys on the podcast.

Sam with eight points in the game this is Sam G and you’re listening into the Real Life podcast Oh What A Move what a win for the oers bottom six woses today Welcome to the Real Life podcast I had to hit a button and move across the room to start

Producer all two feet and he was huffing and puffing y it’s called putting in the work Jay uh welcome into our last podcast of 2023 is that true uh yeah I mean we’re not going to be in next week and then the year after or the week

After that is a new year right yeah this will be our last one makes you think does make you think makes you think that maybe actually we should do one next week but maybe on Thursday the resolution show the resolution show the one where we all say what we’re giving

Up I’ll give my seven things I’m giving up which I’ll give up none you’re giving up seven things you’re a brave man I got seven that I’d like to kick I I don’t mind telling you you have seven vices simultaneously fighting to get in first that means you have like 11 vices and

That leaves me with three yeah exactly unbelievable um I would love to say that we could have done like some sort of holiday themed episode and dropped it next week but when I asked you guys today let’s try think first off here’s the real life group chat from today me

At 7:55 a.m. 1:30 today Jay yeeh he no other responses but why do you always text the morning up and then cuz I want to make know who’s coming if everyone’s going to bail then there’s no podcast but that’s never happened I like that he does reminder oh is that what you can

Credit for your 12% attendance rate in class and then I cuz I’m always whenever I see it I’m like oh no what’s wrong and it’s like nothing’s wrong we just are confirming that as always but we do it like the crack of dawn I’m up of my day

Most shows don’t need a reminder like this to know who’s coming I do it for all you do you want you’re mad because you don’t feel like the reminders and you’re the guy that never comes this Monday I was out of town so sometimes people just have to go do things should

We do some sort of off the- Dome year in review we could first off so and then Jay’s the only one that responded he said yeeh I said let’s try to think of some Christmas themed topics Jay responded one word Santa there you go and that was all the communication oh is

It you didn’t say anything after that I said Santa dot dot dot is he a [ __ ] ah well when you text people at five 15 in the morning Pacific Time 8:00 you asked for a Christmas topic Santa That’s hey discuss Rudolph oh Santa well Crawford right now anytime she sees anything

Christmas related will go ho ho ho ho ho that’s adorable she gets it Santa we have a three- foot tall Santa she will give him a hug every morning she go Santa hug kiss then try to rip his sunglass his eyeg glasses off Santa I think we could probably just

Wrap up there so have you done them M Santa is that what you just said like Cabella Santa Cabella Santa you weren’t here on Monday 2023 [ __ ] it’s okay yeah and then they bought a gun we always like to compare gun license Crawford got a gun license she

Got it really quick she got a gun uh live bait well that cheaters use live bait chers but I guess that’s why you suggest it you you once used leeches and they were live so don’t give me this [ __ ] I’ve only ever use dead leeches or dead minnows Lee well yeah which cuz

They’re not uh native to that Lake leeches are I’m just feeding them was that the first episode you came on the show no the fishing derby one or was it like in the first few months or something no it was quick though it was the first six

Months oh quicker than that of just me being on this show it was quicker than six months it was one of my first shows was it yeah it was like my third or fourth episode doing working with company it’s been all downhill this hands down our most was I going to

Sweden I think I had I think I had a I was in Europe for one of it Finland was I going to Finland yeah I think it was the your Finland trip wow okay so that’s like 3 years ago four years ago so Christmas let’s see first question Santa

Have you guys all watched the Christmas movies that you normally watch all Christmas no have you watched Home Alone yet no I’m I have I need to I’m gonna watch on Christmas Day I think have you watched elf yet have you watched both of those too nope haven’t watched it yet

But I can’t wait to there’s only one but yeah there is only one yeah there’s not elf 2 surpr 15 minutes short film Mary shrekmas oh I have actually seen that it’s a good one good I I watched that uh yeah I think I watched it with Die Hard

Noted Christmas movie watch it yet who like do the hardcore di the Christmas movie debate are just making up for their lack of God personality cinnamon knowledge yeah just all of it it’s cinnamon knowledge cinnamon you know what it’s up there cin there are certain things that when they

Get brought up I just roll my eyes and I’m like please shut it’s a unique no no people being like die hard’s a Christmas movie or when people go is a hot dog a sandwich it’s like shut up Die Hard is a Christmas movie okay sure cuz it happens

Around Christmas my point is I don’t give a [ __ ] ah yeah it really doesn’t matter it’s just it it’s Love Actually is also very good at Christmas but there’s a whole bunch of action that happens in it like the plot Could Happen really at any so home alone and die hard

You know what is home alone kids die hard pretty much guy goes ballistic takes it on himself that’s a kids action movie that’s true it’s kids die hard see both Christmas movies you put the writers of Home Alone in a corner and I guarantee they admit to that you put a

Gun to one of their heads they’ll admit to anything mhm I watched a like a Hallmark movie a bit of one for some reason oh my God was Lindsay Lohan’s return cuz that was a great hallmar movie Last Christmas with her in it no

It was not it was so bad but anyways it was entertaining cuz it was so bad this time of year when I come into the house and I turn on the TV if I can tell who’s the last one to watch it if it’s on either Sports TSN it was clearly me or

The boys mhm if it’s on a TLC like a baking show or this time of year the Hallmark every time I turn on the TV it’s another cheesy Hallmark my wife with a ’90s sitcom star have you ever seen in it now they got their formula

Have you ever seen that picture of like 12 different Hallmark movies named 12 different things with 12 different actresses and actors all wearing the same every single poster is the same thing with a guy in like a green suit and like a red and it’s like God it’s

But it’s all I want for Christmas back for Christmas all I want back for Christmas Christmas I’m back the Christmas Prince Christmas all I want back Edition there was the one they did a couple years ago oh what there was one they did a couple uh years ago about a hockey

Player it was a Hallmark movie and like the main part of the plot was that she was trying to get like a hockey player goon Christmas hockey player if you watch that Lindsay Lohan movie that came out I think it’s called like back for Christmas or All I Want For Christmas

One of the two it’s a fantastic movie Lindsay Lohan can still act isn’t isn’t a mean I guess a sequel to Mean Girls coming out I don’t know because they made an ad did you see that they made a long form ad with all of

Them in it they did it for Home Alone was Mean Girls filmed wasn’t the setting at Christmas for that movie too or did they just have a christas had a long had a Christmas concert I think it was a whole school year yeah so it’s a Christmas movie CU Regina Regina always

Does Regina Georgia well that’s why now me and girls is a musical Broadway musical you’re right um all right here’s the storyline of that Hallmark movie I talked about uh it is called taking a shot at love sounds Small Town Country Guy meets big city girl no former professional ballet dancer Jenna works

With NHL star Ryan Cooper to help he’s the best to help him recover from an injury using ballet as therapy as grow close he helps her mend her injured heart this is straight up the plot of that Deb Sweeney movie where he becomes Cutting Edge Cutting Edge no it’s

Opposite yeah he he quits hockey to become a figure skater injury he doesn’t quit yeah he has to he’s forced to quit hockey though he he’s he’s recuperating from injury and using ballet to come back to play hockey hockey was already in the rear Mir so much different wait

Ready Jay Cuz you nailed the second part of the description but when it’s time for Ryan to return to the ice and leave Jenna and her small Connecticut town both must consider the paths they want to take and just maybe Love Will Find its way oh I feel alive Let its way into

Your heart I got an idea my head won’t watch it if he’s in the NHL you find your way to that big city there small City girl from Connecticut aming did you see the plot for this year your INRI that this year’s Christmas movie on oh

No she’s a proud hockey mom who followed her son’s dreams to Chicago he’s an NHL star at the end of his career well love find a way will fate bring them together Twitter will social media figured it out can they all righty that’d be a good

Movie play I’m not even gonna make jokes I never said it was a based of a true story movie I just said if that was the plot now there’s like a Brazilian soccer star um and I think like not Global but to Brazil and he left his wife for his niece is it

Niece or daughter-in-law or something their stepdaughter it’s like his kid’s cousin but like by not bloodline yeah it’s it’s his niece it’s his nie okay yeah and they have like this they announc like they second escalando yeah yeah yeah that could be for Brazilian Striker Hulk has announced

That he’s having a second child with his ex-wife’s niece in 2020 the former Porto forward stunned the world when he married Camila Angelo the niece of his ex-wife Aon Angelo they should make a movie about that 12 relationship him and yeah him and and Marty Bor is not the

Same but kind of the same yeah they can make a movie about that that definitely that cuz the the kids are brother cousins hold on brother cousins like the way that this the way that this like depicts it makes it seem like hey it’s actually his niece too it’s your wife’s

Niece making that your blood though but not by Blood I a nephew not by Blood yeah your wife’s family isn’t a blood relative to you you don’t so the minute two people get like that niece is now like an ex- niece it’s not no longer

Than his niece well I mean but it’s not blood like you need to make that distinction niece at the time yeah more just weird that they would have been around them at a young age and then one day well if they would have had a kid

Together then the his kid and the niece would have been cousins we’re getting too close to the Sun cousin Mommy and then you married your kid cousin you shouldn’t even be calculating these scenarios I know it’s it’s you need a just another one of those episodes we hope you don’t have your

Kids in the car great great Christmas movie just yeah anyways I’m if you’re listening kids ask your parents how close can I marry in the family tree without trouble being caused depends where you live depends on the voting oh Jesus BL red Province Christmas movies yeah I only

Had two things written down for prep today the word Christmas and then a line that’s just what the [ __ ] I thought the Oilers were good it says Santa underneath for some reason I don’t know who contributed I uh well for Christmas I would like the Oilers to get their [ __ ] together

Again is that all I want for Christmas Conor Brown well he’s going to be the Press Box so tough titties is he really for the next two games potentially yeah oh that’s got to stink man we’re so tight on the C we’re handing that guy that kind of money this year it’s only

775k doesn’t matter it’s next year we have to pay the penalty yeah when he won’t even be here but you could argue the difference between him not being here and the difference between him being here right now very there’s not much separate it’s like reverse contract season where you know you have a

Contract next season it doesn’t matter yeah he’s like I’ll sit at home next year I don’t give a [ __ ] Frank was on o today and did say he saw Conor Brown skating off the ice at practice the other day when he was there cuz it’s in New Jersey and Conor Brown looked very

Pissed off well you’d hope so yeah it’s just like this was an exp given our situation this was an experiment that needed to work now can it still work yes yeah but to date to what extent could it work like he has one assist like if if if if he had 10

Points even still you’d be like uh but like I can work with this if you had 10x his current production you’d still be disappointed which shows you just how little he’s producing okay here’s how you do the Marty broer Christmas movie Jay it’s a two-parter and the first

One’s with the original wife and it goes through the Arc of their entire relationship and right in the last second it’s like the Titanic VHS two boxer the last second of the first movie he sees the sister in a new light and then the second one starts and it’s the

Whole their Arc it’s a two-parter and Marty bder married his wife’s sister yes and had made everyone go to the wedding again yes and just to and I and I don’t want to add any more confusion make them are they twins no are they okay I have to okay oh

My God I don’t know but maybe they are I never heard that I don’t know Martin BR her sister wife um yeah all right they’re not twins are they oh wait wait wait wait wait get filed for divorce in two during the 2003 playoffs and made reports of

Brer the wife of Melanie’s brother so it wasn’t her sister it would have been her sister-in-law so her brother’s wife okay it’s I don’t know if that’s true [ __ ] over a corner of the family yeah it’s still it’s the second wedding that gets me yeah it’s inviting everybody that

Went to the first one back but I thought they were straight sisters I thought they were too I thought they were too but they just could be us telling each other once bro’s sister-in-law which I guess could how does Vinnie La Cavalier work into this what what did he do Vinnie

Roder was married to Melanie Dubois dubois’s brother was married to Genevie no and how is V La calal involved I don’t know there’s a picture of them is Vinnie now involved with ex Brer I I I I don’t know how does the car rental agency fix and all

This that he endorses Enterprise is it yeah withell is going on it’s a good question like what how does that happen you’re just at family gatherings and well that’s that’s Heart Wants What It Wants here’s what happens you rent a valueprice Enterprise car and you go

Visit your wife’s family and you have so much leg room in their midsize rental at a low price that you end up taking your sister-in-law home and it and it’s got plenty of backseats space whatever happened to the good old days like the 1950s when no matter what you felt you

Just push it down for the greater good for the go to the family just to make sure there’s no way what’s the book and Mormon song about it yeah switch it off click it off it off turn it off turn it off or switch it off

That’s F back in the good old days when you’d look at your wife’s brother’s wife and be like damn she kind of bad but you wouldn’t act on it let’s rewind even further back 1930s when you could move six miles up Road and have a whole new

Family and they would never connect with your first family cuz six good separated them and no one had the ability to read you could really really miles that’s all it took yeah oh he’s from East leeville he moved up the road there to may as well be the moon might as well

Got a whole new family new son he’s never going to meet your first son yeah you always need a body of water to separate you and your other family do you think they could make a Christmas movie about this on the homework network no you have to wonder when car started

Like scaling out how many adult males were like my families are going to meet now I’m [ __ ] it’s over in a horse world I can get away with this oh my God they put the only Supermarket rate in between the two houses 15 minutes of the brand new new

Supermarket what are we going to do so this is our idea of Christmas talk um well well there’s lots of things you can talk about for Christmas what’s your favorite Christmas memory from back in the day when you were a kid you remember Che what’s the one thing you do every

Year that you look forward to your traveling salesman father visiting for 3 hours but he had to leave because he had to go back to work at his other family six miles up the road uh what would I do when I was a kid um we used to do every

Christmas out at my Baba’s house in Ville so we would spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day there and we’d come home on boxing day so I was always told like Santa comes to our house a day later don’t worry about it um so I would

Go there I played a lot of the game sequence from when I was a young kid love it love that game we’re going to be playing a lot of that this Christmas yeah um so that was my Christmas I never got to open my gifts until uh until

Boxing day did you ask for hockey news and a microphone every year for Christmas or what did you want as a child I can’t even imagine you yeah that that’s actually like pretty accurate can I have all the hockey biographies that came out in the last 12 months so I can

Learn about Wendell Clark what was the roadter of 1990 200ir for the postgame show um yeah no I I always asked like I was a very easy kid to shop for thing cuz I just wanted hockey cards and like the latest hockey video game hockey stick yeah and a

Hockey stick then whatever piece of hockey equipment was the oldest you know what he didn’t want chers I learned on o and E he didn’t want any eggnog I don’t like eggnog no I think it’s supremely overrated like we bought the real stuff I love I I love the eggnog but

I’m the light stuff makes me ni not like it anymore the light stuff cuz you’re not case but okay remove your current beef your domestic beef with the light egg nog thick eggnog I just think I’m growing out of it I think I’m just not

As into it as I used to be like Martin bro dur with his first wife y thank you finally some time to sit down relax I’m going to have a drink you know what I want cream over the holidays with rum with rum a good thick eggnog is really good

But I can’t have two of them yeah no no it’s not a yeah a one and done it’s a one and done but you enjoy it’s one it’s one of the few things you can consume that when you taste it it feel it gives you the feeling of the holidays it’s

True and like that’s the power candy cane too candy cane yeah I love a good candy can I hate candy canes mint chocolate chip ice cream oh my God my kids get candy cane ice cream oh delish mint and chocolate do belong together they also belong apart but

Together they are totally fine and delicious um today on the DFO rundown I gave my list of the five things I don’t like about the holidays or like five bummers around holiday season so like number five because I had to keep I wanted to keep one part of it hockey I

Said watching that one European team just gets stomped at the world juniors you’re like sitting around laia and laia’s down 14 nothing in the second period to whatever Czech Czech Republic czechia I should say um I said cleaning up wrapping paper that’s incredibly annoying because you spend so much time

Wrapping the gifts and then you have to go like walk around the it’s like one of the easiest things to do we just set up you know like those wire things that you can put a garbage bag on and then the wire just but we just put it at the

Front and we all play End one after we wrap our gifts you try and bury it it’s just like you spend so much time wrapping the gifts and then it’s over so fast I you spend so much time wrapping a gift yeah that’s a good point present in

Five years you want people to unwrap a gift for 20 minutes what do you want to hear yeah I don’t know well first they’ll take the ribbon off but that’s why it’s up there because it’s like a necessary thing it has to happen but I it’s up there for Decor it sits under

The tree for a length of time we don’t R that’s what the rapping is for counter point my mom and well to a certain extent my wife they put bows on them what my mother you conf well you made it seem like they were the same no and to

Some my mother is to some extent my wife is what I heard mother I know we’re entering some interesting sub you’re saying what I just said you said that made Jay laugh you’re married to your mother or the full sentence though now we will but just we had to draw some

Attention to that you married your wife My Mother Does this now my wife is starting to do this as well two they put bows on it and then literally as you’re taking the boss she’s like give give me that and then like takes it so you don’t

Wreck it and puts it back in like the the wrapping bag to reuse it because the whole point of wrapping the presents is to make the Christmas tree look amazing for like a good week before at least yeah at least a week and so that magical morning when the kids come downstairs

And they see their stockings a full a full you have a fire going oh yeah got to have a fire wrapped up a little light eggnog cook all crumbled up from Santa eaten them some half eaten carrots for the Rudolph that’s the worst part of Christmas Eve is having to eat the half

Of that carrot spoiler [ __ ] I know um okay maybe I’ll take that one off I didn’t consider the decor part okay decent cool what else you got uh hugs hugs was on my list the che hug at Chris seriously disliking the hug family no we don’t hug in-laws hug ah big

Huggers and I always try to find ways to get around it when we like I’ve got two words for you spiked sweater sure you put like a barbed wire family function when they have their big Christmas party you have to hug everyone there godamn right I don’t know man I don’t think you

Do a no that’s like the tradition part of the Christmas season so I movie I try to position myself or ibug over here I go out and start the car even though you don’t need to start the car so then my shoes are on and I’m at the door and

It’s yeah I’m I’m halfway at the door so yeah sometimes especially with like uncles her uncles who again I barely know I’ll just go for the handshake some of them pull you in got we’ve met each other come here big guy we’ve met each other maybe six times hug them so hard their

Ribs crack they’ll never do it again have you ever seen Bill Murray’s Christmas classic Scrooged no should watch it kind of reminded me of him right now I mean this was called The Grinch list it was to make me yeah you are wearing green shoes which I whatever

Love a way too many kisses I do I do say but um I had the hockey one uh oh getting roped in like when you sit down and then all of a sudden like a weird relative or like a distant relative you barely talk to just pulls up next to you

And you’re like o I’m stuck now oh for a lengthy conversation and you know it’s going to be a conversation about something weird Before I Let You Go Tyler what do you think about the Oilers this year where where have they go where did they go and that that was my angle

Of it is like there’s always that one thing you have no interest in talking about I don’t like talking politics I would rather talk hockey but also when someone sits down is like I got ideas on how to fix Campbell here’s some trades you’re standing at the bar and you’re

Pouring a drink and just out of your peripheral vision you see the person you’ve kind of been avoiding start walking over the bar and you’re like oh my God I just and I’m going to lose my seat at the couch I wanted to make this

Quick but now I got to stand here and next thing you know somebody sits in your and the whole thing just unravels in front of you and the worst is when it happens right by where the drinks are cuz a great get out is slam your drink

And be like need another one of and you’re out if you get stuck by the bar like again you need to be smart at these Christmas parties if you want to be properly antisocial so I’m not going to like we used to go to a different aunt

And uncles every Christmas Day for the dinner portion now our extended our family’s just so big now with all the kids that we only just do it with our like immediate family and we see them another day but when we used to go to their house I have an aunt and uncle who

Did not drink pop right like as a kid that is devastating they had 2 lers of pop in their bar but they were warm and had probably been there for like 6 months since last Christmas so anybody that was like mixing a drink I didn’t

Realize this cuz I was just a young kid but their drinks were awful but when we wanted pop as like kids we get our special pop for dinner and you were just like what the hell is wrong with this pop and I just remember thinking one

Christmas when I finally got it I was just like oh my God they don’t just go out and buy new two leers like these two leers have probably been in here for six months why wouldn’t you bring your own pop does pop go bad though well it goes

Flat if it’s tight and if it’s not cold if it’s cold or warm it doesn’t matter you crack a 2 lit you pour a drink you put that cap on that 2 L thing got it’s been open for six months there half full how there Bott how could there be a party

Though with that many people all drink FL half opened yeah bottles of usually there’d be like a a ginger that’s bad well then why why wouldn’t you just bring your own P after the third that wasn’t porn drinks at that point yeah well my parents probably

Started to do that after a while but like if you’re going to have a party or you’re going to have people over number one you’ve got to have like at least four or five different types of beer right like a bud like a light a

Craft beer a heavy like a budweis or a most Canadian or something like that I think you have to have one and if people want their own they can bring three different barrels of Mead and then You’ got to have a Mexican light I I just

Think like variety and then you have to have at least one big fresh bottle of every booze Rye dark rum white rum vodka Jin are you opening up a PGI Fridays or throwing a Christmas party and then you got to have fresh pop and tons of ice

Four flavors of wings that’s just like party 101 a server and a Hostess over 101 you’re opening a Boston Pizza yeah I I I don’t know Charles I I think you need to have I think one pre-made cocktail some beers couple bottles of wine other than that like a

Big punch yeah something like that like when I I had a holiday party last week I made a large vat of coffee like mocha and Bailey did get Bailey I think I like your thinking of why you do that what about guys like me who don’t drink

Coffee then what do I do just walk around with finger up my butt there was a bottle of wine a bottle of wine second half Dr wine well then that’s when the coffee kicks yeah that’s the second half of the Eyes Wide Shut party bring your

Bo so okay I went to a party and I took we took bottles we take our own stuff that’s beside the point but like what I love about the Christmas season is is just like the memories you have of going to people’s houses as a kid we went to

I’ve never been to these people’s hous before they live in a neighborhood I know well like West End of Emon lard duchaine like right in that area where those whole houses are like just getting old enough where you can start to renovate them but they’re still young

Enough to be like really cool right and I walk in this house and it is the exact same layout of my auntie and uncle’s old house when I was a kid and I felt like I was 10 years old again like what I was honestly I stood at the front door and I

Just couldn’t even think I was just looking around I was like holy [ __ ] it felt like a time workp and there was people everywhere and I loved going to this house as a kid oh yeah this is one had pop this one was the one that always

Got like the the N if you was if there was like a new Nintendo it was out if there was like a Sega CD like no matter what the newest coolest thing was they always had this they always got it for Christmas and we always went their

Boxing day which means we always got to see it and so like I loved and I just was blown away I love that kind of stuff so that’s one of my memories a boxing day party you get a good Boxing Day party yeah that needs to be a tradition

That we need to start doing more that’s what my family does boxing day like cuz now everyone like me and my sisters we have in-laws or whatever so it’s just like simplicity go do whatever you need to do on Christmas we’ll do our thing on boxing day cuz that’s when Santa comes

And also yes that’s when Santa comes so I do love the boxing day party it’s a good especially now I like when the world juniors are overseas Canada games are starting in the morning 11 o’ Mountain Coffee Bailey Coffee Bailey the Canada game turkey sandwich yeah with

Some cranberry sauce and some mayo for lunch um do you guys have like a really intense Christmas day regiment because because ours is like jam like we go to like three different houses oh no including our own you visit your own house I’m glad up

I’m glad you can squeeze it then we go to like one family’s breakfast back home another family stop in and then another family like dinner full night okay I’ll be honest I’m jealous of that it’s awesome so my Christmas day it’s tiring like Amber’s Family they do their big

Thing a couple weeks before Christmas remember this was an issue last year with me not to the FIS thing with beg milk cuz I had the holiday party in early December oh yeah so my Christmas day is wake up go to Amber’s parents it’s just the four of us and that’s the

Day that’s my Christmas day I just sit there’s going to be lots of football on today for you there’s the sa this this will be this one will be interesting you should start a second family six miles up the road see and that for them that would at least give me some adrenaline

That’s too bad go for a long walk to your other family I know I want to like talk I want to as much as my Grinch list would maybe tell you otherwise I like the rush of going around and having a bus I kind of I kind of like that but

Like for me now Christmas is like finally like a time where like there is legitimately nothing to do like your in email inbox is empty in sense of like no one’s coming at you so I do nothing but I get I get a little bored and ansy of doing

Nothing but we do nothing we open our gifts we’ll watch some movies we’ll just eat a bunch of food and then like normally get like like Chinese food delivered in the evening Chinese food for Christmas is a huge tradition for some people yes there’s a lot of people that do that

Yeah we did it one year because everybody was we had to have do our Christmas like a a year like a day early just for people going out of town so then we got it was glorious yeah and I never had a a not white Christmas and

I’m thinking about to have one here this is oh this is wild man it’s so it’s it’s messing with my brain mine too like it’s 5° outside right now I do I remember one oh might have been when I was like 11 or 12 so it might have been like 12

13 years ago but now or 15 years ago almost um I remember one where we didn’t have snow yeah I do I don’t it’s it’s like 2005 or something there was the year that they’re golfing on New Year’s Day that year there was no snow at Christmas that’s probably like 2003 2004

We have friends who live in a warm climate and don’t get up to see their family very often up here and when they do make a trip up here it’s like they really want snow they want outdoor rinks they want snow for tobogganing and potentially maybe skiing and like this

Is devastating for them right I did Australian Christmas one time in Sydney and they’re like oh we have such a good time we eat shrimp I’m like what the [ __ ] is this how does Santa come here wearing a fur coat when it’s 35 degrees out how do the reindeer land on the

Beach they land right on the beach no they don’t I don’t think Santa’s real not how it works yeah you need sow at Christmas so far from the North Pole he probably just forgets about it a shrimp ring for Christmas morning breakfast what the hell that’s what I said to

Myself Australian Christmas I don’t know how I’m 43 years old and I’ve not had to cook a turkey yet my dad was cooking turkeys at like I have never cooked a turkey and will never cook a turkey unless I deep fry it you know what I

Kind of want to cook one this year go for it BR it it’s the Final Act of Father nice little brine nice little sugar water let sink in you have a little bit of it you want for I like my turkey Savory no no no that’s just how

You brine it I don’t know what the hell brining means when you soak it in water with like some her with like a bunch of different ingredients for a full day you want a candy or turkey yeah pretty much justess you talking about things your

Fathers did one of my biggest fears as a kid I used to have like I panic attacks about this when I’d sit in the car with my dad and we’d go anywhere I’d be like how does he know where we’re going like how does he know where to get where

We’re going life was simpler back went five places I know but like we’d go to my bobas in Ville and the way there every time felt like a new way to me and I’m like I used to freak out and be like when I’m older how am I supposed to

Remember where you freak out about this yes I’d be like how am I supposed to know where everything is what’s going to happen we’ll have supercomputers in our pockets so I went through this phase where I would like ask every question about every road sign like what does

That one mean meanwhile now fast forward to today you’re you’re on phone calls eating food while you drive not paying attention to any of theing and gole and I know the exact minute I’m going to be there yeah yeah Google Map the best you know it was wild to see there was a

Video of czecho uh who’s a racer for Red Bull doing the U Mexican Grand Prix track with his eyes closed like it was it was virtual but like it was like same kind of same driving condition so he had his back to the screen and he’s turning

Up sh shifting uh like shifting up shifting down and did the whole like lap so he would train being like 1 1,000 2 1,000 turn yeah he knew the whole track in his mind that was wild to see and and he kept it on the road the whole time

Have you ever seen those dudes that drive like the sub like Subarus in the trees and it’s like those really really off-road coures and there’s just the guy that drives and you could put mud all in front of his window and he doesn’t need

To see but the dude on the right is like five left and then the guy’s just two right and then he just turns and this dude’s just navigating the whole time like that’s trust that’s got to be the craziest that’s the level of trust I had

In my dad when I was younger no you didn’t you have panic attack because I was worried one day it would be on me you clearly never had I was never worried about us getting there I was worried about the day I’m in charge of getting somewhere wow that’s neurotic

You’re like 8 years old worried about 10 years in the future already I was like I won’t know how to get to Baba’s house like witnessed once pulling off to the side of the road out of the car map on the hood walk around stare up at the at the ceiling no

Cuz my dad was a machine your dad’s a machine yeah your dad’s Bert crer or whatever yeah and that was a fear I had as a kid we’d go for Christmas to my aunt’s Farm out in the middle of nowhere and he would just know how to get there the

Vag well every Christmas uh right after the last day of school the next morning we’ get up at like 6:00 amm and drive to Mort laxas katchan eight hours and yeah it felt like yeah you’re right it felt like it was a different way every time even though you’d hit like

The same you knew a couple land bigger Saskatchewan Ros toown Swift Current more like so your Christmas day every year was an 8 hour car ride we wouldn’t leave on Christmas Day the day after school yeah so we would leave so this year if I would leave tomorrow morning the 23rd and then

Stay there till I don’t know 10 days can I we don’t need to make a big deal of this but my keeping 100 definitely has to do with Christmas okay and it has to do with you want to get to it right now let’s just do it right now okay well do

Add we’re gonna do a couple things first sure first we’re gonna step aside for a quick break okay all right back on the Pod keeping 100 is brought to you by door Dash if you’re throwing a big holiday party this year you know you’re going to need door

Dash at some point some’s going to be forgotten you’re going to be out of wine or out of one of the nine Spirits Chris chmer demands you have in the house at all times get it all with our friends at door dash for a limited time our

Listeners can get 25% off and zero delivery fees on their first order of $15 or more when you download the door Dash app and enter the code nation2 all capitals on Nation 25 that’s 25% off up to a $10 value and zero delivery fees on your first order when you download the

Door Dash app in the app store and enter the promo code Nation 25 if if you go to your aunt and uncle stale Pop’s house door Dash some fresh pop and an uncle stale pop you could I that solves your childhood problem if if if door Dash was

Around then you would have S 11-year-old Cher Just door dashes more pop to the party and goes the door and gets it yes and ice and smokes what a power move and um well that’s a good lead into it because it has a lot to do with that and

I’ll start keeping it one Hunter with a song there’s no shopping like online shopping have you been to a [ __ ] mall or a store recently it is the worst experience in the goddamn world every single thing about it sucks the parking walking through the mall dealing with

People is this new like like this has always been the case I don’t shop very often and last year like I actually kind of like getting out getting in public going to a store going to Shoppers Drug Mark or Southgate Mall or going to like West Ed or going to a

Store in South Emington common I kind of liked it it got me out it got me to see things yeah this year I did like nothing changed I can almost assure you awful it is the worst experience in my life and I am just constantly waiting because of the amount of

Instagram things that pop up that are just people getting in arguments in public in stores and people having it’s a very emotional time man it’s just crazy I saw a couple like people getting pretty orary with each other in the in the 45 minutes I was in

The mall and I was just like this is not happening I went home I just imagine you walking through the Congress like I got on Amazon and I got on my computer on Amazon killing small business thank you no cuz they small business that are fulfilling

It well no but continue doesn’t matter I don’t care sorry small business if then go get a shot somewhere where it’s easy for me to park in front of here’s my thing I think I agree with Jay it’s always been like this Charles but I thinked two three years of Co you didn’t

Have any of it and there weren’t a lot of people out in about and now that it’s back to the normal masses it’s always this crazy sure so I believe it used to be crazier now because of online shopping it’s actually been eased remember when you would do online

Shopping and you be like your package is going to show up between December 2nd and December 25th and you’re like whoa this is it this is exciting I might not get this this is crazy now it’s like it’s going to be there at 11:52 and it is there at 11:52 this is

The name of your driver and you’re livid we’re living better than any other point in human history it is I got all my shopping done in like an hour and a half and everything showed up and everything was perfect so but like that means like did you know exactly what you wanted to

Get everyone I had a good ide like how do you how do you window shop online so yes Amazon search gifts for women and then just dig through what they got yeah no no no I kind of pretty much knew what I wanted what what I was getting uh some

Things changed your phone would be like I overheard your wife saying this and I suggest you buy exactly and it would just send me a link but no like some things were just different colors maybe I I the sizing of some things is is where you really have to get you have to

Go find EX product in the house you know what I mean like if it’s this pair of shoes you know some shoes can be a half size different m i do most of my shopping at the capano mall Saturday senior’s Christmas craft Market I like to get have a good Market the anti-

Chers hand knit like um you get like a Kleenex box and then they’ll make like a sock for it and it goes over the kleenex box then you put that in the back window of your car Christmas I used to love a good Market

When I was a kid we used to do it all the time but now it’s like I don’t know something there there was a beautiful Christmas Market at Fort Edmonton there’s a talossa Christmas Market isn’t there like kind of like the over Callingwood the overhanging like part of

The out Farm Market go there get everything there your wife will love it there was Royal bison there get her a jar that it’s actually a soup and you got all the ingredients and then you just poured in and delicious this may be a fully me Merry Christmas babe oh it

Totally is so when you walk into a place like the mall it just doesn’t feel I don’t love it but I know I I know what I’m walking into no you’re more it is right it’s me yeah I’ve been chopping three or four times is it more is there more animosity

It just feels like may maybe do I have less patience with the way people walk does if somebody’s walking we become less patient as a society yes we have but like little tiny things just about simply walking the corer at West Mall bother me like I look at people and I’m

Like do you not understand how traffic works I think you’re the problem I think I’m I think I I think I am you have to go into those circumstances with an open mind cuz yes it’s easy to get extremely pissed because everyone there is just lost cuz they don’t know what they want

To get they’re hope they’re hoping to find it at the mall I went to the mall with knowing exactly where I was going knowing exactly what I wanted and still from the how do you know that before you get there though cuz we I just we know

I’m going to go to Simon and get a blouse I’m not going Christmas shopping by like looking at 10 different things I’m going with a purpose I do my research online but how do you know in advance but there also tell me or else I just know there is something nice about

Going to the mall picking a night and just walking around be like oh I think this person would like this you get them to that’s like now I would like like and I I say this to myself every year I would like to do my Christmas shopping

In November why well because you can do it with that like space that time and space and you actually can like see and think where you know when it’s chaos you’re trying to navigate the chaos and it kind of affects your ability to kind kind of really think about the

Individual the Canadian rapper chaos yes I dare you cool to go to Costco in the next couple days I refuse to go there no I I don’t go on the best of days I refuse to go there just trying to get in the parking lot’s going to be a

Nightmare but anyway I even at the mall the parking stalls I don’t know if the trucks are getting bigger I can park like a mad man especially in backing in backing in there’s parking stalls in that mall you can only get backing in and I did it and literally looked and I

Was like in the line so are the people next to me and I had like 8 Ines on each side I was like this is insanity this is crazy you’re 70% of the way to an old man yelling at CL like it’s on the horizon but he’s

Able to navigate the internet for now for now yes no I don’t know the internet’s easy especially when you know what you need some of those capture things where it’s like click the windows with the motorcycle and like some of it’s like holy [ __ ] they try to trick

You sometimes so that small piece of The Handlebar is in the picture of just body is that motorc have you ever been denied by a your the on where it’s like click all the boxes that are traffic lights and one of them is like the corner of the

Plastic of a traffic light and you’re like I I’m going to give it a go here let’s just call that a traffic light I’ve also heard that they’re selling all of that to companies who are making driverless cars cuz that’s like what they’re programming into driverless cars it’s probably just a conspiracy theory

That has no so never mind well I just think that online shopping we keep it 100 is the only way to shop these days but what are your thoughts on property taxes so here’s my problem with online shopping though started on property taxes I I always feel like I

Can’t get it sent to my house because then Amber’s going to see what it is and be like o a package from Lululemon wow your neighbor I hate my neighbors also new chapter in the neighbor beef go on you sent it to your parents but yeah one

Of the neighbors is now just 10:30 before quiet hours start just starting up as Harley just letting her rip a couple times that’s cool yeah just just to piss off the other guy cool cuz he’s gotten to 11: cuz he’s got to 11 what just totally when did 11 become quiet

Like is this byw oh cuz don’t worry one of my neighbor once came over it was 11:05 on a Friday night of a long weekend it was me and three buddies in the backyard no music just sitting around a fire maybe talking a little loud but he goes hey uh quiet hour sir

15 minutes ago okay going need you to keep quiet I’m sorry do we live in a minimum security prison Friday is CH your neighbor dud oh you know I love a good party what are you nuts all these old people oh no I neighbor I the music

Crusty old people yeah true that’s my update is one of the guys is just revving Harley and that’s it um also what were we talking about that would annoy me because I’m now [ __ ] in bed early I don’t know we going I can’t get it sent to my neighbors cuz they get it

Sent here send to your parents I get it sent to my parents but then I still got to make a trip over to their house yeah why didn’t you get it sent here well your mom loves you right she probably just drive it over chance to say hi she

Probably would right bring over nice homemade soup to okay so I got a new washer and dryer very exciting mhm so I sold my old washer on buy and sell wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute why’ you have to get a new

One good question doctor the dryer’s broken but the washer’s fine but you sold the dryer broken no the dryer we didn’t sell why why why did you just buy a dryer because we wanted a matching set what you the Rockefellers do you yeah you got to why your clothes will get

Dried incorrectly if they’re two differentand every time you look at it you’re like and also our those don’t match our waser still work but it was there such a front-facing piece of you’ve been sold [ __ ] by the Home dryer washer industry Cho you can mismatch that [ __ ] are you telling me

That if you have appliances in your kitchen and you have a black fridge and you have a stainless steel apples to oranges compon not you have to look at it every day when you do laundry kitchen appliances are home decor laundry appliances are not home decor because

They’re not visible to anyone in your house is your laundry your living room so in your master bathroom it doesn’t matter if you got a gold faucet here and a black faucet on the other sink and chrome bath Hardware you don’t well nobody else goes in there the

Laundry room is often an unfinished room in your house for many people it’s like well get some my plywood on the floor so you can’t flood and a [ __ ] washer and dryer who get I didn’t realize you had stadium seating around your laundry room and you live table goes people are

Always in there when I have people over just how many people more reason to keep the [ __ ] clunky one clunking along until one of your parties break realize how many times you walk in the back door of a house and the laun washer and dryer

Is right there in like the mud room like right there in the back entrance also my washer and dryer were probably like 15 years old so like yeah you got a match that’s okay there’s two dice people in this world so I sold the one on buy or

Sell how much 100 bucks just wanted to get rid of it ripped him off how old was it new dryer 350 years I don’t know so the guy comes over and he said in the message he goes do they work and we’re like yes they work he goes why they it’s

Only one you stole this guy a broken dryer you didn’t have to move out here he take the dryer um did offer he goes if you give me 25 bucks off the washer he goes I’ll take the dryer I was like [ __ ] no perfect so wait a minute you’re

Selling the washer too I sold the washer the dryer oh the dryer didn’t work dryer didn’t work washer Works guy comes to buy the washer the whole during the day he was messaging being like does it work yes it works are you just saying that and trusting the old homeowners or have

You used it we’ve been using it for over a year it works okay so he shows up asks me the same questions and I’m like yes it works please tell me he asked you to [ __ ] hook it back up to the water no he takes it him and his buddy go to load

It in the back of their truck I’m standing there talking to one of my neighbors outside and all of a sudden the washers boom topples and slams onto the back of his truck the washer Boom Big noise I was like Jesus Christ he paid you he paid me already all right

Brings it home couple hours goes by he messages hey it’s not working don’t know what to tell you man Heard It Slam on the back of your truck it worked for us I did a load of laundry 4 hours before I sold it to you that’s

Good value yeah and he was like well my wife trying to get it working and it’s not again man were you like send a photo of your wife also knows where I live so like you know don’t want to make too much of an enemy out of the guy and then

45 minutes goes by he goes all good got it working I was like was this guy just trying to get me to be like yeah he definitely was right so I also did message him and say did you turn your water back on cuz he goes it’s not even

Filling up with water so there’s also chance he just didn’t flip his water back on cuz that was the last message I sent then 45 minutes later he messaged was like it’s working thanks my wife wife got it to work yeah that’s good though that’s I

Mean there’s a part of me that would sit there and be like oh I just don’t even want to do with this Kate just bring it back or like all you transfer you back to money just keep the damn thing I don’t care yeah also when he was like if

You give me 25 bucks I’ll take your dry good deal that’s not a bad deal you got to take I heard from Costco free takeaway oh so there’s no no reason for me to do that okay I guess he wouldn’t have known that so I’m Fair hold on you

Buy appliances from Costco they’ll take away your old ones free yep how do they make money and they installed the whole thing the new ones just got installed today while we’re doing this podcast I think they well they make money off the old ones for sure like recycling them

You might want to double check that install my boy why I don’t know just make sure everything’s tight just make sure there’s the zip Tire on the drain you know what the number one thing that people don’t do is they don’t put that drain hose in Far Enough oh don’t tell

Me this [ __ ] man this [ __ ] stresses me out you know the number one thing you probably forgot to do you got zip tie the drain to the two water lines cuz the water lines never work work but when that drain starts pumping it the force of the water shooting down could push

That thing up but since it’s zip tied to the two fixed the fixed water lines it won’t go anywhere decent amount of time if I put a little too much detergent in my washer I’ll walk downstairs and there’s bubbles coming out of the floor oh yeah yeah out of the floor yeah

Because it’s all connected okay it’s all connected bubbles damn it I don’t know how this works I almost burned it down with the snow globe so what do I know yeah yeah oh new wash driver Merry Christmas oh it’s cannot wait home you buy each other’s stuff for Christmas

Yeah but we do like this year I had no ideas for her so I was like Hey like we should do like a really low budget this year get like meaningful stuff and then I went to the mall and I found like five things that she likes and then I was

Stuck I was like okay five things how much time did you have Tyler at the mall so then I was like what do I do do jar do I blow over the budget knowing I’m getting not as much value in return on this transaction or a transaction or do

I text her and say ha hey I went way over our she probably’s going to do it too yeah and she did whatever I later found out that she went over the budget and then felt bad about it so was messaging my family being like hey if you haven’t gotten Tyler or anything

I’ll sell you some of the [ __ ] I bought of yeah we do gifts for each other so I don’t as you should I have a buddy him and his girlfriend do a donation instead of gifts for each other I’m like that’s come on then they’re very uncreative individual they found each other at

Least yeah that’s exactly that’s about the best thing from that story meanwhile one of them is just deeply tormented and is just switching it off thanks yeah you know what I’m excited about is the Owen Christmas party that we’re going to do because are you coming

Yeah wife and I are both coming when is it why you making that face you want be coming we’ll see we’ll see if you go no no we’re coming irsvp all right and we’re going to so we’re doing a what is it called white elephant gift exchange listen my self-employed

Christmas party I I bought I did a self a white elephant significant others can participate if they bring a gift can all right I wasn’t sure yeah yeah oh I can see was get involved oh yeah we’re both going to get involved but like I don’t get to do those because it’s

Self-employed Christmas parties you don’t really I bought myself a gift card so that was good got it back in the white elephant gift exchange I saw a selfemployed stood there by myself stood there at the bar had a drink chucked a 20 in a velt and they went home I saw an

Instagram story or post Charmers it was self-employed Christmas party and you had liked it I was like oh chers likeing this [ __ ] so I’m excited to come to this one so listen is that the one where you get to steal the gifts yeah yes oh man that’s a good time so you

Ultimately want to be like the second or last person to go right because is there a maximum amount of time something can get stolen yes there’s different rules two or three so like when me and my friends do it we do a gift can only get

Stolen once a round so like once it’s stolen that round it’s locked in until a next person opens a gift or a next person goes but you can cap it you could yeah you could do it can only be stolen three times so whatever we’ll have a set

Of rules it’ll be similar to that we were talking about last year no bring a goddamn puzzle we we were tumble last year’s on last pod he’s anti-p puzle it’s very shocking um bringing two puzzles yes you should I’m going to Tyler R Che puzzle the thing we forgot

About we were talking about ours and we were talking about was stole my gift but the [ __ ] the and we’re like like okay that’s funny oh yeah it was like the best gift the most important detail we forgot to admit is that was wasn’t actually part of the gift exchange he

Was representing someone else yeah and then decided to steal on that person’s half yeah like a which makes it even more funny representing Spencer who is a 22-year-old male and W’s choices were a bucket of mini bottles of booze or an automatic wine opener and he was like

H everyone’s like w your boss wants the Wine open hey so but did you make it like did you make it like a a charade that you wouldn’t that nobody should steal it because that kind of would add to so I think the best way to not get

Stolen from is to pretend like you really don’t well no but but it’s was I wasn’t doing anything but W but the fact that W is doing a gift steal when he’s a proxy no no no it’s true but what’s the best way to get a gift not stolen

Pretend that you love it or pretend that you hate it oh yeah pretend you hate it or just pretend that you hate it yeah well well well you can’t go over the top if someone wants it they want it like are you watching squid game I already

Did are you watching squid game do you plan on watching it no you know they had they had to pick uh two people to like the vote the three people that game yes and there was a one guy going around projecting weakness and like he doesn’t

Want to be and I put a Target on his back cuz he did that and he was actually not like he was that was a tactic and that blew up at him like yeah you don’t want to be like oh man this sucks cuz like obviously people will see through

That you got to stay LEL low so true lelow okay well I’m gonna I I wonder if you can get a puzzle with somebody’s face put on it that’d be fun of course you can the internet so they make these puzzles you really don’t like Puzzles no

I just I told a story on the last episode that will make it make sense have I ever told you about a was jig no jigsaw backwards okay so these was jigs the picture on the front of the box is of a scene happening right and then and

They’re all looking forward and they’re all pointing and the actual puzzle is of what they’re looking at and pointing to it’s very cool but it it’s in in every way it’s like but you still build it like a puzzle you have no idea what

It is but you can see what kind of like the the environment is like so you can kind of know where to put pieces so you have to imagine the image based on that put what they’re seeing what or what’s happening so give us an example of one

Or okay so one is these this actor and this actress are in a in the theater and they’re in the dressing room but they’re tied up they’re tied up and there’s a bomb that’s like that’s like wicking down the bomb’s about to go off the actual puzzle is of the aftermath of the

Bomb going off so you don’t really so things have been blown everywhere body parts everywhere no they’re alive I mean it’s they survived the explosion that destroyed the room they live the other one is it’s like a Wy coyote bomb the other one is a Beach town right so it’s

A Beach town and there’s buildings and all this in the back and everybody’s driving everybody’s pointing and then the actual puzzle is of this monster coming out of the ocean and like these planes trying to like attack it but they don’t you you’re not giving any

Indication what it is none you just know the environment it’s very cool wow that must take some time they are they they’re awesome are they big thousand piece tiny little dogs tiny little guys man yeah yeah we do so we us do it on

Shape only yeah yeah we do it do it on shape well I mean you can start to see where like it’s color cording and everything we used to do one over a five-day trip to Fairmont with this couple that we’d go there with we would get it going the Thursday night when we

Got there and then any waking minute we had where we weren’t like skiing or making dinner and we put it on the kitchen table so like we all had to eat around the house like it was the main spot where you did the puzzle it was

You shame to say that there’d be 3:00 a.m. in the morning where somebody would come downstairs to get a glass of water for bed and I’d be sitting there with a Ryan Coke and my earphones in you Ryan Coke in your earphones yep well it’s a

Saturday night G have a Ryan Coke at 3: a.m. while I do the puzzle because I’m a night out I like to stay up I think they’re about 40 bucks too and that’s how much we going to spend so I’m going $30 is the limit so don’t you

Dare Flex on us I won’t I know what I’m getting I got to get it exciting got this puzzle that I got in another gift exchange I got to give up all right uh before we wrap up chers will be at the holiday Christmas party he’s also going to be on the nation

Vacation to Arizona I’m getting messages about it’s must be getting must be doing numbies it’s been moving a lot month a lot of cool people that that we talk to on a regular basis outside of this thing we’re we’re trip of 50 and I think we have 10 eight or 10 spots left

So it’s getting to the nitty-gritty so great gift we have two options flight no flight you choose um February 18th to 20th 18th to 20th trip includes two nights in the hotel yeah we’ll get to see Jack Campbell start for the Phoenix Coyotes Carol vela’s video tribute

You’ll get to see that yes when he makes his return to Arizona and it’s all brought to you by Alberta Blue Cross there’s only one thing better than sharing memories and that is making new ones Alberta Blue Cross travel insurance protects your memories and more wherever your travel takes you visit ab.

I can’t wait like so give me a gauge is it like CLA Drake or bigger bigger 5,000 5,000 so what is an Mo moose I’ve never been there uh have you been to the centrium like red deer’s ring for the rebels yes so similar okay maybe maybe

Even I think Centum can fit 6,000 but similar cool yeah that’s the like to watch the hockey game in that on the as campus yeah and you’re going to be able to hear the players like better probably in there yeah everyone’s going to be miked up that’s where Melina is yeah we’re

Going to go to mil zav afterwards we did this whole thing the other day yeah sure wait I was in part of that yeah no you were you did did I say MAV yep I have a super bad memory I’m losing it we [ __ ] losing it you’re com to all

Suggest it that was terrifying we did the Google Maps on the last episode you were on of how far we are to be fair the last time you on was like extremely long time ago yeah um thank God I have a and a calendar I don’t even know where I’m

Going after this legitimately no idea I know I got a whole night planned and I do not know what’s happening do you know how to get home I do oh yeah GPS that eases my anxiety so let’s just recap ch’s show he’s irrationally mad at people at the mall y

Thinks the world’s gone to [ __ ] and admitted he doesn’t know where he I think you have early on said dementia no no it’s just like I I’m just there’s so much going on like we had hockey last night and it’s just yeah it’s just something every night okay so this is my

Night I actually know what it is I got to leave here I got to go meet some trades at a building that I need to see if they’re they’ve finished their stuff I’m glad you remembered that I do then I have to get home in time to get my son

Take him to hockey practice 5:15 to 6:15 6:45 meet at Candy Cane Lane team walk food drive home by 8:30 where we’ll finally have dinner watch the highlights for the game and go to bed bed that sounds intense but as intense as the nation vacation will be you’re going to see Charmers

There coming up on February 18th if you remembers how to get there I won’t forget I was going to try to mess with you and do the whole ad read again and see if I could trick you into say in the small Arena how many people are in there all right where am

I have a merry Christmas everybody listening yes last one of the year so resolution show we can do maybe next Thursday maybe let’s just give one let’s just give one that we’re actually going to stick to one resolution I need accountability all right let’s it’s

Funny how you take the lead on like all right everybody right now one resolution yeah you can tell us say you know what you just do four on behalf of all of us you need four times my resolution should be next year Charles your resolution should be to care more about what

Hugging G be more affectionate emotional be more affectionate show love zip tie your godamn D that vacations for me yeah more grinding for God’s sake more grinding oh please what if you grinded four times harder next year Imagine The Grind it’s frightening where would you go what what

Would you imagine a level of avoidance you’d have to do to avoid such a grind like imagine you came to work 2024 somehow trying four times as hard I know your resolution should be jar okay get a hold of this goddamn company and get Polo Zips in the [ __ ]

Nation three4 Zips three4 Zips we now have the ability to do that it’s a boot damn time but we’re just sitting on a chers I’m going to lose so much weight in 2024 I’m going to get skinny I’m going to get healthy order him one of those

Try to live longer for my children small so what are your things yeah is that it so you’re that’s the number one man I just like dude I’m not even I don’t even know if I should say this but I’m going to on Jasper we woke up at like 6:00 in

The morning and like we just took a day trip to Jasper we got to Tim Horton’s all the boys drink coffee I don’t drink coffee I saw this thing for like a peach quencher I thought it would be like club soda like a little bit of peach juice in like

Ice right no no it was not it was a bottle of peach juice whatever I was thirsty I gunned it uh it had 49 grams of sugar in it broko in a sugar ass I was it it was 8:30 in the morning I then had a chocolate chip

Muffin looked at the I probably had like 100 grams of sugar before 10:00 in the morning mhm and then I started to think to myself I’m like I do this more often than I believe I do and I really need to get a grip on that so

Health got to live longer buddy amen bro we got kids now we got responsibilities and we have to do 540 more episodes of this podcast till our contracts are fulfilled oh God three of days three of days one once every day people would probably tune in okay my second

Resolution will be I will show up to at least 75% of these next year wow okay audience electronic Jord or someone with a high level of commitment to their show keep track of that or running tally of drumers percentage throughout the year would that be be honest so one what

Do you even need to have one yeah of course what I barely keep that [ __ ] together 2023 I I don’t know probably fatherhood related most of my focus right now is just trying not to raise a serial killer yeah I think could go get in that I don’t know like every time I

Do something I’m like I don’t think other parents would do that and then I’ll do something else and be like oh I don’t know if other parents would do that either it’s bad when you go here’s how you know if you have a good kid or

Not when you go into public where you take them to somebody’s house do they have to ever Discipline Your Child no do they have to ever be like hey man can you just like like look at that like hey man like what’s that cuz

If they do then you need to get a hold of your [ __ ] no no it’s more like this Charmers he comes around the corner his grandma ask him to do something he looked at her and said you can’t talk to me like that I’m the big man then

Slapped himself on the chest I was like oh that’s cuz I talk to him like that you can’t talk to me like that you hpe him up like he’s a I’m like who’s the big man I say who’s the boss you’re the boss who’s the big man you’re the big

Man you are empowered pumping him up well people aren’t confident in 2023 he’s definitely going to be he’s definitely going to be somebody I have to discipline in my house one day good luck with that but when he walks around the corner and says you can’t talk to me

Like that I’m the big man and pounds his chest like the alpha gorilla I’m like but feeling some kind I’m proud yes but I’m like this Divergent path I’ve put him on what does he look like when he know when to deploy that not to but I’m

Raising him to be the mayor of the Moon and I bring it up to him regularly that when you’re the mayor you have to rule with an iron fist because you can’t trust Moon people o so the old sugar and salt approach there’s no there’s no sugar

Ever oh I’m always really nice what no for him you’re just teaching him that you never have to show compassion oh no no no but I’m just one day when you’re the mayor of the Moon you’re going to have to be merciless with your enemies and the Ops can’t

Win respect that yeah we’re raised for war little reesei who ran into his op on the street you see that the other day did he die no he was just homeless solo Reese he gave him money oh he saw his old op now homeless mhm oh that be

What’s an OP what the opposition oh opposition old do my my niece I asked my niece for a gift for advice on two pairs of thing oh God for two things I sent her a picture of one each and then she answered and I said Thank you and she just wrote of

FC I legit had to go look it up really what it stand for of course oh see doesn’t make sense didn’t know of course ofc ofc o o ofc you can’t talk to her like that she’s the big man no I looked it up but I ain’t going to let her know

It you watch handma handmaid’s tail no okay all right well so they name the hand merry Christmas everybody we’ll uh chat with you maybe next Thursday that a lot about we should have done a year in review show it was fun next year that was fun next year but it’ll be like a

Second next week my brain’s fried I’m going to do one next week next Thursday I’ll do one we’ll see well I guess you might be busy I’ll visiting both your families well avoiding the grind yeah well Merry Christmas to you guys have a great have a great holiday see you guys

In the in the new year yeah to all listeners hey send me pcks of cool presents I love it oh yeah I love that kind of stuff cool Oilers related stuff send it to us that’s really neat yeah yeah cool stuff like okay sorry one more thing Captain Felton whatever those pop

Head things are at the the AI is generating for all of us Kennedy is making them I didn’t I don’t know the captain commented saying these look amazing what the hell just happened out there whoa something just fell outside anyway that thk wasn’t just you

Hopefully it wasn’t a TV we hung no I didn’t do it all right well well let’s go find out what that go find out what that was by everybody WCB ear muffs that

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