Robert Woods | The Slant

Texans WR Robert Woods sits down with guest host Shelby Coppedge to talk about his routine, the squad and Houston vs. L.A.



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Welcome to the slant I’m Shelby copage here with Texans wide receiver Robert Woods Robert thanks for your time thanks for having me on you were just telling me in high school you played defense and almost in college yeah I played uh defensive back played Safety uh was a

Recruited as an athlete um out of high school uh thought I was going to play a little bit defensive back I remember one week at USC I started practicing uh nickel back and uh did not end up getting called in the game but Was preparing to play both ways so a little

Bit of Defense than me you know I love it well your first year with the Texans you have a beautiful family by the way what do you and your family do for fun in Houston uh a little bit of everything I think uh a little bit of everything just

Yesterday we drove down to College Station actually and went to like a Christmas gathering things like Santa’s Workshop or Wonderland but really just driving all around Houston experiencing food uh experiences family things um Museum Zoo has everything uh here to offer has offer a lot so being a Trojan

You’re fine hanging on the Aggies just not the Longhorns yes yeah I uh yeah being in Texas you know seeing some Longhorn fans is still still bitter to me I even play in that game but it just R it trauma yeah it traumatized every Trojan from generation to generation T me in the

Locker room it’s pregame what are the Texans players listening to uh Sundays are like really great locker room uh it starts off with uh gospel music to to prep uh the day um everybody’s getting there their blessing getting their God in their their mental prep and focus and

Then it switches to NBA young boy and uh just just some amped Up music guys getting ready fired up when you want to be able to feel the energy from your teammates in the locker room and I think you’re able to do that but it’s it’s a

Really cool unique locker room cuz I feel like it’s Sunday and I think think our team respects that um and it’s I don’t know it’s kind of unique it’s kind of cool Sunday’s over the game’s over practice is done how do you decompress at home with your

Family oh I’m a big lounger after the game uh I want to either get a good meal in or sit on the couch whether it’s Sunday Night Football movie but I’m definitely a couch potato after the game um just want to want to lounge do you have a teammate that has any weird

Superstitions or an interest pregame routine uh no uh other than CJ Stout unique his unique warm-up I know a lot of people have seen him uh throw a baseball shoot a basketball swing a golf club uh had a tennis racket out there I mean he’s a

Quarterback who warms up his arm in many different ways does it every practice does it every game U I would say that’s probably the unique warm-up Superstition whatever you call it but it it it allows him to get ready for the game after you’re touching on the Saints game I

Like when you said that you need CJ stra to have confidence in you and you want that as an NFL wide receiver how do you build confidence with your quarterback yeah just repetition I think uh throughout the whole year and offseason is really just building that rapport with your quarterback um throwing

Constantly catching and warm-ups just whenever there’s time available being around your quarterback if you see a route that someone else is is running you’re able to just stand next to your quarterback uh hey did you see that I would do this or I would do that like

Being able to steal reps we say and being able to communicate and just be on the same page as your quarterback I think me and CJ have been able to do that since we got here and um just really really starting to show in the games there’s a kid he’s watching you on

TV he’s a wide receiver in Middle School what advice do you give how would it takes to be a good wide receiver uh effort and and Tech technique um I think playing defense helps a little bit just having an attitude of not being soft I know a lot

Of people thinking the receiver position is not being physical but I feel like the way I play is as physical not afraid of contact but being able to be urgent to be able to get to blocks be able to get Defenders off of you but then cone

Drills as much as you can in the backyard and any space you could get standing on the cones working your feet and um they translate to the game and you can see all our receivers are great route Runners who’s a defender in the NFL where you just want to avoid at all

Cost getting head by him uh nobody I feel like yeah nobody nobody there’s um we we go out there and we we play Fearless it’s uh nobody who phases me um being out there being able to just like I said play Confident play fast and um when you have that mindset make them

Have to catch you make them bring you down you’re able to play Fearless and play Fast what’s your one of your favorite things about living in Houston uh what’s the best part about Houston anything you like big or small uh similar similar La it has a

Little bit it doesn’t have the beach for sure but it has a little bit of everything else you you get your sports you get your entertainment um you get your night life you get your food food um but you don’t get as bad as traffic and I think that’s a little plus about

Houston being able to do multiple things in a day and get around um is the biggest plus especially compared to La you pick one thing and that’s all you’re doing for the day and there’s humidity here there’s plenty of that it’s it’s it’s it’s pretty bad it was a training

Camp and Summers it was pretty intense but uh I mean you’re actually getting a little bit of Cool Breeze now which is nice you actually get a little bit of winter and um it’s nice to have the change up and talking about living in La you have an extensive career part of

That being winning a Super Bowl what experience do you bring from when at the highest stage to the Texans locker room as a leader um knowing what it takes knowing that it takes uh everybody on the team um coaches training staff practice squad guys uh offense defense

It takes everybody just being a part of the success of the team and um just keep getting better and keep improving throughout the year I was asked to be a martyr and ask if you like the nickname Bobby Woods Bobby trees Bob I was asked to be a Marty and ask if

You like the nickname Bobby trees yeah Bobby trees is a go been having it since since Buffalo has been sticking around and uh it’s lasted love it thank you Robert appreciate it thank you good luck Sunday thank you great job


  1. Lot of people forget Wood’s is a Super Bowl Champ. He was the Rams WR3 the year they won it all and when Beckham went down Woods stepped up too. 5 catches for 70yds in the Super Bowl

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