1-on-1: Jake Moody and Taybor Pepper Talk Best Holiday Memories | 49ers

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During a special Toyota 1-on-1 ride along, kicker Jake Moody and long snapper Taybor Pepper discussed the dynamics of the specialist trio, their hometown roots and favorite holiday traditions.

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Welcome to our Toyota one-on-one holiday edition with a couple of our specialist Long Snapper Taber pepper and rookie kicker Jake Moody thanks for driving around with us guys no problem we have some fans we’re getting us we’re filming right now we’re filming right now I think that’s a good place to start is

That a frequent scene coming out of this parking lot um yeah you know obviously when the team’s doing really well and we’re having a lot of success they’re they’re Die Hard fans and we’re going to catch them when we’re done recording this though for sure yeah we’ll we’ll Circle back around yep so

Jake in your rookie season what is your first impression of the faithful they show up loud and proud every Sunday but as everyone will may or may not have seen there’s fans everywhere yeah I mean you can’t beat this fan base especially you know at away away games uh that was

The biggest surprise to me was you know showing up to these away games um and it feeling like a home game you know there’s just red throughout the entire stadium and uh just seeing the faithful you know not just the home games but all the away games as well

It’s it’s really cool tab you were part of a specialist Trio that had Robbie Gold and Mitch wowski for 3 years the gang was together Jake is the new face how do you welcome him to the specialist dril uh with open arms uh it’s awesome having Jake here it’s funny because

There there you a little bit of a college rivalry between he and I but it’s just kind of added to the Daily Rapport uh giving each other crap during the college football season but uh overall Jake’s been awesome he fits right in um honestly was surprised how

Well he fit in and uh yeah it’s kind of didn’t really miss a beat so both of you are from Michigan correct yeah we live about 20 minutes away from each other in the offseason how big of a Connecting Point was that jumping off point for the

Friendship we didn’t meet up in the off season at all um right before training camp we did head over to a a golf course and hit the uh the driving range and had a good time hanging out but uh we fully plan on you know either going to the

Same gym together I have a home gym at my house that’s pretty sweet so he might come over there or uh we’re definitely going to hit uh some public Fields this offseason for sure oh yeah what were your first impressions of each other my first impression was you know tabber is very

Enthusiastic um my college Snappers you know all Snappers are a little bit weird but uh I’ve never had such a vocal fun Long Snapper that’s you know just always chopping it up and you know having a good time so uh that was you know cuzz they usually fly under the radar but uh

You know I love love pep and love being a part of the group Jake Jake’s a little bit quieter than I uh would have thought he would been but I remember the first week of OTAs I was like I I I can’t remember how it came up but we were

Talking about guys that were either quiet or loud and I was like Hey Jake just letting you know like I pretty much don’t stop talking ever and he was like oh God I was like just warning you buddy yeah it’s all good though what else do we need to know about your day-to-day

Jobs that maybe doesn’t get enough love I think for snapping yeah a lot of people think that you know since Defenders can’t line head up over the Long Snapper that we kind of just don’t have any responsibility after the snap and we can go and cover the punt but uh

On punt protection I mean nine times out of 10 uh long Snappers have to block basically a guy who’s who’s like a pass rusher so you know we start with our head down we got to snap it get our head up see the picture of how they’re going

To rush us and and react accordingly and then I think another underrated thing is on field goal snaps um I have to make sure the laces are facing away from Jake every single time and that’s about 2 and 1 half rotations 8 yards away from the

Holder so a lot of people people don’t realize that my job’s not quite as hard um but you know it it’s sometimes slept on I guess you know a lot of people think that it’s you know a lot easier than it is um there’s a lot more factors

That go into it it’s not just you know kicking a ball through the post it’s you know it comes down to timing uh like he said it has to be a good snap first and then a good hold second uh you know obviously wind conditions weather conditions come into play uh field

Surfaces can come into play you know I’ve I’ve slipped a couple times um but you know it’s it’s something that you got to take into account just to give more credit to Jake is like you see a lot of people with practice film and they’re kicking from sticks and the

Ball’s stationary the whole time once they place it there but you know because of the field goal rush we have to get the the kickoff in under 1.3 seconds and like he mentioned if if I have kind of a wobbly snap or the laces aren’t right

It’s Mitch’s job to erase my mistake and if something happens and Mitch messes up a little bit then it’s Jake’s job to erase all of our mistakes so there’s a lot that can go into it and cond condense that into 11 grown men trying to block a kick and under 1.3 seconds

It’s uh there’s a lot there’s a lot that can go right and a lot that can go wrong in those 1.3 seconds when you look back at the course of the season is there one kick that sticks out in your mind that was perfectly executed oh gosh I think honestly my very first

Kick um my first extra point after I took a delay game uh I thought that was executed pretty well the one that comes to mind for me was uh was uh Minnesota on Monday Night Football um it was a long pick how long

Was that one uh 55 yeah it was a 55 Yer we kind of the kick team the field goal team kind of got got out there a little late weren’t sure if we were going to go for it on fourth or kick a field goal we

Get out there and threw my leg so the play clock is upside down I’m seeing the time ticking Jake is is getting set up in his kick and I’m watching the clock behind Mitch in my stance and I see three two and I I cannot snap it until

Mitch is ready and Mitch turned his head and as soon as I as I saw him turn his head I snapped it and we kicked it and and Moody made that 55 Y and that was just super impressive to me cuz Jake didn’t have the per perfect

Circumstances you know we got out there a little late he was a little rushed in his setup and we got the ball off uh in time and and he drained it and it was it was a great kick Jake it’s your first year in the league third round pick how

Are you managing just the pressure and expectations that the team has of you especially as the 49ers are making this really big playoff push and I’m just you know giving it everything I got every single day just to you know give the best that I can uh just you know to kind

Of pay it forward and everybody on this team gives it everything they have and I think it’s fair for me to do the same and just do the best I can and uh learn from vets like pep and Mitch and just kind of find my role on this team and

Just do the best I can what’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten from somebody on this team maybe pep oh gosh um he he’s really taught me how to become a professional um you know taking care of my body finding a good routine uh that was something that I struggled

With early on um and I think it’s helped me um with you know more recent success uh just kind of maturing and you know figuring out what I’m doing on every single day just to make sure that my body is feeling great I’m kicking the

Ball as well as I can and um you know just taking little bits and pieces has been really beneficial for me you guys are both part of a larger special teams unit but the trio of Specialists spends a lot of time together so I’m want to

Ask you guys to do a challenge if you’re good with it of how well you know your teammate well I was just saying today I felt like I I was able to clue in on Jake pretty well about just how he operates pretty early on in the season

Whereas Mitch took about a good year year and a half to kind of figure out uh how he works what is your teammate’s biggest game day Superstition um oh gosh you know tabber is a big foodie he really likes food um there is a certain breakfast sandwich that he loves absolutely loves

And has to have every single week and this past week it’s a little pop-up shop they weren’t working on Saturday which is the day that they normally work and you know taber’s like I need a sandwich but they’re only open on Sunday so you know very early in the morning before

The game he had to go get that sandwich and you know I guess the Superstition worked he he had a sandwich and we got a w so yeah he was spot on with that actually I don’t even know if I would have given that answer but he was spot

On with it tab do you know Jake’s game day Superstition uh he loves wearing free clothes that he gets so I know his his wardrobe this year is all free stuff I don’t know if that’s a Superstition but um he always tells me cuz he he

Knows I make a big deal about what I walk into the game wearing and uh he’s like he’s like wait till you see my outfit this week wait till you see it I was like okay I always I always make sure to gas him up whenever he comes

Into the locker room okay when did your teammate begin their football career o I think you started long snapping in high school I want to say 10th grade was the year you started is that correct no I started snapping uh in school ball in eighth grade 10th grade is when I decided I

Wanted to do it in college okay that’s right um I think I’m pretty sure Jake was a soccer player for a while and then in n9th grade started kicking no middle school I started pretty early oh okay well I started kicking and playing football in general in sixth grade you started kicking that

L oh wow yep we got to get some holiday questions in here what’s the number one thing on your teammate’s holiday wish list Jake’s easy as long as it’s golf related you’re good you can get him a you know gift card to any golf manufacturer and he will gladly take

That I don’t think he’s too picky all right we’re going to do holiday this or that okay Santa Claus or the Grinch Santa Claus Santa Claus tab I was told you don’t like the Grinch or are scared of the Grinch well I was terrified of the liveaction Grinch with Jim Carrey it

Used to scare the living crap out of me but I love that that’s a good movie but still Santa Claus I love a brch for sure in a battle of the Christmas classics home alone or elf elf elf when you’re opening up gifts you prefer stocking stuffers or one big present one big

Present I would have to say one big present as well cuz you know the stocking stuffers at least for me growing up were you know soap and socks socks at the holiday parties do you prefer a white elephant or a secret Santa gift probably a secret santa I

Some people like the white elephant where you get to steal gifts and Stu I hate that yeah yeah cuz if I get my my somebody Jacks my gift I’m I’m pretty upset I would say Secrets Hannah as well just it’s just kind of exciting not knowing you know who’s giving you a gift

Especially if it’s a thoughtful one cuz then it means like double yeah so I would I would have to agree what what is the strangest gift you’ve ever come out of from a holiday game back in when was that 8th grade I think we did like a

Christmas time like uh lock in at my church um somebody’s white elephant gift was a jar of pickled pig’s feet so I unfort that’s probably why I hate that game so much is that’s what I ended up with at the end between that in the Grinch these are so dramatic holiday

Experiences I have a a good story so when I was younger and I was just trying to be funny my aunt was asking me what I wanted for Christmas and for some reason I just said I want burnt bread with cheese and yeah I I was like maybe like

8 years old and I thought it was funny just you know making a little joke and sure enough you know Christmas rolls around she’s like go check the toaster for your gift stop she toasted some bread and burnt the crap out of it and put some cheese on top of it and she’s

Like there you go you better stop yeah you better stop messing with me the next year I said you know I want some cold Hard Cash you know thinking that she would give me you know just some cash and she made it cold Hard Cash she put

Like you know $20 bill or something inside of a giant block of ice and it was in the freezer so those are some of my best Christmas Memories receiving a present or giving a present I like receiving because it’s stressful trying to find presents and give presents especially for my girlfriend she is

Extremely picky but she is the other way around though she loves getting me stuffs and I always feel like a piece of crap for not getting her you know the equivalent to you know how much she gives me and she’s the best I’m uh I’m a

Pretty good Gift Giver as far as I’ll you know I’ll hear something and I’ll I’ll sock it away in my notes app and when it’s Christmas time nine times out of 10 I already have like a list made for for anybody I’ll be getting gifts

For so I really like giving gifts so to wrap this thing up what are your favorite holiday traditions I would say my sister coming to wake me up in the morning cuz she was always younger than me growing up and she was always a little bit more excited to go up in

Presents so me just being being exhausted and her waking me up and then us having to go wake up our parents to open presents and stuff but you it’s the stuff that you hate in the moment you know being woken up super early but looking back it’s it’s all good memories

And I miss those days uh growing up my grandma made our whole family uh stockings with her names on it she like uh not crocheted it but kind of knit knit them for us and uh my grandma passed away about 2 years ago and so

When I married my wife my mom was able to find some of the old stencils and she made one for my wife and now she’s going to be making one for my daughter as well so that’s that’s one of my favorite Christmas traditions just kind of matching stockings for the family with

The Niners playing on Christmas day how is that going to affect the holiday plans for both of you I was just thinking about it this morning and I have no clue what we’re going to do so if might be uh after the game thing or

Are we at night we are prime time okay all right so we might be able to do some gifts in the morning all right so if you could give a shout out to the faithful that are going to be here Christmas day go ahead and do that now huge shout out

To all the fans you know spending their Christmas with us um that’s that’s obviously really cool you know just being that great of fans that’s it’s really cool that you would spend a holiday with us and uh we can’t wait to see you there it means a lot and we hope

You’re loud and we hope you uh didn’t fill up on milk and cookies like Santa did the night before the game but uh yeah be there be loud where your Santa hats good thing they’re red drown the stadium out in red and uh have a loud Levi Stadium that’s it from us thanks

Guys thank you thank you


  1. I love seeing Jake on here. As Taybor says, he likes to talk a lot so we all know him 😂. It's good to see Jake though!!

  2. So glad we got Jake. Dude is really doing well considering the pressure he's put under. In Moody we trust!

  3. Jake has yet to win the 49ers a game, unlike his predecessor. Jake did lose the 49ers a game ( Cleveland) . Baltimore may present Jake with another opportunity to make pressure kicks….

  4. I have been saying that we should have gotten a new kicker all season but man after watching this video it’s changed my tone. I am pulling for Moody. I guess it’s just the human emotion side of me now seeing how cool of a guy he is. I really hope he continues to just stay consistent.

  5. Really hope Kyle can give Moody some more opportunities at deep attempts before playoffs. Other than that 2 game skid where he went 2/5 on FGs he hasn’t missed. 9/9 since. But Kyle rarely lets Moody kick 55+ attempts with a lead. I think he doesn’t want to risk Moody missing and the defense having the ball at mid field.
    But Moody is a rook and will be counted on come playoffs to make some clutch kicks. Rooting for him

  6. Since Brock’s been the starter, All of my QB worries transferred to Kicker Jake Moody. I consider us very lucky.

  7. I spent Thanksgiving with you guys! Thanks for the great memories with my Dad and my Sister!!
    Also, I feel like this is the first time I have met Jake. Welcome to the Niners Jake!! And Taybor… Congrats on the contract bro! I was so glad we got you back!!

  8. It's gotta be hard to be a long snapper in general, how often do you hear about long snappers losing their job or retiring? Yet literally every team in college has at least one, and it's not exactly a position that you can show off how great of an athlete you are so that teams want you over their existing long snapper. There's got to be precious few windows where one can even get a job.

  9. If you've ever tried to kick a 30 yard field goal as a normie you'll have respect for kickers. I can't even imagine crushing the ball for over 50 yards.

  10. Moody's been great. I had no doubt, but I DID kinda wanna get a "Moody" jersey as a fun thing. Taybor's a great part of the team as well. Go Niners!

  11. I and a bunch of other people were too hard on Moody in the beginning imo, missed game winner against Cleveland still stings but he's been very consistent since

  12. Taybor and Jake seem like such cool dudes, always love seeing how the guys on the team are off the field!
    Go Niners and In Moody We Trust!

  13. This was fun! I always enjoy learning about the personal side of our players. Happy Holidays and here's to everyone and their families staying healthy and safe!

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