Nobody Teaches Beginner Golfers Etiquette The Right Way Anymore

In today’s Facility Swingers video we are going to be looking at Golf Etiquette for NEW Golfers. Here are some tips to make your first time on the course a great one!

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In this video, I’m going to teach you the best golf etiquette rules that nobody teaches beginners anymore. These rules will help you avoid common golf etiquette mistakes that can cost you shots and affect your score.

Golf is a fun and challenging game, but it’s also a social occasion. Make sure to follow these golf etiquette rules to avoid embarrassing yourself and offending your fellow golfers.

Hello and happy holidays from all of us at facility swingers the YouTube channel where we help you improve your golf game and have more fun on the course today we are going to talk about golf etiquette the unwritten rules of conduct that every golfer should follow golf

Etiquette is not only about being polite and respectful to other players but also about taking care of the course and playing at a reasonable Pace in this video we will cover the basic golf etiquette rules and tips for beginners so you can avoid any awkward or embarrassing situations on the course

Let’s get started before you start your round there are some things you should do to prepare yourself and your equipment first make sure you have a tea time which is a reservation for a specific time slot on the course you can book a Tea Time online by phone or in

Person at the pro shop arrive at least 15 minutes before your tea time so you have enough time to check in pay your green fee and warm up second make sure you have the right equipment for the round you are allowed to carry up to 14 clubs in your bag but

You can also use less if you prefer you should also have enough golf balls te’s ball markers a divot repair tool and a golf glove you can buy or rent these items at the pro shop if you don’t have them third make sure you know the rules

And etiquette of the course you are playing different courses may have different policies on dress code cart use pace of play and other matters you can find this information on the course website on the scorecard or by asking the staff you should also familiarize yourself with the layout and the hazards

Of the course so you can plan your shots accordingly fourth make sure you are ready to play when when it’s your turn when you get to the first T check the T box sign for the recommended t for your skill level usually the te’s are colorcoded with the red T’s being the

Easiest and the black T’s being the hardest you can also ask the starter who’s the person in charge of the tea times for advice on which tea to use when it’s your turn to tea off place your ball on a tea within the markers and hit it towards the

Fairway the order of play is usually determined by the order of the tea times but you can also decide among yourselves who goes first a common courtesy is to let the player with the lowest handicap or the best score on the previous hole go first during the round there are some

Things you should do to keep the game flowing and enjoyable for everyone first maintain a good pace of play this means that you should not take too long to hit your shots and you should should not fall behind the group in front of you if

There is a gap between you and the group ahead and there is a group behind you waiting you should speed up or let them play through the best way to keep up the pace is to play Ready golf which means that you hit your shot when you are

Ready second be respectful and courteous to other players this means that you should not distract or disturb them when they are hitting their shots you should stand still and quiet and avoid moving talking or making any noise you should also avoid standing in their line of sight or casting a shadow on their

Ball you should also acknowledge their good shots and offer encouragement or sympathy for their bad ones third be careful and safe on the course this means that you should not hit your ball when there is a chance of hitting someone else you should always check the area ahead of you and wait

Until it is clear before you swing if you do hit a ball that might hit someone you should yell four as loud as you can to warn them you should also be aware of your surroundings and avoid walking into hazards bunkers or other dangerous areas fourth take care of the course

This means that you should not damage or litter the course and you should repair any damage that you or your ball cause you should replace any divots that you make on The Fairway or the tea box by putting the grass back in place or using the sand provided you should repair any

Ball marks that you make on the green by using a divot repair tool or a te to lift the edges of the mark and smooth the surface you should rake any bunkers that you enter by using the rake provided to level the sand and remove your Footprints after the round there

Are some things you should do to wrap up your game and show your appreciation first shake hands with your playing partners and congratulate them on their game you should also thank them for their company and their sportsmanship and exchange any contact information if you want to keep in touch second return

Your equipment to the pro shop and pay any fees or charges that you owe you should also clean your clubs and your shoes and store them properly if you rented a cart you should also return it to the cart barn and remove any trash or personal items from it third check your

Score card and record your score fourth enjoy the 19th Hole which is the term for the clubhouse or the bar where golfers gather after the round you can relax have a drink have a snack or have a meal you can also chat with your playing Partners or other golfers and

Share your stories and experiences from the round and that’s it these SE are the basic golf etiquette rules and tips for beginners by following these guidelines you can have a more enjoyable and respectful game and make a good impression on other golfers remember golf is a game of honor

And integrity and etiquette is an essential part of it thank you for watching this video if you liked it please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more and don’t forget to leave your comments and questions below what are your thoughts on golf

Etiquette do you have any tips or suggestions for beginners we would love to hear from You

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