Golf Babe

We’re ready for baby #1 ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿผ

We’re ready for baby #1 ๐Ÿ‘ถ๐Ÿผ

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Get To Know Us!
-We started our first YouTube channel (Mariah and Bill) December 1, 2017!
-Our Marble family is currently made up of us (Mariah & Bill), our 3 Cats (Snap, Thor & Scar), and the millions of you!
-We love creating fun & entertaining videos!
-Bill’s birthday is May 27, 2000!
-Mariah’s birthday is December 29, 1998!

How We Met!! *Our Story*
-2017 is when we both started working at a grocery store called Marianos! Mariah was hired as a cashier and I (Bill) was a bagger! As you can tell, it was love at first sight! After only a month Bill popped the question on March 22, 2017!

What is good Marvel Squad and welcome back to our channel so Bill’s actually in the shower right now and as you guys read by today’s title no this isn’t a prank this is more of like a convincing SL reaction So lately a little backstory I have been getting really bad baby

Fever like baby to the point where like I am really ready to start a family yesterday I was driving and I saw this like Mom and Dad with their two kids and they were throwing like little rocks into the canale and I’m like it’s like I

Can’t wait until me and Bill start a family and we’re able to like go out and do things cuz like I am really lonely out in Florida like I don’t have a lot of family all my friends live in like different states the only friends that I

Have that live out here are an and Anthony but they live like 2 hours away and I feel like it would give me some sense of like just like activity wise like I feel like it’d be so fun for me and Bill to like do things with our

Little kid I don’t know I don’t know if it’s also because I’ve been watching lry Hill and I don’t know if you guys have watched it but like Haley and Nathan have a baby named Jamie and like I don’t know just watching how cute their family

Is on there I just have the most baby fever in the world I don’t know if it’s cuz I’m get my period I don’t know if it’s cuz my emotions are skyrocketing because the wedding’s coming up I don’t know I’ve just been having like the most

Beefy I’ve had in the longest time and I haven’t felt like this ever I still am like I really am not ready I know you’re never ready for a kid but I’m just like I don’t know I’ve been getting this like urge like I want to be pregnant and I

Want to like have a family but like I know but we’re going to try to get our next house before we do and like it’s not going to be for a minute but I am going to try to convince bill when he gets out of the shower if we can start

Trying for baby number one after the wedding on our honeymoon and let’s see how what he says cuz like honestly I wouldn’t be opposed but I do want to also spend at least a couple months of married life together before we like start having a family but I just want to

See where his head’s at I want to see like if you want to so guys make sure give this video a big thumbs up if you guys haven’t yet make sure go and hit that subscribe button and join the Marvel family and one day we will be the

Marble family and I am so excited to like take that next step with Bill I’s just hope he wants to take that next step I mean he is marrying me so I don’t know I’m nervous I’m so nervous but I’m so excited for the future 2024 is going

To be an amazing year and I can’t wait for you guys to be a part of that year with us like we have our wedding we have our house stuff we’re getting into possibly babies like it’s just going to be a really exciting year I can’t wait

To see what the New Year’s like so all right guys I’m going to stop my rambling I’m literally rambling but it’s like I’m on FaceTime to you guys I’m like chatting letting you guys know how I’m feeling but all right I think he just got out of the shower so I’m going to

Ask him when he gets out okay first of all first of all I need you to come here why you look hold on you look way too good right now I feel like I don’t fit into this I feel like my body is too big

For this shirt no babe you look sexy oh my bro I like these shorts though I feel like I never worn these you’re going to make my ovaries explode okay you are and wait until you start going in the tanning bed with me and you start getting a tan oh my God

Chef’s kiss well when I start getting a tan that’s when things get dangerous yeah cuz I’m going to be really smoking cuz then I’m going to be look at these look at these these muscles yeah smoking smoking we forgot the most important thing what what do you think that how

Like you don’t have any lights on that’s what I’m saying bro like how are we going to set up all this stuff and not turn the lights on turn the lights on Bill literally has a thing where he is able to put on all the Christmas lights

Ready for this let’s see W and it also turns out another one in our room W you’re going to keep breakfast now that we have the right atmosphere how many days until Christmas are we at like eight it’s December 18th but when we post it’s going to be December 20th so

That’s wait a minute that’s only 5 days Alexa how many days until Christmas yeah 5 days it’ll be Christmas will start in 7 days so it’ll be 5 days when we post this y by the time y’all are watching this it’s literally 5 days until Christmas I’m so now so emotional I’m so

Pissed wait why have you been emotional I’m getting my period and I’m really sad because like I really like the Christmas stuff up I don’t want to take it down dude I don’t want to take this down either I feel like we’ve only had it up

For like 2 weeks I know I actually low key like this is for real for real I actually I’m like super sad that I miss like the Chicago Christmas parties and like my parents little fat I’m sure we’ve told them in the future if they seen like my parents always have

Christmas and this year was the first year my parents did not host any Christmas like the tradition’s cut off yeah and for 22 years I’ve never missed one Christmas party and they endered the tradition my aunt took over one side of my family my dad’s side of my family my

Cousin took over yeah your mom probably feels relieved yeah but that’s dude imagine my whole childhood gone done not gone but it’s done well we can make our own new family holidays you talking about new family this girl has been wning okay so this girl did you mention anything well I

Wanted to talk to you about it cuz I’m sure you’re going to mention it I don’t know what’s with this girl but she the past 2 days no this started yesterday it did start yesterday the past like 24 hours her brain flipped and now she wants to have kids okay would you how

Does your you go I wanted to I wanted to talk to you about this what do you think of possibly trying to start like we don’t have to try but we can like stop what we do to protect it being you’re being fur it’s not even cuz you’re

Filming right no you’re being for real I’m just saying if something happens I do want to enjy I do want to enjoy married life but I’m saying on the honeymoon we can just cut off whatever um protection that you know is in the work dude our honeymoon is in 2 months I

Know that’s crazy so how do you feel about starting a family like where where’s your head at where’s your head at it’s not that I don’t want to where’s your head is this like an interview Bill day no I just no be like act like you’re talking to me don’t don’t worry about

The camera I just want to know like where’s your head at like are you ready for a baby like I think I’m just in my feels I’m getting my period so it’s not that I don’t want to have a baby cuz I do I feel like it’s super cute and

Especially cuz One Tree Hill yeah right that’s what I was I was explaining on like One Tree Hill like the baby have to understand here’s the thing when you have kids yes you your life can stay the same like you could still do the same

Things but like we are not going to be kids anymore think about this think about this think about this the moment you have a baby we go from being kids to actually being adults because we have our own kids like no I know and I’m not

Ready to give up I know this might sounds selfish but I’m not ready to give up that like freedom of like just us two I know a lot of women will post on like Tik Tok and stuff of them like being sad because they’re so used to just the two

You and you’re adding another person in like dude this is another human being that’s going to be living breathing eating learning having a little mini us it would be cute it’d be adorable I’m not I’m not opposed to it but I just think it’s crazy thinking like once you

Have a baby like yes you could stay young forever you could be a kid forever but the thing is like I feel like buying a house getting married I feel like that stuff is like you’re still growing I feel like once you have a baby that’s

Like the moment you switch from a young mind set to an actual like big adult mindset cuz I feel like buying you’re going way too much into even though you asked bro I know but I’m just wondering where your head’s at like are you ready

To have a baby I mean I’m not oppos but I’m also not like saying I want I now that I’m talking about it I’m getting nervous again and I’m like backing out but like I’m ready to like start a family and have purpose like to wake up

And be able to use our golf cart more and to go and like explore the World Imagine having our kid in the middle of our golf just like it would make us want to do that more right yeah like do stuff together like go to the park go to like

Um aquariums goach how to play fortnite yeah yeah they just like have like like a mini us like I just feel like everyone always says it’s so different when it’s your kid you said I’m going on a tangent this girl’s been going this is literally what she been doing for theast I’m

Getting anxious thinking about so you’re not opposed no why would I be opposed to having a baby with you you would be obviously I’m going to be with you for the rest of our lives so You’ be you would thought the yes like if something happens I’m not saying yes or no saying

I’m not the I know we’re planning to have like the next step into our after the wedding we’re planning to get a house but even if I did end up getting pregnant we still can move it’s not like we’re going to be stuck in this house

It’s not like Chicago dude she has this all planned out it’s not like it’s not like Chicago we’re going from Chicago to Florida like and this house is going to end up being an Airbnb so like yeah so a lot of this furniture and stuff that’s

In here is going to stay in here I guess it’s time no not really not right now not not right now right now she she’s still scared of having kids or getting pregnant actually and going to your wedding but I’m like you’re not even going to show really at 2 months you

Know I’m not getting pregnant now I know I’m just saying if you did no cuz I’d be probably sick I have stomach problems I’d probably be a sick dog no yeah I’m curious to see how you look pregnant be cute right no you’re going to look cute

I mean like function yeah I know cuz right now I’m it might straighten you out I’m not saying you function bad I’m just saying there’s some she gets spurts of like negative energy sometimes no I don’t I get exp anxiety that’s what I’m talking about dippy doooo I never said

It was a bad thing now I’m getting nervous it’s so weird you guys I have not been nervous of like childbirth I might sound really weird but I haven’t been nervous of child birth like at all I’m actually not scared like I actually wouldn’t even mind if I got a C-section

Okay calm your thinking I been just thinking about it like obviously child bir’s like the scariest part but like I feel like it’s such a beautiful thing it is you know why are you going so deep right now okay imagine scar scar with our baby imagine him he is our baby I

Know imagine months old I know but imagine him cuddling with our baby and snappy and Toto they be such good um uncles come here why does he look like that I look like what like a menace yeah he looks like he’s like something wrong let’s see him oh show show them how show

Them what actually how long he is he’s about 6 months old look at him this is his face this is his features wow beautiful old man all right show how long he is sprawl him out I was doing this earlier sprawl him out show the mar

How big he got we got to give him the wine you a wine you got to give him the wine hold on okay there you go all right now show how big he is show how big he is Bam how oh I got to take a picture of

This oh my God oh my God going to stay no do it again do it again do it again bam oh my God he’s a big boy I’ll be good with a baby really yeah I’ll be bab okay but are you ready for baby number one I would actually do that so

When is your time frame when would be the perfect time frame for you like 2024 end of 2024 beginning of 2025 like 2023 oh really no be for real be for real be for real 2024 like what’s your ideal like I want to know where your head’s at

This is like a little documentary so we can look back at this and we do it’s one of those things where it’s like I don’t know specifically but I I feel like as we go along through life whether it’s like 6 months or a year or 2 years yeah

Kind of maybe develop those it’s like proposing like I didn’t really develop the thought of proposing not that I didn’t want to marry you just I didn’t develop the thought of doing it until like we were 5 years I am dark yeah you are need to stop tanning look at that I

Need to catch up you need to slow down so I feel like it’s going to be one of those things where maybe like this year what’s your time frame what’s your like goal like what’s your goals like it’s like okay we want to get married and

Then move into our house by summer of next year like we have goals well I would like to move into a house next year and I feel like after we’re in a house well no our next house I feel like after maybe think about that cuz then

I’m not going to be thinking about going into another house gu I will after the next house oh no talking about I thought you say if I got pregnant you would think no cuz if we’re going to move I feel like right now I’m thinking about moving and like getting married

Honeymoon moving and then I feel like I’m not going to be thinking about anything else cuz I’ve been thinking about moving for like over a year I just have baby fever and that’s okay I know I I can tell but I will say I do think

That that’s a good time frame I think that’s a good goal I feel like it’s good we’re documenting this this is like the end of 2023 this is our vision we’re cul what our New Year’s resolution and what we want to accomplish in 2024 right yeah and maybe you can get me pregnant

December oh my God why why do you have to say it like that maybe you could give be pregnant in December or it would be really cute to have like a um I wasant this has been going on not that it’s a bad thing this has been going on for the

Past 24 hours no I’m just thinking of different things like we and we also have to plan okay when do we soz it might not take it might not be easy to get me pregnant right away we also want to think like okay what month do we want

Our baby to be in okay okay okay calm down buddy calm down I’m just excit you’ll be okay everything’s going to be okay I’m just excited can you I know I know so am I buttering you up so you can get a no so you guys that I guess is where Bill’s

Head’s at my head is I am honestly on the same page because I think I’m just I’m getting my period I’m emotional I’m have my feels are up in the sky yo S Help send help so baby 2024 Happ oh my God bro yes we are both

Ready space okay well you guys I feel like that was a success I feel like I butter youed up what do you mean success you haven’t changed any of my thoughts this is just how I’ve been thinking just can’t wait to have your baby I know Mar

Has been like this for 24 hours I have and I’ll probably CH watch my PE going to go in and be like I don’t want a baby maybe you’re pregnant right now stop no I’m not maybe you should take a test no hold on no I’m not pregnant guys don’t

Ask why but we have okay I’ll it’s from the last video there’s a test right here I’m not taking that right now Mar is going to take this right now I’m saving it for when I actually need it okay do you feel nauseous yes but that’s my

Period are you yes but I’m getting my period in 3 days have you been taking prenatal vitamins I’ve been taking pren guys for my acne have you been experiencing weird body aches and changing of emotions babe I’m getting my period that’s what you usually think are

You late on your period no I have in 3 days so why is it this strong 3 days before because that’s where I get week before period symptoms no I’m not PR well we have a pregnancy test right here an extra one so if y’all think we should

Take one I highly doubt mari’s pregnant I’m just joking around but like we have one you’re something else now you’re getting in my head I’m not playing guys there’s no way I know I know I know you know you know with my head now you’re already I’m already anxious as it is why

Are you putting that in my hand yo thank you so much for watching this video you see where our heads are at we kind of just been going back and forth with the whole thought of like babies and growing up and stuff and obviously we’ve been

Growing up the past you know you know our whole life our past years mostly but I feel like having a baby is like when you stop becoming a kid and you become an adult but you can you can still have a kid mindset as an adult I feel like

That is the literal matured step is you have a kid like that that literally like you can buy anything you want when you’re 12 13 14 20 3 24 but when you have a kid it doesn’t mean you have to have a kid to be an adult it just

Changes everything it does change everything I feel like that’s the reason why I’m saying that because it’s actually going to make us go into an adult mindset where we literally have to take care of a human being yeah all right you guys I got to end this video

Here because I’m getting like excited anxious I’m getting all the feelings and I’m trying to think we have a wedding coming up guys in two freaking months can you believe that husband and wife make sure to be subscribed to our Channel with post notifications on that

Is so important so you get notified for all of our videos and on top of that our wedding content that’s going to be coming up in literally a month two months but I will say month February the week of our wedding and a couple weeks after we might not be as active we’re

Still going to be posting but it’s not going to be as active because we’re getting ready for all of our wedding content to come out and we have to like make sure everything’s Ed I don’t want to like do our wedding and then post normal content like I want everything to

Be in order like yeah about that I don’t want so stay tuned it’s going to be lit 5 days till Christmas I hope y’all are getting ready Merry Christmas I’m sad that we got to take down a decoration soon but the big man is about to deliver y’all

Present presents in 5 days where’s my present right here baby right here this is your present no all right you guys we will see you in the next video but until then peace love you Guys


  1. I am ready for you guys to be really good parents to you baby girl or baby boy i know you guys are going to be good mom and dad and you know it love you guysโค๐Ÿ‘

  2. My son is now 1year and 2 months old and the experience so far has been amazing and having watched yโ€™all from the beginning. Itโ€™s absolutely amazing that you guys will also be experiencing the baby life ๐Ÿ˜‚ congrats

  3. Iโ€™m soooo for a baby #1 and Iโ€™m so excited but my opinion is that you maybe should wait a little after the wedding for sure!! But Iโ€™m so for baby #1 โค

  4. Mariah and Bill when the time is right and you are read to start a family I definitely know that you are going to be the best parents in the world and Mariah you will make the most Beautiful mother there can ever be and you we Baby will want for nothing at all I can't wait until that day comes along to see a mini you or a mini Bill what ever you have it will be your baby will Be Beautiful just like you or Handsome just like Bill so I really can't wait Mariah you and Bill are absolutely fantastic couple with hearts of gold ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’› and I can't get over how much Beautiful Scar has grown up he is definitely very long but wait until he is fully grown up and you will definitely see how Big he really is please give them a Big hug from me as I have not long lost me wee cat Boo and not long before him my Beautiful little dog Scout as well..we love you guys so much and can't wait until your wedding day you will be the most beautiful bride in the world… BIG thank you Beautiful Mariah and Bill for all your awesome videos keep up the fantastic work..๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏโ›„๐ŸŽ„๐Ÿ’•โฃ๏ธ

  5. I love you Mariah and bill so much and I loved your YouTube video is very amazing good video ever so much and I loved your lovely makeup Mariah make you so perfect lovely sweetheart pretty gorgeous beautiful makeup ever Mariah so much I am so happy for you Mariah and bill I loved too see your lovely wedding day Mariah so much and if you have a new house with your lovely baby in your new home Mariah so much and I am your biggest best favourite YouTube star ever so much and you are Amazing looking gorgeous and lovely beautiful stronger cutest couple ever I know you all my heart too you so much and you are so sweet lovely amazing gorgeous beautiful cutest YouTube star family couple ever so much and I loved your lovely snaps and tron and scar too so much โค๏ธ

  6. I love yall!! โคI watch your guys videos and it takes away me worries for a while and makes me really happyโคโคโค

  7. NOT HATEโ€”I want you to have a baby yes but as a Christian you should wait until marriage and same with sleeping and living in the same house.

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