Arsenal become fifth ‘Big Six’ Premier League club to reject new Super League proposal

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Arsenal have become the fifth ‘Big Six’ Premier League club to reject the latest European Super League proposals.

A club statement read: “Our position in relation to the European Super League has not changed.

“We will continue to play in UEFA competitions and continue to work with fellow European clubs and the European Club Association (ECA).”

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We got some breaking news for you and we were talking earlier on how four out of the six Premier League clubs who were initially involved in the European Super League back in 2021 have have come out and said they will step away from it despite the sort of changes and

Developments that have happened since the European court of justice ruling yesterday morning Arsenal who we still hadn’t heard from have now released a statement they’ve said Arsenal Football Club notes the Judgment by the European court of justice on Thursday 21st of December 2023 and our position in relation to the European super league

Has not changed will continue to play in Ufa competitions and continue to work with fellow European clubs and the European Club associations so Arsenal reiterating their stance that they had a couple of years ago when the Super League s of fell apart to begin with that they are not interested they will

Continue to play in UF for competitions


  1. The English created the greatest league system in the world with thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands of football clubs competing in it, all around the country on several different levels. From that naturally came your winners and losers through hard fought competition which entertained millions of people yearly. This hard fought competition then continued to grow in popularity because it was so exciting to watch anything could happen, a truly unique sport. Top clubs could collapse into nothing and the smallest clubs could build themselves up into the best of the best. Then came all the money…Then came an opportunity for the entitled current top sides to solidify their position forever and essentially no longer choose to participate in the same game that everyone else had done for the past hundred years…Then came the separation in which these certain greedy clubs jumped at that opportunity and became invincible and the rules suddenly no longer applied to them and they could always buy their way out of trouble… And now it's the modern day… These same certain clubs who have been garanateed safety and protection have not been relegated through either divison or league position or stature as expected and are now essentially untouchable and have been able to outgrow everyone else when by this time they should have already collapsed and someone should have taken their place at the top of the pyramid. People talk about how it's the clubs which make football popular NO, it's football which made the clubs popular. These clubs only then chose to become corrupt with the power they had and the fear they had of losing it by never allowing themselves to be relegated or fall down the league by twisting the rules to their benefit. IT'S NOT THE CLUBS, IT'S THE COMPETITION. The only people who want this are foreigners who do not respect the beauty of the English game and the open opportunity for all. The game belongs to us (the English) not you and most of us say NO. If you want a tacky plastic soulless game bore off and create your own. Stop interfering with what is OURS. Football was just fine in this country before you lot came along, we don't need you

  2. There is no ‘Big Six’ anymore. Newcastle and Aston Villa have and will continue to infiltrate the old guard for years to come.

  3. How about clubs like Aston Villa Newcastle Brighton West Ham Brentford Wolves etc why aren't they make any statement? Are Luton joining Super League?

  4. the premier league is already a saudi/american league 😂bunch of sellouts talking on how not to sell out football. of course you can say no because of the infinte outside economical backup, the rest of europe is not so lucky. just wait until clubs in other leagues like serie A starts supporting the super league based on how much money they'll make. remember that the ones who created the european championship, the first iteration of the champions league, were real madrid. they already changed foodtball once, don't be surprised if they do it again

  5. Arsenal would still bottle the Super League if they played there. So it's a smart decision to reject it. As if bottling the Premier League in favour of Man City wasn't bad enough.

  6. It wasn’t a particularly forceful rejection but at least they said something I guess.

  7. I understand why Barca and Real Madrid owners want it so badly……. they own big clubs, that are difficult to feed, with such relatively low revenue from TV rights(since very little people tune-in for La Liga)…… but the solution for that, is not some fuckery like "Super League"……. they simply need to go for the same marketing strategy as PL went for……. the spanish league needs to attract multiple big investors/owners, to make the entire league more attractive……. then they'll attract more viewership……. but I understand Florentino Perez wants to take that "short-cut" to big buck, in form of "Super League"……. unfortunately for him, fans won't go for that unfair nonsense

  8. Why does the term ‘big six’ still get used? So disrespectful to teams like Newcastle, Aston Villa, West Ham and Brighton who are now regularly well in that mix of top premier league teams battling and qualifying for Europe. Please stop using that term SSN!!!

  9. As an arsenal fan, no is no. There are already league, ucl, fa cup. Some have third major domestic competitions as well. That's all enough. No need for a new competition that will make players more tired. I just want arsenal win ucl and cwc in international competition.

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