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Bills fans get an early Christmas present with DaQuan Jones returning to practice

Matt Parrino and Ryan Talbot bring you the staple show of “SHOUT!” one day early on a short week as the Bills prepare to play the Chargers on Saturday. The guys discuss the big news from One Bills Drive as the team opened defensive tackle DaQuan Jones’ 21-day practice window on Tuesday.

SHOUT!” fans, we’re coming to Central New York! Come out to Turning Stone Resort Casino at 5218 Patrick Rd. in Verona, N.Y. on Thursday night, Dec. 21. “SHOUT!” live goes down from the Casino’s brand new New York Rec & Social Club at 8 p.m. Matt and Ryan will be hanging out before and after the show to meet you and talk Bills.

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What is up bills Mafia thank you for your patience I am on Dad duty tonight and had to put the little one to bed and she was very Cooperative but it took me a few more minutes than I thought to get on here uh I thought we fit in before

7:30 but Ryan you know me in that whole time thing welcome into to shout the staple show one day earlier than usual because the bills are playing on Saturday this week six week six day turnaround to play the Chargers in La shout is brought to you by Tops Friendly

Markets shop for groceries at Topps and you could save $10 on participating $50 gift cards with the tops Christmas bonus program that’s an extra 20% savings on all your holiday gifts just for buying your groceries at tops earn one gift point for every grocery purchase you

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Information what is up Ryan hey not too much excited to talk some bills and some big news today from one Bills Drive some big news uh that I think was kind of percolating here over the last couple of days and dayquon Jones put out a interesting Instagram post today with uh

I thought you put out a message to our sh Buffalo Bills insiders uh with the the Instagram post and it had the emoji with the empty hourglass which I thought was so fitting uh if you haven’t heard yet dayquon Jones’s 21-day practice window has been opened by the bills

Which means he now has three weeks to get back into pra practice try to assimilate himself back with the team with the hopes that he can return for the Buffalo Bills in 2023 and maybe 2024 uh if it ends up being that Miami Dolphins game it’ll be

The first week of 2024 I caught up with dayquon Jones at his locker uh after practice today and you know he was beaming and you you could just see the excitement um it’s one thing to say that this was a possibility and work back towards it it’s a whole another thing when you

Actually get to be out there on the practice field and get to you know get this close to returning he’s been traveling with the team to games now for the past month so this has kind of been building to this point but Brian I think we could be looking at maybe the Miami

Game is uh uh a light hope for the bills to to get him back yeah I I think it’s actually somewhat realistic you know obviously with the the Chargers game on Saturday that doesn’t seem likely I don’t know if he he’d be ramped up in time uh for the Patriots game after that

But I think you Circle that Miami date in what could be a huge matchup potentially with with the division on the line and getting Jones back would be huge for this team uh not just because of of the game itself and what it could mean but the fact that we just were

Talking about Jordan Phillips and how he had to have surgery and uh he’s going to be out for some time and and how banged up they are at defensive tackle so the timing of this is excellent we know that dcoin Jones early on this year Matt was

Among their defensive MVPs playing at an extremely high level uh he makes life even easier for Ed Oliver who’s had a monster year with and without him so you just kind of think about the possibilities of what it would mean for Ed Oliver uh what it would mean for this

Defensive line as a whole and what a boost he would give to this bill’s team if he were ready to go for that Miami Dolphins game he was playing at such a high level when he got hurt that it felt in a lot of ways like this defensive line was

Going to take a step back without him and I think that there was a little bit of an adjustment period because the pressure rate his ability to play against the Run was so important to what they did but I think in some ways you know you were kind of alluding to it

There it almost helped Ed Oliver become the guy that he’s been for them all season he’s had to kind of take over that singular role of okay I’m gonna lead this defense I’m gonna be the guy that brings the pressure I’m gonna be the guy that is the the Stout run

Defender in the middle and I’m gonna let everybody else play off of me and having dayquan last season I felt like while it helped at Oliver’s game I wonder how much it I want to just say like halted his Ascension to that next level and now that he’s reached it the one big

Question that I think fans are starting to talk about is like okay what does this look like when dayquon Jones enters back into the mix here is he GNA be 100% Can the bills expect him to be the same version of the player that he was we saw

What happened with Von Miller for eight or nine games uh since he’s come back and not being the same player that he was little bit of a different injury with the pack but still I think you know worthwhile I mean that upper body area in terms of torque and and and hand

Fighting in the interior of the defensive line is very important so what percentage of a player you’re to get him back to being I think it’s okay no matter what level he’s at because now Ed Oliver who he’s been in 2023 yeah even if you’re getting Jones back at 70 75%

That’s that’s a plus for this bill team and obviously different responsibilities too than Von Miller who has to kind of get around the edge get after the quarterback and while Jones you know can still get after the QB at times his main responsibilities are to clog up some of

The lanes in the middle uh push back the the offensive linan which he’s done a good job of in in his time here as well and you know listen the peck injury it could affect his strength and he’s been rehabbing though hard he’s been going

After this so I I’d like to think that his strength is going to be in a good spot it might just be the part of getting back into football shape and the cardio that goes along with that and being able to stay on the field for uh

You know so many reps at a time so many snaps at a time without being subbed out those are the little things that we’ll have to kind of keep an eye on but just getting Jones back even at 70 75% would be a big win for this team in my opinion

You know it’s it’s crazy too Ryan to look at his stats and obviously you always notice him when you bring up Pro Football Focus because his overall defensive grade is a 90.2 which is among the elite uh at that position but then you look at his pressure total on PFF 15

Pressures he’s played 113 snaps this year and in those 113 snaps he’s generated 15 pressures Jordan Phillips 391 snaps this season and he’s generated only 19 so just putting that side by side and realizing that Phillips has played almost four times the amount or three times the amount of football this

Season as dayquon Jones has played and he only has managed four more pressures on the quarterback and listen they’re different players they get paid at a different rate um I think what dayquon Jones has me to this defense uh we we’ve talked about it’s been well chronicled

Um and I think Jordan Phillips is is better suited for that third fourth defensive tackle with with however he ends up slotting in there and it’s going to be interesting because now the future outlook for Phillips is also impacted by the wrist injury that he suffered yesterday or on Sunday uh he’s had

Surgery uh it’s a week- to week deal according to sha mcder and Jordan Phillips said today in the locker room that he’s hoping to be back for the playoffs but he’s out for the foreseeable future so now if we’re just talking about Chargers Patriots Dolphins depending on when dayquon Jones can get

Back it obviously steps up uh the situation for uh Tim settle who I think’s had a pretty solid season overall with all things considered and then Puna 4 maybe getting his first big opportunity here this week yeah Puna forward listen he’s been sitting on the inactive list uh for more more of the

Season than not and he he talked recently about it saying it’s not what he envisioned it’s not what he thought was going to happen when he signed here but he’s going to be ready to play if the opportunity comes and well here’s that opportunity potentially uh so it’s

A big moment for him coming up here as early as this week against the Chargers to come in and take on that role or take on a bigger role than what he’s even had before uh clog up some Lanes maybe show some pass rush get after East and stick

Uh help keep Austin Eckler and in their run game in check whatever you can do but they even have ianu on the practice squad another guy that they could potentially Elevate if uh you know they’re looking for another option there so there there’s still some depth here

That’s the good sign but there’s no doubt in my mind that Shawn McDermot Brandon Bean they’re they’re counting down the days until they can get dcoin Jones back on the field good question here from one of our regulars Michael partham uh who always comes out to

Support at the live uh shout events we have another one coming up on Thursday let’s get that plug in for that show right now we are coming to Verona New York uh 30 minutes outside of Syracuse uh turning ststone Resort Casino uh come out on Thursday night we are doing shout

Live 800 PM from turningstone their brand new New York wreck and social Center uh Social Club excuse me we’re so excited for this show if you need more details hit me up we put up a post on the website and New York it is my pin tweet over on X

Right now I have some details over my Facebook page as well Ryan we’re coming to Verona uh just outside of Syracuse on Thursday night to preview this Chargers game but also talk bills and hang out with some members of Bill’s Mafia yeah it’s gonna be great to be in central New

York uh obviously being based out of you know where all of our work is published so I can’t wait to see who’s out there can’t wait to uh hang out with some Bills fans on Thursday night yeah Michael says how would the rotation work if dayquan is back with lynval

Joseph now in the lineup so you know I think lynval Joseph at his age is best suited for that backup One tech role like I think now he’s also in game shape right like he’s come back he’s been playing uh a bit more uh over the past

Month and a half now and and probably is a little bit you know fresher than uh what dayquon Jones is going to be just from the fact that he hasn’t played football in three months so I imagine that lynval Joseph probably slots in in terms of snap percentage ahead of

Dayquon Jones to from the jump but I still think that like having him back to me is more about like crunch time and when you need to have it especially early on and I think it’s going to be like a okay how does he feel Jones how

Much can he give you and then you kind of work from there yeah you’re not going to try to get him out there for 80 90% of the Reps right out of the gate you want kind of ease him back into the lineup and that’s where having a Joseph

Is a a benefit to this team and having some other depth options uh but you also want to be able to ramp him up over uh let’s just say hypothetically were able to come back for the Patriots game start him at a low number maybe in that first

One get him some more in Miami and if the bills were to make the playoffs you know then you could hope that he could see the bulk of the snaps or a similar percentage uh to what he was seeing earlier on the season pre-injury because

He is one of your best 11 on on defense you want him out there and at that point he should be in football shape uh he should be used to you know the the uh the rigers of the game so to speak so I really think that uh the bills have a

Good situation with the depth that they currently have here but they’re gonna also try to get him as many reps as possible to get him back into that game shape lynval Joseph had the second most snaps of any bills player this past game now obviously Jordan Phillips went out

In that game so that might have played into it as well but I think that they’d probably be hesitant to lean too heavily into a large snapshare for settle or for Puna Ford I think that right now they probably lean back into Joseph a little

Bit more he had 30 when he first uh join the bills and it’s kind of been like this kind of Dipping line it’s kind of started to come back up the last couple of games uh but again he’s a veteran I think it’s a lot of it’s going to have

To do with the game situation too like how is each player playing within the game uh so on and so forth and and then kind of go from there all right Ryan where do you want to go next because we had actually a long injury report uh

From the bills today well probably want to run through that first mat why don’t we go to that next talk a little bit about uh like you said a a pretty sizable injury list yeah so um you had about six guys that were listed on the injury report that were limited and AJ

Essa Micah Hyde both on that now this was a walkthrough today so that’s that’s important to note the real uh look that we’re going to get at this thing is tomorrow when the bills put pads on and uh have their their their one real real

Practice of the week um so you had AJ abessa and re and um Micah High which I think is huge that John MC mentioned that both of these guys are trending in a good direction they’re improving every day you had Leonard Floyd with a wrist

Injury and a rib injury he was listed as limited I’m wondering if that’s more of just like a a vet listing although he did come off the field one point during the game uh dayquon Jones was listed as a with the PEC uh and then Dalton con conc with the shoulder which is

Interesting because they don’t have the thumb on there which they had last week and I was thinking a little bit in the game on Sunday two drops for Dalton conade or two should have been catches for Dalton con maybe they weren’t both drops you wonder how much that injury

Played a part in it and he’s made it a point to say that downplay it and hasn’t been a big deal but you know he’s pretty sure handed and and those two plays on Sunday were a little bit eye popping yeah and there was something on The

Telecast about how he changed his gloves after that second drop and you know I I don’t think he he didn’t have any other targets after that because they were running the ball so effectively but it could have been the gloves that he was wearing it could have been the thumb

Injury not being able to grip the ball the way that maybe he does when it hits him in the hands uh usually but you’re right very uncharacteristic of of him and but maybe a good sign that thumb is not on the injury report just shoulder for Kade yeah and he was actually this

Was the he only got one drop credited to him uh via PFF uh and I’m not sure I haven’t looked at pro football reference which is usually a little bit more like I feel like the PFF is a little bit more liberal with drops than pro football reference so sometimes I’ll see

Like two drops on Pro Football Focus and then I’ll look at reference and there’ll be no drops so uh take that for for what it’s worth um if you look at the rest of the injury report uh KY Elum and um Justin shorter who both are in that

21-day practice window they are still progressing and they were listed on today’s injury report as full practice participants so trending in a good direction I’m getting a lot of questions about Justin shorter Ryan and I listen I’m not ruling anything out like is there a scenario where Justin shorter

Could return this season definitely like if they see enough imp practice and they think that he adds something knowing that you know Deontay Hardy hasn’t really been utilized uh very much and they can find a roster spot for shorter sure I I think that that’s a possibility

But to me this has always felt like the Marquez Stevenson um move where you you know find an injury late in the uh preseason put him on injured reserve let him like kind of catch his breath after his first full NFL offseason and and preseason and then bring him back let

Him practice with the the team for a couple weeks and then shut it down and kind of push the focus towards 2024 yeah based on what we saw from shorter this summer I don’t know what you would expect him to be able to do coming off of a you know a year where

He’s been uh he hasn’t played so I I think you kind of red shirt him this year you have them out here for this 21-day window you let him practice a little bit but the real vision for him is the 2024 season I know that Trent

Sherfield hasn’t done a lot of free AG in addition but he’s a solid blocker he’s been out there on the field Deontay Hardy can at least return kicks for you and I know shorter has that special team’s ability to play on special teams on the unit but um doesn’t necessarily

Add the return component I don’t know how high up he could realistically get on the depth chart or factor into that so you know I like the interest in the player I I understand that the guy is you know was built like an NFL player in college which you don’t usually see but

There there’s still a lot of room for improvement in his game in my opinion um somebody’s asking oh sorry I said Ryan um I’m sorry about that worries take that personally um why is Josh’s shoulder I was just reading this comment here from Sarah why is Josh’s

Shoulder still on the injury report is there some kind of structural damage um I don’t know I I I I the details of the injury haven’t really been um discussed and it’s something that’s kind of just been lingering and he’s been you know think also he was off there for a little

While then he reappeared right around the time of that Joe burrow funky injury which I wonder if the bills are just doing their due diligence and making sure it’s on the report but I will say every practice like he this is something new ever since last year with the elbow

Injury he has like a trainer that’s actually working out his arm and his shoulder going through this whole stretch routine so I think um it’s just something that it’s it’s lingering it’s something that has maybe affected him but I don’t know if it’s affected any throws within the

Game he hasn’t looked like it’s he’s been um struggling or laboring at all in terms of delivery yeah it’s probably a general soreness as well that you deal with when even in a game where you don’t have to throw the ball much uh as you do

On on a regular basis he still is taking some hits when he runs with the football it’s probably just you know something that’s going to linger for the rest of the season uh once he gets to the offseason whenever that is he’ll have time to rehab and get it back but like

You said we don’t know the specifics of it but I have not seen any throws that he has not been able to make because of it so that’s the encouraging sign yeah had Sam Martin appear uh on the injury report with that knee injury he took that personal foul penalty on Sunday so

Something that to watch there Dawson Knox on there with a wrist he was full um Von Miller was not at practice today he had a family funeral that Shawn McDermot um revealed said he was looking to get them him back to the uh to Buffalo later today expected that he’ll

Probably practice tomorrow so that’s kind of a run through of the injury report again though Ryan like big big picture this is a pretty healthy football team and getting healthier now with the return of Jones yeah long injury list but nothing on there that I would be overly concerned about the two

Names Hyde and epinesa they were listed as week to week so uh you want to be optimistic that maybe they come back sooner than you expect and being listed as limited is a a step in the right direction but most of those other players I would think by the end of this

Week will have no designation at all so they are in the right direction in terms of getting healthier at the right time of the of the year we are getting healthier on the shout Buffalo Bills Insider text line because it’s been a little bit of slim pickings the last couple weeks I was

Down with a with a little bit of sickness over the the last 5 days you were down with a sickness a little bit uh a week or two ago and so we’ve been kind of trying to Rally here Ryan I feel like we’re finally starting to get back

To full health and you become can become a shout Insider right now by texting 716 528 6727 uh that gives you a two-e free trial when you sign up if you want a month free if you’ve been thinking about it and you want to get on the train

Before the season ends give me a DM or email me at empino I’ll give you a free month uh of to become a shout Insider which is brought to you by Carrie C buer attorney with the law offices of Francis M litro located at 237 Main Street in Buffalo New York if

You are someone you know is seriously injured give Carrie a call at 716 8521 1234 or check out LR all right Ryan I went to the Insiders for the second half of the show here and we’re going to start with some questions and we’re going to start with Mike Taylor

Our good buddy I had some Wing nuts with with him a couple weeks ago uh when he was in town for a Bills game would the bills sit Ty Johnson this week due to his shoulder and Elevate Leonard forette this continues to be one of the most talked about storylines in uh Bill’s

Mafia I mean people want to see play off Lenny in a Buffalo Bills uniform I I think that that’s what it comes down to Ty Johnson came up at PR at the press conference with Shawn mcder today and he rolled through a bunch of injuries didn’t mention that Sal Mayana followed

Up and said anything on Tai Johnson and sea McMan said no he’s not even on the injury report he came back into the game on Sunday I don’t think we’re seeing the Leonard forette show anytime soon unless one of these three backs that are up active on the roster get danged up

Because it’s worked so well over the last couple weeks and I think Tai Johnson’s worked himself into a very valuable role and I think he’s almost surpassed latavius Murray on the depth chart I think you’re right on the depth chart part of it and you know Johnson

Has looked explosive with the ball in his hands they they gave him some opportunities in the game against Dallas when James Cook needed a breather and he was able to uh you know use the blocks that were in front of him and get sizable gains as well and he’s looked

Good since day one in this offense so unless there’s an injury to him you don’t really want to pull him off the field I know he got banged up last week it looked like he was grabbing at the shoulder area uh but to your point he

Came back in he’s not on the injury report I don’t think you sit him just because of that now you and I have also talked about the fact that maybe you talk to latavius Murray and you say Hey you know we we do just want to get a look at Leonard

Forette we we know how valuable you’ve been to us this year we also want you to maybe have some fresh legs for the playoff run or uh against Miami we want to sit you for this week and just see what he can bring against the Chargers and maybe give him an opportunity there

I I think that of the The Backs Murray’s more likely to be the odd man out for a week than anyone else but I’m not saying I see that path at all either because like you said this is working right now let’s go to the next question by from

Our good buddy Ro RJ uh over on the shout Insider text line when do you guys think they will take the temporary tag off Joe Brady and make him the official offensive coordinator I noticed that was in your headline today for encouraged worried you know it’s something that I

Mentioned during the game on Sunday that like man I give some real thought to this The more I’ve kind of sat and thought with it you know this is probably something that’s going to take a little bit of time only from the perspective of they’re in the middle of

This run to try to make the playoffs um I’d imagine a contract needs to be negotiated for um you know extending Joe Brady I’d imagine he was on a two-year deal as the quarterback’s coach so to be honest with you I don’t know if interim comes off the situation until after the

Season only because I think the agent and and the team are probably going to have to sit down and figure that all out and also depending on how this thing finishes I mean it’s going to be really interesting it might be like a bit of a race for Joe Brady’s services and and

And maybe he’s not in any rush to um come to the table now I don’t think he’s necessarily interested in walking away from this offense led by Josh Allen and he’s talked so much about how much that’s kind of really motivated him since things didn’t go well in Carolina

And he’s been able to bounce back in buffal FL with Josh Allen and Company but that’s something to think about as as this thing kind of hangs over everything as these 30o performances start to roll up here yeah and and listen you might not want to leave but

You can also leverage interest into a better contract that’s another part of it too if you’re Brady and his agent whoever that may be you know hey here’s a guy that saved your season hypothetically if the bills get into the playoffs he was able to to make Josh

Allen look like Josh Allen he unlocked James Cook this that and the other so you know there’s a lot there and there’s probably also the Rooney Rule in terms of you fired your offensive coordinator you make him the interm you probably still have to meet those requirements I

Would assume that I know in 2020 they expanded the Rooney Rule to coordinators as well so uh just kind of another wrinkle there that I’m sure the bills have to check off the list so in the article I did say you know as soon as they possibly can uh because it might

Not be an option this year it might be something that have to wait into the offseason to do but he has certainly checked every box in terms of creativity he said today that you know the game plan wasn’t to run the ball as many times as they did necessarily but he

Adjusted on the Fly because if it’s not broke you know why are you g to go out there and try to to change it so he he’s kept giving James Cook the ball and uh it was working so adjusting in game that’s a big thing too we’ve talked about adjustments second half

Adjustments in-game adjustments he’s shown the he can do that there’s no reason for me to believe that the bills aren’t going to do everything in their power to make him their full-time offensive coordinator once the season ends indeed I said indeed instead of there Ryan did you like that trying to

Throw everybody off the off the trail uh so I put out to the Insiders to uh send us in some questions and you could send in questions via uh The Insider text line or you could send me a video and we will play the video right in the podcast

Here and so we got a here coming from a few different folks our first one comes from David let’s play this one here and see how this ends up turning out so uh this is David from Poria Illinois although I’m in the Western New York

Area for the next couple of weeks so my question you all have everything covered with regard to uh what’s going on this week next week and oh by the way this robe Wegman’s fantastic uh so I guess uh my question is more of a fun type of a

What do you think type of a question so what do you think who’s on the team next year Gabe Davis Von Miller or mat Arisa what’s more likely what do you think so uh if you have time for that great uh otherwise I I’m sure

You’re going to do a great show and go bills David my man great great question there uh we we’ll dive into this thing and man the uh just the the aura around David strutting onto the podcast in his bath like an absolute Savage I loved it shout out to David that’s that was

Awesome um so Gabe Davis who is entering his contract year this year uh headed to a free agency likely in the offseason Von Miller who is next year will be the third year of very Hefty six-year deal with a lot of guaranteed money or matara

Who’s not in the NFL or on the bills right now who is the most likely to be on the bills in 2024 I’ll start with Von Miller just from the the money part of things now it’s interesting because there’s this little wrinkle involved with his whole off the field situation

That’s kind of popped up uh here over the last couple of weeks how does that whole situation play out do we get more information do we get more details I actually went up to Von Miller after the game on Sunday and asked him to talk for

I think it was the sixth time now and he said no and he said he appre apprciated it and that it’s coming so he’s plan I take from that that he’s planning to talk soon maybe we’ll have a a better understanding of that whole situation that happened in Texas a couple of weeks

Ago but that plays into it and kind of makes it interesting because if you’re just talking the money part of it and not and you remove the the the arrest and everything that happened there I think V is a slam dunk to be back on the roster next year just from a money

Perspective but if anything goes arai in that area and more information comes out and the bills have to make a hard decision then I’d probably pivot to Gabe Davis yeah I mean I think you nailed it in terms of who would be number one on that list it’s Von Miller because of the

Money that they are locked into for next season it was essentially a three-year contract in terms of where they have the wiggle room to get out of it so next year being year three and unless they are able to void those guarantees uh I feel pretty confident he’ll be a part of

This roster in 2024 uh if I were to pick someone after that in terms of number two I would lean Gabe Davis but I’m not writing off the idea of Matt Arisa because the bill stayed in close contact with him for the past year uh I think that they do have a

Punter problem Sam Martins every now and then he’ll deliver a great punt but there’s uh some Duds in there as well uh even though they’re not a team that punts a lot having a guy with that leg strength that’s been cleared in in this case uh I I think that that’s something

That’d be intriguing at least for competition for Sam Martin a punter is not going to cost much to add to your roster either and Gabe Davis I you know I don’t want to have say that he’s number three because I could I could easily put him at number two but it’s

GNA come down to what kind of money he can get in free agency I wouldn’t be surprised the bills say you know we we are willing to give you x amount of dollars but go see what else is out there and it just takes one team to fall

In love with you it just takes Brian dable and the Giants to say hey you know we’ve worked well together before we need some wide receiver help here we’ll pay this much money uh and he might just be as good as gone we we heard some comments from his his mom on social

Media lately or recently talking about how he hasn’t been a factor in the offense because he hasn’t been getting utilized or targeted and not that she’s speaking on his behalf or anything of of that sort but you know you can look and he has not been involved as a receiver

Much as of late he’s been very good as a blocker uh but I’m sure that he wants to go somewhere where he can get big money and also be more involved in the passing attack I’ve never been more comfortable with the idea of the Bills moving in a

Different direction um just because I think we’ve seen the Trent sherfield experience which I think offers a similar structure of a player to how they want to use Gabe most of the time and to me the pivot here that I think as I look past this season might be okay

You have a young tight end that you’re grooming to be a weapon in Dalton concade maybe start to build the offense around him a little bit more maybe the the Twilight of Stefon Di’s career is going to be in the slot right you’re gonna move him from the boundary to the

Slot kind of a a CD lamb they do a lot of work with him out of the slot uh in Dallas and then you look at some other options like go out and maybe bring in a Mike Evans or something like that somebody that’s super consist cons

Istent they can win on the outside it’s a good boundary option and then on the other side you got to draft a wide receiver in the first or second round I don’t want to hear any more things about it you have to be aggressive with that

Draft pick I mean once we hit the offseason Ryan I’m spending three months studying this wide receiver class because I think it’s got to be a a top 60 pick at wide receiver for the bills in 2024 and and listen at least on paper this is a pretty deep group at wide

Receivers so the bills realistically wait until round two uh I think round one though is the time to go get it you’re not going to get Marvin Harrison Jr but there’s a lot of really good players uh that are going to be available in this draft class so you

Know go out be aggressive get a guy in round one and then round two maybe you want to attack defensive tackle because of the depth there safety is a real concern in terms of uh the longevity of that position and who they currently have uh so there are other areas that

Yes they have to attack but there’s I agree there’s no position bigger than wide receiver for this team because you want a clear-cut wide receiver number two next year and you want someone that could be the air apparent to Stefan Diggs in terms of becoming that wide receiver one for Josh

Allen cool comment here that you starred for us Ryan and I’m gonna get it up on the on the show Here Andrew Spicer watching from the barn from dartmore South West England I’m sorry if I pronounced that in incorrectly love you boys won’t miss a show even when we are

Assisting a birth of a calf wow I can just imagine Ryan’s beautiful face in the background as the one of the joys of Life occurs in the barn Andrew thank you so much for your support my man I feel like I’m there I feel like I’m there I

Love it Andrew very cool what would you do if you were there Ryan would you be able to help no I would be very squeamish and probably trying to find a way out but I’d be there for moral support so if Andrew asks you to you know hold something or push something or

Put your hand somewhere you’re not going to be able to participate in that is what you’re telling us nope I’m gonna tag you in Matt because you’re right there right there with us I can see you just getting right involved oh awesome stuff it always blows us away though like when people

Reach out like we had somebody from Iceland come to one of our Live Events a couple months ago uh obviously I’ve documented my relationship with the with the boys from Brazil you know met people from Mexico Australia all these different places it’s it’s super cool so

Whenever we see stuff like that um it’s super awesome we got a couple more questions that we’re gonna get to here let’s bring up um well let’s go to Joel Young here uh one of our YouTube insiders could the bills get Mike Evans and listen I bring him up it’s it’s

Gonna be complicated because he’s gonna cost some money this is his last bite of the apple and Joel thank you so much for becoming a subscriber to our our YouTube channel here we appreciate you um you’re probably looking at something where we had earmarked the money for

Gabe Davis before some of the dip here over the last year and a half somewhere between 15 to2 million do per season you could probably mess around with that first year and bring the cost down a little bit uh but I guess it comes down

To all right do you w to make that kind of investment knowing what you have in dalt conade and and maybe the possibility of drafting a wide receiver early wanting to feature that player you’re already playing Stefon Diggs um $25 million per season uh it’s complicated situation I mentioned him

Just because to me that would be the perfect fit on the boundary yeah perfect fit but making the financials work would be very difficult for Buffalo I’m not sure they’d be able to do that I think uh there might be some other you know bigname passing attacks out there that

Could get him under their their salary cap and uh he might want to go there not that he wouldn’t be interested in playing with Josh Allen but like you said this is probably his last big contract that he’s going to get in this league uh so he’s going to want to make

Sure he can get every penny possible all right so let’s get to this next video from Kyle Gordon sends it in here um it’s a good one uh it’s complicated though so we’ll see if we can kind of piece our way through it here Ryan here we go

Share um trying to figure out the uh scenarios for a 10 and seven playoff obviously we want to win out and uh I think we have a you know real good path to that but if we don’t win out what is our be best path to a 10 and

Seven playoff entrance and I would say our most realistic path that’s my question thank you Kyle for that one and um it was a little bit low uh maybe I needed to turn the volume up a little bit on it I don’t know uh but basically

What Kyle was asking like what is a 10 and seven scenario for the bills to make the playoffs and it’s complicated Ryan because they don’t hold the tiebreaker win with a lot of teams that are that they’re tied with right now so you look at you know Cleveland who has a six and

Three Conference record say they W lose two of their last three they’re getting in over Buffalo because they haven’t played and they have um six AFC wins um I don’t think that uh Buffalo can catch them uh in the AFC uh Department you have Cincinnati sitting there at eight

And six Indianapolis at eight and six Houston at eight and six um of those three Cincinnati has the most difficult schedule but man have they’ve been pesky uh I will say some of the news that have that has come out today uh around Jamar Chase I believe Jordan Schultz had a

Report that he has an AC joint uh issue and that could keep him out over the the next week maybe missing the next two games if that ends up being the case I think Cincinnati’s playoff hopes are significantly affected but honestly Ryan I think even if the bills go 10 and

Seven and say they lose one of the next two games I still think there’s a path to the playoffs not even considering the wild card because I think you could sell me on the Dolphins losing out to end their season which would put them at 10-

Seven the bills at 10- seven which would win the tiebreaker with two wins over the Dolphins yeah that’s the most likely scenario if we’re talking 10 and seven it would be just winning the afc’s crown and you know Miami is going to be playing a a ticked off Dallas Cowboys

Team and uh I’ve heard from some Bills fans saying well you know the Dolphins have moster and uh aain and a very talented running group who’s to say they can’t do exactly what Buffalo did both are very talented backs there’s no doubt about that moster setting a team record

For most touch touchdowns in the season uh but it doesn’t mean that they’re going to be able to drop the same scheme the same type of plays the way that the bills were able to bring Dawkins across to to PVE for pave the way for cook and

Spencer Brown on the other side of the field just because they have a good rushing Tech doesn’t mean that they can execute it the same way that the bills did so I could see the Cowboys knocking off Miami for sure and then you have Baltimore uh for Miami the week after

That and and Baltimore right now is in the driver seat for the number one seat in the AFC so they’re going to want to make a statement there and uh it could very realistically come down to that last week of the Season against Miami and you know win and you’re the AFC

Champ and AFC East Champs that is and listen if Miami was the loser in that scenario I I would love to see the tiebreakers I wouldn’t be surprised if they still made it in I did see some uh one of the beat reporters there that we’ve mentioned before from Miami and

And I think he said even if they lost all their games they sell a 15 % chance Joe shed of making the playoffs so I think with tiebreakers they might also have a chance so but for the bills it’s definitely winning the AFC East good good comment here from Walter over on

YouTube the Jags are now something we need to look at if we’re talking seven seed the Jags not winning the division is a potential problem uh and they may be with uh Lawrence which they had the tiebreaker over the bills they beat him earlier in the season uh so that there’s

That problem problem and you’re adding potentially another team into the mix you know Denver losing last week was massive because that that kind of eliminates a team um doesn’t eliminate them they could still go on a run if we’re talking about 10 and seven but at

Least now if the Bills win out that’s a team that you don’t have to contend with uh you know in that same pot from a wild card perspective listen I don’t know if I trust the if I’m looking at all these teams right and we could go through

Their schedules really quickly uh uh to talk about it briefly but the Houston Texans to me in December were going to face issues to begin with because they’re they’re an unproven team they’re a young team they gotta go and host the Cleveland Browns this week that have

Just keep have kept finding ways to win then they host the Tennessee Titans then they’re at Indianapolis uh the final week of the season so in you figure that that Cleveland Browns game is a loss potentially right or they l one of those games and then the indie game might

Eliminate one or the other right I I see this week as a loss because last I read it looks like they’re still preparing for Case Keenum to start again and uh you know listen kudos to Keenum and the Texans for winning this past week but I

Watched parts of that game last week uh he threw what should have been an interception right near the goal line late in that game and the receiver ripped it out of the defender hands uh they would have lost that game otherwise and not even forced to go to OT so I

Would like the Browns in that one but Joe flacko also despite his final statline had his struggles in that game and the Browns uh really kind of struggled to find their way for the first three quarters of that match before coming back on yeah I think the

Texans for as fun as they’ve been this season with strout and the concussion protocol Still Still experiencing uh symptoms with the fact that some of their big receivers are are hurt and out they could experience some problems here late down the stretch Indianapolis is at Atlanta this week and Arthur Smith is

Coaching for his life uh for his job uh so I think that’s an interesting situation I wonder if they finally deploy bjn Robinson one week after I got eliminated from the fantasy football Dynasty playoffs that’d be great um and then uh they go they host Las Vegas uh

The Raiders who are coming off of a 60o drubbing uh or offensive explosion against the Chargers and then they finish with the Texans like I mentioned uh and then the other schedule if we look at Cincinnati who have the toughest schedule remaining of any of these teams

At Pittsburgh at Kansas City and then home to the Browns in week 18 and the Browns could potentially be playing for you know a uh the fifth seed like depending on what happens with some of these other teams at the top Baltimore they could be playing for the division

If they win out like it’s not crazy I did one scenario on the ESPN machine that had Cleveland as the number one seed in the AFC so anything’s possible yeah they’re going to be playing they have you know reason to play in that matchup and there’s a lot of reason to

Think that you know maybe the Bengals win another one this weekend it’s Mason Rudolph at quarterback for the Steelers but I I also could see the Steelers playing really ticked off and I could see that defense causing some trouble uh for Jake Browning and Browning’s been a

Fun story but uh it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows last week against the Vikings he did more than enough to win the game but had Nick Mullins not uh turned over the ball twice in the first half when they were in field goal range in both instances again that’s a game

That probably doesn’t go to overtime doesn’t end the way that it does so I I could see a lot of these teams that have the tie Breakers over the bills dropping a game or two in down the stretch which will obviously help them you know the bills can only handle their own business

And hope that everything else falls into place whether that’s winning the AFC East or sliding into one of those Wild Card spots last quick thing before we get out of here Brian dster asked what if Miami loses to Dallas and Baltimore and the Bills win against the Chargers

And the Patriots would the bills have the division locked up even with a loss to the Dolphins no so what ends up happening there is the bills have eight wins and the Miami Dolphins have 10 wins so if the Dolphins lose two and the Bills win win two they’ll both have 10

Wins going into week 18 if the Dolphins win they’ll go to 11 wins and the bills will stay at 10 10 which will give them uh the AFC East title so no matter what the scenario is over the next two weeks if the bills don’t win in week 18 they

Have no chance to win division yeah and that’s just it and listen Josh Allen has had Miami’s number for the majority of his career you’re not going to have to deal with the blistering heat that you usually would see in September it’s still warm in Miami and in January but

It’s not going to be anywhere close to being the same so uh you like it from a that aspect and the fact that they flipped and that could really be advantageous for the bills this year so much to get into over the next couple of weeks as we follow this playoff push for

The bills we got you a live show on Thursday night uh Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona New York come out hang out with me and Ryan December 30th get it in your calendars we come to the brand new location of wing nuts in Amherst 1402 Millersport Highway I’m

Going to put details in a link in the description on YouTube and all the audio platforms as well come out and hang with us it is going to be a massive event it’s bigger than froth so we could fit more Bills fans in there we’re going to

Make our way around we’re g to do the live show it’s going to be a huge event the night before the Patriots game uh we cannot wait for it for Ryan I’m Matt we will see you at turning stone Thursday night come on out or watch live right here take care everybody


  1. I will jump through 3 tables at the same time if we get DaQuan back

    Also, I know it's only the Chargers but this scheduling is BS to put the Chargers on a long week against the Bills on a short week. The Thursday teams should be playing on Sunday

  2. I can’t bring myself to care enough about going thorough all the minutiae of playoff scenario “if this, then that” with so many games left among so many playoff hopeful teams. None of it matters if the Bills don’t keep winning so I’m with the team’s “control what you can control” mindset right now.

  3. The return of DaQuan would be HUGE. He completely changes the 1st and 2nd down defense. Just look at the Cinci playoff loss.

  4. Buffalo shud be bullish aggressive fast & furious early in the wk16 match vs dChargers. Play even better than last wk Coz we can't underestimate their interim HC.

  5. I read that if he came back it would be the playoffs if they make it, not the reg season & i dont understand if Milano fractured his leg he should be back before Jones, obviously something else happened, why arent they telling anyone? That even allowed?

  6. Jones will need another month to return to form, losing Jordan Phillips was an arrow in our wrist(no pun intented)! The chargers are going to run down our throats, hopefully our offense can put up at least 35!

  7. Matt, no need to act petulant just because the people who watch you for hours each week have some constructive criticism for you. All we ask if that you listen to Ryan and respond accordingly. We don’t like it when he talks at you and you don’t hear his goods points. That’s nothing against you. If you struggle with the multiple roles you must fill, maybe get someone behind the scenes to help you, but you pouting about it is a bad look.

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