How Pros Make REAL Swing Changes | Serious Golfers. Serious Instruction.

Making real swing changes is very difficult. Getting comfortable with your new swing while having the golf ball present seems impossible at times. Today, we are going to work on fixing that together.

0:00 Intro
1:32 Establishing a baseline
2:28 Baseline results
4:00 The 4 don’ts of practice
7:48 The 4 Do’s of practice
10:44 How we should practice
12:00 Results
13:06 Important message and closing
Serious Golfers. Serious Instruction For YOU.
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Holy smokes I’m going to look like Tin Cup out here today with all these devices huh I got hack motion on I got flight scope out today we’re here at my golf DNA because I am going to help you answer one of the most frustrating issues that a lot of

You at home deal with and that is how in God’s beautiful Green Earth do I get my golf ball swings to look like my practice swings I sit out there and I grind and grind and grind my practice swings are exactly the way that I want

Them to look and when I put a golf ball in front of it it changes very quickly that right there my friends is very frustrating so I’m going to show you exactly how I handle business personally I’m going to show you a process that I put my students through when they’re

Starting to make a real change and starting to bring the golf ball back into the equation and I hope that you can learn a whole lot from this because what you need in this process to make a real change is you need a whole lot of patience you need a whole lot of

Perseverance you need a good practice program and you need to give yourself a little bit of Grace because we’re always chasing perfection in the golf swing we always are and Perfection just doesn’t exist you want to continue to work on getting 1% better every time you go out

And practice you want to make your practice sessions meaningful stop getting in your own way stop thinking that this stuff is going to come easy this stuff takes time so what we’re going to do first off in this process is I’m going to hit 10 golf balls in stock

Shot format today I’ve chosen a six iron you can do this with seven iron eight iron nine iron and I know a lot of you at home don’t have data available to you but I’m going to show you exactly how I use hack motion and flight scope simultaneously to actually get to a

Practice program that’s going to be beneficial to me over the Long Haul all right two left on the home stretch all right so not good not great just kind of okay hit some good shots definitely have a lot of data to look at so let’s go look at that data now and

Look at some of the swings now when I looked at the camera and then I looked at the flight scope data and then I looked at the hack motion data we could see that when I was hitting the golf ball fairly well and when I was mis

Hitting it from time to time the club path got a little bit too far from in to out and the reason why that actually happened in my swing shape is because of something that I was doing very early on in the swing my wrist actually started

Out in a fair amount of extension based off of my grip as I start the golf swing as I start to shift and turn my body my wrist moved quickly into flexion and by the time it got up to the top of the swing it was substantially into flection

Ction but what that did is it started to flatten the swing Plane off very early and that momentum and inertia got flatter more in behind me and that from there got the shaft plane a little bit flatter and the club face a little bit

More closed on the way down as much as I tried to recover my hands and my arms were coming a little bit too far into out and I was trying to get things back out in front of me and what that produced was a very high draw a ball

Flight that I want to get away from I want a midlevel trajectory ball flight that’s got very little movement in it that I can actually work in both directions as I need to so what I’m going to ultimately trying to do here is get my path pretty close to the zero

Number and in order to do that what I’m going to be focusing in on is trying to get a little less movement towards flexion early on in the swing shape and get it a little bit more towards extension that momentum and inertia that I’m going to put or that little input

That I’m going to have in the club is going to make the swing shape a little bit more upright for me which in turn is going to help keep my hands and arms from getting deep and in behind me which should ultimately affect the swing plane

And path now I do have four dos and I do have four don’ts in this process and as I start to go through it I start to practice it you’re going to hear me repeat these things plenty of times over I’m going to talk about the four don’ts

At first because these are extremely important for you to get into your brain right away the first thing that I don’t want you to ever do when you go out there and you’re starting to work on bringing the golf ball back to your swing change is I don’t want you to go

Out there and rifle tons and tons of golf balls hitting a golf ball while you’re you’re working on a change that goes in the wrong direction and then saying oh that was not right I’m going to do I’m going to get it this next time I’m going to do it I’m going

To do it that never yields good results never don’t try to go out there and hit hundreds and hundreds of golf balls number two understand that when it comes to the game of golf Perfection does not exist you’re not going to go out there and be perfect you’re going to have bad

Practice sessions you’re going to have good practice sessions we’re not trying to be perfect what we’re trying to do is get 1% better every time we practice just trying to get a little bit better this game requires a ton of patience a ton of fortitude and a whole lot of good

Solid practice sessions before you actually start to see Real Results number three one of the most important parts of this don’t process is that I don’t want you to go out there and work on 35 different things one or two things is totally fine you want to be as

Buttoned up on those two movements as you possibly can and you don’t want to change the entire swing shape and have things that are not necessarily in line with what you normally do on the golf course so it’s important that when you are starting to add the golf ball back

In the mix here and you’re ready to hit shots that when you’re doing your practice reps that you’re not looking off into a mirror your eyes are focused down on the golf ball and you’re trying to make real movement inside of a real swing that you would normally have on

The golf course very very important piece here there’s so many times I watch people with their eyes moving all around their setup is vastly different they their looking in mirrors or whatnot when you’re out here you should be using a camera to be able to back check things

Because we’re going to be working on movement here and you got to train yourself exactly how you be doing things on the golf course number four the final piece of the don’ts the most important piece really is that when you start out this process and you’re getting ready to hit golf

Balls I don’t care if you top it chunk it shank it I don’t care if it hits the golf bag over here and comes back and hits me in the shin our job here is to get focused on New Movement and let the golf ball get in the way of those new

Movements you should be working on things in the correct order in your golf swing and a lot of you at home don’t know if you are working on the right things because the World of Golf instruction and the abyss that we call YouTube golf instruction it’s it it forces you to get

Lost because you have these golf instructors that you like to follow and the information sounds really sexy you should go out there and work on these things Chinese chopsticks and whatever listen everybody has their own sets of issues everybody has their own golf D you should be working on things that are

Geared to you and your game at this very moment if you don’t know if you’re working on things at the right time or the right things at the right time then come over to the website and sit with me go through the consult phase and I’ll help you understand exactly what it is

That you should be working on and why you should be working on it you have to have that understanding so under no circumstance do I ever want you to put the luster on the golf ball strike at first you should be working your butt off to try to make the changes that your

Instructor gave you show up on camera with a golf ball being present and guess what the fun part about that is is you can put the accountability back in your instructor’s hands that’s right you go out there and you’re like I just paid all this money for golf lessons I’m

Doing the things on camera beautifully and I’m hitting balls and I’m hitting it all over the map I want that accountability if you follow the plan that I put in place you will get better at golf you got it okay good now as we go through the dues I’m going to start

To show you and demonstrate on camera right now exactly what you should be doing in this process the first thing that you want to do before before you start going through the process of getting your Baseline information like I did and before you start working on the

Changes is you want to have a good plan in place and having a good plan in place means you need to know what it is that you’re working on why you’re working on it and how you’re going to get that job done I always like to have a plan in

Place that’s going to be centered around how that person’s lifestyle really is some of you don’t have five six seven hours a day to be able to spend out on the drive range as much as you want to to be able to work through things so in

My case perfect example I’ve got about an hour hour and half today to be able to work on this stuff so I’m going to be trying to hit probably about 10 to 15 golf balls Max and I’m going to be really focusing in on a new wrist

Movement early on in the swing shape that’s probably going to be uncomfortable but my goal here today is to just stay committed to that movement what leads into number two so number two is the most important part when you get started in this process is to create

Awareness of that new movement and stay aware the people that get the best success when it comes to swing change are the ones that will leave a driving range and feel mentally exhausted not physically exhausted unless you’re out here grinding for 9 hours but you should feel mentally exhausted and the reason

For that is is that you are challenging your subconscious to the eenth degree you need to do that right you need to challenge your subconscious and in order to do that you have to stay 100% aware and 100% committed number three one of the most important dos in this process

That all of you at home need to burn on the brim of your cap or you need to ride it on the ground where you’re going to be hitting golf balls is that you’re going to take that awareness that you created and your goal in that practice

Session is to hit one or more golf balls with a new movement showing up on camera that’s it that’s what you need to have in this process to know that your hard work is starting to pay off remember going back to the don’t so don’t put the

Luster around the strike of the golf ball at first you want to see that the hard work is showing up on camera it feels very good to do so even if you’re not hitting the golf ball at the level that you want to the fourth and very important important component of the Dos

In this process are have fun have some patience and give yourself some Grace in this process it’s not a world of perfection have fun go out there and enjoy the time that you are when you’re working on things it makes the whole process a lot easier when you go out

There and things are going poorly you need to be disciplined enough to be able to just walk away from the driver range and come back another day and go work on your short game don’t sit out here and keep beating yourself up you want to have fun in this process if you’re

Having fun you get more into what we call Flow State and it’s much easier for you to be able to go through the processes of change because I’ll tell you right now nothing about swing change is glamorous it sucks it’s hard work and a lot of times it takes longer than a

Lot of you expect I know I get it so as you begin to start to watch me practice now I want you to pay very close attention on how I’m handling business now remember my goal today is not to hit a ton of golf balls in fact with the time that I have

Available to me today I’ve actually figured out that I’m going to try to hit about 10 golf balls Max you’re going to see in my practice session that I’m starting out from a static address position I’m rehearsing new movements very slowly I’m making sure that I have connection to those

Movements and I’m gradually starting to pick up the pace as I get more and more comfortable with it now when I get to a point where I’m getting ready to hit a golf shot I like to give myself one good solid rep somewhere between 70 and 80%

Speed that’s what I like to do now I have some players that like to do it at 50% speed I have some players that like to even do it at a snail’s pace my me personally the way that I learn is I have to move in an athletic sort of way

In order for it to feel like a real golf swing so in that final rep you’ll see me do about an 80% speed swing trying to get it perfectly right I don’t take a lot of time and then I move into the golf ball and then I hit a shot now that

Would be considered one set if you’re really committed in this process what I would always suggest is that you have anywhere between one set to three sets and then stop doing what you’re doing and go look at things on camera you want to look at the practice reps first to

See if the movements are being done correctly then what you want to do is you want to start shifting your attention to that final swing that you’re making before the golf ball to see if that looks very much in line with what you’re looking for and then the

Final thing is is that you want to look at the golf ball swing and see how close that golf ball swing is to the practice swing so what I can tell you right now is that this was a successful practice session for me and the reason why it was

Successful is because I got to see a different hand and arm position through the takeway into the top of the back swing and I get to see that when I was hitting a golf ball now I didn’t hit the golf ball perfectly when I did these movements but I did see a significant

Change in the ball flight and that’s fine that’s what I wanted to see right I’m going to continue to grind this out over the next few weeks next few months and I’m going to continue to work on things exactly the same way I’m going to reduce the number of practice reps and

Increase the number of balls as I get more and more proficient that’s how you want to approach this entire situation so many of you at home struggle in the game of golf because you don’t know how to practice properly or you’re working on the wrong things at the wrong time

And that’s exactly what we help you do here at my golf D is we help you take an entire look at the entire complexity of your golf game we sit down with you we help you understand exactly what it is that you should be working on why you

Should be working on it and how you’re going to get the job done because I know you want two things in this world you want to start hitting the golf ball better and you want to see your scores start to go down that’s it if you get

Those two things going there’s a pretty good chance that you’re going to stick to any program we will help you get there come over to my golf D sign up for our lowest price point membership sit through the consult with me let us show you what we can do people that have

Signed up for our program love the consult because we get to talk about everything that bothers you or everything that you like about your current game and we get to help you set realistic expectations and realistic goals and a lot of you at home are going to be very surprised with what your

Goals actually should look like when it’s all said and done just so you know and I’ve been watching videos for at least three years so and I watched them all dude there’s something about you man just as soon as you I saw your first video I was like Okay Tyler is doing

Something totally different it’s weird it’s weird so whatever you’re doing keep doing it because you’re capable of getting better at this game every single one of you you just have to have a plan that’s designed for you stop falling victim to the abyss of golf instruction that’s so sexy with all the marketing

Then all these people that you can see making all these wonderful changes on camera that aren’t really getting the golf ball in the way of it you want a program that’s designed for you


  1. Timestamps! Happy Holidays to you all you serious golfers. Now is the time to put a serious plan in place:)

    0:00 Intro

    1:32 Establishing a baseline

    2:28 Baseline results

    4:00 The 4 don'ts of practice

    7:48 The 4 Do's of practice

    10:44 How we should practice

    12:00 Results

    13:06 Important message and closing

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