SACKS PARENTE PUTTER REVIEW // 39 Gram Lightweight Putter Shaft!

Today, Ian and Mikey are diving into the Sacks Parente offerings.

Sacks Parente sets themselves apart using the presence of matching Ultra-Low Balance Point putter shafts helping create a natural pendulum motion with minimal effort.

That combined with lightweight grips and their weight forward putter heads, is supposed to inherently enhance your putting stroke.

Let’s see how Mikey likes the design!



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

00:00 – Introduction
03:31 – Sacks Parente Series 99 Milled Flange Blade (3 Degree Loft)
10:28 – Sacks Parente Series 99 Milled Flange Blade (4 Degree Loft)
11:39 – Results
16:35 – Final Thoughts

ODYSSEY AI-ONE REVIEW // Is This The Biggest Revelation In Putter Technology We’ve Ever Seen?:
PUTTER FITTING WITH TROTTIE // Trottie Golf Mini Series Episode 1:
PUTTER FITTING WITH PAIGE SPIRANAC // Can Anything Beat Her Prototype?:

Excent really good it feels easy right I don’t know it just feels like you could roll like one-handed putts with this thing and it’s not really going to move offline or anything got a bit of that Sledgehammer sort of feel where you you can put in less effort and in the putter

Head s swings itself yeah yeah this for most people will work really really nicely all right guys welcome back to the channel so delighted to have a brand new brand in the store today Michael yeah little sax prente something we don’t carry yet in the demo Matrix but

In the in the new year we’ll definitely have it yeah we uh we’ve had these samples in now for a little while and had a chance to to roll a few um this is one of the lines of Putters that we haven’t carried but our uh Partners in

The US CL Champion the US they have carried these for a number of years so uh when I’ve been down at their stores in and around various parts of the US I have gravitated towards these um towards some of the maybe less conventional looking models always interested what’s

Going on with that cuz there is a pretty cool technology story with this yeah that you know they called their ultra low balance point super lightweight shaft super lightweight grip and then you’ve got a head at 365 to 370 so not crazy heavy but for the weight of the

Shaft and weight of the grip you’re obviously going to feel a difference and you get more of that pendulum effect yeah it’s it’s it’s very unique I mean obviously putter uh shafts range in weight normally we find them north of 100 G here we have a 39 G shaft a 30 g

Grip so in terms of the balance point on the shaft it’s very very much when right above the hosle yeah uh there so normally we would be balancing that up there so you know that’s that’s a significant difference um but ultimately what matters is what does that do what

Do it all for you guys what is it all for the player um so I think when for for me when I’m looking at this uh as a design I’m looking at a putter head that is very heavy and we’ve got m multiple kind of examples we can we can use and

Explain to you guys so hopefully you understand maybe driver heads when we put the MK towards the toll what is that doing it’s actually slowing the rate of rotation so if we have in in sort of motion we have this sort of heavier Headway in transition we are actually

Going to deliver this handle a little bit more forward as a result so not only do you have forward CG uh and high moment of inertia with this head we’re actually going to deliver it into a much more optimized sha forward position one of the things

We fight in putter fits and have done for forever Mikey when we measure in quintic is that when the putter starts to lean back and we deliver too much Dynamic Loft we get too much launch too much Back Spin speed control becomes a real issue so uh I really like this the

The the design um philosophy with with this and I actually think it will suit a lot of uh maybe maybe if your putting stroke is not quite as as sort of technically sound I think something that leads you into a better stroke is always uh always a good thing there’s there’s

Four models right now this is the 99 series uh we’ve got some other mallets uh we’ve got one other blade very similar to this has a a um grooves in face and some heel toe waiting for higher Moi um but again this this is just a very simple very sort of

Uncomplicated design yeah I mean it’s a shape we’re all familiar with and um excited to see how it works definitely all right let’s of you all right Mikey boy how does it look how does it feel initial Impressions I mean traditional look of a plumber’s neck which is nice I

Like it um it looks larger does look a little bit larger doesn’t it maybe like Newport 2 plus that type of shape it just maybe that’s the lines definitely feels lighter I mean it doesn’t feel like whippy or anything like that but um you could feel the difference compared

To you know what I’m playing right now it’s it’s definitely different okay and you use a lighter putter shaft in yours right now you’ve got 85 G sink oh yeah that’s right yep I do use a you remember that that’s a good one I have to find

Where that butter is in my office is exactly where it is um yeah so you know this shouldn’t be that forn of a Fu for you no I’ll be at 30 uh grams or so is extremely light you give them anything give him a broomstick he’s making

Them not this weekend very nice this the whole Lo of green okay um lovely delivery I mean it’s I’m not it’s not a it’s not an issue obviously quintic as we know guys is directing us to what’s good and what’s bad through the traffic light system uh everything in Mikey’s

Putter there is really really good love the the rate of rotation down at 16 Dees so in this nice kind of low to medium rate rotation face angle was a hair closed but so so 0.63 of a degree but we offset that with a 0.25 strike in the toe uh so

If we want to have a look at um b roll pretty good right we’re making we’re making it up to 14 ft maybe even as far as 15 to 17 depend on the greens were on pretty good pretty good okay let’s have a few more before we can

Of start to ask you too much about um how it feels Etc okay couple more very good very good yeah so one of the things for Mikey there that I saw in that last putt if we kind of want to quickly go back any time I see someone in quintic that

Has a path that’s getting a little bit too out to in and a tow strike those two are are compound errors so if you if you have the the putter or The Ball address too much to side the likelihood is you you’ll Arc it and you

You’ll have too aggressive of an arc if we get you into the reason I asked you to have it in the heel there is I can actually create cre a slightly uh more reduced rate rotation and a much more neutral path and then from from that standpoint I can really

Stabilize the club face I mean that’s that’s close to perfect okay um so where you align the ball where you position the ball will actually play a big part in uh in how much rotation and and what the path is in your putting stroke okay very very high in in forward rotation

Mikey yeah I mean too high we don’t often too much too much yeah yeah we uh if we go into sort of the the slowmo of it here all right so we’re we’re following the of green line I’ve I’ve always used the marker of I want 90 approximately 90 degrees of

Rotation of the golf ball um within 9 in okay okay so I’m looking for something to that degree so if we we look at where where do we start that okay so it’s just back of vertical MH at the point of impact it’s Tak it to impact okay so we’re rolling

Now so we probably hit 90° right about there yeah just after so that’s that’s tell me visually that we have a lot of forward spin we’ve done 180° pretty much by there tons of Top Spin but the thing what’s the downside of too much forward spin downhill puts are right yeah yeah

Nightmare yeah so trying to put the brakes speed control it becomes a huge huge problem so this is this is the sort of design of this putter though we spoke about it the the position of the handle relative to the Head creating forward shaftline is

Is kind of the way this putter has been designed to try to create that forward role and you know not to kind of I’m very seldom I’ll ever say a nice thing to you but you’ve got a good stroke right so um can we get a Time marker on

That one please that’s a historical moment that should be Christmas present oh cheers don’t you need I have my Christmas B compliment um so yeah you stroke it really really nicely so if we go into there we’re looking actually I mean 75 is the upper end of what we want

Uh I’d like you to be closer to between 30 and 50 yeah on a yeah a lot you’re Charing on uh couple couple more excellent really good to you that feels probably like you’re actually hold the blade off but that’s what I want you to feel yeah those numbers are robotic to

Be honest yeah it’s better really really good so you can kind of see that as you launch it a little bit higher you retain a little bit more Dynamic Loft um you you’ve got less forward spin that’s actually really quite nice yeah that’s those are good um if if you wanted to

Play something and take advantage of the higher Moi if you wanted to you know capitalize in the low balance I would actually get you into something that offsets a yeah a little bit of the um the forward Center Mass now if you flip this putter around and you see you know

It has two weights in the front so even though it is a mallet design and most Mallet design pulls the CG rearward rearward CG is is what tilts the dynamic Loft up cuz we have all this mass in the back back they’re just giving you thei

On a a sort of you know wider area so it increases stability on tone heel strikes Mikey but actually all the stab all the mass is up at the front and there was a there was a mallet you played a couple years ago or well we tried them all and

It had forward CG and it was a great great part I mean morawa used it for a while it rolled really nicely IDE um okay this for most people will work really really nicely um let’s let’s just add a fractional off just just to see all right young Maestro we have a

Touch of extra Loft on there now okay Li angle’s the same same you you will always find Li angle is a funny one when it when it comes to uh to Putters largely people will find a way to see what they like to see address I could move that uh

That flatter right but your hands are just going to get lower and lower and and off the forarm plane I don’t love to see that so I would rather to be honest I’d rather use you didn’t go any more sort of handled down that’s why I hate

When people go too flat with Putters I think it takes the shaft too far off the forearm plane and then it starts adding too much face rotation nice a little more uh a little bit launch there you could would seem yeah yeah this is that’s nicer yeah and

That forward roll is better too yeah forward roll is better face rotation is is really really good so guys here’s here’s a kind of little bit of quintic gold right here why do we want a low rate of rotation right so Mikey has four degrees of rotation which has changed

Ever since we at the start before we made the change to your ball position you had four four times as much maybe even slightly higher why do we want to change that if we go into the club data here and we look at this is this is impact

Right zero Ines this is 3 in before impact this is 3 in after if we have on this putt of 12 uh feet the face angle one degree open or one degree closed we will still make that putt you could actually have hit that ball anywhere

Inside that 6 in measured area make it and you would have still made it yeah so like the amount of time that that club faces square is I mean that’s you couldn’t set the robot up to do it any better than that um and now you’re actually starting

To get the strike in a good spot you don’t have the um you you don’t have the tow strike as a variable anymore so beforehand you were actually getting the face Ang a little bit closed and offsetting it with a tow strike and they were kind of match it up quite nicely I

Would rather see you actually deliver the face infraction open with a center strike cuz that adds uh a little more law uh launch and it takes away some spin that’s that’s a really nice combo and it’s maybe because the head is like you can feel the weight down below it

Feels e it feels easy right I don’t know it just feels like you could roll like one-handed putts with this thing and it’s not really going to move or got a bit of that Sledgehammer sort of feel where you can put in less for and and the putter head sort of swings itself

Yeah yeah I think more people than not in a putter Studio or a putter fit with us ask for more weight right very seldom do they ever say oh this putter feels too heavy for me that never really happens um yeah I’m I don’t know I’m a

Believer of heavier putter I feel like it could take some mistakes out of play that’s what I’ve just thought forever it’s probably wrong um but yeah for some reason this just yeah just I don’t know suits my eye feels feels easy it’s uh it’s pretty good so obviously there’s there’s multiple

Models there’s obviously a similar um I mean this is was one of the originals yeah I that one there obviously with with some kind of heel and toe weight up thei a little bit everyone can get on board with that pretty hard to to beat this I mean you

Have the Teek of the lightweight shaft and grip the head feels great it’s mil it’s a shape that we’re all familiar with it to me it looks a little bit larger um heel the toe wise and I think it’s more shaping of of this stuff but

Yeah it’s a isn’t it yeah it’s a pretty good it actually comes in quite significantly Less in price so that one comes in at 350 US okay wow good deal which is uh which is which is pretty good yeah I’m excited to to get a couple

Of these models in the in the yeah in each Studio cuz I think it’s you try it and people will be like at first they might not love the feel but then once you kind of get used to it it feels feels great well I think is yeah and as

As well it’s this is I can know I guess a little bit of an inter offline conversation but it’s for our Fitters as well to understand the properties of it like what is in The Matrix of Putters that we offer why would you put this in the hands of someone you’ve just

Demonstrated it it gives you much more forward rotation if somebody’s struggling maybe with a little bit too much sort of release of the Loft and and add too much Dynamic Loft this is a great place to go I mean I’ve had to go up into three and a half degrees of Loft

For you there in order to try and create the right launch conditions you’re normally in and around two somewhere about that so um you know I think within the offerings I think that’s a great it’s a great great off that model’s cool with a little bit of carbon in the bottom yeah

Yeah I mean it’s just there there’s there’s some smart stuff we’ve been seeing this for years uh in in putter design moving that mass towards the the front miky so by putting in some sort of I don’t know if that I doubt that actually is carbon looks like carbon

Effect but it’s it’s certainly has thinned um carbon steel and then you get these these weights out in the toe and the heel and you know moves that CG right up to the face yeah which makes a huge huge difference quality feeling product quality looking product I don’t

Really think if you’re if you’re purchasing one of these you’re not going to be kicking yourself one a you know it’s it’s no gimmick by any means um yeah I like I like all of it it’s very very very good and they’ve got some cool

Stuff coming out in the in the new year yeah with some different you know shafts and um you’ll be able to actually just purchase their shafts as well which will be which will be pretty cool so yeah every Potter into a low balance po honestly honestly idea um but yeah good

Product really really good definitely okay guys um this this for us in our Matrix or or kind of within our line of offerings this is uh you know Tradesman somebody going into a job and having a a bag of tools this is our to within our tool box this is just another

Tool in our toolbx so for the array of problems that Putters players have with their putting method I think this is going to give us a really nice opportunity not to have to compromise The Loft and just you know Turn The Loft down to Zer degrees and just to offset

Somebody’s poor technique I think if you can play with Center gravity kind of like we’ve been talking about with drivers and in woods and that type of thing for for a number of years now if we can start to do that with Putters I think we can start to optimize the the

Role the performance we’ve saw other new uh releases that other companies have made recently speed control is one of one of the highest sort of ways to reduce those three putts yeah uh and you know if we reduce the three putts we reduce your scores and handicap yeah the

Technology in Putters lately has been pretty good and like you said if we can control we can make the putter or the player a better putter with really out try you know changing their grip or anything like that exactly I mean sign me up we’re all for better mechanics but

We’re all for better performance as well good stuff all right guys let us know in the comments if you’ve tried sax pry um you know again we’ll try and Hammer home this cuz I think there’s there’s a lot going on here there’s a lot of explanations I I don’t think it’s for

For people who are here a lot of these terms for the first time you know it will be tough to sink in so um we will of make sure that we we don’t just describe or test these Putters once you know this is important that I think we

Revisit this and and maybe we test this against something that doesn’t have forward CG doesn’t have that balance point maybe a higher balance point so I think that would be important for you guys to see uh would be cool for us to demonstrate it stay tuned for more we’ll see you again Soon


  1. Interesting concept. I’ve been using a build that’s almost the opposite, with a 90g grip and a 350g head to help with my lag putting. For me, the heavier grip and lighter head puts more control in my hands with the extra grip weight, and less force on the golf ball with less head weight. But I wonder if there’s a trade off on short putts in terms of launch conditions on a quintic. Would love to hear your thoughts on how head weight, grip weight, and balance point affects how the ball rolls.

  2. Putters are such a personal thing with the result some golfers swear by their putters, others swear at their putters. Looks and brand name are one thing, but feel and how the putter/ball fits your eye is another. I’ll definitely try a putter fitting in the new year.

  3. Just tried one of their Newton shafts for driver you guys must do a review really good results.
    Happy Holidays to all
    Cheers from Norcal

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