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This is the perfect exercise for you at this moment awesome very well done it’s nice and straight and low have a look just giving your body license to your body license to move it’s okay to to then kind of walk through it at the moment yeah cuz

Your left foot’s not supporting you see yeah there a real big difference in the in the first part of the downwing that’s just that’s so so that’s all right it’s not bad so to help us rotate more yeah yeah what I want to

Do is cool so this is uh a new train Aid that’s coming out soon it’s a vector map so I’ve call it the vector map it’s basically a slider system and we are working on the chains that we need to recruit to activate if you say if you like well

Activate the chains we need to use the ground to create the force in the right direction so the vector is the direction of the force and what we’re doing is we’re essentially working on equal and opposite so in order to rotate that way we’re going to be pushing the ground in

The opposite way as you’ve seen before as you you’ve worked on numerous times but what we’re doing here is we’re actually going to direct that Force but also use the chains at the right speed so we’re not trying to simulate something artificially we’re going to start here and what we’re going to do

For yourself is we’re going to drop and pop but we’re going to slide the foot to the light blue okay so when the when we don’t have the ability to slide we get the opposite okay so it’s it’s essentially not trying to copy the movement pattern all we’re doing is

We’re creating the opportunity here to use the ground to fire the chain to create the movement pattern we need using the right Vector so it’s not a it’s not like a push yeah from where your mass is back I want you to be able to get a little bit

More active let me show you again so not this yeah so it’s so you start allall Drop pop so you drop with a slide and then pop okay okay start feet together feet together that’s it drop with the slide and then pop off

On the tip toe no no no so not like a golf swing let me show you again so what these are these are components of a golf swing that are missing so which then when integrated create the full chain okay okay no rotations just drop in to slide the foot

And spring up off your tip toeses use the balls of your feet yeah don’t rotate back just stay facing George yes that’s better bit more abrupt be a bit more assertive with it so it’s a drop pop yes so that now we’re looking at the recruitment of the chain the speed of it

Very good keep the foot out there as you drop there we go that was better that was a real pop through the P that’s good excellent yes okay just have a swing for me don’t even think just have a few swings in the air just a little half swings back and forth without

Stopping bit more speed really shorter swing but very assertive lots lots of more Force that’s it yeah keep going in and now work into a cut work into a low cut keep going use your chest forward to help you get that low Point further forward yes keep going does that feel different

Yes in what way did it feel different I feel more this way much more on top of it and the hips are working more like this rather than this excellent that because that’s exactly what we’re stimulating let’s have a few shots doing that low cut from low cut yeah normal stance low cut

Good so if you look at the stability pattern of your body yeah it looks more stable this can you see how it’s it’s the upper body is a lot more stable the lower body look at yeah it looks strong watch this and it stays strong watch rotate this way yeah there is Shadow

Uhhuh yeah that right leg is continuing to work so that right foot engagement is still there you could even keep it later even longer so what we what we can do is before we move on to the other exercises use this going deeper in there I’m

Continuing the push it’s we can use that and I want you to continue to push into it so you’re going to come you’re going to be as you strike the golf ball continue to increase the pressure into that for oh really good trajectory I can tell the dyam dynamic Lu was pretty good

There because the it was solid and his trajectory was good it was a little left though oh yeah that’s a really strong right leg oh yeah very good impact So Different yeah mhm yeah that right leg looks like it’s in a position to look at that right leg extension now

So you’ve still got the first and fifth met head and look look at the activation there through the right side can you see that can you see George yeah so so you’re saying you’re still seeing activation through the right toe this is good yeah still andate connection the cha look at

That it’s so interesting because I’ve had people you know have me drop the basketball put the basketball between my legs and drop it yeah that’s not you know what I mean that’s yeah that’s all super yeah but it’s not superficial underlying push is not there cuz well

This is a sense all I said was increase the pressure so you can feel the pain so you’re just increasing that discomfort what that’s doing is that’s firing the chain that you need for that propulsion and rotation so it it’s uh yeah you need you need to use one of these for

Practice no you want another one another one yeah yeah another one I want you to hit a few okay keep the pressure low cut that gorgeous shot okay so we can rotate the Torso more so see there’s the extension like it’s so late in terms of too late

No as in in previous it’s no no yeah look you’re going the way in the butt yeah look look at this you’re you’re like you’re engaged look at the engagement the right leg all the time right okay so now I want to do the same exercise but off a high teg this is

Going to essentially tilt the face plane left so you’ve got to really work to get that fade so what we see yeah it’s difficult for you to get the swing Direction left at the moment well I can’t get a straight it off yeah cuz the swing directions been

Used to if we we can see where the delivery of the club was previously it was like you said the mass was behind the hands so again just do this exercise we’re going to start the ball left of the uh of the bin see where the bin is this Ball’s got

To start left of that bin yeah got to go again got to get it left to the bin we’re just seeing what your face path awareness is like for this from this delivery angle it’s interesting when I was only standing on my right foot my takeaway is always perfect

And know on both feet it’s always under okay that’s why we struggle to we didn’t fade it so let’s go again just take your setup so let’s explore where we need to go to cut this ball so how would you exaggerate to cut this ball with the

With the hands where would you need to go yeah just feel the feel the trajectory of the club head where’s that going it’s better now we can go more so we need to go we need to wherever you went then I want you to explore more in that range

So where did you feel you went with the with the club what did you do I went this way okay what about the back swing how can you use your back swing to encourage that well done so we can start to match up release pattern with body mechanics

Intention of body movement yeah big cut engageing with the right leg leg Bubba slice here yeah so that felt like the Bubba slice okay seems to look more athletic yeah it is we’ve got to what I want to do is work on that so as you’re delivering that Golf

Club yeah where do you feel the butt end going is it here yeah along this way here butt end along there mhm so if we put that in there MH where do I need to be here for the bat for you to swing left is it shallower is it steeper where do you

Feel it it’s like this okay cool so I want you to swing back yeah like that you’re pressuring the spikey mat and I want your eyes to follow the alignment stti for a big one for a big yeah let your eyes follow the alignment stick so eyes are going to it’s hand ey

Coordination then we can start to use our third eye when we’re not looking down and we’ve got a visual we’ve got some orientation sense of orientation around us without having to look we kind of know where everything is we’ve created this map and at the minute we need to enrich that

Map so go again for me no ball no ball awesome very well done oh wow look at that yeah well I just saw like up at five and a half or or whatever it was through the hands really nicely much different right there above the the really open okay

Yeah and unloaded really in front of the ball rather than and look how rotated you are and where the club is in relation to you m different feel mhm yeah so creating this sensory map vision is obviously a huge sense so by looking and actually sense and you can

Feel where the handle is when we take our vision away and go to the ball we can still replicate that feeling because we’re spatially aware more globally so instead of being so localized in with your attention veloping awareness in these areas which have only been bit parts of the action we’re actually

Taking ourselves externally away now sensory feeling sensory wise what we’re doing with the ground when we’re doing it but globally feeling where we are with the club in terms of the shot we want to play and where the ball is in relation to us so we’re creating a real

Good map do this again so let’s go again so you’re mapping basically now this is a map we’re creating so I want you to go same exercise this is the this is the perfect exercise for you at this moment moment using the spiky mat stick for my

Ey line so I think of ey line as but of the grip pressure mat so you’re feeling spiky is basically a pressure mat if that was a pressure plate you’d be it’ll be ramping up there and you’re going to Y okay I’m ready okay cool

Let’s have a look just want to I just want to show you from face on CU what you getting here is a visual affirmation of what you’ve just felt so even if you if you’re conscious of this or not it doesn’t really matter you’re getting a picture it’s

Mirroring and you’re using this Mirror Image here to optimize next time so you’ve got some feedback for next time it’s all looking much better yeah got the head kind of going that way okay I was happier with that than I than I thought yeah I mean don’t get don’t

Assume the strike means it’s a good shot or not as in a good movement or not we can recogn we want to recognize in quality Movement we want to become expert movers and attune to our movement so


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