What discs does a 1000-rated touring disc golfer throw? | In The Bag – Justin Rosak

Justin Rosak has been throwing Prodigy since college and has never felt more comfortable with his disc golf bag. He has numerous top 25 finishes on the Disc Golf Pro Tour and played on chase cards at Elite Series events, including the Dynamic Discs Open.

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What’s up guys this is Justin rosac with Team Prodigy here to do my in the Bag all right so my bag is pretty much built for my game I tend to throw a lot of things pretty flat to slight Annie so I do carry a lot of overstable discs in here um but I also do have some pretty good understable discs that throwing in

Higher flips throw flat to Annie shots whatever I need to work on through the woods or in the Open Fields all right so let’s start off with the putters um right now I’m putting with 300 firm p3s uh I typically like my Putters blank I don’t really like stamps on top of

Them uh just cuz I don’t really care where I hold on to and I don’t want to stamp messing with my with my mind while I’m trying to put my hand on the disc wherever it wherever it feels comfortable I’m going to put my hand on the disc right there my first throwing

Putter my most understable 300 glow pa3 like to throw this on little heer flips through the woods maybe flat get it to turn a little bit this one’s got my logo on it so it’s a pretty nice disc to throw next up we got 400 glow pa3 this

One has been a staple in my bag for a little over a year now really just my main upshot putter right now the next disc is the 500 Distortion this one’s pretty puddle top but I mainly use this for forehands ever since PRI came out with this disc it’s been one of my

Favorites I absolutely love throwing putter forehands whenever I can and so this disc right here has just increased my forehand game and really given me the control through the woods that I needed next up we’re going to go to the mid-ranges the first one we’re going to go with is the 750g

M4 this thing is incredible it’s very stable for an M4 so when I throw it flat it just holds really really nice to the right or I can throw it on as much Hiser as I want and get it to stand up and just go dead straight through the woods

It’s uh really a Workhorse for me next this I have is the new archive this one’s in 400 plastic one of the more overstable ones this thing has been flying incredibly since I like to throw everything flat just throw it flat and it just has this nice glidey left finish

To it the whole way and it’s incredible flyer I love throwing these for any kind of upshots within like 350 to 330 kind of range where I can just hammer it hard and flat out right of the basket and just watch it Glide left towards it next

Up is another new release is the pragi club midrange this thing is pretty new to the bag and I’ve been really testing it out but I am really loving this thing it’s pretty overstable flies very similar to an mx1 but it just has a little bit more Glide and not as much

Much dump at the end and so really I can just kind of control it just throw it out there flat and just watch it fade down to the left it’s a great upshot disc and if you guys love the mx1 but don’t like the bead this is the disc for

You all right next up in my bag we have Fairway drivers uh starting off first with the H7 I love the H7 for really just utility rollers I can get some really long rollers with this thing but really what I’m looking for is throwing it just out there flat and just letting

It flip naturally to the ground I can control how much cut I want with how much higher I put on it and just watch it roll and it always comes back and flips over at the end this has been a great roller disc and I’d highly recommend anybody who wants a roller

Game to throw this one we have the shadow facts I’m going to start with this one first this white one 500 plastic it’s just been my go-to for about 3 months now this thing is getting beaten so it’s a really good Hiser flip to turn in the woods or just throw it on

A lot of Heiser get it to flip up and go really straight these things are incredible have so much Glide and I absolutely love these this green one is brand new to me shout out to Ezra Robinson to getting for getting me this he got this for me from Europe and it is

A 400 glimmer Shadow fax and this thing is incredible it is way more over stable than the white one and I can just throw it on a little bit of Hiser and get it to just barely stand up and it goes straight and it has really consistent

Fade a lot more overstable with shadowx than the white one but still this thing is an incredible disc just throw it out there nice and flat or just a little bit of Hiser and it just goes dead straight the 500 feedback I love throwing this thing for little baby Flex shots or

Shots that I want to have hold over and just come to rest or hold over and maybe get a little Flex out at the end this is a really good disc if there’s just a little bit of wind and I don’t want to throw the green Shadow facts and it’s

Just a little bit straighter than some of my fx2s So speaking of fx2s I have two fx2s in my bag I’m going to start with this orange one it’s orange pero FX2 it’s 400g it’s really board flat and I love to use it for sidearms and really just any kind of

Heer like three 90 to 370 in that range and then I have this yellow FX2 in the bag that Luke humph gave me like 3 years ago now I think this guy is very overstable and I can throw this on Flex shots I can throw it on overstable

Forehands it’s just one of my more overstable Fairways in the bag and this is an absolute Workhorse for me last Fairway driver we have is a glow H1 this is like one of the most fun discs in my bag because of how overstable it is I love to just throw it

On like roller angle sidearms and watch it Flex out I love throwing it on like big back hands where it looks like it’s going to roll but it comes out flexes out at the end it’s a great utility disc and has actually saved me a lot of Strokes using it for scramble shots

Whether it be a forehand roller or just a really big Flex Shot in the woods this is a Proto D4 that I’ve been using for a lot of Flippy forehands I just throw it out there on a forehand on some Hiser and put it on as much Hiser as I want

Just get to watch it stand up maybe get a little bit of turn and it’s just a great shot shaping disc all right we’re going to go with this 400g D2 next this is a D2 that uh gandur gave me and this is my farthest fly disc in my bag it is

A pretty overstable D2 but it is very pop top it has a lot of Glide and just goes insanely far I love throwing this disc flat maybe just a little bit of Hiser and just watching it flip and turn and just go forever I have a 400

Gv2 uh this is vino signature on it wasn’t really a fan when I first started throwing it but now it’s beat into Perfection I love getting this one out there and just ripping it hard and throwing it flat and just kind of goes out there really straight maybe gives me

Just a little bit of turn if I throw it flat and it has really nice consistent fade at the end and it’s just a work course distance driver I’ll throw this on like eight out of nine distance driver shots typically on a course if I’m throwing a lot of distance drivers

This is this is my main go-to one right here we have some gonur 500 d1s got this red one in the bag right now this thing has been in there for about 5 months or so so it’s pretty seasoned but it’s really overstable still throw it out

There flat or just throw it out there on a little bit Annie and watch it Flex out can throw big Flex shots with this guy can throw really nice hisers with this thing just holds up into any headwind and it’s just a really great overstable distance driver that still can get out there

Pretty far and then the last D1 I have is another 500 D1 with ganon’s logo on it this thing is a little bit flatter than the red one and so I like to use it for a lot of forehand and I think since it’s flatter it’s a lot more overstable

Than the red one too so I’ll use this one for a lot of Spike heisers and Shop forehand I need to get Flex out pretty late in this flight this is my sixth year throwing Prodigy and I have just felt really confident in my discs this

Year and confident that they can help me succeed in whatever way possible so if you guys want to build your bag like mine go to Project and get these Discs


  1. I really liked this 'in the bag' because it seems like Justin throws a lot of current runs and new molds. Some of the other Prodigy players mostly throw old stuff that'll cost you $100 per disc if you can even find one.

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