Golf Babe

“Beyond The Bend” | Notre Dame’s Odyssey to the Home of Golf

For the first time in St. Andrews history, four American universities were invited to compete in the inaugural St. Andrews Links Collegiate. Notre Dame, one of the most storied universities and sports programs in the world, was among them. From South Bend to St. Andrews, the GOLF Team joined the men’s and women’s golf teams to document their journey to Scotland.
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A walk through St Andrews is a walk through time I suppose you know every nook and Fanny of that golf course for the first time in their hallowed history four American universities will play a 3-day tournament on the links of St Andrews the inaugural St Andrews links Collegiate will give the athletes a

Chance to te it up where Legends have before them next on the team from notredam Chloe shabon and for Notre Dame it allows them to compete against the best programs in golf I don’t know for me it like it brought me back in time like that’s what I’d imagine

Like old Tom Morris would be doing just from the beginning when I could see that she was hanging with her and and coming down the stretch I was like we might win this match do your thing one more round shot dude F that fly of there a that was a sick

Shot I’m happy to be here but uh that’s not the Notre Dame way the Notre Dame way is to enjoy the experience but we want to go Win just so proud of her for that fight you guys have instilled that all fight you’re not going to lose in one you’re not going to lose it in two but like how do we do it in one less it’s like going if it’s high or low it’s it’s Wronging recruits when they come here staff when they come here um they say there’s there’s nothing quite like Notre Dame you know the the Notre Dame monogram that we all wear with with pride it means so much more than just ourselves and it it’s a it’s a whole program it’s

University and it’s a brand that’s worldwide um that’s probably the most important thing we do to to make sure we find the right fit for for Notre Dame and someone that’s going to be a great player for a program but also someone that’s going to represent Notre Dame you know at all Times he chose Notre Dame CU he wanted to make a difference he didn’t want to go to a another school that had you know 20 guys on tour he wanted to be the the first to start that at Notre Dame Golf and there’s very few people that

Are that mature at his age to be able to recognize that he’s one of the best players of all time in in the history of Notre Dame golf so to have him back for fifth year is is uh very Impactful I had a really difficult time deciding where to go to school at the very end and it really came down to the people that were at in Notre Dame and Coach Hanan more importantly than his golf skills and and what he brings golf wise is just

A really high character person I wanted to go somewhere where I could have an impact I didn’t want to just be another guy that kind of went through a program and it’s great that schools have hundreds of all Americans that have been there but I felt like if I could be one

Of the first to do that um that I could leave an impact on a program Palmer is definitely a a lead by example type of person uh although he’s become more and more comfortable being uh a vocal leader the final shot right there one person in

The on the team has to get it if not then we redo the chipping I’ve never played true Links Golf never been to Scotland and just playing golf over there and the wind and the elements I’m I’m really looking forward to that by are looking huge

Stew you guys should zoom in on his biceps they’re freaking huge I think having two captains under the same house really allows us to talk to each other about what’s going on with the team how we can do things better and it’s such a great opportunity we have this

Year that’s my captain that’s my captain we’re attracted to Angelo because of his energy there’s nobody that has more fun in the golf course than Angelo like C man H never know cheers I’m trying to just live in the moment right now just CU you only play

Golf in Notre Dame for so long and I’m really really goingon to enjoy this last year oh my pure holy crap I’m pretty serious um I have fun sometimes but it’s it’s pretty business for me so Angelo compliments me well and and I hope I do

The same for him his growth and his maturity as a player is just incredible uh it speaks to his his work ethic um his passion for the game his desire to get better just to go to Scotland play golf is is one thing and that’s super

Super cool and then play at St Andrews is is another thing and then to have that all be on TV and competing against some of the best other college golfers in the world is uh it’s going to be really special and something that I’m going to remember for the rest of my

Life whether I play great or or don’t me that old Rel it’s good by the by the time I was old enough to start playing golf my sisters were already at it and freshman Rachel hack of Stanford is your 2021 women’s individual Champion Abby how many birdies did you have I had 14

Birdies over the three rounds oh my God that’s a lot it was just always been a part of my life we’re doing great I I’m the only idiot out here yep all right like the greens are flooded you you’re in casual water on the green but is it

Fun yeah all right let’s play as much as we could be competitive over little things um it’s just really comes from full support and care for each other I like to look at what my sisters have done as inspiration for what I want to do not any sort of

Expectation she has a really interesting perspective on the game of golf it’s a much simpler uh view of things and and I think that that’s really refreshing because to her it’s just how quickly can I get the ball in the hole oh beautiful go in

Oh oh she buries it and a heck always buries it you hear any team is support of each other but at Notre Dame like there’s something different I swear there’s really a special sense of community here in just the Glorious life of Mimi Burton cleaning my

Clubs my dad played golf here so playing golf and then playing golf at Notre Dame was just kind of following in his footsteps cheer cheer for not Dame wake got the US freshman are here and obviously we spend so much time together they were perfect I mean what can I say that’s why

I make every single put on the other freshman are Anna heck and Mimi Burton and um I think that we’ve had a great time together and have grown together you’re butting I got into golf when I was 4 years old my dad brought me to the range

Kind of went from there and then I got interested in Notre Dame and then I came to visit and fell in love with the place you don’t need to go see any budy come here I want to call my shot to the microphone andw going in

Oh I said into the mic I was going to make it before I hit it I said I said I’m said I’m putting on record I’m calling my my shot I wasn’t going to come back for a fifth year but certain things happened along with great play

From our incoming freshman and it made me realize that these freshmen this year have a lot of Talent I don’t know how coach zedric and I I did it but uh we got a phenomenal freshman class so what’s been like the biggest change like your lifestyle now as a freshman on a college campus the first time W from m home like doing my own laundry I

Probably it’s probably the toughest that’s one of the toughest changes I um forever grateful to my mom it’s a lot more on you to take it into your own hands and do the things that you need to do and I think at home everyone kind of babies you to oh you

Need to do this you need to do that and I feel like over here at Notre Dame it’s it’s in your hands you’ve got all the resources available to you so I think it’s just managing managing the time and yeah obviously laundry that’s lot that’s that’s something way different as All we got here we got all of our gear I was pretty surprised of how many quarter Zips sweatshirts hoodies um jackets we got I was told by Chris that we got a couple jerseys I I’m from a hockey background so I’m thinking of Jersey as

Uh the jersey that I wore growing up but apparently uh those quarter Zips are called jerseys in South Africa so we call them jerseys back home so he looked to me as if I was speaking a different language he was so confused um and yeah almost offended that I called it a

Jersey so so like in football what do they wear that would be like team kid like like a soccer shirt a football shirt you wouldn’t call it a Jersey Jersey it’s not a jersey okay it’s fine whatever you say so we we got a great group and and

Uh and they just fit into what we believe in that’s special here at Notre Dame and when you got guys that are that passionate about Notre Dame and Notre Dame go off they’re going to be successful I I think it’s a privilege and an honor to be able to contend in

The event and play in the event since there’s only four schools um and just because of that it makes it even more special I mean play at the home of golf on on golf channels pretty sweet as a as a freshman in college so it’s going to

Be a it’s going to be a really fun week I took 10% out of it too oh Lord have mercy I guess I’ve always kind of been like this don’t I look like a diva right now this is just like a whole personality thing this is going to be on

TV and you’re going to look like that for the rest of your life no my hair looks good I never strayed my hair Chloe oh she is the probably the funniest person I’ve ever met why did I set it up right there I was thinking that I was like why is that

Lip gun in my way I think it’s important to have someone on the team that like lifts everyone up makes you laugh makes you take things maybe not so seriously at times where you’re feeling a bit pressured good job M just the team plays better when you’re having a good time

Obviously good J team culture I feel is as great as it’s ever been Ro for five solid minut didn’t know I saw I was my main supporter is definitely my dad um he’s literally the coolest person to ever exist he’s the nicest nicest guy ever he makes me feel like home wherever

We are traveling it’s Father’s Day 2006 you knocking in the water let’s see you make it he’s so positive he’s like he always calls himself my biggest cheerleader so he he’s just been like the biggest inspiration for me and it’s honestly like the main reason why I still love to

Golf uh just I know I’m making him proud there it is this one probably just land just short of it cuz it’s going to bounce out of the rough and then this other one I can land right on the front what’s it been like playing with Lauren she’s an

Awesome player so she’s good good competition Lauren and her journey here at Notre Dame is pretty much one of the sole reasons I’ve wanted to come back to Notre Dame and help make it a better place oo little zest little spice little spice my first three years our program

Definitely struggled but with Coach Caroline and Coach Carrie coming in last year I saw a huge change in the program and so I really bought into what their message was and how they wanted to turn this program around and Coach Carrie you know she played here um and I feel like

She’s very similar personality wise to me G and I actually relate to each other a lot oh oh where you go right on the I’ll move it you can’t hit that that’s like a total Scotland oh yeah good Lauren really good really nice Lauren she’s a gamer she

Wants it she is always focused she’s always pushing herself never a Doubt I think she’s an incredibly talented individual at the game of golf this golf team means everything to me and so I’m really invested in this program and I want to see it do well as much as it can yeah I was like that’s smart when the St Andrews event was

Announced I was really excited that was kind of my focus um for preparing um and practice and everything like that is I want to make sure that my game is in top shape for that tournament I mean it’s one of the most iconic golf courses in

The world if you’ve touched a golf club you know what St Andrews is you know only four schools get the chance to do this so I’m just really thankful that we’re one of those four and and we have the opportunity to go compete on you know a televised event on

The most special one of the most special golf courses in the entire World the preparation will be pretty similar here on in town but then I think once we get over there and we’re going early because it’s on fall break so a lot of our preparation to be specific for the turn tournament will come when we’re over there get your warm

Up in and let’s do it can I take a picture of this what we’ve got to do from a preparation standpoint to get ready to to play ly’s golf he’ll probably hit a few awkward bunker shots here and there cuty I think we’re going to have to rely

A lot on Coach because I don’t think any of us well Chris has but none of us have played a lot of lyx golf so right we’re going to have to do a little bit more trajectory work I think and um work on stuff that you don’t really have to think about when

You’re playing over here all of our families are coming and this is going to be a great experience for overall parents and family members coming to see their kids play golf at the home of golf honestly and just have that United experience expi of this is where Notre Dame has brought us all

Together and this is where the game of golf has brought Us you either love Notre Dame or or you don’t and and we we kind of embrac that you know and and we like to play against the best teams in the country and that’s how we know where we stand and uh we we’ve proven that we can compete against

The best and each each week we want to play those those teams I think it’ll be a huge learning learning experience and a memory that we’ll all be able to share for a whole lifetime they don’t want to come here cuz it’s easy you know Notre Dame is not meant to be easy it’s meant to challenge you academically and it’s meant to

Challenge you in golf and if you want to come in and play against the easy schools and get an easy win that’s not what Notre Dame is we want to play against the best and and that’s how we we know how good we are and if you want

To win a National Championship you better get used to playing the the top teams in the country and that’s the people that we recruit to Notre Dame the people that want to do that I it literally cannot get worse like cuz I feel like if every course in Scotland shut down it it’s got to be bad that’s good me my God that’s that wind is taking oh I see it you become someone’s psychologist it’s all just like keeping

Them in the game I feel like making sure their positivity is up making sure their confidence is like not fleeting and it’s very like who they are and saying natural to themselves I think it’s just being a support system to them out there preparing enough obviously beforehand

And then they just go play and they go be Athletes oh it’s been really really fun this place is magical feel like the weather might not be great but that’s the whole essence of it I mean they said that scy was going to be cold and windy but not this cold and windy I mean courses are all closed

And they never close in Scotland never I mean this is pretty crazy I’ve never been I’ve been through a lot of wind but nothing this crazy so we’re here quite a bit early um we never bring both teams so that part of that the culture and the chemistry has been

Great I know that we’ve been here for a few days and and gotten to play golf and it’s been a little bit more relaxed but it has been a very good warm up and preparation for us to begin the Tournament a handful of us uh even though most places were closed around here uh bundled up and brave the elements and and played the old course you were standing on some of the putts and your putter would like blow offline it was just like I never really

Played in that before H it was so cool um had a really awesome caddy so and we get caddies for the actual tournament round here so I’m going to try to get him again which is cool I think when the conditions get as Extreme as they were yesterday you really learn the essence

Of uh what Lyn’s golf is and you have to it’s it’s all about the angles especially a place like the old course playing in that much wind and that that rain that we had I think it it almost kind of forced you to to embrace what Lyn’s golf is

I think the men’s and women’s team a lot closer like like right now practicing in these T types of wins like hitting different shots with each other I feel like we’re probably the closest now as two teams as we’ve been in my four years so far so I think that that’s

Great all right let’s see some here hit a big old fade that’s nice Angie is this a joke oh it’s raining too I strained my hair last night dude it’s going to be ruined so just for our players to experience this in such a historic place

But also have their families to share in the experience with them and really as a Notre Dame golf family is something that’s really important to us and so for them to be able to do that and have us all here together and I family also is

Here and so I think it’s just ex extremely unique and super special my dad’s a huge golf fan and so like getting the opportunity to watch me play here he’s really excited um and so they said they like wouldn’t miss it for the world the bonding has been great and

Uh both teams are getting to know each other very well and um playing lots of golf together we’re mixing up the groups for each golf course we play so um they get to play with someone different guys are paired with girls Etc um so yeah we’ve had fun ma matches and you know

Hospitality has been awesome so um been a great week so far and now we’re looking forward to getting into the uh Competition I’m just excited to get started and to Tee It Up and not just be here to have a good experience but to be here to go Win after months of anticipation and weeks of preparation the Fighting Irish would have the chance to write another chapter in its storyed history with the start of the St Andrews lyx Collegiate the first two days would be stroke play on the Jubilee course to determine team seating for the final day

A match play test on the old course next on the team from notam Palmer Jackson the opening two rounds would be critical for the Irish they needed everyone at their best to grab a top seed for Wednesday’s match Play Palmer Jackson would lead the men’s team out for the early rounds excellent mning for some golf while kloe shobon and the women’s team would be tackling the later rounds Luck we’re thrilled to be here in Scotland for this inaugural event and Karen when you look at the experience for these young men and women what’s it been like so far for them and what’s it going to continue to be like over the next few days well I think when the when

The players saw the names were on the list to come here to St Andrews I’ve me the the excitement has to go through the roof they’ve been walking around the old course and of course everybody knows the old course but the Jubilee course is a little different I can’t wait to see how

That’s uh playing next on the team from notam Nate Stevens sophomore Nate Stevens would provide an early spark for the Irish and give a little heat to the early morning chill [Applause] I just said to my daughter before he hid can you believe that all of the little junior tournaments we’ve played through all the years this little par three that little par three all the miles all the crummy food we’ve eaten took us here and then he stands up and

And his it in uh it was I mean it’s for a movie you couldn’t make it out he was afraid that he might U misplace it or get it uh intermingled with others so we have it here and uh it’ll be displayed somewhere proudly in our home or maybe

In a storm room I don’t know but um we’ll bring it back to the States and uh be sure that it’s on display somewhere for him finding your rhythm again after playing in the wind for so much can be hard so that’s what the players are doing today

At 15 Nate Stevens Notre Dame his second at the par four oh how about that Stevens would lead the men’s team throughout the first round relying on his strong iron play to take a share of third place with a three under 67 next on the team from notam Montgomery

Ferrera play well have a great game good day there shall see you catch you sometime sometime always it’s a Well trodden Path North America coming to St Andrews and playing these golf courses but this is a different kind of event different kind of kids coming to play and we hope this

Is a start of them having a long relationship with St Andrews in the future for the inaugural event I think we really want to make sure that we had some really great schools coming uh and a school like Notre Dame is renowned across the world you know it means a lot

To I think sports fans and golf fans fans we’re historic venue I think it’s a great marriage between a historic University and a and a you know the home of golf you know doesn’t get any better than that you see the level of excitement they’ve got against compon Andrew for

The first time play lyx golf for the first time and if the friends and family are here you can’t help but get a buzz out I’ve seeing how much they’re enjoying it and that feeds off into us Freshman Jacob vetki was also playing well around Jubilee his five birdies on the front nine pushed him up the leaderboard and he eventually settled in a tie for sixth Roco salvitti came into round one under the weather not that it showed he had only W bogy on the round and joined Stevens in third place with his own 67 stop nice ball flight here just left of the flag but should be good taking a look at the Notre Dame scores for day number one if you’re new to college golf this week six players go out top five scores count as well local um your associational and pace of play

Policy everything you’ve always wanted and I have written on that hole number four 12T from the Left stepping on the first te was a little extra special for Mimi Burton from nimi Burton during the practice round she’d already experienced some St Andrews magic baby had a very special moment yesterday you kind of recap what happened yeah well the the part that was funny a lot of my friends one of my buddies was teasing me uh that the biggest surprise was that the video

Wasn’t shot by me oh oh my God May ho in one what but it was incredibly special very special Awesome the women’s team had to overcome some early round troubles but despite battling through the worst of the cold they were now climbing up the team leaderboard the my God I think some of the parents tell me you know she makes everybody smile all the time and she that obviously that makes

Me feel uh terrific the AL with play will be Reagan then Chloe then Megan and then yourself okay thank you awesome next on the team from notam Chloe Shon Khloe Shon would play her way onto the first page of the leaderboard along with freshman Alex lappel both girls turned in 74s which

Got them tied for seven she does enjoy being on the stage and sort of the bigger the moment um better she play she won you know an amateur at 14 and finished the round birdie birdie birdie eagle Eagle to finish with the cameras on so that

Brings out her best we go to 16 Angelo Marone from Notre Dame look at that just a golf shirt now warming up for him and sunglasses well he’s calm he’s much calmer than he used to be as a golfer he has matured quite a bit um not the

Hotthead that he was in high school uh a lot more just let things slide off his shoulders uh and you know having more fun and looking at the big picture we got off to an okay start and uh didn’t quite have everyone clicking right out of the gate but as we made the

Turn made some birdies and and got ourselves in good position I know we wanted to finish better you know we’re four shots out of first right now four shots can change hands in one hole so that’s the great thing about college golf the left so need to adjust your t-

Shot slightly and this drawing against that wind in a perfect spot really proud of Rocco Roco is very sick right now and to shoot three under and um his first competitive round in lyns golf I thought that was great you know day like today we could have played a little better but we’re

For sure in great position tomorrow I have to have some guts and some resilience and uh We’ve we’ve played in all the elements this week so we’ll be uh we’ll be ready for it Montgomery Ferrera from Notre Dame at the 11th she’s got this for Birdie the Junior

From Tacoma Washington played in all 10 events last season for the fighting iish you you know a staple in that lineup Captain’s lead with inspired play and that’s just what Lauren Buro did down the stretch kind of like that mhm exactly nice putt there by Lauren keeps it at

Even yeah you can smile yes you Can that’s got a little heat behind it it does we haven’t seen a ton of success by many players uh from these positions but how good is this very nice has a little bit of an up slope there that’s always a relief when you’re in those pot bunkers the temperature dropped about

15° on whole 13 and definitely a different game plan and had to be started bringing the ball down elevation wise but um we back at it tomorrow I had a good time the camera turn on I’m like yes good round uh I’m eager to tea off more in

The morning tomorrow to see if we get some good weather uh out there and they can finish more in the warmer climate um and then tomorrow just being able to compete again they know there’s birdies out there they know that they can rebound really well so just getting

After it again by Day end the Irish women were only two strokes back giving them a strong chance to grab a top seed for the championship match Play Notre Dame was faced with the challenge of playing catchup on day two but they would also have to compete against the weather 22 22 on we’re looking for 100 oh we’re ring it right on front yeah like oh I see yes I see now it’s like

Going if it’s high or low it’s it’s rolling like probably most I think yeah yeah that’s fine we shall see we’re in play we went towards so the one dog that isn’t I go to pet cuz it’s a pretty f start barking in The Bu I’m like no the giant one that

Looked like he looked like the Junkyard Dog from FL mix with some else yeah he looked like the Junkyard Dog from um the sand line it was a big one Alex is just having a time today with her group she’s like it’s like junior golf with Reagan and then the Georgetown girl Hey guys name is builda I know Alex from junior golf go that also if you guys know this Alex D tattoo of the face on it it’s not just my face it’s me Swinging these are the clubs we’ve taken so far six iron Anna ended up being like here M

Mimi um up there and then gum was over here on the left but it was a perfect Alex lle was trying to match her first round play but the weather on Jubilee was raising the challenge for everyone strong winds off the co would make it a struggle and Midway through

Both teams started to slip further back Palmer Jackson was doing his best to keep the irish’s chances alive what a shot dude wow did that fly of there a that was a sick shot I honestly thought it was going to be a seven when you’re you know setting

Up to it and then when you hit it I’m like my goodness that was was correct cuz that thing was launched yeah nice stream man well done that boy shot of the day right there he started on the back n one under and finished the round with a two under

68 to give the man a much needed Lift another boost came from co- Captain Angelo Mar wasn’t letting the weather affect his performance just like kind of a maybe a slightly Higher One but just landay at the number and take what it gives you you know what I’m saying you like just a full if you’re comfortable with it

Off I think it’s I don’t smash no I think it’s a stock one I know this looks a little left but see that black box kind of behind I think it’s the right edge of that I I if I hit on that’s like 10 ft

10 15t is fine yeah just hold it out to there you got This okay I think in general as a coach um it’s really understanding the player and then putting yourself in a position where how can I support them because the coaching’s happened at home you know we we’re either really prepared or you’re not once the once the gun sounds and you

Start competing so you’re really looking to to find ways to to support them in any way you can to play their best stock Angelo started the day with an eagle on the first and continued to cruise along as he hit the turn Angelo Marone Notre Dame ready to go Brave one just a

Little golf shirt little short uh compression underneath they’re used to it in South Bend right those cold days in the midwest I’m thinking that it gets fairly cold up there but even so I mean this is uh Brave it is very brave it’s got theed regular baseball hat on as

Well oh to be young this is true Vanderbilt in North Carolina opened up team leads against both teams late in the day but the Irish continued to battle their way through the end of the second round if you’re going to turn a drawer into the wind it’s going to take some

Distance off if you’re going to ride the wind it will go farther it’s going to be hard to ride the wind and get it close to this whole location today at the ninth how about that shot by Nate Stevens As Angelo stepped to the 18th only 15 ft separated him from tying the lowest round of the tournament danelo Marone at the last see if he can do it in style there you [Applause] go 64 that’s lovely right there a I told myself I’m going to make this

Just because I just want to kind of see that reaction a little bit um so yeah I was it was really cool I didn’t know how our team has done yet um I want to make it for them um and it was it was really

Cool to hear that Roar you know uh so just that was [Applause] awesome I played wall just some bad breaks didn’t really po well but I knew something was coming and so I think if you just have that belief that something Good’s coming something good will come

He wasn’t highly sought after uh as a high school senior um the fact that he’s here is just something something we’re tremendously proud of and you know so excited for him cuz it just opens up so many doors for him just makes golf fun I mean that’s what golf is supposed to be

It’s supposed to be fun not supposed to be in your head all the time so um just being out there talking to my mom and dad about whatever’s on my mind just uh it’s a comfort level for sure the Notre Dame men’s team would settle into the third seed and look

Forward to a match up with Georgetown on the old course Wednesday Khloe shobon battled back from a bogey bogy start to make a move late in the afternoon her dad’s presence wasn’t the only inspiration I’m playing with one of my best friends from home I said coming into it I was like God this would be one of the the best experiences and most

Memorable experiences of my life if I got to play with Chloe at least for one day and that happened today and it was it was awesome and it was so amazing to watch her play great because she’s as much as an amazing person she is she’s an incredible player and it’s cool to

Witness both sides I don’t think you could get tired of this setting wow Majestic setting her mom and I have been married about 25 years and were never blessed you know with a child and then that my mom was 46 and we were down bying a

Boat and B yacht and we wented a test run her mom got sick she called me on Monday and said I did a pregnancy test and it’s positive my real mom did have cancer at the time had lymphoma was under had been through chemo and everybody was worried but she had the

Happiest pregnancy I think you can possibly have and just took it as a gift from God holy momy having Super Bowl Sunday having their tea party 2008 we lost her mom and she had just turned eight so it’s just been the the two of us but uh I never sugarcoated it I said

You know was is as tough a blow as you can have and but you know God works in mysterious ways and you know that’s what life does you and I feel like you’re got to come out of this stronger and stronger Clo’s doing good

Good all I got to do is got 143 all I got to do is hold it I mean you’ll do it for the camera all right see a pound this one beautiful right down the middle we watch Khloe shobon from Notre Dame trying to close with birdie there you [Applause]

Go love it the tip of the Hat good finish good finish how cool is that now now I have a [Laughter] I’m just so proud of her for that Fight uh going into today we really had a good chance to contend for a spot in the championship match and although we made a few too many mistakes I think it was a good day for learning for our team and they made some adjustments and not

Enough to get the job done for today but a lot of things that will be helpful going into the tournament and the match play tomorrow um I’m really proud of Chloe out there today she got in a few tough spots early in the day but salvaged Bogies and then just kind of

Rided the ship and and really did a great job to finish even on the day and even par round on this uh on this course is a really good score and so I’m just proud of the growth that she’s had and the resiliency and that’s what we’ve

Been trying to work on um ever since I got here and to see it really pay off is is huge ladies and gentlemen welcome to the St Andrews links Collegiate 2023 and our final day we’ll be starting this morning with the consolation matches day three saw the Irish square

Off with the hoyes and though it wasn’t for the title it was by no means a consolation for Notre game next on the team from notam Lauren Buro this is game number two first on the T from notam kayin Sanderson the trifecta of Cold Wind and

Rain would make this match a proper test on the old course game number 12 first on the te from notam Nate Divens to win today the Irish would need all the support they could gather from parents and from fellow players Steve let see man yeah golf in Scotland you

You don’t get much better than that so we got a job to do today and that’s to to win and I’m going to do whatever I can get the guys fired up and uh you know just help out where I can I think even though I’m not playing I feel like

I still have a role to play contribute different ways and help the guys as much as I can and if that’s just by being there and cheering them on getting them fired up I know a bunch of the guys really really like that and they appreciate that and that helps their

Game so that’s all I’m going to be doing out there You like that Chris I like that too but F let’s get it going come on baby from woohoo I am wearing everything I could find so I am currently wearing two socks and I’m wearing one of these heaters inside my sock I am wearing long johns my hand

Warmers in honor of Chloe she’s a fanny pack girl so first time wearing these and I Approve looks good and then I’ve got my jacket another wind jacket got a polo cuz you know it’s Golf and then huge ski under arour and let’s be honest I would wear more if I had It one word would be special um to be here with both the men’s and the women’s team and playing the first inaugural uh Collegiate event here on the old course and at Jubilee it was just it was awesome um it defin it was definitely more than what I

Expected for them to watch me play the old course for the first time um and both my mom and dad being here was really special um I mean we play golf back at home all the time my mom and I play nine holes uh pretty close to every night in

The Summers after she’s done with work so it was really cool for for both both of them to watch me out here this Week I want to be here for my teammates and for the girls team for when they finish so I’m going to post up here behind 17 green and watch them all Finish I got off to a really good start today um and I was able to make three birdies in a row pretty early on in the round um my irons were just fantastic on the front nine and I was able to shoot four under on the front and I got it to

Five under through 11 I just played really steady coming down the stretch and was able to close out with a 70 today so super happy with my round my parents were here so it was just great to close out such a memorable week with a really nice round Lauren wasn’t the only player

Doing well in the weather down the stretch both Irish teams were leading in their matches so sexy I’m so glad we got to play it in pretty bad weather with a lot of wind it really makes the course a lot more difficult but I didn’t care I was just

Talking to my caddy about like where certain guys in the open hit it and and historic shots it was just a kind of really cool experience to have my dad dad and my mom here and my cousin to watch it was was pretty special coach is like my best friend

He’s helped me through a lot of really hard things and he’s been there for the highest of highs too so just to walk across the bridge with Coach knowing that I don’t know it wasn’t even an accomplishing feeling it just just a special moment and really glad he was

There to to share that with Me the conditions were a little rough but I thought that it completed the Scotland experience I think that was needed today we needed the Wind and Rain to feel like we got something out of it what what did you shoot today Palmer uh I won how you how’ you play I beat

You by one really yeah this morning Anna was like I’m the uh sacrifice match quote unquote she said sacrificial lamb sacrificial lamb good shot at a time it’ll be fun think of where you’re at and do your thing one more round hey girl hey Hi here we go I didn’t really have my best game with me this week but especially with the metal match play format it was just fighting for every shot she actually was paired against the girl from Georgetown who um did the best on their team in stroke play she was

Finished sixth in stroke play so I don’t know what Anna thought about going into it but just from the beginning when I could see that she was hanging with her and and coming down the stretch I was like we might win this match I’m proud of my fight I’m proud to

Have brought another Point home for the team conditions were tough out there but I’m happy with how it Went on the course uh just I feel like I’m taking away that I’m a very good player and that I got a lot of game um and that something that I got to learn I got to do some of the easy things a little bit better um that’s

Just me personally um but I know that I’m can hang with some of the best in the world and and are better than than than some of the best I’m right there with them so uh as for the team I feel like it’s kind of similar we still got

Some some things to do um cuz we don’t want to just hang with the best teams we want to beat the best teams um so we got some some work to do for sure and we’re going to hdden hard so kind to have a little bit of fun too but uh we’ll uh

You know be ready for that Springtime going forward I’m going to be thinking about this trip for a long time it’s going to be hard when I’m going back to class is the real normal world to not be thinking about this trip and wanting to be here

I’ve been saying the last few days like I don’t want to go home like I just want to stay here here and play golf every day but unfortunately that’s not how it works so got to return back home eventually I was walking off of what 14

15 te box walking off 14 and I was like she looked to me because I just made an N I was like yeah same oh yeah let’s go what a bogey H discipline it might have been the coolest round ever getting to finish on 18 with like your whole team

And stuff everyone watching you it it was Unreal yeah good Chloe let’s go woo the whole week has been unbelievable honestly better than I ever could have imagined I I had high expectations going into Scotland but these de they were definitely exceeded here like the team the atmosphere it’s everything it’s

Awesome the last trip I took with my mom we went to Ireland with um our priest and my dad and it was awesome I mean I I was 7 years old but I I still remember it I know I know she’s up there watching so it’s just great it’s great to see I’m

So lucky my dad’s so supportive because I think it would have been a much different upbringing without him um so I really miss her obviously but my dad he he’s the best he can be two parents and one probably the best part of today with the with the old course was the weather

Right you know and we had some crazy weather but uh the experience was Unreal walking up and down one and 18 here at in St Andrews at the old course I’ll never forget it I actually choked up a little bit walking up 18 with Palmer because it’s just a an unreal experience

So pretty fortunate for our team for sure obviously there’s some things that we have to do to get better but you can tell like we’re not far off from you know those are the one and two teams in the in the whole country so um I feel

Like we’re going to have a winter of hard work to get where we need to be but it shows you that we can you know hang but just hanging with those teams is not good enough right we expect more and and our guys know what we need to do playing

With the best in the country well I think today when we woke up and it was the exact Scottish weather that you anticipate of getting to play the old course on and when that first t- shot went off it was just one of the coolest things of my coaching career and

One that I’ll remember for a long long Time the early arrival and practice rounds paid dividends for the Fighting Irish they were prepared to battle the elements and both teams won their matches to have each of our players have their parents here someone from their family was super special and especially for Coach Carrie and I to have our

Families here too to get to celebrate it as a complete Notre Dame family was was something really cool one of the most important values at Notre Dame and especially with Notre Dame golf is family and having all the families here to celebrate this moment I saw tears from from dads you know when

Their child was walking up 18 and having this experience with our family has been great uh nothing better than family for the coaches it was a win but more importantly it was a litmus test of their ability you just never know what life has in store and and to have this moment

With them forever I’m really thankful for It after tournaments especially we write to the people who made the tournaments possible um just tell them thanks for all their hard work um the coaches say it definitely goes a long Way What’s up with the eagle on 12 today holded it out from like a 80 or Jake said he hit it and then he lost it yeah it was and then he got up to the green and saw you throw it in the hole for him


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