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UKC Hunting Ops Podcast Ep. 82 – Top Male Coonhound Reproducers, Pt. 1

This week’s episode is the first of a three-part series profiling our top reproducing dogs of all time across our seven recognized Coonhound breeds! No hound man is going to want to miss this look through the history of UKC Coonhounds, as we talk about some of the biggest names in the history of the sport! Be sure you tune in for this one!

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Guided by the belief that dogs make a difference by being the best partner a human can have in the field, on the job, or in a competition event, UKC is a community for people and dogs to pursue excellence together. Founded in 1898, UKC has been dedicated to enhancing the lives of Dogs That Do More, and their owners, by providing essential resources to help owners and breeders make informed decisions. The dog-human bond is celebrated through family-friendly programs highlighting the instincts and heritage of purebred and mixed-breed dogs alike with over 15,000 licensed club events annually.

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You’re listening to the UKC hunting Ops podcast celebrating hunting dog Heritage competition and Community United Kennel Club has been the hunting dog Sports home for hounds beagles retrievers pointers CER Feist and more for over 125 years welcome back to the UKC hunting Ops podcast this is Trevor I’m the

Coonhound program manager here at UKC and I’m joined today by Alan Gingrich the director of funing Ops what’s going on Alan well not a whole lot other than it’s Friday today it’s not our normal recording day but it’s Friday today and it’s it’s it’s fine we’ve got a great

Topic I’m excited yeah kind of I’ve kind of been teasing this on uh social media and the forums the past couple I guess weeks now uh just talking about a series talking about reproducers and last year we did an episode about this time episode 25 all the way back in November

Of last year where we talked about uh the top producing dogs based on the number of pups that they produced and kind of the impact they had on the breed but it was kind of a shorten version it was all inside one episode we went through the reproducers list this is not

Going to be that nothing short about the data that we’ve we’ve collected here to talk about reproducers oh man you’ve got a ton of data that you pulled for this more than I can keep up so I’m hopefully I’m hoping you’re going to steer the

Ship here a little bit and and I’ll add to it a little bit where I can here but this is going to be fun stuff here and it’s more we have our reproducers list that we uh that we list or post in or publish in the magazine kunon Bloodlines

Uh but this is not that exactly so we’ve got some variations of that and shoot I’m excited to get into it yeah one one thing about it is what I what really is the concept behind this for me is I wanted to look at the top reproducers of

All time in each breed and we’re going to do that we’re going to do that for all seven breeds male and female today we’re going to start out with the males um and depending on how long we go this could be multiple parter but I guess

We’ll see about that but uh and and we’re going to look at the top 10 of each breed and it doesn’t matter there’s no the historical list inside our our reproducers list that you’ll see in the magazine or on the website has nothing to do with what we’re doing today the

Historical list that we’re going to be referring to today just we got I got uh data from all the do all the hounds of all time and what it is essentially is the top 10 in each breed based on number of title pups that they produced

Yep and we you know we did a uh a topic on on uh reproducers before as you mentioned uh one of the things that we we talked about there is the dogs that had produced the most Offspring you know Lipper as far as kunan Lipper is number

One and way out there uh today is he’s going to be in the conversation again today but uh it’s going to look a little different for sure yeah yeah so kind of uh just to kind of give you guys a grasp of what we’re going to be going through

First thing we’re going to do is we’re going to start out with the breed and we’re going to go through the top 10 reproducers of all time give you a little bit give you some numbers behind them maybe a little information about each dog and then we’re going to see who

Could be next who could be the next who are the dogs of today that could somehow make their way onto this list or have an impact on the breed similar to some of these dogs that we’re going to talk about today and to do that we’ve looked

At a couple different things we looked at our current reproducers list that’s published every every month on our website um and in on Bloodlines um I actually put out some posts on on Facebook and on forums to try to get some feedback from people and got some people that emailed me some different

Dogs and of course me and you pay attention to what’s going on and we kind of know who some of the hotter reproducers are on the scene and then our programmer Carrie Schmidt actually ran me a little query that took a took a while to compile this data but

Essentially what it is is what uh dogs have produced the most titled hunt titled dogs in the past 12 months so from December 1st of last year to essentially December 8th of this year yeah so gotta be a pretty good barometer yeah you know and you know I just want to add

Here before we even get started you know I I speak for myself here and I think you’ll agree to on your behalf as well we are not the experts on breeding or anything like that and we’re not uh we’re not suggesting that or anything like that we just have a whole lot of

Data that we are going to talk about for other folks to create those conversations and and hopefully uh hopefully provide some of that actual data and facts and and numbers and this and that that will uh uh generate talk about yeah reprodu or reproduction records it’s it’s one of my favorite

Topics when it comes to dogs and I love pedigrees and things like that and and reproduction is obviously a big part of that and we’re counting on the listeners being interested in that stuff too and I think they will be the reproducers uh podcast the last one did really well and

That was kind of my thinking that towards the end of the year I should try to do something like this and I don’t know I may got a little will carry it away this year but I hope you guys enjoy listening to this but we’re going to

Start out right we’re going to start out right on the bang with the with the most popular breed of hounds as far as competing in events and that’s the tree and Walker breed I try to catch your attention right off the bat with this and like I said we’re going to start

With our our top reproducers of all time based on number of titled pups so it doesn’t matter percentages doesn’t matter number of pups produced doesn’t matter in this exercise only the number of titled pups and the number one coonhound reproducer of the TR Walker breed and any breed all time is grand

Champion grandite champion rat attack rat attacks up there number one number one dog here on our thing I’m not surprised I knew it’d be one of these trackman rat attack uh you know sacka junr one of them’s got to be it you know but there there you go rat attack yeah

569 total pups and that includes uh Night Champions and Grands both they’re both counted whether they’re a Night Champion or a grand 321 Night Champion iions 248 Grand nights yeah just just absolutely crazy just under just under 2500 pups total yeah the percentage here is what is so impressive to me obviously

569 titled pups the most of any hound ever in our registry uh 22.8 n% is crazy with that number of pups on the ground is just crazy number it is it is uh Rat attack was out of a famous cross really out of uh sacket Jr and a female

Named night Heat Dixie the Breeders on R attack were Butch lanman and Don Heaven and the owners Buzz Lynch and Kevin Turner was listed back there and he was born in 1994 so he’s a mid90s dog yeah you know and he that’s kind of at the

Time when I was really kind of really starting into the sport you know as far as competing anyways and Hound’s hard and heavy at that point I guess but uh and and the name was synonymous back then you know but I for some reason I was thinking he might be a little bit

Older than that but 1994 his birthday 199 94 and just now since then you know it does to me it doesn’t that doesn’t seem that long but look at what that dog has the impact yeah attack has head kind of still St I mean Whitey was just a

Second in the world hunt just a couple years ago C and buz’s Whitey dog so he’s still with you know we’ll talk about it some but with artificial insemination and how far that’s come over the years some of these dogs aren’t done adding numbers to their resume yeah you know

Those night heat dogs that was a name that was synonymous too you know night heat he’s off at Dixie and then obviously Rock River sacket Jr Frank Giddings you know anybody that knows treeing Walkers is knows the name Frank Giddings you know Rock River Rock River hounds and Frank is still he’s in

Northern Michigan Northern third of Michigan uh I don’t know what his age is he’s probably in his 80s I’m going to say and still probably hunts as hard as I can guarantee he hunts harder than I do he hunts way harder than me too no uh

But yeah there’s uh there’s a lot of uh you know amazing what these men have done with some of the breedings you know from uh in the last 20 30 40 years absolutely here’s want rat attack number one number one moving on to number two with 519 total Champion or nigh hunt

Title dogs is grand champion grandite champion all Grand track man out of uh nocturnal style and Rock River lady owned by Kurt and Buzz Lynch yep there’s that Rock River name again there you see Buzz Lynch again Kurt aing this time you know but uh 3,19 pup sired so that’s a

Little bit a few more than rat attack did but uh 269 Champions 259 Grands makes for a total of 519 17 a little over 17% are titled here again just like track or just like a uh Rat attack that’s a pretty good percentage considering the number of pups overall

Pups there yeah yeah trackman born in 2002 so kind of relatively new when you compare him to a lot of we’ll see a few dogs that are a little bit younger than that or later than that but kind of new when you look at the full scale of

Things a lot of them are in the 80s and 990s now this is a 2000 November 2nd of 2002 is trackman’s birthday yeah so that’s a trackman for you moving on to number three here Grand Knight Champion nocturnal nailor yeah a Naylor one from 1990 kind of the Heyday of when I think

Of uh stud ads and publicizing studs that’s kind of when I think houndy as houndy is you know yeah goodlooking sucker and all those ads but yeah Naylor second all time and a number of pups produced for hounds with 3,844 pups sired right now and had a total of

485 night hunt titled pups for 12.6 one percentage just a lot of a lot of dogs on the ground there you go 324 Night Champions for Naylor and 161 Grand Knights makes up that 485 total titled pups 3844 pups again he is he was sired by grite Champion yatkin tar Rattler and

His dam was uh dual Grand lockdown Lassie uh he had a birth date of 1990 October 31st 1990 owned uh owned uh and bred by Mr Jess Dickerson Garden City Missouri big impact on the breed when you think about some of the dogs that he sired and he is a grand

Sire of even today all these dogs are that way and I’ve hunted off of a lot of awesome hounds off of Old nocturnal nailor but a lot of color he really put a stamp on his pups next dog here the number four historical TR and Walker reproducer born

Again in the early 1990s this one’s 1993 model it’s Grand Knight Champion balls stylish hickory nut Harry it’s a obviously off of grite champion hard knocking stylish Hayes and grandite Champion schmel stylish Anna there you go again both The Sire and the dam are well-known uh names in The tring Walker

Breed both The Sire and the dam 478 total uh titled Offspring for hick nut Harry and uh off he sired 3235 pups 261 of those were Night Champions 217 were Grand Knights that make up that 478 total uh for little over almost 15% of his offspring were titled here

Again you know with that number that is that percentage is awesome uh born in March of 1993 bred by Mr David Fletcher and was owned by the uh late Timothy ball you know Timothy ball is a a big influence in the Walker breed and hickory nut hary was a big part of that

One of the the best study creators of all time and probably will always be I don’t think there’s anybody that has before his time or after has been able to write ads like he did he was just a promoter and uh you know he had the uh

He had the uh squallers too you know Timothy ball was he was a Hunter and uhh but yeah number four here on our list hickory nut Harry ball stylish iut hary a lot of these dogs that we’re talking about today have are so recognized within the sport of

Hunting where you just know them by one name you know Harry RIT track track man all the next one probably more than any other one and that’s Grand Knight Champion Grand Champion house is Lipper yeah a dog who has produced the most kunam pups of any dog in UK’s history

5,145 pups High really nobody’s even close 3,800 is the closest not even close 294 Night Champions 122 Grand Knights for a total of 416 titled Offspring off a Lipper uh with a percentage of just a little over 8% there but uh yeah that was a big name

Uh for you know a lot of years ago a long time ago and still is House’s Lipper he’s that name is synonymous in hounds period forget about the breeds just house is Lipper if you’re a huner and especially if you’ve been at it a little while and compete a

Little bit you’ve probably heard the name House’s Lipper and if you haven’t uh know they haven’t done much research but he was off of a grandite champion houses Clint and the his dam was just a registered dog House’s Queen Lou was his his mother born in June of

1981 bred by Mr Joe house from Kentucky uh Wilbert mallister and Tom Hopkin were the owners Tom Hopkins was the most recent owner I guess of lier and you see when you see pictures of Lipper it’s that one photo and I think it’s the photo they used in a lot

Of the ads where that dog has his head thrown way back you know and uh he had that uh he had those just that tring style that was that was Lipper you know just a ball I don’t know if you’ve ever heard the audio yeah I’ve heard you know

Just a loud a loud home there’s a lot of stories about old Lipper but yeah that’s that’s pretty cool here that we get to talk about these dogs and that they make this list like this still still around and that’s what we’re trying to do today who are going to be

The next dogs that they’re talking about 30 years from now y uh next one here Lippard from the early 80s we’re going back to the early 90s here a name that’s already been mentioned today and that’s Champion Grand Night Champion Rock River sacket Jr sacket Jr kind of low number

Of pup sire compared to the other ones on the list so far with just a a touch over 2,000 pup tired but 410 of them ended up getting a at least a Night Champion title yeah just under 20% 260 of his pups were KN Champions and 150 of

Them were Grand Knights uh for the total of 410 uh he was sired by Rock River sacket uh that’s a grand Knight and the mother was Grand Knight Champion PR skes Dolly he was born in November of 1990 bred by Ernest skin and owned by Mr Frank Giddings that we talked about a

Minute ago there but uh they called this dog Jay that was his call name was old sacket Jr uh I remember so sacket Jr was known to kind of throw a lot of hard tree dogs that treed fast and hard and that was kind of the stamp he put on a

Lot of his pups I remember one time I drew old sack at his daddy in drv oh dumville Ohio at an rqe long time ago and I think he was already eight years old or so and he must not have got it from that side cuz I don’t remember that

Old sacket really had a mouth or didn’t tree quite like that so it must have been on the sk’s dolly side maybe but uh sack sacket Jr was a big big name in the breed and and during that time and he actually he actually got hit on the road

When he was still fairly young so he didn’t get to produce uh you know if if it hadn’t been for that he would have probably produced a lot more pups who knows where he could have ended up yeah exactly exactly but here again he put his stamp on the on the on the

Breed moving on to number seven here and we’re kind of getting into more modern day dogs you know we mentioned trackman in 2002 here we are at number seven a dog that was born in 2007 already and that’s Grand Knight Champion Backwater Bone Collector bone collectors has up to

This point in time sired uh almost 2300 pups and 373 of them have titled out and those those these some of these dog Bone Collector dogs are still competing today that number is rising occasionally still a lot of them a lot of them yeah so 199

Night Champions and 174 grands in uh 373 total so his percentage is just a little over 16 but uh yeah like and that numbers like you said is still going to continue to change there but he was off of a dog named just a Night Champion H

Now hubs Homer uh who is a tightly bred dog if I don’t hold me to it but I believe he was bred up pretty was BR up pretty tight and then his mother was grandite Champion looking up stylish nowhere uh but he was born in 2007 bred

By Duke PR of uh Connecticut and uh owned by Mr Doug Compton from Arkansas but yeah here again Backwater Bone Collector a very recognizable name in The Walker breed number eight on the list is the dog that was born just a year before that it’s Grand Knight Champion Turpin

Insane Kane dog out of a famous famous cross between two world champions talking about world champion X junr and world and the youngest world champion still today ex uh world champion balen and Turpin andan Jane yeah she was a uh turned out to be a a a big time winner

Was the youngest like you mentioned world champion I was on that cast in uh uh Portland Indiana when she won it did a bang up job came back the next year after that and place second in Tennessee uh Springfield Tennessee came back second there and uh but yeah X Jr he was

Off of I believe he was off of Naylor don’t hold me to it but I think he was off of Old Nocturnal nayor on by Jess jerson but uh world champion cross and and he produced uh over a little over 2100 pups 128 Night Champions for insane

Cane and 103 Grand Knights for a total of 231 titled pups just a little over 10% or 10.6% I guess for him number eight uh was was born in 2006 bred by Mr Jess Dickerson and Russ Meyer from Missouri and was owned by uh none other than James Turpin in Kentucky yeah very

Popular stud dog a lot of litter mates to Kane or or dogs from the same cross I think they might have made that cross twice uh or further down not in the top they didn’t make the top 10 but if you look in the top 20 30 you’re going to

See names like high expectation insane X extreme X there’s a lot of different X dogs out there and uh Kane was was just the one that was able to acrew the most titled dogs but this the cross between X Junior and insane Jane had such an impact on the train Walker breed yep

Number nine getting close to to the end of the historical ones here is Grand Knight Champion Tequila Sunrise uh Sunrise sired almost 1,600 pffs 1586 pups 132 KN Champions 83 Grand Knights for a total of 215 yeah just about 135% for Sunrise there he was off of uh dual Grand rat

Attack our number one H there and his mother was Night Champion fars stylish silk he was born in uh in March of 1999 uh bred by Mr James far and was owned by Ashley and Randall Hopkins Tequila Sunrise that’s a name you heard a lot you know he’s just another uh a

Big name in the tree Walker breed and he also put his stamps on on his offspring yeah kind of partial to this bloodline a little bit and the dog I have right now has a lot of sun going out of sun making history directly off tequila sunrise and

Kind of like the way these dogs on they kind of fit some of the style I like yeah yeah number 10 here one of the probably when I first got into hunting uh this dog was probably at the Forefront by that time um or maybe not

Or yeah I guess was at the Forefront the time and still a name that is synonymous today uh champion grandite champion booger Hollow Mojo yeah yeah he was one that uh he was uh running in the Pena series and and won the Triple the UKC Triple Crown a couple

Of years and yeah 1759 pups sired to date 128 of them are Night Champions 84 Grand Knights for 212 total titled pups and just a little over 12% uh titled uh based on that uh number of pups 1759 he was off of grite champion Davis’s stylish Harry’s hammer and his mother

Was Granite Champion horse range stylish JLo and that dog or uh Mojo was uh bred by Elliot Schuler of South Carolina uh had a birth date of October of 2006 he was uh kind of uh raised and trained by Mr Robert raxter in the hills of Tennessee hunting he hunts where where

Is it brav bravard I think around bravard uh uh Tennessee or uh is it North Carolina North Carolina and in the Hills a place where I don’t know that I would hunt if I live there maybe fishing that’s yeah maybe but that’s where old Mojo was trained by Mr Robert

Raxter and uh he was later then sold to a Scott angle and the J the late JC Ellis and uh here again he’s just he’s made his Mark in the breed for sure as a not just as a winner but also as a as a sire yeah two you mentioned two 22 total

Uh champion dogs out of Mojo that’s the cut off to get into the top 10 of the Walker breed there’s only one other dog of any other breed that would be on on this list and that’s swamp rooster we’ll get to that to that later on but uh what

A competitive top 10 and now the question is is there any is there any current sers out there that can that can yeah compete and and possibly get on this list those are some big shoes to fill by these ones we just talked about for sure absolutely but I I think there

May be some contenders to at least make a good run at it and we’re going to talk about some possibilities today starting out with our current reproducers maybe current five top reproducers and these are dogs obviously our current reproducers list is based more on percentages than it is overall numbers

So maybe these dogs don’t have the the total number of pups that it would require to get on this list but we got to give them a shout out for their reproduction abilities uh first one is Grand Night Champion 3 Grand Champion Mountain Top slow talking Bowl htx 2

Is’s a current number one reproducer as of today he’s produced 367 PBS with 56 of them being uh titled he’s been on top of the current reproducer reproducers list for a couple years now so going for both own by Mr Randy Lester from Virginia I believe it is right yep yeah

Another one of those that is uh bushwhacker stylish bushwhacker that’s a name we hear a lot 715 pups for him 80 that are titled uh and um uh he was bred by uh uh Mr Steve Burk holder and owned by Justin Davenport styler stur and Shane Groves but there’s a there’s a dog

We hear a lot you know in what in the TOC and I think the World Finals had you know was up there as far as with the most Offspring in those events the last couple years yeah if he he’s one I could see knocking on the door yeah uh next

One here I’m not sure if if he if this dog could ever get there with the number of pup sired but he’s the current number three reproducer and that’s Grand Champion Grand Night Champion Abbott stylish coma 18 pups sired as of today and 13 of them have made at least Night

Champion that’s a dog that Kenny Abbott uh bread and owns currently out of Virginia there yep another one is Midnight Rider Dual Grand Midnight Rider currently number four 180 pups on his list so far he has 17 total uh titled uh pups U and that dog is owned uh by Mr

Whitey Marshall of Kentucky owned and bred by Mr Whitey Marshall there but there’s another Island we see a lot today White’s had a few good stud dogs y for sure next one here probably out of some uh some old hary blood who we mentioned earlier must be running

Through this dog’s lineage you got gr Knight Champion Harry’s Finley River Jeb that’s the current number five reproducer on our list Jeb has 185 pups on the ground and 14 of them have titled out Jeb’s owned by Chris Hardman yeah bred by Mr Chuck Wells here Indiana we

See Chuck still hunting hunting a lot you know another one is backwood sha National Grand KN Champion Grand KN uh dual Grand there I guess Hall of Fame he currently sits number six 596 pups for Shaq 45 total uh or title dogs and uh U redneck Mafia was his sire rat’s High

Country an was the dam bred by David Griner and owned by Cheyenne Cummings in Missouri over there on the Oklahoma line but there’s Shaq’s another one he’s putting his stamp on a lot of dogs and yeah yeah and I wanted to give a little bit of shout out to Redneck Mafia One

Dog that you won’t see on a list like this where we canile numbers but a dog that only had 139 pups on the ground and 41 of them have hunt titles just under 30% just under 30% that’s crazy impressive yeah absolutely yep if you if

You watch any of our live shows over the past couple years whether it’s tournament champions or World Championship live shows you’re bound to have heard this name multiple times and that’s Champion Grand Night Champion rnrs NEOS show cuz seems like this dog’s always got a couple of them comp for

Major championships it does and just on the big stages seems like his names come up a lot yeah 549 pups for cuz right now 62 titled ones and uh uh neosha River Rudy was his sire and little bit of Duchess was his Dam but a 2009 model bred by

Harold Benham and owned by Dale girdley and then Perry Robertson for Neo show cuz rnrs NE oo cuz yeah uh the next one here is uh just kind of a a younger dog this dog uh Mojo’s electric Rodeo was just born in 2016 so still young yet obviously won our world championship in

2020 I think it was 2020 yeah 2020 and uh since then this every time I check the dogs uh performance pedigree it seems like the pup numbers are rising and rising and rising and when you get a lot of pups on the ground especially if you get them in the right hands like

They do you’re going to get some title dogs yep wins the world championship in 2020 and I don’t know if he was bred much before that but 688 since and now that’s a lot of pups in a short time are young yep and already 19 of them are to

Are titled at this point and yeah most of them are still young very young you know and he was off of Mojo Mason who was Mason who was off of Mojo that we just talked about a little bit ago and zip stylish Gabby but a 2016 model for

Rodeo so he’s not even that old bred by Mr Tim Stevens and and owned by Scott angle and Randy Morgan Scott’s in Ohio and ry’s in Kentucky there but electric rodeo still being sought after a lot today for in the breeding shed absolutely uh next the next three we

Have in a row here we kind of pay homage to Kevin cable and what he’s done there in Indiana the first one of course Grand Champion Grand Night Champion big money he just fell off our current reproducers list U I think uh he’s not being bred as

Much now uh with little money and money in the bank being bred more often but big money 981 pup sired as of today 96 total dogs have titled out yeah he had a he had a famous daddy too another world champion Miami River Big D big old open

White open spotted white dog and his mother was red oak diamond ring who uh she was a she was a whipper snapper too and and a good he’s from a good cross and uh and uh he he did a lot of winning himself and and put his put his stamp on

A lot of hounds too bred by Mr Roger Miller That’s who owned a diamond Red Oak diamond ring and uh this big money is current Curr ly owned by uh or was owned by Larry Danner and Kevin cable Jr yeah y right there at 96 he’s knocking

On the door of 100 which is impressive in itself but when you mention that the next two dogs are off of him that becomes even more impressive the first one here is the one they call little money grandite champion champion money max out is his name in UKC and he’s

Already up to 479 pups sired with 29 of them being titled out already yep and they’re like you mentioned bred by Mr Kevin cable Jr Larry Danner and and currently owned by Ammon Marner yeah and uh but yeah and the next one’s also off of big money this is grite Champion

Grand Champion money in the bank kind of the new the new one that Kevin is campaigning out there is still young yet not a bunch of dogs on the ground yet but it seems like he’s breeding him more often now 271 pups on the ground as of

Today six of them have made a champion yet a dog that seems like a lot of people are seeking out right now yeah you know some of those top dogs we were uh we were talking about rat attack and Junior those are dogs that are you know

We’re talking 20 25 years ago and and even back further than that with like old Lipper and them you know but but now we’re talking you know dogs like this like money in the bank uh dog that was just born in 2017 and uh but here again owned he was

Bred by Mr Mark mcgorder and uh Kevin cable is the owner here yeah yeah speak 2017 the next year 2018 is kind of a a dog that you see everywhere right now Frogger yeah Frogger hear his name a lot yeah 428 pups on the ground already for

Frogger and 12 of them have already made uh uh hunt titles and a lot of them are still very very young yep and uh his full name Davis’s Rosedale Frogger bred by Fred boddenberg and owned by burchel Davis Jr yeah you’re right he is being sought after a lot right now on the

Walker breed Frogger yeah and then the one that’s just kind of incredible that they have this many pups producing it seems to grow every day if I didn’t check it right before I came down here here probably grown a little bit more and that’s World KN Champion Grand Night

Champion too gry rackam Willie already over 1,400 and closing in on 1500 pups produced by Willie yeah and he’s probably as far as the most popular of these that we’ve just mentioned here you know kind of up incomers as far as his all time he’s right up there at the top

Of this list here so yeah bred own and bred by Mr Jr Gray from Kentucky 2014 model Willie was and 1461 pups I think when he won the World Championship in 2018 I think he had two litters on the ground and now look at for almost 1,500

Pups already 107 titled already yeah and that’s just we’re talking just UKC titled you know he’s he’s got dogs in every registry that have won big in other registries as well and have have won a lot of money and and and this in our case a lot of titles but yeah he is

He’s one that could get up there and and uh get Shuffle things up there in our top five I bet yeah I think I would think he can make a serious run out I think if he keeps on this trajectory yeah but man what you know these dogs

We’re talking every one of them is is a name that uh anybody that is in the hound world has any experience or and especially familiar with the train Walker breed these are uh famous names and uh and even these upand comers I say upand comers some of these current uh

Ones are you know have been very successful yeah You’ probably thought about buying one out of some of these if you’re listening you probably thought about buying one out of one of these dogs at some point yeah but one other thing that we wanted to talk about real quick about the train

Walkers before we move on to our next breed would be the dogs that produced the most in the past calendar year so that’s December 1st of 22 to the 1 of December here in 23 and Willie heads that list up with 40 this year Rodeo second on that list with 19 big money

And bushwhacker had 15 a piece Shaq had 14 slow talking Bo had 13 cuz with 10 Frogger with nine and little money with eight so that kind of uh the who’s next this kind this list here kind of spoke for itself yeah yep there again like I

Said Willie’s up the top there 40 it’s crazy in a year Allan I know we both have new dogra Pathfinder twos how are you liking yours so far I’m liking it I’ve even had the opportunity now to use mine where I didn’t have service where I download the

Map of that area where I didn’t have the service and uh it works flawlessly love it I agree I really like my dog Pathfinder too as well I’ve used it quite a bit the past few months I really like the crystal clear Maps I like that

It doesn’t lose uh service very much and I can’t have I don’t have many bad things to say about it at all dogra Pathfinder 2 the official GPS collar partner of UKC well let’s shift gears now to the to the Blue Tick breed a lot of Blue Tick

Fanciers out there and they seem to be kind of hard right now Blue Tick seem to be uh making a run at things we have quite a few in our World Finals just this past year in uh in Ohio and let’s go through their top 10 top uh

Reproducing sers of all time as far as number of champion pups produced and number one is going to be grand Knight championman’s Southern blue hulk hulk was born in 1981 bred by Tim Massie and the owner was Lonnie mman yeah from uh Missouri I believe they are uh 914 pups

72 Night Champions 25 Grand Night Champions 97 total for southern Blue Hawk there uh 10.61% is his number there as far as percentages uh but yeah a name that is uh very anybody the especially the blue T guys they all knew know the oans that’s a big name in the breed and uh

The uchman brothers have uh certainly done a lot for the blue tape breed um and have had a lot of success with their line of dogs we’re going to be mentioning their name a lot so hold that hold tight on that one but this second

One here is from a guy right here in Michigan uh number two historical reproducers great Night Champion Northern blue jet five a dog that was born in the late 80s ‘ 87 was his birthday bred by Ronald wigman and owned by Ed maid and Rick Meyer yeah Ronald

Wegman he’s an Auctioneer in Fort Wayne Indian there but Ed me he just recently passed away here in the last 6 months I guess but uh yeah one of the one of the me dogs jet five 967 pups he fired 65 Night Champions 23 Grand Knights total

Of 88 offspring that are titled makes him puts him at number two on our list here sired by Northern blue jet 4 and the dam is whoer CC lady to that was a dog that was owned by Mr Ron Wegman the jet dog dogs are synonymous with Ed me

And his uh his legacy’s living on I I just uh corresponded with Miss Debbie hovius and Jeff ovus and they are they’re confident they have jet 12 right now so it’s still going strong number three Blue Tick reproducing sire of all time and his Grand Night Champion Grand Champion

Smiley’s blue Rambo 2 Rambo 2 is a dog that produced 62 pups and 74 of them made at least Night Champion 42 of them were Night Champions 32 Grand nights like you said 74 total uh 12% uh reproduction record for titled pups he was sired by champion grite champion sli’s blue

Rambo and the dam is Champion Granite Champion Smiley Misty Blue bred by Marsha and Lonnie Smiley and also owned by Lonnie Rambo to you know I’m uh being from northern Indiana was there’s quite a few Michigan and Northern Indiana has a lot of blue ticks and a whole lot has

Has a lot to do with edme and uh uh Dave Dean Dave Dean you know so you see a lot of uh you see a lot of blue ticks in in our part of the country here but that Smiley’s blue Rambo is a name that you

Hear a lot even up in here this is maybe Dave Dean and and uh and edme Country so to speak but you just still see some of these other names like uh Rambo too for sure yeah number three kind of a a hot time of a hot period of time for the

Blue ticks was the mid late 880s into the early 90s and this in a couple more here in a row from that time frame here this one here from 1987 and this is Night Champion Smokey River JBS chief chief was out of Night Champion dve for blue Spud and Smoky River BB’s jbell

Yeah he tied 793 pups is what he’s got on his record 46 Night Champions 25 Grand Knights a total of 71 total eight almost 9% reproduction record there uh but yeah like you mentioned that’s a 19 1987 model or uh model 1987 Smokey River JBS Chief Ronnie wentland was a breeder

And Warren uh uh H hosl is that how you pronounce that sure okay but that was a that was a big name I I apologize for that probably didn’t pronounce that correctly and we apologize to the blck folks for that but uh Warren hoser I think is how you

Pronounce it but that’s they again another big name in The Blue Tick breed number four on our list tied for number four actually direct your emails to Allan if you have complaints anyways also for some reason I did you did you copy this or I’m not sure that’s the

Spelled correctly on here his last name yeah I don’t know um I’m gonna question that a little bit I’ll look it up when I get up to my my computer we can check it out yeah tied with a chief in fourth place with also 71 uh night at least

Night Champion pup sired is grand night championman’s Southern blue Scout yeah and here’s he was tied by the dog we just mentioned uchman Southern Blue Hawk and then his dam was Night Champion Grand Champion PR Kors blue wedi this dog was born in 1988 already bred by Mr

Mike core and owned by lonni uchman who we mentioned uh but yeah 53 Night Champions and 18 Grand nights for him yeah another another late 80s dog yep Y and fast forward to 199 six and we got another one Champion Grand Night Champion uchman so blue hornet brings up

Comes in on the list on number six with 65 of his 678 pups making Night Champion or more yeah and he is off of the Scout dog that we were just talking about and his dam is Night Champion Kooks Backwoods Bluebell uh but yeah 49 Night Champion

16 grand night 65 total for for him puts him number six on our list here bred by Kenneth cuck and again owned by Lonnie three generations up in the top six and the historical reproducers for blue TI what an accomplishment for those guys from Hawk to scout to Hornet no kidding

Y number seven another Autumn Oaks winner here National Grand Knight champion champion Grand Knight Champion Northern blue Levi yeah 1989 model dog uh bred by James grub and owned by Ron Taylor yep first dog I ever competed with her Hunter handled in a UKC night hunt was a dog off old Levi right

Here you your day back in the late ‘ 80s early 90s yeah uh but uh yeah 44 Night Champions 19 Grands uh for Levi here 63 total uh 7.6% is what his percentage comes out here he was sired by Northern blue jet 5 and his dam was Northern blue crystal uh

Bred by Mr James grub and then owned by Mr Ron Taylor from Indiana gosport Indiana I believe it is number eight on the list is another familiar name uh from the mid to late ‘ 80s 1986 model Grand Knight Champion C causes Spare Time Spanky yeah this was a big name back in

The day ran the Pina series you know and was a big name in The Blue Tick breed for uh for a long time 909 pups he fired 49 Champions 22 Grand Knights for a total of 62 uh his percentage was 6.85% but he was off of uh uh uh granite

Champion Grand Champion Russ’s tree and blue Luke and his mother was junkyard blue Peg he was born in 1986 old Spare Time Spanky was uh bred by Mr Scott site and owned by the late uh famous Mr Dave Dean and then uh Jerry W and Bart Nation I guess you I guess

They own they were also owners during also R Jerry yeah Jerry and and Bart both they both handled him a lot in the in those series series back in the day and uh but yeah moving on to number nine on the list Grand Night Champion Tucker blue

Boomer Boomer is responsible for 326 PBS that have been sired and 61 of those have ended up being titled out for a pretty good percentage here 18.71% of Boomer pups yeah now see we’re still on this historical list here at number eight we were talking about Spare Time

Spanky born in 1986 down number nine is a dog that is uh a lot younger born in 2007 and Terry Tucker here in Michigan was owner and breeder here of Boomer and this dog has put his stamp on a lot of the blue ticks uh you know in the in the

Breed 326 pups he sired at to date 349 Champions 27 Grands a total of 61 again here 18% on Boomer here he is sired by n Champion Quinn’s Southern Blue Thunder and his mother was Christian’s blue Gretchen old Tucker’s blue Boomer Terry Tucker from not too far here from the uh

Office here in Kalamazoo he lives here in Michigan yeah fisherman Terry does a lot of fishing these days oh yeah yeah good guy he hunted a lot with old Mr Ed me we got two blue ticks here tied for 10th place on the historical list that

We’re looking at um and I probably did them in the wrong order here so I’m going to switch it up on you and keep you on your toes but the first one I’m going to is and it has to do with their lineage a little bit the first one I’m

Going to mention is field Champion Grand Night Champion grand champion viny running bullet uh bullet is responsible 457 pups at his side and 57 of them were titled out for 12.47 percentage Yeah 39 Night Champions and 18 Grands make up those 57 dogs and he was off of Night

Champion Smoky River JBS Chief dog we just mentioned a little while ago and his mother was a Grand Night Champion Champion Smoky River crazy blue fly uh bred or born in 1993 uh uh bred Again by Mr Warren and John hoser owned by Roger and Lee Smith

There yeah and the reason I wanted to do him first is we got another three generation here on us you mentioned Chief was The Sire of bullet and bullet is The Sire of this next dog that’s also tied for 10th and that’s dual Grand Twin Springs running bullet 2 bullet has 479

Pups on the ground as of today and 57 of them have achieved at least a Night Champion title 40 Night Champion 17 grand for 11.89 percentage yeah tied with his daddy right there that’s kind of that’s kind of cool but yeah his mother was Smoky River jeans blue June

Uh born in 2001 bred and owned by Mr Lee Smith so who could be next yeah let’s see uh some of the blue ticks that you’ll see right now on our current reproducers list one would be a f a pretty well-known dog from up in Iowa and that’s Grand Night Champion 3

Prairie Creek blue Botox dog owned by Jason schy bread and owned by Jason schy uh Botox has 182 pups on the ground as of today and 13 of them have been titled out already yep nine Night Champions of four grand Knights there and uh he was

Off of a dog that you hear a lot of champion grandite champion Goodson rowy bosephus and his mother was grandite Champion Prairie Creek blue Josie a Prairie Creek that would have been a dog that owned also owned by Jason Shelty but Jason has has had Botox in the world

Championship seemed like I don’t know how many times he got him in the World Finals top 100 you know but several times I know of but that dog did a lot of winning for uh for Jason and he’s also doing pretty good in the breeding shed obviously looking at the list of

Pups produced this year by Blu tick Botox comes in on third on that list so he’s still getting it done right now yeah current number two reproducer is a grand KN Champion Hall of Fame dog that’s blue ball and rebel a dog that’s owned by Preston Street in West Virginia

Uh Rebel has sired 186 pups as of today and 13 of them have titled out yeah nine Night Champions and four Grands make up those 13 dogs he’s off of grandite champion Grand Champion Vernon’s Blue Mountain banjo htx 2 and his mother was Grand Night Champion Grand Champion

Coats ball Creek blue squirt 2012 model so he’d be about 11 about 12 years old right now I guess uh bred by Mr Charlie coats and as mentioned Mr Preston Street as the owner there and and uh yeah he’s done a lot of winning for uh for Preston

And uh here again doing pretty good in the reading shed yeah another one that is not only on our current reproducers list at number three but also has uh had four pups make have title out this year so is on the top of that list too with

The blue ticks is dual Grand Blue Creek get hooked uh get hooked has 226 pups on the ground 15 of them being titled out as as of today 11 Night Champions and four Grands Grands as we’re sitting here uh from our guys up in the it looks like

The owners are from our guys up in the New England yeah yep yep and he comes his daddy was Blue Creek gagee a dog out of Ohio owned by Mr Danny glista there in Ohio and his mother was Night Champion Blue Creek Alice that was he

Comes from a from a cross that uh uh of uh from other dogs several other dogs that uh made uh made their marks you know out of that cross right there Gage and Alice but uh yeah Blue Creek get hooked owned by Ron Jackson Dan rainville and Dairy Farmer I think isn’t

Dan a Dairy Farmer is it a Dairy Farmer or is she does something with dairy cows when I look at his Facebook all I see is him killing big deer about all I see on his Facebook he comes to the majors and always does good I would assume some of

His dogs have this lineage in in their pedigree yep sure uh number five current reproducer uh on our list is Grand Night Champion racket Ridge crash crash is number five on our current reproducers list um and he also is on the top second in our list of number of title pups for

For this year with six titled pups already and uh he has only 225 pups on the ground eight of them already titled out is a 2015 dog a dog that could have quite a few more pups on the ground when it’s all said and done yep yep and he is

Off of that Goodson’s Rowdy Bose is again in a in a female named Illinois Smokey River Bobby that was owned by Ed mounty of Illinois here but uh uh crash is owned by Rocky and Riley kundu next one here another dog out of bosephus which is crazy the third one

We’ve already mentioned in our current top five reproducers uh this is out of bosephus and a female named dual Grand Shelton’s cotton oxy and this is grite Champion walston’s blue Big Country uh big country has some pretty overwhelming numbers already to to be where he is 679

Pups sired as of today with 44 of them being uh titled yep 27 Night Champion 17 Grands and he is again here Goodson’s Ry bif is his his daddy as well so uh you know that just uh speaks for itself his mother was dual Grand Shelton’s cotton

Oxy he was born in 2012 talking about Big Country here bred by Mr Robert Shelton and is currently owned by John Strickland and Ashley oxendine uh but this dog you know is is probably one of the most famous currently anyways uh Blue Tick dogs out there and the one

Thing that he probably has on his uh uh resume more than any other blue dog he has probably bred more off breed females than any other blue dog I would think there’s quite a few there’s quite a few even Walker females that they’re taking to him breeding to them yeah I would say

So and we’re talking about people who can uh put a dent in that top 10 historical list we’re talking about right now 10th place on that list is sitting at 57 dogs 57 title dogs big country has 44 and uh 44 already 680 pups on the ground getting more every

Day and a lot of them are young the past two years he’s going to blow into that top 10 he probably will for sure you know so but yeah 16 already this year yeah titled out yep that’s uh something uh next one here is a pup

Out of big country that uh one that somebody mentioned to me when I was looking for it and the numbers do not lie here and this is Grand Night Champion Hall of Fame Rock Creek Country Club uh Country Club only 87 pups on the ground right now but seven of them have

Already titled out in the in the hunts with bulk of them coming this year five this year good enough for third in the Blue Tick breed for this year yeah so he’s kind of a kind of a hot stud dog right now yeah he is just a 2017 model

So that makes him you know on our list that we’re talking about those that makes him kind of young you know but uh David mcginness is was the breeder there and he’s currently owned by uh Matt lingo and Terry tappy but seems like they seem to they’ve won a lot with him

I would he’s a consistent cast Winer that’s for sure Old Country Club yeah and when I’m just trying to dig who could be the next top reproducers um went back to my mind went to Crowder of course making it into the final cast of TLC this past year and who his sire was

And that’s Grand Champion 2 home brew blue Bo didley yeah you think when a dog makes it that far he’s probably going to see some more females come get backed up to him Bo didley’s 2012 model got 69 pups on the ground as all as of today

With six of them being tied out so the dog that I I would imagine is going to have a few more pups on the ground before it’s all said and done yeah he is off of mes blue sez rler and greens Oklahoma River Dixie is his mother 2012

Model bred by Mr Richard green and owned by chance Irving yeah and in The Grand schem in the grand scheme of things this dog here may not be we’re talking about current dogs that could bump onto the list we have to mention uh Grand High Champion Goodson’s Rowdy bosephus we

Have already mentioned him three times I guess but it’s 2008 dog so I don’t know how many more pups he has in him how much they have collected on him or what have you but the impact that he’s had on the breed already he’s 15th historically

In the number of of uh pups sire that have made it into the have titled out with 50 total pups that have titled and uh but not only his offspring but their offspring seemed to be making a huge impact on the sport and especially in

The blue TI bre yep they you know he is off a Double Springs Bodacious Granite dog and his mother is uh was grite Champion Davis’s White River Salen sad uh when we mentioned insane Jane the second year that Jane won the World Championship and then the year after

That came back to finish second Sal and sad finished third right behind Jane that year and uh yeah Mark female final cast it was an all female final cast yep uh split Creek history quick won it that year and Jane was second Sal and sad was third and a

A red bone female was ended up fourth move on to your uh your old breedo Choice here the red bones if you want to uh talking about the top uh reproducing uh red bone males of all time and the number one is dual Grand Keys Outlaw razor red red was 364 pups

On the ground and 58 of them were titled out in the Hunts 15.93% yeah yep uh he was off at Thomas’s Missouri Bruiser just a PR dog there and and his mother was also just a not titled markham’s red Kentucky Molly uh owned by the mailman

Down there in in Kentucky uh birth dat to 1997 bred by Mr Travis Thomas and owned by Robin ktina chers over here in Ohio they’re not far from where we have Autumn Oaks every year but uh Al Razer red is uh he’s yeah he’s that has that

Number one list historical and 364 pup sire yeah it this dog won quite a bit he was he was originally owned by Mr Alton key in Wisconsin and the chers uh at some point acquired him and and kept on breeding him bred him a lot and he’s reproduced a

Lot 58 titled Buffs is is pretty high when you compared to some of the others in the breed number two here certainly put his stamp on the red bone breed for sure absolutely U and I you see Razer red was born in ’97 this next dog was

Born in 2007 of dogs on this list are going to be from way back in the day so it’s kind of interesting the the kind of differences there but the next one number two Champion Grand Night Champion ficking deepwoods rocky rocky sired 216 pups as of today with 43 of them being

Titled out in the Hunts yeah 39 Champions and 13 Grands there has a 20% uh uh uh rating there I guess his s was Grand Night Champion Grand Champion ttop rabble Rouser that was a kind of a big name in the red bone breed from uh is

From up in Wisconsin and then the dam is uh Grand Night Champion Thomas’s midnight music uh birthday to 2007 as you mentioned bred by Richard Thomas and owned by Mr Randy ficken from Missouri and uh Rocky was just a I’ve hunted with him a time or two just a very solid what

I would call a very balanced hound and uh Randy won a lot with him and he is putting his stamp on the on the breed as well produced a lot of nice red red dogs absolutely going way back in time for for the number three historical the

Oldest dog here we’ve talked about I think isn’t it I think so there maybe I don’t what was Lipper 19 seems like he was 81 or 79 or 81 something 1974 here yeah 1974 talking about Grand Night Champion Hayes Ramblin red Ace Ace sire 256 pups 25 made Night Champion six made

Grand for a total of 31 and he had 12.1 percentage Yeah his sire was Night Champion Baker rip and his dam was maddox’s Daisy may like you said born in 1974 bred by uh don’t have the breeder on here actually we didn’t really start keeping up with breeders till the

Computer system came around in 8 I don’t think yeah but he was owned by Travis Thomas and ether Smith but at at one time he was obviously owned by Mr Terry Hayes from Missouri Hayes ramlin red a that’s a big name uh in the if you know anything about red

Bones you know and go back a little bit ramlin red Ace is a name you see and heard of a lot yeah he’s one of the old school red bones right there one of the one of the other famous red bones in in the history of the breed here at the

Number four historical reproducer and that’s dual Grand Outlaw Billy the Kid Billy the Kid was born in March of 1991 bred by Teresa key and owned by Roy Jeff yep 597 pups he SED 21 Night Champions nine Grands for a total of 30 he was off

Of a very popular red bone in those days a grandite champion Grand Champion amos’s burning Ben and his mother was Grand Night Champion Keys Outlaw Jesse I mentioned Alton Keys he’s obviously who owned the Jesse dog there uh Billy the Kid was a big a big name back in the day

For sure he was born in 1991 bred by Teresa key who is Alton Key’s wife she she’s passed since then but most currently owned by Mr Roy Jeff in Missouri but Billy the Kid was a goodlooking sucker I remember his ads that he used to have he was just a nice

Nice looking dog and I uh I actually had a pup that I bought off of Billy the Kid I went to Roy jeffy’s house and drove there and picked up a pup one time and uh remember he whined all the way back back home but but uh yeah outlaw Billy the Kid he

Put his stamp on on uh on the breed as well number five historical reproducer is actually more of a kind of a current modern dog born in 2007 and that’s Grand Knight Champion the Red Rocker like I said born in April of 2007 bred by David Gallaher and Todd matthewson and owned

By Brian jenuine yep 220 pups he sired uh on his record 21er Knight Champions and Seven Grand Knights total of 28 title dogs there but he was off of uh Grand dual Grand Night Champion steps little pepper and his mother was nighty night Moonlight Kate he was born in 2007

And owned by Brian jenan of Missouri there and that’s one of Randy ficking buddies over there uh Brian if you played golf or whatever Brian might just put the hurens on thought you gonna say take some of your money hey but going back to Red Rocker I know Brian won

Quite a bit with him but steps little pepper always felt like that’s one of the most balanced red bones that I have ever hunted with I really like that steps little pepper and his mother 9 night Moonlight Kate was one of the winningest Redbone females in history of

The breed so that that’s the lineage behind Red Rocker well we go from Modern Times to to back in 1980 and this is a couple dogs here uh tied for number six the first one we’ll mention is grandite Champion melin’s red Fireball uh 924 pups sired by Fireball 19 Night

Champions seven Grands for a total of 26 titled pups yep he was off of just a Pio Melton’s big red and his mother was mil saps red Suzie that was uh he was bred and owned by Mr Joe Melton from uh uh Indiana uh yeah born in 1980 but uh yeah

Old Joe Melton he is Mr Fireball you know that’s that was his strain of dogs and that’s kind of the the that was kind of our personal preference that strain of of dogs there that we had uh pretty good success with so yeah here’s Melton’s red Fireball number six here

Yeah tied with him at number six is uh Champion Grand KN Champion Hunters Timber Chopper uh Cho Timber Chopper had 431 pups on the ground 21 KN Champions five grand Night Champions for a total of 26 yeah I called him old TC there he was off of Hunter true two and his mother

Was Grand’s Belmont queen born in 1963 he was the the the name back in the day old TC was owned by a Max Hunter and uh Timber Chopper there’s there’s a lot of stories about Old Timber Chopper and I’m not going to get into much of it or

Whatever but I remember one time I think at Redbone days I think it was in uh in in the two nights there was nine out of them of them that placed it red bone days that were all off a Timber Chopper you know so always I’ve heard it say

Before you know the Apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree but he really Timber Chopper was probably as far as history of red bones and breeding goes there’s probably none that made a bigger impact on the breed than did Hunter Timber Chopper you’ll see a lot of

Timber Chopper and magazines and stud ads today absolutely and also tied for six here born a few years after that in March of 1971 is Night Champion Miller is it Virginia woodpecker is that Val wood okay Miller Val woodpecker and it was owned by Milton strain 816 pups on the

Ground 18 Night Champions eight grand for a total of 26 titled pups all together yeah born in 1971 Milton strain I think we talked about him a little while ago but uh or before we came down here just you and I talking about him up

Upstairs uh he was uh but yeah here’s a here’s a dog that put his stamp on the red bone breed for sure he was off of a dog named goodacre pun jab and his mother was Night Champion Spurs red Fanny Miller’s Valley woodpecker probably the reason it’s

Abbreviated maybe at that time I don’t know if they just didn’t have enough spaces or didn’t allow as many spaces then but that’s what it was Miller’s Valley wood Becker gotcha then we got three more here Todd with uh 25 total pups each the first one we’re going to

Mention is dual Grand Brunswick Little Man the 854 pups sired 25 of them made at least Night Champion yeah 20 Night Champions and five Grands there you know and and here again there’s a dog born in 1980 bred by Mr James Whitten but back in those days

You know the the night hunts looked a lot different and you see like his his sire Brunswick Axel is just a PR dog and and his mother ke’s red Jill didn’t have any titles either but Brunswick Littleman was a big name in the red bone breed and uh who was owned by Carol

Williamson and James Butler Brunswick little man little man was tied for ninth year with Grand Night Champion Hoffmeister Rusty red Rusty red had 511 pups on the ground 19 made n Champion six made it all the way to Grand for a total of 25 yep he was off of a dog

Named Goan Sam kind of a big name in the red bone breed that was a Night Champion his mother was mahogany sweet Lulu he was a 1988 model bred by Larry Turpin in his uh owner was Harold Hoffmeister from rala Missouri old Harold Hoffmeister he

Bred a lot of good dogs and old rusty red was one of his best MH and kind of rounding out the top 10 historical red bone reproducing males is uh I guess a more modern one here from the late 90s and that’s grand night uh dual Grand

T-top Rabel Rouser Rabel Rouser had 19 190 pup tied 10 of them were KN Champions 15 grand Knights for a total of 25 um Rouser was out of grand Night Champion ttop tree talk and red rat and dual Grand ttop rocking Red Raven yep those were Wisconsin dogs we mentioned

That Tom Solberg was actually the owner of those dogs co-owned this dog with Dave pater but a 1998 model there and Tom did a uh he had a he had some good he had a good pack of red bones up there he hunted uh a lot of those dogs you

Know not just but a lot of those were also big game dogs you hear Tim Gilchrist from Iowa he talks about Rabel rils or something he still got a lot of that stock and a lot of that blood through some of the dogs that he has but

And so do a lot of others but yeah old Tom soberg and Rabel Rouser and and all those dogs they uh they made their Mark in the breed for sure so who could be next to kind of bump into this list 25 dog uh cut off for Champions here to get

In the top 10 of red bones and yeah Texas dog yeah first one here is a dog that made it into the final cast of our Autumn Oaks just 2022 already and that’s a grand champion grand out Champion 3 all Grand outlaw man he’s our current number one reproducer 127 pups on the

Ground four Night Champions five grand Knights for a total of nine altogether yep he is his sire was gliston Outlaw Jesse James and that’s actually another dog that was originally owned by Alton key in in Wisconsin his mother was Outlaw Billy Jean uh but yeah Shane Maxi

Bred this dog and owned by Allan halada so anytime you see an entry from California in our world hunts or Autumn Oaks or something like that you see a California entry it’s usually uh Gman here owned by Alan hollot is the first owner but Tony Dominguez is the guy from

Texas that uh that he kind of owned the dog and handled the dog most and he was also coed with Shane Maxi but yeah Gman he’s a want a lot for Tony Tony’s he’s Tony’s probably going to tell you he one probably one of the best dogs he’s he’s

Owned and handled yep want a lot with him current number two reproducer uh for the red bone breed is grandite Champion Crooked River red turkey htx uh turkey’s got 121 pup sired Five Night Champions two grand Knights seven total yeah hey we mentioned the Red Rocker you know a

Little while ago that’s his daddy there Rogers ridge running Rock he’s his mother but uh Travis Olan is from Missouri and and uh Hey turkey’s a pretty popular pretty popular dog in the red bone breed and he’s done a little bit of he’s got some Offspring there for

Sure yeah third number three current reproducer is Night Champion Grimes locked down Luke Luke’s got 123 pups on the ground as of right now two of them made grand Knight and the only two that he has titled as of today yeah hick Rusty is his sire and his Dam as

Simpsons stretch and Gretchen that’s a dog that’s won a lot she’s out of I think uh Missouri close to the Oklahoma line there Leonard Simpson owned that female right there but that was also the breeder of this dog and Mike Grimes owned this owns this dog now

Yeah and a dog that’s not on our current reproducers list and not on our list of for this year as far as number of Puffs reduced would be grite Champion Burger’s red your pistol just a name I see floating around a lot in red bone

Circles as far as an up a good stud dog and seeing a lot of good young pups out of this dog uh pistol has 107 pups SED as of today two Night Champions and a grand Knight for three total yeah yeah bred by Mr J call he’s a 2014 model I

Guess owned by Clint uh Clint Burger yeah kind of funny looking at the list of his of uh the best performing red bone sers this year so far deepwoods Rocky he’s still on this list number two overall on the list but still at number one this year so far you see Gman on

Here crazy Mountain big hunk Joe uh Kentucky Moonlight Woody and Kaufman smoking red bugs so that’s a couple to keep our eyes on moving forward could see a couple of these make their way onto a current reproducers list yeah yeah that kind of puts an end on

The red bone breed for us there so we covered three breeds in today sitting down yeah TR and Walkers blue ticks and red bones that’s interesting stuff to go back through and just look at those numbers like that and it’s a you know the ones that really stand out obviously

Are the the historical list of the train Walkers you know some of those big names like that and just the number of Offspring they produced not just that but the number of titled Offspring is amazing yeah absolutely and uh and we’re gonna we’re gonna got a second part

That’s going to be coming to this we’re going to talk we’re going to tie up the rest of our top producing studs of all time we’re going to go through England black and tan leopards plots so all that’s going to be coming up on on a a

Coming episode so this is going to be kind of a multip multi part series here that’s going to be just fun to listen to yeah and at some point we’ll want to cover females too but that’s probably going to be on its own uh its own episode as well so look forward to It thank you for listening to the UKC hunting Ops podcast be sure to give us a follow so you don’t miss any of our new episodes or content


  1. If we'd had money to get him to more hunts everyone would of had alot of Dual Grand Wilson's Crabapple Lucky in their bloodlines. He was outta CrabApple Fiddler who was outta Stylish Clover. Lee Logan offered us 25k dollars for Lucky but we wouldnt sell. Lucky was up for 2020 HOF Male but got beat out for it. If we coulda got to iowa in 2005 Insane Jane wouldnt of been World Champ. He came in 2nd place behind Lee Logan and Jeanie at Walker Days 04 or 05 i cant remember. He won several sectionals and Nt Hunts. Biggest Mouth you ever heard on a Dog. Most fast and accurate dog i ever seen. I wish i had semen from him today. Itd make some of the best hounds you ever seen. Lee Logan told us Lucky looked and acted more like Wild Clover than any pup he'd seen. Black head, open spotted with a perfect circle and perfect heart on his left side. Saddle black spot on his right side. Born in 99 died in 2010..Like Clover with the circle and Clover on his side. Wish I could post a picture in the comments. 🐾🦝

  2. Love the podcast! Also, if the funds are available, filming the podcast and posting the video would be an added benefit for your viewers. Keep up the good work.

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