6 Mile Run w/ The Online Coach

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Created and produced by Mark Bell – Sling Shot Media.

Give us a little background tell us who you are I am why are we hanging out what are we doing because we like to run lift and just be uh jacked and tan Meat Heads evolving that’s right right like that that was that’s always been my goal is

Not to be a just a typical bodybuilder I want like want to be uh a lot more substance you know I want to be I don’t want to be all show no go I don’t want to just look tough right I want to be tough you know hard to

Kill but yeah I I start I started seeing you run I’m like man I gotta we got to run together I think I commented a couple times I’m like we got to get it done be fun here we are we’re about to go on a little little journey I think uh

What we’ll do for today is like let’s just run like a mile or two and then let’s just kind of call the workout from there so like whatever what like if if we feel amazing we can keep going and we can say hey let’s do a six or eight mile run if it

Feels like we want to pick up the pace and go faster and do a faster run we can do that I’m GNA follow you so I’m kind of down for yeah I’m down for uh whatever but been friends with Ray for a long time it’s great to have uh got a

Training session in with him today we hit up a podcast earlier gave us some really great information this is a natural athlete 160 lbs but he’s big as and I think that’s a really cool thing about bodybuilding is that you don’t have to necessarily weigh a lot to

Look big look at the size of this guy’s legs the development in the legs development in the arms uh you know in some in some sense it’s uh in in some sense it’s you know just something that just takes a really really long period of time and it takes

A lot of consistency and what he shared on our podcast today I thought was really cool because he just kept reiterating no matter what question we threw out him we threw out a ton of questions at him and uh he kept just slowing us back down and making us

Understand understand hey it’s a this whole thing is a long process so if you’re watching this right now and you haven’t run yet or you haven’t gone through any sort of dietary intervention of any kind or you haven’t messed around with some bodybuilding start today and just take your time with it

You don’t need to confine yourself with a lot of rules maybe one rule to follow is that you’re going to start running and you actually start and that you’re going to maybe start some lifting and that you’re going to start to eat better but these are

Just it’s just a tiny tiny just a tiny bit different than what you normally do and at this point any amount of running if you haven’t been running is going to be a lot so even if you ran just one time per week that would be a start even

If you just lifted one time a week that would be a start even if you just tracked your food for one meal a day that would be a start and it would be a great place to start and I want to see you guys reach your goals so one of the

Biggest things to reaching your goals is to get started so here we go we’re going to get started boom so I start all the runs out the same just with a little small Jog and some walking I don’t know really know why I do this necessarily other than I do like

To check see how my body’s feeling but there’s something about that little pressure build up of like my calv sort of filling up with blood and then it dissipating that I like I like that little fluctuation and some days I’m excited and I’m just like I just want to just

Run but I still won’t allow myself to do it I still make sure I get the little cuz I don’t do anything else I’m not like stretching I’m not doing drills MH it’s just that just a little bit of walking and jogging it’s a good way to kind of acclimate I

Think all kinds of different ways to do it right mhm yeah tell me a little bit more about acclamation sets you were talking about how you in the gym we’ll do some sets that you kind of call acclamation sets yeah so it’s like you’re not just warming up you’re you’re acclimating

You’re getting your nervous system ready for those actual working sets or actually use it as a what did you call running where you you’re checking your yeah yeah like uh diagnostic yeah so it’s the same thing you’re diagnosing how you feel for the day so like each day you’re going to come in

The gym different right you’re going to feel different so those acclamation sets where you’re increasing weight and then you’re lowering the Reps you get a feel of how you feel you how how you’re going to perform that day right so you get closer to your working sets you’re anticipated working weight M

You know work up to like a heavy single kind of see see how you’re feeling um and then it’s going to give you a chance give you a chance uh see where you’re your your CNS is at right that’s it you kind of Judge it for the day right you

Can be like oh man wow didn’t know my shoulder hurt today yeah then maybe you make an adjustment you work out slightly differently for the day I like that a lot of these guys a lot of these kids make the mistake of jumping from like one warm-up set say like 50 lb dumbbells

To 120 M you take the time to acclimate put heavier weight in your hands each set how do you think you’re going to perform yeah when you finally reach that those 12s very true something I sometimes sometimes practice with some hills sometimes I breathe in anticipation of the hill so even though

I don’t need to I’ll go so you’ll breathe like how you would Breathe if you really struggling yeah right I’ll just I’ll just match it a little bit with what I’m about to do so sometimes if I was going to Sprint I might do the same thing I’ll do

It like 5 seconds in advance or maybe 10 seconds in advance I just found it feels good to me so I just started messing with it yeah I got some of those uh I got some of that hostage tape that you put out there yeah I slept with them for a while

Good and uh yeah I’m definitely a mouth breather yeah like naturally I’ve been snoring since I was a kid yeah I definitely will use my mouth when I’m sleeping for sure how you feeling feel feeling pretty good good good pace one thing I noticed for myself is that I

Uh I don’t don’t breathe out really well same so like the run’s not that strenuous yet um but even when it’s not that hard it’s like my breath out just isn’t great so you know I did a lot of nasal breathing for a long time where I’m was concentrating on only breathing

In and out of the nose still a fan of that but um I’m trying to teach myself how to breathe better cuz I just am not that good at it so I try to occasionally get back into that and go I’ll actually use my lips cuz I found

That blowing out with your lips like puckered together seems to help a little bit and it’s just the audible of it too I think is kind of nice I can’t believe how fast some people can run a marathon though it is unbelievable Kip Choi yeah that’s crazy but I mean that’s

His life right they’ve done studies on him to where it like almost doesn’t seem like he’s exercising when he’s running a full marathon and he’s running like four minutes something uhhuh miles the whole time he also doesn’t look like he’s running fast and he doesn’t look like

He’s running hard yeah you’re just like I don’t get it he does a lot of slow running very slow in comparison to how fast he is but he also runs like 20 miles a day when you start to fatigue what what do you think goes for your Technique

First uh you know my uh I’d say like my feet want to point out a lot you know and I want to kind of like run like this so like maybe a fatigue of like the inner some of the muscles of inner thigh maybe hip flexor maybe a bit

Um yeah and then the form just the form just melts and I start going like this like I’m running like I got a poopy diaper huh you know how about for yourself my my arms my shoulders my traps start to tighten up and I’m like this yeah get really tight

Um and your arms are big like I mean again you weigh 160 those are abnormally large arms to be swinging around yeah so it it’s hard it’s hard for me to I don’t know if this was the same for you but we’re designed to stay tight and Brace yep so like for

Me to keep my shoulders loose it’s some reprogramming for me absolutely so still working on that and then it’s probably uh I start to uh I start to not pull my feet yeah up kind of start to get lazy same cuz I find if I find that like

That beat of pulling at the right second right millisecond it just I feel like I’m flying right yeah we were talking earlier today about how slow jogging just can feel so much different than than running and uh you know keep in mind I’m still a very novice Runner so maybe I’m

Not right on this insertion but uh the technique feels different for both uhhuh yep you know a slow jog is like almost feels like you’re on a treadmill and you’re just ever so slightly picking your feet up and you’re just kind of like in here whereas like once you start to run

Even though there’s more effort in running to me running usually feels better but you know so much of my training is actual like more like jogging because I try to adhere to a heart rate you know we’re like at 9:30 right now good oh nice I think the elbow is like a

Good it’s like a fulcrum you know and your with your elbow you know you’re trying to probably push it back more so than anything else yeah they say that a lot of Runners they kind of like look like they’re massaging their ribs yeah so they’re a little bit in

Here and obviously you pick up speed more your arm will come up higher but uh something that surprises me about running is that how much energy backwards you need to shove I think it’s like uh something I really never thought of before but if

Uh if I pick up the pace for a minute here and do so via kind of just picking up my feet and pushing my knees or sorry my elbows backwards it feels it feel like movement it feels like Speed without a lot of extra cost as opposed to like if I’m just

Thinking of like running fast if you’re like running run as fast as you can and I’m thinking like I want to impress you or something I’m probably going to tighten up a lot yeah and be all like bald up and thinking about going forward I won’t really think about that the elbow needs

To come way back to generate that Force to go forward or I won’t think about kicking my foot back and pulling the ground because your your obsession is what’s in front of you this kind of what you can see so I just kind of learned that a lot

Of this motion behind the body is really critical I got to take a thisiss again uhoh prostate I drink a lot of water yeah yeah you can do so in these bushes oh you know what there’s a bathroom coming up yeah like uh quarter mile this is a nice little Trail you

Ever uh just to really mix the two to mix bodybuilding and running together have you ever oiled yourself up and ran in your little skibbies I don’t have to cuz usually I’m just drenched and in like after a mile maybe that’ll be in the next video is well and

We we’ll do the mandatory poses run dude that would be so weird running with like oil on you being all slippery having all the fake Tanner drip off you one thing that I found I I kind of realiz is the more the less I think about my

Breathing that lower my heart rate stays more your heart rate does what it stays down oh yeah but the second that I start yeah that’s like my main thing I think about breathing a lot y I’ll try two inhales through the nose right three one big exhale and the

More I I think about it less the more controlled I feel and I think also talking cuz when you’re talking you’re you’re going to breathe naturally yeah you’re you’re kind of not forcing anything you’re just yeah yeah but it took some time to be able to talk like when I first started

Running yeah I couldn’t run I couldn’t talk during my zone too yep well talking I mean it’s a lot of air out right and so you’re you’re forcing air out you’re blowing off a lot of CO2 and that CO2 to oxygen ratio just might not be super optimal if

You talk a lot yeah do you feel like you said you you have trouble breathing out y that CO2 staying in there do you feel like you Le some in the tank I do I do think so because like uh it just feels like I mean right now I still feel pretty

Good but sometimes it’ll be like later in a run where I feel as if the air is already like deflated out of my lungs partially if that makes sense yeah and so yeah it does seem to be a little bit of a limiter I feel like I have to let out another breath

So like if I inhal through the nose twice and then but I still have some in there I can’t breathe it all out so I have to take another exhale yeah restro right up here to the right coming up what’s the furthest you’ve run so far 14 oh nice that’s

Great and I think it was like a average ended up to being like a nine oh that’s and I did it non-stop that’s incredible here’s the bathroom right here it’s great nice having a little running partner today sneaking in some extra steps behind his back but we had a guy on the podcast

Named Chris Henshaw and Chris his uh Instagram handle is aerobic capacity and uh he’s worked a lot of crossfitters over the years just knows a ton about Zone 2 cardio and yeah how to build out a bigger engine kind of thing for your body and uh one of the things he was

Talking about was having kind of some rhythmic breathing and uh he would mention like breathing like every x amount of steps so you say you breathe like every four steps or every six steps and so I thought that was pretty interesting so that’s something I try to do

Occasionally who’s that other guy that uh helped you with running his page is a lot of red yeah his name I followed him oh uh it might be Dan Garner maybe not sure a bunch of people help me with a lot of stuff he he has that one thing he

Says push with a tush oh that guy yeah he teaches that low low and slow running yeah learn learn to run he’s got great information this is crazy push with the glutes yeah it’s like when I first started running I was trying to find my my way with technique I tried I like

I consumed a lot of content tried different things different cues but what clicked the most was the pose method for me yeah there’s a this coach Dex uh I follow him on Instagram and just the way he delivered the content it just made so much sense in my head yeah and that

That’s what helped me the most the pose method yep picking up those feet a lot of different ways to do it there is that’s for sure so many mental cues it’s like what what hits you the best yeah we’re going to go right right here but I got these certain things I always

Hit when I run for some reason so all right Kaboom do it too do you watch your Cadence I haven’t gotten too into that how about yourself I that’s I’m obsessed over it oh wow and once you get it it like it solves almost every other problem uh-huh it’s going to help

A lot with injury right it’s going to help you it’s going to kind of almost guarantee you not over striding right so where I’m at 182 right now which is 180s yeah ideal uhhuh like when I start picking up the pace I’m like 185 190 ah

And I can I maintain it there the whole time to me it it uh identifies your your ground time yep yeah I’ve seen some people they’re really like hoppy you know they’re really good with that they got really quick ground time cuz I think I was really heel striking in the beginning

And that’s what like flared up my knee real quick yeah and heel striking is interesting cuz I don’t think there’s really a huge problem with it um if if you know you’re aware of it if you’re running slow enough yeah and also if you’re not overextending if your stride is

Long and your heel striking I think that’s when you can be in trouble yeah my stride was long yeah cuz my Cadence was really low cuz like if you go like the Learn to Run guy he kind of teaches you to be in here a little bit which is

Like kind of a rolling jog yeah which is interesting but to me I think a lot of these things are just like they’re techniques and I think that ideally as you run longer you want to develop your own style of running but you also need to have many

Runs many different ways of running I think could be important depending on terrain weather shoes yeah there’s a lot of factors you know if you’re on a trail well now you might need more power cuz there might be more Hills you might need uh different different shoes to

Handle the trail and the shoes have different grip and the shoes are going to feel different on your feet yeah I do know that when I’m running I feel good uh I feel like I’m floating you know that’s how you’re supposed to feel right yeah feel very effortless

Sometimes and other times it’s not like it feels super strenuous but other times it’ll just feel kind of difficult see I think that’s really based on your training weight recovery yeah cuz you got to remember that we we still lift and train hard right these we’re talking about

These these marathon runners they talk about weight training they’re not training the way that we do right you know right yeah it’s really rare for those guys to train really hard in in terms of lifting like I was saying in the car I think it’s just a matter of time for

Whatever we’re doing body stimulus we’re going to adapt right for whatever we’re doing 100% cuz I never thought that I could adapt to Running Man like I hated running I couldn’t run half a mile without just like dying yeah now you ran 14 miles but then I looked

Back my form was right I was like oh my God saw this treadmill footage me at home I was like look like a baby rhinoceros with just leaning forward like yeah yeah it’s funny how you were talking to that girl telling you to run up the hill told her your weight yeah

Yeah you guys told me to walk the hills yeah it’s impressive yeah for us guys that have you know above average muscle for your frame it’s like but you see a guy like yourself like 2 220 240 you’re like yeah this is going to run 2 miles yeah and they see you right

Next to them yeah there’s a reason why when you run those marathons it’s really rare to see people that are big that are moving pretty good you know they’ll be heavier people there and they’re doing pretty well but they usually not running all that fast you know it’s just hard it’s hard to

Mathematically it’s expensive uhhuh but it’s like I’d rather be on our end chasing aerobic capacity versus trying to build muscle while running yep we’ve already built it right it’s like these guys that are strength training they don’t understand that they’re most likely in a at a maintenance or a nice little deficit

They’re never going to grow muscle right well they’re probably to an extent you know the they might feel stronger recomping a little bit tendons ligaments feel better but they’re not going to grow tissue right the way that they hope right I agree lifting is just like such a cool

Attribute to have and you were talking about it being like uh an investment it’s an investment that can pay dividends yep for the rest of your life I mean all you have to really do is built well not all but cuz it is demanding but you build a base once that

Base is built from there to maintain it isn’t that difficult yeah yeah I I went on uh threads and I said something like uh muscles the found the real Fountain of use right yeah the longevity organ as uh Dr Gabriel lion talks about but then if you can match your

Heart with your muscle yep now we’re really talking about something you’re bulletproof yeah most of the time these bodybuilders their hearts don’t match their muscle all right what happens heart attacks and strokes y choking on chicken yep cuid the muscles are growing but their hearts aren’t lungs aren’t capacity is

Weak do you have any running background just I said basketball doing freaking suicides right but even when I played high school ball I played all the from elementary to high school my my cardio was was never that great like I would be smoked after you know a couple right full court plays yep

Dude we were in Tahoe we’re in Tahoe uh for Thanksgiving week saw a bear I posted on my Instagram I’m so excited while you were walking we were kind of we took the kids to go check out the lake right right we were by the lake kids were throwing rocks and stuff oh

and then I was just messing around I was like look a bear oh my God cuz my daughters they’re a little freaked out hearing that there could be bears so we’re walking back to the car slowly and my wife is like son’s like holy

There really is a bear oh my God and it was kind of getting dark yeah so I see this round Shadow yes they start running or my wife’s like she starts she starts kind of jogging I’m like where are you going and then I’m like and she’s doing this like run like

This and I was staying I was like I want to go see it she starts booking it my son’s like where and he want it seemed like he wanted to stay with me he starts booking it too so I start walking towards it and I see it in the dark he’s

Just digging in uh like trash cans trying to find some food I got a video picture but it was harmless he was just hungry yeah I was like it’s YY bear that’s where they hang out they hang out by where there’s people to get the food yeah have you tried these shoes

They’re the zoom flies I think I have the same pair I think Zoom flies so they’re they’re not there’s no carbon plate there’s a carbon shank ah so maybe I haven’t tried them no carbon plate but it has the carbon shank which kind of helps you but they’re more durable a lot

Heavier than the vaporflies though right but I like them for like long run easy run nothing over like 8 Miles though it doesn’t give you any help towards the end the only thing I hate about these shoes is like makes my foot like pronated pretty hard you know makes my

Foot like rolled that way a bit do you feel like you can’t walk in them right like they’re awkward this super shoe feel these ones you don’t feel like that so you can like go to the gym in them oh that’s cool that makes a lot of sense to have

Them dialed back a bit cuz those I have the pink ones I only got like 150 mil on them and they’re gone yeah yeah they get shot pretty quick I bought a new pair of the black and gold ones and I’m going to use those just strictly for races I like learn

Yeah woo we’re on 5K already nice didn’t feel like it that’s good yeah we Cruis right to it but it’s funny like I bought a a complete for my daughter a couple years ago back when I used to skate the more narrow the board was the better

Like I skated like a seven seven and a quarter now it doesn’t matter what size you are these kids are skating eights eights eight and a halfs like only the big boys use like eights right cuz you needed it right now these skinny little kids are doing like8 8 and 1 half I’m

Like this is so much nicer not knowing where I’m going yeah that’s why I’m that’s why it’s flying by for me yeah isn’t it nice it’s nice not KN where the heck you’re at you got to come to Vegas and take you for a run oh yeah we we’ll be at the strip

Already you ever mess around with a little bit of head over foot stuff that I talk about sometimes uh I think I did where it’s like your your head just going back and forth over your feet little side to side action that would definitely help me

Move my shoulders too it feels it feels good it’s like just a little oscillation of the body feels a little maybe like more athletic I guess you’d say you tend to do it like if you’re going to accelerate you would naturally do it quite a bit

Yeah I did I think you talked about like changing your like your foot changing your foot position yeah just running differently like yeah try to make it a little straighter yeah it’s almost like you just internally rotate them a bit I notice a lot of fast Runners their knees are

Close together yeah we can’t do that cuz we have quads it’s hard quads so it’s like I got to try to push my right knee this way and my left knee that way yeah just a bit yeah it’s cuz we have quads and legs that’s why thing that I have to realize

Is my form’s not going to look like these other guys this uh watch I have it set so it tells you the miles per hour and so a lot of times I’m close to 6 mil an hour or so just kind of neat to see that you know uhhuh you ever test

Your mile time I haven’t it’s kind of fun I don’t have a track around if I did I would want to do it on a track yeah cuz minus the cars and so it wouldn’t be fair there’s a track UNLV it’s a it’s a drive yeah from me is

It open yeah well that’s cool yeah our track here in Davis is open too have you it I haven’t timed a mile run on a track but I did a 803 um a few months ago and I did a 813 uh about a week ago at the end of kind of a long

Run so not timed on a track yeah you’ll be in sevens for sure yeah I well in so the one I did recently I I really wasn’t I really wasn’t trying to push it too crazy um yeah I think I can do like 7:30 or something you follow uh Matt Choy yep

Try to get do the Mile Challenge with him yeah what does he run he’s he does like a five oh wow but he does that his content He he’ll get with other influencers oh yeah and they’ll test the mile and he’ll he’ll he’ll pay some he yeah yeah yeah yeah pretty cool that

Would be good yeah have him uh coach me like a s minute mile cuz you need that push I just don’t love the red line stuff that much so either you know like I don’t mind pushing I don’t mind having hard workouts like the intensity you use

Today for that workout yeah that’s like that’s where I’ll push to I don’t go too far beyond that I only train four days a week mhm like my intensity while I was running miles a lot more miles it’s very low I mean it was still good yeah but it was lower

Than I’m used to right and I always actually felt like I had a lot more so since I decrease my miles increase my food I’m just getting just trying to get crazy with it yeah see how much I can handle it’s great Yeah I lift pretty hard 3 4 days a week nothing too crazy but again a little bit like what we did today maybe like you know we were talking a lot and stuff so mhm maybe uh a little more intense than that a little less rest type thing how much sleep do you

Get you know I do I Alex a good 78 hours sleep according to my watch isn’t good like my and my well my what I the information I get just tells me I have poor sleep most of the time but I feel awesome so I don’t really I don’t really sweat it I

Don’t worry about it too much as long as I allocate the time to get to bed that’s a really good start and I’ve had improvements in my sleep in the last year or two years ago when I was powerlifting I didn’t sleep hardly at

All I mean I’d get four or five hours of sleep I was lucky so I’m kind of happy now that I’m able to lay down for even eight hours you know you feel like your cardio improving helps that I think so feel about to breathe and not being yeah helps your

Breathing so much more yeah the one thought that when I’m running starts to hurt I’m like I can’t believe I’m glad that I started running this point in my life you know it’s not going away even if you decrease the miles you’re always I feel like push my

Body to the point where it’s in such a healthier place that I’m going to live longer uhhuh you know what I mean and that shit’s not going away no one you’re always going to want to get the movement in like even even if you know even if you’re injured and beat

Up at the very least you’re going like walk yeah you going do something you can still get it in but running is just such a good skill set to have something to try I was talking about you know tucking the pelvis under oh yeah so when you’re

Running like see if you can kind of push that lower back out just a pinch like rather than being here and overextended you’re just subtly a little shorter interesting thing is you’ll feel the hip flexer like I mean you don’t want to be like totally pancaked but your Hip Flex will

Kind of work better with that lower back flat SL rounded almost even I seriously feel like I don’t have any minor muscle connection to that I hear you it’s so tight yeah like I got to work on it mine sight too mine like mine will hurt a lot of times too

And then there’s like pain in there so I can’t really determine whether I’m moving it correctly or not so it keep working on it I probably need to get back to doing the reverse hyperextension I like that a lot yeah even laying over top of an exercise ball and letting that back open

Up that’s another good one I heard some uh cool information recently about uh height capacity so as we age people are like oh you know I used to be 5’11 or 6 foot or whatever but now they’re shorter cuz they’re older uhhuh well you still have all the capacity there just say your

Structure is now built different might have forward head posture your shoulders might be rounded forward but there’s more people talking about gaining that height back really interesting cuz you can uh rejuvenate that by you know moving around stretching and lengthening I mean we can’t totally completely th off getting older

But you can push it way back you know yeah I can see that cuz I see you know clients people walking around you can kind of see their physique and like tightness and you know yeah and uh just stuff that’s coming from years of poor habits yeah but it’s crazy

Because I think like it’s going to take a lot of dis one for a regular person that’s not doing what we do right I don’t think it’s possible y y cuz it’s true if we can’t do it to maintain on top of what we do yeah like

That sedentary person is going to have to pay someone to physically hold their hand and do it every day right are you a music guy podcast guy uh music I like music a lot very motivating sometimes podcast is like too thick yeah you know it throws me off of like my my

T my my my running form right get too deep into it and then I start to get lazy cuz I’m listening so closely I like listen to like old punk like poppy Punk like some blank some some used AFI like like that yeah can’t listen to like hip-hop too many

Lyrics a little too aggressive I like dance like you guys got any Christmas traditions or plans coming up we’re going to California visit Christmas Eve at my parents house and then Christmas Day at hers for Christmas the day after we’re going to Fresno to go see my brother-in-law kind of surprise him and

His family Fresno is like 3 hours or so and uh the family doesn’t really go visit him much so I thought that would be cool go visit him and his he’s got three girls and then uh for New Year’s we’ll be in Seattle and then New Year’s day will be

In Iceland oh me and my kids and my wife go check out the Northern Lights when did uh that freedom you have right there what when when do you think that that started with slingshot the success where you were able to have that freedom CU I know you’ve been through your grind with

Us yeah from the beginning yeah it probably you know uh started at some capacity probably about 5 years into the business um as you know you know you are really appreciate you being a supporter from day one you’ve always been supportive of the brand and the product

So things like that have been a huge help but uh yeah 5 years or so into it we just had such a big jump you know there was like no other companies really doing it uhhuh and so we had the slingshot and then wrist wraps and knee sleeves

And I actually kind of messed up with knee sleeves I I made knee sleeves and elbow sleev and I tested them and tested them and I was almost ready to launch them I was like I don’t think anyone cares about these things except for me you know uhhuh and uh then SBD came

Along and they got their their sleeves out and I was like but anyway um I thought you already had him out when SBD started growing yeah I did I did I had a I had a full line of stuff but I just didn’t have KNE sleeves out

Yet um anyway that competition was good though it actually helped cuz powerlifting was at like an all-time high and uh you know you remember 2014 2016 uhhuh stuff like that it was power of thing was popping off pretty good but uh yeah I would say about 5 years into into the

Company it really we started doing really well financially and Financial Freedom is a beautiful thing uhhuh it really is I mean just from being a meat head and being like an inventor you know making the slingshot and bunch of other products surrounding it now you have that patented right

Yep so nobody that’s why everybody what about the hip Circle yeah hip Circle you can’t patent cuz now at least I wasn’t able to yeah cuz I was talking to some guy Jim I talked to him like going to go visit Mark Bel cuz he has a slingshot

And then uh yeah we’re just talking about your company yourself and then uh he had a hip Circle I’m like I I don’t think he got that patented cuz now these little boy brand have their own it makes me feel good though like I see the hip Circle to

Some capacity in like hotels and stuff and gyms all across the world I still feel good I like I know I contributed you know so okay I don’t make the dollars on that one but it’s still cool like I love strength and conditioning and if I have any contribution at all I’m pretty

Pumped yeah oh I remember I thought you that’s what I remember I thought you had that one oh we sold the out of those things though and we still do we sell so many of them yeah it’s just it’s weird thing you know to push uh what you

Love and then to have it reward you so much is really interesting I’ve uh it’s just provided so much for me and my family and and even then some you know friends so forth that I have like six properties six cars you know like assets yeah that’s muscle yeah a lot of

Assets I got a home in Tahoe a home in Pega a few homes here in town I mean all just from leaning into what I like you know leaning into what I love and what I know you know I remember my kids when my son was like 13 or so I was

Like I’m going to show you how to lift and he’s like okay he’s like why I was like cuz I don’t know how to do anything else this is the this is my trade this is what I know and so I showed them like all the basics you know Ben over Rose

Deadlifts squats bench press and said you could do it this whatever you want I just felt like it’s important that I show it to you and if you have any you know more questions or you want to do more of it you know let me know this was probably like a year or

Two later he we were on a walk and he’s like he’s like Dad he’s like you think you can bring me to the gym tomorrow and I had to play it all like cool had to play it off like wasn’t a big deal like yeah yeah I was

Like yeah I was like yeah yeah let’s do that I I’ll I’ll bring you tomorrow that’ll be great but meanwhile like the Rocky music hit and like Montage that’s your oldest yeah my son jakeob that’s cool I have a daughter named Quinn she’s 16 Quinn did a good job of driving uh we

Have a golf cart on our property she she smashed the golf cart into my wife’s Tesla I came out and looked at it I just started laughing my wife was so mad that I was laughing about it but I’m always just like well like it already happened you know

She didn’t mean to smash your car but she did 12 Grand 12 Grand damages but hey if that’s the worst thing that happens from having two teenage kids I think that’s not bad that was a big win yeah big victory kind of taught her a little lesson to kind of be

More careful absolutely before it happening with like like a moving you know something crav here that’s what I was thinking I was like all right there’s a simulated accident no one else was involved she didn’t get hurt actually fun fact I sold Insurance before I became the online coach oh wow

Car insurance uh Farmers Insurance oh yeah and my dad still owns the agency I got licensed and I was working with film the plan was to take over his agency cuz he has a pretty good book uh but just I didn’t like it man yeah I started doing

Online coaching and stuff on payroll hours and then it blew up and then I quit like Dad I made 60 Grand in like 3 months yep I think I’m going to take this full time yep never look back that’s great and uh I think it’s you know good to

Know what you don’t like to do I think that’s an undersold thing is you know part of knowing who you are is knowing who you’re not yeah and uh a lot of people are real worried about their children and what they’re going to do

And I talk to a lot of friends they have kids that are 16 to 20ish and they’re very worried about their kids are going to do because their kids don’t seem like they’re that into anything quite yet and I always just tell them like the slightest take time

Let them sort through what they know for sure they don’t want to do you know and over time they’ll end up landing on the right thing but hopefully you know you have a kid that’s putting in some good efforts you know scary though yeah very much now with this this generation is scary

Yeah I’m a big believer in Old School value yeah how was you know I was raised with a lot of discipline um a lot of well it’s normal in your culture right to even have a little bit of uh like physical discipline right oh yeah my mom whooped my ass yeah I wasn’t

Even my dad it was my mom yeah American typical American I mean I guess like the way I was raised that was like a borderline you know like my dad did hit us a little bit here and there got spanked but it was pretty like mild yeah

But I have friends like in SEMA that are Nigerian or Asian friends and it’s a lot more physical and some people don’t know how to perceive that or look at that but it’s like no it’s not always child abuse you know sometimes it’s a little cultural and maybe that cultural could

Go too far sometimes too I guess yeah just different people have different beliefs I think my main indicator is the anger yeah you know if you’re getting beat and your dad’s angry right disappointment yeah different yeah my dad beat me with or my mom they beat me with disappointment not anger right you

Know my dad they beat you because they they taught you a certain thing and you did the opposite I didn’t listen most likely right yeah but you know once there’s alcohol in the mix and that’s yeah that’s uh when it starts to get a little serious yeah alcohol or anger I agree

Anger is a real nasty one yeah whenever I got beat I knew I deserved it yeah yeah I literally that’s what Ina said too Ina’s like I was being a this different yeah 6 miles baby yep that’s probably the easiest six miles I’ve ever run oh great just shooting the yeah this

Is very normal run for me approximately like this sometimes sometimes a little slower 6 miles in an hourish you know something like that we’re we’re under that but these feel the best yeah feels sustainable feels like I can do this a couple times a week but it’s

Not easy I mean it’s easy but it’s not you know it’s still above average like if you had a normal dad bod like hey run six miles with me like uh yeah they’ll be dead and that’s where I was when I was trying to run with my wife or I

Wanted to right like come run with me no 5 miles you’re like nah I’m good I would die that like that does something to your ego oh yeah for sure it does but then when I finally went out with her and ran like I think 2 miles I was

Struggling but it like I like the challenge I was like this I’m going to get good now yeah I’m I’m going be a Runner start running talking to myself I’m a runner as you’re running yeah yeah those affirmations yeah you’re a runner and not just a kind of hanger onun her

Barely finish the race kind of thing but I think it takes a a certain character to actually take up running oh yeah you kind of got to feel a little nutty inside you know to put yourself through the torture on the test of like being where you want to

Quit but you don’t you push through right I mean push to this point where you get tired repeatedly you know cuz you have multiple bouts you know yeah you’re literally purposely going out there to torture yourself Gooding we’ll just walk it off now oh Ryan’s body turned into stone

Probably it’s amazing like how stiff you get like doing something like a squat feels like so hard you know I was just going to say so after after we stop it’s my right knee or like a hip hinge I do a knees over toes I’ll get on

Like elevated heel and then I’ll do a or something do like a squat your heels up get my knees over my toes yeah and uh like 10 reps all right just put your heels on something like that oh it’s too tight probably yeah a little little aggressive I mean even even just like

This oh yeah there you go yeah you see his legs shaking as he does it it it almost like once I do this it like it almost like self adjusts like something like with my knee gets tight and then like I feel this like pop it’s like your body doesn’t want to

Do it but it’s also good for your body right yeah I’ll give it a shot I might have to do a couple baby reps oh that’s not too horrible yeah it’s nice and warm some baby reps feel like that just opens up my knee cuz when we’re running it’s just a

Slight Bend right for like a lot of yeah it feels actually really good and then once it gets warm and you’re down there just chill come back up do some more reps I do it on the slant board before free usually I’ll do those some mini bands get my glutes firing hips firing

That’s it yeah it’s amazing like when I first did it my body felt like concrete you know little movement goes a long way it does just go down here and walk and come back around oh I haven’t sweat this much in a little bit I always try to walk it off

Too it it feels good yeah see I Rush that I’m always like just side and like yeah sometimes I do get right in the car but I just learn it’s like it’s not good for me to do suicide 20 minute drive I at least do those knees over

Toes like yeah do that get my knee like loose before I get in the car cuz if I don’t I’m I’m like wreck yeah even if it’s a nice easy run so I’d probably like to drop another Maybe like 10 lbs of body fat would be kind of the

Goal and just kind of stay there what do you think the best way for me to approach some of that is I think I think the food I have right now is not bad I probably need to stick with it a little bit more you got any other suggestions

You said you’re not tracking right you just I’m not so maybe I should I think that’s all you need to do just ride it out I think all you need to do is just track your food and gain some consistency and then figure out drop your fat like a little little bit yeah

That’s it maybe like 10 G and I think you’ll start dropping maybe uh it keep your mileage your weekly mileage the same right and then yeah I think it’ll yeah you were saying like that or even just add a little bit of mileage right either one I think you’ll create enough deficit

For you to kind of just drop like maybe half a pound a week just shoot for half a pound yeah that’s it and then by the time you get that 10 lbs you barely even felt it right I’ll do that I’ll do that cuz yeah I never really track anything I don’t

Ever write anything out and when I did my bodybuilding show I didn’t necessarily track anything but I did have a meal plan which is the same thing basically yeah just a little bit more uh less freedom I guess yeah you just dialed just cross over here yeah the meal

Plan you know it’s just a it was like rotate uh it was like egg whites chicken breast white fish red meat and it was like rotate you know I just did that every day and it you know it worked out great I just found it to be super annoying you know and then

Plus you know trying to get all those meals so now I want to do a similar thing but I don’t want to do it with the headache of like that same prepping that same amount of meal prep cuz like I’m like you I don’t meal prep I don’t I

Mean my meal prep might be I might bring some jerky with me you know or have like a little cup of yogurt or something you know that’s all you got to do yeah and also I before I moved to Vegas I was with uh icon meals you know oh yeah yeah

I was with them for years yeah and then I they kind of just started the guys that were like managing me sorry Ryan we you over there they just start like they started slacking on sending my weekly meals they’re just getting unorganized they just got too big out there um so when I

Moved out to Vegas heard about foodie fit mhm it’s company but they have a in they have a store where like they don’t do uh delivery it’s just in store you pick it up fresh as hell oh nice super tasty so I hit up their their Instagram

Like hey uh love to partner up with you guys so I nailed that sponsorship before even moving out there and they’re honestly they’re tasty as hell like I like them in this gray area remember we were talking about how food tastes when you’re like black or white or gray right

Like I enjoy it even when I’m in a nice little Surplus do you eat um do you eat like one or two of those a day usually I eat like even they like big boy bulk size I eat two of those two of those each time and I’ll do that like two or

Three times a day and then I’ll fill the gaps with like like if me and Sony have been on salmon and rice just salmon white rice and soy sauce do that what are those um those meals that you get what are those like are they like just

Balanced uh protein carbs fat like they all vary there’s some like like I’m stuck on their sliders you know these two sliders yeah I love 29 fat for both of them but they hit the spot right uh cheese on there there’s other stuff like fish and like chicken that’s

Obviously leaner that’s really the only thing that I really interesting thing to look at like fat you know and fat calories because as much as you want to pick them off because that is probably going to help someone get lean the fastest uh-huh so you got to be careful

With picking them off because like you said that’s 29 grams of fat but it also has you not only satiated but satisfied uhuh it’s like it kills everything it it it it uh gives you a good caloric amount for the amount of food it is it uh hits

All the pleasure sensors in your brain it’s hitting up like dopamine and serotonin and all these things are floating around and flying around all while you’re losing body fat uhhuh like that’s yeah burgers a bad gig you know yeah


  1. Love to see the older generation been inspiration for the young generation and hearing his words brilliant ❤

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