Golf Players

CDP Live – Episode 253 – DADS NOT HOME!

Matt was out of town, so Joe took over once again, and he brought in one of our new golfing homies, Jameson France, from Blind Squirrel Golf.

In this Soulful Golf episode, the guys talk about some of the current events taking place in the golf world, Tigers return, Charlie Woods, and ponder if Tiger is going to Greyson and much more.

Joe was in the Phoenix Valley over the weekend and got in some golf at the stunning Ak-Chin Southern Dunes and then made a visit to our buddy Rhoden over at New Level Golf.

Jameson was kind enough to hang out for the entire episode, and later on in the episode, they dive into how Blind Squirrel got started and what’s going on with hjis brand.

Kick back and hang with the guys in this Not at all Holiday Episode filled with enough golf talk for even Brandel Chamblee!

Links for this episode:
Blind Squirrel Golf:
Angel Cabrera:
Ak-Chin Southern Dunes:
New Level Golf:


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All right I should have fade that out welcome to chasing daylight podcast dad’s not here it’s a it’s a it’s a Soulful night dad is no longer here he’s in Idaho so left me the keys um yeah I played some soul golf this past weekend we got a special guest

In town or live on Riverside uh Jeremy’s here Dan’s here uh not sure what you guys did as far as golf but uh blind squirrel golf is in the building what’s up man what’s up guys what’s up appreciate you having me out man absolutely love also known as jamek yes sir

Yes sir yeah we love having guests yeah it’s it’s we’ve been on a roll lately like we’ve been I think Matt posted we we’ve had guests like the past three of four weeks or something like that yep I heard J all’s runoff on the two 250 episode the runoff of all you’ve had

It’s pretty sick yeah we’ve had a good amount appreciate having me out yeah it’s been appreciate you man so I met Jameson um over at uh cam Kelly who was on recently uh I finally got to play in one of his events out over at Goat Hill

Park uh we were we stayed in the same house never met him before uh obviously a homie now so uh as golf does um because it brings people together but it was a blast and um he has uh like you know a smaller golf brand similar to hit

And green so obviously I I I throw his stuff out there he throws my stuff out there and I appreciate that so happy to have him on he’s based out of Charlotte North Carolina a lot of good golf out there and he’s played a lot of sick ass

Golf courses um and he’s he’s dropping a hoodie here soon so I’m sure we’ll talk about that as well uh I already ordered mine so I can’t wait to find that in the mail soon um let’s get into um let’s just start out PNC did you guys watch any PNC this

Weekend yeah pretty good amount not as much as I wanted to but yeah mostly at night I was in Arizona so like it was it I mean we probably should just started with Arizona trip because we were in a time share two kids me my wife in this F

It’s like 600 square feet and I felt like I was like a living as a 22y old again with two kids it was it was rough um but it was a good time and I didn’t get to watch any PNC like my dad who just crawled into the the master bedroom

With the KingSize watching he was updates here and there because he had his own space I didn’t have my own space so long weekend but um I played some golf but I I I was watching Instagram to try and see what was going on and um one

Of my favorite things I saw today was Roger steel doing the um The Recoil test did you guys see this no so Roger Roger went to five iron in Chicago because Charlie obviously it was the The Recoil right I’m sure you guys saw those videos

And he was testing it out and I don’t know how accurate it was but Roger steel was recoiling all of his clubs and he was getting like an extra 40 yards I mean interesting an extra 40 yeah like I mean on some of them right like he was

Hitting he was he was giving commentary as he was doing it so it was it was quite interesting um I I suggest you go watch it because he was like hitting uh his like seven iron like 220 I mean his recoil looked like trash as he would probably say but it

Was going well I mean you gota it’s probably the swinging extra hard because if you swing smooth The Recoil doesn’t really there’s no place for a recoil and like a smooth transition true it’s like giving it 120% so maybe it was the speed but but he was he was lacing them though

Like he was hitting them you know it wasn’t like some squirters or some pulley it was like just some like Smooth Cuts which was wild and they were going maybe there’s something to it man I when I was taught golf it was like swing smooth your tempo’s everything

But maybe balls to the wall swinging you know after everything maybe maybe you develop a skill of where you can control it and then you just every shot is just going all out well tiger was back in the day that’s what tiger said yeah and that’s what tiger said too he said hit

It hard we’ll figure it out later how to get it where we want just swing hard yeah I mean yeah that’s a good point gotta be something behind it yeah totally I mean it’s something I’ve never done I don’t yeah don’t do that I’m chilling yeah I don’t I don’t got the

Speed for that that one but um it was interesting it was interesting yeah uh so Langer Langer team team Langer takes it home again uh what is that that’s like the fourth or fifth time with two different kids fifth time I think yeah fifth time third with third with the kid

Yeah yeah Lea face Lea face taking it home um another thing I saw reinstated on PJ tour yeah and is he really so he was in prison in like Argentina or something right I don’t even know Dan Dan might you might know because I think you commented about this

Last time we talked about it yeah I think it was in Argentina for a domestic thing I think he like choked out his wife or beat her up or something like that but yeah did his time and uh got reinstated so wow see forers Masters champ we’ll see how well accepted he is

So he’s just gonna go straight to the champions tour right obviously yeah yeah probably but um yeah so I don’t know we’ll see if he’ll be we be Augusta and April that’s wild I said played in tournament a couple weeks ago in uh Rosario Argentina got T like tied 10

Dang wow it’s crazy yeah he’s ready to go he’s ready I guess he’s working on the short game out there in the yard that’s right that’s right about so block d thrust thrust Thrust yeah it’s I mean it’s going to be interesting I mean I don’t I don’t know all the details but like good for him I I guess I don’t know I don’t know exactly what he did but I mean that that’s what prison’s supposed to do it’s supposed to

Reinstate you into society so I guess that’s what happened here so it’s the it’s the judicial system working I guess I don’t know yeah that’s an that’s interesting one for sure yeah I actually liked watching him like when I was a little younger when he won

The Masters I think my dad my dad went to the Masters one year and I think it’s when he won and he just would not stop talking about how hard an hell hit the ball like just how pure his swing was it wasn’t violent it was he just smashed

The ball and it was like just missiles so I’ve always kind of liked watching him for that see and I don’t remember him at all because he was he was on there before I started playing golf so um I’ve only seen videos of him so I

Mean how big was he is he like a big deal or did he just he won the Masters right well he won the Masters he W open he W open as well yeah I think he had a couple he had a couple year stretch where he was pretty solid and I I don’t

Want to say he was number one in the world because I was still during Tigers era um but I I think he got to inside top five for sure yeah yeah I me didn’t he almost win Masters the next year or the previous year or something he was I

Think he was right there he was one of those guys that is is like always on the first page he he would contend in a lot of Majors he the big tournaments he’s just a solid Player yeah I mean interesting I mean I don’t I don’t know of him but I know of him so I never seen him play golf but obviously as as a master’s Champion I mean like that’s his name is up there you know you win the you’re you’re you’re solid gold so I’m

Looking forward to oh yeah looking forward to seeing him up there I accidentally had stopped because I’m fumbling around trying to hit mute uh shout out dad who’s in the chat uh Rob Chapman elto is in the chat um editing is gonna be fun for Matt

Um he’s an idah hell as we mentioned before but um did you guys see the tailor made ad where they were all elves and tiger was s oh yeah so bad it was worse than the Christmas sweater one I think I think that was last year or something it’s

Gotten better since the the players left for live that were there like DJ left um who else from was on Taylor M that left Well Ron was on Taylor M he left they haven’t been good in a while like this year’s was really bad I remember last year’s being really bad

And the year before was pretty decent but I was just I saw it and I was like this is terrible it was pretty cheesy for sure nobody was talking nobody was talking yeah that was weird that was the weirdest part just nobody talking like the facee like Fleetwood when he opened

Up the uh Jack in the Box was like such a corny I mean they’re not they’re not actors obviously but like yeah still just the pure I don’t know it was it was just cringey a little bit well I remember the talking was the weirdest part totally I remember the one where

They were on like the stairs and it was like that like three four years ago and it was like a really good ad and it’s just gotten it’s gone to since Liv started in my opinion like it’s it doesn’t have as much like hit to it

Personally in my opinion uh we got a few people in the chat um uh Matt said Jesus Christ because I stopped the record so have to do some work obviously uh stem golf is out here we are about to a it’s cutting off uh Kirkland commercials with Liv we’re

About to see Kirkland commercials with live hell yeah oh my did you you guys obviously saw the driver right to me it looks like it’s like auno TI list hybrid yeah yeah seen some reviews on it I mean worth a try I was gonna try to get

My hand on some some of the irons because I’m like a Kirkland I mean the the talk about ho in one I got it’s with a Kirkland of course it is like has to be right of course and so all my boys were sending me the irons they’re like dude are you

Going to get the I mean you just hit out they look pretty nice they they I think they did a pretty damn good job with it right like yeah I I think the only they could have made him better if like I I know Kirkland is a brand right but it’s

That brand signature on the iron is too big if they could have just done like a ks1 or something on the toe or the heel somewhere I think it would appealed to way more people like those irons appeal to Costco Fanatics in my opinion like if if there’s a housewife that

Like my my husband has been wanting to get into golf like and she strolls by them she might pick them up but I think if there’s like a like a like a player that’s probably like a 20 handicap and they stroll by them and they see the ks1

Logo on the toe or something like nothing too crazy they might pick them up too I I think they just go too they they go too big on their their advertising like nobody’s really seen the Mac of the club on the golf course like just put a ks1 there boom and then

Next time you release an iron ks2 let’s go easy you know but have you seen the driver the top of the driver the crown is there I don’t know if I’ve seen it I think I’ve only seen the bottom is they going to put like a some

Type of branding there no I think it’s just a clean like carbon fiber looking kind of face yeah just a black yeah from what I remember it’s it’s pretty okay I think it looks like title from the top yeah like GL carbon yeah yeah yeah so Jeremy’s grabbing that one

For sure right I’m not grabbing that test no little ks1 action the the irons I was curious about because there there’s just so much Chrome I’m not a I don’t I’m not a huge Chrome person I like the more brush look but are they basically like a 790 that’s what they

Look like yeah totally and that’s why it’s going to appeal to a lot of people people I think like anybody option yeah they’re probably going to be boxed up I mean same way they did their wedges in their putter like probably one option and uh you know grab it you could

Return it within four years if you want to that’s fine so that’s what’s good about Costco yeah might just have to grab test them out and then just return them because they gonna ask questions they’re probably gonna have like a rebranded Ogo bag with a massive Kirkland Signature logo on the side

Yeah so would would a matte black version change your mind on that because that’s what stem said stem is trying to grab the Mt Black Version I probably wouldn’t buy him still but they’re definitely I think it’s cool that they’re doing that of the IRS Matt Black of the IRS

Yeah I’m gonna I’m gonna pick them up when they’re available I mean they’re sold out every I’m gon to pick them up so it’s an autocop for you autocop 100% oh yeah why is that why is is that an autocop for you just why not I mean try

It out again I look like 790s and again all I play is Kirkland all all my boys make fun of me anyway so yeah do you play the have you tried the Putter and the wedges no yeah I I haven’t play I’ve seen real life I haven’t either I haven’t

Either yeah so you strictly play balls yeah strictly balls gloves too gloves gloves sometimes I have a few but mainly use Vice a lot gloves I don’t really have a preference on to the um so I played I tried the Kirkland balls because I only play yellow balls um I know we’ve talked

About this recently but I only play yellow balls I don’t know what it is like just it’s that’s just that’s just me but I tried the yellow balls and they don’t spin it all off the tea which is good a good thing right but I I played

It two holes and off the second T it was just destroyed the cover was just Kilt but I mean if if if if you want to play those I mean I can see them being a good ball right like it’s hard man it’s hard for me to

Do it because the cover is so important and and the cover there’s no there’s no brand that does it better than Titleist on a cover I play Srixon currently and because Titus is way too expensive but those Kirk covers if they could just get someone needs to figure out of cover man

Because nobody does a cover better than tius nobody even Vice like you said you played Vice like if if you hit it e like we’re out here in the desert right you’re you’re in the Backwoods of the Midsouth area I mean you probably hit a tree or two little pine needles here and

There but I’ve hit I’ve hit a few one nothing like hitting a rock in the desert in Las Vegas because that’ll it it chews it up man and it’s done can’t play it again but I I would just love if one of these companies could figure out the the

Cover because Titus does it right and bridgestone’s pretty good shon’s pretty good but nobody has the Titleist cover and I’m not paying $60 but tax for box balls can’t do it a box of ball should not cost more than $50 Max with tax it’s tough so I don’t blame anyone

That plays Kirkland balls like I I get it uh but it also depends what you’re looking out of them you’re looking for out of them so yeah so autocop did you already order your uh irons D I can’t find them really sold out yeah sold out I mean I can’t I

Mean I’ll keep looking but I mean for the price might as well try them out totally can return them get a slice of pizza like you said I mean going be good it’s all good grab a dog real quick that’s right do you remember that mixup

They had for a while that there was a bunch of bardy queen bees that were out there yes that they got like accidentally put on the shelves which is nuts cost and they were and they were like yeah like wow two they were like 280 or something yeah which they $150

Cheaper than normal crazy yeah called my mom up I was like go straight to Costco get all of these Putters she like I don’t know what you’re talking about like get all of these that you can buy them all yeah she didn’t find any but that was crazy

Though because that’s what I play and I was like dude that’s that’s nice yeah yeah I mean speaking there was a there was a Travis Matthew they out here in Vegas I don’t know if you saw it out there but there was a Travis Matthew uh uh flow into Costco out here

There were shorts was it just shorts do you guys remember shorts I think they had shirts they were like just solid colored shirts yeah beds is in the chat so he would know but um this was during Co and it just hit the Vegas Costco and it was

Like go get your $15 Travis Matthew shorts because they’re there um because it was during Co so they had they had a lot of stock and um yeah they were just like in Costco so I got a few yeah every time I go there I yeah every time I go

There I look see like in hopes that there’s a Travis Matthew table there’s never there probably never will be but yeah bed is in the chat and I actually texted him one time and asked him if it was just like a onetime thing if it’s going to happen again and he said it’s

Probably a onetime thing so um but I still look every time I’m in Costco I go try and find the Travis Matthew because if it’s if it’s on one of them tables in the middle of Costco I’m grabbing at least one pair you know long how much

Are the Kirkland irons from Costco I think they’re five I think they’re 500 $499 okay for the set so you can buy some on eBay for not too I was expecting like double or triple um but 700 bucks 550 not horrible people flip them yet yeah they’re four they’re 499 is what

I’ve seen retail so yeah people are just try they were five or six so that sounds right um beds is in the chat and he works for Travis Matthews so he said they weren’t in line all old that we dumped for Revenue will never be in

Costco ever again trust me so you don’t waste your time walking through the Clos area St looking at every table and you might find Greg Norman or Columbia I mean if if that’s or 32 degrees is all up in that place so you can go grab some of that

Um yeah so is that an onp purpose thing just because Co trying to get rid of backstock because I mean you have to figure obviously no bash on Costco but that’s got to devalue the brand a little right like yeah I mean it could right

But I mean I they only had like three Styles it it and we have to get beds on at some point because I mean beds is long overdue he’s he’s he’s one of our good friends friend um works for Travis Matthew he was on years and years ago I

Mean not years and years but a few years ago um so beds you can we dump deadstock and made money during covid okay so beds you’re gonna have to jump on the podcast soon I know you’re down for it so let’s get you on here um and booked for within

The next month or something like that I know you’re down so but yeah it was it was interesting and it was like during Co so it was like you you you’re strolling through crossco with your mask and you’re like Travis Matthew hell yeah pick up coule never going to see that

Deal again so and it was true so everybody that picked one up you’re never going to see that deal again um yeah no one would have those Styles in stock um in a shop so um interesting interesting Costco Legend it’s it’s it’s probably it’s probably gonna be written

In the Costco story books at some point so it’s got to be it’s got to be um anyone anybody want to take over real quick I got a few few comments in here so I’m going to try and get through so Jeremy Dan you guys got Anything just I had I was just thinking about something um we can actually talk about our golf we Dan and I played with Trey and Julian out at Rio SEO oh yeah go for that yeah and ask you guys if you played I have to leave early because my

Kid got sick at school but it was Rio seo’s awesome like just like Matt was saying it’s like super pure hard to get out there if you’re a resident but we kind of lucked out with a weekday tea time um I I took my t100’s out there just to give him another

Chance and mid round I’m like okay I’m taking these to Jason because I do not want these T1 100s anymore and then I proceeded to smash one into a rock and took a took some on his last toll on the last toll and then after that I’m like

Maybe Trey and Julian think I’m leaving because I’m angry but I would have stuck around but yeah not playing the t100’s I’m going to sell the T100 so if anyone listening and you want a set of tiess T1 100s uh oh I’m gonna sell them so if you’re interested you can well I’m

Waiting for the new new levels so um yeah but anybody that wants some T 100s you can hit up Jeremy he’s ready to go it’ll be a good deal it’s not are you strictly play the muras or what strictly playing the muras whoa hell yeah hell yeah on Soul golf

Let’s go I’m not I just can’t I can’t do it take out the paint and brush off the Chrome let’s get fully raw on that and play some soul golf that would be cool actually that would be really awesome now you got me thinking about

That I did see a comment in here where did I see it um so stem’s golf who is tuning in live he said the BET nardy Putters um I think it was him yeah came from their South American dealer and uh he didn’t tell bet nardy and he just like sold him to

Costco this is what I’m seeing here guessing he found a new dealer Co man that’s wild people desperate dude interesting and those were like the real deal too it wasn’t like just sort of like some watered down like bardy Putters that they made it was like the

$450 queen bee queen be’s yeah yeah that’s crazy yeah stem is also going how how are those uh t00 irons they’re they’re pure man if if you want to get into some t100’s hit up Jeremy um he has them for you they’re great uh can’t go

Wrong with Titus really um I did go to Phoenix this past weekend played action Dunes um Southern Dunes with um DJ who is a character um he works for new level and the homie doc rhen I haven’t seen him in a few years he used work Club

Champion with Julian he’s been on the podcast before uh I haven’t seen him in a few years got to play with him and also Brett brunal who is the um Ambassador the main dude for random golf club and Phoenix who also started the Las Vegas chapter out here so I got to

Play with those three guys down in uh Arizona for the first time action Southern Dunes those greens were perfect um I loved how the the grass was just mowed down into the bunkers so everything was feeding away from you the fairies were tight it was it was a great

Day um and those guys don’t get play golf that often so it was it was it was kind of cool I told them guys don’t worry about it we’re so golfing today we’re just just enjoy yourself man you’re you’re you’re with hit and greens we’re soul golfing uh we’re vibing out

So it was a really good day it was a really good day and afterwards um everybody had a good I got my last handshakes of the year I think um but on that was on Saturday then we hit up like uh Lum malades and we hit up pack was

Fantastic at a little mini golf place uh that tracks your ball a lot of lot of crazy stuff like you you put over like through a halfpipe and drums I was trying to clip a video to get today to um show everyone but on Monday morning I was very hung over and

I went over to the new Level headquarters to meet up Dock and see the the facility that they have and it was amazing I got some uh I got Matt irons here he was asking me 47 times over the weekend I got them there’s there’s two

Of them for you cuz I’m keeping one for the service charge but they are here and I got to I got a sneak peek at some new stuff I did get a sneak peek at some new stuff and they’re doing uh fantastic things man I I’m really

Hyped on the new equipment that’s coming for new level next year I’m telling you sick I hit them they’re fantastic probably half the price of any major manufacturer that you’re going to find I mean at least 40% less than you’re gonna find and they’re they’re amazing I mean and we all saw

The rise of stepen aler just come up out of Champions Tour like dude is killing it um Chev Rey Chev chz reevy was in the house when I was there I told doc go go talk to him like get him on the Pod so hopefully that could happen at some

Point there is the the true linkswear uh showroom there um which I finally got to see some of the stuff I haven’t seen in person uh live so that was fantastic um they have a sports management company they have a motion Labs is up in

There um and Doc is one of the builders as well as DJ who we played with and I would trust doc rhen with any of my clubs I know I’m not getting any spinning ferals I’m not getting no spre Welles on my club so um but yeah the new

is that’s coming is amazing it looks so good and uh I’m I’m grabbing some No Doubt in my head I’m grabbing them when do they do they say when they’re going to come out doc said probably April so they’re on order so they’re coming and I

Am I’m buying a set no doubt in my head wow and they’re like $300 more than the Kirkland irons they’re they look they look so good um one of the dudes I forget his name but he had the the MBS and he pulled one out and I I got to see it and

And uh they they’re they’re fantastic and they blend they blend so well together like if you were going to blend an MB with like a cavity bag like they look they just flow really well so keep an eye out on that because that was awesome to see I got to see

Some protos um new level’s doing some things man I I’m really excited because I I’ve always wanted to get some new levels but it’s always been like too like Gotham City like too much going on on the irons for me um and I I told

Doc that I was like it’s just too much like Batman there’s too much Gotham City going on not that you see that but um they they dumbed it down a little bit and simplified it a bit so it’s like okay cleaner and it’s excited to see I

Think it’s gonna hit I think it’s really gonna hit I’m I’m excited because I’m buying some for sure no doubt in my head nice uh so Matt Matt uh Matt for live from Idaho if you’re watching help us out and hit that Thumbs Up Button wow

Okay and he said I get nothing I’m getting one of these one of these are mine all right that that’s Phoenix trip action Souther news the sick you guys have both play you guys get any comment commentary on that because I know you guys played it for what was that the

Trun yeah trun challenge challenge Championship or whatever it was how’ you guys play out there like I think we finished middle of the pack uh we didn’t particularly play any all that great but uh the golf courses that we played were awesome with with especially with Southern Dunes it was

Southern Dunes was really nice that was a sick layup yeah I think that’s a course that I could play like that’s my home course and that’s just play that over and over I could play I I felt like I was at Coyote kind of like CU you drive like doesn’t seem

As extreme like totally no it’s just like it’s it’s kind of a weird you just need you just need like 15 feet on some tea boxes here and thereat lower or higher it’s pretty flat there’s a couple uphill greens if I remember right but not

Many it’s just the the man it’s just so perfectly manicured and well thought out it’s it’s sort of like desert but not boom boom boom boom helped out on that one I think did he yeah I think boom boom love that place I need to get

Down there again I would go there just to play there I paid $188 to play there which compared to some of the other courses right now there are that’s like half price yeah well we’re we’re in we’re in Phoenix in December so I mean it’s to be expected it’s High season

Obviously for them but you know coming from Vegas it’s tough I mean what do you guys typically play out there in North Carolina like for a tea time Jameson I mean for the public tracks like Charlotte proper 80 bucks 8 100 yeah so it’s not bad um there’s a lot more like

In Charlotte proper private golf for sure Public’s not I mean you’re driving 20 30 minutes to get to any kind of public golf it’s it’s good um and you guys have probably SE like an explosion in like green fees over the past couple years right it’s not even that it’s just

I mean you’ve seen them everybody’s seen them but just It’s just tough to get them I mean not even the price has obviously gone up um I work on the weekend I’m I’m the GM in a brewery so luckily I’m not really the weekend warrior like Monday Tuesday Thursday is

My golf days usually so which is nice um a little bit cheaper tea times and just availability but yet it’s it’s pretty insane there’s a couple courses that yeah it’s it’s crazy but now do you but again within but but being in Charlotte I mean if you have a couple

Days driving to pineer is super easy obviously Beach is three hours away um so yeah pretty ible do a lot of courses within an hour driving go ahead Dan you had a question yeah I was just going to ask you what’s your what’s your favorite course in the Charlotte

Area man Rocky River obvious I shot a 72 there so um I’m like a five and a half handicap so not great but I can get around uh shot of 72 at Rocky River so that holds a place for sure um Skybrook uh me and my buddy um play there a lot

He’s a member there got a friends it’s a semi-private track but a lot of elevation change just some cool holes um those the two are my probably favorite out there is it Quail was it Quail Ridge or Quail Valley or something like that out there qua Hollow is right

Right down the street yeah that’s that’s right that’s right the yeah it’s probably about 10 minutes I’d say so I used to work at Charlotte Country Club um which is uh they played at amateur there US amateur was that two years ago I’m sure my buddy might be listening he’s going

To me for not knowing what it was but super cool track yeah I mean my life before the brewery I was in Country Club so got in Colorado so got to lot of play a lot of coures in Colorado but okay had an opportunity when I move to North

Carolina play some courses as well from the country club P but haven’t played Quil carmel’s a super sick they have two courses um two very different courses that’s that’s private here Carl’s carel super sick um yeah definitely a lot more private though within Charlotte than in

Public so so you got travel to I haven’t played I’ve not played Quail though I’ve been there many times walked Walked the course playing on Tiger Woods you know yeah all the good stuff but but having got to actually play out there but so let’s get into you man let’s let’s get

Into blind squirrel what’s what’s blind squirrel golf man what what is it all about uh started a few years ago um to be honest man it’s I was just just getting into golf when I move when I was in Colorado um I worked again at a at different country

Club I was on the hospitality side not really on the golf side but all my boys all the golf assistants were all my friends so we played a lot of golf wasn’t very good kind of committed right there I was like I’m going to get good

At this game like I’m gonna play or at least have fun I want to be able to enjoy myself you know so that’s when I started started buying the clothes started repping the hats and I was like man like this just isn’t really my vibe

You know or if it is my b it is my vibe every 20 people have it that I’m playing with I’m like gez man come on yeah so I was like dude I’m I do some art um uh do some graphic card done a lot of logos

For people um we can get into that too but I was like you know what they call me squirrel on high school super small really fast on the soccer team probably annoying um and that’s how I kind of play my game man like every swing your

Swing find your nut it’s kind of what I say um which Joe you can relate to that being the soul golfer just totally there’s no there’s no right way to do it man just be out there have fun if you’re going to find your nut every once in a

While and it’s it’s kind of just it’s gone from there man some people saw the Hat saw the logo asked me about it and I was like yeah it’s just something I kind of made oh man I love one I was like all right let’s let’s see if I can kind of

Do this made a few more hats sold those and just kind of grown from there man so it’s it’s fun it’s just a little passion project um yeah and again trying to keep it pretty chill I don’t have a any kind of website or anything I drop it on Instagram same

Man sell out within a few hour like I mean I did my last shop before before these hoodies were some shirts sold 100 with like probably in two days which is sick you know it’s not huge but right the Golf Community the Golf Community is

So sick man it’s it’s uh it’s cool to be part of it um and again the size I like the size it is uh I do have a full-time job which I love so I like where it is right now um speaking of the Golf Community yeah it’s

Cool yeah if we want to go into this my car was stolen my car which is car was stolen on Monday so week last week from inside my parking garage in the gated community in Charlotte so false sense of security we probably all have in an apartment

Complex with a with a garage that I’ve been here seven years that works 20% of the time I know that I still feel safe okay yeah woke up morning go to work glass all over the ground I was like oh man either my car is towed or it’s

Stolen so smart me there’s an air tag in my golf bag hell yeah let’s go air tag in your golf bag that’s number one move everybody listening for sure so good now PSA air tag get a lot of them get 20 of them sprink them around Hansel and gret

Your life dude all right so anyway police officers came I was like man I have my golf clubs I got everything in there my laptop my iPad that I draw on my wallet like everything’s in there tow that you were just dropping too my towels that I was

Dropping were in there shout out KY man shooter shoots golf does custom towels send me some more for free dude’s a awesome dude’s a dude’s a homie for sure I don’t know him but I follow him yeah sweeten yeah’s yeah yeah he’s does all sweet and stuff he’s a good

Dude uh yeah but anyway so air tags looked him up they’re like four miles away I was like dude let’s go let’s go so me and the police officer I was like dude we’re adrenaline’s kind of running man I don’t do this let’s go let’s hit the road yeah

Dude you know already like I had like three by then it was like 8:30 in the morning I was already I was already running quick one quick drop real quick quick drop we’re we’re we’re playing the Kingdom at Goat Hill we sto at Duncan and uh Trey’s driving and he’s like hey

You guys need anything he like nope I got my Mountain do I’m good to go fan of right here get a sponsorship let’s go Jameson that’s right it’s first thing first thing every morning man grab a do all right anyway so we’re on the

Way we’re on the way to the air tag it’s beeping you know blind squirrel golf bag blind squirrel golf bag pull up it’s like four miles away from my house it’s in a dumpster right golf clubs are intact I got some uh tv7 some 14 irons just got some um Artisan legendss so

Your 14s were in there yeah and they they dumped it in a dumpster dumb ass the maintenance the maintenance guy we passed him and he’s like yeah all this stuff was just spread out like your ex-girlfriend just left you man and all your stuff’s in the parking lot that’s

What it looked so but everything was intact I got a little rust on the wedges just because they’re you know they’re raw whatever but nothing taken out of the golf bag like head cover nothing damaged at all it was just literally thrown out of the car thrown in the

Dumpster so recovered those which is made me feel good you know I mean it was good it was good but yeah so that’s again going back to the Golf Community man so many people reached out um and I usually don’t like share my personal business on my on

Blind squirrel just because I just I just don’t I’m kind of a private guy myself anyway but like I felt like I needed some like I don’t know what I need man I need some sympathy or like dude let’s fight this fight and get this

back kind of feeling I so I posted some stuff on Instagram just like man just those people that did this kind of it just sucked right but the Golf Community the reason I said say that the Golf Community man is just so it’s just so cool and so tight it like

You know Tyler Tyler Woods my boy he reached out he’s like I have so many golf clubs and golf sets he’s like I’ll ship it to you tomorrow like you gotta play golf if you can’t find your clubs or if there’s stuff in your car you lost

I got you I got you and that’s the stuff there was a lot of stuff in there that I couldn’t there’s no monetary amount right there’s like gol te’s from the GOL te’s from the ocean course which I just played a few weeks ago it’s like those

Are gone yeah you know so again stuff that doesn’t the police like okay what was in there I was like yeah there was hundreds of golf golf tees from these tournaments that I play that probably value like $5 but in reality man it’s like that’s just that’s sad to me

And again don’t leave it in your car PSA don’t leave in your car but totally I did you know and um but yeah sad day but again the golf clubs are back you know and it’s at the end of the day it’s just they’re just

Things and gives me excuse to go back to the ocean course man get more te you know what I’m saying so but yeah back to the bre and again let I kind of started out just because I do again I do art work I do artwork and just kind of

Wanted to rep my own stuff and for my homies to rep it I got a I don’t have many followers I have a little over a thousand um but they’re super loyal uh yeah you know and I support I support the homies and they it’s

Fun it’s kind of how it started man yeah yeah I’m in the same I’m in the same boat as you man like I just I just want to I just want to do cool that I want to wear and if somebody else likes it cool if you don’t like it you

Don’t got to buy it man I I got no hard feelings against you like I think I think I think the the stuff that’s in uh Pro Shops are very lackluster you know like I want to buy like something that’s cool and different and shows my character

Like golf shops like for like kiawa for existence you should not logo embroidered on that FootJoy te you should make your own and make it cool for that area of golf or whatever it is you know if it’s not trying to buy no Peter marar I’m not trying to buy no

FootJoy I want to see some kiawa that relates to the course and then makes me remember it when I’m wearing it back at home you know build character and create a a a niche that relates to your course or your experience or your moments that you experience at that place and I think

That’s where Golf Pro Shops lack like I was in action Southern D Pro Shop and I was like damn I really want to buy something here but nothing is what I want to wear and courses need to find something that relates to them that makes me want to buy it you know what

I’m saying like what how would you do that like if it’s not a foot jooy shirt or a Peter marar for shirt what would it be make your own you’re a golf course you know like don’t give me this Falls foot jooy collection with your embroidered logo on

It make your own that tells a story to the course that you played today like because at the end of the day it’s all moments and memories like I don’t want to I don’t want to go to a golf course and show up in a foot jooy show

Or I mean any of these any of these Brands straight down uh Grayson all of them them all they make the same thing and they embroider the logo on them and the course puts their logo on them and that can show up to Las Vegas

National and see a dude that’s in a um Pine Valley shirt or a action Southern Dune shirt and we’re we have the same style on but it’s got a different logo embroider on it like make the experience memorable yeah create your own and uh I don’t

Know I’m sure you follow land Force out of Oregon right Jameson yeah he said this a couple weeks ago he said like create your own style like make make the that relates to what your course represents and I it’s so easy nowadays too like I can figure it

Out a a golf course that’s worth millions of dollars could probably figure out even easier than I could or hire someone to do it so do you think the majority people though do you think the majority of the people just want a foot Joy or a Peter Mar shirt probably unfortunately yes and

Probably yeah for sure but like like an example would be probably like the ghost Tree on a t-shirt up at Bandon or yeah but you do you understand like listen Bandon dun I know you guys probably listen to a couple of these episodes if Bon created their own

brand of clothing you know how much more money they would rake in and and tailored it to each course and the vibe of each course but do you think it would just be a bunch of like I mean it would be a it would be a polo shirt with abandoned

Logo inside on the tag like how is that different than a FootJoy shirt with a abandoned logo on it because it’s custom it’s custom made it’s there there’s there’s an authenticity to that like this this golf course respects the fact that I came here to play their course

And they put their thoughts into creating something to sell in their store that’s not manufactured from another company because all those shirts are everywhere yeah and there’s got to be some obviously ties of contracts to the actual products and the clubs itself and again I mean Jeremy you’re going back to

Like okay well if it’s it’s not a foot Joy shirt it’s another Polo like it’s basically the same thing and again unfortunately it is but I mean the Styles and how you were saying the ghost tree with Bandon like that’s that’s like what I like when coures hone in on again

Like get those hoodies out there those t-shirts of like certain holes that you can’t just go on an order online right because I mean dude so many people wear Quil Hollow shirts here right and it’s like 20% of people played here but the the 20% of people that play like as they

Went in the Pro Shop they should have a different option than what you can get on online or like out in the wild right like that’s and that’s cool right like I mean the I didn’t buy anything at the ocean course one was price it was absolutely insane and somebody that and

Somebody that makes clothes now or like has a little brand like I know what all these cost you know what I’m saying again that’s not why I didn’t bought I wasn’t being cheap but two I was like I just don’t want to there’s nothing really here that that I would rep or

That’s My Style the thing that appealed to me was a t-shirt right that had some of the whole like kind of like a drawing at some of the holes and the and the yardages and I was like this is kind of sick I like this t-shirt yeah um but

Again yeah just I me I’m I’m a huge Pro Shop guy and when I go in there and I’m like like hoodies I’m a hoodie sucker right t-shirts I like just like you’re playing going to the gym t-shirt but repping the course it’s amazing some of these courses don’t make like a cool

T-shirt like all you got to do is make a cool t-shirt really at the end of the day and you’re going to get somebody buy it 100% their first time playing it and it’s a cool t-shirt I’m buying it or or a cool hoodie I’m buying it I think that I

Think most courses do pretty good with hats at least like you know harbort toown they put the they put the lighthouse on everything so that’s you know it’s a hat it could be a head cover that’s a lighthouse it could be all that but I think mostly like hats you can

Find they’re unique they have the course oh don’t get me start on hats but it’s like I don’t know for me I don’t maybe I’m not a buy a polo shirt at a golf course person but but if they did have T-shirts like what you were

Saying with like the course maybe like a layout of the course or something cool I I think that’s something that Jeremy you’re not a you’re not a buy a polo at a golf course person but you are a buy something at a golf course person

Right usually a buy a hat at a golf course person exactly so if if it’s a course you’ve never played like for me if I go into a golf course I never played it’s my first time there I’m walking in wanting to buy something I want to buy something it’s my first time

There I want to remember my experience and I want to I want to rock it at Roberto you know I want to get a I want to buy a bean and cheese burrito in this hat or this Polo or whatever the case may be but if there’s nothing in there that

Caters to my style I’m not buying it and that’s that’s where the problem is these courses all put their logos on Imperial hats every single one of them you can go to any golf course in this world and there’s a logo on an imperial hat create something different

There’s a new wave I I know not most people like flat burm hats but there’s a lot of people that do put your damn logo on a New Era hat and there’s people that like baseball teams create a baseball logo for your course or an you know like an MLB Style

Logo for a hat easy you don’t have to stock you don’t have to throw thousands and thousands of dollars in it but create it as a test and throw it in there because there’s a new wave coming up put your damn logo on a New Era hat I

Don’t know what’s so damn hard about that the only course that we’ve had like me and Dan have played many courses and Jeremy you’ve played many courses the only place I’ve ever seen a logo from a golf course on a new air hat is Chambers Bay and they had seven and one quarter

Sizes that was it and the hat was dope too and it was sick I would have bought four of them 100% no doubt about it I would have bought four of them because I’ve never seen it before and these courses are there’s a new wave coming up figure

It out create an identity in your Pro Shop cater to all of the demographics because you’re going to get the Peter Mars you’re going to get the link Souls you can get the new era dudes you can like figure it out that’s my problem and

This is this is a long rant but I know we went on tangent yeah is partially my fault but yeah but you get it I mean you get it dude yeah and the same thing I played again I just played the ocean course that was the day before

Thanksgiving it’s so sick but again I went in I went in wanting to buy something and I left with the the turis Tumblr like that’s all I got yeah which is sick it’s like you know I mean I re that and then again but yeah just the

Things didn’t appeal to me went up to B hack I just bought a I bought a sick hoodie um I play I played there a week before CH or a week before uh the ocean course and just bought the hoodie um because everything man that look sick

Never played Chambers Bay but just seen it on video games and TVs but very Chambers Bay feeling like driving to uh whole one the front Nine’s on one side of the road back Nine’s on the other which is more of a uh going through the mountain kind of vibe the front’s more

Lynxy for sure but after you get above whole one 2T you can see the whole front nine which is you’re up on this little kind of plateau it’s it’s beautiful um a lot of shared Fairways a couple shared greens just number 18 man I want to say like 20,000 square

Feet but that sounds insane but they have like 15 different hole locations because that’s where all the cabins are around 18 so they just light it up at night and people are chipping around um it’s part of the dormy network which I know I think moving forward here in a

Couple years if they haven’t already they’re even if you’re a member of the dorming network you have to stay there if you want to play which is insane but luckily we didn’t have to I got at there my buddy’s part of the network so went up there he called me Wednesday night

He’s like how far are you from R O I was like if you’re calling about golf just tell me the T time bro woke up there go woke up drove up there it’s a little over five hours played and drove back it was sick but dop definitely recommend up

In R out yeah it’s sick very cool and that’s Virginia right yep yeah yeah Virginia’s got some sick golf I courses courses you wouldn’t even like think of just your random run-of-the-mill mom po golf courses sick yeah I’m from Northeast Tennessee originally from Johnson city um it’s about three hours

From here but the Old Farm I don’t know if you heard the Old Farm in Virginia um and if The Virginian right across the street are two two Sleepers for sure um um if you ever get a chance to play The Old Farm look up look it up they have this

Um I think it’s just called the barn but right in the middle of the course you pass it like five or six times there’s indoor putting green it’s kind of like honor System grab and go what you want they had beer on tap sandwiches all this stuff you just drive through with your

With your cart grab whatever you need um but it’s definitely a centerpiece to the course um but yeah that area right there has some has some pretty sick pretty sick courses yeah I mean you guys are blessed with being able to drive to some like really dope courses in your area

Like I mean we we have to drive four or five hours just to get to La you know and and all the really really dope courses are eight 10 hours away we’re we’re kind of in the middle of nowhere but we got good courses out here of

Course what would you say for someone um visiting North Carolina for their first time and willing to drive wherever across the the state top three where would they go uh let’s go to Hill is going to be my one to Hill is uh dude it’s they redid

It um just opened up this year I went up there for yeah talk about iron maver a little bit yeah me and Dan trades uh Landon great guy he’s a part of the golf Crusades he’s actually from Johnson city um didn’t meet him that way just kind of met him through Instagram

But uh huge just like Mike strange Fanatics man and went up there we saw my buddy Jason Penn saw that it was online signed up our little for that we have here um look forward to it for so that course is sick and I used to hear when I

First moved here six years ago that it was kind of tobacco roads like little sister like I mean you can go play it’s cheaper it’s easier it’s not as good condition and stuff but it’s like you know the cheaper man Tobacco Road no no no this place is sick like Mike strance

You know with the blind with the blind t- shots with a lot more room than you think but the crazy undulation everywhere um dude it’s pure very super super tough but super Fair harder than Tobacco Road hard wow okay harder for sure um but so sick so I would say

That’s number one again that’s about an hour and 20 minutes from Charlotte easy Drive um it’s like Greenville right is that where it’s at Greenville it’s in Ash Ash as Ash North Carolina yeah uh then I’d probably just go somewhere in the Piner area honestly um I guess if

They I guess of the courses I would recommend number four number two I’ve played number two three four and five two is fine just because what it is in the history super sick and walking down and you know where everybody’s you know everybody’s done their thing and just

The history of it but for a player of my caliber it’s exhausting man like just the just the lengths of them um and just some of the shots that you have to pull off and on those greens that you know old Mr Ross just kind of yeah just you

Know it’s just exhausting man but it was it was super fun but number four is was definitely my favorite of the ones of those that I listed off uh y yep number three the short course is a price value up there for sure and kind of I think underrated but

Their shortcut course up there is is so so fun so anywhere in the pine Nur area and then you get midp Pines pine needles obviously are also you know top dogs but uh and I’m gonna stick on yeah dude midpines is so sick and honestly I’d go I’d head to the

Coast man and go to the beach um obviously the ocean course is sick but sticking with Mike strance uh true blue down there is super super fun right across the street from calonia yeah um but again it’s it’s just Mike Strand and you just move to the beach so

Just more water more hazards but the same kind of feel that you just drove away from three hours before um as you can tell I’m the huge strange Sky um but yeah like I said man that that’s that would be the top three um just because you get a little bit of

Everything you’re going to get the beach you’re going to get the mountains and the you know and then you’re going to kind of the pine her f but yeah it’s uh definitely a blessed place to live I mean we’re three hours to the coast like I said the ocean course and

Then going three hours East we’re you know we’re in Tennessee Northeast Tennessee and hitting all those mountains and um it’s fun man yeah those would be the three for sure yeah have you done Southern Pines yet I did dude me and my buddy Quinn we went up there and it was probably again

He’s probably going to kill me for not remember this um it had to be like six months before they actually opened their for their after their Innovation but we were playing so we were playing like number let’s see number three the par four on the front

Uh there was trees like laying over in the Fairway right like that’s that’s where they were in construction yeah so I mean a couple holes were completely closed we were chipping over trees that were lay we’re like that’s that’s fine let’s just keep playing you know so I

Haven’t played it since they redone it but I mean seeing the bones of it the place is dude seeing the bones of it for sure it’s it was yeah this a place I could literally play every single day of my life and be perfectly content yeah it was sick yeah is so sick

I would I would add Sweden Sweden’s Cove to that list of places if you’re over here to drive but Sweden is like six hours away so I think that’s fair to all my sweeten folks to yeah it’s a little far from here but well you also got to

Plan that one out a little bit oh man yeah you know you know enough of the homies now man like yeah yeah we can figure it out I’m sure but yeah yeah but that place that’s that’s what it is that’s just all that’s just golf man that’s what it is

That’s yeah I gotta get back talking about sweet have you guys played there Jeremy Dan Dan’s been on the putting green I’ve been I’ve been on the putting saw the shack I saw all that good stuff so we we went there so we we had a a free trip

Shout out five iron to Lake Reynolds and um we drove up and played mmore and then um I was like we have to go to we have to go to sweetens we have to go at least swing by and try and um we went down there and uh there was a like a

Tournament going on so I had talked to Ryan so Gardon and I was like Hey we’re gonna we’re gonna come by around this time he’s like come by try and figure something out so it was four of us and there was I can’t remember I can’t remember what

Tournament was but um they had to still play and we talked to madsky and we brought a bottle of bourbon you know I’m like Hey we’re from Vegas we’re we’re we’re in the area like we’re just giving a shot and uh we were kind of waiting

Around and uh we did not get to play but these guys were on the putting green they make fun of me all the time well at least Bob West does shout out Bobby up in North Dakota now um but I I was faded and we were all in the pting green

I just started walking into the course I found Ryan I jumped on the back of the cart and uh you know birdies and bourbon yeah yeah so we I I met them on like eight T box and I hit he let me hit his driver so I had I had a t-shot on

Eight and he handed me his Miron number nine and I was carrying my Putter and you know um so I hit I hit a a t-shot on eight and I hit a t-shot on nine and I missed my putt on nine and made par so haven’t played it fully yet but I I

That’s one that’s high up there yeah yeah it’s definitely Vib and that’s how I Met originally met cam uh yeah cam Kelly from the kingdom I did artwork for his for some artwork for the Matt Hatter you guys did the beer right you work for

A brewery so you guys did the beer for the mass grade yep yeah so I did the label I did uh that Phantom logo I designed that and then uh shout out hot fly the brewery that I work at in Charlotte yeah uh yeah we made it was

One of our loggers man and people loved it it was sick it was fun but that was kind of my introduction to cam was on the art side um doing logos and stuff for him and some artwork so yeah so you done Mas grade Kingdom I know um if you

Listen to one of when cam was on a couple weeks ago when he was out here for F1 um how do you feel about the next year’s event are you going the Sugarloaf yeah if I’m invited man definitely yeah well you you’ve EXC I I gotta find a way

I miss I missed the Matt Hatter because my boy flipped a golf cart on me a couple weeks ago a couple weeks before the Matt Hatter um broke all my toes in my foot so that was sick so I missed yeah up in uh playing golf up in up in

Minnesota flipped flipped the golf cart in the parking lot about eight feet away from my car that sucks bro yeah that sucks I did miss the manh hatter that’s and again Breakfast at Tiffany’s was the first one um which I think was the some of the cleanest artwork that yeah Seth

Mcarter is a is a genius that gets that that guy’s a creative genius for sure and he does all their stuff but yeah um I’m excited a good guy that groups the group is super super cool that we’ve all met and kind of kind of form that he’s

Brought together so I’ll definitely be out there looked up the course haven’t played any golf up there in that area so well we have we have abandon scheduled the month before that so it might be difficult to get away but um have you been out there before abandoned I have

Been abandoned but uh North New York never yeah so and it’s we’re gonna be sleeping in tense if we make it up there so about to say apparently it’s just like in the middle of nowhere right I me it’s in there’s probably not a Dairy Queen in sight you know what I

Mean it’s a shame bro you probably find some Mountain Dew up there though so you’re good you know I’m bringing it stocking it up I’m not I’m not risking Yeah couple couple last things I want to get into um before we depart because we’re probably approaching like an hour and 30

Minutes I think something like that but I stopped the recording so I don’t know um kids are on NBC you guys saw that Sentry and waste management I think it’s gonna be dope oh yeah I’m excited it’s sort of like does it close the the chapter of golf though that’s kind of

What makes me a little sad because I love watching him play but I mean he hasn’t done much recently but it azinger is out kizner is coming in for he’s coming in for two spots I think I think it might be good yeah he’s he’s got those on liners

Bro so I’m excited to see uh I’m excited to hear and at the waste management I think I think he’s gonna do really good at Waste Management yeah so I’m excited for that um another thing I wanted to chat about is uh tiger leaving Nike do you think it’s happening I think

Tiger might be going Grayson which might is that’s a big nut for uh Grayson they’re trying to find their nut currently shot out blind World Golf um I mean Charlie was rocking Grayson JT is a Grayson where was it the last time that we see tiger in Nike red on

Sunday is he gonna be Rock Grayson does Grayson make clothes big enough to fit to fit tiger they will they will tailor it I’m sure if he’s going to join they’re going to tailor it for him I guess they got they got a couple NHL

Guys I guess I know the Red Wings hars wears them and Harry higs yeah I guess that’s true the former number one Luke Donald it just seems like the I mean it’s all for and then uh the Lefty why can I think of his name

Um a auin yeah yeah a yeah his name was just completely yeah so I think that’s cool I also heard that is Nike doing something with strickson is that have you has anybody heard this I didn’t see that so like because obviously strion doesn’t have a like a man like a cloes

Side right so they’re man I forgot what what uh Instagram I saw that on but that’s some rumors going around that trixon and Nike are G to like form and the will be the the clothing side of ston wow that’ll be interesting interesting kind of weird but is it

Weird tiger would leave Nike and go to another company instead of just doing his own thing I mean obviously that’s he probably has no time to to run that it’s not like he’s running it anyway but it’s just like that’s I don’t know that’s just strange I know it’s it’s relationships

And JT’s doesn’t he have some ownership in Grayson and all that stuff but yeah it’s just odd like it’s just it’s maybe it’s because it’s hard to believe tiger and Nike not being associated with each other anymore because it’s been like that from the beginning but it just feels like tiger could start

His own and it would just explode and be his own thing but maybe that’s not what he wants the tiger should have started his own thing I mean you have the Jumpman right that’s I mean you see that logo it’s known I mean everybody knows that right

I mean I like Tiger missed missed that a little bit he I mean he has that brand on on his Nike stuff but yeah not as well known as The Jump Man for sure yeah that’s going to be interesting yeah Grayson yeah yeah they have nice stuff

It was It was kind of the Charlie show at the PNC it seems like that was it there was a lot of Tiger but it was mostly Charlie yeah but it was cool it’s just hard to picture that tiger and Grayson or I’m sure it’s going to be a tigerwood style

Grayson it’s not going to be the the gray that we see right now but we have a new guest on the show first time appearance Quinn poy everybody Welcome Quinn poppy to the show she crying Katie’s downstairs so are you named after quter golf course and Poppy Hills Golf

Course first time repping Quinn poppy what up uh what were we guys talking about we’re just talking about Grayson and tiger yeah how it’s I feel like it’s pretty out of left field but I think I don’t think they have enough money to sign him that’s my thing like I mean I

Know they’ve been doing well but that’s big be massive I don’t think Tigers really gives a about money too much anymore well they would probably have to give him like 40 like 30% of the company I bet you he’ll do like a collab like they do with Nike you probably won’t see

That wolf logo too much and they’ll probably come tiger like a tiger logo as they’ll probably do something and then maybe maybe tiger will take that money maybe that’ll be part of the deal of him signing with them or something I don’t know yeah but I can’t imagine like you

Go to Grayson you know website and you’re gonna be buying the same shirt that tiger has no no you’re G have to build that up in the shoulders for sure yeah he’s gonna have to he’s gonna have to wear it first and then you’ll see the on the website yeah but I I

My whole thing was I could see him going there there since Charlie was wearing it PNC and then you know JT is one of his best buds on tour so I I I mean we’ve all heard the rumor so we’ll see if it goes down but it’s

Interesting all right um let I got a couple more things here um what’s on your golf Christmas list Kirkland irons for Jameson I get we got that right you guys got on your Christmas list I don’t know um I think my Christmas my golf Christmas list will actually probably be

In like March or April of next year um cause uh I’m gonna be catting for my buddy Mike and uh in that uh professional championship and he’s kind of telling me about you know possibly hitting down one of the hitting up one of the tours trucks down there and

Getting laced up with some equipment so we’ll see we’ll see what happens see what I decide possible do he play Taylor Maid or Callaway he was with Taylor mid but he him and his brother both are now with Callaway okay dude that’d be cool BL just go hang

Out the tour truck I’m I’m interested in looking and hitting those new Apex Irons so yeah that’ll that’ll be where my eyes will be set for sure yeah and that new uh smoke I’m not a fan of the way that smoke looks I mean I love carbon fiber

And all that but no thanks not feeling the look of that yeah I’m sure it’ll be good though just like the Paradigm I didn’t like the Paradigm and then once you go hit it it kind of grows on you and it’s just a nice driver but yeah

Well there’s so many companies now where all you can do all you have to do is take that shaft off send it to them and you come back with a purple driver with you know raindrops or some on it so yeah yeah you can well we did see that

We did see that tweet that Matt sent earlier about the 2024 drivers look look super forgiving supposedly I think that was Jonathan arwal is that what it was yeah yep yeah Jonathan wall it’s gonna be interesting I don’t I like the look in the new tailor man that I’ve seen I

Don’t like the smoke thing from caway and so we’ll see it’s gonna be interesting Jameson what you got on your list bro uh I kind of just got on with those 14 iron the 14 irons and then those Artisan wedges um I’m pretty good man yeah he’s got some Artisan wedges this

Guy this guy shout out from the golch yeah I would love to that me going down there to get fitted for irons and wedges that would be such a cool experience my buddy just did it he said it was it was definitely experienc I mean it takes a

Little bit to get the irons obviously but well worth the weight and there it’s a piece of work yeah beautiful work for sure yeah yeah they yeah the actual man creating them for you is just that’s super cool yeah yeah I’ve been thinking about I’ve been wanting to get like some type of

Launch monitor but not spend a fortune on one of the big ones so I’ve sort of been trying to figure out maybe an entry level launch monitor that new rap SoDo I think I can’t remember the model of it but the new rapo launch monitor looks pretty cool

Something you can bring with you I kind of want to check into one of those maybe but I also hate Hitting off a mat into a net in the garage so it’d probably be range only but dude there’s a lot of on my Christmas list there’s like a really lot of really good

Like monitor stuff happening right now and it’s only going to get better here soon so yeah that’s that’s what makes me hesitant about buying anything because I think in like a year or two like you’re going to be able to find some really really really good stuff like for half

The price of what it is currently I I think our uh I think our good buddy Tom latchel is uh in the process of getting a whole garage simulator thing uh one one of his buddies has I think is selling it to him for a super good

Discount so I think Tom’s going to pull the trigger and convert one of his garages into the nice hitting Bay dope no be awesome what’s on your Christmas list Joe uh my Christmas list currently uh I don’t I don’t have much on it uh I got three new level wedges I already got

Delivered to me um no you have to fight somebody for those yeah man it’s just my Christmas list is just to uh play some new golf courses with the homies get some trips in um doesn’t matter where that’s my favorite thing to do is visit people uh whether it’s in

Charlotte and playing with Jameson or going to Kentucky and playing with Cam or playing in uh Laughlin ranch with Dan and Jeremy and Matt it doesn’t matter I want to see new golf courses I want to play them all as many as I possibly can while I’m here so uh and

Create those moments and memories so um the tools the tool the tools are cool but no man it’s it’s uh checking off the experiences in the courses for me so uh to a to a fruitful 2024 with checking off as many golf courses as possible that’s what I’m that’s what I’m

Into um yeah other than that though I’m G to get some new new levels the new the new ones that are coming that’s that’s on my Christmas list but I can’t get those for Christmas so and I might need a new Rangefinder but other than that Soul golfing all the

Way um also I would I would love a mooch like a real deal mocha if anybody has one out there or knows where I can get one in Vegas or like a real deal tortilla press cuz I’m I’m I’m fully committed to the bean and cheeses and the uh Mexican way of

Life uh foodwise so if you know the where those are in Vegas the real deal ones let me know um or you know maybe Rancho Market yeah um I haven’t I haven’t I haven’t ventured too far but um I want a true like a real deal mocha

So and I want a real deal tortilla pressed because I’m probably going to buy some Masa soon and try and make my own tortillas because I can live on Mexican food so um Yeah that’s a that’ll be a whole other spin-off of podcast yeah other than that man uh vgn season is done as we mentioned before um you can sign up now Vegas gool uh Chason daylight to stay in tune with all of us make sure you um

Subscribe on the YouTube you Channel we’re here every single week for you dad’s not home and we’re still here um left us the keys so um anytime you have any questions or anything hit us up on Instagram uh or wherever email whatever you got to do and we’re here for your

All of your Las Vegas uh golf recommendations or bean and cheese spots that you need for the weather forecast whatever whatever whatever it may be uh we’re here for you um and uh until then uh you got anything else Jameson hey make you guys check out blind squirrel

Golf follow him got a hoodie drop going on did you officially drop the hoodie or what did I I got the pre-order tomorrow I got a I got a for clate today I was going to snap some pictures sun was already down it was like 5:30 I was so I

Got a doing it tomorrow uh yeah you got you got the pre-order yes send it to some homies so yeah dropping those and two hats so yeah check hopefully tomorrow tomor Co yep yeah hopefully tomorrow um yeah looking to do some big stuff and I really appreciate having me

On nice to meet both y’all and hopefully uh thanks to my mother will’ll kick it and play some golf man yeah man thanks for jumping on um it was a blast uh you’re welcome anytime anytime you want to spread any message let us know hit me

Up you’re we’re here for it um and and until next week man Matt Matt will be back I’m sure we’ll be here on December 26th uh and uh Merry Christmas happy holidays to everybody hope you have a good one and uh until then later

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