My Day as a Disc Golf Youtuber!! | Disc Golf VLogmas Day 21


“So what do you do for a living??” This question is one that if someone above the age of 25 asks me, most often results in a longer conversation. While younger generations are used to the idea of youtube being a full time career, there are still a load of people who understandably have some questions. In today’s video I wanted to peel back the curtain and show you not only what a day looks like for a youtuber, but specifically me as a disc golf content creator. In here we reveal a few trade secrets…but I thought that would be worth it to get yall that inside look!! What are the secrets?? You’ll have to watch to find out!!

To check out today’s video sponsor, Eat Sleep Disc, head over to their channel:

Have you heard of the Birdie Fam? It’s a community of disc golfers who are striving to excel and improve together. We are going to talk about your struggles and plateaus in a safe and healthy environment. When we come together as a family, we’ll grow together as people. So if you’re ready to take that next step in your disc golf game, and start improving with the greatest community in Disc Golf then head on over to the Patreon website!!

If you enjoyed the content or it was helpful, don’t forget to Like and Subscribe to support the channel!
New content comes out every Thursday here, and every day over on Instagram!
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As always, I want to take a quick moment to recommend all of my incredible sponsors who keep me geared up and ready to compete!

The best place to find discs, head over to
For the best putting tool in the game, head over to and use the code “rcdiscgolf” for 10% off!
The amazing FlighTowel and other related products to massively improve your game can be found at​ and use code “128799” for 10% off!
The best beginner bag, as well as a phenomenal bag overall for the under $100 price point, check out Atlas DG Supply at
Finally, to look the best on the course and keep that sun out of your eyes, head over to and use the code “rcdiscgolf” for 16% off!

Thanks again for stopping by, but until next time I hope the birdies outnumber the bogies!!

What is up YouTube fam Roby C here and welcome to A Day in the Life with me Robie C we are going to take you through what goes on and just the typical day here for um me and when I say typical day we definitely chose Thursday because

It’s the most exciting day the most different um and yeah kind of brings you through some regular stuff So No way Thursday morning always starts off with me coming downstairs making sure that I get my breakfast that I’ve been eating for years which is my diet coke my slim gems and some crackers grabbing that and then we’re going to head into the office real fast and and

Uh get ready to film in the back com to the office and uh you can see computer’s already on because my computer is uploading to the Nas I have to shoot uh when I shoot my videos and tyus edits I shoot them ahead of time and have to uh

Upload the data to them so I usually start that process overnight leave my computer on Let It upload especially Thursday morning super convenient cuz I come down in but uh we H him with the classic uh right here Alexa turn on streaming okay so she turns that on walk

Over here right behind the door grab this light we unplug it we move it right to the side shut the door turn off the lights and then right over here on my stream deck that light turns on that light turns on we’re ready to go we’re ready to

Stream so let’s uh go ahead and jump in with ab and film a podcast shall we doing SW how are you doing I’m ready let’s do it dude ladies and gentlemen welcome in in the back I just got real hot on the mic there that is that is on me welcome in

AB how you doing today sir come on all right in the bag all wrapped we also went ahead and got the Thursday video ready to to go uh we upload on YouTube obviously every Thursday for standard practice uh so make sure we got that published I always have to like go

Through and check the detail on it to make sure that because there are some people that get just like I send it to them early um and so because they get Early Access I can’t like schedule it because then it ends up as a private

Video so um I have to go back in usually it’s right when we finish recording in the bag I head over to turn on like be ready to post at 11:00 so I got that going I am now going to pack up head to the store on Thursdays I work uh at our

Local shop Dynamic disc Iron City um so heading there uh to film a video actually doing a video collab for vlogmas uh and then we do lessons inside the shop as well so it should be a fun day let’s dive in we want to take a quick moment to thank the sponsor of

Today’s video and that is eat sleep discs eat sleep discs is a Lifestyle brand loved by the amateur disc golfer all the way up to the touring Pro while in one form it means each Le disc it’s another idea that those who really are craving disc golf can relate to with

Every single day we’re eating we’re sleeping and we’re thinking about frisbee Chris and the team have a variety of apparel and disc options available with some really cool stamps he’s been revamping some of those options to have even more opportunities available for you guys to take this

Brand to a whole another level he’s seen dis golf done in so many places and he’s doing his part to make sure that disc golf becomes a better place for everyone who’s interested in playing this game so if you want support what Chris is doing as well as take part in an awesome

Amazing Lifestyle brand make sure you head over to E le disc get yourself some fantastic merch products and maybe make some friends along the way now I’ll go ahead and say I’m a creature of habit when it comes to food especially I’m the guy that when I go to a restaurant

Whatever I try if I like it the first time that I get it I’m never going to get literally anything else at the restaurant if you’re one of those people let me know in the comments below but also if you’re one of those people who’s like crazy in my eyes who like get

Something different every time yeah would love to know my routine we when we head here I stop at the Shell gas station uh I’ve always wanted to be the guy when I walk in that they just know me um and they’re like oh hey Mr

Crawford how you doing I want to be that returning customer I value loyalty to a business like a lot so I always go to the same gas station to get some drinks for the shift because one thing about me is that I’m always drinking I talk a lot

And therefore I’m always thirsty so I drink a lot of water uh and then I basically my day alternates of like I drink a 32 oz Nene and then I have a glass of soda 32 oz Nene and then I’ll have something else like a Kool-Aid or

Something so I drink all throughout the day but another big thing that is a stable for me is Chipotle Thursdays and so on Thursdays uh I go and get Chipotle and I get my bowl and then I take it to the shop and then I eat at the shop so

Next time you see me we’re going to be sitting down inside the shop eating some Chipotle if you’re not shaking your Chipotle Bowl up what are you doing uh this is the hack you always get it to go even if you’re in there Shake It Up Wait for it the

Reveal this right here I had a friend who I had never had Chipotle and he came over to our house every week to watch Game of Thrones and he always shook his bowl up and I was every week like o I’ve got to eat some Chipotle so brown rice I

Get no beans uh because as someone who already a deep fear for me as someone I I could not smell for the first 30 years of my life um not because of Co I just couldn’t smell so farting and thinking other people are going to smell it deep

Fear of mine thinking that I have natural body odor truly my deep like other than getting eaten by a crocodile my deepest fear is that I smell bad and I didn’t know it um so brown rice no beans uh and then I get steak and barboa but

Here’s the trick is that if you go double meat you have to pay for it but they’re not that great the Chipotle workers at separating if you go half and half because if you go half and half you don’t pay for double meat but when you

Go half and half most of the time they just give you a full scoop of both anyways so you get double meat without paying for double meat half steak half Barbacoa uh extra cheese lettuce corn salsa uh just the regular like shredded cheese yeah well I do get

Queso on there as well got to slap that on there corn salsa mild salsa I used to when before my S surgery I used to get the hot salsa so I could feel pain and life and it would like flush my sinuses out I don’t do that anymore cuz it

Overpowers the rest of the bowl Bangarang delicious so another important thing when it comes to generating content and being around here is we shot a video this morning for vlogmas with Taylor doing push putts uh at this point I’m pretty confident you’ll have already seen all the videos we’re talking about

So we filmed a video with that John and I are about to film another video on putting games here in the shop so you may be thinking that’s kind of weird like you’re going to shoot two videos in one day we’ll all know and while you probably don’t care and I don’t think

That most viewers actually do care in order to not be like oh he shot this video into this video like that’s one of my favorite things is if you know I’m collabing with like Foundation or Foundation collab with banza when we’re doing stuff like that if you watch The

Outfits you can probably tell especially if it’s like we played the front nine for this we played the back nine here if they don’t announce that like they flowed into each other if you check the outfits you can kind of see the same videos like great example a video that

Came out um on my channel where we did scramble shots at Tim Brook was the same day that we filmed the destruction round over on foundation’s channel but we didn’t say that the two were connected but literally one video finished and we Flo right into the next so the easy

Solution is you just change shirts do the bottoms of the the outfit look the same they sure do but I have so many different pairs of khaki shorts khaki pants gray pants gray sleeves things like that we just changed the shirt around super easy super convenient and

Now it looks like I’m filming on entirely different day like for instance when I shoot my Instagram reels I shoot the real I try to when I’m really on top of my Instagram I try to make sure that I’m posting a different reel or different post every single day and I

Literally shoot all of them on Wednesday I just change shirts all throughout and then if the same shirt happens in the week I’ll shoot like in the I’ll shoot in the pizza shirt for Wednesday and then I’ll use that again on like Sunday the next day or that same week so

There’s been a couple reels in between I don’t know when it’s making into your feet but just a little bit of a switch up welcome to content insiders let’s film a video realized we said cowboy hat vlogmas and we shot the video with Taylor today didn’t have the cowboy hat

On and I also had the realization that the final video giv the warning ahead of time cuz I know there’s going to be comments I know there’s going to be Stu I’m not wearing the cowboy hat in that video either I’m a failure you can say

It type it in the chat failures in the chat dude strash go home I I did think about like I did think about this having like just having it float above that would be incredible yeah you got to go with like the pinch uh I think you’re a

Little low on it uh yeah so I like to go with the loop you can even if you’re crazy if you’re crazy you can Loop it through so now you got like a little excess spear on the bottom so it’s not pulling on and pin here and then you

Just pinch and point it up yeah I just pinch I pinch side I can’t see when I get it that high yeah just do it I ain’t sh yeah actually I just got I I think I just got it that’s fine uh uh okay I’m going to give you the good one think

It’s more important to hear you well no because here’s the deal this these mics work but you can see that one of them for some reason give me the good one I don’t want to be reaching my pocket and it fall apart I’ll feel terrible I think the

Wireless go-to system is great and it worked really well for a long time but for some Reon it still works it’s just I got to get like tape or something to like hold it down hly but if you can’t wrap it all the way around it’s going to

Block the port yeah port on the side these are these are my old mics these are not the good mics turn on that go ahead and talk I’m talking currently talking Bank we’re good to go let’s shoot a video all right let me see if let me see

If I can finish it for hooks nope Mone I’m here we go all right for hu oh goodness no I’m doing it for hug oh my God so another couple reasons that we end up working in Dynamic dis Iron City is I’m an extremely extroverted person like if

There’s a scale of introverts and extroverts I’m like way off in the extrovert scale I love being around people and you may think that a YouTuber that I get to talk to people a lot and there’s a lot of connection there but I just I miss and I

Crave the like the physical like getting to be in front of people with like have a face there so uh getting to work one day a week in the shop uh we’re not doing it because we’re getting paid out the wazu or things like that it honestly

It gives me a really good chance to get to have that face-to-face interaction with folks um second it gives me a chance to meet new people for local lessons and things like that uh and the putting video that we shot you’ll see like a little sign that advertises iners

Lessons that we do there um and see it’s just a really fun opportunity to kind of help uh our local shop out and do what we can so really really great there but how I usually close out the day um or at least some part of the day is I end up

Setting a timer for how much I’m going to like respond CU I think it can be super overwhelming when you work for yourself or things like that to just like constantly be answering things like whenever I’m on my phone I can be responding to messages and things like

That try to get to talk to people as much as possible so I sort of I set like and 1 hour timer and I try to if I already have an existing conversation going I try to lean into that so I kind of set a priority list in terms of like

I’m talking to patreon people uh and then I’m responding to business emails and then I’m responding to people that I’ve already started a conversation with on Instagram and then that moves down into getting to the request folder so I’ve been doing that for a little while

And like I think if you can zoom in like I a lot of people will be like oh I’ve messaged this guy and I’ve never heard back uh from him so what’s going on um but I’m just like scrolling through this list uh and like hidden

Requests I mean it’s one two three like there are a multitude of people that are in the hidden request folder really I would love to start a conversation with but I just don’t have the academy or like the power to necessarily message every single person so great example

Here you have uh Woolen straps messaged me four weeks ago and I it’s like it’s not only in my request folder but it’s in the hidden request folder so I have to go through like three layers of communication it feels like just to be able to even see that Woolen straps has

Messaged me uh much less be able to respond to the message so a lot of times people will be like oh they’re just ignoring me things like that I spend an hour a day trying to message people back and I don’t get to burn through all of

Them I try to I try to start new conversations and have things going like that so wool and straps off chance you see this I I love your content wondering if you have any tips for a forehand player that wants to learn a backhand

Things man I can come in here and I can be like all right cool and I can pass along a tip um I can record a video things like that I love getting the chance to do that but it’s another conversation we’re starting so um I I

Love getting to interact with people and one of the best things and one of the coolest Parts about Foundation editing videos is rather than spending 68 hours editing videos every week I’m actually getting that time to reinvest into connecting with people so I really appreciate that uh and getting the

Chance to do that also another thing that happens on Thursdays is every other Thursday me and two of my best friends uh we head to Buffalo Wild Wings uh and we get some boness wings cuz at least our local BDubs uh is every other Thursday is Boneless buy 1 get one free

Boneless so uh I know some of you were like Ramy that’s not real wings I don’t care bro uh I like my little chicken nuggets they’re great they’re delicious get some some parmesan garlic and some mild Blended not half and half mixed together they can do that with the

Sauces it’s next level y’all so uh headed off to BDubs and then we’ll be back after all that and that’s it that’s going to wrap it up for today’s video I hope you guys enjoyed just this sneak peek of coming around with me for the day try to keep it interesting and

Entertaining while not trying to like fabricate anything extraordinary or anything where you’re like oh man that was crazy that happens to him every single day just really wanted to bring you along for the journey it was a pretty standard Thursday but I’m curious for those of you in the comments are

There things that you thought happened during the day that you didn’t see happen or things that you wondered about a process that maybe I do on a regular basis and you want more insight into that always looking for more ideas and trying to get you guys the content that

You’re looking for hope you guys have enjoyed this day of vlogmas be sure to tune in tomorrow so we only got three days left so I want to thank you so much for tuning in I hope you have an amazing rest of your day and you can make it

Fantastic for someone else too but for now we’re going to leave you with the birdie He


  1. Robbie, I'm with you. I get the same thing, and if I do change it up, I have immediate remorse 😂

  2. I obviously have no numbers to back anything up, but when i forst got into discgolf i played about a year before o bought any discs, i had the 3 i was given. I just didnt understand how to know what that disc would fly like and if i would like it. I think there is an opportunity and market to do a series that goes through the top 10 discs of each slot from each manufacturer explaining what each disc does, what it flies like, showing the shape, the flip up, the power needed, forehand/backhand, descinong of its best for open or woods. But whoever does it needs to be consistant. Where new people could come in and theres a playlist of the top 120 discs. Foundation was sort of on track for a minute but they didnt quite hit the mark as they already mew how the discs fly, it needs to be approached from the point of view of some1 who has only been playong for 6 months or soo.

  3. When you post these type videos it’s always amazing to me the level of development of your channel and content in such a relatively short period of time. It’s like you’ve been doing this for 10 years. It’s as professional as it gets. Always enjoyed. Thanks

  4. Wacky Chinese Restaraunt Orders – House Fried Rice and eggrolls are the standard by which I judge Chinese restaurants. If I like it, chances are I'll enjoy most things on the menu. From there, if I want to be adventurous and broaden my pallette, I gamify my order. Menus items are categorized and numbered so I roll dice to determine category, and then roll dice to determine the item. Wierd, huh?

  5. "the real ones know i'm trash at responding in general" 😅

    Also, how my wifes orders go when she calls in our chinese joint:

    "Hi, I'd like to place an order for…"

    "$41.30 15 minute. click "

  6. This was the best idea for a video the world of disc golf has ever seen. I had no idea, but always wondered what goes into it. Slim Jim’s will kill you……..just saying.

  7. We really need to talk about this breakfast… you're in your 30's, time to start eating a little healthier!

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