Talkin’ Cowboys: Fear Not? | #DALvsMIA | Dallas Cowboys 2023

With so many challenges ahead for the Cowboys and Dolphins, which team has the advantage? | Presented by @BlackRifleCoffeeCompany

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The following is a production of Dallas and the Dallas Cowboys football club how about them Cowboys Cowbo this is talking Cowboys streaming live from the Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters at the star in Frisco streaks tou has second Prescot keeps it and he bangs it into the and now your hosts Isaiah stanback Nick Harris John maoda and Kyle yman it’s a Wednesday edition of talking

Cowboys presented by Black Rifle Coffee Company Live From the Star in Frisco Texas in the swbc studios it is week week 16 it’s the Cowboys and the Dolphins coming up on Sunday Christmas Eve matchup 3:25 this week the the what was that yeah do that again there was it that’s it that’s

The only one we got wait lat kind of it didn’t feel like it was full not Friday yet are you are you going to do that when you pick the Dolphins on Friday o oh I heard a gulp it turned into straight straight cartoon gulp like we have a whole week

Full of studying and yeah there’s a lot that can happen between now and then absolutely oh you don’t know right now I think I think you do I do I think he knows think I know don’t know based off of yesterday it seemed like conf see

Throughout the week I have a lot of conversations I talk with the you know players coaches scouting departments have a lot of conversations throughout the week watch a lot of filmek Hill playing or not get more I mean it really doesn’t matter if he plays or not you don’t think so no oh

Okay then you have already made your decision it does matter it does matter totally matter it definitely matters but and I’m talking about their approach their approach won’t it won’t change sure yeah but having Tyreek on field matters their strategy against the Cowboys it doesn’t matter

Yeah he’s he’s about to be Mr 2K here and about yes three weeks that’s what their goal is yeah if he plays they’re going to force feed the crap out of him yeah sure we’ll talk about that today he’ll go for 200 yards he’ll try to go

For 200 yards against Dallas if he plays and that’s the that’s the thing of you talk about individuals that the Cowboys have played this year and I don’t want to say fear because you don’t necessarily fear anybody but concern about an an individual will focus on an

Individual can you fear players in this league anymore as soft as his league has gotten yes you can absolutely who would you Fe not sure about that Tyreek Hill okay so you can fear Tyreek abut I have a high regard for Tyreek Hill well if you put some good weapons around him I

Would greatly fear Patrick Mahomes okay great okay that’s a good one Derrick Henry I don’t want to see Derrick Henry coming down the hill on me not with this defense uh Christian mcaffrey mcaffrey he would be up there you you could fear Debo abolutely do you fear anybody on this Cowboys team

CD okay Mah I guess from a defensive standpoint yeah CD and Micah I think that’s fair that’s probably the two that Fe and Brandon Aubrey Bron Au clearly you fear Micah Parsons because if you didn’t you’d be like no we’ll just put one guy over there we see what happens

Fear is a strong word go through it like I just did you ever fear anybody on the field let’s talk about the one time one player who it was Brian Dawkins H only I mean but that’s I find it hard to believe that if you were playing

Defensive back in the time that you were in the NFL that you wouldn’t have feared Randy Moss no I mean I didn’t play against I mean I did play against but I played with Randy say no but I’m saying if you were a defensive back in the league and

You had a I’m sure there was yeah I mean when I think about the word fear I think about physical and him throwing up excuse me I fear like fear to me is like they can hurt you they can hurt you physically hurt you see what you’re saying yeah so

Like that’s what I’m saying I’m not saying that like for me like oh I think there’s some fear in getting embarrassed yeah I see you don’t want so if you want to talk about just fear like in terms of like oh like he’s a scary player like he

He can destroy you like okay yeah Tyreek Hill he’s probably the only player in this league that I would fear I get what you’re saying because when you said about the way the gamees Chang so if you’re going from a being scared of standpoint you are right on the

Defensive side how much they’ve taken out of it yeah back in the day you you had to there I mean you did you guys see the Tom Brady quote Yeah Yeah in regards to the NFL suspension of the of the player from Pittsburgh yeah he was such

A physical player so I like no no but but he’s absolutely correct though like he’s absolutely correct because I was in those meetings when when he would throw a ball and get West blown up and he was super apologetic you know and like I just don’t remember him I just want that

Time when he was when he was playing where was that time when he was playing hear why do we got it now he understood it now he wanted the benefits of of the the softness but yeah he did certainly prolonged that career a little bit didn’t there’s no you can’t fear you can’t

Physically fear players anymore I don’t think that it’s even possible it’s not even like it’s not allowed yeah well what from like a game plan standpoint I think is what we’re talking about Tyreek hilling Tyreek Hill the only player in the league that I would fear is Tyreek

Hill you don’t fear Patrick Mahomes with weapons I mean with Tyreek Hill I respect him I respect him with Tyreek Hill I I respect him but like in terms of like somebody just completely just tearing down your game plan it’s Tyreek Hill MH only play only for me only

Player in the league that I say oh you know what this dude doesn’t matter what you do if you double team him he still runs past your double team if you play 20 yards off he still runs past your you know he’ll run underneath catch it and

Then run past your whole team that even even if they have angles he’s the only person that can literally just tear down whatever it is that you had that you had ready for him I would argue Justin Jefferson when he’s healthy um that’s I mean I think he’s top two and sometimes

Not to when he’s healthy so I I’d put him in that category as well and we’re talking running back I mean I feel like there’s a good two or three you got mcaffrey you got Derrik Henry um gosh I can see you wanting to say bejan Robinson here but hunter liy not

Bej just yet but I think Nick chub when he’s healthy Nick chub when he’s healthy yeah um that’s a good one but yeah I think there’s a handful of players literally there’s only handful I put Tyreek in that conversation I put Micah in that conversation and probably one of Miles Garrett the

Last one yep that’s there the only three what about one of the B those I mean I respect I have a high respect for those guys but in terms of like when when I think about fearing somebody I’m like it doesn’t matter like they they they physically

Can what’s the word I’m looking for I don’t know but with the way you’re saying it it makes me think of Aaron Donald though yeah Aaron Donald is a beast but I mean he’s slowing down yeah in his prime though that would be second absolutely wait a second he’s by choice

He’s slowing down by choice we had a conversation into the Rams at time no at that time though hold on I was like I think he’s starting decline no he’s no no at that time at that time he was not at that time he was not but he’s but

He’s chilled out I’m not saying that it’s not by it’s not by I’m under your game standback it’s not by Adrian he he has literally throttled it down but we said what was what did we say going into that game he was going to turn it up for

The Cowboys yeah right and in that first series he turned it up for the Cowboys right and then after that what happened he’s I fear Him just walking in was that what it started he Throttle Down yeah he I would be i’ would be scared if he just

Walked by right now no he he is a guy who can literally just be a game recer and that’s what I’m talking about like somebody that it doesn’t matter physically you can’t stop them yeah that’s that’s what I think about physically one-on-one you can’t stop Michael Parsons physically one-on-one

You can’t stop Tyreek Hill yeah physically one-on-one miles Garrett don’t even try it m you just you know what I’m saying there’s just certain guys that are just not of this earth looks like that mvp I mean the defensive player of the year race looks like it’s

Going to come come down to Micah and Miles Garrett by the way just thinking of that real quick I checked the odds this morning and Miles Garrett is a physical specimen like he’s I’ve seen this dude in the airport before and I’m like what is that you know what I’m

Saying it’s like like he he gives me the Vibes when I first saw when I first played against Julius Peppers I was like like I don’t know what that is like you weren’t that was created that was not born there’s no way you you you came out

Of a womb uh so Tyreek Hill needs to average 153 yards over the course of the next three games to hit 2K and I know that’s been a big goal for his and that offense as well so and Coach Mel loves making his players happy so expect him

To get his if uh if he plays on Sunday all right let’s get into some news and notes anything from the Cowboys yesterday you know it was a Tuesday yesterday as Tuesdays go around here there’s not a whole lot to to throw around so um I think the big thing today

That we’re going to be looking at um they return to the practice field in a walkth through setting they’ll go in a walk through later today um with it being a travel week them coming off of a travel week um so it’ll be kind of a different day but they will have a

Practice estimation as far as injuries go so couple of big guys that you’ll be looking at is Zach Martin and Malik hooker um and then obviously Jonathan henkins not expecting henkins to go this week I’m not uh but we’ll see if maybe the practice report gives any confidence

And then also you got a couple more guys that got banged up in that Buffalo game Deone Clark will be one to look at to see if he’s on the injury report um see if Rico D is is still popping up with that ankle injury as the season goes on

So there’ll be quite a bit to look at from that standpoint uh did see Jonathan henkins in the building this morning and he was able to walk around look good look like he was he was feeling pretty good that was just a quick look though it wasn’t like I sat there and analyzed

Jonathan henkins or anything hey man can you prop your ankle up on this table yeah he dude real quick I’m I’m finishing my can you put that right there yeah appreciate it uh yeah real real quick uh do you if you had to put confidence level on guys that you think

Could miss what would it be just midweek and we could probably revisit it on Friday hooker um and then some of those other names that might pop up on the injury report I hook plays just because he was so close to playing in Buffalo um

I I don’t think hens plays I think Zack Martin I’d put it at like 70% confidence that he does play so 70% isn’t as high as I thought it would be well we we’ll see how the practice reports come out this week and we’ll kind of go from

There I mean I think he just going with his number on Hisense that’s exactly what I was doing I like he’s right over shoulder that’s one reason I thought it sorry staring at me but yeah I’d give it 70 right now uh and we’ll see how the

Week progresses okay what do you think no I would agree with that um at least today you know I don’t think henkins will play either but at least today probably get something from Mike McCarthy and just where he’s at there I think if henkens doesn’t play in this

Game and doesn’t play against Detroit then why would you play him against Washington you would just save him for the playoffs I think that that’s only you can’t lose yeah what’s that it’s the only game that you can’t afford to lose yeah what’s that probably the only game

Win without him yeah that’s what I meant like more so that’s what I’m saying there yeah um so I I don’t feel very confident in henkins at all but I do think I do think Zack Martin and Emily cooker will play in this game okay I’m

Also interested to see if CD lamb shows up on the injury report he just took some hits was limping around a little bit during the game and maybe he’s maybe he’s fine but there was just a couple times where I was like man he he got lit

Up a little bit there you know tell you that Post Corner that um was completed on like a third and seven from d it was second or third offensive drive it was like okay they’re starting to build some offensive momentum here and he took that lick from I think it was Jordan puyer

That got him like right in the back yeah and gosh I didn’t think he’d pop up from that and immediately popped up looked good I can’t think of another player his size or smaller that takes like bigger hits and then just kind of keeps rolling like you’d think oh he’s going to

Probably get up slow from that one and just he he plays bigger than his size I think he’s even made jokes about him and Dak joking around about like you know you’re trying to play like you’re you know 15 lbs heavier than what you are

But he does man and he was like that you know at Oklahoma too where you know he was he’s a more physical than I think you give him credit for just just seeing him uh when he comes out on the field so I’m not saying he’s going to you know be

Missing games or anything like that I’m just I’m wondering if he showed up on the injury portal Devonte Smith took some hits like that at Alabama and it was I think that’s part of what made his Heisman season so special is that he would just get tagged and then the very

Next play would get 30 more yards just like all right it both of those guys whenever they were coming out in terms of draft coverage the one of the fun like funny comparisons that they make with these long lanky receivers is that they’re built like Gumby you have the the Gumby build I

Think CD lamb bends like Gumby too because whenever he does take a hit it almost looks like it never aases him and and that’s why I’m interested too John because you you brought up how he was limping around and there was maybe a physical look to it yeah against Buffalo

You don’t see that a whole lot from CD even if he does get tagged he gets hit pretty pretty hard he’s going to be right back up in in the Huddle and he’s jogging back he’s got his little CD jog where he’s got his arms in tight and he

Kind of runs back to the Huddle yeah I think he he’s as flexible and as durable as any receiver that we’ve seen in a cowboy’s uniform uh at least early in his career I don’t know if that’ll continue uh as you continue on in your NFL tenure because you’re going to take

Some big hits along the way but do you think michah Parsons shows up on the injury report from the knee maybe a bit of a hyperextension there from when Maris Bell threw a bills player on top of the knee uh I I don’t think so at

Least he was able to play the rest of the game yeah he was able to finish the game and I I didn’t see him limping around or anything in the locker room so um I believe he was even asked about it and he was he didn’t pay much attention

So um yeah I I don’t the only one I’m really looking at is Deone Clark um un unless I’m forgetting one off the top of my head but that’s that’s the only one I’m really taking a look at right now I know curse went down at one point but he

He stayed in the game so maybe take a look at curse as well but Clark and curse I guess okay two good ones to keep an eye on going into practice today is it a morning practice it’ll be a walk through in the afternoon about 4: 4:15

Got it sounds good all right we’ll give you updates on that tomorrow when we come back here on talking Cowboys it’s a Wednesday so we’re previewing the Dallas defensive preview against this Miami Dolphins offense give me one name Isaiah that we’re going to focus on in this

Next segment Tua Tua okay I was gonna say that wasn’t Tyreek Hill so that works out well when we come back here on talking Cowboys Todd thought it would be secure to jog in the cheetah Savannah Todd believed the big cat repellent he bought online was reliable and now Todd is

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Rates may apply member FDIC welcome back into dear doctor the show where I answer life’s questions with an ice cold can of Dr Pepper Sheila let’s hear from our next caller would you dear doctor my friends supp part of me during a tough time but what’s the right gift that says

Thanks for being a shoulder to cry on okay this one’s easy I say give her a delicious Dr Pepper nothing says thanks girl better than one of a kind soda yes and Dr Pepper flavor will do now just a reminder that I don’t need to be a real

Doctor to know that Dr Pepper is the one you deserve back to talking Cowboys back here on talking Cowboys presented by Black Rifle Coffee Company this portion of the show is brought to you by Quaker Roots a super trusted superfood Quaker Roots the official oatmeal sponsor of the Dallas Cowboys

Did you get it in this morning isaah I sure did thank goodness we needed it the laugh at the end nobody is more excited about breakfast than this man right here you got to have it I didn’t used I was never I was not always that way J you played

You weren’t here we go no oh okay no I you know when I played I didn’t even take vitamins okay cuz I was scared to get hit you know for yeah stimulants oh I’ve seen those things up in the locker room that list everything and there’s a lot

Of stuff there’s a lot of crap bro it’s like even if it’s protected you’re not protected so yeah for the longest bro it wasn’t until I think my fourth year in the league I started taking vitamins but nutrition man is everything now wish I would have known there you go glad you finally

Figured it out Isaiah yeah me too thanks goodness after you made it to the NFL got drafted I figured it out great college career halfway through my career after a couple figured it out after my seventh after my seventh surgery I figured it out oh good yep when you when

You were playing what would you say was the percentage of guys on their team that were really uh focused on that type of stuff as opposed to I can still eete fast food by all the time time I got to probably by my third year I there’s a

Lot of guys who were here in Dallas not many yeah when I got to New England obviously you got you know tb12 and guys of that nature but then when I got to New York it was to a whole another level there’s guys that I played with in New

York who literally were taking injectable vitamins and to this day they live and die by it guys who have retired and they still like they order from medical doctors like a yes they get vials of of straight not going to make the J vitamins and them castes giving

Each other giving giving themselves in injections in a locker room and it was straight just straight vitamins but like they had blood work done multiple times throughout the year the Giants would do blood work multiple times throughout the year give you your reports to see where you’re deficient that like they did

Things the right way and that’s why it allowed it gave guys the information needed to take care of themselves the way that they could so that was that was pretty dope about that organization at that time not going to lie whenever I did a Quaker Oats read I didn’t think

This is where that conversation would end up but I’m glad it did F you get to learn some stuff let’s learn some stuff about this Miami offense and what they have bang speed right speed speed speed speed speed speed uh it’s a good movie by the way what speed speed yeah I was

Thinking yeah that’s that’s a good one all right Cowboys allowed 266 rushing yards this past Sunday how worried should they be about a relapse here in week 16 very uh the guy who calls the plays and the guy who just happens to be the head

Coach of the team is the same guy who ran the ball on you some years back double M yeah you got Mike McCarthy versus Mike McDaniel it’s the double M batt Eminem um and he and he’s huh the Mike Mick battle Yeah I think I think they

Um there they need to be worried about it and mainly because of the fact I think the second level Defenders that includes the linebackers and the safeties that drop down into the box for the Dallas Cowboys boys they have not been playing instinctively meaning that they haven’t been decisive in shooting

Their gaps or feeling the voids in um running lanes they’ve been a little bit hesitant and this is not a game obviously especially coming off the Buffalo game you’ve put some things on film early in the year you affirm those things in this most recent week this is

Not a game to hesitate in your willingness to to to go make a play um I’m not saying that they don’t want to make a play obviously ly but you can’t hesitate you got to if you’re going to be wrong be wrong at 100 milph and live

With it and get better from it and get coach from it but you can’t get caught in between should I hit this should I not should I go this way should I not like players play off of each other and this game with this speed if you thought

You know cook cook was fast these guys are faster and there’s multiple guys that they use um not only just the two running backs that they that they’re rotating through but they also will utilize their receivers run the Barack as well for the end rounds and things of

That nature so secondary second level Defenders you guys are going to have to be aggressive be decisive and want to enforce your will otherwise it’s going to turn into a dog on circus out there what would you say about their offensive line and the only reason why I say that

Is because if you watch you know the all 22 of just the Cowboys there’s plays that have happened this season the one that comes to mind for me is the Jaylen Carter uh fumble return for a touchdown deck where man if it’s just one second longer boom touchdown and you you can

Have guys running open but if your offensive line isn’t to that level that it won’t matter as much because Tua is going to be in duress he might not see it or he might be getting taken down like how would you how do you think that this offensive line will Stack Up

Against I guess the pass rush of the Dallas Cowboys I think if they try to hold the ball they’re going to run into some problems because I think you know Dallas obviously um what it I think they lead the league in pressures so obviously they’re going to give most

Teams some issues in that regard but they do a such a great job especially to a of getting the ball out I mean he gets the ball out probably quicker than anybody um outside of Dak and he’s able to do that because you don’t as much as

They have the the ability to push the ball down the field they don’t have to push the ball down the field he can get Tyreek Hill he can get wad he can get any of those guys the ball in their hands you know at the line of scrimmage

You know on a bubble screen and it turns into a first down or you can get it to them on a quick slant and or even if you’re playing cover two and you’re playing Five Guys underneath I’m I can’t tell you how many Clips I’ve already chopped up of them playing teams playing

Cover two safe defense against these guys yeah covering underneath and covering over the top and Tu is getting the ball out when Tyreek Hill is literally coming up on the linebacker who’s five yards down the field and he’s throwing it into the cover two hole between the linebacker and the safety

The ball’s already out so your ability to get toua by the time that Tyreek Hill runs six yards slim slim that’s a lot of trust from a quarter back standpoint though it’s a ton of trust but they under obviously Mike McDaniels he’s done a great job of showing his guys what

Your responsibilities are so the complimentary players that are around Wad and Tyreek Hill I’m going keep saying those names obviously those are their biggest threats the complimentary players around them understand these are the coverages that teams are going to play against us and these are my responsibilities to try to pull coverage

Away from our primary players so if I know that your responsibility is as a hook is a hook drop then I am going to run my route specifically into that area to make you drive down on that and if you don’t then I’ll get the ball right but

They literally are just running guys into zones to take guys away from responsibilities and then freeing up Wad and Tyreek Hill and it’s not complicated football and once you get it you know like first of all teams aren’t going to play Man against us and if they do good

Luck right in terms of speaking from Miami yeah so when you whenever teams go too high there’s only so many coverages and based upon those coverages I’m going to run my route to challenge your responsibilities and as long as I do my job and you I know what your job is

Supposed to be in this coverage then we win yeah and and and it didn’t at that point it just comes down to timing if Tua holds the ball he finds himself in trouble if he gets the ball out on time most of the time is the opposing team

That’s going to be in trouble because of their ability to run the ball after they catch it I’m curious to see what they they rely upon in this game do they rely on the pass or they rely upon the run because you look at the weapons in in

Both of those areas and you look at their offensive line they got some injuries up front where do they you know try to try to find success for me if I’m if I’m attacking this Dallas defense without Jonathan henkins on on Sunday afternoon I’m attacking the edges I’m

Trying to get Devon chain and or aan I guess is that’s I’m going to have to get used to that um and Raheem moer it’s aan he changed it earlier in the year it was a chain initially the NFL put out their whole pronunciation guide it was a whole

Thing during the the draft and then he went went off for like 200 yards in a game this year and he’s like oh yeah by the way my name is pronounced aan and I’ve known this kid since he was like a sophomore in high school and I was like

You couldn’t have told me this like seven years ago well that’s my thought is like you went through the recruiting process then went to Texas a&n always been then went got drafted and it’s it was achain the entire way and then by the way he has one big game in the NFL

Ch ch so the it’s a like letter A Jackie and then Chan got c h a n like Jackie Chan with just a Chan yep there you go continue I uh I if I’m Miami I’m attacking the edges with those two guys and trying to get them out in

Space and letting them cook cuz like both of those guys they’re track stars literally both of them come from track backgrounds um ran track in college and there’s a reason that this is the fastest team in the NFL and potentially the fastest team in NFL history because

Of those two guys and Tyreek Hill of course going into this game if and then going into the previous game do these backs scare you more yes than cook MH yes absolutely just cuz I I looked at what cook could do outside the edges when he was breaking

Contained when he was breaking contain and he’s not as fast as these guys he’s he’s a quick back you but he’s he’s more physical you know um but these guys if you give them a sliver of a hole they’re gone and we saw we’ve seen that a few

Times this season so and that’s why their o line doesn’t have to be amazing that’s the thing like their o line doesn’t have to be World beaters because of that if they can create a crack then them guys are going to turn it into a dog on Ravine you know like it’s just

They don’t have to be World beaters up front in order to give their guys opportunities with that being said I want I want to hear all of your guesses if you had to rank if you if you had to guess where Miami ranks in terms of pressure rate allowed without looking at

It where would they be in the NFL would they be middle of the road would they be above average below average I mean where would they be 32 teams yeah in terms of offensive line pressure rate allowed where would they be I’d put this is just

Like a dart I’d put him like eighth okay that that seems like a a possibility I would say just because they’re getting the ball out quick they’re probably pretty high okay um so all or pressure rate allowed so amount of times the quarterback is pressured Tua is pressured yeah I don’t think he’s

Pressured that much so yeah I don’t know top 10 in the league they’re number one they are the top team in the NFL in terms of pressure rate allowed they only allow pressure on 26% of the snaps that’s okay so they are number one nothing is none of these numbers that

I’ve heard and everything that I’ve seen gives me confidence you want me to you want me to run through them let’s run through them all right they’re number two in terms of average pass EPA of course expected uh EPA then you’ve got what do EPA stand for again I always

Forget what it expected pass air yards I think yeah something like that I don’t even know I got to go back and look at it uh pistol percentage second play action percentage second shift and motion percentage first pressure rate first uh and then two running back sets

They are second in the NFL and that’s only because they didn’t have hn for eight weeks or however long it was they would EAS green and that plays to what I was just talking about in terms of McDaniels and how he’s educating his offensive weapons his his um skill position

Players they do all that motion not because it’s fun to do not because it looks cool they’re doing that to gain information like they’re literally doing that not only for the office coordinator to gain information but the players are digesting information every time they shift every time they move they’re

Looking at how you adjust to it and based upon what you adjust to or how you adjust to it they now know what your responsibilities are expected points added by the way that’s there you go okay I always forget but he also got a factor in a little bit here too of the

Teams that they’ve played like how many teams have they played that really have what you would think is like a really excellent pass rush I mean this team isn’t undefeated they have lost games you know I the thing I go back to is the way that they I think the most notable

Win of this entire NFL season for me is probably them beating Denver 70 to 20 just because you don’t see games like that you know and then the next week they did very similar to what the Cowboys did in Buffalo I mean 4820 you know so there’s just something about

This team where on paper I do they are scary but there is I mean you still got to go out there and play the game you know and there and and they have lost games and they have I mean I don’t know do you think that that you think that

Denver game was personal for them yes well yeah if you’re going to score 70 points on somebody you’re why do you think it was personal Shawn Peyton because he was talking mess yeah well in Mike McDaniels from Denver and he applied to be a Denver Coach he was a

Ball boy there and they didn’t give him an opportunity he applied for an internship after he was a ball boy they said no didn’t call him back and then there was like a whole scenario there to do you think there’s any personal grudges in this

Game uh not that I can think of other than Cedric Wilson I would say Cedric Wilson Yard game I don’t think all right what’s yours I have one what’s yours VF I wasio okay I would think Mike McCarthy towards him more than the other way around absolutely yeah because that was the one

I was going to say you talk about like Cornerstone wins and how 7020 was a Cornerstone win of 2023 that’s that Denver game that 30 to6 they scored two touchdowns late to try and make it close where it was 30 to nothing at AT&T Stadium that one for some reason sticks

In my head too I know it sticks in Mike’s head yeah when Mike McCarthy I didn’t know this at the time I looked this up the other day when Mike McCarthy was in Green Bay and Vic fio was in Chicago they their two teams played each other and when they had those roles

Seven times wow and Green Bay was six and one and so part of me thinks that when Vic said that after the game that that was Mike being like okay yeah you got us all figured out type thing like that you know and he’s not going to say

That you know publicly but I but I’m sure that that’s something that you know especially with there’s a difference between that game against Denver where you’re the head coach but you’re not calling plays to now you’re the one calling the plays so that’s the one that

I was see I was thinking of but I didn’t know if there was anything else that you were thinking of like I’m think about did Mike McDaniel try and work for the Cowboys as a ball boy like we need to factor this in I like that though I like

Fangio versus McCarthy as as a talking point because that’s something that you don’t necessarily get a chance to think about we’ll talk about it more tomorrow whenever we’re previewing offense I think it’s a real thing though is especially after that 30 to 16 and what that ended up looking like and then

What about the cheetah versus the lion that those talks started early in the season yeah I think they’re friends though I think so too I think so I think so too I don’t think that’s real beef but I just think you know just cordially I think it’s fun he always got Tyreek

Jersey as one of them that’s up behind yeah I think I think they I think they’re really cool I think they have fun probably play Madden but you’re not concerned all with this ankle injury at all no okay not at all not at all there was a report yesterday that if he were

To play it would be in limited snaps do you believe a second no I don’t either no he is in a Pursuit for 2,000 yards yeah they are going to force feed him is as long as it doesn’t take them out their game plan you know and out a

Potential of winning a ball game they are going to force feed Tyreek Hill the ball so who do you put on him did you did you hear the gulp that time I don’t know how you stop him I I truly don’t I still have more homework

To do in terms of teams that were successful against him I have to figure out what the common what the commonality was there not a whole lot of them but from what I’ve seen on film I don’t know how you stop them because of how they’re

Scheming it up for him to get free from what I know it’s disguised coverages and it’s coming from Tua not being able to get the ball to him that’s that’s that’s what I see okay that’s what I’ve seen as well because I’m I’m literally looking at every single catch that teriq had has

Had all year that’s what I’m currently in the process of doing take week yeah I’m looking I’m looking at it yeah I’m having fun but I’m looking at it in terms of how teams are trying to to stop him like what are the coverages that they’re running a lot of teams are

Trying to run cover too hardly anybody’s running single high okay whenever you run single High coverage against him and you run obviously not man that’s dumb but if you try to run cover three against him he’s running a over route he’s running over route and it’s he’s

Getting over the top of you and over the top of your coverage your second level coverage and he’s beating you across the field if you try to run two high safeties it’s crazy how fast this ball comes out versus too high most times you

Try to sit back and hold the ball try to wait for a little hole and and cover two mm- these guys are getting the ball out with him five yards down the field he’s literally catching the ball setting his feet and they’re pulling out those linebackers they’re pulling out those

Corners that are sitting in those those responsibilities underneath coverage and they’re driving the ball to him and he’s catching it right behind the linebacker and Time After Time linebackers are jumping up trying to swat the ball down and it’s just when it’s on time it’s

Boom is in his hand and now he can see both safeties and he and he does does what he does so his best game this year was probably in their opener again against the Chargers he was targeted 15 times he had 11 catches for 215 yards and two touchdowns I’m just Monster game

It was his worst game they beat the Chargers by two points so I’m just saying that like he can still go off and they can still that doesn’t mean they’re going to win that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying as long as it doesn’t take them out of their potential

Of winning the ball game out of their out of their element out of their game plan then they’re going to try to force feed him but let’s not we have to remember that as much as they can just give Tyreek the ball you still have a waddle yeah you can’t you can’t forget

About that dude on yeah and then you have yeah most that catch the ball as well right gasi obviously was a respectable tight end but they can turn around and hand the ball off you talk about how they how high they’re rated in terms of play

Action if you have if you have to respect their run and you have to come downhill but you still have to sit over the top of the over their over their receivers like that is why they’re successful his worst game is probably the last one I mean he only had he had

61 yards on four catches 25 of it came on on one play talk about the more we spray his ankle left the game came back in that’s probably the lowest because the other one would would have to be probably the very next game after the Chargers they played the Patriots and he

I mean he had 40 yards in a touchdown but him that’s not you got the Buffalo game three receptions for 5 that’s the one I was looking at too I’ve got three games here so you were talking about teams that have shut him down the there’s only three games this year where

He hasn’t had either a 100 yards or a touchdown and it’s the Tennessee game where he was injured like John’s talking about had the 61 yards no no touchdowns uh City he had 62 yards on eight receptions so they kind of kept him underneath and they’re halfway across

The you got to factor that one yeah that’s fair that was across the pond was uh and then they had the Buffalo game so those are the three games where they shut him down and I mean shut him down they limited him to under a 100 yards

And didn’t have him find The End Zone they’re 0 and three in those games so if you find a way to shut him down you you keep him limited you’ve got a chance even with those other weapons to win the ball game but that’s easier said than

Done of what Tyreek Hill’s able to do all right when we come back here on talking Cowboys it’s time for some national storylines plus we’re going to revisit a topic we talked about yesterday which colleges have had the most success with the Dallas Cowboys as players and providing players for this

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Cowboys back here on talking Cowboys presented by Black Rifle Coffee Company this portion of the show is brought to you by Invisalign the official smile of the Dallas Cowboys back here with Isaiah stanback John Machota Nick Harris Chris beam in the backham Kyle yans John it’s time for some national story lines yeah

I wanted to start by revisiting something we talked about yesterday when we were talking about Michigan not having a lot of success recently uh with the Dallas Cowboys in terms of players being drafted let’s hope that turns around we’ve got two guys that we’re kind of counting on right now right so I

Wanted to go back and and look and go because that turned into us talking okay well what school has had probably the most success with the Cowboys and so uh in terms of draft picks Tennessee and UCLA have both had the most drafted by the Cowboys 17 each or that’s the most

For the Cowboys from any one School Tennessee and and UCLA name the best Tennessee player Dallas has ever had got to be Whitten yeah right yeah and UCLA would probably be Troy Aikman yeah so then next would be Florida at 16 so Chaz green I’m I’m just I didn’t I couldn’t

Go past that I’m a florid sorry EMT Smith obviously there but third at 15th is Oklahoma and I would say Oklahoma is probably the one with the most success Troy Eggman because yeah Troy Troy Eggman did play there for two years so that’s part of it CD lamb right now yeah

Um DeMarco Murray DeMarco Roy Williams and then Ralph Neely who was an offensive tackle for them uh in the 60s uh was on the all all uh decade team in the 60s so I would say Oklahoma’s probably been the one that they’ve had the most success with um of all schools

But there was clearly not like if you look at the Cowboys like top whatever you’d say 30 40 players of all time there’s like almost no overlap with anyone going to the same school because there I mean let be honest when Gil prant was finding a lot of these guys it

Was a lot of small school stuff where you know so anyway but I just wanted to clear that up because I wanted to to look back because it had me thinking uh story lines to that stand out with me uh right off the top Matt Patricia taken

Over as the DC for the Philadelphia Eagles like when I look at things like this when they happen I always look at it as from a reporter covering a team and I just think of how would it be if this happened with the Cowboys and so I want

To get your guys take on it did to me it seems like a little bit of a panic move that they’re doing this that they went from Shawn Desai to now Pat Pat or Matt Patricia is the one calling the defense for them and with your answer factor in

What it would be like like in week 15 if it was Mike McCarthy giving play calling to Brian shot imer and how that would be received in in in the Cowboys world yeah I mean I don’t know do you think it would play an impact you don’t think that looks bad

Like that looks like Hey we’re scrambling right now that was my first thought was scramble whenever they they made that move yeah but I’m not in those meetings to know like who’s feeding ideas who’s you know what I’m saying like I don’t it’s kind of hard to say

From the outside yeah but perception is kind of reality in these situations from the outside yeah exactly that’s what we’re talking about here like perception is reality and like the perception is that they’re scrambling they’re getting an offensive guy to call defensive plays and like you said in week 15 it looks

Weird it looks weird that I would see it more as like gosh I don’t know if like Robert Prince all of a sudden was calling coverages you know it’s just like I that’d be good goofy you know it’s goofy it’s a little goofy I I just

It’s I mean I mean it is the Philadelphia coaching staff I mean we we’ll just do it we’ll use the Cowboys we’ll do the same side side of the ball so all of a sudden they just they come out week 15 Dan Quinn’s not calling the defense anymore we’re just going to go

Hey man that’s fine not a big deal that literally would be all we would talk about and that would be all that would be talked about nationally yeah no it’s no it’s not that big of a deal everything’s fine here and then also by by the way after that happens then you

Then again lose lose another game do you think Patricia just being the name that he is former head coach he’s kind of bounced around the league a little bit and been successful as a coordinator in other places do you think that’s a reason why they say ah it’s not a big

Deal and they’re able to kind of rely on it do you think that plays a factor yeah I think so I mean when you factor in the experience if it was a nobody it would be a little bit different right’ be like okay who’s this offensive guy calling

Defensive plays I guess there’s a lot of Val validity in that and he’s got the bill belich background I mean that’s he’s got the strongest tree you can be a part of I think in the the NFL I’m just waiting for Isaiah to get a call well

From from your perspective Isaiah do you think a move like that is made without at least some players speaking up and saying something needs to change here yeah or do you think that just simply the coaches are just like they’re in their their coaching meetings and Nick serani goes something has to change

Matt you’re calling the defense now because I took it as there’s probably been some players that are pretty frustrated and they like something has to change we have to do something or do you think it’s just a coaching thing I don’t think players are speaking up like that anymore it’s not allowed yeah

It’s been discouraged man I mean it’s been players speak up about that stuff quite often where all over the media I mean look at Mah Parson I don’t even think he’s been the the roughest extent of it but he speaks up over anything he wants to talk

About I think the players have just as much of a voice now as they ever have in the league especially with their own coaching staffs yeah I don’t know I don’t know I think obviously on the social media platforms anything like that but internally I don’t see it being

Everything’s on a shells now everything’s on the the players are are coddled nowadays and coaches are I don’t know man it’s seg way to my second story MH there’s no coddling going on with this one so again I I like comparing the stuff to with how it would be with the Cowboys

Can you imagine late in that game we’ll use hold on know let’s say this week against Buffalo that the cameras catch Mike McCarthy just screaming at Dak on the sidelines the way that Shawn Payton was screaming at Russell Wilson because it made me think of that because the way

You say it doesn’t happen as much anymore and when I saw that that’s what I thought of is I was like man you really don’t see that anymore especially from a proven franchise quarterback and a and a proven uh you know head coach in this league so I don’t know what did you

Guys think about that and how do you how do you guys think that would be received in Dallas if it was goodness if it was happening in Dallas there’s a lot that would be talked about we saw the Trayvon you know talking a little mess to Dag

During training game how big that got you can only imagine if it was week 15 and it was Mar somebody tweeted about that this week and they were like this is why Trayvon wanted wanted to to fight Dak and training camp I’m like that that’s not how that happened guys like

That’s there’s a lot of fallacies in there yeah there was a lot wrong that was exactly the it was like like that’s exactly why Trayvon wanted to fight Dak but like people are still bringing it up whether it’s wrong or not but you’re right like that was player-to-player

Trash talk that was just competition at its finest you take a head coach talking to a franchise quarterback in the most visible Sports organization in the world it’s it would blow up it would be an absolute massive story probably more than it needs to be but it would be a

Completely different I don’t disagree that it would be a big story and it’s probably talked about but like if he was being held accountable then what’s wrong with it I don’t care like that’s like people are put on pedestals too often yeah you know like way too often um that’s the

One thing that I really appreciated about my time in New England coach coach bich he didn’t give a dog on who you were yeah everybody was held kable held to the same standard he like you don’t I’m not going to knock curse you out because because of who you are to the

Team like no absolutely you going to get the same work the way everybody else gets coached like there’s a standard here and like just because you’re in that position doesn’t mean that I’m going approach you differently to the team CU everybody’s watching but I’ve never seen Bill do that public

I’ve seen o Bill O’Brien do it you know to Tom but I’m saying I’ve never seen Bill do that bill bellich do that on the sidelines to a player I can see him doing that behind the scenes being a possibility but I have never I can’t

Think of a time where he just was going to town on someone on the sideline that’s not his style like he doesn’t get outside of himself yeah you know what I mean like coach bich doesn’t get outside of himself he’ll curse you out with a

The same face that you guys see on TV like look man you’re a be I really don’t like what the are you doing I mean honestly what the heck was that you know what I’m saying like you’re not going to get out of this like me a kid at Foxboro

High that can make that catch right exactly that’s exctly what he’s gonna tell you but like like Shawn Peyton’s not that way Shawn Peyton’s more emotional yeah and that’s just him true that’s just him and that that’s his coaching style and if you if if Russell

Wilson was messing up then get in his butt yeah get in his butt it’s no different than him telling him stop being soft this offseason like stop worrying about all the other stuff like focus on football he did that was public that was before he even started Co

Certainly a strategy yeah he certainly didn’t want to say that that’s what he was talking about though after the game when he was asked about it he said it was they were arguing about some call or he was bringing up the call that happened in the game and then when there

Was a follow-up question asked that’s when Sean goes I don’t have to tell you what I said to Russ so that’s when you hear that that probably wasn’ts man being like it I like it that’s old it’s an old school it’s an old school coaching style old school it’s a old

School coaching sty and that’s what I’m accustomed to like this new stuff is it’s different man may you know what and maybe he thinks that Russ can handle it where maybe he wouldn’t do that with another player you know I don’t think he’s concerned about it yeah I don’t

Like there’s so much concern about how you approach guys now and what can I do are they going to tank are they got to like it’s how it should be honestly it’s just there’s more attention and there’s more cameras on this game with every year that passes and you know you catch

More of those things some people are self- cognizant of it and some people like Shawn P Peyton aren’t I I facts I don’t I don’t think there’s a wrong or right side to the coin you know I don’t if I’m Shawn Peyton I don’t care that you’re making $38 million this year I’m

Going to tear you up as much as more coaches now concerned about perception than they are about coaching the way that the way that players should be coached right they’re taking they’re taking different angles to coaching because of how things might be perceived Shawn Payton obviously doesn’t care

About that well if you’re wrong you’re wrong I’m going to let you know about it in the moment that’s okay and I completely agree with you there but perception in the moment is sometimes when the cameras are on you don’t know if Shawn Payton’s like that behind closed doors kind of relationship they

Have there too but goes back to what Nick was saying in the last question of perception is reality a lot of times these coaches are hired and fired based off of perception and that’s what the coaching Carousel is to a certain extent the perception drives whether or not

They get a job at a high level or a different organization down the line or whether they get to stay with their current organization so I I can see why they’re concerned about perception but also behind closed doors they could be a completely different person it could be a completely different situation but

Good conversation though yeah you got want another one or we good I think we’re good okay yeah or do you have another one I was just gonna say you guys think that the MVP if it goes on to San Francisco should be the quarterback or the running back running back

Mcaffrey man that I’ve been screaming mcaffrey for weeks I don’t I don’t understand it I don’t understand George K said that the other day pie said it too pie did too pie said that mcaffry should be the MVP I I think it’s a no-brainer it should be mcaffrey yeah if

It comes down to San Francisco and nobody’s just a TI just a tie back in the Cowboys real quick did you guys in 2016 did you guys think that Dak should have been rookie of the year or Ezekiel it cuz I thought it was kind of similar

Like he could go one way I think in the moment back then it was Zeke for me but you could have made the case for either yeah I think both were there but I probably would have given the edge to Zeke in that regard and Dak won it and

Zeke won offensive player of the year is that yeah that’s what okay I wasn’t paying attention back then what were you paying attention to in 2016 I wasn’t getting PA for Cowboys to cover room okay he was staying steadfast is what he was do absolutely I was doing the

Business yeah he was trying to get that thing set up he’s getting that nice little jacket made that’s what it Wass good I like that did you get one made for me back in 2016 I got you though all right that does it for us here on talking Cowboys

Great job as always setting up those story lines lots of fun conversations around the league and tying it back to the Cowboys as well when we come back tomorrow it’s time for QB Vision we’re going to take a look at the Cowboys office offense versus the Miami defense

Don’t sleep on this Miami pass rush they’ve got some guys that can get home as well and pressure the quarterback we’ll talk about that in depth tomorrow for Chris beam Isaiah standback John Machota Nick Harris I’m Kyle yman saying so long from Talking Cowboys we’ll see

You in the morning this has been a production of and the dallascowboys football club how about them [Applause] Cowbo


  1. This defense is sooo trash right now I dont feel good about ths game against Dolphins track team offense. 266/178/ 228 yards rushing thus defense has giving up on the road!!!! Thats INSANE!!! 💩. This OVERRATED D better show up or we get blown out

  2. I just hope they realize who and what they are and how they are a built to play before the playoffs start yeah it's an undersize yet very talented defense so like when the defense was just bad and had to have the offense bail them out with time of possession just keeping a bad defense off the field this defense just needs a two score lead in the second half and we will win most of those games unfortunately its not the elite historic defense we thought it could be to begin the year but I personally think we can still have a good run but we gotta stay on script and play our game or we can look awful

  3. The correct "fraud bowl" observation is both Dallas and Miami have yet to beat a winning team on the road. Thing is the Dolphins are playing this one at home at the Rock, where the McDaniel/Tua combo almost never lose.

    Two keys to this one:
    (1) The Dolphins most efficient running O in the league is matched against a Cowboys D who lack the personnel to stop the run, replacing linebackers with safeties this year.
    (2) Since CB Jaylen Ramsey and other injured came back a few weeks back, the Dolphins D is nearly the top of every category.

    Dolphins should win by a score, say 27-20.

  4. OMG! Isiah is so full of shit. He always talks like he was like that and dude barely played and stayed hurt. Smh!

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