Kaua Gabriel vs Dominic Mejia | AIGA Champions League Finals

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Uh K Gabrielle had a really tough uh to 65 kg but that was the day before yesterday he competed yesterday I think the Wake cup may have been a factor in his you know his performance he had a really tough decision win that could have gone either way but uh I see him

Stood opposite Dominic Mahia and I got to say he looks a lot bigger now he does put a lot of weight back on in those last 48 hours Mia comes out pulls guard right away trying to get on the leg nice G interes inversion there from Kanan

Gabrielle didn’t expect him to go leg game this early on against somebody like Dominic Mah interesting I can hear in the corner of the ass Republic see Kennedy Mar who’s going to be look at this drags him in this cross ASI and he’s got both legs under control I just

Beautiful oh he might he might look for this zlock here hard to see what got yeah I think kaan might have got out of danger not completely out that straight ankle log is still a thing can’t quite see the configuration of the leg entanglement on the other side sometimes it’ll beit

Difficult when they’re both wearing black to see exactly which limb is where yeah looks like the knee line has slipped yeah but Rob Eagle as we said yesterday you know such a great leg lock specialist he’ll make sure that they go back in exactly the same position one of

The best restarts I’ve seen yesterday you know he was right on top of that very difficult contentious restart and he handled it perfectly so we’re back in the center now and yeah I I I feel that kaan’s leg was out of danger and there now he comes up on

Top a scoop grip under the ankle looking for this outside leg control something trapped in the shorts 30 seconds to point Dominic 30 seconds to point Dominic 30 seconds 30 seconds 30 seconds Dominic yeah you can hear Kennedy this was a nice switch here by Dominic double

Wild oh he’s going to try this shinsky style straight ankle it’s a powerful lock he’s putting a lot of pressure on that foont he’s got a pretty good stretch on that yeah this is not a bad attack here let it go now I think we may see

Dominic come to top because Kennedy has been calling it again and again don’t come up yet don’t come up yet he’s been saying exactly when the points are active now they are active are we going to see a a change of momentum here shift momentum now well we’re going to have to

See him free his legs from the gripping strategy that Gabriel is employing Mia inverts to follow another inversion here and here’s Dominic again on this straight ankle attack swi off to the knee bar that was pretty close inside heel KNE line is out nice play by Gabriel coming up to attack

The back exposes the back briefly Mahia using the leg entanglement to counter he’s got the leg trapped up again 5050 cow actually ended back into the legs I thought he was going to disengage but no he’s looking for an inside heel hook of his own here from this 50/50 and

How to how to look at an Aoki lock for just a split second did K Gabriel I’m impressed by Kanan Gabrielle and oh there it is another look at the inside heel hook but that 50/50 is over the top of it oh man this will be a huge win it

Would Mahia got a grimacing look on his face saves himself turns back in yeah he’s trying to escape from this position he’s trying to separate those legs now he does manages clear the knee line but are you surprised by kanan’s strategy you know just staying there right in the

Pocket trading leglocks um no not really I think he’s got a lot of confid and for good reason he’s an incredible player you know this is by no means a throwaway match for Dominic Mahia he’s got his hands full I mean anybody coming out of

That mey golf all Camp is with this kind of Praise especially is going to be phenomenal I mean Gabriel he’s here for a reason yeah Mo brought him out no 100% if mey gaval has flown halfway across the world from sou Paulo Brazil all the way to

Alanti Kazakhstan and put this kid on team Mulo he’s definitely he’s definitely of a level to go up against anybody in the world and we’re definitely seeing that right now Dominic setting up a false reap attempt nice inversion Baron bolo to Counterattack it Mahia again throwing himself onto a leg

And this is a nice entanglement Mia now trading off to this zock position wants to get control of that second leg there it is and again get get he’s got this belly down ankle lock a Oki lock counter though by Gabriel he’s got a nice B on

It oh it’s the end of the match wow that’s the end of the round Dominic doesn’t look phased Ka Gabrielle looks wow kind of through the hands up for a second there he’s like must be gentlemen after first round 0 draw and a true draw true draw a true

Draw neither guy really taking the advantage on the other one Mia probably had the stronger positioning in the legs he was able to actually get into clean positions a few times so if I’m sitting on the sideline as one of the judges I’m probably going to throw that to Mahia

But having said that every entanglement every offensive attack that Dominic threw towards Gabriel Gabriel followed with great movement great counters got into a good attack of his own a couple of times had a nice look on anoki that was a pretty decent knee bar attempt threatened the back take here Gabriel

There’s that straight ankle lot trying to switch it off to the Aoki that was a strong foot lock attempt it was yeah I got to say that that round really was a true draw for me I don’t think anybody had a clear Advantage yeah as I as I watched through the replays

You know feeling that maybe Mahia had the advantage but watching through the replays I don’t I don’t know that I feel that way it’s a toss up all right s God does kaan Gabrielle we’re going to see Mahia drop back for legs again or I don’t think he has much of a choice

Got to put him down in search of a leg lock oh and he’s got a good attack going get him that straight ankle again Mahia having to counter very strongly as Aoki is in yeah the heal is out that is a that is an Aoki which is a devastating footl

For those who don’t know if you’ve ever been on the receiving end of one of those oh man they’re nasty nice work by Mahia but he counters bringing in a leg of his own and see how he throws that leg into position he’s very good at this attack it’s setting it

Up and man Gabriel though justes doing such a great job of staying calm in that bad position that’s probably the third time he’s escaped that attack but Mahia finding his way to it with relative ease a couple of times yeah he’s showing good composure not panicking in those exchanges and

Responding well and in the technically appropriate Way give his own man they are just going back and forward these leg locks huh down down not sure how I feel about the double Mercy grips in this position though doic we know we know what to do Dominic we know what to do Dominic let’s

Go know what to do Dominic let’s go Dominic we hear Kennedy saying again and again we know what to do I would like to know what that is I’d like to know what the strategy is here cuz I mean if it’s get a leg look I’m not sure that’s going to

Happen not based on what we’ve seen so far of course he could if he keeps working for it but do you think that’s the game here I think the game is to use the leg entanglements to come up and score sweeps or wrestle UPS perhaps I like this grip that Dominic’s playing

Right here using his head against the toes the lever of the foot he’s getting lost on the game he’s getting lost go let’s go Dom keep curious kind of in tanglement right here no clear advantages Gabrielle with Del hea shot all across the yeah kanan’s just doing such a fine

Job attacking do he’s not just like dealing with but he’s countering and attacking the leg lock entanglements of Mahia oh here’s a grip on the inside heel Gabriel has a pretty good grip going here in the 50/50 okay has the Bell on itart Focus attention find your H

Hook I’ll be honest I am not a fan of this position I know the 50/50 gu gets bad R in my opinion with good reason because like this right here yeah it’s very difficult to untangle yourself without exposing yourself to Danger look at this Dominic threat the

DAR choke against the 5050 rul you know what’s the difference though like 5050 really got its bad reputation from the ghe matches where the heel hooks were illegal and where advantages you know guys were just playing for advantages and there’s no real they don’t have that bazooka no in the ghee

But then in matches like this the heel hook isn’t just like a an Instant Checkmate you know it doesn’t deal with the position that well because when both the guys are very good and also whe the we the heel hook they will make sure that they’re not giving

Anything up so in effect it forces them to stay locked yeah but it’s like watching a heavyweight boxing match in a lot of ways like are they is there a ton of activity not always but the Bazooka could come at any moment somebody could

Go to sleep and that’s kind of the way I feel about 50/50 and nogee like is it the most exciting position no but sometimes it ends very very violently and we like to see that we do indeed like violent submissions here at AA Champions League that is very very true

Well time will run out in this second 5 minute round and again just dead even neck and neck both of these guys second round I hope the judges are playing close attention because both of those rounds were 0 and with no clear Advantage either way would would you say

The same or do you see one or the other in the lead here no I really I really don’t see anybody in the lead I feel like both guys have had you know every time that Dominic has made a strong entry Kanan has countered it not not

Just not just dealt with it well but attacked it you know like with his inversions trying to spin spin under and go to the back he’s had a couple of pretty decent like this was a pretty decent look you can see it on Dominic’s face oh yeah that’s the giveaway

Right but this is I mean this is about as tightly contested as you can have a match especially considering that there’s been plenty of action like neither guy has even been close to a stalling penalty or even getting the stalling clock turned on there’s been no admonitions from the referee to increase

The pace and yet no one has gained an inch of Advantage round three kind of ironic that Rob deagle noted leglock specialist has had to officiate the probably the most leglock intense match of this entire weekend maybe this entire season yeah straight back into this shootout right

Now Lally seconds into the round and they’re right back at it like there was no break Dominic coming up and he’s going to get into his passing let go let’s go turn it up Dominic push that foot down Li there you go push that foot down let’s go let’s

Go let’s go let’s go turn it up Dom turn it up turn it up I find it interesting to hear the Republic Corner saying come on Dominic pressure pressure time to go so definitely looks like a change in strategy now from here that he’s looking to pass rather than hang out in the

Pocket with uh with Kanan Gabrielle like he has in the previous two rounds Gabrielle wants to get into this false reap here it looks like but Dominic now taking upper body control trying to slice through the guard good job by kawan watch your foot foot en time defend your foot dominate 30

Seconds for points okay there you go there you go that’s better work for do here now nice let’s go pressure pressure tries to cut the angle to develop the guard pass a little further and get shut out 5 Seconds point you need to now so smart there from Kennedy martial

Saying Dominic here if you need to sit sit now do so before the points come into play it’s exactly what he did he into a double yeah there you good call by Robert deagle our referee G to get these guys back in the center yeah he’s been on top of It yeah no usually can have sweep we win a lot of opportunities to criticize the referees at any event been great here but Robert has really in particular done a great job and and now he’s working this restart again making sure that both guys get exactly what they had before

Yeah I think the whole hats off to the whole referee and and judges crew I think they’ve done a fine job these last two days and very high stakes matches where the pressure is on so Dom threatens the wrestle out that is interesting to know that cwan very much

Sat back on his heel and not going forward there Dominic’s being the aggressive one now Kanan Gabrielle aggressively head positioning but I I feel if he doesn’t start going forward you may you may see him get hit with a uh a warning and if that happens that’s got

To give the advantage in the match to Dominic even if no stalling eventually gets called and now dominant getting into two under hooks with his butterflies pushes away at the hip switching off now to the reap and now both legs under control oh that’s nice work there from

Dominant Mia going for that lateral knee bar Gabrielle seems to have dealt with it though oh that’s nice word from Gabrielle can he keep kaang down is the question I to the back reversed part Lu oh he’s got one hook oh my goodness he’s he’s got one hook in

Minute 20 to go pressure is on now can he score ooh the second hook comes in but the first one comes out asai Republic need this win really really badly he’s got a minute and change to work he’s got the two for the reversal oh that is much needed points for Dominic

M and if he keeps working he could solidify that lead even more where he put the second hook in the end Kennedy calling for him submit the corner submit he doesn’t want him to stop absolutely I mean submission is also uh you know such an important factor in this psychologically speaking

You a win is a win but man you want to win by finish if you can stay tight stay tight stay with hook stay with the Bel great up body control yeah he does almost switch off the rear naked there one hook in a little bit high is Mia 15 seconds to go Dominic on the hunt there’s that second hook oh yeah Cowan Gabrielle doing such a good job of denying him that second hook you can see real good grip and M is just going to hold on now and time runs out with that two lead and

Is now one match a piece for team adalo in assai Republic after Dominic Mahia scores the win over kaan Gabrielle in a hard fought match it was a hard fought match that was that was Close it really came down to that third round and Dominic this match lasted for all the three rounds according by po Decision One fighter from Blue Corner Dominique Mia yeah I don’t think domination is the right word but I would say that he outworked uh outworked K Gabrielle in

The latter half of the round and and was the only person to score not B position in the entire match so yeah he really had Kanan on his back foot pretty much that entire third round and that’s a big win for oai Republic that’s one that they had to

Have you know all of these a lot of these matchups when you look at him on paper the M golf ball versus eagor match if you’re looking at that on paper there’s no way you pick eag over ma that’s a match that you know you never

Want to just throw him away but you if you’re making the betting lines you’re going m g yeah but these matchups like Mahia versus Gabriel that you know they’re kind of toss-ups on paper asai Republic has to take these matches they have to lose absolutely yeah and so

That’s a big play Dominic Mahia coming up big for his team oai Republic ties it up one and one $50,000 on the line HT that’s a lot of money and I think just the sheer the sheer feat of being called AA Champions League winners and people want

That this replay shows here now this final kind of seconds look at the emotion in the assai Republic corner and we could reason because after 10 12 really tough minutes of uh such razor thin action I mean getting to that position position Al wow that’s a big win it’s a big

Score a great performance from Dominic M for as Republic and a great performance by Kanan Gabriel as well no shame in the way that that one played out


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