Predicting the NFL race war game, Durant vs. Steph Curry, Ja Morant returns | Jenkins and Jonez

The guys discuss the Black vs. white NFL bowl, Steph Curry leading the Warriors to an epic win over the Celtics and sparking a debate about him vs. Kevin Durant for the No. 2 player of this NBA era behind LeBron James, Ja Morant’s return to the Grizzlies, and more.

00:00 Play DraftKings!
00:37 Intro
04:26 All-Black vs. all-white football game
12:53 Steph vs. KD
30:25 Ja Morant returns
33:46 This Week in Hippity-Hop

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Just5 on basketball only on draftking Sportsbook with code Jenkins the crown is yours welcome to Jenkins and Jones on the volume podcast Network it is Thursday December 21st and as John was just reminding us it’s almost someone’s birthday little baby Jesus Mr M M baby as always J and Jones HED by

Dragonfly Jones AKA Tyler hey everybody how we good the wise man himself Le Jethro Jenkins AKA John was that bubbus I’m guardi B AKA Mike mother Mike mother Mike mother Mike produced the lovely and talented Jackson Sapphire all right couple of housekeeping items first of all please

Still uh go subscribe as we said you going home for the holidays people are coming home to you take their phone get on the YouTube app subscribe to jenas and Jones or on people’s desktops when you’re visiting whatever go around your office subscribe every computer to the YouTube whatever

You got to do you know let’s get if you’re searching if you’re buying holiday presents in a Mac store in an Apple Store there’s a lot of phones and laptops in there easy subscribes let’s spam those numbers our our FR light fr Master Jackson saffon right I’m like is

This this this this this break into an Apple Store according I didn’t say break in I said if you’re shopping if you happen to be there into the Apple computer that’s also we’ve got a schedule change uh just as a heads up we were not dropping an episode on

Christmas we do have a holiday mailbag uh on Saturday uh thank you to people who have sent questions in we’ll have a tweet up asking for them you can reply to the Tweet or send an email to Jenkins and Jones spelled out uh and we’ll uh we’ll we’ll

Get to as many of those questions as we can they could be funny serious holiday related non holiday related if you’ve heard the mailbag episodes you know what kind of stuff we’re looking for and lastly we’ve been nominated for an award and this time we found out about it

Ahead of time because when we previously won awards we found out like two years after the fact but we know about it ahead of time we’ve been nominated for best comedy Sports podcast correct correct yes yes all right and who is it from Jackson the sports podcast Awards

By the sports podcast group all right so go to sports podcast group Sports podcast guys. net listen to me I want to I want to win the award I’ve seen the other podcasts on there I previously did not care about winning the award I’ve looked into the other podcast on there

And now I want to win the award and [ __ ] those guys never pass on a chance to say that you feel me kind of uh kind of exactly what I mean yeah uh I just want Ahad to said it for you hey bro it’s one on there and I’m sure

He’s a great dude but it’s one on there there’s a [ __ ] typewriter with a fedora that has a press card on it hanging on the typewriter we gotta beat that guy man we gotta punch that pot in the face we gota punch that pot in the

Face right in a fedora you know what I mean so we’ll have right in the kisser as he would say either wants to give a meal what for um the link to vote will be on the jenin and Jones Twitter so go check it out

Maybe it’ll be in the YouTube as well I don’t know but go vote for us we we’d like to I’d like to win the or I don’t actually don’t think John and Tyler care but I would like to win the go vote man 3,000 of y’all [ __ ] signed up to

Debate mongooses versus grizzly bears and [ __ ] y’all can y’all can just go ahead and click on that [ __ ] too dog yeah yeah exactly all right um let’s talk about the sports topic that’s been sweeping a content starved Nation this week are black people or white people better at playing football is basically

What the question boils down too but uh Rashard mendenhal posted a tweet in which he said that he’s tired of listening to average white people talk about football and we should line up uh the best white dudes in the world against the best black dudes in the

World for a football game I think the a thing people are missing out on is is the is the trophy of this game the right to be a talking head on ESPN that’s what the that’s what we’re deciding that’s that’s thing I just want to know where

That [ __ ] even came from bro like I want to know what was the Tipping Point for Rashard Minden Hall to say that’s it i’ I I’ve seen enough we need a race war like like how did he get there who was the person you know what I’m saying it

Was a particular guy who was that guy I would bet money it was Dan rovski Dan Orosi knows his [ __ ] though man he does know his [ __ ] but I feel like a Rashard menend Hall looks at Dan or and goes this is an average white guy that’s what

I’m trying to think of like who he’s describing in his head as an average white guy and as much as Dan oroski knows his [ __ ] and there’s a great uh GQ piece about him that just recently came out uh he he was also not the most successful NFL player so there’s a lot

Of NFL guys who could see him on TV and go this [ __ ] guy gets this job I should have this job I Rashard mendenhal should have this I know I know where the out of bounds is at the back of the end zone okay but uh I don’t know it’s been an

Enjoyable week of uh it felt a little bit like a throwback Twitter moment people were you know having fun and and enjoying this and I don’t know I I not real confident I might ask if I could be you know a water boy on the other side

Of the field I don’t know you know I gotta find a way out of I gotta find a way off the sideline I’m on guys I I don’t I don’t like the got to shed that whiteness that’s I don’t know I don’t like I don’t like

Our chances you know what I mean I mean I mean I mean let’s be real team the blacks is is wiping the team whites up but and I’m not sleeping on team whites right they they will put out a really solid team especially you know with the

With the o line you know they’ have you know some decent quarterbacks [ __ ] they even got some decent wide outs you know what I’m saying like like [ __ ] Cooper cup and theen and [ __ ] um but yeah it’s bro that that secondary who the [ __ ] Jason Sehorn was was the last white DB

To start in the NFL in 2002 like come on man they said uh I I like I liked uh What Will Compton did when he drew his up was he had uh he had Chris he had Christian mcaffry playing both ways he he’s like well we got the best running

Back in the league he’s just gonna have to play safety to fast white guys uh you know to the front of the line get get your ass back there your week’s assignment is cheetah come on man no bro and and and and and quarterback you just cannot stick quarterbacks out there

Like you know the whole adage about how you know quarterbacks cover the fastest guy on the field and they do it backwards like it’s perhaps the most difficult position to play you know in football so yeah I mean that that’s where team white would get spank we do well on special teams though

The question the question was yeah you know lunch pil guys right there you know stop the [ __ ] out of a punt return uh but the qu the question was what do we do with the biracials that was a valid question brought up and I think there

Should be a draft right and I think of course black people get first pick you know reparations black people need to get like the first 17 picks on some reparation [ __ ] for real you know what I’m saying you’re prepared to call it even over the first pick in the football

No that’s what I was you might have to up that to like 17 or 18 the first 17 or 18 picks go go to Team black you know what I’m saying so will didn’t will say if you used [ __ ] or not he didn’t say [ __ ] but you can use niggaer or not if

You are comfortable saying that or not I think that’s a good idea if you comfortable saying the word as he called it I mean hey if you feel if you’re not a [ __ ] guy you can you can be on the other side you know I mean you’re not a

[ __ ] because on this side you know I mean come on if you’re if you’re saying Bubbas if you’re saying Bubbas exclusively you’re over here with me exclusively you can say Bubbas but exclusively you know what I’m saying you’re anti- nword you feel me I don’t

Know man so does Max Crosby go to Team black then if that’s a stipulation we’ll take him over here hell of a fast rusher man we’ll take him over here C real thin it’s getting real thin over here the other question was who who gets who gets the Samoan dudes you know what

I mean like that’s a that’s a legitimate question I’ve seen that d s d go where the Samoans Point okay I don’t know if we choose anything when it comes to someone dudes we let them make that decision themselves they be out here saying [ __ ] and [ __ ] don’t be saying

Nothing keep in a buck they make that decision brother they make that decision my brother you feel me they make the decision and uh no one has ever told the yeah no one’s telling the Samoan dudes where they’re going you know what I mean it’s like yeah they’re gonna tell you where they

Want to go and and you’re just going to be we ain’t gonna pretend bro we ain’t gonna pretend okay well what do we set the spread sprad at 13 and a half [ __ ] I think it’d be uglier than that you say 27 yeah no no I I’d say 19

And a half I say like 20 is probably the the free touchdown game skunk skunk yeah yeah at draftking Sportsbook can we get an official line please this race war is brought to you by DraftKings this segment grit iron race Wars brought to you by DraftKings you might have just really did something

Right there r race Wars I mean that’s basically what gamling on boxing was for the first 50 years of the sport I mean that’s still kind of boxing you feel me like there’s always a Great White Hope out there yeah it’s a reason [ __ ] Mayweather always

You know tried to time his fights around s deay when he was fighting Mexicans and [ __ ] right like race war is a big business man we’ve discussed this before we are very much we are very much a a pro race War for the economic stimulus of of sports leagues so

That’s what we were tapped in for [ __ ] you know Caitlyn versus Angel ree were like let’s keep it a buck you know yeah [ __ ] yeah you’re right anyway all right congratulations we’re just gonna walk away from the race war now next time how you get a segue out of

That I’ll get you what you got what you got man I put you on the spot here I’m I’m I’m I’m chewing on it a little bit here well congratulations to as Tyler put it congratulations to team the blacks on your race war inaugural race war championship blacks [Laughter]

Rule oh [ __ ] all right um let’s talk about [ __ ] is children dog oh man we are I think I actually have to I actually don’t like that segue so I’m gonna I’m gonna reorganize this a little bit here um let’s talk about how crazy football coaches are did you guys

See he gave this quote right before we hopped on so it’s a late ad but uh did you see what John Harbaugh the coach of the Ravens uh response was when he was asked at a press conference what his Christmas wish would be no they’re playing the Niners on Christmas Eve or

On CHR on the evening of Christmas on Christmas night and uh the Niners looking to take the you know a choke hold on the one seed in the NFC Ravens in the mix for the one seed in the AFC so huge game he said that his Christmas

Wish would be world peace and a win but not in that order well that’s honesty I gotta respect it he let you know what time it was with him you feel me I respect it too I do believe that he’s being honest and that is why um football coaches I would say

This there’s exactly the right number of them you know what I mean there don’t need to be more people who think that way we have the exact right number um all right we had some great basketball games last night uh return of John Morant we also had a real throwback

Night in the bay the Warriors winning against the Celtics in overtime yet another uh the Celtics are too good to beat reverse the Jinx uh tweet by me working immediately which I appreciated um but Steph was it was a it was a turnback the clock night from Steph it

Felt you know Chase Center felt like it felt like the Oracle Arena like it just it was a special night it was a great Tuesday night of basketball to get to watch um how much did you guys enjoy it feels like we have to savor these

Nights when you get a night like that from the Warriors right and and those big moments from Steph how much you guys enjoy kind of the maybe getting the last toothpaste out of the tube here with these guys yeah it’s it’s you know exactly what you mentioned like getting the last

Bit of toothpaste out like you know we know that [ __ ] you know the Warriors run as a competitor might be over Steph is still a god though and you know that’s like the tragic story there is that you still got a guy who’s one of the five or

So guys in the league who’s good enough to lead you to a championship with the right PE with the right you know roster around him and y’all are failing him in that regard um or maybe his coaching or whatever but you know they got some [ __ ] to figure out ain’t my [ __ ]

Problem but the point being the point being it’s just one of those nights that makes you appreciative for the era right like like the era of the big three of the of the Braun Steph and KD you know when you see Steph do some some vintage Steph [ __ ] like that

You know so I mean they haven’t been good so like even when Steph was playing good basketball he’s playing good basketball they haven’t had a chance to win you feel me but I mean yeah I think it’s unfortunate that the players around him you know aren’t going to allow him

To do that but I mean I’m at the point now with like I mean I know at first we were always arguing about Steph is this Steph is that because we’re tripping off I’m well past that bro I’ve been to the point where just I’m en just enjoying

Step you feel me and uh it’s it’s dope to see him play a game that matters and him do step [ __ ] again you feel me I don’t know how many CH chances we’ll get of that because the teams have been good I don’t know what they’re gonna do we

Don’t know what they’re gonna do they’re in a pretty bad spot the worst spot we’ve probably seen the Warriors be in [ __ ] what seven eight years so get getting a game like that yeah definitely feels like we have to you know enjoy these moments um we had a a little Lively chat

In the uh in the group chat about uh Tyler’s tweet in which he pointed out his his feeling which I’ve I’ve shared for a while I’d say since the 2022 Championship that um Steph has kind of solidified himself as the number two of this era after Braun but ahead of KD and

I’m I’m C ious for the for you know the the the counterargument to that from John um but you know what do you what do you what’s your argument for KD in the two spot over over Steph I told you like we we you know what my point is we

Talked about in a group chat you feel me and I don’t I’m not saying you’re wrong I think it’s really close what I thought was interesting is four out of the five years uh KD has had better Seasons than Steph has um since he’s left but you and

When when he left we were saying that Katie was was by far better player you know I mean the year after he left I think two years after he left he was playing against the Bucks and the best player in the world said that KD was the

Best player in the world in the playoffs after a playoff game you know what I mean and now you know he won the chip and you know we we won the Chip And in that in that in that singular season where he was better than KD um and now

He’s a much better player than KD like you said it was it’s not even close anymore and that’s what was interesting to me where I don’t truly care as much you feel me uh I I mean I I I I love watching them both play you feel I love

Them both as basketball players but after the chip you said that he was all of us said that K agreed that KD was seventh and that Steph him winning that chip got you know he squeezed into like and like nine or 10 in the top 10 of all

Time and you know uh in the last couple years it seems like you think he’s eclipsed him in a way that’s is not even close anymore and that was interesting to me because you know the numbers don’t speak to it um I will say what what I

What I do think more so than anything is that in the playoffs um which Steph has been in M more playoffs since you know um he has looked he was the second best player with the Suns um in that playoff series and uh also when he played

Against the the uh Celtics he didn’t look you know like KD you know what I mean and we were so we we question that and so I think the per ction of who KD is has changed more because of those playoff series and I think Steph when

He’s made the playoffs has been the most dominant player and he had like the 50 ball to win the game seven even though that was the first series of uh first series of the other playoffs and he’s had the chip you know so there’s certain things about the perception of Steph has

Stayed the same and I think the perception of KD has changed in that time period even though the numbers don’t really speak to it but I think perception matters when players are this close in in how you know in the quality of play you know yeah I mean the these three have been

Like you know the I don’t think that those three are the best player in the world you know we’re not in that area anymore but they’re still extremely good right you know I think I also think they’re still kind of the faces of the league I would say you know as as great

As Giannis is as great as joic is we were we were joking about it in terms of whose name moves units on content [ __ ] like it it’s still Braun Steph and KD’s league in my opinion you can look at the shoe units who’s selling what you know

What I’m saying I doubt that you know I mean Joker’s shoes are even selling as much as KD’s definitely not Bron and steps so yeah anyway but yeah and and you know I think that you know we’re at the point where we’ve just kind of gotta look at you know accomplishments and and

How these guys car their teams respectively right and you know you’ve got you know that that 2022 championship for sure mve the needle for Steph I mean we can just go back to last postseason that game seven vers versus the Kings that that’s one of his best playoff

Performances ever of all time you know what I mean yeah right so so you know Steph is still still killing [ __ ] and KD is still real really [ __ ] good I I don’t think it’s a slight at all to say you’re just the third best player of your era behind Braun and Steph right

Like that’s [ __ ] incredible company to be on the same tier with but just in third place with right so yeah I mean I I think that that like I said the needle move for Steph in 20122 and like I I just feel like Steph has surpassed KD

Since I 2022 okay you say need moved enough to where it was close and now in the last two years you think he surpassed him okay okay yeah but I also think there’s a difference between like who you think is the best versus how you feel players have to be assessed and

Ranked in my opinion because I like I’ll take KD like personally I mean in terms of what I like what I think you know I mean he’s seven foot tall like he has gifts that Steph Curry has no ability to get in terms of evaluating their careers

I think that to me is where it’s like I don’t really think there’s much of an argument at this point you know like I I I I wouldn’t disagree with John saying he thinks KD is the greatest scorer in the history of the game I just think if

You have one guy who’s been in a spot and been successful in that spot before and after KD was at like I think that’s the stuff as well as we talked about the Avalanche of statistics around the three ball that Steph is putting up right like he’s still he’s already 600 whatever

Past everyone career three-pointers made his longest three-point streak is more than two times as far as the next closest player so there’s stuff like that that I think just piles up over the years even in a way that the performances in the playoffs and stuff it’s almost separate from that I think

The thing is like in career that’s the argument for Jordan where like I think Jordan had a better career than LeBron even though LeBron’s a better basketball player you feel me and so like with k with Steph I think Steph has a better career than KD even if I’m picking a

Player I pick KD on my team you know what I mean so like I think that so I’m I’m staying consistent in how I think but what was interesting for me was the things y’all were talking about were inconsistent with the arguments you make for LeBron and Jordan and and I’m not

And I’m not saying that’s wrong you know I mean like I said they’re so close you can decide how you feel or what makes you feel that way you know and it doesn’t have to be consistent with anything else but my way of looking is I’m looking like when you look at the

Numbers the way we think about KD numbers haven’t shown it you feel me um we talk about him you know Booker being the best player in that Series in the playoffs with the Suns ktie still averag 29 50% from the field like it’s not like

He’s gotten any worse you know like he I think in the playoffs when we talk about he’s not been the same playoff player he averaged 26 against the the the Celtics which he struggled but other other three series he averaged 32 and 29 and he had

34 in 29 and he averaged 32 the last year with this with the with the uh with the uh Warriors and for me it’s like this like since he’s left like his it’s not been KD it’s been the [ __ ] that’s surround him has been a [ __ ] mess you

Know what I mean he I mean no I don’t think I don’t think Steph goes in a ktie situation that makes it any better you know I mean I think the way Booker was playing last year he was better than Steph was and even though step had that

50 ball in the playoffs Booker was maybe the best player in the playoffs during that while they were still playing you feel me so I think it’s circumstantial why our perception is changed but perception matters and and I think that’s where it’s at because when

We look at the numbers when we look at what Katie’s done Katie’s been just as good or even better in the playoffs and when the when the inputs were the same at the Warriors the output was very different from Katie and Steph Katie was by far the better player you feel me at

Those when when the when everything was the same you know what I mean uh but also like you talked about you said those those wins have those numbers have not been translated into wins and you know there’s certain things that Steph can do as far as facilitating but also

Like we talked about when he was playing the Celtics he had Steve Nash is a coach like [ __ ] we we clowned Steve Nash and also the same year one of the points was that he had Kyrie as a teammate [ __ ] was clowning Kyrie in the same year that

Uh uh Wiggins won the f f was potentially was competing for finals MVP until Steph went [ __ ] new you know what I mean so saying that like you know he had Kyrie and then this [ __ ] brought Wiggins to the finals like that’s talking of both ends you know what I’m

Saying because we’re saying Kyrie is not the same Kyrie or people are questioning his whole Legacy after how he performed in the playoffs and then talking about how Wiggins really stepped up and was an All-Star caliber player and we’re just saying it’s just Wiggins like Wiggins was an All-Star and the average 25

Wasn’t almost wasn’t in buying for the finals MVP the first three games of that Finals series so that’s where I’m at with it you know I mean I just think it’s interesting how and why perception changes and how it’s changed so much and I don’t know if anybody’s wrong this is

All subjective but that’s where I’m coming from with it because when you break it down I understand why K KD is been KD and hasn’t won and I understand why Steph has won and I don’t think it had anything to do with KD being worse than Steph right you know what I mean

Whether it being circum whe you know I think it’s more circumstantial so but all that matters you know I mean yeah right and and I I think that’s the thing when you’re evaluating careers like I we the three I know the three of us have talked about that but like seeing people

Go from the high school level the college to the pros you realize how much of that [ __ ] is Chance what if like what if KD gets drafted by a team that um is in a big market like the Warriors that has stable ownership and and a GM um and is in a

Good coach you know what I’m saying for 10 years we talk about like my friend uh Mercedes Lewis been in the NFL he’s record setting for how long he’s been in the NFL tight he was drafted by the jagar worse what if he’ been drafted by

The Patriots in 2006 you know what I mean like you don’t have any control over [ __ ] like that it just happens but in evaluating careers it does have to be um it does have to be you know factored in which is just not fair but also true

But for for for me when we’ve talked about the best player if we were talking careers I would have gave Jordan that you know what I’m saying like I think the careers are closer than than Stephen KD and Jordan Bron and Jordan I would have said Jordan had a better career you know

I mean that six for six chips and the numbers he put up you know like it’s just hard to compete with that career but as far as a player which I think is which which is I think is more subjective I’ve generally been talking about top 10 from the player standpoint

Where I think LeBron James is a better basketball player and for me when I look at KD I think KD is a better basketball player but I think Steph’s career is much better than KD’s and so like that’s what was interesting for me when yall saying he surpassed him yeah the Steph

Changed basketball of course he’s more important to the NBA than Katie is you can’t repeat what Katie’s done you can’t repeat what Steph’s done but Steph’s done it in a way that’s changed or made people feel like they short people small guy he only you know you’re

Not gonna do a Steph gun Steph’s a [ __ ] animal and also he’s like mentally he’s not normal bro he’s a sociopath on the court you feel me he’s a very different person person but on the court a sociopath it’s hard to replicate that you feel what I’m saying

Yeah but uh but yeah I just feel like that’s it’s I guess a circumstantial the career career-wise it’s better but I don’t I thought we’ve always talking about them as a player not as a career because I mean there’s players that may have had better careers in Brun that are

That aren’t even put in the CH you know like the the goat conversation you feel me I mean I’ve been on the side that Steph had a better career than KD since like 2015 right it’s not it’s not like Steph’s career care surpassed KD’s career that and then that made me say

Okay step’s the better player it’s just you know since they’ve parted ways you know their bodies of work you know compared to each other just the the skill sets you know the actual basketball that I’m seeing I just think step surpassed them bro yeah and that’s and that’s and that’s cool that’s cool

But you know like I said I think the career is much better and I I saying this since 2015 yeah you had a you know makes a th% I mean 2016 when was that’s when he was like what unanimous MVP right m yeah bro like

Come on bro you feel me like I I don’t think career-wise as far as accolades you know K that’s really been a competition we talking about player it’s so like that’s objective you think he’s a better player cool you know I just I don’t know if I’m gonna pick him first

In a top 10 draft top the draft of the top 10 if it comes to like having somebody on my squad I need a [ __ ] bucket but as I said in the when we were talking basketball is just not just about buckets you know what I mean um

Even though he’s the the the best bucket getter I’ve ever seen joh a a hoop purist he also like really like loves Kyrie Irving right like is like I want these guys who Kyrie’s politics so it’s the who that’s a personal thing for John right no but like for real though like John

You love guys who like can do like get anywhere they want to go and rise up and get any type that’s like a genuine pre like that’s just like a type of player that you like I mean the things I like about kyri or not the [ __ ] that

Everybody talks about with Kyrie you know what I mean like when everybody’s talking about the handles and all that [ __ ] for me it’s like how he uses his body at 62 and he bumps people in the middle of their Shuffle and gets them up under the [ __ ] rim and that’s how he

Gets the shots off like he’s so like it’s a there’s a certain way and I don’t know if you can teach somebody to do the type of things that he does it’s not just he tricks you with the razzled Dazzle like the like it’s it’s a magician it’s a magic trick like I’mma

Do all these ball handling things but what I’m really special at is I’m going to use my body to to move you you know and use your sze against you to get you under the rim and get this [ __ ] bucket off with either hand you know

What I mean so that’s what I love that little [ __ ] like that you know what I mean that’s why I love these videos where it’s slowed down where you can see the true beauty the art of it you know and it’s not just this keep crossing the

Golf his foot no look at what he did with his feet his feet on his side you know what I’m saying look at what he did with his body and I think like I mean as a purist Steph’s game is [ __ ] gorgeous and I was talking about like I

Think I don’t know if this was on camera off camera we were talking about Steph you know you you prefer we prefer more players he’s not exciting inside the three-point line but it’s beautiful inside the three-point line what Steph does you know what I’m saying with his

Touch around the rim with this ability to use his body with his timing you know what I mean like so there’s real Beauty there I think Steph’s you know game is equally as gorgeous as KDs I don’t I honestly don’t know who’s the best player if I had to like somebody had

Know you know like this is a better player I just feel like it’s just interesting how what what’s changed even though certain things speak speak you know the opposite you know what I’m saying or or certain things like the numbers don’t say what we feel or think because from from from

What y’all said I understand why y’all feeling thinking I said in the in the text I like I feel it I’m just wondering where it comes from some uh some history is subjective some history is objective and one objective piece of information is that johnar with 34 points according

To TNT scored the most points in a return game after missing 25 plus straight games in the history of the league uh God bless whatever producer had to scrape that [ __ ] out of the trash can and make a graphic out of it but salute to jaah it was a great first game

Back the gamewinner was super fun and uh I don’t personally go in for all of the I kept receipts etc etc like no one said jaw was bad at basketball but I’m glad that he’s back and hopefully as Tyler said he’s gotten over his NBA young boy addiction and

Can and can return to uh staying on the court you know fingers crossed yeah I mean we we all love J on this pod right like we all know that you you know going back to the discussion that we had with hanif about how how you

Know you usually have to walk that line of empathy you know there has to be something Rel about you know when when you want to get behind guys who are going through stuff and JIA doesn’t get that support because it’s you cannot relate to having an addiction to flashing guns on

Instagram like that is just a very unique thing that is very easy to not do right so that’s why you know the the the the [ __ ] with J was just like so frustrating because bro it’s so easy to not flash guns on Instagram but I’m glad

He’s back man and I think that the kid is going to be just fine and he for sure he’s still a Hooper but I’m going say some [ __ ] that’s probably going to sound like some nerd [ __ ] and y’all might not even rock with it I’m interested in

Seeing the list of those players and their returns after 25 plus games because I think what a lot of people were reading when they read that was like 25 games suspended and not 25 games missed and I’m interested I’m interested in actually seeing the list so we I

Think that taking a dive on that would give you like a good snapshot on you know how difficult it is to get back into Rhythm right because we see players who came back from injuries and and and and [ __ ] like that and we’d see their scoring outputs in their first game so I

I think that would actually be an interesting stat if we can get the list I think suspended would be easier to get back in Rhythm than injury because you had to relearn how to use your body in particular ways and a lot of times when you have these injuries depending on

What age you are your body is different you gotta get used to a different body you know what I mean um but yeah I mean I think the reason why we were so while we were tripping was because he’s so good at basketball was because we believed he was so good at basketball

You know so like the receipts thing is just odd because we believed like dude he’s the future of the NBA and he has a a a a addiction to showing guns on camera you know I mean it was just such an odd thing for somebody as good as him

So but yeah I mean dude what was interesting to me about that was I feel like one game back gamewinner dropped what 32 34 um they scored what 27 in the second half like took over they came back from 20 down and uh I mean just one

Great performance and to me I’m feeling like yo he’s already back like whatever the [ __ ] he was what he was suspended for we’re not tripping off that anymore you know what I mean like so that was interesting to me how so quickly the Slate was wiped clean and I don’t think

It shouldn’t be I mean he’s he did the 25 games and you know and now he’s doing Josh [ __ ] again on the court you know what I mean okay before we uh get out of here uh Tyler we’ve got a hippity hot oh yeah oh good oh yeah this week

Hippity hot all right so you know one of the things that that we discussed when we you know first started this segment is you know there’s going to be times where we look back on you know certain things on certain anniversaries and there’s also going to be times when we

Discuss current events [ __ ] and this is going to be one of those times where we discuss some current event [ __ ] um on this week in hippity hop on Monday December 18th 2023 rap Legend Scarface performed on NPR’s tiny desk a 31 minute set that perfectly capture the essence

Of Scarface the rapper Scarface the producer and instrumentalist and Brad Jordan the person we’ll come back to the actual Tiny Death performance in a second but for now let’s do a bit of a deep dive into the history and impact and influence on the legend known as Scarface AKA face mob

AKA face AKA Brad Jordan born and raised in Houston Scarface first got his start on the local rap scene under the moniker of DJ action serving as the DJ for little Troy’s independent label shortstop records during this time he caught the attention of Jay prince who had just started his own fledgling rap

Label much like little Troy by the name of of rap a lot records J Prince had recently put together a rap group that called themselves The Ghetto boys after the Ghetto Boys dropped their debut album there was a falling out that caused two of the original members to

Split ways with the group J Prince was on the prow looking to replace these members and DJ action the man later to be known as Scarface had released a single titled Scarface that had caught J Prince’s attention so DJ action ended up rebranding himself as Scarface and

Joining rap a lot records and Ghetto Boys along with new member Willie D as well the group’s first album together was grip it on that other level but their true breakout moment came on their next album 1991’s we can’t be stopped the lead off single from this album is

One of the most iconic songs in rap history My Mind is Playing Tricks on Me with three of the four verses on the song pinned by a 21-year-old Scarface mind playing tricks on me is an old to paranoia but a very unique type of paranoia a paranoia that isn’t

Necessarily rooted in fear but is instead a byproduct of how the trauma and the weight of doing wrong can weigh so heavily on one’s subconscious that it can distort that person’s perception of reality it’s an O to paranoia at its core but on a larger scale it’s an

Examination of mental health a theme that will become a staple in scarface’s music now we had definitely seen rap records before that had dealt with these issues of mental health and anxiety and stress Grandmaster Flash and the Furious fives the message comes to mind as the first groundbreaking record on this

Subject you know we’ve all heard the song and change the classic chorus don’t push me cuz I’m close to the edge I’m trying not to lose my head Now My Mind is Playing Tricks on Me added a new dimension to this conversation whereas the message is a song rooted in the

Anxiety and stress that comes when you realize you’re close to reaching your Breaking Point Mind Playing Tricks offers the perspective that the scariest thing about actually reaching your breaking point is you don’t realize it’s already happened until it’s too late it’s a harrowing tale that would be

Somber as [ __ ] if it wasn’t so damn catchy thanks to that Unforgettable guitar Rift that was sampled from Isaac Hayes hung up on my baby my playing tricks on me was a hit and the Ghetto boys and their frontman Scarface had arrived so Scarface went on to go solo

That same year he has an expansive and impressive catalog of 12 solo albums but for the sake of brevity we’ll touch on the two albums widely considered to be his Magnum opuses 1994 is the diary and 2002 is the fix brief synopsis on the diary released in

1994 with one of his most successful singles seen a man died this was scarface’s third solo album frequent collaborator in o Joe was on the boards for a bulk of the production of this album along with a newcomer by the name of Mike Dean the second single would be

Hand of the dead body a scath and commentary on American government and critics of rap music featuring Ice Cube and another newcomer on the chorus by the name of Devon the dude in 1994 which was one of the greatest years in rap history where we saw debuts from biggie

Nas Outcast and Bone Thugs the diary held its own as one of the best releases of that Stellar year so before he fast forward to 2002 to his other Magnum op to fix let’s examine the trajectory of scarface’s career during those years so after the diary he dropped Untouchable

In 1997 featuring His Highest charting singles smile which featured the recently departed Tupac Shakur the album contains classic Scarface tracks such as Mary Jane and Ulta marijuana that will go on to be famously sampled by a shanti’s baby baby baby he would drop my homies in 1998 a double disc focused on

Highlighting well his homies and in 2000 he would released Last of a Dying Breed which is one of my personal favorites so this brings us to 2002’s the fix the fix and my opinion is the best album Scarface ever gave us and one of if not

The best rap album of that decade coming in at a lean 13 tracks in 45 minutes there is no filler on this album it’s nothing short of perfect the production is carried here by Mike Dean t-ix of suave house who we mentioned on the previous episode when we discussed his

Production on Carter 2 son Legend right there shouts to t- mix the Neptunes and another upand Comer who was making his name known off the production he had done with Rockefeller by the name of Kanye West so the fix is the consumate Scarface album in my opinion where he is

Perfectly revisiting the Staples of his music which are Stellar storytelling addressing mental health and contemplating his religious face his religious faith I have jokingly always said that the fix is the only Christian rap album that has ever banged and I’m only half joking when I say that go

Listen to someday off that track featuring Faith Evans produced by Neptunes or Heaven produced by t-ix and Kanye West Sunday service has never ever sounded so good but now to on to the tiny desk it opens with Scarface extending a warm welcome to us he mentions how Backyard Band an iconic DC

Go go go band and it’s front man big gr are in the building to check them out Big G is better known as Slim Charles from The Wire to those who aren’t familiar so on the keyboard beside him is the Once newcomer who first cut his

Teeth with Scarface on the DI album who has since established himself as a legend Mike Dean they open with my block the lead single from the fix and O to pers to perseverance and finding Beauty in the struggle they then transition to Mary Jane his weed Anthem and then smile

There’s a pretty heavy moment at the end of the performance of smile where Scarface emphasizes his line we say a prayer for my homie Pac yes we always knew that Pac and Scarface were really homies but there’s something about Fai saying it in that moment on that tiny

Desk that hammered home how they were really friends and really homies and how they still should be homies right now while they’re in their 50s instead of one of them dying at 25 it’s a pretty heavy moment but the mood is liened a bit as we transition into one of his

More fun songs [ __ ] faces before closing out the same way before he closes out this tiny Death performance with the same way he first broke out with my mind is playing tricks on me it’s a perfect celebration of one of rap’s greatest and most important voices so um you know

When we were talking uh doggy style and you know I mentioned like Snoop is my favorite rapper ever Scarface might be like my second favorite rapper ever um besides like the music just being incredible he made music that mattered bro like um you know I mentioned before

How mental health was a recurring theme in all his music he was he was one of the first rappers to really grapple with that on a consistent basis he was someone and the thing about his music is it was kind of grim it was kind of dark

It was it was it wasn’t yeah you know I’m going to get through this it was bro I don’t know if I’m ever going to you know get out this depression that I’m in that this this funk that I’m in like life I don’t know if life will ever

Really really be all the way worth living for me like it it was really dark which is why the why his his album The Fix which I think like I said I think that’s the best album he ever made it’s beautiful because there are some bright moments on there from Scarface like

There’s um you know the song Heaven where he’s talking about how you know Finding peace in religion has kind of you know granted him a new outlook on life and it’s a beautiful kind of moment where if you were investing in a Scarface you you you kind of thought he

Would never really get there to where he’s seen the K cup half full um you know and besides the fact that he like I said he made music that matter he made music about mental health he made music that spoke to people who are going through depression and anxiety and what

Have you just as a rapper bro like he just checks all the boxes as what a a good rapper should be has one of the most incredible voices in rap history one of the best storytellers in rap history I personally think he is the best rapper ever from the south right

Like I think he’s the legit King of the South and and SC and it just it really felt good seeing that tiny Des because you know Scarface is someone who’s gone through health problems we almost lost that man to co like you know lots of us were really stressing during that moment

And it’s good to see a legend like him get his flowers and that tiny Des it was it was so perfect because Scarface is someone who really knows how to Commander room right like because we I mentioned his music usually has substance so the stories that he was

Giving us you know into what went into that into his thought process behind making it and he’s an instrumentalist and a producer himself we saw him get on the guitar from Mary Jane we saw him you know banging out you know the keys on mom playing tricks on me and stuff so it

Was it was just it was just real I think it’s like perhaps my favorite tiny desk performance it’s just perfect to me I I when I first saw it I sent it to you immediately because I know how much you love Scarface and we’ve shared our love for Scarface you know what I’m

Saying since hellers you feel me so I mean just like southern music in general but yeah Scarface is special but I just don’t know at that time period if I had heard rap so honest and vulnerable and you know coming from the perspective he was so wise you know somebody 25 rapping

You know uh lyrics he’s rapping Mind Playing Tricks on he was 21 bro and he wrote three four vers and at 50 he’s rapping these verses and he’s saying them as in the same way because they’re just they’re to to him as at 50 they they have the same amount of weight

That’s very abnormal you know he he has [ __ ] faces where he’s like this didn’t age well you know what I mean but he but I mean we had his moments he was still a shorty he had those shorty moments but like he we talked about this man like

There’s a spiritual aspect to his music that feels like TR like this man he had to grow up in church you know he may grew up with his grandmother something because he had a certain amount of wisdom that you know people his age our age at that time and you know don’t have

And he put it in his music one thing I learned was how much of the musician he was I didn’t know that I didn’t know I saw him playing a guitar and like he’s playing that [ __ ] like a guitar player not somebody who’s playing a guitar for people so they think so they

Know he plays guitar he was feeling the music in a particular way you know what I mean I’m like he you know he talking about the sound in that pocket I’m like he’s talking like an artist and I don’t know if I saw if I KNE I I know I didn’t

Know the artist that he was until that and so I really love that but like it it’s like you said it’s really dope to see him get you know his his flowers and Scarface to me is one of those few people that I don’t know what else you

[ __ ] with but if you [ __ ] with Scarface I know you got a certain level of taste you know what I mean because he might not have been the most popular but to those that really [ __ ] with rap he was always great you know what I mean right

So he you know like but I just I I I loved it I was watching it at I mean is crazy you were up at like four o’ Time Charlie when I texted you or something but I was up at like 12:30 or1 when I

Saw it I was like I gotta watch this whole thing right now you know what I mean you need to get your ass to bed I’m like I’m watching scar faces you know what I mean tiny desk give me 30 more minutes but yeah that’s funny all right

Y’all that’s oh go ahead Tyler no I was gonna say it’s it’s it was a very captivating time desk and you know going off John’s point of like Scarface was never a mon a dude who was giving us Monster singles right like he wasn’t a a

Dude who lived on the charts um smile was as high as charting single and that [ __ ] went high as high as like number 12 I think and he had Tupac on that [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah Tupac right after he passed and that was in 97 and

Paca kill full 96 um but face is one of those dude who he is your favorite rapper’s favorite rapper right like like there’s there’s so much footage of guys like Jay-Z and and and [ __ ] and Nas and Jeezy going on record saying like Scarface is my favorite rapper he’s the

One who made me hop out here and do it right and and he he’s just someone who just means so much to so many people in a very very unique way that not a lot of rappers mean you know to other people like DMX who was who infamously hated

Rappers like like he said you know he grew up on Disco like he was not a rap fan he said the only rappers he like were Rock him and Scarface right like that that just shows the the the the reach that Scarface had man and and he’s

Just a legend like I said I probably my second favorite rapper ever behind Snoop all right that’s all the time we got we’ll be back on Saturday with our holiday mailbag episode get your questions in Jenkins and Jones and we’ll see yall then bye bye Bye


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