Golf Players

The True Reason Golf is Special ⛳️ #168

We start the podcast with answering, “what gives you the itch to golf again?” (17:22). Then we dive into what truly makes the game of golf special (30:26). Then we wrap with a South Korean golf company that could be taking the sport over (47:47).

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Another another shitty dad move by me this morning Ryan we’re podcasting right now I know I know a shitty dad Bo shitty dab move by you also just to preface things I can’t this winner has been crushing my nose and my sinuses me too all week last

Week I couldn’t hear a [ __ ] thing you couldn’t hear a thing cuz my ears were plugged my nose was draining my head felt like it was going to pop now everything’s good except the nose is dripping you in the same boat dude I’m my ears have been plugged since February

Of 22 Yeah dud which sucks you’re coming on no February 20 23 it’s not 24 you’re coming on a full 12 months of not being able to hear I know I got I got ENT appointment coming up and it’s I I scheduled in October they couldn’t get

Me in until February oh yeah the sweetest feeling you can’t tell me that there’s that many people with ears nose and throats issues and with the amount of doctors that they’re booked out for months in advance dermatologists are the same way why is that right apparently there are people with those issues

Because there’s only three people in this room and two of them have had ear problems in that’s a 6 66.6 repeating of percentage mhm so my energy levels have been down and you know that’s you guys know that that’s unlike me um but I’m trying I I really and then also to get

Home uh I’m a single dad yesterday today and tomorrow so and I pride myself on putting the phone down and being as energetic as possible with my little one and a half no no no no when you’re single dad this is your chance to be

Like all right buddy what do you want to watch rated art no he doesn’t watch TV either well I’m also proud myself of not having an iPad kit for at least for some time this this is your chance to do some real fatherson bonding well he’s only

One and a half get him a nudie mag right uh watch Silence of the Lambs yeah we did watch NFL football last night he’ll look at it and then he’ll look down and he’s like he’s in the trucks now and [ __ ] so um also put on some drag racing

Also may I add drag racing would be a good one because he I mean vom vroom that’s his sound I watched oh that one yeah I watched PBR no not that kind of we don’t you don’t make him racing heels oh yeah no no not that type of Dr R

CH no we’ll avoid that put on some professional bull riding the other day and my youngest [ __ ] loved it that’s a good one I actually I’ve considered well I have a 90 PB golden doodle and I have put my son on her before to no s is

Straight bearback that’s a way to start um but you guys ever heard of of I think it what’s it called mutton is it called yeah so mutton busting yeah mutton bust so these little kids all just ride sheep like as if they’re in a rodeo um just

Toned down a little bit so I do they shock the nuts of the sheep I do they get him to go wild I mean I think the Sheep like the Bulls and Broncos just don’t like being ridden sure that makes sense unless they’re in heat then I’m

Sure it it’s just a it’s a natural phenomenon that goes on yeah with all that wool they must always be warm yeah they don’t want to get anym yeah so essentially sheep are always in heat because they have so much wool on them well until they get sheared that’s true

Then they’re not heat anymore um sorry one one more point so I got my I got my when he turned one I got my kid a a set of the plastic golf clubs it just had like four little plastic clubs saw those I was at your house the other day and he

That I mean that is his favorite toy and it’s been his favorite toy since we brought him out probably 9 10 months ago or sorry no like six seven months ago and they’re like Fisher Price stuff yep okay yep um so that I mean that’s

Promising MH not that I I like I mean he’s not going to make the tour or anything maybe he will not with that attitude Dad yeah you got to start with the long game and then go to the short game for sure for sure and actually I

Have a point on that I’ll bring it up later after Tyler story about how padrick Harrington had a phenomenal oh my God it was so good at the end of the PNC championship of like how to get your kid to love sports damn your tear up um

How to get him to love golf and it is phenomenal but Tyler first you go ahead let me recap quick how this podcast started hey I have a story Ryan shut the [ __ ] up and let me tell you my stories I got to get all my talking done right

Away and then now you have the floor it really wasn’t that important of a story I was just trying to get into the episode somehow but you did well um I had to drop some [ __ ] off at miles’s house this morning to uh for a video

Shoot and I roll up really quick kid in the back seat knew it I knew he was in there I was just just going to run in drop my stuff off quick and naturally I show up to a shoot I’m going to get talked to real quick and I got

Talked to just a little too long I was like I need to leave my kid is in the car I go out he’s like he barely can talk he’s like Dad left me and I was like God damn it dude no just crushing just which one the old the youngest the

Older one can talk just fine dude sure yeah yeah the little one he’s now putting sentences together and that was a fully formed sentence just tears and I was like buddy I was gone for five minutes and he was he was very sad and then I was sad and I promised to never

Leave him again so he’s actually in the truck so nice nice you haven’t left him you kept your promise yeah cracked the window that that is one question I had to ask my wife um before we had a child is like so I’m assuming but I don’t know

Which is why I’m going to ask a question do I like if I have to run in somewhere real quick do I have like do I bring them with me and she’s like um yeah like oh okay I hey I’m brand new at this thing I’ve never taken care of a child

In my entire life see it’s it’s it’s Case by case like I’m at a friend’s my friend and boss’s house in a neighborhood for sure I’m still a little paranoid so I leave the truck running but I take the fob off so I lock it every time I leave him somewhere I’m not

Going to leave him in a running car for for but like the gas station I’ll bring him in yeah well I also like they he likes to just look at [ __ ] too like we went to the grocery store yesterday and he was just like looking all around we

Needed banana so I got a I got a cluster of bananas and I just gave it to him and he was [ __ ] playing with him all the time so Banas um yeah that’s that’s been that’s what’s going on in my life right now uh one thing quick Ryan uh that we

Haven’t done in I think weeks welcome back to the podcast episode 168 insert Title music here let’s go you piped that the wrong [ __ ] way I’ll call the club house we’ll book another 18 for tomorrow okay they cheated on that they fluff their balls yeah no better time for the breakfast ball than

Now and we’re back yeah we haven’t we haven’t done the title music no I mean it’s always been at the end of the podcast like an outro these days cuz I edited the podcast last week and normally what I do is when I need an in

The intro song I just open up the week before his podcast and just copy and paste it over in the project perfect I went back like four weeks trying to find the [ __ ] intro music I got one more download from Tyler you had to listen to the whole thing find the intro music

Yeah if only downloads in the editing software counted yeah we’d have a lot yeah uh uh skeleton crew today we got Jared at the producer producer stand Jared getting comy yeah any 18 birdies followers actually funny that you bring that up I got how many I think it’s

North of 30 let’s go dud and I had three just from you you two and Jake so let’s go we’re doing numbi yes dude let me check for sure and I mean yeah we’re in off we’re in offseason but we’re in season for 18 biry still yep 37 friends right now oh I

Just got another one let’s go Jared let’s go Jared S out another tweet quick well I did tweet uh I tweet six days ago it says g o l F God only loves [Laughter] Fairways we could call these chirps because the Tweet is that’s we’ve been

There we’ve done that they got rid of it they’re exes now yeah that is true but to be original we’ll just call them chirps okay what also great way to chirp at your buddies if you’re following a round of theirs hop in the C there was one round that I

Played this last summer and I had like upwards of 30 comments strangers just talking [ __ ] yeah and nor I don’t check that [ __ ] mid round because I just I I just always have it on the GPS but when I got done it was upwards of 30 30 comments either chirping me or like

Saying hey we got we got to get back on the par train couple double bogeys in a row and I’m like okay boys we’re we’re there I’ve looked at your comments and I’ve looked at mine I get chirped more when I play good because the guys are

Weird all of the our listeners that follow us on 18 birdies are like you’re lying you didn’t get two birdies in a row you’re a liar and I was like No just let me have my one good Round Guys yeah and then does that get in your head or

No no CU I it’s really tough to look at the comments without [ __ ] up the GPS so again I don’t look at them till after sure um but like there are people that I’ve I can follow along in their comments they’re like hey too many pars on this scorecard you need to start

Getting doubles and then I’ll get a couple doubles and they’ll be like all right we’re back on track like you’re supposed to be rooting for me here it is I mean it is it is a fun game to play when you can Tri your buddies from from

Afar I wish the hey 18 birdies if you got uh our ear I wish it was easier to see people commenting on your rounds mid round it is kind of a pain in the ass to get out of the GPS into the comments and back into the GPS without screwing

Something up so if R&D Department maybe work on that a little bit it could be kind of like uh like if you guys watch a Tik Tok live the comments Pop Up From The Bottom um it could could be something of that sort to where they like they start stacking on the bottom

And you can either turn them off or turn them or keep them on yeah or even just like a little widget underneath like there’s the wind direction button right right underneath that is the comments just have that there I don’t know yeah I’ll be honest I’m not I’m not using

Wind I’m not I I rarely take wind into consideration which is probably why I’m so bad I mean the another maybe R&D question for you 18 birdies um if I’m outside I’m just going to check the wind from being outside not on my yeah I mean there there’s nothing better

Than and it always it’s always in the the worst place to like when you check the when you check the wind you’re always trying to you’re always trying to pick a like little glob of grass from a tea box or like from a green or like

From the from the first cut of the Fairway and there are times where it looks like I just took a pinch of sand because the grass is so short I don’t want to like [ __ ] you know dig a hole down in there to check throw it up check

The wind yeah um but yeah I mean to be able to grab a nice little nice little um clump of grass toss it up and be like all right we got to play this one a little bit right to left today I like to check the win on a golf course by uh

Taking a piss and just going in a circle till it blows back on my shin that’s that’s a good idea I just yeah that’s the new 360 degree rule is the the best way to check the wind is to just whip your it’s like it’s I’m helicoptering but I’m

Not just helicoptering my dick I just I spin in a circle and then when the piss hits my shins I know that the wind’s coming from that way yes correct and it’s usually in the middle of the tea box so that you know exactly what it’s

Got be e you can’t do it in a clump of trees because the wind’s going to be blocked you walk back to the clubhouse after 18 you’re like you’re just soaked like how’s a hell of a around today wind was swirling I couldn’t figure out where

It was coming from I I should have checked 18 birdies I’m just covered I will say though like at the age that we’re at now you could ask me what the 15-day forecast is and I’ll probably be able to Rattle off all 15 days see I’m with you

It’s this weird thing where like maybe I need something to look forward to it’s like hey it’s it’s Zer degrees out today just hypothetically and I need to know if we’re going to get up into the 20s or 30s in the next couple weeks so I’m in

My phase right now where I have every year this happens I have no clue what the weather’s going to be because I’m so religious about it all summer because I’m golfing I want to go to the farm I want to go to the lake U then in the

Fall like I need to know where the wind’s from if I want to go hunting I want to know what the weather is I got to check the pressure systems yep and then all that ends and I’m like well I don’t need to check the [ __ ] weather

I I’m not going outside it’s cold for sure um and then like the last two weeks they like hey you ready for the storm in 2 hours I had no idea there’s a storm coming told I could see the system coming from the north but I had no clue

It was coming this way yep um yeah my college baseball coach he always would get on our Outfield like if our outfielders Mis read a ball he would rip into them for not checking the wind before they got to practice or the game it’s like coach we we’re between the

Ages of like 18 and 23 right now yeah we don’t give a [ __ ] we’re too young to be checking the weather like what what app are we supposed to look at you know I mean all phones come with a weather app no I I I know sometime yeah it’s like

But kids that age don’t even know the weather app exists I they don’t prioritize it yeah so yeah best way to check the win the new 3 since you guys RI my ass apart for the old 360 degree rule rule this will be the new one I

Mean I wouldn’t say it was just us Ryan I mean you got ripped by pretty much everyone for that rule oh yeah that’s what I’m saying yeah yeah I I got I I mean obliterated yeah uh and then Tyler goes out and tries my 360 degree Rule

And almost has to the hand start flying yep what what is that yeah non-golf Jared all right Jared so the 360 degree rule um at times when you’re on a golf course you’ll see just a random ball laying in the rough or like off the edge of the Fairway you’re like what the

[ __ ] this ball doing naturally guys like us are like okay well um I have three extra slots in my cart for found golf balls I need to fill one up right now so you go up to the ball and you basically do a you you do a 360 and in

That 3 6 you’re looking to see if any group around if there’s and you’re pissing while you’re doing this and you’re pissing while you’re doing check wind yeah um just in case the wind is 50 m hour from you know the southeast and there’s a group over there it could

Possibly be their ball yeah but while you’re spinning you’re looking around to see if a group on the course could have possibly hit their ball into this spot if you don’t see anybody what I had said was that ball is then fair game um if you do see somebody but they’re let’s

Say they’re hitting the opposite direction it’s like hey there’s no way this ball could be theirs so then again I think it’s okay that that ball is now yours so here’s the problem with the rule Jared there’s a lot of blind shots in golf yeah whether that is a a sharp

Left turn and you can’t see your ball if you hit it over the trees or is it a hill so you can do that 360 degree Rule and not see anybody you pick that ball up in your pocket Here Comes group number two popping up over the hill like

Where the [ __ ] my ball which happen about a week and a half after Ryan described that rule to me I’m playing in a scramble I am in one Fairway I hit into the rough I see a really cool ball covered in Shamrocks nice ball I do a 360 not a soul in sight

Which is rare for a scramble I pocket that [ __ ] and I’m sitting there in my cart waiting to hit and these guys come by just blaring death metal drunker than [ __ ] and they’re searching for this ball just swearing up a storm and I’m like I’m going to [ __ ] shove that

Underneath my wallet in the glove box of the cart oh yeah and it just was quiet the whole time but it was definitely their ball they were looking for CU they were searching up and down right where I had just picked it up so how long after

Did they come when you picked it up was like a minute or two minutes it it was less than a minute so maybe the 360 year- old needs like a time limit like two minutes minute and a halfish see that’s it’s it’s not it’s not a bad

Caveat to the rule it is am but Jared is showing showing how green he is on this podcast if you wait on the golf course Jared and you openly admit that you’re trying to wait we have a group that we like to call the pace of play Nazis that

Will be on your ass in a heart but I also think there’s time like like when you’re hitting let’s say you’re on the T box waiting to hit you got four guys playing or two guys whatever we we each hit our shots I mean if you don’t see a

Group coming over into your area MH there’s a couple minutes right there yeah so that I when does the time start is is you know is part of of the amendment yeah so I don’t know um I think the risk and reward it’s too much risk and little reward I’m with you and

There and there have been plenty of balls that have just been way too obvious that I’ve just scooted right past and it’s just like well maybe we’ll get another one down the road yeah and we’re cheap asses and I think I think it’s more fun to find a ball in the

Woods than it is in the rck anyway yeah for sure for sure um so I I do have one question I want to talk about um in this first segment it’s real quick and easy one the and it’ll it’ll segue into the padrick Harrington thing perfect yep what at

This point in the year we are in the doldrums of the off season golf there is no no golf in sight and it is far in our rearview mirror what gets you excited and what keeps you excited because for me I was pretty content not golfing for a while there I

Was burnt out yeah we had our break I saw the padrick Harrington clip and I have the itch bad I want to golf so bad right now you get to scratch that it much before I do yeah I’m going to Arizona in exactly one month time so I

Will be golfing quite often and it is a week-long trip with zero plans nice so it is do I want to hike one day do I want to get [ __ ] canned at the pool one day do I want to go to the golf course every day I can there’s just nothing

Planed so I’m excited for that but I have the itch as bad as I’ve had it I think ever and it was 100% the Patrick Harrington clip because he talks about golfing with your kids and how to get them interested in the sport Y and how

To get them interested in it for the long haul and it’s like I want to golf with my son so bad I signed him up for wrestling this year so he starts wrestling in January he he was in gymnastics last spring so he but it wasn’t competitive now he’s getting to

The point where he can do competitive stuff and he’s got the body function to actually swing a club normal now gotcha so it’s like that’s the main thing is my oldest son I want to golf with him really bad it’s a great question um he here’s

Where I’m at I’ll give you the I’ll give you my honest answer the itch has not hit me yet because and it it normally it normally doesn’t at this time a lot of you guys may know Black Friday is it’s a [ __ ] grind for us so I mean I have

Sit I’ve sat at my office desk for no more than 10 minutes in single day for probably the last three weeks M so we’re out there we’re trying to get packages out we’re doing all that stuff and I’m I’m just I’m grinding in the warehouse for three four weeks straight um yes I

Will cross paths with the simulator um to maybe go get like an energy drink or something like that you eye it down yeah I’ll eye it down a little bit I I’ll check what I’ve been doing Jared actually is checking the progress of the simulator Ryan it’s ready no I know I

Know it’s ready um but the last couple weeks like there was uh you know a corner of the canvas was hanging down or like these straps weren’t cinched up but it work it’s good to go some of like the foam padding around the uh the canvas

Screen was like not put in place so I I was eyeing it down for a while and it’s still it’s fully finished now I know that because I was observing this morning um it’s like daleon stepb brother’s eye in the drum set yeah that’s me with the golf simulator and I

Don’t say anything I just like I just I let it be why are you sweating did you touch my simulator uh so the itch is not fully caught up with me just yet however the other day after lunch I probably took it um techn the the computer wasn’t on it

Was just a blank screen I probably took five to 10 cuts and it felt like like I my golf swing felt foreign to me I had no idea what was going on with it um but I also kind of like that because that’s that’s part of the Allure of like okay

Well now I need to build this back up and I got to get ready for summertime uh here in the next couple months and I know once we get past this Black Friday phase when we have a little bit more time and let’s say like 4 o’l on a

Wednesday or something I can go hit balls for 30 40 minutes that’s when things are going to kick in for me and it’s typically in like the January it’s like it’s in the January time frame February gets bad because like we’re getting hit with new new snowstorms weather’s dropping below zero

It’s like holy [ __ ] it’s like we’re taking two steps back here um that’s when the itch really kicks in for me yeah um which is perfect because you’re sitting with the simulator League commissioner who plans to start it January week one let’s go are we doing Rand again um I’m thinking so I’m

Thinking randos or I will I’m going to personally pair people via Vibes really um there’s just one of two options cuz like I we have now grown as a company and it is good to intermingle but like what if I put somebody that’s never even talked to somebody another person

Together in the random that might be good though right for comaraderie I mean random is the fairest and most just straightforward way to do it yeah um so I probably will do that um but I might also have some executive decision making like if a pairing comes out like just no

You can’t be together yeah me me and Miles that was that was like a no that was fine yeah it was obvious we were going to win though the handicap though I mean that’s true that’s true there are a couple we lose a week yeah you guys

Didn’t run away with it no for sure except the championship I think we won by like [ __ ] nine Strokes yeah because there was a huge upset in the semis yes so a team that won in the semis that absolutely should not have and so you guys beat the [ __ ] out of

Them yeah I think a good gauge for me too is when the Super Bowl is over uh so football season’s finished up and there’s really nothing going on in like the latter half of February it’s like okay well now what do I do all right

Well I know the Masters is coming up in like two two months it’s usually in April I believe a mid April spring time yeah it’s Bloom AOS yeah yeah so once the super Bow’s Super Bowl is over then I can start watching I’ll start watching golf on Saturday and Sunday no more college

Football uh no more NFL and I’m locked into a tournament on a on a Saturday Sunday MH so it hasn’t hit me yet but I know it will it always does also just like heading over to I I haven’t been to Sweet shots in a couple months um if

There’s a random night in the winter I go to Sweet shots I’m like [ __ ] I I have to start hitting balls again cuz it either went really good and I’m like I got to keep doing this or it goes really bad and I got to keep doing this so

There there’s no middle ground for me yeah and I think the the the PNC is kind of a good Benchmark of like that’s when I start to get interested again cuz the tournaments before the PNC are I mean they’re pretty boring for sure to be honest I mean yeah and that’s it’s not

Secret yeah and then this one gets me going I like it it’s a cool it’s a different format we’ve talked about it a 100 times that when the PGA mixes up the format of the tournament all of a sudden I’m interested again yeah and so the format’s cool one cuz it’s pairs then

It’s even cooler because it’s father son pairs or motherson pairs or what it’s it’s older member of family younger member of family and uh I think it’s really cool um but I’ve have no offense to the people that won but I have absolutely no clue who you are Bernard Langer uh Lucas

Lucas talks he has talked about him he’s talked about like uh I don’t Jim from sweet shots has told me a story about when when he met Bernard Langer or something like that so that that’s actually the only background that I had of him and I’m sure he told

Me that story and Bernard again I apologize it was I have no clue who you are so that story probably went in this year and out the other and I’ve never [ __ ] heard of you I actually think I I think the like the consensus of the story was that Bernard Langer for the

Longest time was using a chess putter but it wasn’t like it wasn’t considered a chess like it was legal and it wasn’t considered a chess putter but there was a lot of like there’s a lot of rsy on like this is absolutely a chess putter he’s just not using it the correct like

Like you normally so like this weekend no this is way this is way back this is years ago if people are going to try and drum up controversy about the Father’s son tournament they can go take a hike yeah and apparently this is the fifth year that they’ve won that he’s won the

PNC good for them like back in late 90s 2000s he had like he had four victories so he has a really good dad at golf and now he has a good son at golf correct well no he I I I want to I don’t know

Who he was paired with way back when but I would assume son is like 20 some years old now so I think his you know son he probably played with his dad back in the day in one and now plays with his kid probably good genetics good genetics um

A lot of fatherson parents though you got team Daly you got team Woods um Team Thomas team Thomas I have the uh I have the top five right here so Bernard Langer and his son they finished first 25 under um David Duvall another person I don’t know uh

Yeah he he’s he’s he’s an Hofer I feel like okay uh BJ Singh yeah I know him tried to go back to back finished third this last weekend team gusen nope uh no no I uh Team uh Leman Layman oh yeah cin course designer uh he finished he was at

The top of the T5 and T5 was uh Leman sink Dy Woods coocher finish those are all names I know so just the top four yeah so tiger and Charlie they finished 19 under they went 11 under on the last day yeah big last day huge turn

For those guys uh and Charlie now has a personality to him yep whereas previous years I you know he was he was a he was a young kid who like maybe didn’t know how to like converse with older people or just kind of like like felt awkward

Around older people but now he’s like remember though his first year he was like talking [ __ ] to Justin Thomas he left him a note in the bunker and stuff yeah they’re boys they’re boys um but now you see him like really getting fired up and he’s making some clutch

Shots there was okay we we need to talk about the total performance-enhancing drug that is puberty it’s a two years ago that kid was three feet tall weighed 90 lbs not even he probably weigh 80 lbs yep he’s [ __ ] 65 in jacked now maybe not 65

Maybe like 58 24 months later this you could not tell me they’re the same person side by side without a 10year age it is crazy it is crazy how much he has matured in the last couple years and now he so he he is playing a t forward from

Everybody else I believe yep that maybe being the pros I don’t know Pros are playing tips he’s playing a t forward okay well he shouldn’t be cuz he’s bigger than the rest of them and just as good yeah and you can see you can also see the excitement and the adrenaline

Going through him like we we go ahead I was just going to say he mimics his dad almost to a tea rightfully so we talked about it two years ago where we don’t even know if Charlie’s going to like golf because he picked it up during Co yeah because he

Wanted to hang out with his dad the kid he’s going to the PGA so he you can tell he cares about it now he is hooked his dad I think did a really good job of doing what Tiger’s dad did to him but in a more loving way if that makes

Sense cuz Tiger’s dad was super super hard on him tiger it seems anyway has found the balance of the tough love and the regular love Yeah to where Charlie is not clearly not burnt out but he really wants to [ __ ] win well I don’t think in this tournament tiger doesn’t

Care about winning in this tournament Charlie does yeah for sure tiger doesn’t care about winning in this tournament like he would um a major championship that he’s just playing solo yep um now it’s about him getting to watch his kid and seeing the excitement coming out of

Him during stuff like this also super cool that tiger had his daughter on the bay uh it was I don’t know if it was for the full T but it was for one day for sure the proam thing I accidentally was the only day I watched in full yeah I

Didn’t realize they did a prom right in the middle of the tournament uh no it so the tournament I want to say the is the tournament Saturday Sunday so the prams Friday I don’t know cuz I went on on Thursday they were playing and I just

Missed it and I was watching the tail end of it then Friday was the proam thing which I thought was just day two of the tournament yeah apparently not I think it’s practice round proam turny turny what are the OD the one episode we need Trevor he’s not here yeah yep

Trevor’s he’s packing orders right we had to keep him out there we we got to sling some I could dub in some mhm for Trevor yep you could do that that is his go-to line yep it’s a good confirmation though yep um so to build on top of that

Tyler padrick Harrington um legend of the sport had one of the most viral clips of the entire tournament and it was literally just him talking about how special the moment was of him getting to play with his kid and then expanding on it in a way of how

Do you like how do you get your kid to love golf and how do you get your kid to just love sports in general and his response was next level and for any Dad out there who has a son or a daughter that you know may look interested in

Sport or something like that if you didn’t see the clip you have to go watch it yeah the there’s two main takeaways from the clip it’s a long clip and really well done um but the two main takeaways are number one to get your kid into the sport make them love the sport

Before they get the talent yes so if you teach them and you’re just Drilling in Talent right away they’ll get frustrated and because Talent abs and flows you will Plateau you will have your UPS Downs if they don’t love the game they’ll quit when they get to that point

But if they love the game before they’re good at it they will get good at the game because they already love play because they love it yes and the next thing was associate something that isn’t about the sport to the sport yes I.E this is the perfect example you finish

Your round of golf you go to the clubhouse you get an ice cream cone with your kid every single time or you have a burger a burger and some fries at the end of every round and that’s what they’ll remember when they think back to to golf which I is 100% true because

Before I cared about golf all golf was to me eating with Grandpa at the clubhouse after that was the only thing it was I didn’t remember I remember my first birdie ever and that’s it otherwise it’s just eating burgers with Grandpa after or going to get ice cream

After with Grandpa yeah and I mean the like when I would when I would go play around the golf when I was super young like 10 12 years old it was always like a family outing for us it was me my brother and my mom and my dad that was

Like one thing we were going to go do on a Saturday and we did it you know we did it a handful of times it wasn’t every single weekend but I I can still remember like Lidgerwood Golf Course is where we would go majority of the time

Because it’s it’s like a it’s a middle of nowhere nine-hole course where no tea times you just hop on a tea box and you you start going well what do you remember from I don’t I don’t know what the league would have been called but the youngest League of baseball you play

A game what did you do after well it’s not what we did afterwards it was what it was what happened during so my grandpa used to watch us in the Summers um he retired from his job early because he could tell my brother and I hated daycare and it

Was like we were going to a prison cell every morning and it what like the daycare was fine it was just like we would have rather been outside running around like not being on a structured uh Catholic Church daycare schedule which is where we went so when

We would go when he would bring us to like parks and rec baseball in the mornings he would always have a play like it was a red and a white Playmate cooler and it would be stacked with Mountain Dew and Gatorade and the all of the snacks that every kid

Wants to eat on a daily that’s what was inside and it was every single time so whenever like we would finish up and then so I was in the younger age group I would finish and then my brother would start playing we’d sit there and watch

Him and I immediately when we were done I would run up the stands he’d pop the cooler open and I’d have a I’d have a Mountain Dew and some sort of snack yep I mean that’s the same thing for me I remember finishing baseball I’d hop in

The van with Grandpa or Mom or whoever we’ go straight to Tasty Freeze with the team everyone we get ice cream yeah and in wrestling I can remember a handful of the significant matches but I remember every time waking up at the ass crack of

Dawn so Dad I could weigh in as early as possible and dad and I could go eat breakfast at Perkins or something yep yep and for me like um using baseball as an example again uh my like my mom and dad would always play catch with me but they like

They weren’t my dad never like my dad played baseball like I maybe through high school and that was it he didn’t really talk about it much my mom played softball I think when she was younger mom you’ll probably correct me on this later but um it’s not like they were

They weren’t like like you have to get a college baseball scholarship you ha like you have to be playing baseball every summer it’s like no I just like parks and wreck we’d go get a Mountain Dew up in the stands and like I just wanted to

Keep playing baseball um so it was never you have to be the best it was just like hey if you enjoy doing this keep doing it and that’s I I think that’s why I was able to go past the high school level because I just loved playing the game

Yep you know I 100% agree um so basically the message here is if you have children at ritual to it that is not golf related and it will become golf related and that’s what they’ll remember and that’s the good thing to remember pump up with sugar and salt yes yes I

And like after I watched it I watched it last night after I watched it I I like so badly wanted to go to the just go to a clubhouse with my I have he’s one and a half and he’s sleeping at 7 I’m like I

So bad and I pick him up from day at 5:30 so there’s like a small window yeah I like so badly wanted to grab him out of his crib like we’re going to the clubhouse and we’re going to have a freaking Burger and Fries you want to go

Get a beer at the clubhouse buddy well that’s what I was so think about this and I thought about this while you were in the middle of your baseball thing is the same [ __ ] for us as adults what do we talk about more than we do the actual golf getting hammered

With our friends yep the the I’ve talked about at League the getting the burgers and beers after League more than I’ve talked about how we did in leag like it it’s weird that all these things that we love about sports really have nothing to do with the sport mhm that’s

A great Point um because I can nail down the times that I get frustrated with the game of golf are the times that I am playing competitively against somebody like against a buddy for money or what have you or I’m we’re playing in Pine of palm or it’s the the Uber competitive

Rounds that I have the least amount of fun withh did I I told you guys the grandpa Dave bathroom story at the Pinda Palm right you might have but refresh my memory I I don’t know if I told it on the podcast but see this is a perfect

Example I remember the really bad holes of the pinea palm and then I really don’t remember a lot of like significant shots yeah but I remember with Vivid vivid memory having to go to the bathroom in the middle like I think we were just caddying for you at this point

Cuz I was eliminated okay and we roll up it’s just it’s a regular toilet and a Ural right next to each other no divider so I’m like I’m hopping and I’m already at the door grandpa grandpa just decided to come in with me anyway hell yeah and

Which is fine we’re dudes you can pee next to each other it’s not a big deal I don’t know if he’s gonna get mad at me for this or not grandpa doesn’t unzip grandpa doesn’t undo his belt to pee he just Yanks the short leg up as

High as he can told us about this on the Pod uh I don’t know I I believe so but keep going yeah so he Yanks it up and he just pees through his pant leg and I called him out on it later that night and his line was legendary and I was

Giving him [ __ ] like Grandpa you know that that’s a crazy move right he’s like well when you got one big enough you don’t need to one and see like that’s a funny memory that’s yeah that’s the memory I’m going to have with the pine to Palm that and

[ __ ] see I don’t even remember his name I think it was Kevin the shitty old guy that I played with in the losers bracket yeah I think it was Kevin yeah those are the two things I’m going to ke no doesn’t [ __ ] matter but that’s something I’m going to remember forever

It’s cuz it’s [ __ ] hilarious and I mean I I’ve pulled that move was he wearing shorts yeah but they were they weren’t like I get it with gym shorts yeah that’s what I do it they were cloth like cargo shorts yeah bottom 10,000 Things in his pockets

Too oh yeah oh yeah he’s he’s got a GPS from mhm 1998 he’s got his wallet in his front pocket his car keys yep carries his big coin with him at all times extra ball markers extra te’s extra I mean he’s also ball Hawking while he’s just walking around the

Course yeah and his key ring he doesn’t have that much [ __ ] to unlock but he’s got a lot of keys on there it’s like a janitor they probably just built up like I have a key to my aunt and uncle’s house yeah and I I’m

Like hey do I like at at uh Thanksgiving I was like you guys want this back and they’re like no you keep it because like if we ever yeah just in case like we know somebody who has a key to our house just in case um you know just in case we

Lose ours or whatever so okay I have that key and then I have I mean PO Box keys and like previous office keys and the list doesn’t end yeah so yeah I uh another just another point that he made too was um if you go out and you’re like

For me I’m a bad example of this because I’ll go out and I’ll hit I’ll I’ll just keep hitting balls and keep practicing until I’m like pissed off enough to where I have to leave but cutting like if you go out with your kid just cutting the session short um cutting it short

When they’re still having fun and that allows them to want to come back and play more it makes them look forward to the next time that they get to come out um versus like if you just keep playing and playing and playing pretty soon they’re going be like dud Dad I’m tired

Dad I want to go home and once you hit that stage they’re going to associate that with the game of golf and they’re going to be like Dad I don’t want to go yes exactly and I think that’s a a super important point to stress because there’s a difference between organized

Practice and a round with your parent or whoever right so organized practice is the time for the gut check like time to like this is where you’re uncomfortable you want to quit you push through it and you you be basically in a 2023 world where this could be taken as wrong you

Become a man you man up you get through it and it teaches you to work hard and put your head down yeah mental toughness practice is the time for that casual round with Dad on Saturday is not the time for that no no and that goes back

To our like our 666 golf course layout to where your kid may get burnt out he may get burnt out at 12 Hol he may get burnt out at nine holes but if you had six holes like six holes that you could play having a game with it all right

Buddy we’re done with one how many do we have left we we have five left and you keep counting them down and then he’s like Dad I don’t want to stop playing it’s like well you know paid for six holes today and um we’ll you know we’ll

Come back next week and do it again yeah it’s like an episode of a TV show that says to be continued yes you want it yeah or like a two-part two-part series finale you’re like God I want part two so bad do you guys want to know a fun fact

Would love to one of the very first shows ever to do the 2B continued and Star Wars do the previously on was the animated X-Men show from the 80s and 90s they invented the previously on X-Men that’s a fun fact and now so that was like the first children’s show that

Could be one cohesive story and not these random one-off episodes sure oh okay and now you can just skip the recap yep you hit you hit okay on the remote well well you couldn’t binge back in the day that’s true that’s true um last point on the padrick Harrington clip um

This was interesting to me and I I kind of had to look just look at this as look at it for what it was he said less accessibility to a sport they like is better so for instance I would love a golf simulator in my house when I get a

Little bit older when I have a chance to afford it when I have a place big enough for for it so I kind of took that as like okay well if there’s always a golf simulator available are they going to like the sport as much if there’s always

A wrestling mat in the basement available are they going to like wrestling as much because they can do it whenever they want if it’s less accessible if you have to if you if you need an hour to two hours pushed aside to drive to the course to you know book

The tea time to get in the car to do all that you know it’s it can be a little bit of work with a young kid um but but also like it makes them look forward to it much more because they can’t just go out into the garage and hit balls and

They can’t just go out into the basement onto the wrestling mat um so his thing was like the less accessible something is the more they’re going to enjoy it because um it’s kind of like for us with the simulator it’s like we have a simulator we can hit whenever we want so

Um a little bit spoiled little bit yeah a little bit spoiled on it so I thought that was interesting too okay and it made me think like I’m still going to a [ __ ] golf simulator but at the same time like like do I need that you know well when you

Were younger you probably didn’t have access like that correct so yeah but also you know kids who have access to basketball hoops like kids who are always playing basketball in the driveway I feel like tend to like basketball more practice this is the maybe the one point I disagree with I

Know I I would agree I would agree like the the wrestlers I know that had a mat at their house are like Co is now like they loved it so much they made it their career so that’s the maybe the one padrick point that I disagree with it’s

Very 5050 yeah yeah yep um and I know I said at the beginning there’s two takeaways I have one more this is just such a great I I recommend everyone go watch it and it translates to everything every sport not just golf um but the other one is he he did mention don’t

Bring your kids to nice courses you need to take them to the local dog track and make them fall in love with the game somewhere shitty like in in more eloquent terms than that he said don’t bring him to snobby country clubs I think he did say snobby country clubs

Verbatim but he said don’t bring them there don’t bring them to super nice courses take them to your local mun and let them hit balls see L the lwood golf course I think actually think it’s called it might be called lwood Country Club uh country meaning because it’s

Actually in the country it’s in a corfield and it yeah it is a yeah right um carpet from the 1980s and like an old ass cooler with like cans of pop in it yeah um that’s also kind of interesting too and it makes me so the school district that we will go

To if my son does decide to play golf will be playing at arguably the nicest course and a country club a private Country Club for his practice no [ __ ] that that’s where they practice yep that’s like 40 minutes away no no the so miles’s

Club H so from my so from my new new spot to the country club I suppose they’re both South it’s a it’s like a 6 to 8 Minute straight shot right over to Interstate you cross the interet and and you’re there big Miss big Miss not

Practicing at Leonard I know I know and and that’s probably the spot that we’re going to go to when he’s younger and that’s pretty accessible I mean it’s access 12 months out of the year possibly they should get a simulator at Leonard I I think I would the vibe of that simulator would

Be unbelievable it would be unmatched they have the room for it but they use that room for weddings and stuff so they also have auctions there uh a buddy of mine who is an auctioner um I’ve seen videos of him doing live auctions in that little Event Center the best dude

Um back can I ever renew our vows we’re doing it at Leonard Club yeah do it at t-box number one and then have the little reception in in the like the Event Center yep um I do I have one simulator topic I want to talk about

Next segment for now we’ll take a break we’ll come right back and um Tyler I want to talk about uh golf how golf zone is taking over the entire world good cuz I don’t know what that is all right Tyler I was doing my uh my morning ritual my Golf Digest Deep dive

And um on the [ __ ] no it’s not the [ __ ] actually it was um it was on the couch it was on the couch I post daycare drop off got get home decompress a little bit before we you go home after dayare drop off yeah I drop them off at

Like 7:30 uh I go home for like I either go for a walk with my dog or I just sit on the couch nice it’s relaxing good good Dads need aone time we never get it ever yep um so they were talking about uh the golf Zone experience now you’ve

Never heard of golf Zone have you I have not but if I had to guess golf zone is probably some sort of Club fitting SL simulator slash driving range type thing uh you’re about 33% right okay so I hit one of those three things I said so it they

It’s it’s like a it’s a new simulator it’s new simulator location it it was originated in South Korea okay they have 6,000 locations in South Korea which is not that big of a country so if you look at I mean just how big South Korea is and having 6,000 locations this is where

This thing started and this is where it’s it’s starting to blow up at okay GF ZN um GF Zen and I know that you have seen I know you’ve seen the simulator technology um you just probably haven’t put two and two together so what golf zone is doing with their simulators now

Is you like the platform you are hitting off of will maneuver itself to mimic the actual lie of your ball on the course that you’re playing we already did this they ripped us off 6,000 times yeah I mean we we did we the most realistic simulator video um

Also if my math is correct South Korea is 38,6 190 M 91 square miles you divide that by 6,000 right that is 6.4 golf zones per square mile no [ __ ] that seems like a lot did I did I is that that’s what you would do for the

Math right I’m not a math guy I’m the wrong one to ask you would divide the square miles by the number of golf zones founded in South Korea golf Zone boasts that it is the most popular simulator brand in the world with 6,200 location oh [ __ ] me 6200 locations in 62

Countries okay that makes more sense because they’re not having six per square mile sorry so what I took from that is they they did make they did they did have a state of like for how small South Korea is they have a lot of golf

Zones and is a place where you can golf a lot of a lot of the year um so go like they are Reinventing the simulator experience with the uh the way that the the hitting like your your hitting platform can maneuver up uphill downhill Seline whatever that may be um they also

Have rotating hitting mats oh I’ve seen these being like if you’re hitting out of the sand you’re going to hit out of like very fine type of turf or you know it’ll switch over for the rough or your TX shot whatever that’s cool so there’s a lot of moving Parts going on with

Where you’re hitting and the the lie you’re hitting off of as well as as well as what you’re hitting off of um now what they’re starting to do is I there’s not many locations in the United States um they’re like they’re starting in in New York essentially okay I can’t

Remember and again after that Miss I’m just going to say they have there’s like three or four locations in New York and what they’re doing is there’s 62 locations in New York City there’s 62 locations n per square miles this one block so what they’re doing is they’re hosting

Legitimate like Twan tournaments MH and they’re paying out like ac across the world and across all of these tournaments um they’re paying out millions of dollars H yeah for the winners of these tournaments so I’m thinking like what a way to get people into the door during actual golf season yeah and

Replicating like replicating an actual round of golf with the technology they’re putting into it now it also reminded me a lot of um you know I started thinking of the tgl like the tgl is doing some something similar in the offseason with their indoor simulator League um and then also you remember

During Co with NASCAR drivers they did this The Sims yes they were doing the SIM ulators so we’re now taking that NASCAR model of being able to just like you know you you go to like an arcade you can sit in a seat and you can drive

A car on a screen obviously a lot more technology goes into it but now they’re starting to replicate that into the golf world and this golf Zone um the value like they I want to say they have again I’m could take another L here but based

Off of what I read they want they have like a $1.4 billion valuation Jesus or something like that so I’m wondering when that is going to catch catch steam everywhere outside of New York because it’s a game Cher that we always talk about in the simulator you you go like

Hey it’s a lot different than on the course because you’re you’re hitting off the same lie it’s a good lie every single time um I don’t think there’s been a time I haven’t got out out of a bunker in a simulator right and it takes them it they said it takes them about

Two to two and a half months to H get a course designed on the software because they have to know every little measurement correct they take like all like they take drones up in the air and they measure everything from a course in order to implement it into the software

That’s cool no I think this is a really sweet idea I mean I think the only thing that could stop it from catching on which I’m sure they’ve solved because there’s 62 of them across the world uh is price point 600 like if I got 6200 sorry um 60 countries 62 countries yeah

Yeah something like that um is the price point like if I have to if I can go play at golf addiction for 30 bucks yep and if I have to pay 100 or 150 to play this golf Zone I think average I’m still I’m going to take the less immersive

Experience at golf addiction y than I am the super imers verive one if the price point and I don’t know what it cost to play I think um it’s like between on average about 70 75 bucks that’s not terrible um you can bust a around out in

An hour you can have you know fourman group bust it out in two hours and like that this is now what they’re calling the future of simulators and simulator leagues too yeah so we we always throw around the question like you look at Golf Club technology simulator

Technology and just when you think it like how how much better can it actually get somebody is going to come up with something that does just that I this is like that bit from Parks and wck when Ron Swanson is meeting with all like the vegan Eco activists and the one lady’s

Preaching about beef milk because they’re they’re off of almond and oat milk and now we’re into beef milk and Rod’s like it’s just milk so pretty soon simulator companies are going to be like all right guys we have come up with the most realistic simulator ever it’s

Outside and you walk from each hole and it’s the same course over and over yeah when do they start implementing like that like we’ve talked about this before like ball Tracer technology onto a cart yeah so like you park your cart behind the T box and like you’re the what would

Be the monitor or sorry the um the yeah the launch monitor like that would read your shot and tell you exactly where your ball is or a general area the 10t you know 10t diameter your ball should be over here flip over all the leaves in this 10t radius correct pace of play

That’s bad for us ball Hawks though because then we find less golf balls yeah well there’ll be a lot of them like your balls in the woods good luck finding it and then we would go find it y um so it was it was wild to me that

Number one you can actually like the turf moves with your Li and number two the money that they’re paying out for these tournaments um the WN like in the New York League I want to say the winners of That League they won like a like a their package was

Worth like a $100,000 see that’s how they’re making their money back cuz this [ __ ] can’t be cheap they’re making their money on league fees huh investors too yeah investors league fees and then double the price per hour as a regular simulator what I want to say like um the

Winners like I don’t know if if one of them or each of them got like their own golf Zone simulator and the technology that goes with it I’m sure that’s more than 100 grand gotta be yeah gotta be well and for like I mean you look at now

In Fargo we have I mean I if I was golf Zone I would absolutely not be giving away their Tech because then then people have no reason to come in correct but also there there it’s it’s a Vibe thing yeah like if you can go somewhere order

A breakfast pizza and a coffee and play around at 8: a.m. in February yeah that’s kind of nice yeah know I think it’s it’s very cool um I think it’s going to be a hot [ __ ] minute before Fargo gets one for for sure M but uh Hey

Next time Jared’s going to New York this year maybe hit it up tweet about or chirp about it on 18 birdies yeah yeah there’s 6200 locations in New York York yeah so right right by Eminem World yeah if you just look left and look right you’ll probably end up seeing one i’ go

To LS Island and see a golf Zone in there yeah y go to in the foot um so I thought that was kind of interesting it’s um it’s probably the future yeah and I want to I so badly want want to know what the future of

Golf Club technology is um I just I I don’t know yet yeah we we’ll get there and I’m I’m not going to know until somebody else knows and writes an article about it and you read it on your couch yes um that’s how most things go

All right Tyler so we are on uh I believe we’re on number six of our list our top 10 list of craziest golf courses that we have found that we have done some research on um in the world number six for us today is uh a little thing they like to call

Fins and pins fins and pins fins and pins carbrook Golf Club in Queensland Australia bull sharks in the water hazards and when I say bull sharks Tyler they are they’re saying they’re um they’re the most aggressive shark species out there this is Australia this is on Australia checks out it I mean

These gu they’re probably surfing they’re probably they’re probably surfing on the water water hazard too they probably are and they’re probably just chill with these bull sharks I guarantee the Australians are like oh there a [ __ ] B Shar that pricious [ __ ] yeah our no our bowar Jesus I’m terrible at accents but I

Think it makes it better but imagine like uh the B like the ball Grabber Market in Australia especially on this course has got to be massive because if you’re sticking that ball Grabber into a water hazard trying to get you know trying to get the only prov1 that you

Would ever like put in your bag um a bullshark coming up and snatching that from your hand it’s kind of like um God what What mo [ __ ] what movie is that to where oh it’s Sandlot don’t they try and use this they use that like long big Contraption to try like yeah erector

Set the Erector Set is the remote control one that shoots it out and then the long one that they put like the catchers on the end is a vacuum cleaner okay so something like that and and when the dog uh what’s the dog’s name again um so the Dog’s real name is Hercules

But they call it the Beast the Beast yeah big sandlock guy when he when when he eats That Thing Up throws it over it’s just mangled and Pie that that is what the that is what your ball Grabber may look like in the water hazards okay

So I don’t I I don’t want to knock your course cuz I do think it’s pretty wild that there are bull short bull sharks in the water hazards but is that scarier than an alligator I mean as long as you don’t go in the water you’re

Chill yeah that is true or a lion from last and I just think I just yeah I mean I think it’s the Exotic the Exotic nature of a shark CU like there’s Gators at a lot of courses yes there’s not sharks at many courses it’s probably the

Only one where there’s a shark in the water probably that’s actually that’s a that’s a good point because alligators are they’re they can be on land as well yeah and they’ll run after your ass if you get too close like I saw an alligator in Myrtle Beach yeah that [ __ ]

My pants it was nowhere near me yep yep that’s that’s a really good point I think it’s just the the Allure of a shark in a water yeah it’s like when you freaking sharks with freaking laser beams on their heads lasers if they had lasers much more scary yeah way scary if

That bullshark could laser you much more scary um I wonder if they like you guys have heard of the Buckle challenge so if you guys anyone listening if you’re not familiar with the Buckle it’s a retail store where they sell like the um the sequin jeans

They call Miss Mes or like Rock Revivals they uh talked about this on ybr or ybr folks know this yeah yeah like if you’ve ever owned an an Affliction or American fighter shirt oddar came from the Buckle now the Buckle challenge is uh you have

To go into the store walk to the back wall of the Buckle touch the wall and come out without getting talked to or stopped by a salesperson in the Buckle it’s impossible it’s impossible now I mean I I could see Surfers in Australia being like hey I have a what’s the

Currency over there do you guys know um I have no idea kangi I’m not sure yeah [ __ ] quidd or something something like that um I’ll give you a thousand dollar to swim across this Pond filled with bull sharks it’s like swimming across the Amazon with piranhas yeah would you do it for a

Thousand no I wouldn’t either um Australian currency is called the AUD odd the the OD well that’s the abbreviation probably it’s just the Australian dollar they call them dollars okay yeah so th000 bucks swim across it I mean that there’s there’s your carbook challenge right there yeah um I’m

Probably not doing it ex the Buckle employees aren’t trying to bite your leg off that’s true that’s true they I mean it may feel like it when they start talking to you but it’s like if you were talking your ear off if the Buckle employee talks to you you die yes

Correct then they’re the same um so yeah that that’s like that’s the and they’ve obviously leaned into it um but that’s the Allure of this course yeah I mean if it’s the one and only course on the planet you can play with bull sharks swimming around that’s

Pretty [ __ ] sweet now it seems like I got I got stoked in Idaho we went to a course Grandpa and I that with all the water hazards were stocked with rainbow trout that’s sweet I thought that was cool imagine and you could like put the quarter in the machine and then feed the

Fish dude when do they sorry go ahead uh imagine if it was sharks and then you just paid for like a slab of meat and then you just watch the Sharks go nuts yeah they just like it they just get like like expired stakes from the Walmart down the road they stock their

Vending machine every morning so you can just you can start throwing meat out in if we had sharks at Prairiewood or at osgod where I was attacked by the goose I would have taken that goose and yeed it into the pond yeah yeah that that goose would have have stood a chance

Against Mr bully and then me and the Sharks would have been homies yeah now here’s another question we so we have snapping turtles mhm have you ever seen a snapping turtle bite something yes I have taken a stick and poked it out a snapping turtle and

Watched it bite the stick so here again um we used to fish a lot when I was younger we used and we would actually so we would be fishing for catfish on the river um but we would also throw out like a like a heavy heavy um it looked

Like an ice fishing rod which are probably 32 in MH it was probably a 38 in rod super heavy 50 lb test um we would put a piece of gold eyye on it and we would throw it about 2 to three feet off the shore and we would catch

Snapping turtles on this rock um you would see them like out in the river like pop their head up and slowly start getting closer and we would we’d catch these snapping how you get them off um that’s a good question uh my grandpa did all that okay and again this is this one

Of the memories I have there was one time where so whenever we’d get his snapping turtle he’d want to show us how like how hard it would bite so um he he had the classic like I don’t know if there are New Balances are the Nike Air

Monarchs he would just stick his shoe out in front of this I don’t know if he’d curl his toes like he or what but those things can [ __ ] bite and I don’t know if I I don’t know if I’d rather like be forced to go into a body

Of water with bull sharks or with snapping turtles right you know you know you know exactly which body of water you would go into probably the snapping turtles yeah you would lose some digits but you’re not going to get ripped apart by the most dangerous sea animal on the planet M

Orcas they’re dicks now now if we’re talking piranhas if we’re talking piranhas or bull sharks I’m going bullar for sure that one’s closer cuz I did see in a movie Somewhere a long time ago if you just punch a bull shark in the nose it’ll leave you alone for sure yeah yeah

Um I don’t know how much force I’m going to have behind my punch in the water right you know how you get like a like pedicure and in some of the like water baths they have minnows M um the minnows will just like you getting a lot of

Minnow pedicure well i’ I seen it on a movie one time they’ll there such a nibble on your toes supposed to be relaxing or whatever or if you’re like in the lake you just stand Pros will do that for you they’ll get all the dead skin off yeah well that’s what I’m

Saying it would be like the Min pedicure but um you would down to the bone yeah you would pick your You’ pick your foot up and you would have no toes left so I think like I’d rather take one bite to the foot versus like 10 bites at the same time

Yeah yeah cuz well what piranha you going to punch in the nose you can’t punch all of them you can’t you can punch one bull shark though yep why do all these exotic courses why do they all live nowhere near us what kind of Exotics do we have here in in America um

We have Tobacco Road that’s just a lot of sand so many people what if it was quick sand so many then that’d be super exotic you’d lose your ball and a heartbeat that would be actually wild um I we will give Tobacco Road an honorable mention because so many of you have dm’

Me about it submitted it on Spotify yeah we’ll give Tobacco Road it’s due diligence in time please stop sending me real Tobacco Road we just have to go to Tobacco Road what if you could pick what if you could pick your own tobacco and like roll like roll your own

Cigar that kind of beuing sweet during the round yeah yeah that’s why they call it Tobacco Road like like we have corn fields off the Russ the rough what if they had tobacco field off the rough at Tobacco Road that’d be kind of cool P play

Though like a toac like a Tobacco Road lighter in your golf bag would be like the coolest like little piece of memorabilia I think you could get at a golf course that would be sweet I mean I think the reason the pipe what what exotic thing could we do like we can’t

Have an African safari no we like ours are the prison course right and the moving the automated moving Green in Idaho yep like we can’t I mean what would we do put it in an area with Wolves m i mean like three bears is up north in Bear Country and wolf country I

Mean like but they’re not there you can’t force the Wolves to be around it’s not a preserve or anything I just don’t think there’s the opportunity for exoticness in the United States and when I say exotic I mean just something like some sort of a lure like

An exotic course in a different country the only thing we could do in the United States to get even close to like the I can’t remember the name of the course in South Africa sukusu yep skuza and this course in Australia we maybe put a course in the middle of the

Everglades I think that’s the closest thing we could get to those types of courses mhm elaborate on the everglides and why you chose that well the Everglades is a tropical climate filled with the world’s most deadliest snakes and alligators and all sorts of invasive like reptile species gotcha it’s

Basically a big swamp yeah it’s a giant swamp with some of the most venomous and dangerous creatures in the United States but they’re cool like it would be cool to see you would for sure see no less than 10 alligators in your round if they cleared out a portion of the

Everglades and built a golf course in it yeah which whatever it just well I mean it’s I think it’s a national park floating golf course yeah yeah like on a big lake yeah yeah I think they they need to do like we need stuff floating more on golf courses like the reason now

The uh in cordelane obviously like one of the most iconic courses in America they have the floating green on whatever not even floating it has a motor underneath so they move it around the island green moves around every day that’s cool um without that floating green it would just be another really

Nice course in the United States but because they have it like it it makes a name for itself because of it we need more [ __ ] floating in waters yeah and we need like wasn’t Jake this was like last year wasn’t Jake telling us about this cor SE plate in Minnesota where you had

To take like a you have to take a boat yeah you have to take a boat to the green where like you drive your cart up on the boat yes yeah we need more [ __ ] like that well like The Gambler hole in Myrtle Beach it’s the one hole I will

Remember forever yeah what it’s it was just an island green named after Kenny a Kenny Rogers song or an island Fairway excuse me where you could choose to play the safe route and get your five or you could try to go for the island Fairway and get your

Birdie like the fact that it was just floating was tight yeah when do they make and and they might may already have it I’ve taken a lot of L’s on this podcast just assuming stuff um they have figured out a way to make a canc into a fishing like a like a

Fishing device where they got a little spool on it you can like spool your line up have a hook at the end and you can literally be drinking beer and fishing at the same time I mean when do they make a retractable golf club like uh like the ball grabber for instance maybe

It is the ball Grabber that you can also turn into a fishing pole I mean I honestly feel like this would be pretty [ __ ] easy I could do it we could make a homemade one super easy honestly I could get my ball Grabber and what time is it right now

It’s 11:30 right now by 2:00 it would be a fishing pole all you got to do is tape the reel on and get some sort of eyelet and then we’re good and it’s like maybe they have a like they have a like a they have a timer next to where you’re going

To be fishing whatever like hey you you can only fish for two or three minutes yeah um to keep pace of play up but you just it on those Island ones with the bridges you could be trolling in your trolling in your golf cart if if it was

Me and I really got into them if they were if the if the fish were fired up and I started really getting into them I’d probably just end my round early and tell the group the groups behind me to just play through cuz I’m going to sit

Here catch myy they’re biting you go ahead yeah get the morning bite yeah hey you guys catch anything over there no God pretty slow day um decided to end the round early just just because I didn’t feel like golfing anymore Meanwhile my my bucket is filled with

16inch Walley your uh golf cart doesn’t have that basket on the back it’s Al live well yeah [ __ ] like that dude the the the future I think it’d be sweet like I could see something where like a like a hunting outfitter right also has a course on it

And then there’s a bunch of trout ponds on the course and it’s just all part of the package that you paid for with that Outfitter like you’re elk hunting in the morning and then the e in the middle of the day you play you play 18 holes and

Then in the evening you go back out on the course and fish and then you eat your fish for supper and then you wake up and hunt again like that’s that’s pretty dream vacation for myself day yeah that’s uh enhancing The Experience yeah is what

Um is is what I feel like is going to happen down the road yep yeah I think uh I think that’s something to to expire to someone can take that idea we won’t TM TM TM it because I don’t want to run that Hunting Fishing golfing outfit well

We would promote it in a heartbeat we will be your first influencers for sure that would be sick that actually gets me jacked up um it gets me jacked up to go fishing but also to hit some balls into the water yep I think we should wrap it

Up Ryan that’s all we got ladies and gents um we’ll be back next week 169 last episode 100 so we when we got to episode 69 we said we were done people believed us too I believed you guys did you yeah when that happened and now we’re 100 episodes 100 episodes

Later you remember what I got you 100 episodes ago to celebrate episode 69 no I remember shootter yeah really yeah that wasn’t like a Christmas or birthday or that was episode 69 way more important than Christmas or your birthday how much did that Cameo cost I

Want to tell you I paid for it with my own money too really yeah well I I you deserve something from me then so maybe I’ll get [ __ ] a shooter maybe maybe I’ll get Virginia venet on the old Cameo VV all right guys we’re out for today

We’ll see you next week love you love you trade C you piped that the wrong way I’ll call the club house we’ll book another 18 for tomorrow okay they cheated on that they fluff their balls yeah no better time for the breakfast ball than now

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