Smooth Power with the Driver = Arm Swing through the Functional Swing Plane

Hey Golfers!

I wanted to start working on the driver for the new year. I opened the ceiling and can now start covering how the hands and arms work through impact. Significant differences exist between the driver and iron delivery during the functional swing plane impact zone, including secondary tilt, wider stance, club design, and hitting off a tee.

One measure we see is greater wrist flexion with the driver than with an iron. Again, this is a combination of design and function. Learning to control the club should be an essential first step to controlling ball flight. Even though impact is the fastest part of the swing and it is challenging to control, thus the difference between pros and ams, all golfers should learn this skill!

Kind of like Tai Chi: start slow to learn your feel and then build up speed! Ensure your driver and irons are properly fitted to your motion and tendencies. Improperly fitted clubs complicate your golf swing, trying to modify and adjust your motion based on lofts that are too low and shafts that are too heavy.

Join us at Humo.Golf where we can help you with matching fittings and your swing motion.

Thanks for watching!

Hey goers just want to say thanks for everything for this year uh 2023 has been a crazy year moving family situations has been uh crazy but I really do appreciate youall support continuing to watch the videos and now we’ve hit over 8,000 subscribers so thank you very much wish you guys happy

Holidays and happy New Year and I can’t wait to show you what we got cooking up in the lab in 2024 we’ll be launching at the PGA Merchandise Show our humo go and humo pro products so check out hum. goov for all of that get involved uh we’re

Going to be doing a ton of data collection and um getting hit in 2024 just just going to try to bust it right down the middle every single time first welcome to another episode of how to generate smooth power in your golf swing we’re actually going to get to the driver

Today uh part of the reason why we haven’t is because this ceiling height is a little bit too low for me uh especially when I get up into here I’m still a little nervous but now we’ve kind of created some space I can swing in um but I haven’t practiced it yet so

Uh we don’t want to take anything out right before the the new year so got some more work to do but we’re getting ready to go so uh last video we were talking about how much forearm rotation we have or how much arm swing we have on that functional swing plane and we

Obviously been doing that with irons now the question is is how does this change when we get to the driver well there’s many things that change one is design you know the shaft of this club comes in behind the face and leans backwards so really you’re not going to

Get a lot of shling unless you did something different at your setup which I’ve seen golfers do um we just had somebody one of our students say in here man he loved to kind of turn that face in a little bit and created almost some

Shffl so then if you do that man it’s it’s pretty much like hitting an iron um the only thing that caused him to get in a little bit of trouble is because of the wider stance we see a little bit more secondary tilt in the golf swing

You kind of see back here uh I got an iron swing and a driver swing body alignments that secondary tilt is different with the stance and also depending on how much up level or down we’re swinging on the ball those are other factors that determine how we

Deliver the club uh with our arm swing through impact so and then what happened is he had driver swing he kind of hood the face flipp it over ball goes left now you start making compensations with your body start leaning back ball went right

So I prefer to see the club head sit how it’s designed and if you don’t like the way that looks you know change the settings um can always change clops these are pretty good and find something that looks good to you you know there’s a whole fitting process which we’ll we

We’ll do some other videos on but also L I’ve seen uh I’ve had students that play with eight degree drivers and they’re trying to get the ball up in the air so what’s going to happen through impact the reverse backup on it so you really need to get this

Organized with your driver about how you want to deliver it and let’s start with that do we want a level angle attack we see some of the track man numbers working down downward a little bit that’s to create a little bit more backspin to produce uh a little bit more

Accurate drives long drive guys man little Loft on the club they’re leaning back they’re swinging up 5 six degrees on that with 5 six degre drivers to take the spin away uh so those are two different like extremes on how to control the ball flight so we I like to

Be something where it’s level okay trying to zero it out with this path and keep everything neutral in a sense um but you kind of have to make it based on again your grip alignment everything we talked about with the irons same thing with the driver so width of stance ball

Position all those things I like to get set up and leave them alone and then all I’m doing is just delivering this club now we do see a little bit more of the risk going into a flexion mode why because the design of the club I’m not

Shling in it but you can again those are options you’re just going to need a different lofted driver okay so once first of all determine your setup and again what I would also want you to start out with is knowing where this U your alignment Trail hand alignment is

And again let’s stay on this functional swing PL it’s just a little bit different angle than what we see with the uh irons okay but that’s based on its design so don’t fight the tool that we’re using just work with it or get a different

Tool but from here I like to see again I’m trying to swing level that kind of for me gives me just the right amount of spin rate and launch angle I’m just trying to match it to the equipment but from here we’re still doing the same thing we’re still

Delivering it but we’re going to see our body in a different position I need to get this club head in front of me in order to get the ball to go straight so it’s a different type of release it’s not getting up on top of it it’s letting

That club head get in front of us in order to hit the ball and optimize Club head speed so it is a different swing but we’re still using the same technique to drive the motion but this controlling of this Trail wrist and Trail hand is critical in your golf swing so thanks

For watching head over too. goov where we’re going a little bit deeper into the numbers and how to produce all these shots see y’all Okay didn’t hit the ceiling that was a good thing didn’t swing very fast but SP went stray talk to youall later so take care thanks for watching see you in uh 2024

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