Big Ten’s National Signing Day | Ohio State holds on to Jeremiah Smith + Oregon’s title-worthy class

The Cover 3 crew gets a temperature check of the Big Ten on National Signing Day.


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My oh my was there a lot of tension when Jeremiah Smith was stepping to the table the number one wide receiver the number one player in the 247 Sports rankings uh first wide receiver to be number one since do you have it I’ve got it I don’t

Dorel Green Beckham that’s right okay we go first first wide receiver to be the number one overall player since dyal Green Beckham he steps to the table and butd he wasted none of our time he he he he picked up the mic he J he got right into it he announced that

He would be signing with the school that he has been committed to for a long time but the Hollywood Florida product you know he had Florida State sniffing around he had Miami sniffing around this is not a inside the smoke podcast shout out but there was smoke you know late

Late late that maybe maybe maybe Jeremiah Smith would end up uh committing to the U he ends up committing to the Buckey and uh and and Josh if we’ve got uh if if we’ve got that Ryan Day presser let’s let’s bring that up uh as well really yes it’s real pictures

Video I never you yeah you want to take us to your emotions real quick how you feeling got the floor is yours you got to address that one yeah well um I don’t know if if everything’s in yet Jerry you got to check to make sure it’s in hey

Mike you want to check with Justin yeah before I do something and get myself in trouble Ohio State lost some guys today but they held on to the big dog the five star wide receiver Jeremiah Smith um oo cover three tailgate has it has it been has it been

Is the paperwork in no not yet at least I haven’t seen it as in this is what I was Googling as well since we’ve been on the air um I think this could be like an ongoing uh thing I guess we could say oh oh man remember pton Bowen now look do I

Think he goes to Ohio State yeah I I do I think they get this done um Jeremiah Smith is a really freaky player I mean obviously the number one player in the country to be a receiver that’s a pretty rare thing as chip noted 63 205 really

Nice long speed like Elite level hurdler at that size also throttles down really well to create separation the hands are pretty nuts I think he has a good feel over how to play the game I think he’ll he’ll play play immediately at Ohio State or I guess because we’re on a

Podcast and people listen to this tomorrow wherever he goes Ohio state had to step up with with some of their I think they had to step up their nil efforts to be honest for a couple of these kids and they did lose some down the stretch line I think if they hadn’t

Landed uh Jeremiah Smith if they hadn’t kept edri houon there the defensive lineman who B was trying to flip late then I I think they’d be like real kind of you know teeth nashing for Ryan Day uh but at this point if it’s not in like

That’s not a that’s not a good sign for Ohio State but I also not sure if Miami can pull that off maybe they can uh you know the I know there was a there was a Rivals report that he was sending it in quote unquote now but that was probably

Like an hour ago so we’ll see if that got in I don’t know why I I love the internet report that says I’ve seen cell phone video of him signing it like somebody has so has said that he has signed it we’ll see I’m I am uh

Next we’ll see uh all right so what about the rest of Ohio State’s class I mean still a good class they dropped they lost a couple battles but they held on to the two big dogs uh what do you see from Ryan day I I look I I see Ohio

State continuing to recruit at a really high level like does it stink that they didn’t hold on to everybody yes but Houston’s a guy who could make a real difference for them I think on the line of scrimmage like that that’s a big time defensive lineman Bama came late a

Couple more schools came late the fact they’re able to hold on to him is really really pretty big they did lose Jeremiah mlen to Oregon Oregon had a really nice day we’ll talk about them in a second or maybe even next uh but no overall this

Is a nice class for Ohio State chip like and I think Ohio State fans should be really excited like if you’re consistently recruiting at that sort of top five level right and what are they now top they got to be top four top five number four you know if you’re

Consistently around that level you’re that team I think is going to be expected to compete for a playoff spot every single year right and probably to win a playoff game every year like sort sort of that level so if you’re Ohio State I think you gota be really excited

Where you are so status quo but this is one to watch I mean if you lose Jeremiah Smith that’s not going to be received really well after how you lost or how you lost the Michigan game would it only be Miami I think so yeah

Oh oh mama JoJo um okay speaking of the Ducks the the thing that is really interesting to consider from the Dan Lanning perspective you know dogged recruiter you know as an assistant shows up to Oregon immediately starts doing work in the portal on the recruiting trail out of high school as well he’s

Got resources behind them and I I get the sense that they know what we have said which is that when Oregon lands in the Big 10 it is landing in one of the most influential conferences in college football the kind of place where you if you’re competing for Big 10

Championships and you’re running with Ohio State and Michigan we’re g to talk about like you like one of the best programs in the country and look like I I loved covering the Pack 12 as it existed but Oregon running the Pack 12 is not going to have the same impact

Nationally as running the Big 10 and the Ducks are loaded up to hit the ground running and be running head-to-head with Ohio State and Michigan what’ you make of their uh recruiting class where do you see Dan Lanning turning his his efforts as he as he is in a a big time

Spot right now with Oregon heading into 2024 I thought they crushed it man I mean I think they’re probably the Big 10 team that has to be happiest with their results I think relative to expectations they’re going into a new league and they’re like you know what we can be

More talented in Ohio or than than Michigan we can be more talented probably than Penn State coming up with a quickness big-time defensive lineman and Aiden breelan like this is a guy with violent hands I think you’re gonna like enjoy watching him play explosive player he’s he’s got like a lean like

He’s big but he’s not sloppy he’s a guy who can make a real impact for them I like Elijah rushing as well large bodied Edge rusher and then at receiver they had they they they went and got Ryan Ryan pelum and flipped him from USC they got mlen from Ohio State like receiver

Was an area of need in this class and then not that we’re talking a whole lot of portal today but like let’s look a little bit of portal here they get Dylan Gabriel for this year and Dante Dante Mo Yeah man so uh look I Dan lenning has a

Staff of like Elite dogs on the recruiting Trail and he also has probably like the best nil support in the country so if you put those two things together you’re going to do pretty well you you You’ put Oregon on par with with the big dogs yes no

Doubt like standing tea time at an exclusive Golf Club yeah wow yeah I I do you remember um remember the Detroit Tigers when their owner was like in his 90s and he really wanted to win before he passed and they just they just kept sign yeah exactly they signed Verlander and they signed

This guy and let’s let’s go you go get Cabrera and all these dudes and yeah that’s kind of how I view Oregon right now I I think they’re in it to win it like every single year wow wow wow wow wow um what about uh some of the other

Newcomers USC I mentioned UCLA 17th among the 18 big 10 schools 2024 not good uh Washington you know what stands Out Among the other big 10 newcomers so Washington I just don’t think has the same level of recruiter on staff that Oregon does and they obviously don’t

Have the same level of nil support but that’s still a a fine class for them UCLA is a class that I think really prefers to operate out of the portal now for the most part but also I mean think about it you got a staff there that for

The last couple months you had reports saying was going to get fired so it’s a little hard to recruit that they do they do have three four stars in the class eight three stars overall so it’s not dead last but they’re going to have to

Do a really nice job in the trans portal I I’ll point to two head coaches in the league who I think are probably sitting pretty tonight okay Nebraska getting riola is really big for them like that that’s a major win that Matt rule can sell on the recruiting Trail especially

If he plays early next year and actually looks good which I mean that that’s a hard ask okay Nebraska doesn’t have a super hard schedule but it’s not a cakewalk Nebraska has such a good offensive line we gave the offensive line coach AR Ray okay remember the

Offensive line was so good we had to award the offensive line coach whose last name is Rola and is the uncle of Dylan Rola we had to award him for the wonderful play of that offensive line coach I I think that’s that’s a very fair one also WIS scotson has a sneaky

Good class chip like they they got we have nine four stars for them I know it’s going to get overshadowed by some of the new guys coming into the league but you gota be pretty happy with this I think if you’re Wisconsin this is better than they a lot better than they doing

At Paul Chris we know that Luke fickle knows how to recruit knows how to ID Talent that’s a pretty nice one to see that’s that’s one where um I go back to the fact that Cincinnati’s recruiting was as good as Cincinnati’s recruiting had ever been when fickle got it humming

So I I apply the expectation of being a good recruiter on Luke fickle so if I’m a Wisconsin fan like I’m I’m very happy but I’m also happy because that’s what we were sold when we were sold the idea of Luke fickle finally getting his hands on a power conference program you know

Is probably not happy with results relative to what they were sold what USC oh buddy not a good day for the Trojans yeah I I don’t go get Lincoln Riley from or from Oklahoma to give me a class ranked 20th and fifth into Big 10 like you take

The USC job because you can recruit at a super Elite level that’s not happening right now I like Jason zandel the center they have a ton like it’s one of the better Center prospects I’ve seen in a while and they do have some good players in this class but man

Like this is the third full class that Riley signed now that’s I mean really this is what we’re what we’re we’re left with I I don’t know um maybe they’ll do a better job in the portal than I think and have a better season to sell this upcoming

Year maybe all the defensive staff changes really will make I actually think they probably will make a difference to be honest they have to but I mean this this is a when we look in two to three years will we say like hey this is the this class is the reason USC

Is not taking like another step if they get things wred but they’re not ready to jump into like The Natty conversation like well 23 class really wasn’t great man or 24 class really wasn’t great it sounds like the same thing you said about UCLA just with different expectations they’ become a portal team

You know and roll the dice with that as you will might work out but um fascinating to see


  1. It’s still really strange Oregon is in the Big 10 now, but I’m here for it, can’t wait to take trips to the Midwest and check out all the Big 10 stadiums.

  2. Like, I don't wanna hate on Cristobal, but just objectively, WHY would any QB or WR go to Miami? He has consistently proven he does not focus on developing them.

  3. Ohio state goes to Florida. Goes to Georgia. And takes big recruits from the s.e.c.. keep hateing on the bucks!!! I love it!!!😊😊😊😊😊

  4. I love what coach Lanning is building. Our defense will get better and better. Hopefully we get Jericho Johnson tomorrow and my wish for new year is Nolen. Our defense will definitely be stout next year if we get them both. GO DUCKS

  5. Sheesh.

    12 min on the B1G and yet not a single sentence on the 3 times B1G champion???

    I mean, yeah, no 5* guy for the stargazers, but still plenty of high 4* blue chips and lots of potential with athletic hidden gems to at least mention ….


  6. Bud not going to acknowledge how osu has been propped up ranking wise the last few years just because of their skill Guys

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