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Reviewing the 2023 Defense Draft Class | Draft Season | New York Giants

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This is draft season John schmoke and Tony Pauline back with you happy holidays everybody we are getting towards the end of 2023 gearing up for the 2024 NFL draft some declarations some Senior Bowl invitations we have a lot of stuff to talk about Twitter questions and then we’re going to

Continue going through our 2023 Draft Cast players on defense which will go a lot faster uh than the offensive side of the ball so Tony how are you you ready to roll let’s do it John hit the other side of the field the other side of the

Line of scrimmage and talk about these uh defensive rookies some who have really stood out yeah they really have and I think you start in the defensive line where we’ve had some of those standout players Tony and I think you have to start with Jaylen Carter I think

Both of us had him as our top player on on the board last year in terms of talent and grade just dominant and it was the off the field stuff that had people concerned and worried but his on the field production has been as dominant as I think we thought it could

Have been and and for a defensive tackle to do that in his rookie year at a position where it sometimes takes some time for these guys to round in the form he’s been as advertised and credit to the Eagles I mean they did it more than

A decade ago with Deshawn Jackson a guy who had a lot of off the field issues did it with Jordan Davis I mean you bring a guy in you get him out of his element you get him around the players and listen Carter like you said was the

Number one player on the most everybody’s draft board and there was a question of were the Bears going to select him with the number one pick and then that broke with all the with the off the field issues or or the I should say the concerns with the that tragic

Car accident uh at the combine I remember was we were at the combine when that story broke and then there were some other issues that he was a guy who got by on natural ability didn’t work that hard but I mean this is the Jaylen Carter that we expected to see this is

The guy that was greated number one in the draft this was the guy that you know the Bears passed on and then traded down twice actually from the number one pick and then traded down again with Philadelphia so they could get up and grab them it’s good to see I mean it’s

Good to see that you know the light has gone on for Carter and he’s really you know being more than just a real good athlete on the football field he’s working hard and everything’s clicking for him and then two other defensive tackles Tony and these were both da uh

Dave well Benton was a day two pick Keo Benton who with the with the Steelers and kagia cany um he was a first round pick you know two very different players but both of them have been pretty effective this year in the roles they’ve been asked to play I think Benton has

Done well in that situation you didn’t know if he’s going to hold up at nose tackle he’s done very well at that position he’s had 33 tackles he started more than half the season I I think uh it’s been a big win for for him and KY

Like you said different type of player he’s more of a one Gap type of three technique tackle had some more uh pre-season injuries had a hamstring injury which really set him back but there were a lot of people including myself who weren’t really sold on KY

Because of the fact that he was a bit one-dimensional but he was explosive he was quick plays with great leverage and he plays very hard and he’s proven that uh on Sunday yeah I was concerned about his power too Tony you know all his wins were quickness he didn’t really run

Through guys at all you wondered how he’d hold up there in an NFL season and and he’s done I think better than I thought he would especially in his first year uh one other guy that I thought has done pretty well is uh Tuli Tui Palou

Who was also a Daye two pick I know B was loved his motor uh coming out last year he has turned out to be a very solid player real good pass rusher a guy who gets a lot of penetration a disruptive Force they use him standing

Over tackle they use him out of a three-point stance you know it’s the fact that Boza had an injury now he’s the only guy out there they they can key on him but he’s done exceptionally well and there was talk early on that he could be a late first round pick fell

Into the second round and he’s done an exceptional job in a variety of ways not just the pass rusher if you’re watching play got a good change of Direction Makes plays in backside Pursuit and really he’s only going to get better as he physically matures and gets bigger

And strong because remember he came out as a as an under classman so he’s a younger guy and I think his best football is ahead of him all right let’s go out to the edge now Tony unless there’s another defensive tackle you want to mention y the other guy that you

Got to mention is you know and we’re gonna talk about we talked about Steve AA last week I mean again the the Rams did it with Kobe Turner uh the Wake Forest player who a guy who transferred from Richmond went to Wake Forest had a solid senior year went to the shrine

Game blew it up at The Shrine game more again sort of like your kij you can’t see one Gap three technique tackle but a guy who for where he was taken a lot of people were surprised he went in the third round has had a real good season

Yeah and you know we’re going to switch over to the edge now and you mentioned the Rams and he wasn’t even on my initial list but you mentioned the Rams and I think it kind of uh reminded me of this player it’s something we talked a

Lot about last year and the Rams did not have any High picks last year but in round three they took Byron Young At A Tennessee Tony and he has a revelation might be a little strong but he’s been a really really good player for them this

Year they’ve had to rely on a lot of young players on defense and Byron young quite frankly has been one of them and he’s done a really nice job for them coming out as a rookie but he’s done an exceptional job for him I mean he’s a

Guy who he you know that same quickness and explosion that we saw Tennessee and then we saw the senior ball I mean he he’s been Unstoppable at times he was he was so good that two weeks into Camp the Rams penil him in as a starter and you

Know you look at the Rams you said they had no high picks well that’s because they traded them all you know for the Stafford and J all these other jayen Shan all these other players and you know they really didn’t care about the draft now they find that they have to rebuild and

They’ve done a great job with you know mid late around picks late day two picks and Byron young is one of them somebody I talked to somebody in the league they said the only reason Byron young was not a first round pick is because he’s 25

Years old and they feel they feel that he’s tapped out but heck you know even if he’s tapped out he’s done an exceptional job creating a lot of pressure up the field very tough to stop and good for young and good for the Rams yeah really nice job uh by both young

And the Rams again those 25 year olds people worry about that but he stepped in he’s done a really nice job of course one of the top players in the entire draft last year Tony certainly the top Edge guy was Will Anderson and he’s come

In you know I still don’t know about the price Houston paid to to move up to take him but at the very least he’s certainly shown the league and everyone else why Houston wanted to go up to number three to draft him he’s been pretty darn good

On the edge real leader on the field and in the locker room this is a guy I believe it was like week three his teammates voted him as team captain so that says something about him I know he’s been nicked up at times but still

You know we knew he was a great player a guy who can rush the passer did it for three years at Alabama the sophomore year the numbers were off the charts good change of Direction and again I I think it’s also one of the reasons that

They traded up to get him was because of the leadership and what he showed during the interviews and that’s proven as because as I said early in the season his teammates voted him as team captain which says a lot for a guy who wasn’t even in the league for uh wasn’t hadn’t

Not even played a month of regular season games at that point yeah a couple other guys I want to mention here two guys that one I would consider a disappointment that’s Tyrie Wilson for the Raiders Tony who was picked seventh overall he really hasn’t done much of

Anything this year and look we knew about the physical tools he only had one year of of real production at Texas Tech and then you know Lucas vaness got picked at 13 both of us thought that was a little high he was raw uh he’s flash physical ability but I think that’s

Going to be a couple year process to kind of get him up and running I mean Wilson came into the draft with an injury I think it was a surprise the Raiders took him uh with number seven so and again you know like vaness great size great speed great computer numbers

But vaness wasn’t even was not even a consistent starter in Iowa so when you took these guys you had to know there were going to be bumps on the road maybe they turn out to be really productive really Dynamic Defenders down the road but based on their College film and the

You know the incon consistency and with Wilson you know the injury you had to know you weren’t at least I felt that you weren’t going to get a lot of reduction out of him as rookies and Vanessa was never very high on you you know he’s more bark than bite maybe he

Turns out to be that player but he was never a really consistent force or a consistent starter on an Iowa defense and then will McDonald got picked uh just one selection after van nested by the Jets two selections sorry vaness went 13 and Will McDonald went number 15

And he’s part of a a pass rush by committee but I think when he’s been out there Tony we’ve seen that pass rush ability which made the Jets pick him at 15th overall I I mean I guess I I can’t disagree with you you talk to people in

The league they say he’s going to be a very good player he’s got to get a little bit bigger he’s got a little get a Little Bit Stronger but they like the flashes I’m not down on Will McDonald the player I just think it was a luxury

Pick and an unnecessary pick for the New York Jets who were in The Win now mode really needed offensive lineman if you remember they sat around they let the Steelers move up and take brck Jones who’s doing a good job from a right tackle you know a team like the they

Also needed receivers you saw you watching what Jackson Smith Nic GBA is doing Will McDonald will be a good player two or three years I just don’t understand the fit there for a team that was in a win now mode uh Keon white I think is shown exactly what you expect

Um in terms of him playing in New England kind of a power rusher the other guy I want to mention is BJ oari Tony who I thought dropped a little bit in the draft I loved his tape uh he dealt with an injury pretty much all offseason

I don’t even think he played in the preseason um in the NFL but he’s really come on and he’s shown those pass rushing chops that we saw on tape at LSU big thingin guy underclassman so you had to know that you know he was gonna

Have to get bigger he was gonna have to get stronger and he was gonna have to get used to playing at that bigger stronger weight so again sort of like van NE sort of like Will McDonald o jalari was a guy that you know when you

Watched him play at LSU he was very athletic and it was more than just a pass rusher he could drop off the line he covered a lot of area in space he get down the line of scrimmage and pursuit with that speed but it was just a matter

Of getting accustomed to the size and the strength on Sunday I think overtime oari could be a real outstanding pick just as long as he stays healthy and is able to play at a heavier weight all right let let’s jump to inside linebacker here Tony uh Jack Campbell he

Was the first linebacker off the board a first round pick by the Detroit Lions and obviously you know year one for linebackers in this league where basically offenses in a lot of ways are designed to pick on linebackers you’re going to have moments that aren’t the

Best but I think Campbell has shown the lines exactly what they wanted when they picked him and I think all the evidence is out there that he’s going to be a solid Pro yeah absolutely and it was a surprised pick you know no one really thought that Jack Campbell was gonna go

As early as he did but you know he was a he W he was really solid in all areas he was welldeveloped he wasn’t Dynamic he wasn’t that impact player but he could play against the he was a terrific run Defender he was good in Pursuit he was

Outstanding or he was very confident I should say not outstanding in coverage so you were getting a complete three down linebacker he was kind of boring if you will you know when you compare him to say the Will McDonald he didn’t have that Dynamic uh Persona about his game

But he was just really good in every area and that’s what the lions are getting yeah a player that wasn’t boring is a guy that wasn’t even drafted but we did talk about him a fair amount during the process last year and that’s Ivan Pace Tony we saw him at the Senior Bowl

Runs around like a lunatic fast violent athletic but he was just 510 I think 210 or 215 really undersized linebacker was a great Blitzer in college and that’s carried over and he I think very fortunate he wound up in a defense that does like the blitz a lot didn’t really

Run all that fast and a lead up to the uh to the draft so you had a guy who was small or at least he was short didn’t run super fast but when you watch the film in college at Cincinnati he played like his hair was on fire he was a guy

Who was constantly around the ball constantly making plays and he’s a guy who just defies the measurables he plays a lot bigger and a lot faster he’s football fast a lot of it is are the instincts he’s got it going on between the ears and you know good for him I

Mean because he’s taken he’s taken uh hold of his opportunity I believe he’s got 77 tackles this season he’s constantly around the uh action you know sells out to make plays that’s what he was in college with Ivan Pace it’s just a situation that he didn’t meet the

Measures he didn’t have the computer numbers that teams want took a fly on in the uh as as a PFA uh undrafted free agent and and it’s worked for him yeah you know Brian Flores loves to Blitz with Minnesota so he certainly is fit in there something he did well in college

Let’s go to cornerback here Tony let’s is any other linebackers you want to bring up before we move on no no none other perfect let’s go to the defensive backs here uh first few defensive backs selected I I really think except for one and we’ll get to that you have to be

Happy with what they’ve shown you so far Tony before he got hurt chrisan Gonzalez was playing a high brand of football Devon Witherspoon’s dealing with an injury when he’s played he’s been phenomenal and then even Brian Branch who I know is a safety but he’s like really more of a inside slot cornerback

He was another pick by the lions in this draft he’s played extreme ex well and then throwing Joey Porter Jr he didn’t start the year for Pittsburgh they like to bring their rookies around slowly we saw that with the offensive tackle we talked about last week but since he’s

Been in there he’s played really good football really good early returns for those four players which are four of the top five DBS picked yeah I think with Porter it’s a situation where he’s got to learn not to hold receivers can’t because that’s going to be a penalty

Especially on Sunday and that was the big knock on him and he’s starting to do that he’s a big physical guy he’s very athletic excellent Bloodlines and he’s really showing why a lot of us thought he was going to be the third or fourth quarterback a first round pick off the

Board last year and he and he fell WEA boom was phenomenal I mean when he’s on the field he is phenomenal sort of like s Gardner from a year ago in his play and his ability to make plays his ability to shut down the opponents Christian Gonzalez was really

Good from the get-go before the injury and it’s kind of interesting because Bill belich usually likes to red shirt his rookie players not him Christian Gonzalez was so good from the Geto he had to put him on the field Brian branch is a guy who I loved I mean I loved him

Throughout the process I loved his tape the only thing about Brian Branch was he ran a four five8 at the combine so where do you draft a guy with four five8 at the combine you can’t draft a defensive back you can’t draft him in the first

Round but as we’re seeing as we talked about with Ivan Pace you know Brian Branch may not be 40 fast but he’s football fast and he’s got it going on between the ears he’s very instinctive and he’s a terrific safety with outstanding ball skills that you can

Line up over the slot receiver and he’s not going to be a liability so good for Brian Branch now different type of safety by the way but I think we’re seeing that with Kyle Hamilton too right the Ravens are putting him in a right spot he didn’t run all that well his

Athleticism wasn’t great but I think with the safety position so much of this is instincts and being able to read things and get there quickly and react and stuff like that and you know obviously hit branch and and um they’re very different players in terms of where

They play on the field and stuff like that but just you know instincts in football fast those things are are really important Tony one first round Corner that we did not mention because he has not really met expectations for Washington this year that’s Emanuel Forbes he did start for them at corner

Just begin the year did not play well he had to get benched he’s been playing more since uh they’ve brought him back into the lineup but we all thought he was a little early at 16 getting picked ahead of Christian Gonzalez a lot of ball production in college very slender

Player and it’s been a little bit of a rough go for him to start his NFL career I think he’s got a huge number of pass defenses you look at the stats but I’m not surprised by this I never I never understood the the love for Emanuel

Forbes he was a tall thin guy and you knew he was going to get beaten down on Sundays I I I mean he was more opport in my opinion he was more opportunistic on the college level than he was a real good quarterback and like you said yeah

When they took him at 16 it was it was a major surprise and when you have a need at the quarterback position and you take a guy at 16 you expect him to be starting you know early on and Forbes can’t even break into the starting

Lineup which is a major red flag we’ll see what happens obviously there’s going to be a lot of changes in that Washington organization I I’m not surprised because I never at any point in time bought into the love for Forbes yeah picked the selection before Christian Gonzalez and obviously Joey

Porter Jr went at the top of round to so um disappointing returns there so far two other guys I want to mention DJ Turner if I remember Tony he was one of your favorites right yeah he’s played a lot this year he has given up some plays

This year your thoughts on him as a later round pick and then Makai Blackman has played a too and I think he’s had some success early in his NFL career yeah mecky beckton has played relatively well for the Minnesota Vikings who seem eternally in need of of a cornerback so

I think that’s a good fit there they started two games um but for a guy who was selected where he was he’s got a good amount of upside he just got to get his feet Underneath Him and DJ Turner I mean DJ Turner’s a lot of people thought

He could go late first round I don’t know he’s a starting corner but he’s gonna be he’s a real good Nickelback he’s a feisty guy who’s constantly around the ball I mean you’re going to have those bumps in the rad Ro but still where where where Cincinnati got him

Late in the second round compared to the production that they’ve gotten back from him I think that’s turned out to be a real good pick all right and then safety Jordan battle he’s played well and I think we all kind of saw him you know he didn’t test great we talk about safeties

But he’s been solid he was a good allaround player at Alabama and I think he’s shown that early in his NFL career as well more of your traditional strong safety if there is such a thing a guy who’s big and physical guy who can play

In the Box fir up the field you know you you look at his numbers his numbers reflect that not the fastest guy as you said not a sideline to sideline guy but more of a downhill safety who’s done who’s done very well all right and I’m

Going to bring up one of rookie here Tony unless you want do you have any other Defenders you want to bring up before I give my last little wild card here undrafted uh safety out of Ruckers Christian isan who’s with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers I mean here’s a guy who is

Sort of the he’s under siiz he was 59 and change ran like a 441 during his pro day uh but he started Ed has started hasn’t started he’s been used in sort of dime packages he’s got two interceptions he’s been on the field for the Buccaneers been very productive as a

Nickel safety and you know when you get a guy like that as an as a undrafted free agent I’m looking at his stats right here 54 tackles for the year for aan for a guy who wasn’t drafted as well as the interceptions and two pass defenses I think he’s done terrific job

And that’s what he showed at Ruckers I mean the only problem is is he’s really short but he goes side line to sideline you know plays Heads Up football and he’s very Fierce all right Tony I’m going to give you one more guy here and there aren’t that many 28y old rookies

In the National Football League but Cowboys kicker Brandon Aubry has been unbelievable this year for people that don’t know his story he went to school at Notre Dam I believe he won a national championship playing soccer for them uh ended up running around his wife tried to get him

To go kick you know NFL footballs instead of soccer balls he goes for he goes the XFL all these other small leagues winds up with the Cowboys all he’s done this year Tony is go 31 of 31 on his field goals including eight of eight from 50

Plus he’s made one from 60 and that one he made from 60 it looked it hit the net it looked like it would have been good from 70 this guy has been the best kicker in football and just an absolute Revelation as the Cowboys Place kicker it’s an unbelievable story and he’s just

Been phenomen Al this year it’s ridiculous and he originally signed with the San Francisco 49ers and Niners cut him and then the cowboy realize that wow Cowboys picked up the waiver wire and I I I guess the moral of the story here is listen to your wife

Because you know she knows she knows what’s best for everybody of course she know you know your wife knows that too your wife will tell you that too but listen to your wife as Brendan Aubrey’s Brandon Aubrey’s will tell you yeah just an unbelievable story unbelievable

Rookie year for him all right let’s go through few things Tony we getting some B bowl games coming up here uh we had the toastery bowl already happened which you know obviously there’s a lot of tradition there you know a lot of excitement for that uh one game I know

You wanted to mention which has some interesting players in is Troy visiting Duke in the Birmingham bowl and there are a couple players here including one that’s going to be in the Senior Bowl well Graham Barton the left tackle for Duke he’s a very athletic guy six4 and a

Half just just under 310 pounds probably going to run under five at the combine he’s an athletic pass rusher who’s going to be kicked inside to guard on Sunday and it’s probably going to be using a Zone blocking system I heard at the senior B Tony they G to put him at

Center a little bit too to see if he probably can do that yeah and and the better he does at all the positions the more his stock will will rise because the more value he has for teams now he’s going up against Troy and Troy has a

Pair of outstanding pass rushers to keep an eye on Javon Solomon I’ve not seen his name on any of the uh the All Pro postseason All-Star games I may be missing that butv actually it was announced a couple days ago he actually accepted an invite to the Senior Bowl so

He will be in Mobile and that makes a lot of sense I mean Troy he goes to Troy Troy’s in Alabama so a little Hometown flavor there I mean this is a guy who is he’s athletic he’s explosive makes a lot of plays up the field I think he’s more

Of your traditional three four outside linebacker I think he’s a little bit more than just a pass rusher reminds me a little bit of the excuse me the kid from Appalachian State last year that went in the third fourth round that we saw at the senior a little bit under

Sized but very athletic makes a lot of plays up the field and they have they have another kid by the name of Richard jubar 63 233 pounds went back for another senior season both of these guys are real good up the field type guys who

Get a lot of pressure who can create a lot of Havoc it’s going to be a good match up against Barton of Duke going up against the against these two guys couple of declarations over the past week Tony I don’t think we mentioned Jeremiah trer Jr he did declare from

Clemson uh Leonard Taylor from Miami the defensive tackle who we’ve talked about he declared and then the big one is Jaden Daniels put out his declaration as well uh that he’s leaving LSU and going into the NFL draft no word of whether or not he’s going to go to mobile with the

Senior ball which I think would be smart if he did and we’ve seen you know guys like Justin Herbert go there guys like Baker Mayfield like really good quarterbacks have gone there and I think that could help solidify him you know I think he’s seen as a top 15 pick right

Now but could he be a top 10 pick a top five pick I think doing mobile would would help that a lot if you decide to go that route it’s kind of it’s kind of an interesting situation because if his team if his agent is getting feedback that Daniels is already

A top 12 pick I doubt we see him at the senior Ro because you know he’s not gonna bypass Caleb Williams or Drake May no so if they’re pretty certain that he’s gonna be a top 12 pick they’re probably not going to go to mobile there’s no reason to go to mobile the

Other thing with the uh you know with with the Senior Bowl is is with the quarterbacks it’s at basically every position players and specifically their representation their team have to know what the players limitations are because you can’t go to mobile and basically bomb because if you go to mobile and you

Bomb you’re going to go in the other direction you go from top 12 pick to you know bottom round one pick so they’ve got to know they’ll know what they’re going to be asked to do in Mobile with the pro pro style passing is HE capable

Of that so you’ve got to look at it I agree with you you got to look at it from both sides spe I agree with you I think especially at the quarterback position Philip Rivers we can go on and on and on guys you know Donovan mcnb

Through the history who went to the Senior Bowl just had great weeks mat Jones Daniel Jones you know uh had great weeks and watched their draft stock go through the roof I think that opportunity is there for Caleb Williams especially since we’re not going to see um for uh Jaden Daniels especially since

We’re not going to see Caleb Williams and Drake May there um it’s a it’s an interesting decision but I think what’ll happen is if his if his team if his representation is getting feedback that Daniels is you don’t want to say a lock but very likely top 12 pick we won’t see

Him in uh in Mobile at the senior ball yeah and we Drake May has made his declaration correct but we have not seen anything from Kayla Williams yet or Marvin Harrison Jr so those are couple of the big names that we’re kind of waiting for in terms of official

Declarations uh Tony a couple Senior Bowl um acceptances that I want to talk to you about two big offensive linemen and this offensive line class at the senior B Tony is looking like it’s going to be somewhat special we’re probably not going to see alter or or fanu there

Uh now you know you can I guess they are on classman so like they can be invited I’d be surprised if either one went I hope they do we’ll see but you know we talked about a couple offensive linemen last week that accepted their invitations but Tyler Gan and toi fuaga

Both accepted this week so you’re looking at those are two potential first round picks gon out of Oklahoma fuaga out of Oregon State we’re going to and you mentioned grah Barton already that’s going to be a heck of an offensive line group in Mobile well I just handed in I

Just sent in uh my first mock draft at sports SK it was oh look at that it was a top 19 draft what I did was I didn’t go through all 32 teams I just did teams that were 500 or below okay because you don’t know what’s gonna happen and both

Gon and fua were in my top 19 gon is a player from the offensive tackle from Oklahoma that is loved in some areas of The Scouting Community I mean there were there was talk about him from some Scouts not everybody of him being a top 10 pick back in October because he’s big

He’s mobile he’s athletic he’s just unpolished so there are scouts that have him as as the third offensive lineman in this class then correct abely and and I have him as a third offensive lineman right now fuo we’ve talked about him a couple times I think he’s are he’s going

To be a top 20 pick because everybody talks about the uh the quarterbacks offensive tackle especially these days is has always been a priority uh in the draft he’s a right tackle but he’s very athletic he’s strong and he’s powerful but he’s not a stiff right tackle he’s

Not one of these small area right tackles that you’ve seen in the past he can get out on the second level he can pass block and again for both of these guys I mean you know we see it in those one-on-one drills all the time through our binoculars as we’re sitting on the

50 yard line if they do well against the smaller pass rushers you know their draft stock is is going to shoot through the roof you know dwan Jones just didn’t complete complete the process a couple years ago last year I should say but if he did he would have been a very early

Pick based on what he showed in those one-on-one P blocking drills the first day of senior Bol practice all right Tony I am now going to list the other acceptances that the senior bull has announced on Twitter you don’t have to comment on all these names but pick out

One or two that you think are significant and you can knock them off I’m going to butcher some of these names so I apologize ahead of time all right here we go we got uh defensive back out of Kentucky Andrew Phillips uh Tanner balini offensive lineman out of

Wisconsin we know the history of that program in developing offensive lineman Johnny Dixon defensive back out of Penn State uh Andrew R offensive lineman out of Oklahoma JD bertran linebacker out of notor Dame Justin iby defensive lineman out of Alabama I probably butchered that Long Snapper conversation William mote

Out of Georgia look out we mentioned Javon Solomon out of Troy Ed aanu Olu F fio linebacker out of Washington Brandon dorles defensive lineman out of Oregon Jaylen Ford linebacker out of Texas Theo Johnson Penn State tight end and Nathaniel Watson linebacker I of Mississippi State all those guys

Accepted invitations this week take that any direction you want Tony let’s go with the two Penn State guys steo Johnson is a guy who’s he’s got great size he’s got great athleticism his production has been garbage I mean he you you when you look at the side speed

He looks like a top 75 pick when you look at the consistency on the field field and the production he’s more like a udfa so let’s see what we get at the inmobile Johnny Dixon is interesting I’ve always liked Johnny Dixon I’ve always thought all along that Kaitlin

King their one quarterback has been o was overrated coming into the season and we saw he did not play well this year and Johnny Dixon is an underrated quarterback the question with him is speed so we’re going to watch him uh you know those deep pass drills and then the

Uh the linebacker from Washington whose name I won’t even attempt to pronounce fio he was a real good player for two or three years at Washington suffered a significant injury and is on the menend he is a terrific inside linebacker who’s got solid cover skills he’s a good run

Stuffer um it’s gonna be what it’s gonna be one of those things where how does he do in the coverage drills against the uh against the tight ends against the running backs remember the kid from Washington state whose Name Escapes me right now uh last year who was just outstanding the linebacker from

Washingon who’s outstanding in those coverage drills and really Elevate his draft stock because he was staying downfield 253 yards with the running backs with the tight ends and doing a great job in coverage knocked away a couple passes in the end zone that’s what you want to see from the

Linebackers that’s what the Washington kids got to show when he’s immobile yeah absolutely and the name of the Washington State player escapes me as well but he was really good in coverage and he ran really well at the combine as well all right we got a bunch of

Questions Tony still coming in on Twitter so we’ll get to as many of these as we can in the next 10 minutes or so before we say goodbye um a couple questions from Amelio we’ll get to this first one yeah just just D Henley that that that that name was gonna kill me

Deon Henley was the W was the Washington State linebacker taken in the third round by the Los Angeles Chargers there you go thank you um amilio this question for him on Twitter how good is Malik neighbors um do you think he’s going to be worthy of a top 10 pick in this

Year’s draft no I think he’s a very nice uh wide receiver but as we’ve talked about out time and time again he is in my top 19 in in the uh my Mock Draft Sports ska but you’re asking top 10 you know is there a team in the top 10

That’s GNA need another receiver as we’ve talked about before it’s Marvin Harrison and everybody else and I think Malik neighbors is the first receiver of that group of everybody else but I don’t think he’s good enough to be a top 10 selection would you have him ahead of

All the wide receivers in last year’s draft that’s a question for me from Twitter so Jordan Addison Jackson with and jigu Quinton Johnston uh I I think those are probably the top three you had there yeah I’m gonna say now I was partial to Jackson Smith njigba uh I had

Him rated higher than most uh I would not put Malik neighbors ahead of Smith njba they’re different types of receivers I mean Smith njba is just a tremendous route Runner where Malik neighbors is probably more of a better vertical threat more of a better downfield pass rusher but I would have Smith Nic

Rated higher then again I was very partial towards him this question in from at Big Blue hope what do you think it would take for the Giants and I’ll ask this to any team to move up to the first or second spot in the NFL draft to

Get a quarterback and my my initial answer here Tony is that first of all the teams that are in the one and two spots have to not want a quarterback because if they want a quarterback they ain’t going anywhere they’re sitting and they picking so that would be the first

Thing I say uh to that answer but if let’s say uh the Bears decide to roll with Justin Fields right and they are willing to move that pick if they’re picking first with the with the Panthers draft pick I got to imagine there’s going to be a line of at least a half

Dozen teams offering their house their vacation house maybe a child if they have one of those in an effort to move up to one considering the the skill level of the top two quarterbacks in this class so that is going to be a bidding war and it is going to be

Expensive what is it going to take it’s probably going to take a lot more than what the Carolina Panthers had to pay last year because Caleb Williams and Drake May are much higher rated quarterbacks than Bryce young yeah probably you could probably say they’re much higher rated quarterbacks than

Justin Fields so it’s a situation where I agree with you you know if New England’s sitting there in the two spot they’re taking a quarterback if Chicago somehow decides they’re G they’re going to roll with Justin Fields I I think that they’re ask price is going to be

Much higher than what they got from the Panthers last year who made that move up to get Bryce young even though you know you’re the the Giants right now you’re looking at one two three four what five fifth or sixth pick it’s not going to be

As big of a jump yeah I mean I think you’re looking at minimum of two ones in a really good player or three ones if you’re not going to send a good player in the deal so that is going to get very very pricey at Lofton 06 and this is the

Perfect question for you Tony because you’re the president of the fan club CH Robinson looks much smaller than his height weight and his arms look too short am I missing something watch the film you know again we just went over a bunch of defensive rookies who you know fell on the draft

Or weren’t even drafted because of the fact that they didn’t have those measurables I mean chop Robinson is a guy he does look a little bit small you know if his arm length is 32 in versus 34 Ines at defensive end you know as a

Pass rusher it’s not a huge deal for me as a say versus if he was a left tackle uh but the guy is just a disruptive Force he’s not a wide Edge rusher he’s not just a guy that runs wide around the offensive tackle so if we watch him play

He has an inside move he’ll slice through double team blocks he gets out into space and makes a lot of plays he can drop off the line of scrimmage and I mean and he’s been a consistent force and his game is ever improving so yeah I

Want to see what his height and his weight is I mean unless his arms are 28 inches it’s really not a huge concern of mine between a guy who’s got you know 34 35 inch arms at defensive end versus say 30 33 inch arms all right this at johore

Latini where do you think a good spot for Zack zinter could be coming off of the fact that he broke his leg at the end of the year he might be the draft’s best guard uh Tony how do you think that injury affects where he might get picked

And and and even before the injury where did you have him going and before the well let let’s go back he said he may be the the draft’s best guard there are some people who like him as the best guard in the draft a lot of people I

Have uh Cooper BB G is my highest my highest graded uh guard a lot of people like uh Troy fanu fanu of Washington the their left tackle Who projects the guard as their number one uh guard different types of players fanu is more of your Zone blocking guard Cooper BBE Zack

Zenter are more of your power Gap lockers now before the injury I had Zack zenter as a second round Choice obviously gonna have to wait and see what the Medicals are but I think you know is he gonna play in 2024 when will he be ready to play because remember

That injury happened what December 1 or whatever it was against Ohio I’m sorry the last weekend in November the Thanksgiving was early this year so that was a late injury uh you got to wait and see when he’s going to be able to play

You got to see the degree of the break I think right now you got to look at about maybe fifth round area if he checks out medically and they think he there’s a chance he can play late in 2024 maybe he moves up to the fourth round third round

Is also a possibility but again he’s a power Gap locker and they’re when they do the MRIs when they look at the x-rays of the break they’ll have to make their decision and it’s not the same for every team you know some team will say hey

Yeah this guy will be be able to be on the field in October where another team will say h he’s not going to be able to play in 2024 all right we’re going to put a pin in this question from at met Mavs 910 who are some smaller school

Players we should be aware of as the pre-draft process ramps up we will do a smaller School draft prospect show probably at the beginning of January so make sure you come back in and you tune in for that this one from past at pass first 11 our guy Bam Bam he wants to

Know how many true in your opinion Tony Blue Chip prospects are there in this draft class I I right now I’m I’m looking at the two quarterbacks the two offensive tackles fosu and ALT um I’ll throw in Brock Bowers and Marvin Harrison Jr so I think those are my six

True Blue Chip guys in this class yeah I would agree those those are the same exact six after that I got chop Robinson Dallas Turner Kool-Aid Mistry Jaden Daniels but you know I I think those guys would not be considered blue chip in the sense that theyve got more

Downside risk I think the the six guys that you mentioned the two quarterbacks Marvin Harrison Brock Bowers and two offensive tackles those are the guys that you expect to be day one starters those are the guys that you expect to have an impact early on where with your

Other guys chop Robinson uh Dallas Turner they’re more scheme specific type players where with fanu and and Al and everybody else they basically are plug andplay type of guy so I would agree with that all right couple more questions here at NFL 121 white he wants to know as a Cardinals fan they’re

Picking third right now if they stay at that pick do you see them targeting a Marvin Harrison Jr or trying to pair Paris Johnson Jr with an Olu fashanu or Joe Al what do you think uh I have them in my mck draft taking morvin Harrison

Jr I think I agree with that I think you know fanu they took Paris Johnson last year they moved him right tackle you take fanu you basically have two left tackles uh I I think Tyler muray Kyler Murray’s going to be pushing pushing pushing hard for Marvin Harrison when he

Eventually enters the draft um wouldn’t be a bad idea to go with one of the tackles but again I mean Marvin Harrison Jr on my board anyway is rid much higher than any of the offensive tackles they need a receiver so I think it’s a perfect fit where you have best player

Available that also feels a need all right Martin Janeiro wants to know um a couple years ago anas Williams a wide receiver from Texas A&M was getting a lot of Buzz his name seems to have quieted down a lot any chatter in regards to

Him off the top of my head no um let me look at my board here uh again off the top of my head no uh anas Williams or anas Smith that’s why maybe well he wrote Williams but maybe I he may be talking about anas Smith okay fine Smith

Is a shorter guy 59 and a half came into the season with late round grades and right now I’ve got a late fifth early sixth round grade on him which is there are some Scouts who think uh he’s going to go uh he could go early fifth uh more

Of your receiver returned uh punt returner double type guy who’s really gonna have to you’re looking at him as maybe a fourth or fifth receiver who’s gonna have to show well on special teams all right and then last question for today I do have some left so we’ll get

To some more next week as well we will do a show on on the week of Christmas if we figure out a good time to make it work that’s the plan uh Logan graphia Jaden Daniels to the Saints yes or no why why not I think if he’s there the Saints

Will take him but as far as my amach draft is concerned I actually have the Atlanta Falcons who are in the same division who will be drafting before New Orleans Saints that’s the trick selecting uh Jaden Daniels before the New Orleans Saints are ever called to

The board it checks so many boxes right that they need to address the the Saints need to address the quarterback position every year we think they’re going to take take quarterback in the first round and then they take an interior offensive linan or something like that or pass

Rusher yeah you know what’s going on obviously you know basically New Orleans to Baton Rouge is what it’s a hour two hour drive so uh you know you you you’re basically would have not just your Saint fans but your uh your LSU Tiger fans there it fits a lot of boxes the

Question is is Jaden Daniels G to be there in my first mock draft or attempt in the mock draft I had him going what was it like three or four picks earlier to the Atlanta Falcons yeah and look the Saints are not shy about trading up for

Guys that they like Tony over the course of no they’re not they will move and they’ll give up picks for years if they want to go get the guy that they want and look there’s a chance of saints right now they’re tied with Tampa Tampa is the tiebreaker but they can win the

NFC South which case they’re G to be picking like 18th or whatever it’s going to be right so uh a lot still to figure out here in terms of you know putting players with teams we don’t even know the draft order yet which is why these early mock drafts are so tough

But it’s just something to keep an eye on as we move forward all right I have more questions I’ll save them for next week uh and starting next week Tony we start getting into some of the serious Bowl so we’ll go through some of the bowl games why don’t we take a closer

Look at your mock draft next week too that could be a little bit of fun we’ll do that and a whole lot more coming your way on draft season Tony I’m not going to talk to you until after the holidays Merry Christmas enjoy it with your

Family and we’ll talk to you next week thanks John Merry Christmas to you and your family happy holidays to all of our loyal viewers thank you absolutely thanks for being with us every everybody for Tony Pauline I’m John schmel check out all of Tony’s work including his

Latest mock draft on Sports Ka we’ll see you next week happy holidays everybody mer Christmas



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