FIRST THINGS FIRST | Chris Broussard reveals who’s under duress this week

#Undisputed #SkipBayless #shannonsharpe
FIRST THINGS FIRST | Chris Broussard reveals who’s under duress this week

Live from New York it’s the show that argues about Brock pie in the commercial breaks it’s the second hour of first things first still to come who is calling the Eagles a clown Show are there problems in Philadelphia and then later are the Rams sneaky playoff contenders if they win tonight sneaky

Sneaky z uh but right now of course it’s 4:00 on Thursday which means it’s time for the most motivational segment in all of sports it’s the bud list it is also a Time stink where we take a little timeout a little break on the show and

Read some viewer mail for the year 2023 we get tons of mail uh and we always are willing to answer your questions and Concerns dear Wilds love the show well thank you I missed the a block while shopping for Ryan and Brian are you done discussing Miami and Dallas happy holiday day is Dawn so uh I think we are according to the rundown I’ll just get you caught up to speed Mike McDaniel

Said narrative wise he wants to stay focused when you look at the Cowboys on the road 0 and three if you look at dog we fix the picture first of all behind the c behind the curtains audience Wilds came into my office about an hour and a

Half ago and said brw we’re retiring the cowboy bit that’s what he told me yeah cuz Dusty and you just flat out betrayed me now where’s the real cowboy stink we did a picture of me I was tired of this one I said look I want the real one and

We took it before they won’t we took a real photo before the show access to every and I you know I had the flex and all that but anyway we’ll get that up next week all right the bud it’s the MVP Edition oh so number three cadarius Tony you’re like okay what in

The world does he have to do with MVP a lot because he’s basically taking the best quarterback in the league out of the MVP race you and I predicted mahes would be the MVP this year caderas has cost them two games with his drops or just boneheaded penalties and if they

Are 11 and3 instead of nine and five and if Patrick Mahomes has a couple of less interceptions then he’s right smack dab in the middle of maybe winning his third stra hard to beat Joe Montana lar there there’s that now cadarius the bud list is about motivation and inspiration so

I’m going to give you some advice it’s going to help Nick’s team but hey it is what it is I want to help you man now look stinkle know this they used back in the day when you had a fumble problem fumbling you used to always have to

Carry the football around all right so cadarius I want you to go get a football from practice and carry it around for the rest of the season all right when you go to the supermarket you got your football when you go to the club and do your thing you got your football when

You take a shower put a plastic bag over it and hold this football in fact when you do your video in a day or two excommunicating wild from Chief’s kingdom Hold Your football all right don’t do that you know feel it make it become one with it grab it and this will

Help you cadarius Tony all right I like you I don’t know how much I believe in you but I like you so I’m going to try to believe in you all right at number two this is where we really get into the MVP stuff here we go Dak and Tua oh now

Both of them are on the periphery Dak was leading a week ago all right but obviously a bad game against Buffalo and now you and Tu are on the periphery him more so than you but if both of you have huge games you could get right back in

This thing especially if Lamar and Brock struggle in their game and here’s what you both have things to prove this is why you’re on the periphery you can’t beat winning teams but good luck good news is one of you is probably going to win against a winning team uh this

Weekend look at the drop in your performance against teams that have winning records versus teams that have 500 or lower these are two of these are two of the best quarterbacks in the league supposedly and yet they both are one and four in dropping against the competition in terms of their

Performance passer rating so uh you Dak on the road you can prove that you can beat a good team and win on the road so Dak you really could get back in this thing if if Brock py and Lamar struggle in their next game and two who know

Tyreek look he practiced today maybe he’ll play but if he doesn’t you were good last week without him you got a chance to hop back in this thing too all right at number one Brock pie and Lamar Jackson this is really it this is really

You guys are one two in the MVP race and this could deter I mean I think it’s tight and I think other guys are kind of lurking uh but if one of you plays great and wins this game then you could go a long way and maybe wrapping up the MVP

So this will be huge now you know Brock does his thing statistically those are eye popping Lamar you do it by controlling the game and the eye test and watching how you do and look you both are playing the top two defenses in the league you so if you play great in

This game it will go a long way in determin the MVP I actually believe in both of you one of you is going to the Super Bowl congratulations Lamar the other you’re getting close all right but Philly is tough so uh that’s this weekend this week’s bud list I think

That was by the way I’ve got a tiebreaker if they end in a tie for the MVP we could use that 10 yard Sprint oh yeah the 10 yard Sprint it be dead heat prob right so we could do that all right so uh I am going to go to

A guy that there are a lot of question marks about right now if he was on trial the jury would take about 5 Seconds to deliberate and say we don’t think you can play and that is Bryce young Bryce young sometimes looks like he’s throwing a medicine ball out there like the ball

Is heavier than him but I’m going to tell you something I saw something last week I’m calling the Carolina Atlanta game at the very end of the game they have not done anything offensively Bryce young goes five for five 68 yards 13.6 yards per pass attempt and had a passer

Rating of 11 18.8 at the end end of the game I’m telling you I’m telling you what he drove them down with poise intangible wise he’s awesome but you also have to have some tangibles and we hadn’t seen any tangibles up into that point during the course of a game so

Good for Bryce young but this is not being this is this game is not being about you know having tangible skills one weekend out of 18 or 17 it’s about backto back to back it’s about stacking games together so Bryce congratulations that was an excellent victory in a

Rainstorm last week let’s see if you can stack it together this week wow that’s pretty I like that I like Bryce young being on there as Nick knows I love CJ stra coming out of the draft I’m not surprised he’s better but I’m not going

To fully give up on Bryce you know a lot of guys have struggled early so yeah I like that he we going to motivate him the yeah I I think everybody probably roots for him and it’s too early to give up on him there the last week was I I

Agree with you think the first time you saw even a the littlest thing build on see if you can build on it all right before I show you who’s on the bud list I would there is a matchup this weekend involving two of the best receivers in

Football that has not been discussed on any show in any way and I wonder cuz it’s the holidays cuz it’s Christmas and I’m going to show stink now how to do an actual blind reveal where there’s real suspense so here’s two receivers from this season and so the guy on the left

Has 200 more yards but on 56 more targets their yards for reception are almost identical they’re receiving touchdowns the guy on the right is aead so I don’t know how you feel if it would be a wash what it would be but they play each other this weekend so let’s discuss

It that is of course Devonte Adams and Rashid rice and so I am putting Devonte Adams on the bud list because Devonte Adams right now is staring at the tail end of the prime of his career and he is going to be staring across the field

This weekend at a team that in the off season despite having Rashi rice well maybe actually not despite because they have Rashi rice is looking for a maybe overqualified number two receiver next year and Devonte Adams contract seems ominous seems Lumin y but it’s not next

Year it’s 17 million bucks and the final two years are totally fake they’re 35 million and 35 million for the next two so for the Raiders if they are actually going to be grown-ups and try to rebuild would they be willing to trade Devonte Adams would they be willing to trade

Devonte Adams within the division and maybe most notably will Devonte Adams say I’m not having fun here cuz I’m going to show you a different Devonte Adams stat since that remember when the things seemed to be going well for the Raiders but he wasn’t getting the ball

Yeah since then since week five he has 51 catches 500 yards two touchdowns that is that’s a total fair comparison since week five so if you are putting up production of oh rookie wide receiver that I like but you know is not a star in this league and you are still I think

He believes the best receiver in football do you and you’re going to stare across the field this weekend the team that has a great quarterback he used to have one of those you’re going to be going in with Aiden oconnell so I wonder how Devonte Adams is going to

Register at the end of the season the pending coaching change the quarterback situation in Las Vegas that was interesting was that was a pitch to get Devon which I’m not mad at you he I love to see him what do you mean in Kansas

City you could learn a lot R but did you start off saying the two best receivers no I said two of the best rice is now one of the best I mean is Devonte Adams yeah okay well I mean it’s not all numbers rice is not now like his future

But that no he’s not one of the best receivers in the leag you open there why would you need Devonte Adams I thought wide receivers yeah it’s good to have two you got two you got two you got Devonte number two guess what she would might be on tour next year Travis is

Just fine all right so I’m going off the board here I’m putting uh Christmas presents on you know when I was growing up I saw Dan Marino give his offensive lineman and running backs just a pair of gloves and said you know what happy birthday yeah happy merry Christmas

Happy Christmas no Merry Christmas now start out with Trevor Lawrence he didn’t have a cart in all of Jacksonville he had to limp all the way back to the locker room in the medical tent so he said LOL I’ll get everybody some uh golf carts and then Patrick Mahomes said that

Okay I will see your golf cart and raise you a cooler golf cart with nicer Rim true so now there’s a bunch of other quarterbacks in the league like oh geez a lot of these guys are backups Poor Joe flacko just got there like what I got to

Get these guys I’m playing great my get comeback player of the year I’m just making 4 million bucks I think so stink I also wanted to toss it to you for a quick story time if I am Jake Browning if I am Joe flacko if I’m uh I who’s

Starting for the Vikings gner MCH gner mchu is a better example what are you expecting as my lineman I’m not the franchise guy I’m kind of just in there yeah like so I think you know we have us hog mollies at the end of the year we

Have a little offensive line kind of dinner yeah got hey great year guys maybe just throw a few bucks into the pot into Kitty how much uh for Gardener men you maybe five 6 grand 6,000 right he’s paying the whole thing essentially those cost like 9,000 a piece you bought

A lot of them right yeah but you’re buying what the golf carts those golf carts that that that Mahomes those are 20 plus thousand bucks a piece $20,000 you’re not just a I guarantee you 20 grand there better be $10,000 in the seat I guarantee you get you one of

Those no he they La used to La used to come in with a lot of cash or Prett good I’m getting Josh a Starbucks yeah pay for our dinner uh easy a fire article about the Philadelphia Eagles that’s the one we took that before the show last not even a good why


  1. Lamar being a mvp candidate shows how pathetic the mvp award has fallen, 22 tds on a stacked team vs a weak sched

  2. Context doesn't matters to them mia oline has been hurt reefs helped the eagles and we came back against the chiefs and lost because tyreek fumbled and he was dropping passes

  3. He is not going to chiefs especially from a raiders team and also he grew up a raiders fan, sorry nick your Xmas present for next year is not adams😂😂😂

  4. Nick wright is something else…let’s swap devante and rice on teams this season and what do we think happens? Such a disingenuous argument.

  5. The Niner's defense is really banged up right now, especially in their run defense, and thats not gonna help going up against the #1 run team in the League.

  6. Kind of funny that people are already considering the Ravens as the heavy favorites for the Super Bowl and the number 1 seed when it's a very realistic possibility that they don't even win their own division.

    If the Browns win out; which is a very realistic possibility against a Stroud-less Texans, the Jets, and the Bengals to whom they have utterly dominated since 2018..the Ravens would only have to go 1-2. Which is also not even close to unrealistic considering their next two games are against the 49ers and Dolphins.

    If both of those things happen, the Browns do win the tie-breaker. They tied in the head-to-head; they'd have the same division record, but the Browns would have the better conference record.

    So yes, the Ravens despite being quite possibly the best team in the AFC could very well end up not even winning the division.

  7. Didn’t Bryce beat Stroud head to head? Sunday definitely wasn’t the first time we saw “something” from Bryce.

  8. Rice and Adams are two of the best WR's in the NFL?
    At some point they should be able to slap him in the face with a rolled up newspaper for the level of stupid things coming out of his mouth while reaching for a "take". Because that was retarded. Yes, the R word.
    Their numbers… Aren't really that close. Made worse by the fact one has a great, nay, possibly the best QB in the NFL throwing to him every single game and the other one has…. I don't even know who the Raiders have right now. Some backup to a backup I think. Jimmy G wasn't doing well even when they had him. So the numbers aren't the same and the circumstances couldn't be any more different.
    So you think that he can pick up and go to the same division with that kind of salary to a team who like some dumbasses thought just a couple years ago they could use any jabroni at the position and save themselvse money. To the point they were so cheap they let the BEST WR IN THE NFL WALK instead of pay.
    This take is so f'n retarded they should stand in line to smack him in the face right square on the nose. The whole staff. Even the grips and boom operator.

  9. Purdy being considered for mvp is proof it ain't about the best player. Like seriously does anyone believe that team wouldn't be good with any other qb too. Take Purdy out and put him with the chief's wrs core and put Mahomes on the niners, do you think Purdy not only has a great season but even has close to Mahomes current numbers. To me the mvp on the niners should be macafrey he's the dude that turned that team around. N for the dolphins it should be Tyrek hill.

  10. In other words we are going to give it to Lamar doing non QB things,not based on reading a defense and throwing a football

  11. Baker had a lot better rookie record than Bryce YOUNG playing on a team that went I believe around 3/30 before he got there.I doubt very much if he’s going to be better than Mayfield which is about middle of the pack.

  12. People in this world are struggling to make ends meet…..I think it’s ridiculous to show people what these overpaid millionaires spend their money on 😢
    That type of stuff needs to stay out of the media….for goddesses sake!!!

  13. This is why the Brock Purdy thing is crazy. Nobody’s talking about Lamar not having his number one go to in Mark Andrews, but we all know what will happen if Debo was gone

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