Better Ball Striking Just Happens When You Do This

Use this simple golf tip to help you strike your irons and strike your woods much more consistently. Used by some of the best golfers in the world these golf swing tips will help you discover why you can’t strike your irons and your woods.

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If you want to keep learning these two videos 👇 are the ones to watch next


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Thanks for stopping by. I created this website as a resource just for you to support you on your golfing journey as I know how tricky learning this game can be…to say the least!

I personally found learning the game too long and difficult in the early days. I read all the books, watched all the videos but my game was not improving. Then after studying various forms of neuro science, motor learning, psychology and personal development in less than two years I went from struggling golfer to the final stage of the Open Championship.

On YouTube and my personal website ( I will bring you the most up to date training, training that is getting tangible results for my clients right now. I don’t know where you are in your golfing journey, you could be just starting out or maybe your body isn’t as flexible as it once was or you’ve got ambitions to slash your handicap. Wherever you are I’ve created a place here you can learn, share your ideas, ask questions and get all the support you need to enjoy this great game.

Be prepared though. If it’s a quick fix you are after Im not your man. Here I will give you step-by-step advice that you can take straight to the practice ground and apply to the course but it will require you to get stuck in, screw up…a lot, practice some more and then watch those scores tumble

I’ve had the pleasure of coaching thousands of students all around the world and if you are up for the challenge and are ready to get in the game…LETS GO TO WORK!


This golf lesson provides a couple of wonderful drills to help you hit your driver straight.If you are a beginner golfer and are looking for some golf driver tips that are simple and easy to do then you are going to love this.

I will show you the golf swing slow motion so that you can see what you need to do to improve.

We look at 3 things:

1. How to stop slicing your driver
2. How to swing more in to out or how to swing more inside out
3, How to get the correct impact position with driver

and I hope to do all this with simple golf tips so you can create an effortless golf swing

So is there a golf tip or a golf drill that can fix everything in your golf swing you and I know there really isn’t but the tip or the golf drill I’m going to share with you today is one of my students favorites because i’ you know

Many of my students come with all different problems you know they don’t move their legs correctly or they don’t move their torso correctly or or they don’t move their hands correctly but this exercise or this drill I’m going to show you today really helps them improve every aspect of their golf swing with

Their irons and their driver in such a simple way that they can take it straight to the golf course now what I’m going to do is I’m going to share with you what that drill is first with the irons then we’ll move on to your driver

And I promise you it’s one of the easiest and simplest things you could possibly do for your golf game now before I get into the video look if you’re new to the channel it’s your first lessons of mine please consider subscribing I these videos just like

This every single week to try and help you improve your game plus you never have to remember thing I’ll always put a free download practice guide in the description box below so if you find yourself lacking consistency maybe losing distance you know you may be struggling to get direction ultimately

Comes down to just one thing you have some sort of breakdown at the moment of impact either it’s a breakdown of the wrists a breakdown of the arms a breakdown of the body and what you’ll notice as you come through there’ll also be this almost breakdown look of this

Thing where your arms are folded in here maybe it’s a bit flicky maybe your body’s stuck and it hasn’t turn through correctly you don’t see that with great players what great players do you’ll see them here as they approach impact the arms are much straight they have some

Form of structure some straighter arms and then you’ll see nearly every player as they come through as they Trail armies parall to the ground here you’ll see their hips turn forward you see their chest turn forward and you’ll notice look their arms are straight they have this structure they don’t have a uh

They don’t have this breakdown so here’s what I give my students I said to them look if the best players nearly every player in the world gets to hear that’s good why don’t we start there why don’t we work on that motion let me teach you that because rather than focus on the

Impact if you get to hear this bit naturally starts to take care of itself and they love it because you can take this straight to the golf course so let me show you how you start working on that so I want you to start in your setup position just initially okay now

When you’ve got your setup position all I want you to do here is the aim is to kind of help you feel what the best players feel like add impact and Beyond so the first thing I want you to do is this put the club up in front of you so

Get a little bit of a hinge in in your wrists then push your lead hip over the front pad because the impact you’ll see with any grip player they don’t the impact’s not this great players naturally have a forward motion of their hips that helps them strike the ball

First so I need you help I need you to feel that lift the club up push your hip forward so it’s directly over your lead foot okay this immediately creates look a little bit of a tilt in your body and then all I want you to do is turn your

Chest and your hips and your uh your Trail knee to face the target look at this just like that now I’m stopping here with my tra arm look parallel with the ground this is the position I want you to go into okay this is a feeling notice where I am hips forward chest

Forward my trail leg look here is banked inwards here as my knee is pointing this way now if you feel this is tight on your hips as you do this you try this now make sure you turn your toe out a little bit more here and don’t be sh

Maybe banking this left foot allow some flexibility but the there’s nothing more complicat than this we’re going to lift it up push it forward and then simply turn this way this is giving you the destination it’s going to help you feel how look beautifully coordinated here

There is no breakdown what I see with a lot of players is this stops this breaks down or what happens is is they’re all this way right so here is giving you the sensation of what a great player feels they feel freedom the hips are turning the knees are turning the chest is

Turning and therefore there’s no car crash at impact there’s a beautiful flow feel how you unblock this part of the Swing do some rehearsals up forward pivot now that’s my destination now I know where to go and you know where to go what do you do you start

Here make some small swings and this is what I give my student to start with I get them to start with this is over there um left foot here we get some small swings just about here very very small swings and all I’m going to do now is

Simply just turn and try to achieve that same place watch this and that’s it nothing more than that so we get them to really sense this now when they first try this I want to watch out there’s something to watch out for here because most of play players

Just SL with ball striking tend to move backwards here what we’re doing is notice here I am rotating around this joint so when this is here here I’m pivoting and that is staying there what I’m not doing here is this yes they’re facing the Target but I

Haven’t look where I’ve gone I’ve fallen backwards we’re here we’re pivoting around that fixed position all right this that’s the only thing I want you to watch out for so we start that let getting myself into setup position here we push that forward small swing and all

I’m going to do is just turn and face the target okay let’s have a look at this in action where am I here here tram face face face beautiful strike and I could repeat that over and over again now when you’re doing this the great thing is for

You you won’t do that straight away what will probably happen is you might do you might do this you might hit a shot and you might be hearing your Pips a look are facing in that direction well this means that you can then just kind of go

Okay let’s just rehearse that one more time let’s feel what it’s going to take to get everything just about here facing the Target and you just make that your entire goal coordinate it push it Forward keep my weight over on this lead side initially small little swing

Back and through and every shot will be much much better struck and you have that destination there is nothing more complicated which is why my students love it now let me show you what you do with driver which is you me some subtle differences so you’re probably going to

Be asking what do we do do how do we get longer with this well we’re going go into that in a second but let’s just show you the subtle differences with driver when you’re setting up to drive it here one of the things you’re going

To need to do is remember the bulb sh is further forward and we want a different impact with an iron was striking down on this golf ball so when we hit it the shoulder’s naturally going to be more level with the ground but driver we’re going to be slightly here we’re going to

Be more up we’re going to be hitting upwards on the golf ball here so our bodies are going to have a little bit more Tilt at the moment impact our head’s going to be more back here because we’re swinging upwards on the circle okay so what we do when we set

Off is is we’re going to push the hip forward as we did with the iron but now it’s got a further to go and we’re going to have more tilt in here so now look when you do this exercise you’re going to feel like as you’re turning you’re

Almost going to feel like you’re almost leaning backwards as you’re turning through you’re going to really feel more like this people who struggle with driver tend to be more on top like this this is your slicers so this is a really great feel push forward create the Tilt

And then he turn your chest and your hips just let me fall out towards a Target okay this is going to be a really great feel for you and again just let irons we’re going to start very very small initially we’re going to push forward create that tilt

And then practice look just turning everything through to that Target so nice small swing create that tilt backward here and look at this through impact beautifully down the fair that’s probably gone with a very small swing probably that 200 yards so this is what great contact feels like okay now if you

Want to start to get longer from this position here I just think once you know the destination of course you simply go back to your original set you never want to start here so go back to original setup and then the idea behind all this the more you practice the sensation is

Is you can swing longer but now look you know what you’ve got to be doing through look the M um through the point of impact and follow through so once you know your destination everything else becomes so much simpler so my students when they’re out on the golf course they

Simply do this as part of their routine they’ll start here they’ll push forward they’ll turn towards a Target they rehearse okay that’s my destination and they don’t think of much else then they get themselves set up in their normal position swing back and swing through and it’s as

Simple as that so what do you think is going to happen the more you sh to rehearse this motion learn to feel where you need to get to here what do you think will really happen over time your body will just know and it’ll build confidence you’ll know exactly where you

Need to go and everything that happens before it starts to improve without you even thinking that car crash that you had at the start that all starts to disappear and you start to have this lovely effortless powerful impact position it will really really help now

Look do me a favor look if you enjoy this style of video you need to not just improve your irons and your driver you need to improve your short game this has been a real favorite of with my subscribers remember I put a free download on practice guide in the

Description box below if you’re new to the channel press that subscribe button and the Bell so I can give you more free content like this every single week but until next week have a wonderful golfing week


  1. Well done Danny as always have a merry Christmas to you and all your family and have a happy new golfing new year 🏌😊

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