Will Compton RETURNS & CBB With Aaron Torres | Wednesday, December 20th, 2023

Will Compton joins the show to discuss Surviving Barstool, Nebraska Football, and Rashard Mendenhall’s suggestions for a new pro bowl format. We also have a college basketball deep dive with Aaron Torres.

00:00 Intro
2:00 Will Compton
24:00 Ricos Pitch For All White Team
31:00 Callers
53:00 Aaron Torres CBB


Call In: 8887866522

VOICEMAIL LINE: ‪(862) 251-8863‬


You’re going to tell me you’re going to tell me how to do the list eat a burger eat a burger put it to rest do now we know Daddy’s at the W till 8 hours and D’s watching X XX down in the [ __ ] basement get that out of my face will

You punch the burger I’m going to throw it did you go to therapy yes yeah we changed it we’re back up come on you got a lot you got a lot of Bobby Knight in you you got a lot of Bob night we SE them in two places

All right healthy debate 12:20 last day before Christmas break got a loaded show uh we’re going to open with wol Compton right away here got my friend Aaron Torres on the back end uh talking some college basketball Lo absolutely loaded slate tonight uh I’ll be in the

Building Duke Baylor at 7 you got uh UNCC Oklahoma at 9 o’clock I’m actually probably more intrigued than that game and you got the boys Obama out in Arizona at 11 o’clock um it’s it’s great to do that like real real Warriors dud we’re going be doing a roll call tonight

At 1:00 a.m when that’s wrapping up at the under eight media out in uh in Alabama so like we’ll we’ll see who’s phoning it in you know it’s good to have a day off tomorrow too so thank you uh to all those decision makers with that I

Don’t know if I can make 1:00 a.m uh late night if if we didn’t have off I’ll be honest but uh let’s get to uh will do we have will need him got him all right blurry what’s he got is he on our Wi-Fi is that what the

Issue is that’s the Chicago office Wi-Fi looks like a clamation it does look like a clation got some unstable connection going on that’s you I think well do you have your phone on you can you can you bang in from your phone with the 5G yeah I’m gonna come I’m gonna come in

On my phone all right we’ll fill in between um yeah loaded absolutely loaded slate tonight the garden big big environment Duke Baylor I still think Baylor is the play I know we’re going to probably get some calls on that I think Baylor is the play tonight I really

Really do uh guards loaded dogs off the loss I think they can go get it yeah got him yeah I think we got him all right all right Will Compton what’s up what’s that sweatshirt uh it’s this burger spot I don’t know some burger spot on U herv’s

Burger her Burger Burg debate for having it’s a good logo it’s a good logo yeah second I think first return guest Kelly Keys might have made it twice um and definitely some people walking through the hole Pete’s been on like 10 times but that’s not by choice uh yeah so

Listen you’re dominating the internet with your uh Pro Bowl team I guess we’ll jump off that I got some stuff to talk to you about personally uh but did you expect to have that go berserk overnight uh healthy debate no I did not expect it to go bers like that berserk I

Figured it’d get some good traction but I thought I might be finding the line more with the internet but on the contrary it felt like it was more 90% everybody loved it everybody it’s almost like that secretive not like the exact secretive argument but anytime that you

Can start to have fun with situations like that I feel like that’s why it took off I’ve had coaches I had uh I had a coach today say I had to refocus the staff on what we were talking about because the boys were up on the board

Doing like an all white team and all black team and all poly team uh so it I mean it’s been making it way some ACT players are like hey why didn’t I get on the list yada y y I’m just thinking like I didn’t take a whole lot of time to

Think about it I’m just having fun yeah I think you you also snuck some things in there that like it was almost like comedic I don’t it was definitely one take I’m not accusing but I was I was like oh wow he’s pretty quick when you

Were like yeah uh two weeks to prepare it probably gives us more time or something like that like a little few little Jabs in there that were very funny also you’re kind of off the hook because menend Hall uh started it you know what I mean absolutely so like that

Doesn’t that doesn’t that doesn’t do what it does without like honestly frustrated putting out that kind of divisive tweet about it and then by the time I seen the internet starting to have fun with it it was like hey this is a uh this is a great Lane to

Live in yeah agreed it’s also probably smarter than you did it with football you know if you did hockey you might not have that much uh to talk about if you did basketball Ron did that ended pretty quick so it was probably good you had a real healthy debate there in terms of

Football you know what I mean so uh and you’re obviously well heal debate exactly yeah it’s it’s good it’s it was uh it was it was very very entertaining so I got to kick out of that uh the other thing I mean listen we get along um I I very much think we’re

Friends even though you voted me off but at this point like will I don’t want to throw in the towel but I’m I’m waving the White Flag here like whatever terminology you want to do whatever cliches you want to do here enough is enough pal like we get it 10 years in

The NFL you’re bigger than me you’re stronger okay like you don’t need to beat me at every turn man my Christmas present you’re ruining I go to K State get the rolled out treatment Nebraska I got the social team dunking on me and changing the thing like enough is enough

Here I’m going out to [ __ ] Omaha and Missouri like oh I got to tell you about this story you work with Will Compton right you work Will Compton I gotta tell you about his recruiting story oh he’s the nicest guy oh this big red country out here yeah you gotta hear about will

Oh Will’s doing great what about me like enough is enough so we’re now looking at surviving bar stool I was one of your kills probably not on the head manle but you put me down on the side I’m in the room the toiletry bag mental games uh

And now this Nebraska I you’re ruining my Christmas SL attack and defend that too I mean yeah all right yeah you I know you have all the stats I’m just we’re just generalizing here it’s only an hour show but yeah and now Nebraska like you’re dominating when is enough

Enough here why me why am I the target we’ve always been friends you know a lot of those situations Rico I don’t feel like you were actually the target I think you’re just seeing it that way because and I would also like to tell

You uh env’s not a good look for you bro Envy’s not a good look I would say that we had a great week at surviving barol what had to happen happen I didn’t want it to go down that way but again you can’t ever overplay your hand I felt

Like I was trying to get in and be hey maybe should look at doing this and then I couldn’t really sway my crew I have immunity but we grew our hey our friendship I think as good as I would say kurk friendship was number was probably the fastest climbing one and

Then you could I would argue that you were probably number two yeah but then I’m sitting there and I mean I’m sitting literally like behind the bench at K State and I got Nebraska dunking on me being like changing the the sweat suit all the people people are taking the

Clip go Big Red I didn’t know go Big Red was going to be used in hateful terms so I wouldn’t have said it if I knew it was going to be used hatefully down the road like enough is enough here will you’re killing it the score is you’re up 40

You’re up 40 and you got the the one defense out there running Blitz packages and I’m laying on my feet like what are we doing healthy debate what do you need me to do you need me to you’re part of big red yeah in my opinion you’re of I don’t know you’re

Dominating you’re dominating I’m just I’m waving the flag like enough like you could you listen in content the next thing pops up not saying take it easy on me you know but like Jesus man like no hey Rico like let’s listen now now we can I can throw flowers your way when it

Comes to the content game you’re in that upper tier angelon thing like do I think I’m good yeah I do think I’m good but there’s some there’s some Talent levels and levels to this so I feel like guys like you I know you like to refer to him

As the new dog but I would say cherri’s in that category like there’s some good content makers you are definitely one of them people are like you know I got some friends that like yeah man I don’t really know if I mess with the RICO guy

I’m like what are you talking about he’s got to be the most entertaining cat on the show you need guys that you’re kind of like oh he kind of rubs me the wrong way yeah he should have went all in on some of his character stuff agreed no

But the the Nebraska thing I was laughing at I could and the kid runs by me the photo kid gives me a dab and then he just coldblooded he he [ __ ] changes the thing I’m like God damn and I kept the whole way home I go man I I

Just got no wins on Will C I don’t got even one it’s like three boxing matches three boxing matches and got three straight Kos there is not one where it’s like oh that one went to decision I’m just getting rocked so I’m no longer picking fights I mean you know but uh

You got me so it is what it is um let’s talk hey I’m I’m trying to be in I’m trying to be with the writers you are you are it’s respected yeah this is a we’re family now we’re in this together Rico I agree I agree I agree uh all right so college

Football playoff we got the break now I know you’ll probably touch on some stuff out at the Arizona Bowl um but listen da I know Dave’s placing a big wager on Michigan I gave out Michigan as the lock on pickham doesn’t something here seem like it’s a little

Bit in the water of a rematch of Bama Texas I know that’s a juvenile way to look at things but the whole way right it really seems like it’s probably going to be Bama Texas yes I like healthy debate I think Alabama might boat race Michigan um I

Think you know the move we’re talking about uh finding some some making some uh moves in the night you looking at Nick Sabin hiring the linebacker coach from Michigan just to sprinkle salt on the wound I think they’re gonna they’re GNA meet up I think it’s out in

California they might boat race Michigan and you’re gonna see a rematch a prime time rematch between Texas and Alabama and I think Bama comes away with it yes I have money on Bama uh to win the whole thing but I think they’ll once they take care of Michigan they’re going to see

Blood with avenging their LW against Texas so that way everybody doesn’t question why they’re in the college football playoff in the first place yeah and why Florida State should have never got in agreed I also have heard some sprinkles that this might be sabin’s last game he might ride into the sunset

On a championship potentially I’m hearing some things from people who are and again people are going to assume my connections it ain’t that it’s people who are connected in various things to Sabin completely separate from my rooll tide connections I am hearing sprinkles of him off into the

Sunset I was shocked debate I think he healthy I was going to say healthy debate I think uh if he did step away from coaching I don’t think he fully removes himself from Alabama football he might just go into like a front office esque or Consulting type of spot but I

Don’t think he’s way too competitive he loves to imprint on the youth and I think he’s going to stick around ball you know maybe until he’s on his death bed he’s a football yeah uh Switching gears to the NFL well all right so you said Bama Texas as

Well too I Washington great story I would love to see them win it actually too that’s a you know an unbelievable story uh but I do think it’s Bama Texas Switching gears to the NFL I’m still in the camp and I know it’s a tough Camp to be in after the

Beatdown what percentage do you put Dallas winning the NFC East at Dallas winning the East they’re hold here’s the thing there’s still holding they’re still holding the lead right now so yes was it bad to get blown up by the bills absolutely did it help that the Eagles lost absolutely it also shortened

The time we’re now what are we in 15 or 16 16 what are we in 16 I think 16 right I think we’re in week 16 16 so now we we just shortened it now all Dallas has to do is hold tied with what the Eagles do granted it’s Giants cards Giants

But don’t you think the Cowboys could I know they’re a dog this week in Miami that’s going to be a shootout am I like every time I mention on pick cental like give up the Cowboys enough with the cow I don’t know I I think the Cowboys here really could take this

East hey debate I do think the Cowboys have a shot not because they’re in control but because Philly I think has a lot of question marks they have their new OC that they’ve used this year they haven’t been a team who’s been putting up points in the first half very well and they

They’re really snag stagnant on offense and what I mean by that is there’s not a lot of window dressing there’s not a lot of motion they kind of line up and play and they’re kind of get hit in the mouth and they’re not responding like the

Eagles of last year so from that stance the Cowboys have a shot but Cowboys I mean they remind us every few games that they are still the Dallas Cowboys who kind of fold under pressure and I think Miami gets them this weekend and it could be ugly because again it’s an away

Game Dallas is two and four on the road and I just think it would really put a bad taste in Dallas when the Giants kind of see blood in the water playing them at the end of the year Giants will be out of it but they’ll still have that

DeVito flare going for him I agree the AFC uh the nfc’s if you ask me is really kind of boring you got the Lions as if you know nice story if they do it it’s overachieving but I really think we’re ultimately looking at the 49ers coming

Out of the the NFC and again if the Eagles or Cowboys do it those are it’s really a three or four team Race NFC no real shot ERS in terms of wild cards things like that you flip the script to the AFC I think it’s very wide open you

Got the Ravens holding the one now which it seems like they probably locked out you got a Chiefs team who’s been up and down all over the place over these 15 weeks but now they’re in a great spot where they went out three in a row four

In a row whatever it was towards the end of the season um and they’re back in the picture of pot I don’t know how the tiebreaker would work if they tied the Ravens but they’re right there they’re playing slap dicks the rest of the way uh the Bengals look a little spunky the

Browns are in the mix with flacko and and Father Time beating down that clock uh you obviously have the bills now who are still I believe ninth or 10th in the AFC which is crazy because the bills are like still 25 to one and if you ask me

If I would take that right now I might and I was the one putting Josh Allen in the grave saying CJ stra gives you a better chance to win I got to walk that back pretty quick uh there’s probably some other teams I forgetting the Ravens

Uh the Dolphins like the AFC seems like a wild wild spot over there uh where we don’t really know who’s going to come out of it what are you really breaking down or who has if you had to put your your money where your mouth is who takes

It and I heard some people who are Chiefs fans saying maybe it’s good Mahomes has to go on the road through the playoffs like maybe it’s good you don’t have the home cooking like a little more adversity hungry dogs run faster like what what is the the AFC is compelling to me very

Compelling I if I had to put my money anywhere I would feel most comfortable right now the way these teams are playing on the bills I think the way the bills are getting hot they beat the [ __ ] out of the Cowboys and they did it in a through an identity that they’re not

Used to playing it’s a Smashmouth football run right out their face and the bills now they can sit back and look at hey Josh only threw the ball 15 times we still whooped their ass because James Cook averaged over seven yards on the ground running downhill getting uh the

Running back in the back field and not in the gun I think since Joe Brady’s taking over they’re averaging like 30 points a game so I think they have a lot of momentum trying to make noise here at the end yes they can’t really afford to

Drop any games but if they make in say they win out make it in to me they got to be the most dangerous team coming out of the AFC I still like look I don’t the lions are gonna win the division I don’t think that they can win on the road

They’re gonna have to have home field because golf the Lions they seem like a dome team um and then you look at the Chiefs I just think that they’re not as they’re just not the same talented Chiefs team that we’re used to seeing they got a lot of question marks and why

Wide receiver I won’t continue to pour salt on the wound there because we all kind of see how that’s working uh Kelsey seems banged up every week which is a you know which is a bad thing and Mahomes can’t do it all on his own then

You look at the Ravens like we might be looking at a preview of the Super bowl next Monday when it’s the Ravens versus ners Ravens got a really good shot I just don’t know if I trust them yet in the playoffs because they don’t put anybody away either they’re sitting on

Leads you’re right you’re right but here’s a here’s a little stat that we were talking about the pro football football show is uh their last three consecutive wins from the Ravens usually they’re a team that kind of drops a few in December late in the year but their

Last three consecutive wins they’ve had a double- digit lead before those three consecutive wins they’ve lost six times in the last two years when having a double digit lead so what I’m saying is the Ravens are starting to learn how to step on teams when they need to maintain

The lead win a close game against the Rams the Rams are spicy now you can’t just sleep on the Rams they kind of got away with one there no the Rams are a good team so I think the Ravens can make noise but if I’m putting money anywhere

I would say right now if I were to do it right now today it would be the bills the Ravens and then I’d say lions and Chiefs coming out of ranking them in the AFC NC lions are still lions are still NFC oh my fault my fault I meant the

Dolphins my fault yeah Dolphins yeah I think I think the Dolphins I think the Dolphins are still nice like you look you take a look into the cookie jar with the hard KN and you see Mike McDaniels kind of standing up and when you have a

A coach or a coordinator and no less the head man standing up and saying hey guys I know what they’re going to say about these plays [ __ ] those plays those plays those are [ __ ] calls on my part when you’re a player sitting there listening to that you this you know it it helps

You go to work that much easier because you know the coach isn’t outing you throwing you under the bus hey we got to do a better job in these situations no he’s standing in front of the team and saying Guys these calls are on me

Because you see Tu a when he’s out of rhythm yeah it looks it looks tough like when they lost Tyreek a couple weeks ago it’s like oh this Dolphins team is nobody without Tyreek Hill but last week without Tyreek two is putting up massive numbers the offense is firing Wadd steps

Up they’re beating the hell out of a Jets team who was number two in pass defense and they just came off a win putting up 30 plus points when putting Zack Wilson back under Center so they had some confidence uh so I still like the Dolphins and now that I’m talking

About it more maybe I like the dolphin agreed yeah I’m in a spot where I have to take Dallas cuz I’ve been talking Dallas up this week so I think they go into Miami and beat him but I agree with you the other the point you made there too about um

McDaniel owning the bad calls in a locker room I know you’re on the defensive end but if he if he did it on defense or you were a 10-year wide receiver let’s say do you gain some points with the veterans in the locker room too of being because McDaniel’s

Only been what it’s second year head coach third year head coach second year so I would think you you know you as a veteran like you earn your way up and after a while you’re like look at this guy he kind of thinks he you don’t disrespect the coach but this guy thinks

He invented the bull you know they say it all the time I’ve heard of college basball coach say oh that guy was at the dinner the dinner where they invented the sport you know what I mean he acts like that so like McDaniel I could see

Veterans being like Oh two years in the league you already got it figure it out if he didn’t take the ownership when he does take the ownership it shows you I feel like you gain a little bit of points in the locker room as well yeah absolutely healthy debate when a coach

Is when you’re a player and there are a few glaring plays out there or a a drive or two out there that’s being talked about in the media or that people can really pinpoint on man they really lost this game in this fashion when you’re see when you’re feeling that

Subconsciously as a player then you go in the next day the coach has a few different options right they can coach it hard like everybody else and they kind of feed your Narrative of like yeah I guess yeah we really [ __ ] this up nobody he’s putting all the blame on the

Players you can kind of Coach the plays and kind of stay out of it and stay back hey we got to do a better job here here but also we can blah blah blah yada yada you’re kind of just you’re kind of just talking through it covering your ass

Hitting the hitting the spots you need to hit but then when you have a coach who’s addressing those plays that are being talked about from a media landscape or in the cameras taking account doing it in front of the players that gives the guys much more respect and

Confidence and earns you points in the locker room because very few head coaches do that very few coordinators do that so when those coaches do do that you have a really good coach that’s leading your team I agree I’ll get you out of here on this some good news uh

Rayola I believe is his name you just flipped what is he ranked top two top quarterback is he a top quarterback in the country number one quarterback in the country number one quarterback in the country in the country what I listen I’m in on on when they you

Gave that speech what does this mean for this kid and also healthy debate is a little scare though if you get him and he’s not the guy you know what I’m saying I’m not I don’t think he could fix the whole thing overnight but let’s

Say you know that that new um what’s a fancy car McLaren no what’s your name give me another car Maserati that new Maserati Ferrari exactly it’s Christmas what’s wrong with a McLaren I don’t know what a McLaren is uh relax jasal debate it is yeah yeah yeah that uh I think was

That in suits McLaren no that was fictional all right whatever that Ferrari’s got a little bit of engine problem are you looking like godamn we had a Ferrari and we still couldn’t get to the Finish Line no healthy debate people who if if he has a couple mistakes in you’re one

People are [ __ ] on him [ __ ] those people because this is football is a game about process if you look at the quarterbacks we’ve had this year and I listen I hate like I hate doing this to where I feel like I’m talking down or bad about players but we turn we were

The number one turnover margin team in the country a lot of it from the quarterback position if we even have a competent quarterback our record’s looking a lot better we’re playing for a bowl game maybe a big one but I’m saying this right now healthy debate Dylan Rola

Is going to put us in playoff contention next year for the Husker fan base and the Husker faithful I know that’s delusional and I’m putting the the horse before the cart whatever the saying is but I’m telling you right now there’s no reason to not be optimistic because the

Sun has been broughten home to bring balance to the college football landscape and that is Dylan Rola I hate that I’m putting so much expectation on him but fir up that we landed the number one quarterback in the country it volumes to what rules doing not only from a culture standpoint everybody has

Seen those speeches but now we got the number one quarterback and that’s the first Domino Rico that’s the Domino now the receivers coming now the old line Wass to block for we’re all going to the league boys yes I also think in college basketball you get that one guy and you

Got him for a year you get a guy like this it’s great you have him for at least three you know so that’s a good process J Man play there a lot of ties a lot before we have uh will leave obviously we touched on it before but a

Lot of drama around the all white vers all black team and the allh team will as you said had some issues in the secondary we have a Caucasian quarterback quarterback that might be able to help we’re light at corner I don’t think I’m walking on at linebacker

I don’t think I’m walking on on the o line but Corner open tryouts like like Invincible give a give us your you review take a look at the game tape that’s a nice that’s a nice spin I know I didn’t get away from the guy run it

Back for him one time run it back top Corner his Zone coverage hard break on a ball puts it away spin not so much he’d be a little early one more time hey hey hey did they are you just standing there the ball got thrown right

To you no that’s very hold on we’re in first off will White Corners lot of Zone Z lot of Zone shout out my boy da on the other side he went manto man cuz he was uh he was not me he was he was black you played your responsib he he could play

He could play so when we used to go to meetings it was all right here we go uh number six he’s their best wide receiver Dave you got him all over the field Bosco lot of Zone make sure you know the Playbook and I did so like that’s the

Rule okay I think I think you’d be a really good lock room Edition I think you’d be a Vibes guy we might have a spot for you on the practice squad it’s going to be a competitive ball Club we’re going to be playing all game we’re

Going to have to drop eight at times we might even have to look at a 44 and just have 3 DBS and we’re just going to have to utilize our farm system out at the University of Iowa to call kids up because we are lacking Christian mcaffry

Is gonna have to go both ways he’s gonna have to touch the ball 40 times and he’s gonna have to stay on the field on defense now I like the product we have in house I think two weeks helps us out of preparation the other side they’re

Going to be bickering and arguing about who should be playing because there’s way too many lot of you come in with us you hit the ground running guys we kind of know how this is shaking up we need you guys up front Christian you’re running the ball

Josh Allen Joe B maybe we go series a series who knows and then on defensive side TJ watt Max Crosby both of Brothers pin your ears back and get after these boys both hey both of Brothers we know you’ve been waiting your entire life for an opportunity like this take advantage

Of it and then you drop eight you go you go you go four underneath so your spot dropping like cover three four underneath QB ball out break and then four on the back end four four don’t get hit on a double move and don’t get beat deep just be ready for run support

You yeah absolute disrespect by the way for Zone coverage you’re saying I’m just standing there and the ball was thrown to me I made a break on the guy in front of me come on will you’re not a ballhawk we made s yeah Ball Hawk we made suches

I’m not a bll no you but like seriously like will do you does anybody on the roster have six tackles against MIT yes six tackles against MIT H I don’t know about MIT but maybe against you know Alabama Michigan you know tax real real I need we need I

Think’d be good addition thank you we needed a grade on that uh on that spin move so by if you if you look very closely the guy I spin on still makes the tackle that’s the the best but did you catch that yeah I we’ll make it sure

Yeah we’ll make it sure I know yeah I got I got own up I gotta own up to it look at the look at the bowling though the bowling drop is [ __ ] sick look at that healthy debate I’d like to see boom look at that I was ready to go I was so

BOS healthy debate I’d like to see the uh the other team’s locker room talk about that spin move yeah yeah got well they lost but they probably laugh like the all black roster I’d like to see what they said about your SP yeah like

This guy BOS like we got to we got to do scouting on him to see your spin move you’re getting roasted that might that might be good though because they’re so fast they might over pursue it and because you spin slow agreed yeah yeah yeah might or they might think that Rico

Just got hurt on the play and kind of just turned around then they get well when they start reeling out the whole tape they’re like oh let’s look at this guy easy target for penal uh personal foul penalties uh yeah yesability exactly we don’t have to

Worry about him going two ways he’s got a bad arm in uh defend and attack so healthy debate healthy debate we’re slinging it it’s all a mental game Rec exactly exactly all right will always a pleasure to have you Merry Christmas and uh enjoy it pal all right boys love you

Merry Christmas easy Merry Christmas the best the best they’re like they’re like you got to watch I was going to say too I I forgot about too I going say uncoordinated they’re going to see the K State video and be like L [ __ ] can’t clap it’s like so scouting reports

Out let’s go half time we’re going to do like 15 minutes of calls and then we got a long interview with uh Aaron Torres to kind of end it the idol [ __ ] is [ __ ] brutal cuz it should just be strategy you should just be talking and Strate like the idol [ __ ]

Is annoying very annoying PFT tomy’s walk right now yeah does also trying to get Tommy to the fake Clues help or not I don’t think the fake clue is help at all now no I don’t all right so we play that out Tommy finds a fake clue there’s no fake Idol is there

There’s a second clue and plan brick first CL yeah I know I know you’ve made two Clues but there’s no Idol no so that doesn’t do [ __ ] yeah so what do you want to do get rid of the clues was funny cuz when Rico

Told me he made a fake clue I was like all right so let’s put the idol somewhere and Rico’s like all right all right all right I got to find a new em and then he was like I made a second clue I I watch the show endless series

Of Clues tell you what I did the first clue says Congrats on finding the key now you should look with plan Bri don’t thank me thank Jeff D I know it was good rhy then you go to the second one and I put a screw in a pill

Pardon my G com it says I promise I’m not screwing with you and it’s lowas screw and then it says uh you will find the idol you will find the idol fast if you go to the place where they announce the cast fast and cast double underline

But here’s the thing this is what the great part of it is all right they announced the cast on the Internet it’s not a real spot to go to so the whole time where did they announce the CID Jeff D’s thing Dave’s thing did they mention on here and they’re just going

Bizar bizar looking for this [ __ ] with them for a while I’m sending them to the internet the internet’s not a real place it’s not a real place you know how I know I lost my mind on the internet and I came back and said tangible matri what’s tangible right so but that’s

Awesome and I appreciate all that but you also have to understand that it doesn’t change anything with voting nah okay all right yeah it does it does makes me think a little bit all right just the same page how do we get somebody to go

Look we good that is that is it’s not Wilson but whatever Tom Hanks is on Cast Away that’s what that is after like 50 60 days I know I was only away for three but uh that’s what that is uh very funny I’m glad they found that uh all right dues give

Me give me a few six five yeah six Liam New York what’s up Rico what’s up hey healthy debate you were thinking about mccaran motors from thank you thank you thank you thank you um I got I so Providence kicked the [ __ ] out of Marquette last night agreed um

Georgetown’s losing a butler on the road you know it just Coy regret his decision healthy debate not not yet well I would shouldn’t say that it’s yes it’s very hard when Providence looks good this quick uh and Georgetown does not look great so to say um but that was again

They stink okay they that’s a bigger brand I think you you have he’s got to get guys in you gotta wait you got ask me that question in three years it’s a fair two years it’s a fair question year three is a fair question all right that’s fine just want

To let you know then I got an actual question for you person speaks in sign language with one arm do they have an accent or speech imp pedman healthy debate uh I don’t know if you could do sign language with one arm stutter probably PE and pediment I feel like

Because you got like Peach and pediment yeah how do you yeah that’s a good one we’ll have to we’ll have to figure that out but yeah I think you some of them you need to I feel like healthy debate Liam Al I just want to add to the uh

Coie discussion Pro like I root for Providence is there anyes does coy get any any I mean he constructed that roster Bas agreed agreed he does have that Point um yeah I don’t know I mean I think it’s kind of like a no [ __ ] Providence is better than georget toown

This year in my opinion yeah he took the job when he you know yeah Kim english’s best best thing was keeping all those guys in house agreed and you know like with the portal right now it’s probably the best sometimes the best additions are just retention so I mean

Agreed did gar did gar do all gar all yeah but was that a coie guy too he had committed to Providence but then he left and he decommitted and committed back pretty quickly okay he’s got to win that battle a commit than a [ __ ] commit Coy’s got to win that battle

Against Maryland because Maryland has not been I have so many memories of Maryland being a big- Time brand when was the last time you really cared about Maryland griev yeah maybe like they oh they got [ __ ] that year huh you know better than me that 2020 I

Don’t even like really focus on cuz I just get a no I thought I thought Maryland was the one team in the tournament where I was like wow if Dayton got match up with them like that’s a scary team Jaylen Smith was awesome everyone made the big deal the

DMV does it really matter anymore for Georgetown with Duke and Carolina and Yukon coming to poach in nil like no the that’s what I keep that I’m glad you made that point that’s what I keep saying about the New York City area like everybody’s like oh it’s this big hot of

Talent doesn’t mean patino’s going to go get him Ian Jackson North Carolina ch Elijah Moore I think is his last name or Mitchie Boogie yeah uh CHR the king’s got a million guys stepan A’s got two guys behind them the twins that are really good St Raymond is is I’m hearing

Predicted to win the city um I’m trying to think of who else loaded prospects I know chry the king had a bunch like they’re not you know patino’s not getting all of them exactly they all didn’t go either was that Kofi cooch with the Illinois well that was

No no no CH the king is loaded this year they got the kid Dwayne Pierce I think he might actually be going to St John’s but they got another kid going to Illinois they get the Chinese kid Pang who’s being looked at by Illinois like patino ain’t getting all these guys now

He might have his sight set on bigger transfers and leave spots like that open but you’re right it doesn’t mean CO’s GNA own the DMV nor does it mean Marilyn’s going to own the DMV but you do have to make a dent in that market you got to come out of there with

Something cuz it’s your backyard you got people stealing your uh you know Grill and and furniture set but I also say this about the the Big East in general like coie he’s a scumbag [ __ ] for like go leaving Providence his dream job for an Inc conference rival whatever but Co

I disagree with that I’m saying in this sense though like from Providence fans perspective but coie if he went to an SEC school that was that could have been the dumbest decision of his life Georgetown was the only School in my opinion that like would be A Step Above

In the nil eror or whatever bigger program and could still get [ __ ] done because you’re you’re not recruiting just DC it’s Big East Roots You still could get the Boston guy you still got the Philly guys you got the prep school guys like you have you have relationships formed with these coaches

From Providence agreed uh that’s a good call though Merry Christmas Liam give me the next one Steve Long Island Rico you got me yep great segment with will Super entertaining uh he’s a confirmed writer absolutely but um healthy debate I was at a friend’s Christmas party this past weekend and

They had one of those viral styrofoam Christmas tree shery board things that you’re hyping up yes it might have been the most overrated thing I’ve ever seen in my life okay I I think I maybe saw two people pick at it here’s the thing it’s like sticking your hand in a porcupine

Um I disagree I think if you if you take the if you take the toothpick it should be pretty easy access here’s another thing who wants to eat all that food after you touched it like you’re putting your paws on every piece of that thing no no no the

Toothpicks the toothpick should be deep what you should do is you should have the piece of food buried closer to the thing this the thing you’re talking about right here on the board yeah and the toothpick should be able to help you pull it out also it depends what’s going

On there so all right so let’s look at this so that cheese the uh monterey jack like I’m a I’m 50/50 on that depends like sometimes I try sometimes I don’t The mozzarel Good the tomatoes can we zoom in the olives or unless those are stuffed peppers I’m out on those you got

To have good things like what I would do is roll roll bjou roll salami like get that thing with all [ __ ] I want to eat fresh tomatoes cherry tomatoes on there like load that thing up you got a lot of you got a lot of garbage on there that I don’t want to

Eat my whole thing is we’re getting down to the wire here on Christmas Eve in between like the mozzarella tomato candy cane disaster and the styrofoam tree I don’t I don’t know if we have any good options all right what about what if I can if I uh give what’s that guy’s name

In entourage stickers pie no Bob I just asked you what the guy’s name was an Entourage and you said Snickers pie talk about Bob is he like the old director Bob Bob Bob whatever it is Bob what if I told you would this be something you’d be interested in an

Arugula Christmas wreath appetizer whoa oh you took the words out of my mouth I was thinking a pastry pull aart tree like people yeah they [ __ ] they [ __ ] my pizza balls they ued my pizza balls now everybody’s making them in a tree a pull apart tree but the

Arugul you got a little little plate arugula salad I think I sent it to you guys arugula salad uh cherry tomatoes and fresh Ms right in there yeah I think if with fresh arugula little balsamic oil and vinegar on top that’s a nice little salad looks like a reath why not

Do that with the tree though I I feel like the tree being a giant like meat wad is a little unappealing that’s a good point yeah oh I see what he’s talking about yeah looks good looks very phallic yeah so yeah I don’t know I I think you need the toothpicks to pull

The stuff out but good call Steve Merry Christmas Merry Christmas I got some uh logistic questions on what the the wreath yeah so you take a fork and you get like the Tomato the mozzarella and the arugula and you put in your mouth no but once you take one one little handful

Out it’s no longer a wreath yeah it’s presentation Guys phone eats first you serve imagine you go to a Christmas party or dinner you show up you sit down you know Kevin they drag you away from [ __ ] outside like all right put the Sam Adams down for four minutes put the

Co light down for four minutes sit down you have a little small plate and it’s a wreath with uh mozzarella and tomatoes in that little wreath on a side plate that’s good present and then yes once you start eating it yeah it’s a salad you cut it up and you

Eat it but it’s presentation boys why do we think the tree is popping off why do we think the Candy Cane’s popping off well that’s what I saying to St on Long Island like if if those don’t work you fall back at dessert Snickers pie agre Snickers pie don’t don’t oh the other

One too is Pistachio Pistachio pie you do that same method with pistachio pie I’ve also done it with sherbet I like pistachio is it is it ice pistachio ice cream in the pie pistachio ice cream with the fluff the uh not fluff um Cool

Whip you make it that you do a lay small layer of that you do a a layer of vanilla ice cream with the Cool Whip in between so it’s green white green whipped cream on top boom boom boom I don’t know if I’m in on pistachio

Pie I like pistachio a lot uh give me the next one yeah I like pistachio Gavin Jersey Gavin Jersey yo Rico what up Merry Christmas Merry Christmas yeah in light of this whole uh Rashad mendenhal tweet um I just want to hear your opinion for turkey are you a

Dark meat guy or a light meat guy pa uh I like light y you know what I was raised white meat as a kid like I guess I just didn’t know enough to pick but dark meat does have more flavor there’s just way less yeah it’s juicier yeah there’s a

Punch line coming somewhere go all right thanks Gavin no I just I like hey Gavin you ready you ready neilly boy you ready yeah I like dark I like dark Juicy meat you ready Gavin you got what you wanted Merry Christmas get the [ __ ] out of line that’s a gift that keeps on

Giving I was waiting for that punch on you should have asked him uh in all fairness technically like No cameras on or you know no PAW I think we all do like dark Juicy meat yeah yeah steak is dark right like we all do like dark Juicy meaters Burgers Burgers a big ball

Of dark agre sausage sausage darker the better I like mine Italian I like my I like my meet Italian when it’s like in that fair yeah you should have asked him who he thought of uh number 42 agre agreed that’s a new trap yeah just I’ll give you that a new trap yeah

Yeah agreed all right empty him out uh Travis Long Island Papa you there we go what’s up B what’s going on listen papy listen something that these people aren’t thinking about versus the Whit versus the black is listen here Bel please have a d please have please have a dump

Please okay just be careful about the what about the concession stands poy think about that fair I think this is fair we should slowly okay Travis slowly expand on what you mean by the concession stance listen what are you guys selling over there is what I want to know what are you

Selling salt pepper ketchup the white people yeah what do you have to what are you going to be selling healthy debate will have better seasoning greed healthy debate I think that uh concession stand food shows no color you could be white black purple green blue you’re white

Black green purple you go to an NFL game you’re walking away with popcorn a hot dog chicken tenders and a sausage of peppers and nobody’s complaining I don’t think there’s necessarily like you’re there to eat War we’re not at War we’re very much not at War very much not at War out

Hypothetical hyp he’s still it’s very much a game we’re very much not at War I think Rashad and will would also say that okay we’re not trying to set back the clock here should we should we bring him back to yeah bring him back all right you’re back okay Travis have you

Calmed down have you calmed down listen listen yes I calmed down but I just gotta tell you this oh Jesus I meant metaphorical metaphorical of course we’re battling we’re cators but who’s got who’s in charge of the Au who’s in charge of the who’s playing

The music in the stadium oh well uh I like that I I like that I think who’s ever got the lead yes that’s good Billy Joel if I hear Billy Joel that’s an issue uh you know what I’m not gonna ask the question ask ask you I’m Puerto Rican oh

Okay I was oh maybe that’s imp that’s yeah DJ good all again like do not take the within Puerto Ricans as everybody’s got to sit in the end zones let’s do it that way yeah you’re in the middle you’re sitting in the end Puerto Ricans you want Ric to run security Puerto

Ricans in the end zone ALB R security I know a couple guys yeah oh the I feel like ALB why are albanians not getting into the NFL they’re crazy I don’t know probably because they’re like living in like outside Philly yeah fair enough with no athletic ability uh

That’s a good one all right yeah that’s a that’s a line you talk about a way to go out with a bank Puerto Rican In The End Zone what a what a one-time hey it’s Puerto Rican in the end zone that sounds like a Saturday night all right please give me the next

Call all right Travis great call Buddy unbelievable police wait wait yeah go ahead go ahead go ahead listen on a serious note Papa I’m proud of you Bobby I’m [ __ ] proud of you Daddy and if I ever see it I’m going to kiss you right

On the lips I’m proud of you where come the contract it’s all coming together now thanks man yeah we’ll have to we’ll have to do a home in home man I’ll take you out for a meal you take me out R yeah oh papa cook for you all right pal take it

Easy unbelievable uh unbelievable call the or SC I mean this is this is what we want like everybody can break down you ain’t getting on the NFL Network you ain’t getting who’s running the Y court and what are you serving at this game and we tiptoed the dump I’m not going to

Lie I think the funniest thing about this whole like this whole race draft is now people be like well wor about the coaching staff who ref who refs like who’s yeah like yeah last time I checked zebras have the same amount of black stripes as they do white stripes yeah

The guy that says off sides on the offense five yard penalty replay second down it’s unbelievable unbelievable that this game I mean this should be the pro the Pro Bowl sucks this should be the [ __ ] Pro B be so funny for p like put it on barcel

TV what’s the you know what I don’t even want to ask do boses have like bad background I was no they’re just like they’re just that’s the second time we made the joke with that mag they’re big magga big Maga guys okay all right got like it was like Nick Bosa was like

Standing for the flag [ __ ] when it was like Colin all right fair enough all right yeah I got it all right his high school tweets unbelievable all right give me uh holy Christ this [ __ ] show is shows unable give me two last two who’s running the O Court po Alex

Pittsburgh ba what’s up healthy debate how’s it going uh healthy debate the winning team all black all white I can’t decide who better who’d have a better winning song in the locker room the white white me down or Mr bright side what’s bumping harder yeah I mean I mean we see it it’s

Tough because a bunch of white white people listening to Mr bright side is crazy electric but then you had a bunch of black guys listening to wipe me down like that’s gravitational as well I just watched the video of boozy doing wipe me down at the Grammys and I just don’t

Think something could talk it healthy debate if the white locker room what was that song that was pretty controversial in the last couple of months oh the guy uh yeah not a small town or something like that if the white team plays that we they may have tipped

Their car they got some issues not in my small town yeah they got some they got some issues if they decide what that is that their Victory song we got some problems I could see a fight rightfully so breaking out but yes that’s very very funny Wipe Me Down uh even the lowdown

The K State one um they would probably play Paris wag surf I think you set back that song like five years yeah I did fair enough they stopped using it uh they still do the clap but they did a different song they do yeah I wasn’t in

For that but uh I was in for the the other pregame stuff but uh yeah Mr bright side would be electric or what if it’s Life is a Highway oh be they just go all time like or Living on a Prayer or no they should just steal dukes and do Every Time We

Touch yeah I also think that um [ __ ] what’s the song levels would be sick like an EDM song agreed yeah agreed levels agreed yeah but I think they you’re right that’s a good one yeah I think music blaring is healthy debate go ahead who got the better snacks in the

Locker who got the better snack uh again I think oranges apples protein bars I don’t think guys are [ __ ] around with snacks now if this was like a Youth Level thing you know you got team moms involved the Pro Bowl thing I mean yeah they don’t yeah the black team could

Legitimately show I mean you see it like Keon Coleman of Florida State just shows like ooo just shows up eat like a Big Mac to the pregame like yeah white guys we need to like we need our bodies pristine exactly we need orange slices ex especially in this game as a two

Touchdown dog yeah did you see on mad and Chuck like we made they made the rosters it was 90 overall to an 89 overall yeah interesting yeah I do I think it’d be closer than two touchdowns obviously but I mean Corner though they’re wide receivers who’s covering who’s covering

God yeah not that God is white but agreed it’s a it’s crazy it also goes toan sh listen will know Rashad and will had fun with this but like it goes to show you Dave Chappelle way back in the day pushing the edge with stuff like that he was a

Genius genius with stuff like that um give me the next one last one I should say if you think if you think there could be like a a draft this but each team gets one player from the opposite side who do you think each team would want on from the opposite well momes

Right no why not you just answered your question oh you’re right you’re right you’re right you need a corner yeah so a corner Corner yeah cuz the separation you’re right okay all right oh also I got an idea Corner Julian Edelman like played like DB and wide receiver yeah

But he’s been out of the league for a little bit you think he’s sticking with a guy I got one more in me Fair yeah for the for the country uh yeah I think I think white would take the corner and black would take a linebacker

Like I think they take a tight end I think a tight end because that’s the strongest you’re right tight end tight end tight end agre you just par you just par me Mahomes and Kelsey’s like well that’s the game yeah it’s we’ve seen that play they got everything now

Exactly yeah yeah um a lineman a good linan that like Jason Kelce right imagine yeah so the another Co the black team takes Tor uh to Travis Kelce and tayor Swift has to switch Sidelines and when she gets over there the whole s goes who’s this [ __ ] they ain’t singing Travis k

Exactly yeah yeah you got any remixes Taylor um all right give me the last one unbelievable these are the [ __ ] Ryan Michigan hey Rico big fan of the program thanks buddy uh help me debate should Demar hlin win the comeback player of the year I saw this

He’s minus 500 what kind of stats is he putting up I guess you kind of have to he doesn’t play he doesn’t play at all right he has has he not logged the game so what happened was he like died on the field last year yeah and then so now

That he like just like as soon as he touches the field the game’s over you know what I mean like the awards get right but has he played that’s what I’m generally that’s what I’m saying like yeah yeah he’s played like yeah he’s played he actually was at the end of the

Gameost in the game that Monday night game yeah Prime Time game it’s t I do think there’s something like Flo yeah but come back from retirement is is that really the same can’t give him comeback Player of the Year just cuz he died I don’t know I think it should be

Baker maybe I think it should be Flack over I don’t know flacko came back from retirement yeah I think it’s Samar Hamlin obviously he doesn’t play the whole season yeah I think you it’s it’s Hamlin agreed I don’t think it necessarily fits the spirit of the award

But give it to ham if I was Hamlin I’d be pissed I’d be at some point feel like [ __ ] also have do you get a cash bonus from your team if you get win one of these Awards maybe it depends if it’s in your contract or something like that

I think so yeah but yeah we listen we just spent 45 minutes breaking down a racial draft maybe we back off a little bit here and just say hey congrats tomorrow what an episode we went from racial draft then we’re talking DJs and then we’re going to end it with some

Just wholesome college basketball exctly yeah so that’s a perfect segue we will transition to uh Aaron Torres um which is going to ride out the week some great late tonight he touches on sleepers mid Majors uh it’s the first time I’m sitting down for any healthy debate content which is interesting chat saying

Two of for comeback Player of the Year [ __ ] no it’s going to be hlin but yeah it’s you know two it got hurt too so uh like And subscribe we will see you in the new year correct so check it out my friend Aaron Torres from Fox everybody loves healthy debate check this

Out make sure we get it all right second half healthy debate 1220 uh one probably the best so far I think Saturday was loaded but so far uh maybe the best triple header or day uh in the sport of college basketball wanted to bring on my friend Aaron Torres uh from Fox great

Guy uh actually dug seen him at the pump party a few times which we’re going to try and get you there so we’ll uh we’ll get you on that that list of the circle you know uh exchanging rounds but uh Aaron great guy covers college football

As well but I really wanted to dive into college basketball we’ll go right from the rip here tonight I’ll be in the building Duke Balor uh lines moving a little bit back down but I was shocked to see Duke as a favorite here uh Marty’s a little bit of a you know Duke

Bias I grew up a Duke fan too but I’ve kind of got away from that that fandom tell me what you see tonight in a really really good one in the first of these triple header Baylor off of a loss seems like the easy play here but maybe it’s a

Little too easy what are you doing with Baylor Duke yeah I’m a little torn on this one by the way I saw your double dip road trip man that was pretty uh that was pretty cool man I did uh so two weeks ago so I went to Yukon I did Yukon

Kansas and then before that Duke AR so I did the Midwest swing as well uh and I saw Duke in person listen man I I I know you know you’re a Duke guy like you I’ve seen him in person too yeah Champions classic I wasn’t blown away so

So let me ask you because that was the night so they had played Arizona already and they kind of just were like against Michigan State and and I bring it up because listen they were my pick to win the national championship so this isn’t like oh Torres just hates

Duke blah blah blah I don’t think their guards are good enough like the the the Arkansas game Jeremy roach was really good but nobody else really stepped up but I saw that even back to Arizona back to Michigan State which they won I just don’t think they’re that Dynamic really

Outside of roach and I think filipowski is pretty good Mark Mitchell hasn’t really like evolved into anything other than he was you’ve seen him I’ve seen him that’s kind of my Takeaway on Duke even going into tonight yeah and Baylor I mean got sick now listen you got to

Give due credit four guys in double digits um obviously led by Philip pakowski or Philip pakowski but uh Baylor’s got six guys in double digits they don’t need one guy to go off I like jacobe Walker’s game they beat a very good Auburn team to start the season I

Remember watching again off of that loss to Michigan State uh I and I sometimes oversell it but is it crazy to say that Scott drew is a top three coach I said top five on pick Central today and duges was like be careful I think top three so you know I

I like shy a lot but Scott Drew Scott drew no well and they’re coming off an embarrassing loss too now they probably didn’t go back to Waco they probably flew straight to New York which could be like good or bad they’ve been in a hotel for probably five six days at this point

But when you get like punked like that I mean that was embarrassing um you know I think we’re going to get a Better Effort my only real hesitation uh I know you said you’ll be there tonight I’ve been to some of those Duke games at the Garden

Around the holidays yeah the fans you know even dating back to the coach Kate era he always made it a priority to play at MSG around this time of year so like I don’t know I’m torn because Baylor coming off the embarrassing loss Baylor I think is the better team but like

There is something to that Duke magic in the garden at MSG right before the holidays they usually find a way to win those games they do yeah I walked out of that Texas Tech Duke game five or six years the Zion won and I Duke did win

Duke covered late but I walked out going Texas Tech was the story here like no [ __ ] I was like oo Texas Tech is keep an eye on that and sure enough they went to the championship so that’s right um I don’t know if it could have been a

Final four rematch it may have been a championship game rematch but Duke was in the Elite 8 that year as well so both loaded loaded teams these these games are really good the elite category this year for college basketball how many teams are you putting in it I

Think you well it’s I think we’re probably going to be the same I’m just interested to see how many how many you have on the list all right so I I would say I would say I actually think go ahead go ahead I’m gonna say tier one of

Tier one of one a step of above everybody else well in that case I think it’s three uh we’re recording here on whatever it is Wednesday I might have said four with Marquette prior to uh Monday night or Tuesday night when they got smacked by Providence I think

Providence is really good um I think it’s three you know listen huh well listen this this is what I see I took a lot of heat for what I said about Purdue last week a few weeks ago when they played Bama uh whatever I I bring it up

Because the resume speaks for itself at this point they’re really good uh I think some of the refereeing hasn’t been great in the big games and I think Zack Ed sometimes gets preferential treatment he did against Zona I think zona’s still the best team I don’t really care that

They lost to Purdue you know half an hour from their campus uh Zona you know you mentioned teams that have five six guys that can that can score for you and then I’ll say like I do think Yukon is the crazy thing about Yukon another team

I’ve seen in person maybe you saw him at the Garden over these last couple weeks like I don’t think they’re anywhere close to having played their best yet because kingan was coming off an injury in the preseason then Castle got hurt now kingan’s getting going caraban in

The big games hasn’t been great so I still think there’s actually weirdly another gear for Yukon and then right on the cusp of that I would say marquette’s there uh I’ll be curious about ba like if Baylor bounces back and wins by 11 11 tonight then I think you probably have

To include them I wouldn’t yet include Kansas like I think Kansas that like top three to four like they need great games from basically Harris uh mcculler uh Adams and Dickinson every game they have no depth I think they’ll get there eventually so I’m rambling but I I would

Say three to four maybe even Kentucky on on the edge of that group as well so I just because they are Kansas I put I have four Head and Shoulders above everybody else Yukon Purdue Arizona and Kansas I think they’ve both all been playing lights out the one I want to put

In is Houston but I know they just had a big injury to yeah um help me with his name Aro yeah yes so but I think Houston squishes people uh on defense I also think Calvin Samson if you start looking at the last five or six years now I know

None of these guys from 2018 are on that team or 2019 when they lost by a uh chinhair to Michigan on a buzzer beater who ended up going to the championship game so start there then you go to 20 202 think they were pretty good there when that tournament got canceled 21

They make a final four uh 22 sweet 16 or Elite eight Lov he’s been through all of this now of building this program and all of a sudden it’s like oh Samson is Samson a top 10 coach in the country I think Houston squishes you on defense I

Also think playing in that League they might have four to five losses in the Big 12 but they’re tested every single night and I I trust the team coming out of there so Houston to me was the one to put in but there’s a bunch like you said

Like I don’t think people are going to put BYU in the class Above the Rest but there are a bunch of Duke kraton Balor Marquette there’s a lot of teams on the C there to Interchange what do you think of Baylor not Baylor excuse me what do

You think of kraton seeing him in person other I know it was a close game but what do you think really really good I’ll be honest the people behind us were cooking Ashworth for his defense cooking which you know listen I like coach Mack would love to interview coach Mack but

You know maybe Ashworth should have waited till they hired the best uh mid- major coach in the country in Danny sprinkle and and and and hung around a little bit because Utah State’s got something cooking out there so ashworth’s defense is a problem and that’s from the fans uh I obviously love

Cal prener he got a little banged up and and toughed it out um shyan’s obviously really good he’s got to go back to the headband but uh really really good but they also don’t like help me with the other kid’s name Felipe feder Rico or whatever that oh uh Francisco

Uh he put up he put up a a 27 trillion the other I don’t think he took a shot he got some rebounds or whatever he did so it’s not a trillion but he didn’t put up a shot you got a guy playing a lot of

Minutes for you who’s not putting up a shot so I think kraton’s right there I love the Big East so I was very impressed with their fans their people their environment it was a good good time to be there yeah no all I would say

About them is I picked him and make the final four in the preseason but I had a buddy who knows the team really well he’s like they’re good they really have no depth though like I think Kansas will get depth even if it’s not there yet because as you said they’re freaking

Kansas and Bill self is a freaking God but kraton it’s like they really got that like top four and it really is a big fall off and there’s like no guys on that roster that you would sit there and say well just you know give them another

Month they’ll figure it out maybe they will but there’s no guys that you feel like definitely will so I was curious uh after you saw him a few days ago yeah I know you’re a big Cal guy I saw them in person I walked I granted they lost to

Kansas blew a big lead I walked out of that game impressed with them and they’re kind of likable like I the kid Reed Shepard I really really like you obviously got Wagner and Dillingham and Reeves the question I will say and I don’t think they’re going to move away

From him this year unless it’s a really bad tournament exit but it it has I’m not the only guy just pound in the The Narrative if they do move away from Cal because winning matters at Kentucky I think they’re getting a little tired of all the draft picks and stuff like that

Who would be the guy that would make sense at Kentucky because I’ll give reigs a lot of credit he’s a Kentucky fan and he’s like like listen you bring in a guy like oats musclean they’ve been to sweet 16s they’ve been to Elite 8s but that’s what Cal Perry’s kind of

Doing now we need championships so who exactly can do that I think it’s one of those things you you’re wishing big not everybody can deliver the name I’m going to throw out there I don’t think he fits I think he’s done enough out west Mark F to Kentucky would be a rebirth at

Kentucky I don’t know if they’ll go for him but he doesn’t owe Gonzaga anything anymore and I think he could cut down the Nets at Kentucky well and what I would say with Mark F which I think is interesting is like I hate to say it but he’s kind of hit a

Wall since Tommy Lloyd is longtime assistant left for Arizona now you look at Zona and Zona looks like some of those Gonzaga teams and so it’s like you know I I think they needed each other like the ying and the Yang like fuse real I think pretty sharp on X’s and O’s

I think Tommy Lloyd is too but it was clear Tommy Lloyd was doing a lot of the recruiting and so you know listen it’s it was easy to say three years ago oh Gonzaga is recruiting itself at this point Point like oh no now it clearly

Isn’t it was they had a really good assistant coaching staff where um if Kentucky were to open um that’s a place where you know you can listen you can spend 800,000 on a leite assistant whoever that guy would be um and you know money is obviously not not only not

Like a concern but especially as we go into this new generation of college sports where the SEC and the Big 10 are going to be making so much money then you definitely don’t have to worry about I also think too just gin zaga is what is their future as far as conference

Affiliation like I I don’t I don’t think it’s a secret like they’re try you know there’s been the Big 12 talks like Dan Hurley before the game last week against Gonzaga said oh they’d be a perfect fit in the Big East love coach Hurley so I’m

Not here to to say one thing or the other about that so do I yeah it’s just travel-wise is brutal like they’d be playing Friday Sunday or Thursday it’s yeah it just doesn’t work I love Danny too but healthy debate that don’t work health healthy debate I agree with Rico

Bosow on that doesn’t work so yeah I so so I think they’re at a very interesting Crossroads because they’re not quite as they’re still good but they’re not quite as good as they’ve been and if they’re not quite as good as they’ve been are they as attractive to other conferences

There’s just a lot going on and the one thing I will say like I still think they’re a big enough brand where if as you just said they are willing to um you know bite the bullet on on the Travel necessity you know whatever the travel would look like I still think they’re

Attractive but again are they as attractive as they were 18 months ago that’s a different conversation uh if they’re not you know there’s just a lot of then you got to take less money to go to one of these power conferences as it does it end up being worth it it’s just

There’s just a lot of variables with that program so I bring it all up to say that you know I think he’s in his like mid to late 50s I think he’s got another 10 years in him if he wants to I don’t think it’d be the worst tire for

Kentucky if that’s where they ended up going yeah what other names are out there like what what’s the top three that if it did open end of the year who’s who are the the big board what’s the big three so a couple things one um first of all your guy oats is

Unbelievable man and I know coach oats too a little bit I’m not tight with him like Rico BOS is but uh the one thing I would say like the last time I checked the buyout is pretty insane and like yeah the buyout is insane by choice like

When he signed that extension Nate oats was basically like I was a high school teacher 10 years ago I’m not trying like I’m happy where I am I’m not trying to go somewhere else so that that becomes a goe no In fairness I’m I’m I’m not throwing his name out cuz I’m friends

With him I don’t really want him to go to Kentucky it’s but he has been floated the same way with Muslim men I think muslim’s happy in Arkansas but what you see when people start taking this thing if Cal leaves what are the names oh O’s name has been out there muscle’s name

Has been out there so I’m not trying to run with that it’s just I’m reading the paper and and then acting on it that’s all no th those are the guys and I think the other the other one too is the one we we sort of just talked about Scott

Drew um I saw Jeff Goodman like you know seems pretty clear the Louisville job is going to open and Jeff Goodman kind of mentioned Scott drew there and so for whatever reason whether it’s fan support it’s a football school it’s Texas it’s whatever it just feels like that guy’s

Name is always in the conversation for these jobs and he’s never taken one of them but it just feels like and he the other thing about him too he’s young enough where where you could get a good little run out of him I think he’s in

His early 50 you know he got the bayor job when he was like 32 or something like that he also got the Balor job like Grant that he won a national championship he’s been on the door a few times with that Baylor team let’s also

Remember I said this on my pod a while ago he took over Balor after a murder investigation on the team that the coach and AD I think or the coach definitely covered up like you talk about rock bottom of a program yeah I also heard he’s good friends with EAD so I think

Scott drew would probably be at the top of the list to your point too that’s a good one yeah and and so yeah I think you know you call muscleman you Call oats you know the other one I’ll say really quick because he’s certainly in the news today uh everybody in

Basketball I’m not saying I agree or disagree thinks that Mick Cronin will eventually go back East now you again the buyout the last time I checked is like absurd and it and it you know it was kind of a mutual thing is like they were rolling when he signed his

Extension two three years ago they want to keep him he doesn’t want to leave whatever but obviously again with Louisville opening his name is coming up you know I had heard like if Ohio State somehow opened up last year cuz things weren’t going well for Chris that he

Could be a factor there and then at Kentucky as well the one thing I’ll say about MC Cronin you know I do know him a little bit I live in LA now is like that dude is not afraid of the spotlight like that Kentucky like that you know like

That you know that fan B like he will run right to it he wants the spotlight on him he is not afraid of high expectations of whatever certainly as we learned on uh Tuesday night not afraid to say whatever comes to his mind as

Well so I it will be those kinds of guys though and and by the way you know what did he say on Tuesday night UCLA nil isn’t where it is where it needs to be well a year from now or you know in March of

2024 if if it’s still not there you know there there’s justang absolutely he takes a look if you could describe this season in one word what would it be you know I would just say um it’s it’s so like so corny so like I forgive me for this I would say entertaining and

I’ll tell you why it’s because all the good teams have played each other and like it just so happened I know that perue thought they were going to be good and Arizona thought they were going to be good but like we didn’t know that was

Going to be a top three I mean Arizona was like 13 or 14 in the AP poll so Arizona played each other Maui all like who would have known when you put together that field like four years ago oh marquette’s goingon to be in the top

Five when they go to Maui Tennessee so all these teams have played each other so it just feels like all the good teams have kind of played and and sorry Ric I keep no no no no it’s your I’m I’m just you’re bringing up a great point I would

Say also we’re stumbling in to some really good ones UNCC uh Oklahoma tonight did we know Oklahoma was going to be a top 10 you know so you’re right yes all we’re we’re stepping in [ __ ] here to get some really really good matchups no 100% no and and and so

That’s been the cool part is like some years it’s just it’s whatever this year and by the way like last week CBS Sports classic it happens to be the rotation where Yukon plays North Carol or where Yukon where Kentucky plays Carolina it happens to be the rotation where

Kentucky played Kansas Kansas goes to Maui Kansas hosts Yukon Kansas goes to Indiana so credit to the coaches credit to the TV people that put these games together but it’s also just worked out nicely that all of these teams all happen to be really good at the moment

That they’re playing yeah I think the only caveat to that is if they can break it up a little bit to have conference games earlier and mix in some of these kind of showcases around the Super Bowl or Martin Luther King weekend like give

Us a little bit let me know you know let me know those I want to see Purdue play Kansas in February where I’m where I truly can decide who’s going to be a one seed or the one overall you know what I mean you’re you’re like about my age I

Don’t know what your age is exactly give or take don’t you remember like every February there were like two or three huge like I’m you know I’m a Yukon guy I remember Yukon going to Kansas in like early February they was like oh this s

Sunday on CBS Yukon at Kansas and it was like Ray Allen walking through F it’s like I don’t Texas I remember Duke playing Texas in January I feel like yeah um they used to play at the gardens John later in the year I agree yeah there’s very few these show and you

Could say you know everybody’s always like well we got the big 12 sec challenge all right yeah one Saturday in January let me see it mixed up a little bit you know like so age it it’s tough but I guess in the midst of a three- game losing streak in conference play

You don’t want to necessarily go into Texas if you’re Alabama you know so I get that part too you’re in the business of winning games well and that’s that’s the tough part is getting the coaches on board because once you do start league play it’s that much tougher like you

Know that ACC Big 12 challenge that you mentioned I remember last last year like A&M for some reason wasn’t in it and they were playing really well and I seem to remember Buzz Williams being like yeah we’re kind of glad we’re not in it like we don’t need a random game against

Uh Iowa State when you know we just had Kentucky come into town and we got Alabama next week or whatever so uh sleepers this year because I do so on my word would have been uncertainty by the way because I don’t know if we know

Who’s the best I think there’s a lot of teams floating around so a lot of sleepers out there I think two that now it was funny uh when they had who was the kid who got in trouble duges Memphis uh and is now in the league Mikey

Williams oh um kid from Memphis and then he went to Eastern Michigan oh oh amoni Bates amount Bates when they had when when amoni Bates was going to Memphis everybody preseason was like I got Memphis 80 to1 I got Memphis 80 to1 so I get worried a little bit that Memphis is

The sexy team but you bring in Tomlin you got JQ who’s who’s really good obviously from Bama and quinly um the only thing I kind of worry about is Penny Hardway you’re sitting in Memphis at 60 to1 another one I look at is Oklahoma with Porter Mo Moser who’s been

There um the kid uh OA and McCollum are both averaging 14 points a game that’s really good both guards guards get it done for you who are some other ones you be looking at right now in terms of like stocking stuff for future uh right before Christmas year under the radar

Five seed six seed or just you know they’re they’re sitting at 25 or 30 in the power rankings right now they could end at a one seed so I know it’s easy to say right now but I like them even before was is Providence and I like

Really first of all I well I just think it’s the most talented roster they’ve had during this run is I think Kim English did a good job of convincing those guys that were already there like hey dude you know you can go somewhere else to start over but you’re here

Whatever but then he brought th those two dudes from George Mason who are really good like ticket gains is really good and then oduro the big guy is good enough for the big big East so I look at them um you know in the SEC like nobody

Really you know PE I like alurn but you know I don’t I don’t know if I love alurn and then you get to the Big 12 and it’s tough to see anybody Beyond you know Kansas Houston Etc the teams that we’ve talked about so what about West

What about if West Virginia I know first year coach what about West Virginia can figure it out with these guys didn’t uh Jesse Edwards just get hurt or something though I thought I saw that he did he did all right they’re still bringing back karesa I know they had the kid from

The suspension obviously I think that they’ll be okay I it’s just like with the first year coach new roster well it’s also harder too in that big 12 like they’re you’re going to take your lunch you don’t have time yeah you don’t have time figure out but you could be an 89

And come out of the Big 12 and and you know you get announced on selection Sunday it’s like hey you’re playing Nebraska an 89 and their mouths watering because they just played the Big 12 is loaded there is not one easy game in that comp maybe three or four tops but

Man that conference is loaded well that’s that’s exactly around the the Big 12 I will say I am anti- big 10 I just I think it’s a little bit of a sham but I do think Illinois is a real team like because they got NBA dudes you know and

It’s like you know like like we talk about all these different variables in the tournament what did Yukon have they just had you know I I guess it’s you know I could probably swear on this but they had effing dudes last year like they had [ __ ] guys like it’s like oh

I’m just Andre Jackson just going to jump right the [ __ ] over you excuse my language like Jordan Hawkins going to bang three threes in your face you’re going to like it and so it’s like and I’m not saying Shannon and and Coleman Hawkins are are are you know Haw you

Know Coleman Hawkins are are are Jordan Hawkins and and Andre Jackson but like I do think like we over like think this sometimes you know again look at even San Diego State like they got two or three guys that are like on Fringe NBA rosters this year like we think it’s

This incredible story it’s like M Butler is probably gonna be a second round pick this year leay is going to be the Mountain West Player of the Year potentially and then oh by the way men is on an NBA roster right now couple other so the point I’m trying to make is

Like sometimes we get so caught up in like it cracks me up this time of year like what about the net ranking what about it’s like give me yukon’s guys like give me Arizona’s guys like I I I I think we’ll figure it out you know what

Saying there is yeah it’s the writer doesn’t work for you so I’m not going to give you uh uh I’m not going to give him a free shout out but there is somebody who has tracked for the last 40 years and I think only one Buck the trend um

NBA uh NCA Champions have at least three guys to play in the NBA so you know you you gotta have you gotta have Next Level Talent you could have college talent and that’s nice and you make the run and you do what you do but in terms of cutting

Down the net you need pros and that’s very you know factual yeah and like being a Yukon guy even like the like shabaz Napier team obviously in 2014 2011 was the Kemba team but Kemba was a lottery pick shabaz Napier played in the league Jeremy Lamb I think is still in

The league like eight n years checks think so I I could be wrong on that I had you need you need those guys so that’s those guys that’s where it’s at we over complicate that’s by the way that’s also why I was a little I I

Didn’t I didn’t believe in Purdue in the preseason I think it’s hard not to somewhat believe in them after they beat Arizona Tennessee all the teams that they’ve beaten but that’s like they don’t have like do Fletcher lawyer you know I know we just saw this in the you

Know a week ago but like Fletcher lawyer versus kylin Boswell and freaking Caleb love like yeah I’m probably going to take the Arizona guys you know agreed no I I agree with you they they could lose a few they just got the difference when it matters I agree their makeup the

Makeup of their rosters already interrupt you is if one of those three guys like they need Braden Smith Foster lawyer or fetcher lawyer and Edy to go off I mean the formula is out on them if they don’t make their shots Ed will always put up 25 if the outside guys

Don’t make their shots produ screw Arizona still got Jaden Bradley too no yeah yeah I mean he you know he was a top 15 recruit like they’re they’re very good so Illinois would be the sleeper uh mid Majors duges is going to get mad because I didn’t mention Dayton but I

And I’ve had a bad history with this team I make fun of them for hanging the perfect season Banner um down at Hawk Hill but St Joe’s now this is where college basketball like my brother said it to me at Thanksgiving he goes you want to talk about brutal being a

College basketball coach you lose to Texas A&M Commerce and then the next night you’re in Kentucky shorts and almost pull that upset I think St Joe’s has uh the wins against Nova win against a very good Princeton team you got five guys in double digits Eric Reynolds

Xavier Brown Lyn Greer the guard Trio I think if they get there it’s hard with the A10 being you know it’s probably a two bid league if that three bid League to a degree it’s the next level like the U Mountain West but could you see St

Joe’s being kind of a sleeper here uh as far as a mid- major if they aren’t who are some others that jump out well one absolutely with St Joe’s I mean because they’ve done it against the type of teams that you’re going to have to do it

In the tournament you mentioned no which maybe offir I’ll call you I just want your perspective on them because they are they’re they’re wild they’re all over the place um and you know they got they got big time guys and like they got guys that can make plays and so I like

Them the other one that comes to mind it’s kind of the opposite of what I just said about St Joe’s and and even the tournament in general but Colorado State man like first of all they destroyed kraton you know and and Nico Med just a smart dude good coach great coach and

You know he’s produced NBA players David Rody Etc but like he just gets guys that fit that school fit that culture fit that whatever two years ago remember they made the tournament they were six seed as an at large they lose to Michigan brutal draw against a Michigan

Team though that was kind of like S no I want to say sandbagging but just couldn’t find their Rhythm and that was a not an 11 seed no I mean they had honter Dickinson and you know whoever else buffkin and all those guys so no um so but this year they’re healthy again

And I you know I know they just lost to St Mary’s the other night uh but they they’ve done what they need to do out of conf conference they beat kraton they have the tournament experience and like you said the the Mountain West isn’t going to be probably like a four five

Bid league but there will be opportunities for good wins in that league but I just think good coach really tough home court veteran dudes that have made it to a tournament it’s not like they’re going to be one of those where they you know they they they

They the moment gets too big and they lose six of seven in January or whatever like just steady even keeled whatever so that would definitely be one as well the uh healthy debate Grand Canyon is going to be the public sexy pick around the water coolers of the cubes uh in the

Brackets this year no doubt about it I could already just see Tom and finance being like yeah gr County I heard good things because I they have built it you know um they got Bryce Drew out there obviously unbelievable home environment they kind of hung with Iowa as in the in

The co year uh they make it last year kind of hung with kaga for to a degree played with K they pred they got yeah I mean now it’s but but now you’re looking at uh two tournament appearances do they eventually break through so I think everybody’s going to be picking gr uh

Grant Canon I like them I do think they’re I’m almost pissed that the the words out on them because I’ve been in on them for three years obviously like Drew my f one of my favorite buzzer beaters in the tournament um tyion gr Foster is from he was a Kansas commit

And then he went to deple he wasn’t going to play there obviously with the transfer but they got a guy who’s like a you know guy played at Kansas he he was a Kansas player now in this conference out there with uh with Grant Canyon I I

Think they’re a very very public pick here in the tournament if they obviously they gotta make it but uh I could see a lot of people um picking Grand Canyon well that’s what I was going to say also healthy debate they’re going to be the team that like Jay bis is screaming

About like the Monday Tuesday of championship week like in it’s going to be like a the the 1413 game in the ACC tournament and he’s going to be like well you know I don’t care what happens here if Grand Canyon gets left out let me tell you this sport is going to you

Whatever cuz like they’re 9-1 right now so they’ll probably end up winning you know like they’ll probably enter like champ week like 28 and four and they’re just going to be that annoying team that it’s like well you know I mean I I don’t even care what happens if if there you

Cannot put in Iowa over Grand K and we’re going to be like by the time we get to uh selection Center just just put them in it’s fine like we don’t all need to argue with this so healthy debate they’re going to be The Annoying team

During champ week even if they don’t win and then they absolutely will be and it’s for the reasons you said it’s like the brand is big enough now where everybody knows it the student section the school has yeah like every and and you know you know healthy debate what

Else it’s going to be so annoying when everyone does exactly what you just said which is like pretends like they just you know I mean you have not Rico you have not lived until you have seen you have got to check out this student section yeah we’ve been checking out the

Student section since 2018o went there with freaking Louisville and said it was one of the crazi environments he’s ever been to yeah it’s on my list I uh I I do have to get out there so we’ll see no I just that’s just what the the you know

The the Casual is going to be saying around the water coolers agreed agreed you you think rup is tough wait till you see D go ahead I got one for you one I think that New Mexico’s a sleeper in the Mountain West new yeah New Mexico’s good

My only concern about them is they they got super hot to start last year and then really fell apart I think it’s different this year but I do agree with that flipping on that conference too like you know they had a final four team last year we talked about everybody’s like oh

You know Mountain West Mountain West does get multiple bids for a reason so I can see that narrative flipping two A10 will be a multi- bid League again and I do think that’s I think it’s gonna be Dayton I think St Joe’s could or du Kane

One of those two St Jon’s if they get in they have the formula with the guards y my favorite mid- major team that I think can make a Cinderella run or make an upset in the tournament Indiana State okay I have not tapped to the to the

Valley yet one loss is to Bama got smoked but again Bama I think is the best offense in the country Ken palom agrees with that it bad matchup in the sense that when you watch Indiana State play it is they have this Center this

Like 610 guy a villa I want to say his name is who is just so efficient in the post reminds me of Cam krutwig I think they could get a win they shoot the hell out of the ball top five in the country shooting the three so I I like Indiana

State to make an upset anything on Indiana State not much more than said double figures so they have a CO their coach came from D2 by the way like three years ago so I was a little early on them but the coaches settled in he dominated D2 um I forget exactly what

School but like had like multi 25 plus win season the one thing I will say I am big on the hiring dudes that did it at a different level because I think if you’re a really good coach you figure out the rest of it so one the best

Example in basketball is your your guy oats right uh Chris beard by the way for whatever happened off the court was a great Jo coach was a great D2 coach whatever and then the college football playoff this year like kayin Deo kayin Deo in football he went he coached it an

Niia school and he went like 60 and three over a fiveyear stretch like you know you don’t think that guy’s gonna figure it out once he gets to to the power five so I’m a big proponent of guys that have proven that like they

Know how to run a program and do all of the other stuff because again then when you get the dudes when you the players you know the rest takes care of itself yeah I mean you also look at you know to that point schools who haven’t had a lot of success

Or have nothing to lose like Indiana State or you know I I don’t even know like give me any school it’s like yeah like what do you want to do you want to roll out Frank ha for 50c Time Around the Sun or do we want to go give

Somebody else a shot so I like that uh get Billy gpsy to start it up with tlon exactly yeah it’s like it’s crazy uh real quick B’s got Arizona tonight tough tough spot Arizona off the the the loss Bama off the loss if Bama loses which

I’m not saying they will I think they’ll win but if they go to six and five what’s the Panic meter for Alabama full-on Panic uh a little bit a lot or a lot a little bit or medium a little bit like where where they at because they’ve

Lost to Elite teams and oats is not afraid to play those but you got to kind of win some of these too so where do you if you were Obama Guy where do you put the Panic meter if they do lose tonight do they win the Rose Bowl that’s the

Real question is I’m like amazed how many like I the fan base is pretty locked in I’m sitting here not far from Pasadita right now but you know I so it’s I mean coacho talked about it this week so it’s not like it’s a big secret he’s like

We’ve been in every game we got to win one or two of them um I do think the SC I know people are like a little down on the SEC right now it feels like everybody’s kind of beating up on everybody else in the OT conference I

Don’t think any maybe the Big 12 but there’s not like a ton of conferences standing out so you’re going to have your chances and it’s not going to be neutral courts that was what I was going to say to you because you know him so well like I give him credit for

Scheduling the way that he did but to go from Tuscaloosa to Toronto back to Tuscaloosa to Omaha back to Tuscaloosa to Phoenix that’s a lot and and three really good teams a lot of travel I do think it’s a tough spot for them too Arizona off of a win off of a

Loss if they if they were rolling and they had just beaten Purdue by 15 I think it’d be different I think it’s a tough spot I wouldn’t personally panic because I think he’s that good of a coach and I think there are wins to be

In the SEC uh but I understand a fans frustration that and even Nate oats his frustration that you’re not closing out these these big games and getting wins yeah yeah so uh just wanted that and then uh we’ll end on this one a little bit of fun uh healthy debate I saw you

Were kind of chiming or you’ve been watching a lot of it jety had a really good point I’m a Home Alone one guy so Home Alone one and Home Alone two and the take I’ll give you uh is kind of stolen from him but two obviously is you

Know it’s a little bit repetitive like would you even lose the kid again I I love I love one I think there’s better Side characters but also the criminals in two really become like murderers in one it’s kind of like bumbling idiots you know thumbtacks and let’s do this

And you know even at the end I’m we going to bite your fingers off at the end they got a gun on them don’t they in two that’s true like so it gets a little a little dark so I’m a one instead of two guy but I know you’ve been watching

Them so you could give us your take as well well healthy debate so I I have flipped on this so for years healthy debate said two was better than one and then I think somebody framed it to me the best way possible he said one is

Better he said but two like it was hard to make one one is obviously a classic and to make a sequel that’s basically almost as good makes two like that’s where you get the the false conversation of the false conversation of that two is

Better why I like two one I’m a big uh I’m a big New York City in around Christmas time kind of guy uh you know I got my my wife’s an LA girl we’ve been in New York in the summer we or actually we’ve been in the winter we want to

Bring her we we’ve been in the winter her parents have been in the summer we want to bring her parents next winter Yukon that return trip from Gonzaga they played Gonzaga Seattle next year it’s at MSG so the whole tourist Clan may be uh you know Christmas Vacation around that

Game so we’ll see so the truth is um I just like the New York City Vibe I wish they went a little deeper on him having fun he gets like the day of fun and then it immediately turns into the hotel staff like trying to arrest a

Six-year-old kid which is a little bit creepy in its own right so healthy debate Home Alone one but I think two as a sequel because like two as a sequel is about as good as you can do for a sequel you know what I’m saying like I’m trying

To think of the sports analogy where it’s like you know the team it’s like Yukon basketball this year it’s like they’re not last year’s team but coming off a national Championship that’s kind of about as good as you could expect so it it is home alone one you got you got

To give the sequel credit I give that that’s a good point yeah and I I didn’t really think about how dark Marvin Harry do get in that second one yeah it wasn’t really till I thought about it too go ahead dues I do have a question for you

About Yukon because I I that’s my them and Houston I think are Head and Shoulders above everyone else right now what do your think about cam Spencer in the sense who does he take over what role from last year does he take over more of a Jordan Hawkins what role or

Does he take over the calcatera role no I think I think it’s the Jordan Hawkins role three-point shooter and um you know he’s not he’s not a first round lottery pick but I think you know considering they got him in like June I think it’s about as good as uh they

Could have done but he’s really good he’s a fan favorite um I just think you know what’s crazy about them they really haven’t had all their guys at the same time fully healthy again clingin coming back from an injury he basically didn’t practice before the start of the Season

Then he gets thrown in then Castle goes down with an injury so there’s going to be some Readjustment but that’s a really good team by the way some of the guys off the bench like Assan diaro really didn’t play that well last year he’s playing well scary you’re saying we’re

Talking about Yukon they’re already loaded and he’s saying all these guys haven’t played together yet yeah it took mean that’s a problem I’ve been following cam Spencer since Ruckers and it took the worst game in my opinion of his career on the road in Kansas to get them their first like non-conference

Loss in two years so like that’s I think [ __ ] Yukon so good it’s a problem that’s what I’m saying dude I mean double digit win over Gonzaga double digit win over UNC four point loss at Kansas so yeah yeah I mean listen you know a story like that good for Danny

Hurley some people said he was going to stay in the New Jersey area for his whole life so it’s good to see Danny uh change his upbringing and New Jersey tonight yeah yeah exactly exactly so uh Aaron thank you very much for jumping in Merry Christmas uh enjoy it great slate

Of Hoops tonight I’ll be texting you uh as we’re watching I appreciate you guys thank you so much easy buddy thank you very much


  1. healthy debate, jerry after dark is a better show than healthy debate, healthy debate.

  2. Healthy Debate: Washington kinda handled Texas in the alamo Bowl last year. To much experience and
    sark will choke some decision . Dawgs by 10 .

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