This COMPLETELY TRANSFORMED my Pitching : Short Game Magic!

Most golfers will think this is above there skill level, but trust me, it’s so simple when you know how. You can quickly lower your scores, just like me, with these two short game shots.

Being able to hit the higher launching / spinning “Fade” pitch will create height and stopping power and the lower launching / spinning “Draw” pitch will create more roll and release to help get to those back flags!

The other benefit is these two shots work best great from very different lies. The “Fade / cutty pitch” will be best from tighter or poorer lies and the “low draw pitch” from lush or softer lies..

So grab your wedge and lets quickly and simply increase your short game skill level!

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You probably think that trying to draw and fade your pitches is too complicated and not for you but you’re wrong it can be very very simple I’m going to share with you how why do we want to do it well it gives you more options so I’ve

Just hit two shots and we’re going to look through them this is the draw swing and there is the fade so visually there two very different ball flights the first one which is the white line started more On Target and Drew and was a lot lower at

The peak height the second one which is the green line we can see a much higher flight we can see something that’s moving to the right and you also saw there a very a huge difference in how quickly the ball ball stopped the fade stopped dead no run no roll whereas the

Draw ball flight ran on uh seven yards I’ll just double check it yeah I was right there seven yards of roll compared to one yard of roll uh the fade had a higher launch angle it had more back spin it had a higher Peak High and a

Steeper angle of descent all meaning the ball came into the ground and stopped much quicker so the fade can work when we’ve perhaps got that front pin maybe we’re downwind maybe we need to stop that ball quickly because we’re going for it where it’s tucked over a bunker

The draw ball flight is that lower one where it’s going to chase so if it’s a back flag and there’s actually a a reason to play one or the other depending on the LIE as well which I’m going to get on to now and it’s really not that complicated so I’m going to

Simplify things just with a few setup things and a little swing tweak let’s start with the draw ball flow what did you notice well one I set up with more of a closed stance for me as a right-handed goal for that is my body aiming a little bit more

Out to the right of the target the same way as we would do when we’re trying to draw a golf ball with our iron or a driver we’ generally drop back this Trail foot but it’s also important to try and do it with the hips the pelvis

And the upper half as well from a face on point of view I may have knocked that ball just a little bit further back in my St so I can drop that ball slightly further back and I can get my stance my body aiming a lot more to the right of the

Target I had the club face pretty Square to the Target line okay pretty Square there and in terms of a swing motion you’ll have just seen a much more rounded movement as if I was follow my body line a much more rounded but much more shorter golf swing so it’s more

This way let’s just go ahead and hit one more so stance and body is closed balls a little bit further back swings a little a little bit more rounded and again visually a much lower ball flight I’ve under hit that one a little bit but a much lower ball flight

With more run and release on Landing there so that ball flew 32 to finish 38 a six yards of run my previous one was seven yards of run whereas the fade we saw something stopping very quickly now that ball fly or or that technique is

Actually going to work to mean that I am very shallow what does that mean the club isn’t coming down into the ground it’s actually sweeping almost the angle of descent the angle of attack of the club is going to be a lot shallower now that’s going to work when you want to

Pick the ball off the top of the grass of the ball sitting up in the grass maybe in that Lush lie softer lie this technique can work really well to mean the club doesn’t dig it Glides a little bit more and as I said at the start

There it works really well when we want the ball to run and release so if we’ve got a back flag it’s much safer to land the ball in the middle of the green and let the ball roll and release what differences do we see when we hit the fade

Approach and I’ll go on to why we would try and do this and the lie that this would help with so now I’ve got the ball visually more forwards in my stance nearer my front foot that’s going to help me hit a little bit higher I’ve actually opened my stun the complete

Opposite I’ve got my body now pointing more to the left I’m encouraging my swing to follow my body lines the draw my body is aiming more to the right the fade my body is aiming more to the left for me is a right hander left handers switch so the ball’s more forwards my

Body’s more open my club face is open which is the opposite actually that’s a bit confusing for a beginner golfer so actually the club face is open which is aiming to the right my body is open which is aiming to the left I know that sounds a little strange so they’re in

Opposite directions and we always change the face before we grip it we don’t grip and then twist we actually want to open the face before we put our hands onto it and you may see from here I’m standing closer to it and more upright whereas

With the draw is a bit further away I my handle was a lot lower now I’m getting much closer to it getting that handle more up in the air and I’m just going to try and get my swing to follow my feet and we’re going to look at something at

The end of the golf swing okay so it’s a longer motion isn’t it the club has finished a lot higher I’ve missed the target slightly I’ve missed the target there but the technique hopefully was still pretty good so the club was going more to the left the club

Has finished a lot higher and the club face looks like it’s pointing a lot more back towards me so when I’m hitting that fade shot I’m ending up with a wrist position more this way okay so the back of my glove logo is pointing more to towards me I’ve effectively done that

More with the ri wrist whereas with the draw my wrist was a lot quieter through the motion so there’s more release Here of the wrist actually going into extension through that movement and that will just come about automatically with those setup changes because I’m moving across the ball this way okay and that’s

Really giving us that height that stopping power now what lie would I play this from well this is an incredibly good technique from a bad lie when we still want height when we still want elevation so the ball might be a little bit more buried down into the ground

Into the grass or maybe just off a very poor bare lie so we can actually get that club cutting across the golf ball and still get some height let see if I can hit a better one of that open the club before I grip it ball more forwards

Body aiming a little bit more left swing on my body line there we go so although that was short of tar Target you’ll again see how quickly that ball stopped how vertical my club shaft is in the finish position a spin rate into the mid sort of 6000s

Whereas the draws it was low 5000 so there’s a you know 1,300 400 Revolutions of backspin difference between the draw and the fade but also massive difference in the launch angle it made about 8 to 10° difference in the launch angle the peak kight obviously if the fade was a

Lot higher the stopping power was a lot lot quicker so it’s nice having more than one option in there yes we can vary the club but actually being able to alter how we’re using the club means we’re starting to use different parts of the soul and that really means that we

Can utilize this from different lies whether it’s a soft Lush line we want that draw approach or whether it’s a harder tighter lie and we actually want that more cuty fade approach it gives you more options around the green which is ultimately going to lower your golf

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1 Comment

  1. This was an excellent presentation Jon on the difference between a "draw" and a "fade" pitch shot! It certainly opened my eyes and what the end result would be on playing each of these shots. It looks like I'm also going to have to alter my set up and ball position because I think I try to hit each from a similar stance and I just close or open my club face. Well Done Jon!!!

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