Extra Rounds Interview | Mark Paul Gosselaar Talks Jiu Jitsu & His New NBC Series ‘Found’

Extra Rounds Interview | Mark Paul Gosselaar Talks Jiu Jitsu & His New NBC Series ‘Found’

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We’re back here in exra rounds I’m TJ Des sandis please be joined Now by Mark Paul gosler who we all know is Zach Morris grew up Saved by the Bell I mean h I’m curious MP how many people come up to you and just say hey Zach Zack it’s

Got to happen common uh it’s not as common as you would think because of you know the the way I look the you know this is what happens when you age you you you get a little grayer and and uh but no I I i’ I’ve played characters my

Entire career so you know with Zach that even the hair wasn’t real um for me and and so um I kind yeah I kind of I have this bit of anonymity that uh some actors don’t have especially playing an iconic character like Zach but um you

Know like right now I’m bearded for a particular role and uh don’t usually look like the the characters that I’m playing on on television I think you’ve done a a great job at sort of Bridging the divide and being two different people in a roundabout way cuz you see

These you know kids that are stars at a young age really failed to sort of stay um almost Dynamic you know later in their career you get typ cast in a way but you’ve played so many different characters like you said and and this new one man like let’s talk about NBC’s

Found because this thing is all sorts of Twisted I I’ll I’ll admit I’ve only watched about one and a half episodes I don’t watch enough TV but dude this thing is crazy looking yeah that’s about a half an episode more than I’ve watched I I generally don’t watch my own work

But um I’m happy that it’s found an audience you know we got a second season right away um it’s doing really well I’m very happy because we’re working with some really good people and it’s it’s um it’s a good project that I’m really proud of uh you know it’s it’s hard to

To find success in this business it’s not you know I’ve I’ve been very fortunate in my career like you said I’ve I’ve worked on a lot of different things and um not all of them have been the success that I want them to so this

Is on the this is on the right path uh getting a second season for any any show that you’re working on is is uh a step in the right direction so I I hope it goes for five to eight more seasons I want to retire there you go uh people

Can catch it on peacock on demand still new episodes uh airing on NBC I think two more to go uh in this initial uh season um C can you break it down for everyone because it’s it’s like this psychological Thriller like I don’t know how to feel about your character like

He’s you know the the essence of evil but kind of good at the same time n there’s nothing good about him he’s a master manipulator he kidnapped a a a girl when she was 16 um she was able to escape fortunately and later on in her

Life um she is now helping find missing people um that don’t have the means or funds to to to be found um so she’s she’s a master at PR a master um uh you know she she works with ex law enforcement ex attorneys uh to to help

Find people um The Twist is is that like I said my character kidnapped her when she was young she has now kidnapped me uh and is using me to sort of help solve some of these cases but there’s there’s nothing good about this character there’s nothing redeeming about him he’s

Not doing he’s not helping her uh for Redemption he’s helping her because it it it allows him to be in her presence and that that’s all he cares about is he has this weird um yeah just connection with her that that he wants to prolong as long as possible so he’ll do anything

Even be kidnapped by her and captured and it’s it’s uh he’s in her in her basement there a lot of people have said oh this is like a Twist on um like Silence of the Lambs something like that um but uh yeah so it’s a it’s a

Procedural for NBC with that twist which makes it a little more dramatic and dynamic I think I gave you a little bit of a compliment there because I feel like I’ve been manipulated a little bit I feel like I’ve seen some sort of granular level of good inside of this

Character and you’re telling me it’s not there yeah no it’s funny because a lot of people will say that uh you know that they don’t understand why they have sympathy for this despicable character and it’s because I’ve played likable characters my entire life I’ve actually played uh lately I’ve been playing some

Um I mean this is the biggest monster I’ve played but I’ve been playing some a-holes uh lately and and been doing pretty good at that I mean if you look at I think Zach Morris was the biggest aole of all there was a whole uh show that my buddy uh dashel Driscoll started

On YouTube called Zach Morris’s trash and anybody who’s a fan of the show can understand and relate to his YouTube series um because he breaks it down and he shows you exactly where Zach Morris is trash and he’s absolutely correct and you’re like oh yeah it’s it’s plain and

Simple it’s in front of me so some could say that I’ve been you know playing a playing this type of character my entire career yeah I I love the Zach Morris’s trackies yeah the voiceover Z Morris is trash check it out that’s my buddy D dashel we actually did a podcast

Together as well during the pandemic we just uh we took um Save By the Bell which I never like I said I never watched my work and we broke down every episode starting from the beginning of say by the Bell and it was like a rewatch party and I watched it and

Commented about some of my experiences that I remember most of I didn’t but dashel was uh sort of the the the um he’s just a wealth of of knowledge everything about say by the Bell it was fun it’s amazing it’s weird to watch yourself on TV it’s weird to hear

Yourself even in audio form it’s just it’s a an experience not everyone enjoys like I don’t really enjoy watching the fights that I’ve called you know what I mean it’s it’s just it’s a hard thing to explain yeah no but there are few people I’ve met that that you know can can

Watch themselves and and enjoy it and and but for me it’s it’s painful because it’s you can’t redo it it’s out there and it’s not like I can go oh wait wa wait I I have I have a better take let me let me put this in

Here um as an actor you know we do multiple takes and then you’re sort of it’s left to the editors it’s left to the director of what they felt was the better take and you know I might have thought four was better than take two um

But that’s how it goes yeah no I mean I think it’s the mindset of a perfectionist in a lot of ways you tend to uh you know always want it to be perfect and if you know someone else has left it’s like you know too many chefs

In the kitchen right like someone else is cooking you might not cook it that way hopefully it all turns out for the best you just got to let it go um you mentioned uh you know some of the characters you’ve played over the years one character you’re playing in your

Real life is a martial artist uh you’re a Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioner yeah uh for way too long for the for the colored belt that I’m at but uh it’s been one of those things I was trying to think back like when I started and it’s scary to think that I

Started back when I was probably 36 um maybe even 35 I’m almost 50 now and uh I’m a purple belt I’m a two stripe um here at Gracie Baja and enenas um and uh yeah it’s it’s it’s been a long journey it’s been one of those things I’ve just gone from school

To school to school and depending on where I’m filming or where I’m working I mean where I’m uh living and uh yeah I’ve I’ve trained with some really cool people and and um love the sport but it’s I’ve been in it a long time and

Finally I was like you know what I I was never a belt Seeker but I was like I’ve been in it so long I should be I I I should just go for the belt right now you know I have I have you know I mean I

I think with jiu-jitsu it’s one of those things where you’re always gonna be learning so it’s and that’s the beauty of the sport is the knowledge of it and just remaining open and and uh wanting to learn and which I do but I also kind

Of want to have something to show like I think it’s like when you’re a colored belt it’s like okay but are you a black belt so now I would like to say you know I’ve been in it for 15 years and I’m a black belt um it’ll it’ll it’ll get

There but I just have to I just have to consistently show up I’m always thinking about Jiu-Jitsu it’s one of those things like right before we got on I’m looking at videos on YouTube and you know following following certain people and and uh enjoy the sport even when I’m not

Doing it have you uh ever competed in any BJJ competition no no people are like oh you and Mario should compete because Mario Lopez competed in some and uh he’s pretty good we’ve trained together um he’s he’s really good and there’s some other um actors that I’ve

That I’ve trained with and uh they’re all good you know I mean it’s uh but to do a competition I think I’m I mean a lot of people said oh you could do Masters and uh you know I don’t know I just that part of me is I

Think not um it’s I just don’t have that desire anymore I used to be really competitive and now I’m like ah it hurts too much and I’m all about the recovery I’ll impede in recovery how about that there you go I mean you know why not

Take care of yourself and you know try to Perfect The Art of Rehabilitation or something like that I mean Tom Brady did it right I mean that’s I wish I had taken better care of my body when I was younger but uh you know you live and you

Learn and uh Jiu-Jitsu will definitely keep you humble too you can’t be too competitive in Jiu-Jitsu because someone will remind you you’re not the biggest dog in the room real quick it’s just it’s one of those sport it reminds me a lot of golf and it’s the reason I don’t

Play golf right now is that you know you you think oh I’m finally I’m getting somewhere I’m gaining traction and then it could be any it could be a white belt and then they just put you in your place and it’s just like wow it’s just such a

Humbling sport it’s such a such a every time I’m on the mat it’s like it’s a it’s a life lesson and it really is a reflection of how um how you’re sort of navigating your your journey in life is how you’re navigating in Jiu-Jitsu they mirror each other in a very special way

Well especially now there’s these kids that are you know 17 18 years old and they’re just getting their blue belt and they’re really like brown belt black belt level because they’ve been trading for long like the belt color can be very misleading these days you know it’s it’s

Interesting it’s like like I said I’ve been doing it for 15 years and just the other day I was doing an Ezekiel choke and I had a question about the entry into this specific position and then basically the the submission of it and how to refine the submission and it was

Just a simple note um that my professor uh said and it just I was like wow I’ve been for 15 years I’ve been doing it one way you just showed me another way and it’s so much simpler and it was in a way that I didn’t even have to like grip

Very hard it was just I was using two fingers and using more of my upper body and and sort of leaning back on it and I was just really bummed out after that because I thought why can’t I have figured that out on my own like I see

These 17 and 18 year olds and they’re doing things that are elev I in my opinion elevating the sport into a another Stratosphere and I’m thinking how are they able to I mean I I roll maybe on a minimum twice a week I know they’re rolling you

Know seven days a week and they’re multiple multiple sessions during the day but still I wish that I had something in me that was able to be an innovator in a way and understand like oh if I just did this it would be more uh effective you know like these these

Kids are coming up with ways of of doing things that I I I it’s just inspiring it’s it’s uh it’s amazing to watch I mean look at like mik gaval like I just watched his last his last bout and he’s just pulling submissions from like any

Any position I mean he just well look at the buggy choke like the buggy choke just blows my mind like you’re supposed to like the buggy choke from bottom uh side controls like you’re not supposed to be offensive from there what are you do yeah there’s there’s an actual choke

That uh I saw Keenan Keenan Cornelius time do and it’s from side control and he was doing it with another uh guy here um in delmare I for I only know him as Mike but him and Mike were figuring out these chokes and they were doing like

The force choke which is not legal and and ibjjf um and then uh but they were doing this one choke uh from side control and they made it look so easy I’m like I’m doing that next time I it’s been literally a year since I saw that

Joke I try it every time I’m inside control I can’t get it there’s no way then nobody Taps to it it’s like it’s like an almost tap and then I’m in a bad position I’m like this is yeah well uh maybe you won’t be on the mat anytime

Soon at one of these events but uh we’d love to get you out to like a Fight Pass Invitational or something we’re doing these uh jiujitsu events in Las Vegas the UFC Apex uh you know Mario Lopez I think is is checking one out or has

Checked one out uh you don’t have to Grapple each other MP but we’d love to get you out there and hang out yeah I love the community um I’m I’m watching all the all the events you know the new world championship was I believe a week

Or two ago in Vegas I watched watched the matches there and so I’m always watching um I just really enjoy I enjoy UFC I just for for me it’s it’s sort of revolving door in a way and I’m not caught up on a lot of these guys um I W

I always read about it you know the next day I always find out like you know for instance like the last fight with Colby and and Leon and um wanted to know who won that you know because it’s it’s it’s all over the place but for me watching

Jiu-Jitsu it’s it’s something that I watch and then I go oh I’m going to try that in the gym and then get smashed

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