Golf Players

Nikko Locastro & Cale Leiviska, Paul McBeth Injury Update, Eagle McMahon Leaving Discmanina? | EP 49

So much to unpack this week! Brodie and Uli will break it all down!
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1:20 Show Preview
2:12 Brodie/Uli Week Recap
8:45 2025 World Championships In Europe
16:57 Paul McBeth Injure Update
30:55 Cale Leiviska
1:19:30 Nikko Locastro
2:17:30 Terry Miller Shocking Tweet
2:20:40 Ricky Wysocki On Leaking Player Movement
2:27:32 Player Movement/Rumors
2:32:35 JohnE McCray Wins
2:34:33 Natalie Ryan vs. PDGA Case Closed
2:33:21 DGPT All-Star Weekend Announced
2:37:07 Housekeeping

#tourlife #discgolf #discraft #brodiesmith #paululibarri

What is happening everybody welcome back to another tour life we’re back me and Julie and we’re live baby we’re doing it live Julie and we’re crispy look at how crispy we are coming through that beautiful screen work Julie did the work over there to get his internet right I’m

Hooked up to the modem now do I have some sort of a uh choking device potentially I might be have created a guillotine if anyone does run through because my cord is barely long enough so it’s just like head head hey through the uh through the hallway here but we’re

Hooked up to the the internet this is fast speed fast action and that’s a good thing because tonight we’re gonna have to go fast speed fast action because we have a lot to discuss uh today is Wednesday December 20th 20123 we got to talk about the Paul MC

Beth injury update we gotta talk about kale Lisa niika Castro coming on the podcast for the first time lot to discuss with those guys Ricky Waki goes at my boys again no one comes at my boys Julie uh player movement like not just crazy stuff that happened earli in the week

Like stuff that is happening live right now in front of us as we speak people are just posting stuff tweeting stuff we’ll talk about all that I got a conspiracy theory with eagle that I want to talk about see how close I am on that

And uh we got the wild story of the week and we got some listener questions so before we go in that though how’s it going brother how you doing how was this last week it’s been great man busy you know just doing the vlogmas thing uh

Went on a little golf trip yesterday so I got out of the house went on a little golf trip went to Tobacco Road is what it’s called very nice course yes I’m familiar it’s fun very fun one of the more unique golf courses I’ve ever played man these greens were so nuts

They were undulated like 80 foot up the hill down there it was it was insane super fun went with a bunch of D dudes from the club and we had a blast so that was my day off and other than that I’ve just been yeah working hard here at the

House nice I uh I got to witness after one of the most pathetic games of football I’ve ever watched I got to witness the Raiders actually achieved their franchise scoring record yeah wild it was hilarious um Trevor was doing his 24-hour live stream during it which is

Shout out to Trevor for completing his 24-hour live stream I just kept going into the chat and being like touchdown touchdown touchdown and he thought I was like trolling he’s like no chance I’m like touchdown that game was absolutely nuts also whenever you get like a big

Boy to get a scooping score it’s always the best I love 17 miles an hour dude we got we got one of that um I was sick the last couple days so that kind of created we’ve we’ve got a Christmas party to go to tonight

For the Raiders so kind of created a lot of chaos I just got into a new hobby opening sports cards I’m all about it absolutely love it uh you never opened sports cards before first time like two days ago was my first pack I ever opened

I used to be big into yes I used to be big into Pokemon me and my brother have every basic jungle and fossil Pokemon card so we collected when we were kids like we’ve got maybe four or five Charizards we went ham when we were kids

But I never did got into the sports cards and now it’s like dude this is so much fun I think now too that I’m paying attention being in that Survivor league for the NFL yeah I know a lot more players now so um if you want to check

Out we’re going to be posting stuff the channel is called the Darkhorse sports cards me and my buddy Sage uh we’ll be posting live streams videos all that stuff we actually already have I just pulled Julie I just did a live stream I just pulled a Redemption card

So he hasn’t even signed these yet but it’s G to be an autograph you’re a UFC guy it’s an autograph from Islam michev oh no way the champ yes wow what a card to pull man so th those are going right now for 50 bucks like just the Redemption not the actual card

Just the thing to get the the card 50 bucks right now on eBay so very very fun what’s that what do you got there this is a Corbin Carrol High School autograph I just got that in yes yes now now I I’m gonna I’m gonna hear in the comments if

You want to do it right that’s the right way of doing it is you go out you find the card you want and you buy it we’re not doing that yeah we’re opening packs over here we’re opening packs um all right uh let’s jump into it because again like I said lots to

Discuss and we’ve got kale coming on at five the what oh the ad read yeah good call yeah see this is the first one so it’s gonna it’s gonna be a work process we actually do have an ad Uli okay we did a pre we did a pre-recording so this

Was not the smoothest transition from me but we’re going to do a little ad read right now shout out and uh we’ll get back into it right now we’ll jump right back into the podcast but before I do want to talk to you guys about today’s sponsor is something interfering with

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Struggling consider online therapy with better help click the link in the description or visit Foundation that is better foundation and again thank you so much to our spons a better help so Julie we lucked out we were planning on potentially filming this early which I’m starting to think if we

Have good internet you look crispy over there I look crispy over here I think we keep this show live the energy is much better I love it when the chat is going off I like the show live I also when we get guests to come on and it’s live I’m

A big fan of that so if we can keep everything crispy I think this will continue to be a live show but we were planning on filming it in the morning and I’m glad we didn’t because we got uh I mean we had a full show of announcements within the last like four

Hours so we’re gonna try to Rattle that off we’ve got kale coming on at the 5:30 Mark so 5:30 kale will be coming on followed by niiko Castro at 6 lot to discuss with those guys but before we jump into that 2025 worlds will be in Europe Yulie yeah crazy right we were

Literally just talking about this a couple like is there going to be a switch to where there’s gon to be a little bit more emphasis over in Europe I mean I feel like it was just a matter of time before before we were over there for the World Championships I

Don’t know what this means as far as like the tour going over there I think that I think the World Championships needs to be able to move around the world and not just be in in uh America so I I think it was held in Canada one

Time only time it’s ever been not held in the United States we actually played at that course me uh Ezra and Aaron have a video of us playing that course it’s called Toronto Island we played it on our way over from I think after deago when we were headed over

To one of my favorite courses ever yeah it’s a fun course y it’s a very fun course um all right so some information here what what does this mean yeah so Nokia and tempera I think I said that right Tempa Tempa uh will be hosting worlds in

2025 uh the propos the proposed courses which this is an interesting one Julie post courses like how is that not already solidified how do we have we’re two years away we’re not even two years away we’re like a year and a half away how do we not have solidified courses

How are they proposed proposed that doesn’t make sense to me but the proposed courses are the beast in Nokia which is made famous from the European open and also the tempera Disc Golf Center which from the players I’ve talked to that’s like one of their favorite courses they’ve ever played

Have you played out there I have yeah it’s awesome yeah it’s a great course for sure without a doubt I was thinking that the European open would move to that course personally but um worlds it seems like they’re wanting you to have two two courses and well the 2024

European open this was also announced will also be played on both those courses oh okay so there go if you want yeah if you want a little preview to what the world championships will look like the 2024 this upcoming season European open will be played not just in

Nokia but also at tempera um other information with this the 2025 European open will not be happening it will not be called the European open in 2025 5 instead it will be called the European PDGA major and that will happen in talian Estonia um at the Italian song festival

Gardens which or Festival grounds which will be that will uh I think that tournament is going to be happening as well so you can kind of see where that will go next year this year I changes a name I don’t know there’s weird stuff going on we we’ll get to all the weird

Stuff um in a second that’s going to be the fourth PDGA Pro major of the Season which also is another weird thing and uh both of the events will be scheduled close there’s no actual hey this is when the events are happening but they’ll be scheduled close together so that way

Travel and stuff so let’s break this down first thing that’s kind of funky to me proposed courses I don’t know why we have proposed courses second thing that’s a little bit funky to me I don’t know how I feel about them like you said changing the name I think if we want and

We’ve talked about this I think if we want to have the world championship be the world championship I think it does make sense to have it bounce around and maybe it does play I mean do you see the world championship ever happening at at usdc one year like uscc doesn’t exist at

That tournament at that hor that’s what I don’t like about the whole thing what happening here I mean the World Championships bounces around yep the European open shouldn’t I feel like it shouldn’t change its name it should stay the European open even though it’s not at the same

Course I don’t mind that I think the European open would be really if the world championship ends up happening in the United States Canada Australia Europe Asia and it like bounces around right right the European open should be the European open and it should happen in Europe every year and then and there

You have no nothing too weird about that yeah I don’t know usgc like has always been at at at winr so it gets that feeling of like the masters of it’s like it’s established that’s where it is but eventually we’re probably going to outgrow that course I think we keep we

Say that every year when we just keep going back there so I don’t know when that would actually happen but I age the progression of the sport it seems it would seem you think it would go private eventually you know to a private course and then probably stay there forever the

Other thing that’s weird yeah I agree the other thing that’s weird with this too is you know I just sometimes feel the PDGA tries to get their fingers and stuff in in everything like why is it called the P why is it called pdj Pro major why why are we not just calling

These majors why are we calling them Pro Majors we ma like let’s just make Majors a thing like that’s just what you should call it Majors there’s four majors these are the four majors not PDGA Majors not PDGA Pro Majors four there’s four majors yeah it’s just it’s just the terminology a

Lot of times this stuff just makes it so complicated for no reason at all and if the only reason is like oh well the PJ wants to have their name attached to it no get out of here get get wrecked um anything else about this I feel like

The the course the course the way they they talked about just the courses or whatever um might be because maybe there’s some something in the works it’s possible that they might be trying to build a really nice course and they don’t want to handcuff themselves by

Being like this is where it’s going to be you know what I mean yeah that’s a that’s a possibility possibility uh we also have hunter in the chat right now that said he actually read it as the major is happening in Europe not that the new not that there’s going to be a

New name of the event well if that’s the case then this whole the way whoever wrote this article from the pjj made it very confusing because you you should have said the 20124 European open will be hosted in here instead they the sentence literally says in 2025 the

European open will not be happening instead European PDGA major will happen in Estonia that I mean I guess the fact that you can misread that or not misread it but you can uh decide how what that means to you I that’s just poorly written so we’ll see maybe they’ll come out and

Correct it and and let us know um anything else with this no they announced that Champions Cup uh is going to be back in Appling Georgia in 2025 they said that they’re going to start getting ready I think in the next couple weeks to start making the courses so

Hopefully they’ll be a full year of maybe people playing on them what do you think what do you think they’re going to do with that place you think they’re going to try to Isaac proof that place I mean who’s mid no more mid-range filet gaps and do we know who’s

Designing it any word on who’s designing it I Haven Haven seen that I’m not I’m not up on the on the new the new stuff why am I blurry no you’re Crystal no you’re Crystal you’re still fine you got to look at your big look at your big screen

Okay that was syus will syus will also bounce in here and tell you when your internet’s trash um that’s his favorite thing to do to us uh all right let’s talk about Paul McBeth uh he went on the upshot talked about his torn laum so I

Don’t know when it was diagnosed I don’t know 100% the timeline of everything and initially the timeline was very weird for me when it first happened in the European open because he didn’t mention like he played a couple rounds and then mentioned that he he said that he injured

It um after one of the rounds in one interview that I heard he said that he injured it after one of the rounds but then later said that he in injured himself before the tournament so I’m not really entirely sure what’s going on with the timeline of his injury but from

The gist of what he said he went to a doctor they didn’t see anything Pro no problems so then they said just do physical therapy Physical Therapy wasn’t working so then he went to another doctor that doctor found something on the MRI and said you have a tear suggested

Surgery and he is going stem cells is what he’s going to end up doing so he’s not going to do surgery he’s going to try to get SIM cells in the next couple weeks and hopefully be ready to go for the opening Tournament of the Season which is also at his course

Does go ahead initial reaction uh wish him the best initial reaction is anytime uh one of our um competitors has to have stem cell surgery rehab whatever wish him the best hope hope it hope it works honestly um yeah that sucks I think that I think personally that disc golf needs Paul MC

Beth playing in these tournaments um and so the faster he gets back the better for the sport something that was a little bit interesting someone that was arguably the number one fan like he probably had the Biggest Fan Fair attached to his name he didn’t really play that much

Last season didn’t have that great of a season he I believe he was 13th in fan voting so when we were kind of speculating why he wasn’t one of the all Stars yeah he didn’t he didn’t get the votes so his his play didn’t get him in

There and then he was 13th in fan voting so I I 100% agree with you I think when Paul is playing and he’s playing well I think all like the Casual fans will kind of come back out and there will be a big uh big support behind him but is this a

Bigger picture does disc golf have an issue is there a plane big old truck just mowing by my house oh gosh okay I’ve never heard I’ve never heard anything like that before I thought there was like a I was worried something was happening I was like is

There a plane fly fly someone thing special agent yeah does disc golf have a problem with injuries like pros handling injuries injuries properly does disc golf have an issue yeah for sure I mean I can say that because I’ve handled my injury like an absolute dummy um I I’ve handled

Injuries in my career like a like a total idiot I know that for facts now part of it was earlier in my career I didn’t have insurance couldn’t afford it so I went through a bunch of injuries where I just kind of self diagnosed and and went through it and probably really

Really hurt myself um and then later on listen some of these injuries that we get aren’t like they’re not like normal man they’re not like normal ones that you just go to like a super good doctor and they know what’s going on for example like when I tore my

ACL I went to a doctor after I I healed it up I was running and then all a sudden it started hurting again went to a doctor and he just B he straight up told me he said no sometimes ACL like those surgeries they just don’t work and

You’re you’re going to be hobbling for the rest of your life like that’s just sometimes that’s what happens and I’m like what I went to another guy and there ended up being like a little screw in there that my body wasn’t like breaking down and that was the only reason so I

Went that guy knew what was going on mhm so it’s a combination of like you got to go to multiple sources if you just imagine if I was just like okay yep I’m done and I don’t get that and then all of a sudden my body is not breaking down

The screw and I just it in there for the rest of my life and I just hobble around like there are problems with that with with athletes just listening to them and being like okay yeah that sounds right like multiple sources are very important another thing is we don’t have like the

Best doctors of all time like who is our guy to go to Seth you go to you can go to those no he’s not a doctor you that but I’m saying listen to what these guys have but when I injured when like when I got my injury I was referred like

I ended up like doing some research asking some people and I was referred to the uh at the time I believe was the Indianapolis Colts head doctor yeah so someone that operates on guys that are worth millions and millions of dollars that’s who I went to to say hey my knee

I got a similar injury to what football players get what should I do the the idea yes is it easy if you’re an NFL player for sure you have a whole staff right there for you you’re not having to make questions but we you can you can

Seek these people out you can find these people and and go to people that know what they’re talking about my my initial question is like is there is there an issue with what’s going on what’s going on in the disc golf world because there there are now multiple times where

Players have had serious injuries or illnesses and have decided to go like a Darkhorse method of recovery and we have seen that a lot of times it doesn’t work it just doesn’t work and I don’t I understand what you’re saying yes when money is an issue you have to make

Sacrifices and you have to do maybe some stuff that you wish you you you could do um you wish you could do some other stuff but you can’t afford it right but I mean we’re talking about like Ricky Waki we’re talking about Eagle McMahon we’re talking about Paul MC Beth we’re

About guys that have money and we have seen them make interesting choices in regards to their health and I don’t know if there is some sort of connection there I don’t know if someone is that is that has a connection with everyone is giving them bad advice I don’t know

What’s going on but it is it does seem weird to me that I have seen this happen before it’s not a oneoff and it’s not like oh this happened years ago and now we’re just we’re seeing a lot of cases and there there’s a lot of other smaller

Cases too as well but those those are the big three well let me ask you this question do you think it’s um interesting that there’s more and more injuries every single year with the top guys is that just because of age is that just people are getting older and so

Injuries are happening more often or do you think it’s like the courses are getting bigger and we’re just throwing as hard as we can every single time Well here here’s the thing too I I think that’s part of it is like the game is changing and if you’re not changing

How you handle yourself like I can go I can roll out of my car I’m I’m at at I’m at the age two where like before I go on my like 40 minute run where I’m not really running that fast I do stretches I like warm up before I even go like a

Jog but if I really wanted to I could roll out of my car go to like a pitch and Putt course play 18 holes and get back into my car and come home if I did that on a pro tourque course I don’t know if I would be able to really throw

Tomorrow the next day right if I don’t warm up properly if I don’t cool down properly there’s a reason why athletes do that in in every every division every every level there’s a warm-up process there’s a coold down process people are going to ice ice bath people are getting

Massages people are getting stretched there is a proper way of taking care of your body you can get away with it when the courses don’t really require demand that much on you but now now we’re seeing that that shift and so I think that’s part of it and also I think

There’s other pieces too of where you know like I saw a post of like people doing kind of some crazy activities uh I mean Simon Simon kind of went um viral on Reddit on the disc golf Reddit I think he was in the video with

You where he did like the slide on the teapad and throw and it’s like you know if I’m MVP and I’m paying this guy millions of dollars like I’m I’m scared watching that yeah because if he slips wrong and snaps his tibia or like something really bad

Happens I’m like what the heck was going on right so um I don’t think we have necessarily any of that stuff right now in our contracts but I could totally see that in the future of like hey don’t play you’re not allowed to play pickup

Basketball oh I can’t yeah I I made that rule for myself but you know say I used to play it all the time and then I got hurt and I’m like okay I can’t do this ever again yeah it’s like there’s certain things that we have to kind of

You know shy away from because it is it is scary the problem with the sport right now is we’re policing ourselves first of all we don’t we don’t have personal trainers that are with us all the time personal chefs and that’s what like a lot of those guys the best

Athletes ever in that position in other sports to have all those things they really do no it’s it’s definitely tough it’s definitely tough It’s just uh yeah it’s it’s it’s always interesting whenever I hear someone say like a doctor told him to do something

And they decide not to do it um and I get it there’s some bad doctors out there but like don’t go to bad doctors yeah F I mean that’s what I ended like you said you went to the Indianapolis Colts guy I went to the Seattle Seahawks

Guy like I went to the very top and then he was just like oh yeah I’ve seen this a bunch of times this happens here you go I was literally he gave me a little uh surgery I was back two weeks later walking and I was fine absolutely fine I

Mean there’s rumors again like I wish Eagle was able to come on tonight there’s rumors that he might be having surgery on his shoulder um so I I get here here’s the thing I know I’ve had I’ve gone under the knife three times for my knee it every time you go under

It it’s it is a pain to get back to where you are and it’s not always a guarantee that you’re going to be better off or even back to where you were so going under is the last thing you want to do so I can see a side of where Paul

And I think he he mentioned this where he is going to try stem cells if it doesn’t work then he’s going to get the surgery yeah and that and that makes sense I like that yeah um I just think for some reason I just think uh from what I’ve seen this a lot

Of disc golfers are like very anti-s surgery and maybe it is because if you do you do go under the knife right your your time period for return is far far bigger yeah and so I think a lot of people are afraid to just like not be in

It right they they want to be active they want to be playing um but like someone like Eagle it’s like this has been going on a long time with right now is not important right like right now really is not too exactly you C you can sit out for a full year

And and then come back and dominate and you’ve got plenty of time me and you we have to kind of make that decision right like us doing a season a a season ending surgery we got to like say like is that smart right now in the where we are in

Our career cuz I got five years left you know what I mean like that’s one year gone that’s not I don’t have 10 years left correct yeah so I mean I I definitely wish if I could have gone back in time I definitely wish I would have handled my knee surgeries

Differently because I was kind of in your belt in your boat of where um money that we oh we’re getting Cale come in sweet um I I was in the boat of where it’s like I had the money to do surgery but I didn’t want to miss anything right

Yeah I didn’t have someone to be like Brody don’t be an idiot stop playing be fine and like yeah I don’t know it’s always it’s always just an interesting thing when injuries happen because we also don’t have any idea of really what’s going on so the speculation is

Just crazy on whether or not they’re doing the right thing or the wrong thing um I just want to see play that’s all I want to see time will tell that’s that is uh that’s what we’ll end up kind of seeing is what what we’ll what will end up

Being all right I think we are going to try to pull kale in here at some point um got a lot to talk to kale about I’m very excited for him to come on first time uh kale will be joining the show kale I think was also one of the first

Pros I spoke with when I was coming into disc golf was very very welcoming to me and now we are here here weling him on tour life for the very first time kale Lisa how’s it going brother yo what’s up guys thank you so much for having me what’s up Brody

What’s up what’s up man we’re doing we’re doing good we’re happy to have you on here um all right I I I have I I have a I got a lot to talk about so I want to jump into it first I don’t know if I’ve ever congratulated you on the kiddo how

How’s it being a dad how’s I I see your Instagram if you guys want to go and see like what a perfect family go looks like go go to Kale’s Instagram he’s got tons of like perfect family photos uh go check it out but uh yeah how how’s how’s

It being over there having a little kiddo running around it’s so wild man it’s uh it’s unbelievable we just uh we’ve been on the road for about two months we were down in Charleston and we just got home like three nights ago and we’re finally at home and it’s just

Unbelievable and it’s funny because I always like you know seeing my friends and family post pictures of their babies all the time and I was like does that and then here I am doing it all the time of course yeah yeah I was gonna say you you

Got like some you got I was scrolling through your Instagram you got like the the cool like Thanksgiving like pumpkin patch photos and then you’ve got like the cool disc golf photos and now we’re in Christmas season uh you’re doing it right man that’s really really exciting

Over there um all right the first thing I want to talk about here first thing I want and S how’s the audio going there was a little kind of weirdness okay s is working on it okay um first question and you kind of kind of brought this up so I’m very

Interested in what you said how’s it feel to be on the alltime money list record with these names I’m going to list off some of these names that you you you accompany here Paul McBeth Ricky Waki Barry Schultz Dave felberg Ken climo niika Castro Calvin heimberg Paul

Uberry yourself and Matt omam that’s the top 10 alltime PDGA earnings list that is quite a list holy smokes that’s quite the Liz Yulie and that’s a lot of years it’s a lot of tournaments man I know when I when I see all those names besides

Calvin that’s a lot of people that have been doing it for for a long time some of the great so that’s that’s quite the honor and it just it speaks to how long Julie and I have been doing it how long we’ve been grinding how long we’ve been

Enjoying this game that’s wild that’s that’s a lot of tournaments that’s over 400 tournaments for me so that’s that’s pretty wild how long do you think it’s going to be before we’re we’re like in 40th 40th Place on there I feel like that’s a few years away honestly like

With with how much money these people are making every single year you know it took me 10 10 15 years to accumulate over a 100 Grand prob probably and they’re doing it in Seasons you know what I mean so yeah the I mean the highest cash

Earners each season now is well over 100 Grand and you figure what’s it going to be like in five years I mean people are probably going to be hitting half a million for a season potentially I mean you never know what’s going to happen so you know obviously

You and I we want to continue to do this for a long time and hopefully we we’re getting some of these big checks as well but yeah it’s G to be it’s GNA be tough to stay in that top 10 for for for too much longer with with how how well these

Kids are playing and how much how much money’s in the purses they better start making an inflation one that’s what I’m saying yeah that’s true yeah cuz some of the tourament some of the tourament you guys played like if you didn’t get first second or third like you didn’t make

Anything no yeah nothing where some of these tournaments moving forward like 20th place you might be making like four digits yeah for sure like so guess how much money I I made for the only national tour so Elite series that I ever won guess how much money that was what year was it

2011 oh yeah right 2500 yeah I was going to say like maybe 3,000 $1,600 yeah I mean that’s like that’s like a normal a tier now right yeah you find could be a b tier I mean I’ve won C tiers for that much for sure it’s crazy

It’s crazy crazy but yeah that’s a sick that’s a sick list to be on um for sure all right A lot of people a lot of people want to know what what is your current involvement right now with Prodigy are you you go ahead yeah sorry yeah no with

Prodigy so you know it was 2013 when we started up the company um I was one of the original investors in the company one of the original Founders so with that initial contract that we signed we were given a certain amount of shares just for being a part of that and then

That first year um um we I was the opportunity to buy in for additional shares which um I did take them up on that so um I’m technically you know I own you know 2% of the shares I guess you could say um but yeah I’ve been you

Know I’ve been with them with the start uh since the start and uh so yeah I’ve seen you know the the whole the whole cycle of the company this far and uh yeah we’ve been through a lot together so are you like just player or do you

Have other things that you do for for the company um how does that work yeah I guess you could call it like a consultant um I was on the board of directors for a couple years there um but yeah I guess you know I’m consulted with on you know disc production mold

Production stuff with the team um I try to give input you know whenever they ask me but um yeah just I you know I can Sol with them on on whatever they need so something I you know have kind of seen as like people saying what

Prodigy is is like you get guys signed with Prodigy they get really freaking good and then they go somewhere else right that’s kind of been a trend for like a couple years you currently have two of the youngest best players in disc golf right now right you’ve got Isaac Robinson Ganon

Burr is there more of an emphasis now on like Hey we’re gonna try to keep these because I I can see the the appeal of like Hey we’re going to get guys cheap because they’re not they haven’t made their name yet and we’re going to help

Build their name and then once they get kind of too expensive Deuces we’re out right and you kind of could go that strategy is that the strategy that Pro you think continues or do you think they’re going to say you know what no we want to ride with Isaac let’s sign him

For 10 years like we’ve seen people do with Ricky we’ve seen uh Discraft do with Paul I know Calvin signed a long uh restructured deal with Inova what what are your thoughts on like the the way that Pro moving forward with their players yeah you know traditionally

That’s kind of how it has been for sure but that’s definitely not by Design you know all these great players that we’ve had over the years you know in a perfect world we’d be keeping them and we’ you know develop longer relationship to a lot of these guys but the reality is

It’s like you know we’re we’re such a relatively young company I know a lot of people have think of us for been along for for for so long but you know compared to companies like Innova and Discraft who’ve been in the game for 30 40 years and you know have much larger

Budgets than we do you know it’s we’re we’re kind of a small a small company compared to that so you know the the fact that we’ve you know our team has performed as well as we have you know I think it says a lot um about what we’ve

Done so far but yeah it’s tough to tough to keep some of these these players that are demanding so much money and rightfully so when you know we have a little bit smaller budget to work with yeah no it makes sense I mean Inova kind of showed what they like a a when

They kind of let a lot of people go a few years ago everyone thought they were crazy right and they just were like yo Calvin’s our guy we’re going to put all of our resources and funds in the Calvin we’re gonna still have other players signed but we’re not going to try to

Amass this team of where we’re spinning all this and a lot of people thought that was a dumb idea I think it’s working so I think there are different ways to make it happen and I think if you find someone that is your guy and

You want to ride with that guy um it makes a lot of sense it does make a lot of sense so we’ll be interesting to see to go with what you said so just to say to go with you said obviously you know we like players like Isaac and Ganon who

Are just you know some of the youngest brightest players in the game um we love you know to keep those guys forever but unfortunately the reality is is is you know I don’t know for sure if that’s going to be able to happen I hope we can

Um but yeah there’s those guys have have done so much for us and meant so much for prodigies it’d be great to keep them but you know we see what the future holds yeah and I’m sure uh Ganon will we’ll get some information with him at some point in the next few weeks

Upcoming um let’s talk about your cash streak a little bit let’s talk about this cash streak that you had 14 years 4,850 days 370 tournaments it started back in November 16th 2008 it went all the way to February 26 202 22 where you lost it by one shot on the

Last few holes at LBC do you remember those those last few holes do you remember those last few holes oh my gosh are you kidding me I still think about those last few holes and Brody a lot of respect I I respect what you do you’re obv doing your research I appreciate

That um I remember those last three holes like it was yesterday honestly um and it to the last hole specifically it was at Vegas and I was in the Cash Line I remember this I I looked at the scores I was like oh I’m in the cash one stroke

In all I got to do is part of this hole and I can’t remember the name of the course but it’s the one that finishes right there by where you turning all the carts in you know where you had to cross CL yeah yeah they turned into that par three

Though exactly but this was back when it was the par 4 and it was theet across the road yeah so um I remember I’m like God just get this in bounds lay up take your par and you’re in the cash and I hung my disc out a little bit wide

Clipped the pine tree that was up there inbounds slow rolled about 80 feet backwards out of bounds onto the path and I’m just like well that’s it and I was like well maybe there’s a chance I could get my driver up to the basket I remember I threw this full Flex driver

Shot and it was one of the best shots I threw all tournament put it to about 20 feet get up there and Dink the putt to miss the cat one stroke so but honestly it was Brody it was such a blessing because I’m sitting there on the last

Hole in like 40th Place thinking about taking a par on the hole like that’s not that’s not the kind of golf I want to be playing at all so like missing the cash you know after all that all that time all those years 300 plus tournaments it

Almost like kind of freed me up to to play a more fun style of golf and it was honestly kind of a relief to be honest with you was there ever any other tournaments like that to where you’re coming down the stretch and you’re like

Ride On The Cash Line and you kind of knew it and you obviously got the job done there but were there any close calls that you can recall doesn’t want to talk about it no no that was a bad question all right he’s back okay I think we lost you there

For a second hear guys yeah we lost you for a second but you’re back now okay yeah so I was saying 2021 there was a couple of those Pro Tour events where I started the the final round kind of right on the bubble and again it was

It it was on my mind the whole time and it made for a more stressful round than it had to be but yeah I I remember uh a couple I mean there was probably 20 30 events over that 300 event stretch where it was close but um yeah there was

Nothing like that Vegas though I I’ll I remember I was so hurt in the moment when the when the streak was over but then you know a week or two went by and I I honestly felt freed up by a little bit I like asking this question because

I think last cash pressure is like the most hilarious thing ever um there’s nothing like it right uh you think like a four-day tournament yeah do you think that that is it tougher as far as the pressure goes to win a tournament or is it tougher to

Just when you know you’re on the bubble and you’re coming down the stretch they’re similar but I always explain it like this like last cash pressure is you’re kind of you’re playing terrible yeah you’re not playing well and so you’re coming down the stretch and then you’re playing against guys down there

You don’t know where your drives are going yeah you have you’re not in control your game shaky 100% but then you’re playing against guys who actually are playing really good because like they’re trying to maybe cash for the first time ever there’s always those guys and so they’re fist pumping in your

Face making these putts and you’re sitting there like what are you like what are you doing man this is the worst I’ve ever played but you still you know the competitiveness is still there to where you’re really trying to grind it out and find something in the last few

Holes which is harder last cash pressure or winning a tournament to you to me I’d say winning the tournament but when the streak was like coming into like you know 14 years it was the last cash pressure back then for sure yeah but I know what you’re saying it’s so

Funny because like cashing on the pro tour you guys know it’s it’s an accomplishment these days you get you get top 30 at a Pro Tour event and you’re playing probably 1040 Golf and like you said some of these kids this might be the first time that that’s

Happened for them so you know you try to respect the moment respect the sport and even if even if I’m not having my best weekend still try to gut it out and and and make something of it for sure all right you’ve been touring we

You know we used to kind of talked about like your cash streak and I’m sure you were playing disc golf well before your cash streak began we’ve got some photos that you sent into US of uh not just you and Julie but also our next guest coming on

Nico as well see if we can throw those photos up from way back in the day what is this is that uh is that top of the what is that alist isn’t that awesome you remember where that is isn’t it alist Germany it yeah I think it was called

Off off Swang off Swang okay that was close honestly that that was an unbeliev I remember we uh we were on like an 8we trip youie remember that that was one of the best best disc golf experiences in my life but this this particular place right there was in the mountains of Bavaria

Germany it was just a beautiful place and in the background you can almost kind of see it like there was uh just World War II remnants all over the place and they actually tried to like carve like some of Hitler’s writing into the mountain back there but the war ended

Halfway through so they stopped doing it so you can kind of see it behind us that was that was a wild place it was that was quite the trip crazy so what what are some of the things that like have changed touring you know the last couple years versus

When you first started touring where where are some of the bigger changes and UL you you guys can both pop in on this I mean Julie like you know when we when we started doing this it was things were just so different we were we were just hitting the country hitting as many

Tournaments as we could just because we loved competing so much you know the the difference oh yeah there’s another trip from Amsterdam right there but the difference now is is there’s just so much more on the line I guess you know we were kind of doing it more for the

Love of the game we were all young bunch of kids just the country trying to trying to compete as much as we could and just remember there was there was definitely a Brotherhood among us we we Julie and I traveled together for at least a few years straight back and forth across the

Country and um I just remember you know you and I didn’t even we we tried to find C tiers B tiers a tiers whatever had a decent size field him and I were going to try to hit and you know now it seems like um among you know the the

Best players in the world everyone’s playing the pro tour events but we didn’t have you know multiple Pro Tour events every single month that we could hit there might only be one National Tour event every couple months or something so you know we we loved it so

Much and we were just hitting up at every tournament that we could yeah I mean back back then too there was it it’s a lot it’s hard to explain the culture was different as far as like what was a great player back in the day like if you look at somebody’s win total

That was like a big thing like you would have like a Moser who had like 100 wins and a r who had like a 100 wins and that was like a big focal point in my career as I wanted to get there and nowadays like playing C tiers B tiers or whatever

Is almost looked down upon a little bit in in at the very top of the sport right cuz they’re like okay there’s Julie playing another C tier but when I came up like that was how you made your name is how many wins do you have you’re a

Prolific winner on the you know on the tour and that was a major goal of mine from the very beginning is of course I wanted to win a world championship that’s number one always for every that’s always been the case in disc golf which is great that we’ve been able to

Hold like that that one thing but then I wanted to win all those tournaments right I wanted to be known as a winner and then the last one was like eventually I want to make the Hall of Fame like those were my three goals my whole career and those were key focal

Points of doing those things back in the day now you look at it and like I said people look at me playing like little seers and stuff and they don’t understand that no that’s like ingrained into like who I am as a player and what

Was built back then like that was a big deal you know like I don’t I don’t have any of that like when I came in when I came in I my first tournament other than like the league that I had to play to get a rating to be able to play at Waco

Which kale I think we played together that round yeah first party yeah no idea what I was doing out there but um that was my first tournament so I jumped into the I didn’t jump into the like you guys were saying grinding at se and B and a tiers

And I even will sometimes have people be like you haven’t even won an a tier yet and I want to be like I I don’t even know if I’ve played that many a TI I think I’ve only played a couple eight tiers like it’s not like I’m and and to

Me like I don’t have any care and I think what you were saying y like people that have just come into the sport when the pro tour has kind of gotten to the level that it is now I don’t think they care either where in the past if you

Went out and played an a a big a tier and like won like that was news like people are talking about that where now like I yeah I see people post on their social media still that they won a tournament or whatever but when I’m

Deciding what to talk about on the T on tour life here like I’m not really talking about that I’m not really talking about Haley King just won some Tournament down somewhere right now obviously there are some tournaments that will have like a bunch of big names

Show up and that could be like a little preview of like what’s to come or like when Simon changes um when Simon goes to MVP and he might play uh an a tier before the season it’s like oo let’s see what how he does with his new plastic

But I I I’m kind of in that realm of like I just kind of follow the pro tour and that’s really all I care about so I get that side there was levels to it back then Brody there was okay you win a tournament period great you’re that was

Like your graduation you’re a professional now and then B tier can you win a b tier and then the big one was an a tier like we really gauged how good you were by if you ever won an a tier or not like if you didn’t there was no you

Know we there’s no respect going down that way as far as what level you are and national tour and and a tiers back in the day kind of went hand inand of course there’s a little level up as far as national tour I remember like that

Was like a big deal when I won I’m like okay I finally won a national tour but even winning a tiers back then was super difficult you know what I mean cuz you had Regional players that held that down and so like the traveling Disc Go you

Can ask kale if you travel to somewhere imagine playing like a Moser up in Delaware at a a tier back in the day you probably weren’t going to win but kale yeah tell us your experiences because I mean that’s that’s one of the things that I I really recall

As being like something that what’s something that you really miss that like used to happen on tour and now that the tour is a little more professional you know younger players are coming in like what’s something that isn’t happening more that you kind of Miss from the old

Days miss taking top four every weekend honestly Brody we’re laughing but that that’s probably the one thing I missed too is I man when I think about like 2008 2009 I could I hate to say it but I could kind of like play my C+ B

Minus game maybe still get top five in an H or something and now it’s like if I do that I’m missing cash on the pro tour for sure but you know the way that the game is advancing it’s a beautiful thing I you know I don’t want to see anything

Revert back to the way it was but I think I I think you know how Uli said it’s ingrained in him to play these smaller events like I just I just love competing if if I can’t make it out on the pro tour for whatever reason from

The family or for businesses or whatever um I’ll look I’ll look up C tiers and B tiers around me and I think I just enjoy playing tournaments and I think you know if more of these young players did that and learned you know play play well and

Learned how to win I think it could I think it could help people for sure if they uh you know cuz coming down the stretch there’s not a lot of pressure like having to to hit a putt for the win and on the pro tour for a lot of these

Players it’s not a realistic thing unless you play you know out of your mind one weekend so I think it’s good to kind of sharpen your skills in some of these smaller tournaments oh for sure yeah I mean I think I was able to kind of bypass us a

Little bit with my experience in other sports coming into disc golf but yeah if you’re just kind of like just getting into disc golf or whatever I I I agree like get your toe wet in some of these smaller tournaments and slowly build your way that’s what me and Julie have

Always said too on here like if you’re trying to get known if you’re trying to get sponsored if you’re trying to get on the tour like win the local tournaments like beat the people in your local area and then kind of make the jump um and

This is more for like the young guys right one more thing I just was kind of thinking about as you were saying that was when you asked about what we could go back to what I kind of miss when when Julie and I started playing if you if

You were a sponsored player like if you were sponsored by Inova or Discraft it was like the biggest deal in the world you’re like probably the best player in your region and that’s one thing that I kind of missed it seems like you know there’s so many different more companies

And so many players getting sponsored at every level M ma1 players ma2 players getting sponsored and stuff um I just remember the days when it was like oh you’re sponsored by Inova you’re like L probably the best player in your state to make that happen so yeah it’ be

Interesting to see if see like that’s something that I could see going back to it right like you c i I think we see some teams kind of cutting back on like the street team and all this of where they’re sponsoring I mean we saw Lone

Star this year sponsor 500 people in a dog right so I think it’s it it could be going back to where hey let’s just focus let’s put our most our money our resources and stuff on the pros and then maybe we do have like an ambassador program as well but that you wouldn’t

Really consider yourself like sponsored right you’re not showing up to your local course saying like I’m sponsored by Discraft and Julie shows up being like I’m sponsored by Discraft like those two things are very different right is that what you’re kind of saying yeah 100% because I remember like

It was like probably 2005 I won the Minnesota state championships and and Discraft called me up and asked me for sponsorship and I thought I had made it you know I was like one of only two people in my state to be sponsored at that time and now you know there’s

Probably 25 30 sponsored players in Minnesota alone maybe even more than that so yeah that’s funny because uh my first world championships in the open in the open Division I remember I’ll never forget this um I was playing against somebody I can’t remember his name but

He showed up and he was in in of a gear for one of my rounds like you know back in the day they had like these black jerseys they had uh uh not jerseys but black collar shirts they had blue ones and they had red ones and if you had one

Of those like that was intimidating and I remember thinking that like oh this guy’s sponsored for sure by Ana he’s going to destroy me and he did but it was like you know once I saw those colors on him I was like oh my gosh like I’m on a card with somebody really

Good it really meant something I remember that maybe maybe they can start like putting stars or something kind of like what those college football teams do like the how how State puts like all the buck all over your helmets to let you know like who’s playing well like

You just show up with your like Prodigy bag and there’s like 5,000 stars and you’re like holy cow this guy this guy’s this guy’s sponsored and good this guy got his stripes yeah this guy’s got his stripes exactly all right let’s switch gears a little bit so we’ve kind of been

Talking a little bit more or we’ve been talking all about your playing style but something that I think you’ve been one of the first to kind of do and and kind of lead the path now we’ve seen Paul MC Beth do it we now have seen Nico who’s

Joining us he’ll be talking about it going out and actually creating buying building and now running a disc golf course a disc golf tournament like talk to me a little bit about how you how that even came about like how did that start like how did you

Go and say like I I want to own a disc golf course you know it I mean I think it probably started a long time ago I think it probably is lot of dis golfers dream when you get into it full-fledged like we did to to someday have you know my

Own disc golf property that was just a dream from the start and never really thought it was too much of a reality but you know back in it must have been about 2012 2013 I started really getting into the the course design aspect of it and I

Was getting hired to do a lot of courses around Minnesota and once I started you know getting 10 15 courses under my belt um I really was like you know someday I got to have my own property um we opened up a a dis golf shop in 2013 it was

Called the the Airborne disc golf Emporium and we had this this cool shop open for a couple years me and my partner and we shut it down because we kind of went all online and you know for whatever reason we shut down the shop and I said I wasn’t going to open up

Another Pro Shop unless it was on my own course so about six seven years went went by before we got The Preserve and you know it’s it’s it was just a dream that I always wanted to have to have my own property where all my friends and

Family could come play and and uh when it happened in 20120 um and then all of a sudden the pro tour is coming and it kind of blew up so fast that and started snowballing so fast that you know we didn’t even understand how big it was

Going to get at the time but you know seeing how fast and and how big it’s gotten and then this past year we had the opportunity to to get another discol property it’s a old course that used to be called Vision Quest in Minnesota it’s

Uh right up by Blue ruen Pines it was one of one of the best courses in Minnesota for many years but the old owner kind of Let It Go and sold it to a new guy who gave us the opportunity to kind of come in and run it and I was

Like you know what we did this with The Preserve it worked we got the community behind us and this this new property is only 18 holes so it didn’t seem like as much of undertaking as The Preserve but you know we were able to pull it off

Again and you know having having a disc golf property is just a dream and like you said Nico with his and Paul with his and I’m sure Julie is probably going to have his before too long and there’s going to be a lot of us I think and you

Know it’ll be cool once once the pro tour is is made up of a lot of the the players courses I don’t think it’ll be too long it’ll be cool to see too like who ends up shifting into more of that Designer role too because we don’t have

Right now like we don’t really have longlasting design there are a few right like John hock I I believe right that’s a name that is familiar to me there’s a few that you can be like oh yeah that guy I know who that is but you know 30

Years from now like a kale Lisa design course like that could be equivalent to like a Greg Norman design course right or um a Jack Nicholas something like that there we don’t really have anything going that route so that can be really really interesting one I do want to ask

Though disc golf right now is on a weird some people want more like payto playay courses some people are like no get that out of here I don’t want that do you foresee courses like yourself like do you see people going out and trying to create an experience trying to create

Something more than just showing up playing disc golf and leaving do you see that being like a profitable Venture for for more you know companies players in the future I definitely do but it has to be the right market for sure because you know up in Minnesota we have thousands

And thousands of disc golfers all around the Twin Cities metro area maybe even hundreds of thousands so it’s really you know we have courses about every four or five miles down here and every single one is packed in the summertime so you know there’s in our particular area

There’s a need for more and more courses and you know all the the the free City and stuff are places where people can kind of you know learn how to play but there’s more and more of a desire around here for creating better playing environments pay-to-play courses and in

Minnesota alone we probably have you know eight or nine pay-to-play courses but I remember when the first when the first city course changed the pay to play there was just like a complete uproar where people are upset about it and now after about five six years of

That it’s become the norm and people don’t really batter an eye at it so it kind of takes um being in the right market and having enough disc golfers in your area for sure but yeah I think you know people dis golfers want to play on that disc golf country club you know

They want to play on something better than they’ve ever seen before so I think uh for us it’s been very successful and I think it can be for for people all all over yeah I mean I think for me going to a course where I know people aren’t

Going to be picnicking in the fairways I’m not going to have like potential like runners or bik just kind of cutting across um I’m also not going to show up and there’s going to be like 20 people on the first hole or potentially like playing and then like on whole eight

Someone just jumps in front of me like all those things at a certain point at a certain price point for people it’s like all right I’m drawing the line like I I don’t want to deal with this every time I go play dis golf so I think there is like you said there

Definitely is a market but as disc golf grows is just going to be like can that market continue to grow cuz like right now I I agree with you like there’s probably only a handful of markets in the US where courses like yours make sense right you can’t just could just

Drop a course in Atlanta and be like oh this is gonna be super successful people show up and pay $25 to play here you got to be a little more strategic there but maybe eventually one day there it could be like that maybe maybe you can just

Drop a course in a big city and be fine yeah and like there’s this like world sorry there’s this world famous dis Golf Complex up in northern Wisconsin called hybridge and it’s it’s one of the best discall properties I’ve ever been on Julie you’ve been there oh yeah yeah you were

There in 2007 that’s where they had the World Championships actually um but it’s it’s so far off the grid that they’re kind of struggling to to keep it going and that’s just because you know there’s they’re just not enough disc golfers up there so if if that exact property was

Down here in like you know around the Twin Cities in Minnesota it’d be one of the you know the most played disc golf courses in the world so definitely uh you need the right place how I mean how important do you think too like the land is right

Because with the funds that disc golf currently has it doesn’t seem like it would be that profitable to put a whole bunch of money into a disc golf course and change it a whole lot move ground add a whole bunch right so like how important is that to like make sure

Because what you were saying there’s tons of golf courses I’ve gone to that are in the middle of nowhere they are so hard to get to but they are very unique there’s something about them that makes them very unique to where when you show up there you’re like this is special and

I think like if you just put a disc golf course in the woods somewhere that doesn’t necessarily going to make anyone be attracted to drive an hour and a half to go play that course so what are what are some like course design things that you have seen that you know attracts

People to preserve well that’s The Preserve was a golf course you know this golf course was built back in the 70s and I don’t know the exact number but I want to say they put they they cost them like $2 million back in the late 70s

Build this place which is you know a ton more money now and what The Preserve was when we got it in 2020 it would have taken us probably five years to do all that you know we were like gifted with this place that already had walls and creeks and bridges and you

Know all these features that had you know that so much money frankly was put into it that we were lucky enough to kind of get it after all that was done and you know to for someone to to really go in and do it right and say okay I got

A 100 Acre property I’m going to try to use course philosophy and put so much money into this you know you got to really be thinking about your return investment unless someone that’s got a ton of money like the Eagles Crossing situation for example you know that guy’s put Millions into that property

But it takes the right kind of person someone with a with a big dream that that wants to pull it off but you know they doing it on a a smaller scale is probably a lot more uh realistic you know maybe digging out a couple pwns you know doing doing landscaping projects

And stuff like that but you know I think you know as the game continues to grow I think we are going to see some people that that come into the sport that are pretty ambitious and have some money and are going to want to do some fun project

So hopefully I’ll get the call when that happens yeah like I love I love going and playing the Portland open on those courses because of just how well manicured that that place is however you definitely know you’re not like you’re not meant to be there right like it’s

It’s a it’s a golf course and we’re playing disc golf there and every time I’ve come back to The Preserve every year it gets farther and farther away of oh this is a disc golf course on a a golf course it’s gets closer and closer

To like no this is just a disc golf course the way that you guys have done the grass length too I’ve been saying that is so important to just visually see like oh this is where you want to land this is not where you want to land

And I I love the changes that you have been making over there I think it’s awesome I know everyone that goes out there to watch it loves it it’s definitely one of the players’s favorite courses so I’m I always look forward to seeing CU you know some course as you go

And you’re like oh are they going to elevate are they going to elevate whole sev’s basket is that what’s going to be different this year but I know with you guys out there there’s always something that you guys are doing to advance the course and I love that the most about

Your guys’s property um all right I appreciate that and I I hope you like the the couple tweaks that we got for this coming year too we got we got about three holes and in mind that we’re going to be tweaking a little bit and making better so I appreciate you saying that

You putting Hazard down the right side of Ho One you know that’s that’s definitely one of the things we’re considering let the players sweat a little bit on that hole I know I think you’re right this is one of the things where kale and I have the opposite thought process he wants

You to be able to throw it wherever you want I want OB [Laughter] everywhere I know and I know like it’s kind of half and half and split on the philosophy there but um you know if if there wasn’t already so many courses on tour that had OB everywhere I’d be more

Likely to do stuff like that but I just feel like there’s a place to have kind of both different styles and and but I do have some tweaks i’ I’ve been listening to to what the players want on a couple of the holes and whole one is

Definitely one of the ones that I think we might do that nice all right last thing here before we let you go um this was actually sent in by a fan I did ask some fans for some questions for you this person said I’d like to know the

Actual story of The Climb Mo trying to call Kale for an extra throw after his huge putt at the Majestic to tie on 18 in 20 2007 so we’ve got the clip so if you can roll the clip this this was like one of the first disc golf videos I saw

And this was yes this was electric when I saw I just randomly stumbled I didn’t even know this was you I had no idea I I think I had someone had to tell me this was you or something this was electric let’s go so I didn’t know is there a climo story

Here that I don’t know about does he try to call you on something afterwards or what what yeah tell this tell the story if you will Well yeah if you let that clip roll a little bit you’ll see at the end after I’m done running around like an idiot

For about 20 seconds here just watch this when I kind of Spike my uh Spike My putter down at the end here so so you saw that I spiked my putter down at the end this was the final hole he say that that count as an extra throw

That throw down the spike broy yes yes and I had just I just hold out it was my final hole of the tournament essentially and that was to tie him on the final hole and it’s honestly you know because we see that was a pretty hype moment you

Have to admit like especially for 2007 disc golf like I haven’t seen a lot of eruptions like that even on you know 2023 but but it was you know I think just like the rush of emotion with all the like that was my Minnesota crowd behind me my friends and family are

There and I don’t know what got into me but I’m running around I pretty much blacked out as I’m running around celebrating and stuff and I just spiked my putter down didn’t think anything of it and I remember everyone kind of tapped out on the final hole and the TD

Kind of brings us together it was Timmy Gil at the time and he says and Kenny’s pretty much trying to to get me stroked for for an extra practice throw for spiking my putter there and I’m just like you know I I couldn’t believe it I was just like you

Know I tied you fair and square like what are you trying to say here the tournament was over um and I remember and again I love Kenny and but it was a heat of the battle kind of thing that happened here but I remember they asked our groupmates

And this was like a you can have Nico who’s coming on next he was in the group as like a 17y old kid and I remember asked everyone in the group what they thought should happen I remember Nico he goes man he hit that Putt in your

Face and I remember I was like all Nico you’re my boy from then on but was he right like was it right ruling to say like you is that technically could count no he he was he was not right so once you out it doesn’t matter what you do

Yes and and we ended up going to like a four-hole playoff and like after what just happened all the excitement and you know the kind of Confrontation between him and I and the crowd was just way more on my side especially after this confrontation happened and I remember we

Both birdied the first three holes and on the fourth hole I had like a 35 foot Putt and he was parked and I remember just hitting it just low and he walked up and he was so hyped he Ted in his Putt and he’s got his arms in the air

Chanting Florida and it was it was pretty intense moment for 2007 I’ll tell you that wow wow oh man yeah I mean that I love you Kenny that uh that celebration like I remember going back to to Ultimate we won on what we what we call Universe point it’s basically

1414 next person to score wins and uh one of our best players at the time this this was back this was my freshman year in 2006 um he catches the goal and then just rips we’re playing like 25 mph wins he just rips this nasty Lefty backhand

Straight up in the air and like a wind gust catches it and launches the thing like 500 feet over the Pavilion way out in the middle of nowhere and it was like one of the sickest like he launches it up and his arms are up in the air and

It’s like that’s like one of the sickest thing and watching you I mean a spike is not near I to me like that’s like I don’t know how you even say try to say that’s a throw but I could see that being a future celebration right like

Someone drains a putt runs up grabs the disc and then just Chucks it in the air that’s an electric I mean that was one of the best kind of celebrations I think I’ve seen uh in disc golf and we need more of that stuff to be honest with you

Right moreo man I was so I remember it was I was like down three Strokes or three to play and so you know coming back and hitting that putt I completely just lost it but yeah I mean hearing the crowd just erupt like that it kind of It

Kind of you know Sparks its own celebration itself just by hearing the crowd eruption that was that was unbelievable man all right well hey we appreciate everything kale that you uh your long career in disc golf and your continued long career in disc golf with all the stuff that you’re doing over at

The Preserve I know all of us uh players fans everyone has really appreciated all that you have done for disc golf and uh yeah we really appreciate you taking the time to come on here man hey it’s really my pleasure and I just I seriously want

To say thank you guys for for working so hard and putting out so much content we all appreciate it because I remember when I we we don’t do anything it’s all syus syus does everything me and Julie just show up is the man syus is the man

Yeah I remember like when I first started playing I had one discol DVD and I probably watched it like a hundred times so all the people getting into the game now they get to watch you know you guys talk about dis Golf and stuff it

Means a lot so thank you guys yeah all we’ll definitely have to have you come back on at some point anytime all right boys all right man have a good night all right kale Lisa 14 years Julie 4,850 days 370 tournaments cash streak my gosh a ball man didn’t you have a decently

Long cash streak at one point like you had a you were up there right probably I mean not like that no no no no no no but I’m saying like I think I saw somewhere 100 and some tournaments maybe 200 tourn or 200 tournaments maybe something like

That yeah when I was doing my research I think I saw your name in the list of like someone that had a long cash streak so I’ve had a I’ve played a lot of tournaments though I’m almost at 600 probably so there’s going to be some

Crazy stuff in there for sure it uh I don’t think anyone’s getting close to like I mean we had seon on right when we were we were talking about his cash streak um I don’t I don’t think anyone’s getting close to this anymore like like unless you’re just playing local like C

Tiers right like and those technically are pdj events um but if you’re playing on the pro tour yeah good luck we’ll see I mean Calvin Calvin missed cash at all last year or was it the year before I think the year before he got the year before

He got injured at Beaver Ste playing and Miss cash y don’t think he missed it last year of course not that was what one of my reasonings for why he should be uh player of the year is cuz his like average finish was like was basically

He’s a top 10 or top five machine yeah he’s a monster monster all right next up we’ve got Nico coming on folks um he hasn’t joined just yet so we’re gonna wait a little bit but I’m very excited to get um you know people call me a lot

Of times the most polarizing player in disc golf this this Nico might be you know giving me run for my money here um very very interested to kind of see what’s going on with Nico this off seon what he is uh going to be planning on doing he made a massive announcement we

Kind of alluded to what we thought it could be when he just had like that you know signing um we now know what that is we’re going to talk to him about that um but while we wait let me give you uh I’ve got a SE segment coming up here

Well we’ll do this we’ll give we’ll give uh we’ll give hats off to Kristen Nar Kristen Nar nominated for the Estonian female athlete of the year there’s only eight nominees wow that’s a big deal that’s insane that’s for her country yes yes she win it like if this golf was somehow

In the Olympics I think she would be like the flag bearer she would be the one walking she’d be the one walking in with the flag that’s huge that’s so sick yeah very very cool um what else do I got here here uh I can do a Twitter HOT

Take let’s do a Twitter HOT take hit me um cold weather disc golf is not fun no and it actually hurts your fundamentals thoughts on that like I don’t think anyone thinks it’s fun no one thinks going out in the snow is fun but do you think it hurts your

Fundamentals yeah what do you mean of course it does it hurts your fingers when you throw that it definitely does it definitely hurts your fingers you’re putting you can’t feel your hand like this my biggest thing with like cold weather golf that I feel like is like the hardest thing to do is

Warming your hand up then going straight to the putter it’s cold now your hand’s kind of sweating and all of a sudden it’s like your grip is wild you’re just like no clue like I don’t know I feel like powder bags are super important because they give you like the same

Texture every time or whatever or I I like either lick my fingers or I blow one in my hand to get that same texture over and over again when it’s cold it’s impossible no clue where the thing’s going the texture is wild it hasn’t happened to me I’ve heard stories of it

Being so cold that if you throw like old Baseline plastic and it hits the tree the right way it just like crumbles into a bunch of pieces oh yeah like that doesn’t that doesn’t sound fun at all oh I’ve seen of dis explode and then you

You know what the rule is Brody it’s hilarious you know where you play it I think it’s any is it the biggest piece or any it’s the biggest piece that’s where you to go okay yes that that sounds like a a perfectly PDGA rule to

Me all right we got him here let’s bring him in niika Castro ladies and gentlemen finally made it on tour life we’ve been talking about this for several months now about when when you were going to finally make your appearance it is now my uh and and I’m very happy cuz there’s

A lot to discuss Nico a lot is going on a lot has been going on these last couple weeks I don’t know if you planned this perfectly or if it just worked out this way but uh how’s it going brother it’s going pretty good man not too bad I

Was out uh helping design a disc golf course today lonar reached out to me and they had this this new course project lined up so I went to go see the new property and uh I was I spent most of the day doing that so that was it was

Fun it’s a good time okay well you mentioned it so let let’s talk about it a lot of talk on Lone Star right now right uh there was there was the signing of the dog there was the everyone that like applied to be on the Ambassador

Team or Ranger team or whatever it was called everyone got it there was all that and then now the last few days crazy stuff is going on no one knows what’s happening um so um let me break down what has H like the the major things that are going right is we see

Chandler Kramer leave Lone Star we see uh someone makes a tweet alluding that like Robert burd isn’t coming back to Lone Star which Robert burd breaking news is coming back he just resigned he posted that on his his Instagram so congrats to him um we see hooligan

Depart from lonar they tweet out after much consideration we have decided to part ways with lonar disc as our manufacturer the past year and a half have been amazing and we truly appreciate lonar for helping us get up and running then you have Josh hofra who

Was I believe the marketing um one of the marketing heads at lonar uh he ends up leaving but doesn’t really have anywhere to go which also Chandler Kramer like leaves in kind of crowd sources to his followers like hey who should I who should I play with next who

Should sign me uh so he it doesn’t seem like he really has any idea where he’s going and then HRA also on Twitter says it all boils down to one person making bad business decisions for a company that’s it man you what what is happening

Nico you guys are coming in hot you want me to answer all the I thought we were gonna ease into this we’re GNA talk you brought you brought up L started start and no one knows what the heck’s happening I should have known you guys were coming in hot I thought we were

Going to ease into it let’s talk a little bit about the pro tour you know we’ll get to the good stuff here well I want to talk about your course I want to get all that I we’ll get into it but I mean the big question right now is Lone

Star like that and you can say what you want as far as like bad bad uh bad p uh what is it bad um press good press whatever people are talking about lonar oh yeah and and no one has any I don’t think anyone outside of the bubble knows

What’s going on so are you able to fill us in a little bit on what’s happening over there are you still with lonar I’m I’m definitely currently still with lonar you know I have a multiple year agreement with Lone Star dis but as far as any of that goes I think those

Questions cannot be directly answered by me I think that I could give some insight I believe that the company has to make certain business decisions based on you know how they want their business to run and operate and I really think it comes down to they they want to focus

More on like amateur players and getting people to just promote the sport of disc golf and focus on Juniors and amateurs more than putting their money into just professionals so I think that the first couple years of business they definitely they put a lot into Disc Golf in into

The industry they sponsored a fair amount of players they came out with a lot of molds so I think it’s just you know budgeting and and figuring out what’s best for their company in the long run which I you know had some conversations and I I believe it comes

Down to just focusing on the new players and the new people that are playing ditch Golf and not putting everything into the the pro side so that’s kind of where I believe well maybe we’ll have maybe maybe we’ll have this jof HRA Guy come on uh maybe someone from lonar will want

To come on and kind of because what it sounds like it sounds like again if if I get canned for my job right if I get fired from my job is there more of a chance of Me Maybe saying some stuff that might not be true and then the company saying so

We might have to try to get a little bit more to the bottom of it even if it will come out to this but my only interaction with lonar and Julie I don’t know what your interaction has been my only interaction was the tournament that we played down in Austin the Texas state

Championship I love that tournament that was my only interaction with Lone Star they sponsored it it seemed like they were the ones that kind of said this is the the course um it seemed like I know the people at Belton also we used to play up at belon I know they were also

Affiliated as well but a lot of times these tournaments like deago Discraft is a major major uh person at with the daglo tournament so my interaction with lonar other than all the Social Media stuff has been a positive one what do you have to say I’ve I’ve met a few of

Them and only good things to say about them yeah yeah I feel like they’ve done a lot for the disc golf community in a short period of time I think I know for a fact they’re sponsor a lot of the uh the college teams and they really want

To focus on like the new players and the the New upand Comers and I I feel like that’s part of the direction of the company and where they want to go is just getting new players to promote the sport of disc off you know yeah and I mean obviously the way that they’re

Going about like the way that they’re is is it Ranger team I don’t want to say it incorrectly is okay yeah I can see I can see how that is beneficial for some right of where hey I don’t have money to buy disc um this helps me out get some

Free discs whatever I can see how that works I know some some some companies can definitely abuse that right and I’ve talked about that on here of where hey if a company says we’re going to send you a couple free disc but then the rest

Of your disc have to be our disc only that could end up being not a great deal for you right you kind of have to see what makes sense for you um and there could be just some things that are like a little bit of an oversight right like

The dog signing like there there there could just be a little bit of an oversight of like Hey we’re everyone that’s coming in we seen this dog play before we don’t know we don’t know nasty I don’t think that’s the worst thing in the world I feel like you

Know it’s to me for my I thought it was funny I was just like that’s cool we got a dog on the team you know what mean the thing that they did really well with that is they rolled with it right if they would have

If they would have tried to be like no no no we didn’t sign a dog no no like they tried to back no they put the dog on the website like they they rolled with it right and so I think I think that’s huge is like rolling with the

Punches uh we’re all going to make mistakes we’re all going to say stupid stuff you just got to sometimes roll with the punches so all right let’s let’s get to the actual big news and why uh a big reason why we wanted you on the show you decide to post this freaking

Little cryptic thing the other day of where you’re like oo what’s going on and everyone in the comments trying to guess like what’s he is he leaving Lone Star what’s happening people I didn’t even realize you had like a product in the thing that people were thinking like he

Was getting sponsored by that product turns out and we’ll pull it up and I’ll I’ll read it off here for the people that maybe haven’t seen it turns out you uh you bought a disc golf course and um let’s see here oh is my internet like somehow slow on everything but here oh

Here we go so you say lots of paperwork later I finally closed on 130 acres to build a championship level disc golf course in Pro Shop in Houston Texas I’m excited to share this project with the community we plan to offer a fun and recreational style layout uh on the

Property as well as a driving range and glow course thank you to lonar for their support throughout the year the Houston Disc Golf Scene for welcoming me and the entire Disc Golf Community for sharing the passion of disc golf thank you to all the people who have showed love

Along the way can’t wait to share more about this Venture and it goes on to kind of show like this aerial beautiful beautiful uh property that you have so first question how did you find this property where where where did this come from to be honest I feel like it kind of

Fell on my lap in the sense that during Texas States I came out here and I stayed with a friend Grant fiser he uh he has a property where I’m staying now he’s got a private disc gol course on like 15 acres and uh I was parked out

Here and we just stayed in touch he hit me up and sent me a message and was like I have something that you might want to be involved in and I we went back and forth he showed me some pictures he told me about this course that that has the

Potential to turn into a championship level uh disc golf course and I I took a chance on it I flew out here at the beginning of the off season and I just I took a gamble you know I got like a $500 flight back and forth just to see the

Property and then once I put my eyes on it I was like yes this I see the opportunity in it you know what I mean there’s just I think Houston is one of the biggest areas for disc golf and we have a lot a lot of people a lot of

Clubs a lot of members and uh the property is amazing you know I bought my first chainsaw and I’ve been out there doing some some real labor some work and it it makes me feel good you know just to just to start working on a project

And I feel like you know it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a really long time and I’ve been I’ve had my hand in different course designs you know throughout my career but I feel like this is the first time that I’m going to build a course from the beginning stages

And see it all the way through so it’s a it’s 100% committed effort and there’s a lot of work to do but luckily I feel like I have I have a lot of people on my side out here and there’s there’s been a lot of people that have already stepped

Out to come out and help me work on the course and uh you know we’re partnering with with several people we want to make it like truly a disc off destination where people I think people are going to want to come check this one out I think

It’s going to be on the bucket list for sure you know we’re already up to like a par 70 and I think we we could definitely make it a par 72 and we we’re going to have a championship layout but I also I want to offer the recreational

Side of disc off too so we’re going to have some shorter teap pads and is there enough room for multiple courses or is it just going to be one championship course courses with different teads all the way down the line we definitely have room for multiple courses but right now

I want to focus on the championship layout you know the the T the tournament the circuit is going to start very soon and uh I’m I’m just committed to trying to get this thing off the ground before I get back on tour and we all know how

Quickly two or three months goes by when you’re when you’re not playing on the tour so that that was going to be my next question so you’re not you’re not planning on slowing down next year for touring you’re going to do a full tour I’m I’m definitely planning on doing a

Full tour I I considered the option to take like the first month off tour and and continue to work out here but uh we’ll see we’ll see how it goes I think we’re going to be able to finish the project and have the course and Pro Shop

Ready to launch it’s been it’s been a Non-Stop commitment you know I’ve been on the phone and emails and and ordering discs and ordering stuff and and talking to uh contractors and and making sure we’re going to get this thing off the ground so I have somebody over there

Coming tomorrow to work on the flooring putting some shelves in there setting up a point of sale system so you know when you it’s a multi-layered project you know there’s a lot of acres to cover and you know it’s going to take it’s going

To take a lot of effort to see it all the way through but but we’ve already we’ve been out there and we have a lot of the holes already you know cut down with trees so the next part of the project is going to is going to be

Getting a hydro ax in there and literally just laying down these turning it into mulch at that point how’s been the community around there have they have they been super supportive of the of the project I mean to be honest people have mostly had all like positive reaction to to trying to

Put a championship level course and people are saying that Houston really needs a big boy course and uh like a training facility so you know the long-term goal in this is to eventually have a a pro tour stop out there and uh during the offseason I’d like to set up

You know training camps you know to set it up and invite some other Pros out and kind of make it like uh ulie might be familiar but Camp Woodward they did this in skateboarding where where they have crows and bro you might have heard of that too but yeah you know that’s the

Goal is to create a training facility and I feel like that’s a step in the right direction for the future of Disc Off is is having these private facilities that can they can just r the bar of what what Disc Off could be y yeah love it yeah mean we had kale on

Just before you and I was talking about how you know you have kale kind of being one of the first I’m sure there’s probably other someone other than kale um and then Paul Dylan getting into the course that were you know the in Invitational now you here um getting

Some land as well so it’s all I think it’s all good things for for disc gol for sure any uh course names I saw Indian Shores is that that’s the area in the community and I think we’re just going to run with it and call it the

Indian Shores Disc Off Club you know I want to set up a country club style setting and and open up for memberships and make it affordable to the community and not not try to set the bar at such a like high dollar rate that it’s going to

Be hard to get people I just want to charge you know 10 $15 and and have some golf carts available for people to come out and just have that private area so one of our uh one of our favorite things to do at Foundation is when I

First got into it is kind of sit around and always just like be like like what the heck is this person gonna be doing like when they stop touring like yeah they don’t have any money like what now obviously there’s a little bit more money getting involved into into disc

Golf but for a while there there was a lot of guys that would you know they were just tore around they’d make money they spend the money they made and they just keep kind of going is this like a long-term investment plan too a little bit of where you’re like hey when I

Can’t play anymore like this is something that I can put a lot of my time effort in and hopefully this is the you know long-term investment I definitely I’m looking at longterm on a situation like this you know it’s like I said this is a 100% commitment in order

To see it all the way through you know a disc golf course doesn’t just happen overnight and it takes I’ve already been out there for hundreds of hours just on the course design layout before we ever cut a tree I’ve already spent a lot of time just walking into the property and

Seeing all the beauty you know what I mean like my uncle has designed courses his whole life so I spent a lot of time just going through the design process and um I’m excited you know like every day I wake up I’m excited to get back

Out there to the course and just offer the community something really nice in Houston and then just eventually have people come in from like out of state as you know create a course that people want to come to from other surrounding areas not just Houston what are going to be some like

The biggest hurdles that you guys are G to have to go through I mean there’s there’s a list of hurdles that I’m going to have to get over but but right now it’s it’s the it’s the timing of it you know I want to have the course operational by March so

I think that’s the first hurdle that I need to get through and if I want to there’s enough land that that we can we can lay out 18 baskets and have a playable course but I want to like I want to get those wooded holes carved

Out so it’s not just a regular Ball Golf style open course so there’s there’s several factors I’m thinking about shade it’s going to get really hot in in Texas so I want to create as many shaded holes as possible and that means going through the woods and using all all of the land

Not just not just the open Fairways gotcha what is the uh have you already started looking into how to get a course potentially on tour have you already started make those connections with the people the this golf pro tour a little bit I actually talked to uh

Vandergriff out here he’s he’s kind of one of the main guys that he he runs a lot of tour so it’s Guerilla disc off they host a lot of events out in Texas so I talked to him and I believe we’re going to be able to host the Juniors and

The the uh the ma4 out here so I think that that during 2024 I think we’ll be able to to have the the Texas States play some of their rounds out here if we can get the course done in time so there’s been a lot of talks with members of the

Community and the people that are already hosting tournaments out here and such that’s sick yeah just seeing the some of the Drone footage and stuff it definitely looks like you have some sick land out there but yeah I mean I I wouldn’t even be able to tell you the

The I I would have no idea like where to start that’s what everyone that’s always asked me like hey when are you going to design a course when I always tell people listen I would have no idea what I was doing I think my expertise is like

A course that’s already kind of got the bones I can kind of come in and be like hey you need to put Hazard here hey this needs this tree needs to I’m I’m think I’m decent at that right I I would have no idea just being like hey you have to

Make a hole here I’d be like I I don’t I don’t see it I see a bunch of trees so for the uh Nico for for the listeners can you paint a picture of what what style of course is this going to be because you’re you’re talking about

Woods and shade and everything and for people who want to make a destination um like trip explain what what are you trying to design at this course so the main part is offering a championship layout that’s going to really challenge people I’m going to

Have a lot of par fors and I think right now we have at least four par fivs on the course on the championship layout but when I’m wanting to make it a a destination I’m also thinking we have to offer the blue level te’s and even the

Novice te’s if we really want like families to come out to the venue and not just people that throw long shots you know I really want to offer a variety of different shots so I want to have a little bit of everything you know we we’ve got five different ponds on on

The um property so we’re going to have several water carries you know I want to have left to right shots low ceiling there’s going to be some rollers and a lot of placement shots you know you know we play we play these courses out on

Tour that really turn into a like a long drive contest and I don’t want it just to be a long drive contest out there I want to make sure that there’s specific Landing zones that set you up for the next play you know both of you guys play

Golf so I’m sure you know you’re pretty aware I love that you have to you have to set yourself up in golf for those second and third shots when you’re creating par fours and par five so you know I feel like I have good Insight on what it takes to design a

Championship level course but it’s also I’m learning along the way too you know I did I did take some risk and some gamble on on doing this and you know I’m looking at the at the long term the risk reward and it’s going to feel good to to see people enjoying themselves the

Property and when it finally comes together I think that’s when that’s when I’ll be Satisfied is is when you hear people say that was the best hole that I’ve ever played in disc golf and and right now I feel like we have some of the best holes like definitely in the

State of Texas but you know I’m going to make it the best I can and also when it comes to designing these courses like you noticed out at Maple Hill it’s always the changes and the progression of a course continue after one two five after 10 years it’s not the exact same

Course that you play after year one and year two so so my plan is is to do you know turf teads at the beginning so I don’t get locked into holes that I want to change over time so there’s a lot of thought that go that goes into this whole process of

Designing a disc golf course and making sure that it’s it’s going to be playable and I want people to be happy I don’t want them to just go out there and get so beat up by the course they never want to come back yeah I’m I’m always shocked when I

See when we go up to GMC and I see the the the resort people you know rent rent some uh rent the disc out and they’re you know they’re playing they’re playing those Championship level courses for the first time like disc golf and they’re throwing like 5070 feet I’m like how I’m

Like how is that fun like what like that can’t that can’t be fun at all um obviously it’s a be beautiful scenery and everything like that but I love the idea that you’re you’re saying hey we’re not going to make a course and then after the fact be like oh crap we need

To like put shorter te’s like you’re going into it thinking hey we also need to have this design so that amateur beginner players could come out and still have a fun time I love that yeah and it’s one of those things every time that I go back out to the property um

Little tweaks are being made where I’m moving the teapad left 20 ft I’m moving it up I’m I’m still modifying it as I go along but right now I’m I’m pretty happy about how far along we’ve we’ve got on the course in a short period of time and

You know it’s just one of those things I want to see it all the way through and it’s going to it’s going to take a little bit of time and it’s going to take a lot of commitment and uh you know I’m I’m happy I’m happy with where it’s

At right now what about like its location is it off the beaten path like from let’s say like downtown Houston or where other a little bit it’s a little bit off the beaten path it’s not directly in the city of Houston I’m going to say it’s

Probably a prob a good thing 30 minute trip out there but when it comes to disc off I think people people aren’t too scared to hop in their car and drive 30 30 minutes isn’t that far right right so it’s not it’s not way out there I would

Say it’s closer to a major city than The Preserve and and I think The Preserve seems to be doing pretty solid with the traction that they get from Minneapolis and St Paul so I’m hoping that we can we can bring people out and from the response the public response so far

People seem excited about it in this area for sure that makes me excited too I’m I’m feeding off that same ex I’m like man I really got to get out there I gotta I got to make sure this course is amazing because it’s you know it’s got

My name attached to it and I I want I want to be proud of the outcome of this project I think you also making it like a challenging course one that has length and in the sense of like how many throws you’re going to have to throw out there

I think that’s a big separator you know being someone that lives in Dallas Texas a lot of Texas courses are very similar that their old par three courses and you know having a course in the area where you’re like okay I can go out there and play disc golf and and actually

Challenge myself I think that’s a big big uh step in the right direction as far as like trying to get someone to maybe drive 30 minutes or 40 minutes to a course versus just making another pitch and Putt course yeah I want to have some other perks your pizza’s

There I heard I heard a dog in the background um but is that Julie Julie you pizza so I like I said I want to provide some other perks to the community like we have the driving range so one of my thoughts is having enough discs

Available where people can go in the pro shop and test out the Frisbee right on the driving range before you buy it and I feel like that’s something that could help get people out there and make sure that the the store is stocked with the latest and greatest of discs from all

The companies so you know I’m already ordering discs and everything is a process you know what I’m saying like this is a very large project to tackle but I’m I’m I’m working I’m working every day I’m just want to want to make sure that it pops off the way I see it

In my head love that all right another post you made on Instagram jiujitsu you’re in jiujitsu now what uh what was the um you know what was the drive to go out there and try to learn a new new hobby a new craft you know I’ve always

I’ve always been a follower of like MMA and I’ve always liked to wrestle around and stuff so I just thought why not learn from some pros why not actually learn this artc and also like the workout side I feel like I’ve never got a better workout than I do from the

Jiu-Jitsu training so so part of it was just offseason training and then the other part was I I would like to learn how to defend myself properly and just just learn man you know I just want to be able to absorb some knowledge and

That’s it I I love UFC I love MMA so I don’t see this as something that I’m gonna ever really get into like competition but the thought has crossed my mind like I’ve I’ve went into some pretty hardcore wrestling matches with with some of the guys there and it’s

It’s fun like I really feel like I have a passion to do it and and I it it’s good for you you know I think it’s it’s something that comes very natural for me and it’s something that that humans have been doing since the beginning of time

And uh it’s a lot of fun so I’m definitely I’m enjoying it you’ve all seen those like public fights and bar fights that break out and there’s like that one guy that knows Jiu-Jitsu and just gets his hands on him and it’s like climbs him like a tree just completely

Like yeah so like completely silences cancels out the threat and it’s just like okay like this guy’s not moving um yeah it’s it’s it’s crazy um all right let’s let’s jump in let’s jump back into uh some other stuff here if you’re ready to go Nico I know I know you’re ready

For it I’m as ready as so my first question is if you could go back in time would you change anything the answer is yes I think I think the answer would be yes for everybody in the world you know what I mean like of course I I would go back

And change some things but I also look back and I’m pretty grateful for every Avenue that got me to where I’m at whether it was uh triumphs or downfalls you know I feel like that’s that’s part of life that’s part of growing and yeah of course I would I would change some

Things about my life for sure do you do you like do you like kind of playing the heel role in a way do you like having because because the majority of people you know I think me and you me and you are similar in this way of where

We actually have vocal people that do not like us right um but the majority of people on tour They Don’t Really post on social media they don’t really do you know they don’t have outbursts or anything like that why they’re playing so there there’s not really a any sort

Of negative attraction towards them right um do you do you like that side though do you like being the heel or do you wish you know like do you wish you could go back and kind of change some things to where you’re like hey hey that’s not me well of course I think

That’s a little bit sensitive topic because I know that I’ve you know I’ve had some outbursts in the past and I’ve I’ve had some things regarding my image that I feel like my name has been they’ve you know in a way I feel like my name has been ran through the mud and

And kind of like brushed under the rug in a lot of different ways and and you know as a man and just as a human I think you want people’s respect you want the respect from your peers and you of course I want you know everybody’s respect in the whole disc golf community

So so yeah a part of me you know wishes that I could have done certain things different but then again I really think about it and I’m like I watch sports I watch a lot of different sports and there’s nothing that I’ve ever done that you haven’t seen in every other sport

From at least half of the players in MO all these leagues you can name every league and people play with emotion it’s when you’re when you’re a competitor it’s very often that emotions are part of competition so you know I’d be lying if I said I haven’t let my emotions get

The best of me but then again I feel like part of my emotions is what makes me who I am and you know you know I I have a lot of passion I I have a lot of love for the sport of disc off and uh I

Feel like a lot of times that it’s it’s been broadcasted and uh not my best light you know what I’m saying people don’t get to see the full story they get to see a five or 10 second clip and then a collage of my worst ever caught on

Tape well what are what are some stories or some things that you you’ve been involved in that you feel like you’re being you know misunderstood or people maybe are taking out of context like Are there specific things you can recount of like hey people think this happened

That’s not really what happened to where you can kind of clear the air now I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to completely clear the air in the sense that there’s already there’s footage out there of me being upset but but I don’t think that makes me a terrible person

That I’ve been upset over the years I don’t I don’t think people can really pull up a lot of dirt on me that I’ve actually been mean or ruthless to people you know what I’m saying and I think that the people that know me best know

That I I do a lot for the people around me and I’m always giving out discs at the parks and I’m always trying to you know I’m trying to support people that are going through hard times in their life and just real life you know

What I’m saying so so I feel good about the person that I am but yeah of course sometimes I think man that when I see the internet drama and the people that still have negative things to say about me yeah that stuff does hurt sometimes

You know what I’m saying like to go back I want to be respected by people and that that’s very important to me especially at this stage in my career that I want the respect from from the fellow competitors and I want the respect from our community so yeah it’s it’s something

That I think about yeah no I I mean I think you know on one side if you if you pulled the majority of your actions I’m just going to talk about the stuff like on on the course right because right I get like you know you see people commenting about

Stuff that you’ve posted on social media that is not revolving around disc golf that might be more you know whether it’s religious beliefs whether it’s political beliefs like I always try to stay away from that stuff as much as possible so if I just if I just plucked you off

And put you in another Sport and you act the same way I I think you would blend in way more than people think um we just saw I mean we just saw Draymond Green like physically assault multiple people uh we’ve seen we’ve seen Ron we’ve seen

Ron Artest go into the crowd and and literally try to kill some a fan right and so like these are sure sure there there’s a lot of emotional Outburst that’s what I was saying earlier is like if you follow Sports there are a lot of emotional Outburst but I really hope

That people don’t compare me to Draymond Green I dislike Draymond Green I mean like I’m not physically attacking people out there I’m not trying to close line our competitors no I think I think part of it is you know we play a game of golf

Too is which is a very very toned deaf sport as far as that stuff like you’re supposed to beone tone down not tone DEA yeah where you’re toned down as far as your emotions right and so when you see big Outburst like like let’s use traditional golf for example you don’t

See those guys with crazy outbursts you do see them with outbursts no they do jul no for no no let me can I finish my let me finish my point you don’t see it because the media is able to cut away sure right and they’re trained to do

These cut ways if everybody filmed me for example my whole entire career there’s a big old video of me having the worst things ever right and and having my outbursts and everything Unfortunately they haven’t been caught on camera and it’s just like anything when they are it is your

Responsibility to take ownership of what happened for the world to see oh yeah you know what I mean and I think that you’re one of the one of the only people in the sport that has been caught in these situations and broadcasted to the world and um well you’re under a

Microscope now too that’s and exactly that’s the that’s the unfortunate thing that you but to be fair like you’ve kind of put yourself in that position exactly that that was what I was getting to and like for me like I I’ve uh I’ve played with you multiple

Times um I I even I think we played at usdgc I think last right I think I com I commented to you saying like I noticed that your pace of play which is something that you know gon Burr had this a lot of people have uh Jacob

Curtis has this anyone that plays super slow fans hate it so I commented after a round saying like I noticed that you were actively like trying to play faster and so um that was something that I noticed so I’ve never had issues with you playing in person the only thing

That really stuck out to me that I was like ooh was the obviously the the incident at the European open right um and I didn’t I didn’t get to get the entire um the entire story I wasn’t there so I couldn’t see what he was saying I couldn’t I couldn’t see his

Eyes I couldn’t see really the fa so obviously there could have been some of him provoking uh provoking you to kind of be combative in the way you did um I think you I and again I think you would probably agree with me if you could go back in time you’d probably

Handle that situation differently the one thing the one thing that the one thing that really bugged me and correct me if this isn’t right is like after the round you didn’t want to settle it is that that was the word on the street is like they were trying to get in contact

With you PGA officials to talk to you about it and the word on the street was like you were basically avoiding it or wouldn’t want to talk didn’t want to talk to anyone what what was what what actually went down after the round I mean I guess I’ll get into the

Details of part of this story so to be honest I I sat inside the uh the scoring tent for a little while with my with my shirt over my face like this to hide the tears because I was I was extremely emotional at the time because

I knew that this was going to have an extreme backlash and I was also facing some embarrassment that that that this was happening but also there’s a little bit of background on this story and I really don’t I really don’t mind speaking on it because I felt singled

Out at the time and not only did I feel singled out I believe 100% that I was singled out at the time because there was an official following my card and therefore I felt I felt at a slight disadvantage and there was there was two officials following the card so there

Was just like I felt I felt a tension Within Myself and after were they requested do you know if they were like was did someone on the card say like oh these officials are following us because they’re requested or no no no no I actually I believe that that there was

Somebody sent directly to my card before the round even started there was there was that’s why I felt like I was at a disadvantage because if I was the only one being timed then then I felt that that it was an unfair situation and I

Was holding on to that and by the time there was a lot of bottled up um by by whole 18 I was shooting one of the best rounds on the course and I moved I moved from down list up into the top 10 at the

European open and uh it took a lot for me to get out there to the European open like it there was there’s a background story I was up for for multiple days and had canceled flights and it took me a really long time in a huge financial

Effort to get to the European open so it was just like I just felt like there was there was a world of pressure on my shoulders and and the pressure got to me and I I snapped out a little bit but but I never laid hands on nobody I wasn’t I

Wasn’t I wasn’t cussing at anybody it was just it was a very tense situation that I was embarrassed about so a after I left the scoring area I I went to the vehicle and then um Jeff jacquat he was the first person that gave me a warning on I think it was like

Whole eight or nine and I was I was waiting for people to clear the Fairway that’s why I wasn’t throwing my shots so so therefore I felt like I was singled out at the time and then then he was the one that went to speak with me he wanted

To talk with me after after I got a stroke which I felt like at the time I felt like I was being robbed with like someone reached into my pocket and took money out of my pocket so that’s that’s the internal feeling that I was dealing with during that moment moment and for

Him to to want to come speak to me afterwards it wasn’t like he was it was just a very tense moment that I wish I could take back in time like there was just so much bottled up emotion and animosity and and like I literally had tears balling out of my eye

Uncontrollably like this is one of the first times in my life that I ever remember crying to the fact where I couldn’t even control myself like I was like wimp like it was it was just it was emotionally paralyzing at the time so you know I went in a little

Bit of those details and it was just not my most proud moments in my life to go through something like that and those next couple months after that bad that was really bad for me that was really really really hard times in my life I I got dropped by both my sponsors

I felt like everybody in my life turned their back on me and it was just uh I was depressed like I that was that was the hardest times in my life that I’ve ever had to go through 100% um so yeah man that’s that’s a little bit of the the the background on

That story there was uh it was hard it was hard times I wouldn’t I wouldn’t wish that upon anybody to go through that type of public shame and humility and uh I was sad man I turned off my phone I didn’t I didn’t answer my phone for a month I I

Literally sat inside the house and didn’t even talk to anybody like I I I didn’t even go out to the disc off course because I was so embarrassed like I didn’t I was tired of people talking down on my name like I came to a pinnacle in my life in my disc off

Career and I felt like at that moment everything was crumbling my entire life was crumbling to Pieces so I felt like it was just like a rebirth after that once I got over those stages of feeling like down and humiliated and depressed and embarrassed I had to rebuild my entire life and then

I had to rebuild my image and that’s why I feel I feel I feel good and s that I’ve had to I’ve had to come from a lot I’ve I you know I I truly believe that that I can write a book about my life like a real

Underdog Story you know somebody that came from nothing and ended up making it past uh challenging times and get to the the better side of life because I know a lot of other people are dealing with with very hard situations that they couldn’t even explain to you on a

Podcast how did you how did you get how did you get over those that like that depression and and stuff um like what were were there certain people or was it like a combination of a bunch of stuff I I think it was there were there

Were people in my corner no matter what that you know as much as people were hating on me there there was some positivity coming my way and saying we believe in you Nico I know you can get through this and I think that I just had

To like reach deep within myself and and find the belief that that even though I make mistake that I would that I got caught up in a in a bad spot like I knew that I made a major mistake especially like publicly on the 18th hole of the European open in front of

The European nation and for people to see me like that I just uh I knew that I had to turn it around I wasn’t just G to stay depressed for the rest of my life and that’s why you know I I want to create a story in my life of of success

You know that that anybody in the world can overcome the worst of trials and tribulation and like I was just pointing at as much as we love Disc Off Disc Off isn’t isn’t every part of life it’s only it’s only a fraction of a person’s life

You know what I’m saying so like I just had to find the love you know what I’m saying like I really had to focus on on the love and and knowing that I had to I had to have love for myself but also also like feel the love from other

People because there were people that were that were showing me love even at my darkest hour there were still people that were trying to to to shine light on me there were still do you think getting put in that situation again that you would you would do it differently I know

It’s like of course you’re going through this but I I feel like I feel like that’s what a lot of people want to hear from you you know what I mean it’s like the grow and being like hey if I was in that situation again I’m not that guy

Like you know I don’t want to have to get in anybody’s face or nothing like that you know as much as much as I can be a fiery person I don’t I don’t want to uh I don’t want to really bring any type of like pain or discomfort to

Anybody and I feel like that was a very uncomfortable moment not only for myself but for the official and the people in Europe that you know people that was that’s a prestigious event and and uh there’s a lot of like respect and honor in Europe and and Finland and people are

You know I think they’re they’re proper and formal and I think for people to see that it it just made me Not only was it a bad look but it made me feel not good inside like internally that was the hardest thing that I think I’ve ever had

To overcome in my life is just I don’t think many people can relate to being shamed publicly by hundreds and thousands of people like I had I had death threats from people that were sending me messages saying if I ever see you on the disc golf course I’m going to

Kill you why don’t you come up and say that stuff to me and that type of like like I said I wouldn’t wish that type of situation upon anybody so of course yeah if I can go back in time I would have loved to handle that situation a lot differently so what are

Some steps you know you mentioned you want to have the respect from you know your peers the players on tour from fans as well so what are some steps that people can look forward to seeing from you in 2024 um with new changes like what are

What are things that you’re going to be working on what are things that you’re going to be focusing on to try to maybe someone that’s like hey I’m kind of on the fence on Nico he’s done some stuff that I don’t like but then there’s other

Stuff that I do like like what are some things that you’re going to be changing with either you know your your actual emotions like how you handle yourself your play like what are some things that people can expect to see in 2024 well I don’t see myself ever

Getting caught up in a situation like that again so a part of it is is being able to learn from mistakes that I’ve that I’ve made but um you know I’m going through changes all the time you know I’m I’m trying to progress as a person

I’m trying to focus on my health my career and just being the best person that I could be on and off the Disc Go course so so I think if anybody ever comes up to me and they really speak to me they can make a judgment for themsel

About what kind of person I am and how I treat people it’s you know I don’t want people to just think about me from the public point of view you know if people have anything to say I want them to come up to me and speak to me I think I’m a

Very personable human being like I think it I’m I’m easy to talk to and I’m you know I think I’m a I’m a I’m a friendly person so I think that it’s just about making that judgment for yourself and not just not just judging somebody from

From what you see on the internet the the Internet only shows a piece of somebody’s life you know so I think as far as like what they can expect to see from me just I try not to have these crazy expect but I just I want people to to

See me for who I am and not just not just bits and pieces of information like if somebody wants to learn about niik La Castro I want them to come up and have a conversation with me and then they can make a judgment from there yeah but there’s there you know there’s hundreds

Of thousands of fans out there not every single one of those people is going to be able to come up and and have a personal conversation a lot of them can but uh you know you’re speaking to a lot of people right now yeah I hear you I

Hear you so what is the question that you that you want to ask well you know I mean I think you know when you look at it and again like me and you are very similar in the sense that we have what you would call like haters right people

That will go on our social media and make negative posts I I I think maybe some of the things that I have done that have created that I don’t think if I went back in time I don’t think I would change anything right like if I have an opinion on someone that

Isn’t a positive opinion and that now creates someone that was a fan of that person or whatever now that you know not like me like I’m I’m just going to keep it real right right but I think with you like there’s been things like we talked about the European open we’ve talked

About some of like the Outburst that you’ve had during tournaments um and then the other thing too is like the pace of play issues right like right and those are the like are we are we going to see changes are we expected to see changes in those things going into

2024 yeah I believe that I’ve worked on my routine a lot and the whole pace of play thing I I think that I’ve developed a much better routine than I’ve had in the past so I’m hoping that that will definitely have less people hating on me

But the internet is a vicious place I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to stop people’s negative opinion but if I focus on the positives and I focus on building Community I focus on positive relationships you know focus on just working with the youth focus on my disc

Golf course out here and just focus on being the best player that I can without having future outbursts and without having a future in disl where people only think about me as the time violation guy the European open guy you know I want people to see me in the

Light I want them to see me win tournaments and work on my time and just I’m trying to be the best person I can man and and I hope I hope that the community can see that in the future and I hope that the people that that we play

Against all our competitors and I think that that I do have good camaraderie with with all of you guys you know I you know people might say something behind each other’s back every once in a while that’s that’s that’s life man people people always have something to say when

It really comes down to it I feel like I have a good relationship with everybody on tour I don’t I don’t people always ask like who do you hate to play with Nico and it’s always a hard question for me and I’m just like I don’t really

Think I dislike anybody on tour I don’t think I really dislike to play with anybody on the disc golf tour so H maybe that’s for a different podcast there’s definitely a couple people where if they’re having a bad day I’m like oh gosh I have to play with this guy

Um yeah but uh yeah go ahead Yulie no I was just going to say I mean Nico and my career have pretty much paralleled each other since our amateur days and we’ve played a lot of golf together over the years and I have a ton of respect for

Him because of of the grind that he’s always had to become a better player and I’ve personally seen him do some amazing things on the course and off the course without a doubt um we’ve also had our scuffles in rounds um but we’ve maintained a pretty dang good friendship

Through the whole thing and I just wish you the best man I honestly do I hope that you can keep working on those things and um working on like you said in community I feel like that’s a big thing help your community and uh you know over time that will help you change

Change those things that you want to change yeah man I’m focused I’m focused on the future and I’m focused on you know just going back to just being the best I can on and off the course and I and I want to inspire people too especially now that I’m 35 years old I

Want to inspire people that you can still you can still win at this age and I feel like I’m I still have that that competitive drive to to want to be the best player in the world and even though I’m not number one I still have the

Belief that I can put together a good weekend of disc golf and come out on top and I think that alone will not not not just change my image for like a positive but but I think that’ll that’ll give me a lot of like fulfillment that all of us

We we all want to win we want we keep showing up and we keep taking these beatings on the course because we know that that our best can can still come out on top man and you know I wish the best for for everybody out here on tour

Because I know what kind of sacrifice it takes to be a professional disc golf player it’s all of us no matter what bracket of life or no matter what your background is or if you come from money or if you don’t come from money it’s

Still a commitment to go out and be a professional disc offer and this is not easy it’s not for everybody it’s it’s a sacrifice and all the commitment that that you could ever imagine you guys know it takes a lot to do an entire year of being on the road away from your

Family and away from friends and we all love it we all we all share that common passion and the interest that I feel like whether you believe it or not I feel like everybody’s we almost made it Julie we almost kept him in there hopefully he bop’s back back in because

I do have two more questions uh that I quickly want to get answers from um so s let’s just throw him back in uh interesting there you know interes without a doubt I mean um it’s nice to hear the other side side of the story

You know what I mean because like like I said before and this isn’t condoning any Behavior or anything but you know in in other sports it does happen it just it the media can cut away from from certain things here here and there and that’s that’s something that hey it’s live man

There’s no second delays and like I said like I don’t really have any like I don’t feel bad because it’s like again you’ve put yourself in this position but there is something to be like there isn’t really anyone like Nico as as open that he is about it so I think the

Microscope is on him so much more than on these other sports that there is so much more commotion so much more stuff going on um I do think he does have a great person like he isn’t a he isn’t you’re not gonna get just like a a shell

Of a person out there like if you’re going and watching Nico you’re not g I wish the shenanigans I wish the pace of play I wish those things got got eliminated but like just watching him make that putt on whole 17 at Waco a couple years ago like he does give

Really really good moments if he can just dial in those other areas yeah I think he’s a great person to have on tour that would be I don’t think this golf would be the same without the guy man I like I said I played against him

For a lot of years he won four Player of the Year Awards in a row there’s a lot of people that don’t realize how good he was he was dominant he wasn’t just good the best player we had at that time um let us know if we get him back um all

Right okay dang okay well maybe maybe he goes back and listens to this and then he can he can reach back out to me with these answers I had two questions these were my two questions I wanted to know so SAS yeah we’ll move on because we are

I do have to go to a Christmas party we’ll move on but hopefully he can answer these two questions I want to know how much how many uh Nico stopwatches he sold very curious about that and then the other one I’m very curious to know like where his thoughts

And feelings are towards Hunter and Trevor ve at one point in time very negative very negative he did not like Hunter and Trevor at all um so I’m very curious to see has that changed what’s going on there so maybe we get the answers uh Nico text me whatever um if

That happens all right a shocking Terry Miller tweet Yulie Terry Miller goes to Twitter and says am I understanding some of the responses to the disc golf pro tour Awards correctly disc golf pro tour vote for who who whomever you see fit and wish to choose some people oh my God

You didn’t vote for that person you’re a and you should have your voting privileges re removed he continued follow up to my original post did Disc Golf protour not even offer voting for f player of the year what was the point seems like we already knew the

Answer he’s obviously coming after me I’ve been I’ve it’s been clear that I’ve been the most vocal on this issue so he’s obviously coming after me being like he’s having the uh the typical disc golf like hey man what’s the problem she won was what’s the big issue um I had a

Response video we won’t show that cuz we um if you want to see it you can go to my Twitter I think very does a very good job of summarizing my point and I’ll try to do that here again if we’re voting for something and it’s obvious and someone doesn’t vote

For that they should not vote anymore that’s the point if it’s if everyone’s like it’s obvious this person should win and someone doesn’t vote for that person they should not have a vote because they’re voting for some other reason instead of what they should be voting for he was also incorrect I think

He later um corrected himself the disc golf protour did not say vote for whom you see fit and wish to choose someone took a screenshot of what the disc golf protour actually said and it’s very clear saying if voting if we can see that voting is for friends or if there’s

Some sort of reason for why you’re voting other than like this person should deserve the ward then they do have the ability to um remove your right to vote oh my gosh not really no what about now am I was I still staticky my phone was just freaking out sorry all right

Hopefully you got it off um we won’t show the video again but if you want Johnny disl on his Instagram he did an interview with Ella and posted a um a video which he tagged tour Life podcast he kind of posed the same question that

We had of like what’s going on here he asked Ella straight up Ella Hansen who was one I would say of the people that people uh um suspected maybe didn’t vote for Christen Zar she later continued or she later on said that she voted for Christen Zar and follow that up with if

You didn’t vote for Kristen thear she didn’t call him a joke she called him delusional so um that was good to hear too like an FP player come out and also say like Christen Nar was the rightful winner if you didn’t vote for her um my

Words you are a joke all right your brother-in-law Ricky Yaki you can try defend him I’m very curious with this one very curious with this one jul on what side I don’t know what side of the table you’ll be Ricky Waki hot take seems like a lot of players that are

Switching manufacturers have been kept on the DL love to see the players be able to make the announcement and get the hype they deserve instead of everyone trying to leak all their sources on where everyone’s going Drew Gibson responded with hard to have happen when the brands leak the info

Don’t act innocent here I won’t elaborate in anymore he responded to Drew’s tweet saying not the point if I KN know where someone is going I’m not going to post publicly I’ll respect the player and let them get the hype they deserve speculation is great but full-blown posting that someone’s going

Somewhere that the players uh that’s the players deal in my opinion all right Julie so this was also kind of a attack a little bit at my boys Hunter Trevor grip locked because when they basically made the podcast saying that Ricky Waki was going to go to

Dynamic disc before he had made the announcement before Dynamic disc made the announcement Ricky went on Twitter called Foundation disc golf the TMZ of dis golf didn’t like it yada yada where do you stand on this where is the line where what should happen what shouldn’t

Happen what are DOs what are don’ts when it comes to player contracts um it’s going to be as quiet as it can be and then it’s going to get leaked it always gets leaked because the player tells other people and those people tell people that’s the way that it works

Period that’s how it works I know it’s how it works because that’s how I get a lot of sources if people come to me and be like hey guess what blah blah blah blah blah and then I hear it from somebody else and they’re like yeah he

Told me too and I’m like got it if you want it to be if if the player wants it to be Hush Hush the whole time don’t tell anybody zero people have your manufacturer who knows don’t go to the course throw a couple discs don’t go on your little

Facebook and click okay I want to be involved with this collector group don’t go sell your disc like it’s pretty simple to me you know what I mean I think there should be a little bit it’s there’s an easy formula yeah it’s a It’s News it’s going to get talked about

Eventually somebody’s going to tell the wrong person and they’re going to know so this is this is what I’ll say on on the matter because I agree with you a lot if I’m a manufacturer and I tell the player I tell the player’s agent and then I tell the marketing guy I

Tell the budget guy the finance whatever those are the only people I tell it’s a very controlled environment y so if it does get leaked I can start pinpointing like hey these are the only people that know right and I can try to figure out how it happened if it comes back that

Our marketing guy told his buddy that’s in the warehouse and then his buddy in the warehouse told his buddies that he play disc golf with and those I’m firing this guy you’re you’re done you’re out right like this is information we want to keep hush hush now if you purposely

Leak something for hype and all that stuff that’s another whole story my my take here is there is a massive difference between me coming to you Julie and saying Julie listen um I’m trying to work this out I’m trying to figure out what’s going on like I’m

Leaving Discraft I’m going to go with Inova um trying to work out some kaks but Hey listen I don’t want anyone to know this if I’m telling you that I’m basically H putting all my trust that you won’t tell anyone I told you don’t tell anyone if it comes out if I’m the

Only if I only tell you and it comes out that other people find out that’s going to put a big a wall in between me and you your relationship because I can’t trust you anymore I thought we were friends I thought I could trust you me

And you hear a lot of information we get a lot of stuff we don’t post any of that stuff if a player is telling me about stuff I don’t post any of that stuff if they tell me like I don’t want anyone to know this now if I’m getting DMS from 10 15

People telling me something that that is speculation that is that is to me that is different than Ricky coming to me and saying hey I’m going to Dynamic this and now I break his trust if Ricky goes to five six people and tells those people and those people tell people and those

People tell people and it comes and comes to me that to me is a completely different scenario listen and some of these guys are going to get a wide Awakening as the dollar bill signs continue to go up if they do more journalists are going to continue to

Come in and like Hunter and Trevor aren’t trying to find information they get people to them stuff wait until you have a journalist that’s like reaching out to people that’s like driving by warehouses and seeing ads do we see a car person it’s going to get way worse

Unless you get this figured out listen here’s here’s I deal with a lot of contracts I know pretty much where most people are going at all times I’m deep in there the player it’s never the manufacturer it’s never the other side of the company it’s never this that it’s

Always always the player telling his buddies and his buddies telling their buddies 90% of the time there is some cases I’m sure where there’s a leak here or a leak there oh on accident oh I walk into somebody’s office and there’s a paper they’re like that stuff happens

You know what I mean that stuff really happens but I mean imagine somebody oh new contract they get their disc they go to a a baseball field they’re throwing disc a dog walker walks by and sees the disc what if it’s a disc golfer like those things

100% got think about that stuff yeah yeah those things happen when we did that Florida trip and filmed a bunch of stuff there was multiple times where I was like I’m not filming in this field yeah because it wasn’t it wasn’t announced that I was going back to

Discraft yet and so we went to a disc golf course to film like we went to a field next to a disc golf course and I was like I’m not going to film I’m not going to could be out here throwing with Ezra and gosage and and Bob and I mean

Cuz again like that’s easily how this stuff happen so it just stuff just needs to be more careful if if it matters that much don’t tell that’s that’s the easiest way just don’t tell anyone man just wait CU then you’ll know who does it you’ll know

Because if you keep it to three people now you know okay can’t trust that person very easy to find out who uh who spilled the beans yeah all right speaking of which let’s talk about some player movement let’s talk about some rumors let’s talk about some conspiracy

Theories I heard Rocky no I’m just kidding um okay so Hunter received a DM about Chris Clemens van being spotted at Discraft this is another thing I mean the the James Conrad everyone knew he was going to MVP before because his van was at MVP headquarters

I’ll say this if you are having meetings because again this doesn’t I don’t think this guarantees that Chris is going to Discraft because I think you can have you should be talking to multiple people right you should be having meetings with multiple things so it doesn’t guarantee it could be his girlfriend

Too true however let’s let’s rent a car here guys in the future let’s rent a car let’s rent a car let’s not show up with your face and name on the side of your vehicle uh in the future that I think that is something that will get changed

Too um we did speculate that Clemens was going to leave Dynamic disc he changed his Instagram HL if you remember well yeah he posted today he is leaving he makes the post saying I want to thank the trilogy team for H everything that they’ve done for me over the years I

Couldn’t have made my dream a reality Without You many great memories have been made along the way and I will always cherish my time with Dynamic disc thank you especially to a big list of people for believing in my abilities and ab and helping to cultivate My Success I

Will no longer be representing Dynamic disc going forward the future is bright and I can’t wait to share my next step with everyone this sounds like a guy that knows where he’s going um top left-handed player on tour great personality obviously great hair um whoever ends up getting Chris Clemens

You’ve got a solid solid guy really really good putter um gotta good backand gotta good forehand so we’ll be uh I did reach out to him I did want him to come on I asked hey rumors are flying do you have anything that you want to come on

Tour life and say he said I I don’t have anything at this moment so um we’ll we’ll wait to see what happens there next one Robert burdge I mentioned this re resigns with lonar he makes the post we are lonar makes the post we are excited to announce that Robert bur will

Be returning to team lonar disc for the 20 24 season um so they keep one of their young upand cominging players with them now let’s go to Eagle couple things here first one this Mania is offloading tons of Eagle disc they open the vault they start selling Cloud Breakers that’s wo that that’s

Alarm Bells what’s going on what’s Happening then we have MVP making a comment on last on this week’s grip locked where Hunter and Trevor are speculating that eagle might be rejoining his buddy in crime Simon and MVP responds this was a fun listen Okay bit cryptic yeah a little

Bit now a crazy conspiracy theory that I have I almost believe myself Yulie this is from courtesy violation pod a Twitter handle they said if the rumors are true about Eagle retiring from froth to dedicate his time preparing for the Kama protour then dmania will be forced to

Make Casey white their Marquee player now I think there was a little bit of a funniness to this however conspiracy theory this Kama thing one of the guys that came out to try to be my like Vegas crew out here he was a professional kadama player he handed me I it’s

Somewhere over here he handed me his like professional kadama like yeah tool Eagle loves this stuff is there a world where something happened this off season he jacked up his shoulder get something weird going on and he’s like you know what I’m hanging up disc gol I’m gonna go and do

This kadama thing is that it’s a fun thought absolutely crazy yeah no going have to shut that one down no chance you’re saying no chance zero chance okay yeah zero chance on that one that was a reach I like the reach I mean this guy threw it out there

And I was like that’s so wait a second wait a second he’s been training um I also reached out to Eagle asked if he wanted to come on and share anything he said um that he respectfully declines so um again I don’t think we’ve

Had Eagle on the show so we got to get him on get okay couple more stories Johnny uh do want to give a shout out to this Johnny McCrae 11th annual South Florida open Champion he now has 209 career pdj wins uh one of the Legends in the sport um

You know the big story that recent story around him was his um his illness his uh it was a heart it was a heart attack right if I’m correct coming back as fast as he came back from that and being able to play at the high level he is the

Dude’s an absolute monster I got the pleasure of playing with him at the Florida tournament last year super nice guy very very nice guy so um good to see that he is still playing some freaking good disc golf man freaking good disc golf all right two more stories here I

Think we’re going to save The Listener questions too because this is a this is getting to be one of our longer podcasts um but two stories one we’re going to really break down more next week but I do want to just kind of give some information out the 2024 disc golf prot

Tour allar weekend ulie has been announced it will be February 16th through the 18th it will be at the Olympus disc golf course in Brooksville Florida and if you’re asking yourself what the heck is the Olympus disc golf course well yes that is the course that we will be playing the

Invitational the following weekend um so we’re going to do back-to-back weekends Allstar event then the chess doc Invitational um and we’re going to break this whole announcement down because I think they’re also opening up this year to not just Allstars but they’re going to invite specific people to to compete

In specific uh skills so won’t just be the allstars we’ll have like some Specialists coming in gotcha that that could be really really fun so we’ll break that all down got some questions too about having it at the same tournament location got some questions there all right last story here Natalie

Ran versus PDGA we haven’t talked about Natalie Ryan forever y that Court issue the uh the lawsuit whatever we want to call it has been now officially dismissed with prejudice and is now closed so I try to do some digging I can pull up we can pull up like the part

That was kind of being shared this is from eastern district of a California live system the big thing here is it says um minute order issued by courtroom Deputy Krueger for district judge on 1219 2023 p pursuant in uh to the notice of voluntary dismissal so that means

That uh n Ry voluntarily dismissed this case uh defendant professional dis Golf Association is hereby dismissed with prejudice which means we learned this um in the last case uh you cannot refile um and this case is now closed so what does this mean well I did some digging did

Some looking and trying to figure out what is going on this is this is these are some thoughts after some reading this this’s uh a post on Reddit after reading uh after reading some and other explanations all it means is that Natalie and the pdj have settled on some

Sort of solution privately out of the Court requirement of a verdict from The Trial Natalie withdrew voluntary voluntarily which means she either ran out of resources to continue fighting which doesn’t seem to be the case based on what what people are saying or the PDGA has agreed to change the terms this

Seems more likely uh another person followed up saying that Natalie tour Natalie Ryan has bought a 2024 tour card and this seems to indicate that she will be able to play in the 2024 season um so it seems like there’s got to be some sort of statement I’m assuming coming

From the PDGA at some point about this but all signs as of right now are pointing that the fight that the PDGA was having the fight that the disc golf pro tour was having um it seems like they have come with some sort of decision out of court and with Natalie

Ryan paying we don’t know if it’s the entire tour but at least she will be playing some of the Tour by her being able to get a 2024 tour okay so we’ll see we’ll kind of wait back and see uh what the statement and when the PG J

Makes a statement about that we’ll obviously bring that to you guys all right housekeeping monthly subscription boxes on Foundation I think there’s less than 30 now make sure you grab one of those I’m going to do a YouTube video very soon when mine comes

In so those will probably be gone so you guys get a little bit last reminder if you’re trying to get this last monthly subscription box in December Now’s the Time to do it shout out to our tour life crew I think I’m going to do actually I know I’m going to do a

Live stream with you guys tomorrow if you’re listening you’re in the live chat tour life crew uh be on the lookout I’ll make um I’ll make the YouTube video only uh available to you guys so you’ll see it but I’ll schedule it as well so you

Can see what time my guess it’ll be probably sometime in the afternoon or evening tomorrow so hopefully I’ll see all my tour life crew guys in the chat there Spotify via Apple podcast battle Spotify still crushing Apple 8818 reviews Apple 215 reviews we have now over the 200 and we have now CL

Clips a thousand reviews Julie that’s good that’s that’s incredible thank you for everyone that has dropped the review we are also less than 500 guys less than 500 followers on Instagram away for our two disc giveaway Bob keeps texting me saying yo where am I sending these discs

To where am I and I’m like we don’t we’re not at 5,000 yet Bob so go over to tourlife podcast follow us over there we’re over just over 4,500 followers once we hit 5K that unlocks this wow what a show man that a lot that

Was a lot of stuff man what a show shout out to kale to Nico yeah good one yeah great talking to both of those guys um I’m going to throw this out there too might as well right let’s let’s let’s uh let’s do a little preview of something

To come I I I threw this into the tour life chat you guys seem to like it I’m thinking probably starting in January because players are still kind of moving right now I kind of want to do a little bit of a round table with manufacturer players so maybe the first week in

January we get four Discraft guys on here all at once talking sharing stories hanging out then the next week maybe we get four Innova guys on here then the next week maybe we get four latitude guys right I think that would be fun to just kind of hang

Out talk I don’t think there’s going to be that much news ulie happening in January I think the next couple weeks are going to be massive it’ be fun to just gra grab some of the guys chat what’s going on this off season lead us

Into um I like that the regular season I like that a lot it’ll be fun I’m with that so all right thanks again to our guests Nico kale thanks again to silus always being able to run this shout out to Julie’s internet guy Julie didn’t go super blurry mode Let’s get the

Fireworks going my ethernet went hopefully this was an awesome live stream for everyone and everyone that’s listening at home I hopefully you guys enjoyed this podcast we really appreciate it don’t forget if you’re on the YouTube make sure you guys like the video that helps us out a lot and to

Subscribe right here on the foundation podcast Channel and we’ll see you guys next week


  1. Love that Highbridge was brought up and Cale is spot on. I went to their disc golf jamboree last year and it was a blast. Every course is incredible and i can't wait to go back next year. Tons of elevation and really tough courses you don't get around most of Wisconsin. Fingers crossed they can make more of a destination to get people traveling there. Would really be sad to lose it. I know there was also talk about selling the land two of the courses are on. Woodlands and Bear were two of my favorite.

  2. bro nikko is such a child. talking about his name was “dragged through the mud” and how he’s “singled out” like he’s some kind of victim. dudes gotta learn that the only one responsible for the negative perception of him is himself.

  3. Nikko vindicated himself pretty good here.
    Terry was right in a literal sense, like you can't put any conditions on the way people vote, that's a slippery slope. But I'll bet it's people in solidarity with natalie ryan that didn't vote for Kristin. If any of those people admit voting for that reason, it would be the dumbest thing they ever did for their careers. So I wouldn't expect to see that.

  4. I will 100% travel to play nikkos course. Texas disc golf in the winter sounds amazing living here in Michigan.

  5. Well now that you lightened my opinion on Nikko I need you guys to get Joel Freeman on here so I can rethink my thoughts on him as well!

  6. I have never been a Nikko fan but I think this interview has changed my mind about him. I feel like he has been an emotional player in the past and may continue to be that way. However thinking about it in the light of the environment is basically golf. His actions aren't any worse than most people playing pickup basketball. I feel like if he can continue to be the player he is the other 90% of the time he will be fine. If the story about his card at the European Open having an official following them the whole round is correct that is ridiculous. That either needs to be the same for everyone or only if the card gets reported during the round of an issue. When people go looking for a problem before something happens they are often going to find one. What he did was wrong and the is no excuse but there may have also been some peripheral situations going on that were not fair. I love what he is going to try to do with the disc golf property and wish him the best going forward.

  7. Build out a barndominium and charge people for overnight stays on property. Would also be perfect for weekend clinics with overnights. The company, pro or celebrity that figures out how to build a true disc golf destination wins. Nikko's thinking is way ahead of every manufacturer that's only focused on pro impacts. People need to get addicted to throwing discs before they will ever give a shit about pros, the PDGA or the DGPT.

  8. McBeth’s comments on taking care of his body and throwing 80% shots seemingly throwing subtle shade at Eagle and the big arm players at the European Open press conference did not age well…

  9. Great pod as always. Here’s my player movement calls. Eagle to MVP and Gannon to Discmania for record breaking $.

  10. Nikko is obviously responsible for his actions but he was definitely being targeted at the time (regardless of whether it was for good reason or not). Really enjoyed the interview.

  11. Wonder if brodie will ever focus less on getting internet likes with his uneducated takes and more on winning one of those trophies he feels so strongly about

  12. This was a great opportunity for Niko and the disc golf community. It’s clear he has grown from the experience. And hopefully we all can let the moment go. It’s not easy for someone to own up and to reveal their most vulnerable moments. Niko seems to be a complicated Man. But one who can and has grown. He clearly wants to have a place in the community where he is respected. We should give him the benefit that he is sincere and we should let him creat the atmosphere he wants for his future.

  13. Big props for Nikko not shying away from the tough questions here, hopefully he can keep working on himself and increase his emotional regulation skills/help others do the same. Thought it was a bit of a cop-out to say he would fit in better with other sports, but can understand why he would frame it that way to make himself feel better

  14. Would be awesome if you guys had the balls to call Ryan HE. Males are he/him. He is a disgrace to disc golf and a cheater. Disc golf pros should be sticking up for the hard working ladies on tour.

  15. I am sorry, I am not still convinced that Nikko is different. Too much defensiveness. He just needs to say I am sorry… The more he tries to explain away his actions… it just doesn't help. I want to like him…. I really do. I want the best for him. But he still a victim in his eyes and until he overcomes that … I don't see different. Here's to 2024 and his growth.

  16. What helps make pay-to-play courses less of an issue for players is the ease of transaction. Signing up online and entering in credit card information is a big barrier when you get to the course and are playing with a group. If these pay-to-play courses were as easy as scanning a QR code and venmo-ing, I think they'd find they would get more paying participants.

  17. people still with their undies in a bunch over Nikko need to get a life. Damn DG'ers are effin' petty as hell.

  18. I met Nikko at Ledgestone this year. Talked to him a couple times and he was really nice both times. Even took a pic with me and a signature 🤘

  19. Considering this is the second interview I’ve bothered watching with Nikko… this was better. The first was last year around this time and he was way too ego filled and didn’t bother having any humility. He came off as egotistical and ingenuous. He said he had remorse for what his actions showed during the European Open but it didn’t resonate with his speech at the time that he was going to prove the haters wrong. Him with his friends also were confrontational on the comment section of that video to the point I wrote him off completely.

    It’s good to see that he either grew up a bit, got a publicist to write him a script or he just lied through his teeth. I hope it’s the first or second.

    I think over the coming seasons and through his work behind the scenes to grow the sport will start to win the population slowly over. He has to be 1000% better then everyone else to fix his image and can expect people to hold him to a higher standard then everyone else. Sounds unfair but his actions were unjustifiable.

    Good luck Nikko. I’m not in your corner routing for you yet but I’m no longer routing for you to lose. And I’m sure there is more people moving that way.

    Continue to prove you are the bigger man and people will see it.

  20. Brodie, usually you are quite eloquent and tactful when asking tricky sticky questions, so I'll just laugh this one off. But I was just waiting for the the typical Niko admonishment when you asked him about playing the "role of the heel" 🤣 I think the word villain may have been a lil more palatable. LOL But I must say, Cale is right! THANK YOU BOTH for being seeming the primary drivers behind disc golf media. You two keep us disc golf fans well informed AND entertained!

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