US Open Patterns Released, How About the OC’s? – Season 4 Ep 15 – Down Lane Podcast

The guys are in the shop again to talk bowling. This week they discuss the recent release of oil patterns for the US Open BEFORE the tournament dates. They also discuss layout options to answer a viewers question.
#Bowling #USOpen #DownLanePodcast


Kyle Haines
Anthony Scaccia

Austin Van Buren

Active Aggression

M it kind of helped them advance I mean do you think this is a conspiracy got to go with jaob putter got to go we’re talking about we’re talking about the players that’s Tournament champion into the podcast there he is right there oh he doesn’t even know how to watch Go to and search down Lane podcast good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to down Lane podcast we are streaming live from the lab at Town and Country Lanes I’m your host Kyle Haynes and with me is the forget him Michael SK is in the house tonight what’s up buddy

I’m doing good how are you guys great also the lab is active right now it is lab is if everyone can see lab has got the beers and the the what’s the other things it’s Thursday I didn’t know what was going on I thought you guys were

Just here to get your stuff drilled it’s Wednesday Jimmy so yes with us is the assistant to the host finally Anthony ska welcome to the show hey guys it’s great to be here for a guest for the 13th week in a row I’m really excited to

Get started today and K stop cut me off try I’m trying you’re you just stop and pause and go and pause and go and pause that’s my Cadence uh I think um William Shakespeare or uh circadium Rhythm I think that was called I thought we were aing Channel when we get into

Poetry we a bowling channel so you’re learn about Michael you learn about right now I haven’t learned my poetry yet uh Arcadium Rhythm look it up with us as always is producer Austin at the helm taking control of things what’s going on Austin just being a button

Pusher lost the cap already guys don’t forget to like subscribe click to get alerts from the channel and if you can’t catch us on YouTube you can always download and listen on your favorite podcast service while you’re doing that give us a fivestar review you guys and don’t

Forget to check out the Etsy shop where you can get our new t-shirts um and sweatshirts and hats and all that good stuff tonight we will be talking about the USBC decision to release all of the oil patterns for the US Open what ahead of the schedule um and we’ll get into

Why that happened does that mean the OC’s are we get to we’re also going toh talk about uh some drilling layouts um some layouts yep talk about layouts yep our buddy uh Tom he uh he asked us about uh um Tom scam balone that’s right he asked us about drilling

Angles and specifically the other night he was asking me you know he had like a like a 70 by 30 or something in four and a half or 4 inch or pin and he’s like it’s supposed to Skid flip but I’m not sure if it’s working right and we kind

Of talked a little bit more so um we’ll get into drilling angles and layouts and buffer if you want to talk about buffer stuff um but we’ll talk about that rotation a little bit later red all important rabbit hole with that being said how was your guys week this

Week I think we should have uh talk about our performance this weekend go for it you had the you had a adult Junior tournament at uh Town Boulevard Bard Boulevard is there another one at Town yeah yeah there was oh lots of adult junior tournaments

Going on um it’s great time for it uh me and Michael decided to Bow uh we wanted home field advantage so we decided to bowl the boulevard one um it was Bakers nine pin no tap so uh I brought my spare ball for no reason

Um but I mean hey uh you didn’t leave any buckets this time no I left no buckets I left one uh I think I think me if Michael calculated it correctly um I think we really missed once I only missed once wow uh Michael Bolt exceptional we averaged what did we average

268 two one I made those last two numbers up get okay just 268 it was 269 and we came in second and we came wow well that’s what you get with not tap man you you you failed to mention when you told us that in the text message by

The way you failed to mention that it was no tap so you’re like yeah we shot 250 260 I’m like wow that’s pretty good and then how do you know it was no tap he just said it you said it too or you said it somebody said it either one of one of

You said no tap are you sure I thought we were thrown at all 10 yeah you can throw at all 10 but if you leave a stick it’s an X uh actually Michael and I bow great I used the hazm pined down um Michael used uh a plethora of bowling

Balls where’d you go through Michael I first start off with a hustle wine and I put uh oh yeah you rolled it around the parking lot before I got there the ball hooked at his toes I hooked on my toes I think I 360 180 on it oh that’s it yeah

No but this was like he he must have been rubbing it for hours two minutes and then you went from that thanks Jessica thank you I appreciate the uh the comment on the necklace you went from a hustle to a a Zen a Zen then

The Zen was shiny thank God I know I have a shiny ball that was the only shiny ball you had with you um we actually bowled pretty good and we got two slices of pizza after uh that’s what we were looking forward to as a team I

Had no idea what it cost I had no idea what it was I just knew we were bowling together and uh Second Place F Michael got $75 in scholarship money so if you don’t go to college I’ll take my $75 sorry yeah but yeah so it was good we

Had a good well done guys well done thank you best part about it definitely the food food was number one that’s what we were there for Boulevard Bowl food come on I Hae that too yeah I’m sure you did I’m sure you did awesome what do you have going on this

Week work every week no I B uh Monday night I bow pretty good I uh I think I had 70 for three did something different by the way sh over there they did not you no I did I uh I was the past couple weeks

I’ve been getting a lot of wet dry so uh I forced the issue this week and just killed the breako with my gb2 and then the second game I moved all the way left and just threw the gb4 hybrid to the dry spot that is such a good ball I love my

Gb4 hybrid you you mean like Kyle’s Ki before hyrid yeah my 14 pounder thanks Kyle uh I did have three bills on Tuesday three what three bills oh you had a 300 game and we just had three bills uh from Lefty one of the Kent Brothers out there

I can’t tell which which one it is he only throws the beast from 1942 uh is that Stephanie’s Beast no but uh we just had three bills Matt Ken okay nice K nice guy that’s our first TR on the show maybe I think we’ve had one oh Dave had

Dave’s had one yeah um yeah I think that was this year wasn’t it yeah R occurrence got happen right behind us yeah rare occurrence uh I did have three bills myself nice congratulations that means 300 you finish the rest of the night I think I had 240 211 300 so it

Was Tuesday night not Thursday night it was today’s Thursday yeah but you week ago was Thursday too anyway you said Thursday oh you count Thursday in no you said Thursday did I say Thursday I don’t know play it back I really don’t remember Tuesday night three bills Tuesday with

My black widow 2.0 hybrid let’s keep this moving before people fall asleep how could they fall asleep me Mikey are like uh butter and jelly okay peanut buttery but we did have a good practice session last night we did what’ you work on Kyle what did we do

For you Kyle well we got a couple new uh rocks one was I already had was a gb4 and that one just it’s so stupid how good that ball rolls um but we also uh put out a lower volum volume pattern to try to mimic some head friction um which

We see in basically everywhere else other than here um even when they have prane except for out in Vegas it seems pretty slick out there but um anyway yeah so we put out low volume pattern and then uh we drilled up a uh exotic gem

Um 75 by and a half by 35 35 yes thank you um try to give it some try to give it some whip Whip and nay whip um and it does it does WHIP um I was maybe hoping for a little bit more reaction from the

Right but maybe we can gets a little more forward it gets a little too forward too quick for you uh down Lane um from what you were experiencing but it really wasn’t that bad it just I don’t know but the we were using a low volume pattern and curve uh so it was

Like slowing down a lot and we only 24 Mills out like you said so it’s a little stickier of an oil and uh with 24 Mills the fronts really did burn up so seeing it get through like three shots and you had to move it’s crazy it was good

Though to see your ball get down Lane and and still Corner pretty well yeah um because that means it should be a little bit better hopefully but if I got to the right part of the lane it worked really good your gb4 was was better but yeah it

Read a lot sooner it read but it never came offline until later down Lane which was um so it never really missed the mid lane that much but it doesn’t overreact off the mid lane so 50 that’s five and a half by 30 I think yes yes that’s about

Right Kyle’s tilt and rotation are not friendly low tilt uh actually no you’re you’re actually better now I forgot I am better I did increase it a little bit still pretty low compared to most people no you’re right around you’re actually just a step below me I’m I’m a step

Outside of the perfect range in terms of more tilt uh you’re actually um right at the you’re right where I am but my rotation I think I think my rotation is less than yours I don’t know I think you’re 55 degrees and I’m it’s either you’re 55 or I’m 55

And one of us is 45 H I’m not sure I don’t really care too much as long as it strikes it’s all that matters purple Hammer um Mikey yeah how’s Saturday mornings go um I had 665 for which shift the PM shift where’ you get the am Shift come on don’t leave

Out the bad stuff 6 oh both are good Michael BS both shifts yeah he double shifts on satday I on Sundays kids Nots dude n weekends so Michael blls AM PM and then this Sunday he B travel League Apple levard adult child Apple levard wow how’ you doing travel which wasn’t

Really travel it wasn’t travel you didn’t travel anywhere good think you had 660 right I think I did have 660 yeah wow 660 660 660 what’ you have today though On Target 560 580 580 okay 580 is good especially when you go uh’s at Green Island today Green Island that’s

Good um anyway good bowling this week good bowling appr you gonna say that to me or no no I couldn’t get about 300 as the meme says was it on a sport chat no I don’t I only shoot him when they really count Kyle that’s right true on a challenge

Shot Challenger short or Challenger sport in it m it was like 5 to one all right no it was four to one I think this year something like that it doesn’t matter it was at least it was a little bit more challenging did they relas pattern they did they did for

Massachusetts yep yeah they did yep speaking of releasing the pattern let’s get right into it let’s jump into it perfect the USBC nice segue Michael the USBC has announced the patterns for the not just the US Open but also the Team USA trials so um Jeff figgles of 11th

Frame got this article out um because the people that are bowling the US Open got an email um so it wasn’t like widely announced but the people that are bowling the US Open got an email stating that the uh pattern’s being released um and basically you know when that came out we

Were all hoping like oh maybe they’ll release the pattern for the OC’s but um turns out the reason why they’re releasing the pattern is really um just because Rob gacha which who is the um the short term short duration uh tournament director uh is leaving the

USBC and going to a b ball manufacturer uh for his new career and uh they didn’t want which I think is a kind of a smart move on their point uh their part they didn’t want to have any reason too much interference right they didn’t want to

Have any reason that they would uh be accused of sharing the pattern with certain people like if Rob shared it with whoever he’s working for now um so they just got ahead of that and just announced the patterns what I’m really looking forward to seeing is what the

Scores are going to be like out there because they look dumb well the same P same exact patterns as last year yeah I’m sorry I I just think it’s a joke ‘s yeah no for the uh open US Open they’ve got the middle finger pattern again yeah

43 feet 43t the same pattern exactly same exact same patterns as last year yeah middle middle finger pattern 39 flat and then they gonna have the double hook one 49 flat 49 flat I mean it’s it’s a and the fourth pattern once you make it to Max play is a speed bump I

Didn’t get that far Hammerhead oh the eye pattern I love that type of pattern because my ball rolls right up into it but so anyway uh I don’t I don’t particularly like these are we going to get into this the patterns you can talk about the patterns

If you want I just think they’re I just I don’t know but the the problem is when you you get into patterns that are really low ratio like this which literally one to one yeah which they all are 1.25 one to one and the other ones

1.6 so they’re all one to one I I just feel as if now this is my opinion and I’m not at end all be by any means but when you get into a lower ratio pattern um you start to show topography more and I guess it’s over a certain amount of

Time um so it’s not as big as of of a deal because everybody’s going to have six games on this for three days everybody basically hits the same sure whatever it is well I just don’t feel as if I mean hopefully they have uh a little bit of playroom and they’re

Playable I mean I just don’t I think it’s just silly to do uh the onet toone stuff because then you end up winding up hitting two bad pairs in in a set and you I mean you’re only going to shoot 180 200 really I mean maybe the scores

Will be higher I mean they’re really good players but you hadit a really bad three pairs or the guys transition them really funky on a pair I mean you’re you’re already there’s no shape to the pattern there’s nothing to help the player you’re basically saying well

Whoever can keep it close to the headpin the best is going to be fine so might why as well just bring plastic maybe but I mean the whole point of the US Open is to have the cream rice the top as you always say right so sure I mean the guys

Who are most accurate and it doesn’t even have to necessarily be super High Rev rates or anything like that but the guys who are most accurate are going to be the most successful I would say I I can agree with that as long as they don’t hit that funky pair where they get

A big hang spot down lane or if they get a big hook spot in the middle I mean I think you get a little too much regardless of the tournament it seems as if in the PBA events at least those guys are always going to rise to

The top because one they have better uh better resources more opportunities to drill bowling balls it’s not even it’s not even the same game as the other guys who are trying to bowl are playing um so I don’t understand you know I guess I get it because you want I you want them

To rise the top but either way they’re going to rise to the top anyways and if they didn’t it’s their fault I mean they’re doing it for a living you know you shouldn’t be putting I just don’t think the one to one is really a fair shake for anybody um it’s the epitome

Affair it’s a flat piece of paper out there sure sure I guess it’s it’s fair in your terms in my terms looking at all the factors where topography plays a difference you know if you’re sponsored if you have a ball rep if you’re able to drill this ball that ball in that point

We talked about before we there’s reps at a USBC Tournament when you have an open tournament where you have players that are noted yeah in my personal opinion you should not have ball reps on site there I can agree with that and I I think the open part of the

The name the Masters if you want to change the Masters in the open and flip it around a little bit fine so be it but the open should be for everybody um I don’t understand the the qualifying um well I I did I did look it up today

The qualifying I see it sold out I’m I’m just I’m just I think I said the same thing last year maybe I maybe I didn’t but the one toone ratios I just are silly to me like I I saw a tournament uh we know Greg Tac um is up from around

Here really nice guy extremely good tournament director um he does some Lanes too but I saw his tournament uh for the Grinch the Grinch classic um and it’s like he only oiled the left side of the lane on one on the left lane on the right side of the lane they only oiled

It was like 10 to the gutter on each side it was something weird yeah and these patterns remind me of those where the cut to make money was 175 now I’m all against them being or I’m all for them being difficult but when you get to that level where you can what’s the

Point of bringing a reactive ball disase seriously scuff your ball 360 and throw missiles at the headpin I don’t know that that’s ever been successful though I mean the guys the guys tend to wear it in at least for the righties they’ll wear it in and then

They start left so you left the our so then I how many US Open how many lefties have won the US Open I don’t know I don’t particularly care I’m just saying now you catch a bad pair for the lefties and now the righties get to blow it open

Yeah really heck yeah I mean I guess that’s okay Ryan simell won one one of them way back that’s fine I I mean I’m not dis I’m not fighting again I’m just saying like opinion on it is it’s silly to put those out I think they’re silly I think it tests guy

Skills it doesn’t test crap why doesn’t test anything it tests how it tests how accurate you are it tests how well you’re reading the lanes for transition transition I know you don’t know what transition is I’m just saying trans transitions IR relevant if you catch a

Bad pair it you could but you can always catch a bad pair anywhere you hit yeah but if you’re yeah I did hit yeser pair that was hard that but that that wasn’t a bad Pair by topography how do I know that okay well if that’s what you’re

Talking about topography that’s a whole different story but everybody’s going to hit the same Lanes they do the scattered skip where everyone did you hit every pair in the house during the Masters no pretty darn close but they and there was specific pairs that people were complaining about so you do a

Three-day tournament with that and that becomes an issue yeah but you don’t hit the same Lanes twice sure but still I’m shooting 200 all a sudden I shoot 130 and all I’m going to do is shoot 200 I’m not going to go plus because they’re one

To one and now you basically took my opportunity away I think they have to be hard that’s fine you can make them hard and still give a shape a body of a pattern yes they are going to transition the cream will always rise to the top as

You say so why aren’t we creating the shape of a pattern so people can actually play them so I don’t watch freaking people throw missiles at the headpin after a while if you’re worried about topography what about getting the topography report like they do they give

It to everybody I didn’t get at the Masters it was on the website just because you didn’t get a booklet I should have got a booklet um do I think that’s I mean sure you can see the topography but even if you see it on paper that’s like so what it could play

Completely different when you get there oh there’s going to be a hangs spot at 12 and then your ball checks at 12 because they checked the topography six months ago and the summer long ago it could have been like South points hasn’t been done three years it says or

Something like that at least yeah so so now you’re gonna give out false information and give me even higher of a disadvantage because now the ball rep guys are be like this is from 2003 this guy’s playing the shim here over here looks like there’s a big Hood spot on 23

Hey the bad pairs in this building are 35 36 the average Joe don’t get that right so now you’re making it you’re giving him almost impossible again we’re talking about the the ball reps now but and I we’re everything now well no I’m saying I agree that the ball reps should

Not be helping people but um the patterns are silly I will leave it at that the guy who made them he’s the guy who made the Master’s pattern which was also silly now what about the release of the pattern that’s what we’re really talking about oh we’re just worried

About the rele of the pattern no well you can talk about whatever you want but goo Left Right goo left right so that was the reason but could this be a preemptive thing that I don’t know that they’re actually going to do it but like for releasing things for the Masters

Before you go OC’s before you go there’s a few things that I mean you know what do you think Michael I do not like when they release it early really I don’t I used to be on that page how many bowling balls have you sh

Now let me ask you a question K why are you flipping your script what do you mean you I just said that I just said it there the reason why because when you go to Vegas especially when we’re going across country we have to bring a

Certain uh set of balls right so if we don’t know what the patterns going to be especially let’s say they make it short one year and like reeno yeah but that wasn’t short the the team pattern was not like not the for doubles and singles right like like

Yeah for a prime example doubles and singles right people probably would have brought some different equipment had they known that the volume of the pattern was 24 Ms and they’re using 40 mic pump or whatever it was they’re not us my and it’s a 25y old Lane surface

Well do you think it’s uh now 20y old whatever it is now let me ask you a question do we have to put all the emails in for all the players that go with us to Nationals or is the emails already in the USBC for you we have the email so

What email are you talking about so when we register the players I mean this is I’m not going off topic I promise um when we when we register them on the website does their email and stuff come up no okay so but they all do get notifications that they’ve been

Registered for a team correct so they’re they have email then if they put their email corre with their with their sanction number right they will get a notification so my question is now why isn’t the US BC using that as a guide to send people the pattern so as we start

To get our teams ready we form our team and we lock our team in let’s say we locked our team in today well the patterns are released January 1st let’s say for the OC’s or for the US Open for whatever it is but as soon as you get

Your your information in boom an email goes to your phone and that’s what it is and now it’s like hey there’s a reason to pre-register now of course it’ll circulate the internet but uh maybe the topography report uh you get a topography report or you get a you get a

Lane chart report or a lot of other things um that go with it why not why not put the incentive out there we’re gonna I’m gonna build the US Open boom I registered for the US Open the age of the lane surface is there the Topography

Is on there the lane uh patterns are there what oil they’re going to use the oil schedule theer details why can’t those be in that um and instead of just oh we’re going to release the pattern yeah congratulations why not make it a a package deal get these guys sign up

Early get these people to commit and and be like listen once you fill up your spot I mean obviously it’s going to circulate which sucks but you can have your own thing where it’s like yeah I can go through the booklet because nobody’s gonna post the topography from

South Point and nobody’s gonna post the extras yeah sure they’ll post the patterns no big deal it’s all on the website now sure it’s now but I mean it’s not upd the patter not the lane pattern but the topography reports from who knows when 2016 or something at it

It’s a little older um it’s not that but what at and what we bow on it was pretty close um out there but I’m just saying that’s the thing why isn’t there more information used and guided there if they’re going to give out more information use it through the email

Portal yeah um especially for US Open and for the Masters because once you give them all that stuff give them give them like a month give them like a month before and once they get that email in um let them do that uh personally don’t

Give the shots out you want the shots to be hidden I I I’m okay with that see I I used to feel the same exact way but I’ve changed my tune a little bit now that we have to travel more often I understand and I understand where you’re coming

From we brought 30 bowling balls each to the Masters last year no I brought 15 or 18 okay so maybe we brought 30 or 40 together yes um so um I I don’t really that doesn’t bother me because when I’m going to travel I’m gonna I’m gonna

Drive I’m not gonna the other thing that was well no you’re not fly to Vegas well we are for the open championships that’s what I’m saying yeah but the open championships to me they keep it usually relatively close enough purple hammer [Laughter] 100% of the time I mean it’s just it’s

But here’s what I’m thinking here’s what I’m thinking so what if they find that releasing the patterns early um which they’ve been hiding them on the US Open for just as probably just as long as the OC’s I think it was 2013 somebody told us right it’s it’s been roughly around

That but what if they find okay the scoring pace is exactly the same as when we didn’t release it last year Well we both know that bowling out there in the environment that it creates itself plus the lane surface the oil I think that’s the biggest thing it doesn’t make it

Diff it’s always going to be different the environment absolutely is one factor but I think the biggest factor that I’ve been learning a lot as far as since we’ve been traveling a lot more is the lane surface for sure yeah that’s the number one important thing you can

Practice all you want at home if your Topography is way different or if your lane surface is way older or newer vice versa it’s going to completely change doesn’t even matter the age it’s more linage right is it a high lineage Center a low L how old is it and what’s the

Lineage like what’s the game’s about like um should all bowling centers have a topography report available for for the bowlers uh do you want to go first I have a so I I think it should be I like just like uh you get a a green not a green

What what do they whatever on the green report like when you go golfing you have the layout of the course right sure it’s a little different obviously you got to know where yeah it’s all on the phone now I know I’m just saying you got know where your ball’s going but still I

Think it does make sense here here here’s my biggest thought on that uh is you’ve got a an invisible Lane surface that’s fine when when we bow on wood if you went from a house to house to house generally speaking it seemed like the lanes were kind of the sameish not not saying

The lanes were exactly the same but like you didn’t have to distrust what you were bowling on if that’s a good way to put it whereas now with plastic or synthetic it can change and and wood Lanes did move with the weather but these things can change so fast and a

Lot um and can affect ball motion a lot and it all depends on how they were installed um when you sand a Wood Lane it if you’re good will be flat um and then if but there’s less movement what’s that there’s less movement in Wood exactly so all of those factor factor in

So yes I agree I think or I to answer your question I believe it would be nice if they all had a topography report and sorry with the way that USBC is supposed to be doing these new certifications they should be able to provide you a map because it gives you

The readouts um with their machine that’s what I was getting at if we’re going to force bowling centers to do it it needs to be USBC priority to actually do it yeah and they’re doing it now you should you shouldn’t Force the Proprietors to have to fund

That well they fund it anyway is with the payment of the certification yes and we had a couple of bowling centers around us get their testing done already I think it’s pointless they they skipped over here I think it’s pointless pointless to have a readout or have the

What are you talking about your home center I think it’s kind of just whatever yeah I mean the home yeah but if you go from if you go away from your home center it would be nice to have that information yeah I mean it’d be it’d be nice to have the information I

Will say that um as we’ve traveled more I’ve started to pay a little bit less to topography or thought process of that and I’m actually just more thinking about uh the amount of linage at the center I’m not even really thinking about the topography anymore yeah um

Because first of all topography gets in your head then you say oh this Lane sucks there are no bad Lanes you’re just not adjusting properly of course I said well if a guy catches a bad pair be me on that but regardless if shot that

Doesn’t matter if you have a if you have AE yeah if you have a crowned Lane I can understand why you’re not striking yeah but on the house on the house shots and the way that all the centers are built now um I don’t mean like built but put

With the synthetic Lanes there always is quite a big dish in the lane um so I don’t I don’t particularly you got something to say oh you’re elbow me like you got something to say oh okay uh talking to me so I think I think the topography report at your home

Center is isn’t as important especially because the only time topography truly shows is when you get lower ratios uh on the on the lanes in terms of oil pattern once you go into these house shots where it’s a higher Ratio or something like that I think um there’s always dry to

The right and there’s always a little bit of hold in the middle so you just got to find out how to play them so for the average Joe and the average house I don’t think it’s particularly um as important um as as some like to make it yeah well and I

Also think if you’re bowling on a house shot it’s completely irrelevant anyway is it you probably just said it but the the L the the pattern gives all the Forgiveness that you need the taper in the pattern already my mind always just thinks kind of tournament bowling hard

Stuff it would be nice to walk into a center and have that information right and I think it’d be important when you go to the bigger tournaments of those type turns like when we go to your place Michael um your your synthetics are a little older so a lot of times what we

See is we see the the lanes hook earlier and are the are they the spls and yours are the hpls or vice versa we have spls they have hpls okay so they’re the hooking ones anyway well the spls are still higher one but ours are just newer

And all with all the bone that Boulevard’s had over the past x amount of years of course you know that’s what the panels end up being like around the center so we’re used to seeing that front hook um when we go to other places here it’s not so much but I just feel

Like because it’s already built in friction from all the scratches and all the linage and all the bowling that just happens on these Lanes it’s not nearly as important for topography if if you got a 50,000 dish and your Lane’s 20 years old and you’ve got a high high

Lineage High lineage Center they going to hook it’s going to hook anyway it doesn’t matter if there’s 50 or 30 or 20 there’s going to be built-in friction so it almost becomes irrelevant the only time that topography for me is really important is is those bigger tournaments

Where the lanes are flatter in this case 49 feet 1 to1 43 feet 1 to one or 39 feet 1 to one you’ll see a lot of specialty Hammer balls or whatever they are coming out uh you know special not the US Open they’re gonna be using

Purple all day purple and Pitch Black oh the US Open is oh purple um so anyway back to the original point I think me personally especially for the Average Joe’s and The Travelers that need to pick what balls they’re going to bring it’s nice to know what the what

The oil pattern would be if they did that for the OC and I think if the USBC should pay attention not that they’re not going to be paying attention but they should look at the scoring pace and see if it’s changed at all maybe that’s what they’re doing with this that that’s

What I’m saying I’m hoping I’m hoping that’s what they’re doing but if they realize that it hasn’t changed at all then there’s no reason to keep hiding the pattern for every other tournament I do have a thought on this topic hit us so I think a lot of your Bowlers that

Are kind of a step down from where we are they when you create that big of a tournament and you share patterns they’re not coming regardless of scoring Pace because those Pros are are working on that they’re practicing guys like us were practicing The Average Joe’s that

Don’t have you know maybe they don’t they can’t practice on it maybe they’re GNA say yeah it’s not worth it I don’t stand a chance so understand I think I think sharing sharing a pattern for that big of a tournament you’re going to steer away the entry level guys that you

Want to come but but I’ll argue that they already know it’s difficult like yeah but if they’ve been there before they know it’s hard I don’t think they care about that though I think care about knowing whether the other competition is going to have a step up

Not just a step up a huge step up yeah a good bowler knowing what’s out there that is a huge step up but I would also say like we were just talking about I don’t know how much practicing on it would be even relevant because of the difference in Lane surface and

Topography Etc at whatever bowling alley that you’re bowling at with putting the oil pattern down and the the oil which they will probably tell you oh we’re using for uh fire forward or ice whatever you know but they might not even ever use that lane oil so it might

Not even be relevant again so all of those things I think just factor into not mattering when they release it to me it’s all about ball choice so like if I see it’s again for example that doubles and singles pattern that we had this

Year wor 24 Ms and it was 30 whatever n or eight or seven feet I forget it was 30 39 but you could you could at least uh try to uh preemptively guess I don’t know you can you know I mean it’d be nice I don’t

Even care if I see the pattern maybe the length and the sure I’ll take anything at this point length and volume and ratio would be fine right because then you can kind of get close to and you can understand what you’re bowling on the better Bowlers are still going to find

Out how to the better Bowlers are be better anyways but if you give everybody an idea we can at least try to help our people but the other side of the argument is even though I’m not really for the patterns being released um if You Do release them I can help my group

More often than I can without it sure um go ahead the only reason I do not like the patterns to be released is if you go like to the US Open of the OC’s I feel like you should be ready for the pattern that you’re about to be bowling on ready

For anything yeah exactly Junior Gold they don’t release the pattern until you bowl right it was exactly like US Open you don’t know the pattern yeah previously I still from Junior Gold I do not know the pattern well I looked at him already yeah they they released it

You may not have checked we checked for you thank you thank you for cheing for me but yeah don’t worry didn’t we B on that sure I don’t think so I I just think it’s an interesting thing how about how about why is it getting released because he’s leaving to go to a

Ball manufacturer yeah they didn’t want they they didn’t want it to look like he had any influence on any of those Bowlers bowling w let’s be honest how do you even know that those patterns are really kept a secret I don’t know I mean you’re just

Going on scouts honor at that point yeah he could be I mean any I’m not even talking about Rob I’m just talking about for everything like the OC’s for US Open how do you know that these high-end guys up in the they don’t have friends who

Know what it is are you kid me really speculating I’m just saying you have a conspiracy theorist hat somewhere T foil hat you’ve been listening to someone named Alex he doesn’t know what you’re talking about no idea um no I just think it could be definitely a possibility sure

Any anybody can leak any information of course it is how do you know that that that you’re telling me that that one guy who makes the pattern doesn’t talk to anybody I’m sure that he does I mean he he’s no uh I don’t know top secret agent

That able to keep a secret he’s like talking to his like yeah I’ve had a few drink oh yeah I made it is 38 feet 25 Ms I don’t know just bring ball on hook I don’t know I think for the US Open this year they should have changed the

Pattern Nott the same because yeah I wonder why they they uh kep the same for people who bowed on it last year it’s an advantage for them for people who are bowling it this yeares to the top right I agree it does you know they you know

They should have changed it they should change it every year I like that I like Michael’s point I mean you know it is what it is the thing with the US Open patterns both even though they’re slightly different they’re always similar they always use the flat pattern

It’s list I’m okay with with using similar stuff but just kind of you know uh put some put a little bit of shape in there just make it a little bit it just looks goofy let me let me bring up one other point not about the oil patterns so something else let’s

Freaking get it going so there’s a bunch of ways to qualify right for for the US Open to be ways to qualify right yes thought you said it was a waste to qualify there are a bunch of different ways to qualify for a direct entry without having a ptq okay so you’ve got

Like US Open winners the last 10 years uh Masters winner three years uh world championship winner last three years Tournament of Champions last three years uh Players Championship last three years etc etc right um the OC’s the last three years you can um for the regular all

Events that gets you in really just all events regular all events just all events right not a single event yeah all events that’s what I said all events um then there’s a few PBA 50s and Junior Golds uh u20 get to get get in um then I find well would you look at

This there’s Jimmy Allen in no it was uh Pete Weber this year they that Pete Weber in yep he had to apply he must have applied um then okay then the top 75 on the PBA points list um and then all the way down to the

Bottom top one from each of the 2024 US Open Regional qualifiers take a guess how many Regional qualifiers there were four split the difference it was two I was gonna say two two in the entire country one in Iowa and one in Illinois yeah they don’t really they don’t really

That’s how my dad made the US Open was a was a qualifier up at Pine Lanes but that’s that’s how you make this so we you you mentioned earlier uh that the US open’s not really open they should flip-flop the Masters because the Masters is wide open well see yeah the

Golf does the open where they have like a certain day it’s got to be or a certain week and they have these huge it’s like it’s like m week or something where they all the not like legit Master week but like the all the country clubs have like a spot right and everybody

Play for even includ including the the pro at the place I think blls in it right so that’s my point is there should be at least eight or 10 Regional qualifiers um I think eight or 10’s a little low I was thinking like I did say

At least I will I just want to throw in there they’re saying Regional what region they’re in one region for both of those regions Iowa and Illinois yeah I mean I don’t know like I don’t know how you apply to be a regional qualifier I don’t know how many

Are able to fit in but they’re definitely that’s this is how you should make it an open tournament the US Open there should be however many regions to make the field the winners of those tournaments to make field be the winners I think they should take a lot of that other Fubar

Out yeah the you’re saying the all of the other champions 75 points less all I mean obviously if you’re a 75 pointless getter you should have no problem making a regional qualifier then you would have if you took all of those spots out which is like yeah you’re doing a bunch 40 or

50 spots you’re doing a bunch which makes it more open the reason why it’s not 75 is because a bunch of these guys already got in through their Championship give it give the top 25 I mean the top 75 on the tour they only have 60 event how does that make sense

They only have what oh 16 in EV regionals Regional points count towards your PBA points list oh I was 88th 18 188th oh same difference Kyle come on so I had no idea somebody texted me that today it was Nick he was like hey you’re 188 and

I was like good I two events yeah so three events I you could bow a bunch of events and you can get into the US Open anyway did my master my master count towards PBA points I can’t remember I think it does it should point being all right point there should

Be regionals that make the field right why aren’t they ran by the PBA why aren’t they partnering together is my question I don’t know because if the PBA already has a base and they already create a schedule and a region all the regions are there why not just be like

Listen you guys are G to run one extra tournament a year it’s gonna be on make it all the same pattern like don’t change it make every place the same pattern be like listen we’re going to choose places that have similar linage or similar Lane surface I mean that

Can’t be that hard to find within five years or something um because I’m sure they know because they have to know for the PBA anyways pick a few centers and and do a do a qual do RPI or RPI Regional same type of thing yeah RPI

Qualif do top four but do like you know make it like a bigger event you know that’s what what should really happen although I mean even though there are you can be a non-member and Bowl in the PBA regionals it you know again my idea is open everything should be wide

Anybody should be able to enter those Regal be to enter that event yeah it should be run by the PBA or r or by USBC if it’s local Association or whatever I mean they already have the software for and USBC numbers so it’s not like it’s

Going out of out of the way or anything yeah um there should be more regional qualifier they should at least have 25 to 30 100% agree I mean there’s no other way especially if they’re only going to take the top one right yeah in this format they’re

Saying only the only the winner can make it in but maybe if there’s a bunch of spots that are left open you can have 100 guys you’re gonna take one guy like you might as well that’s that’s one in a 100 how does Golf and Tennis and

Whatever work for the US Open I’m not completely sure Kyle uh you didn’t well I know golf I know golf has uh regions not regions not just regions there are yeah Regional qualifiers or Country Club qualifiers whatever it is I think for golf you have to qualify for the US Open

Yes I think you have to come in like top a top a certain amount it’s like the top two for each um personal country club or whatever it is or top five or something I don’t think that’ll even get you into the US Open I think then you have to go

Then you have to go to another event maybe another qualifier it’s a possibility yeah but it’s it’s definitely a little bit of a broken system because you’re I agree it’s it’s kind of like the good old boyss Club yeah let the same people in every year you can’t like we’ve always talked about

You can’t get the other people to break into it and without the younger crowd breaking into the PBA you will no longer create interest because people are sick of seeing the same people there now granted those people will still win I’m sure Simo [ __ ] EJ those guys are

Fantastic but who nobody or everybody likes to see a guy like Michael ska make it when he gets in there heck yeah you know people will watch Lane man I know everybody’s be like listen tell Nick he can sub for him tonight he’s got to stop

Um I just think it’s a a little bit of a broken system so I think the patterns whatever the patterns are the patterns but the US Open format I think we might talk about this every year but it just seems as if um you know there’s no it’s

All you know we talk about inclusion in today’s society um I think the PBA is not up to the standards yeah raise your standards yeah stand they need they need to get more Bowlers in and the US Open needs to be open I mean it is what it is

I mean it flipped the Masters around then whatever I don’t give a crap what they do yeah make make one of them one of the other um also I just and I know people will argue with me well it is open you just have to pull the ptq it’s

Like that’s not how that works Masters is open right Bo everybody can just be in your green is green and get in there I think for the US Open you should just be able to sign up honestly right on the internet sign up and you’re I think you

Should have to qualify to make the main or to make the event but you shouldn’t it shouldn’t just be wide open because then you it should be Regional qualifiers to get in everybody had a chance too easy to get into a huge tournament one of the biggest in the

World well the Masters is easy you can sign up for the Masters and you’re in yeah the US Open I qualified you have to qualify all right what else we got so one last thing we’re gonna talk a little bit about shop talk here we got some

Shop talk Tech talk I just I just back open I just don’t know I don’t know about this you know uh I’m a little bit bothered I’m a little bit hot and bothered right now you know well let’s get you un unbothered because Tom scalone wants to talk about Tom’s galone

For where where did he go Florida he went to North Carolina North Carolina okay I’m pretty sure it’s North Carolina he’s in North Carolina Virginia I believe it’s North Carolina I saw him a few weeks ago uh he’s throwing some motive stuff I believe if I remember correctly if I remember that could

Explain if he is throwing Mo he didn’t tell me what ball it was that could explain maybe why it’s a little roler than he was hoping anyway so we’ll talk drilling we did talk about this in the past quite a long time ago um I believe

We called it the the power of the N or something like that yeah that sounds about right um because of dual angle layouts they make the n on the ball um so we can talk about dual angle we can talk about buffer system um but basically talking about like yeah it’s a

Different way of measuring to get the same exact result um and uh we talk about different layouts and stuff in particular Tom wanted something to be angular um and it sounded like it didn’t really work out even though his numbers were very close to I just drilled on the

Exotic gem which were uh like 75 by 35 um his were maybe 70 by 30 or whatever and then I think he said four four and a half inch pin or something like that um but anyway um uh you know what can he do if he’s if

I remember he’s maybe a little lower rev rate I haven’t seen him Bowl in a while oh long long time but he said he’s gonna make a trip up and get a get schooled welcome um but that’s what I did mention to him when I when he was talking to me

About it he’s like I tried this angle it’s not working out I said well it completely matters how you throw it too like what is your tilt what is your rev rate I mean uh to to be honest with with you if he’s using the same layout as

You it was similar but yeah if he’s using a similar layout um if Tom’s just a little bit weaker on the Rev rate you know or ball speed he’s not going to create as much um down lay motion just because Ball’s natur right it’s just going to be a

Little earlier anyways because of that so um you’re probably going to have to you’re either going to have to use a longer drill angle I don’t know the the the surface of the lanes or what they’re using so um if it’s a little more rolly if you’re still using motive from what

We understand motive is a little bit more of a Tamer cover stock um from what we’ve learned from our friends on the tour and other people we talk to and kind of what we see U motive seems to be a little Tamer um the storm and the the

Brunswick stuff with the new cover on hk22 are a little more responsive um to to the friction they’re a little cleaner and a little bit more angular um it also depends on what type of ball you’re using too if you’re using a big like Jackal flash or if you’re

Using like a exotic gem or virtual energy Blackout um the Vio um those will be pretty good for you but if you get balls that are going to respond pretty quick and you’re using something like that um it might it might just pick up the lane too early with the ball speed

And rev rate um but typically for an angular layout you’re going to want to have your drill angle uh the ra we talk about ratios to in here um we started to talk a little bit more about those typically uh your drill angle will be

Two and your your your Val angle or pin buffer will be a one um that gives you a little bit more length and the lower the one obviously the two so like 50 would be the drill angle we would have a 25 V that’ll keep it two: one typically we

Find those be a little more angular typically the closer you get to the one: one the more matched uh those two angles are the smoother they roll also the other thing too is with a four and a half inch pin um you might see a little bit more forward Roll Just because of

Where the pin placement is if you’re looking for a little bit more side roll um to be honest so you probably could use something with a longer dren angle shorter pin to P because that’ll make it kind of be a little bit more instable a little bit more side roll if it’s

Asymmetrical yeah um if it’s asymmetrical that’s important to remember um and then you can kind of use that same drill angle or the same valal angle so drill angle could increase pin toap could shorten and then uh the Val angle could stay roughly what it is now

Um and that could also help create a little more side roll angularity there I didn’t ask him what ball he had but he he did say it was 7430 7430 74 70 70 by four 70 by four yes four inches well four changes from

Four and a half yeah I know I was giv the updated information that’s pretty good then that’s not bad at all I just wonder if the the ball was the right choice because if it’s I didn’t ask him what kind of ball it was so maybe it was

A really strong ball that was slow rolling if it’s if it’s sanded uh Tom you’re probably gonna want to go to the shiny cover socks the Pearl cover socks even the the hybrids are okay too um as long as they come polished stay closer to those polished ones um and it also

Depends on the intermediate differential too because once you have to higher of an intermediate differential which is on your bowling ball specs um it is the third number um if it gets too high the ball will try to have twoo small of a hook Zone which means it’ll use its

Energy much faster and it will get up and go more forward down Lane um typically longer pins can help that too but you’ve got a long drill angle in there so you know retaining energy and going forward unless you use a super low valal there’s a lot of things you could

Do there um but once you if you come up we can take a look at it and uh a while he’s he’s up every once in a while I mean so I did see him a few weeks ago really but yeah he was here I think around Thanksgiving time he

Stopped in town Tom in a long long time yeah yeah so he has I think he has been using motive we talked about it for a little bit I I think I might have gave him allow to try hopefully um that wasn’t it hopefully that was from the Pro Shop

Guy down there I mean the layout’s not bad I just think that you know it depends on the ball too we got to see what kind of ball it is to really he made he made it sound like that it was a layout that he just uses it’s like his

Benchmark right so um and then he said he thought it was uh that the lower um drill angle and a higher like he got a little confused about which is lengthier and which is roler um yeah for me I actually use 50 by 25 for my angular quick response layouts um seems

Lower than I would have expected yeah 50 by 25 75 overall angle is uh it’s very strong but you have to remember that I’m I’m also looking at uh wow they excited out yeah they can they are yelling uh it is Christmas time so the extra money uh

Take it home and buy your wife a stocking gift um the the new wow okay um it’s getting crazy out there it’s Christmas time they got the free drink flowing that is right it’s free drink right um the violent collision and the brutal Collision the

Two that I use for that uh they’re nice balls they are great balls u and those are the ones that I put on those ones um my symmetrical are 5 by3 that’s kind of just my base layout because they’re a little smoother but I’m also looking at

The ball mechanics too I’m not sure what he has I mean I’m sure it could be great um I just don’t know so we can’t really tweak or say hey maybe that would have been better next time yeah um but that’s kind of we say it is a good layout it’s

70 by4 by 30 is excellent um so maybe it might just been the ball mechanics could be did I answer the question okay K I think it was exactly right we just wanted to give a heads up to people that lower drill angle ball roll sooner yeah

20 anywhere closer to 20 20 is the low as you can go closer to 20 it’ll roll closer to your toes um anything up to 90 90 is as far as you can go 55 is the middle of the lane um so anything past 55 is probably a little further down

Lane um and then when you get to the back angle the lower the angle the other thing I will say is the quicker it responds to friction also the less energy it will retain the faster it’s going to want to use it all so that’s another reason why sometimes it can get

A little get a little forward especially with a 30° Val right because four and 30 are pretty low so they’re kind of they’re not contradicting each other they’re they’re the ball’s trying to be super explosive in side roll but the ball wants to rev up and go right off

The friction so it could kind of burn itself out depending on the ball too so um I use what is mine 50 by four and three4 by 25 that gets the ball to retain a little bit more and it doesn’t want to go sideways so it does kind of

Give me a nicer shape usually when I use lower Val um back angles the last angle we use a higher pin um distance that’s what we’ve been doing here lately things have changed a while but um we have been using them on quite a lot of bowling

Balls uh Stephanie my sister got one I think she was like 50 by 20 wow yeah 50 by four and a half by 20 I think it was she shot 730 with it yeah boom but she her rev rate’s a little lower she likes to play the friction we drilled her

Theem and that ball really skids down the lane naturally so ball mechanics we got to kindy of get that ball to rev and because she’s a little more speed dominant she need like 50 is okay for her because she she’s not g to burn the

Ball out you know I mean so we also look at the player and that that sense too um we’ve actually doing quite a bit of learning in here we’ve had a few guys trying to learn how to drill yeah um and we’re able to talk back and forth lout

And whatever yeah behind you is uh where Austin’s camera is you can see what we’ve been talking about um Austin take a look right behind you is what me and Kyle were working on yesterday um that is the learning board it’s easier sometimes to write him down

Over there and just chat about it especially for guys who are looking for specific layouts so Kyle’s Pap is five and eth over by a half up just his tilt is 19 degrees and his ball speed and rev rate percentage is matched um so we drove the mb4 those are the numbers on

The gb4 and the EG’s exotic Gem and we were able to write them out a little bit draw some pictures of the hook zones and then on the right where Austin’s face is cutting half of it off um that’s kind of how I look at the the layout system

Anything from 30 under is more of an angular or a quicker response angular motion yep 31 to 45 is going be a little smoother and then the 46 plus is going to be drop that pin into the ring finger or the fingers in general or below it

That’s going to give you more of that really smooth retaining energy not going to go sideways off it so that’s kind of what we look at here um did I give too much information no it’s perf perfect perfect but that’s what we’ve been doing here so um if you have any questions you

Can always reach out to the podcast dpot send us a video and uh we can always recommend something um you’re getting fancy now huh if we need to do that well I mean if we’ve got it we might as well if we have some guys who

Maybe want just uh to chat or to maybe engage um and we can bring it up in the show the next time as we talk we get a video from them we can kind of talk about what they want in the next show kind of give them like a little personal

Spotlight wow is that a little too much for us I love it oh I love it okay you’ve got to actually do some work then if they send in these videos if they send in videos we’ll get it done we we says Austin and Kyle get it

Done all right before we go 10 minutes before the show hey what do you recommend for this guy quick uh before we go Mikey what do you got coming up this week bowling wise nothing I don’t P my it’s Christmas man you don’t have you don’t have Junior leags on Saturday

Christmas Christmas is Monday dude it’s Christmas Eve Eve it’s Christmas Eve Eve right now it’s Christmas Eve eve eve eve it’s Christmas Eve Eve on Saturday no bowling this weekend what about next weekend that’s New Year’s Eve yeah Eve I don’t p i don’t pull for two weeks wow

New Year’s Eve Eve I mean I’ve been practicing practic speaking of New Year’s did you guys sign up oh your’s day I so much money right now for sign ups ridiculous shouldn’t even have paid for my balls last night no you shouldn’t have I didn’t even think about that but

No but that’s Pro I like keep it separate Kyle I have a Stephanie has a running tab for me nice um so when it gets to close to three grand I’ll pay it oh wow wow wow we almost there that’s a high deadline yeah I didn’t know I was a

Creditor what percentage you take in a month oh good thought good thought I’ll take your children babysitting day no no I want the cash cash I gave it out there interest what your interest rates right now 17.5 yeah there’s a difference between the government interest r and a

Lone shark interest rate Lo sharks are 2030 stand the bowling part not go to finances all right well guys thank you so much for joining the show tonight Mikey thanks for coming in boom uh we got to go bowling so don’t forget to like subscribe click the Bell to get

Alerts from the channel uh if you can’t watch on YouTube or Facebook or X you can always download and listen on your favorite podcast service and while you’re doing that please give us a festar review um and you can also share with your friends please because uh it helps us uh

Get the word out and the podcast out there um you can email us at downlod just like Anthony said a moment ago um and you can send us videos or questions or whatever and we will help you guys out maybe even coaching I don’t know why not send them in bring it

We got nothing else to do uh don’t throw weed dude Kyle’s freaking busy season ending Austin has serious uh tonight we bowl episodes to edit every week I got my videographer tonight I brought which by the way last week was an awesome episode we got the Dual angle uh cameras

Going on so you get to see behind the scenes as well as bowling which I think adds a huge uh element to the show um so we got a lot of recording to do tonight yeah I I tried tried to edit just to Tad more last week yeah well uh we’re uh one

Through six tonight I’m on one and two Austin’s on three and four and you’re on five and six it’s a position round baby Christmas miracle so great thank you to jack sker proprietor of town and country lanes thanks Mikey for coming in Mike the man awesome pleasure good B good

Shot show what good Bowl good Bowl good tonight and good show Anthony are we playing each other no we’re on three separate pairs well I hope you guys have a great evening ladies and gentlemen have a merry Christmas happy New Year and K Quanza thank you to my family Stephanie Zach and

Ethan Jam bread Winnie the pig Merry Christmas we will see you guys next week this is down Lane podcast He

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