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Aaron Rodgers doesn’t think 2024 will be his final year in the NFL | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

Mike Florio and Chris Simms discuss why it’s no surprise Aaron Rodgers is planning to play next season, but to hear he’s anticipating several years ahead could throw New York for a loop. #NBCSports #ProFootballTalk #AaronRodgers
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Aaron Rodgers doesn’t think 2024 will be his final year in the NFL | Pro Football Talk | NFL on NBC

He never really comes out and says he’s coming back next year but it’s implied within the conversation about playing Beyond years 2024 so the big takeaway is he’s coming back next year the subtext is maybe he’ll be there two more years and that’s encouraging for jets fans although I think after what happened

This year they’re probably going to be on guard for whatever shoe was going to drop on their heads next year with all this like if you’re a Jets fan you have to just assume something is going to happen to keep you from ever being happy something is going to happen to keep the

Team from ever being what it can be and the next question is what does Woody Johnson do in the aftermath of this season to possibly overreact to what happened in 2023 and screw up 2024 that’s kind of the next step in all this Jets dysfunction does what he overreact

To a horrible 2023 that started with Rogers getting injured and screw up what happens in 2024 I don’t know we’ll find out I don’t know either I mean nobody should be shocked that he’s coming back next year right I mean how much money to the Jets ow him next year $70 million

You know I you know Aaron Rogers I know he’s got a lot of money but it ain’t that much to where he’s going to walk away from that kind of money uh so that’s not shocking you know to say the second year after that yeah that’s a

Pretty big bold statement right and for a guy that you know one I don’t doubt that he watched what you said on Monday day and that’s why he said what he said yesterday cuz one thing that I has been made clear to me about Aaron Rogers over

The last few years is even though he says he doesn’t pay attention he pays attention to all of this stuff more than anybody I think in the sport I don’t even think it’s even close he seems to know everything about everybody so he’s paying attention now you know what was

The reasoning behind saying all of that I think that’s the thing that I I certainly want to know or question right there’s two ways I think you could look at it like is he saying I’m going to stay here for two years to be like hey we’re going to build something and I

Want Robert Sol and everybody to be here to build this or is he saying hey I’m going to be here for two years and hey maybe if you let go Robert Salah that next coach hey I’m going to be here for two years your quarterback Situation’s figured out you know I think there’s

Things like that that I certainly wonder you know being around the NFL knowing Rogers knowing the way he works and how calculated he is certainly made me wonder all those things I think Aaron roders is always up to something and I don’t mean that in a negative way he’s strategic he has a

Plan miles and I yesterday when we were just kind of spitballing on the situation with the Steelers and Mike tomlin’s future and I looked at the standings and I tried to just glean which teams could be potential fits for Mike Tomlin as we were having that conversation I remembered the moment in

A Steelers Packers game where there was an exchange of mutual glances admiration shared between Aaron Rogers and Mike Tomlin well done control room got the finger on the trigger today after I asked for it yesterday but still well done wouldn’t Mike Tomlin cuz I I’ve been saying all year and look I’m not

I’m just trying to read the tea leaves I’m trying to stay ahead of where the ball is I’m not saying Robert Sol shouldn’t have a job all I’m saying is given how this year has gone is it crazy to wonder whether or not Aaron Rogers is cooking up a plot a

Scheme a move try to get Mike Tomlin to the Jets because we know what Rogers said before the season he loves the idea that the head coach is a defensive guy he’s never had a defensive guy as head coach so Rogers and his buddy Nathaniel hacking take care of the offense

Defensive head coach can handle the defense and the big picture stuff and let’s go win a championship well well maybe Rogers has seen enough about how Robert soles handled the team in rogers’s absence not that any of this is Sol’s fault he’s only in his third year he’s learning you got Mike Tomlin

Potentially available when you look at that video when you consider the regard that Rogers undoubtedly has for Tomlin and we know how Rogers is would it be shocking to think that Rogers is trying to follow just like kids across the globe are trying to find a way to get

Santa to give them what they want on Christmas morning is Rogers trying to come up with a way to get Woody Johnson to maybe give him Mike Tomlin I don’t think it’s crazy to entertain the possibility of Rogers entertaining that possibility well I I don’t think so

There yet either I don’t know if that’s on the radar yet I you know that that may be a little premature right I mean you know again Aaron Rogers has made a lot of coaches look googly eyes at him for sure I I I could say that but I mean as we were

Talking about in Prior segments hey Mike Tomlin and all that and where that’s going certainly I think is you know deserves to be questioned and where the future of that is he would fit the mold of a guy that you know again can fix the organization and all of that right and

We talked about how he would fit with Washington way he could certainly do some of the same things with the Jets uh there there’s this is another one that’s just interesting because you know to hey Robert Sol there’s a lot to like you I mean there’s no doubt about that you’re

Right and of course this situation with Rogers was really hard for their team to overcome and some of the issues that that presented they weren’t all a Robert solz fault that’s for sure but I think you know again the way the play way the team has played down the stretch there’s

Some game management stuff you know players speaking out all right players I mean people leaking things to the media uh right the quarterback situation all those I think you know are why I I think we heard some NFL insiders this weekend come out and say that solid seat is a

Little Hotter Than People realize you know and because of that and I think it’s fair to entertain both sides of this story I just think my heart of hearts thinks that’s Rogers is saying what he’s saying because he want Rogers wants to be king of the castle he wants

To be king of the castle and that’s where I would think those comments are more about I want to keep Salah and Nathaniel hacket there because I’m the king when they’re there if somebody else comes in Mike Tomlin well he might want to be king and now I just got to be

You know the second guy in charge and I don’t know if Rogers wants to do that I think this is set up just the way Rogers likes it and I’m thinking that’s why he said what he said well but when you talk about playing a second year Beyond 2024 that

Becomes a magnet and look look I’ve been saying for weeks why would you change anything you just do next year what you were going to do this year if Aaron Rogers doesn’t blow out his a killes tendon the fourth snap of the season and maybe we do everything we can to improve

The offensive line next year but don’t sign his buddy David Bok tiari get somebody who’s you know all due respect reliable at this point yeah just reliable stay healthy right and the other point was this if you fire Robert Soler who’s going to come in and Coach that team

There’s no buy out there of Aaron roders hanging around that he’s going to say this is the guy that I want to be the head coach and he’s surely not going to say Nathaniel hackin should be the head coach that’s not going to happen so we go from friends and family plan for

Rogers and we expand it to guys he admires guys he looks up to guys he would be Smitten by as his head coach and maybe he’s willing to surrender the the throne partially if Mike Tomlin is the head coach because it gets him to where he wants to be and he

Can still if push comes to shove he can hold it over Tomlin I got you this job why you think you’re here making 15 million a year or whatever Woody Johnson would pay Mike Tomlin why you think you’re here Aaron roders is the most powerful person in the entire Jets

Organization well that’s where they got to figure it out giving back right giving back $33.5 million to Woody Johnson went a long way toward giving Aaron Rogers power and I’m telling you if Aaron Rogers wants Mike Tomlin number one he won’t be bashful about telling Woody Johnson and number two Woody

Johnson will think about how do I get Mike Tomlin here and and I’m whether it’s and that’s the thing if it’s not Tomlin who is it who who who belich no I don’t think it’s bellich but I feel like I feel like Aaron Rogers is up to something Chris

Because I followed Aaron Rogers closely enough over the years to know he’s always up to something and I don’t mean that as an insult better to be up to something than to just float through life letting the wind take you wherever it does well they just got to be careful

That’s all I I will say that that’s for sure they can’t you know bend the whole organization and put it in a pretzel all over Aaron roders okay you know I think the World Rogers yeah I know they have but they got to make sure they don’t you

Know maybe tie seven more knots along the way here that hamstrings their future that that’s what I would worry about you know again it’s a 40 plus year old quarterback you know can they still win with Aaron Rodgers of course but there’s a formula Aaron roders is no

Longer in I carry the team mode type quarterback he’s not in the same Stratosphere as Josh Allen Patrick Mahomes Joe burrow they’re in a whole another world than he is so that’s where they got to be careful about you know trying to appease him so much this is

Not Aaron Rogers Prime where you certainly would do that this is Aaron roders I don’t want to hold the ball in the pocket I’m going to get the ball out of my hand and and leave big plays on the field and that’s something that I think they got to you know certainly

Think about hi it’s Mike Florio thanks for watching PFT on YouTube hit subscribe for the latest news and Analysis from pro football talk


  1. Aaron thinks he’s Tom Brady but just can’t close the deal. I do love Aaron because he’s entertaining as hell. He’s always been talented as any QB ever just, a little bit crazy.

  2. The only thing about Rodgers that will continue is him thinking he is smarter than everyone else. He is a QB with 1 SB ring who is pretending that he has 8 rings.

  3. Florio reads Rodgers like a book and it bothers him so much.😂 Florio said all of Rodgers talk about coming back from IR was just another "hey look at me" move but would never actually play. Boom, Jets announce he's not playing this year.

  4. This crazy insane Florio theory about Rodgers maybe trying to get Tomlin to the Jets is so out of knowhere and so ludicrous. Like what??? It’s so far off out of reality pulled out of thin air like dude Florio has really lost it. None of his crazy theories ever happen yet he just keeps convincing himself of these crazy things. It’s like he’s the only one not keeping score

  5. Another thing is they lose out, they could pick top 5-8 and take a QB. If the 3rd QB is available I would take the guy, though it looks wheels falling off and they will probably get another top 5 pick in the next 3 years.

  6. Are we just rolling right past the fact that Aaron Rodgers was playing the media “I’m playing this season”…

  7. There once was a quarterback named Aaron,
    When it came to football I wish he were carin’.
    Tore his Achilles,
    It was a bit sillies.
    His football career at this point is a bit barren.

  8. I think that Aaron needs to go back into his sensory-deprivation cage. Then hang out with the Ghosts of Football Past, see how his decisions affected others, then remove the chains of that Evil Brett Favre from his psyche. Then Aaron can spend a shilling or two for that goose in the window and a pound of the finest Wisconsin cheddar, and make amends for the sins of his own Christmas past. Just sayin’.

  9. Did they even watch mcafee? Rodgers said he supports Saleh and he’s about the right stuff. He doesn’t want him gone.

  10. His career was trending down the last two or three years before his injury. Now for him to be out a year will only increase his decline that comes with age.

  11. The whole Aaron Rodgers spectacle will blow over in 2-3 years. He will likely seek out
    a post-retirement gig which provides as much attention as possible but it just won't generate
    the interest he now receives. He will age-out of athleticism, he's not a good actor–politician??

  12. We all know at this point if Aaron Rodgers decides to comeback it'll be waaaaaaaay more about him than them.

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