Golf Players

Devon Larratt – Psychological Warfare

Has Devon Larratt mastered the same mind games that Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali used so well during their careers

#devonlarratt #devonlarratttrashtalk #devonlarrattvsgeorgitsvetkov

Just before the fight I’m looking at him I said suckle you are in trouble tonight Coming For You Georgie coming for You they lost the fight before they even got hit most guys I knew I knew the arst doery these guys I knew how to beat these guys psychologically see I’m way bigger than you Georgie you never had a chance it’s too big okay it’s too massive okay you need to bring him I

Talked through the whole fight TR to get on a big diet geordan they told me you could hit hard you’re just a [ __ ] come on Su show me something come on come on come on he still needs to be careful he still needs to be careful as soon as he

Goes heing first the number one I’m there I’m there just so you Know 125 kg Harry 96 de as always day m games will stop I’m the champ Champion right here Champions got right to St side table everybody knows that you’re way smaller than I remember you you’re way smaller than I remember you Geor from 1 to 10 give me a number 10

Nine um we’re setting up who will will have hey who the [ __ ] picks 10 are you crazy okay so they were as always first grip first setup you tell a lot but it could take long it could take long I will say how it is everyone wants to pull is like oh I

Would love to have you the thing is we can play this silly game where he doesn’t want to put his El frighten he knows what to do you feel weak all of a sudden you feel very weak most of the time he gets what he want very weak geie

And it’s so and he wants you to fight him and if you fight him he gets stronger close up close up close up Georgie come on close up close up close up Georgie yeah you’re [ __ ] crying moving your you can’t let go of the peg Georgie okay look both of you guys are

Moving don’t touch me listen listen listen come on come on say it say it say it say it say it just he’s [ __ ] going just say [ __ ] go you guys like this no fouls nothing has been called no warnings yeah come fight me again come fight me say it bro no no no

The right to the [ __ ] pad that’s where that’s going Bill Collins head referee said to go right you are there you okay he does I wanted your hand is my hand don’t touch my hand touch my hand it’s my hand I don’t give a [ __ ] it’s my hand

You don’t touch my hand Cates on the table you sound like a de hater yeah me Georgie blast okay blast me I want you to stop lifting your elbow how about that we’ll follow the rules blast you blast both get a foul it here I don’t

Touch me Jordan do not [ __ ] touch me doing it he’s still doing I can do it too you know if he wants to play this game I’ll do the same thing fine okay so it’s up right now so give him a foul like Deon deavon in a good pronator

Position yeah but his wrist is a little bit bent back it’s not that good position swing he didn’t swing it swing at me he will not trying to pin him he looks like he’s in control come on come on come on he still needs to be careful he still needs to be

Careful as soon as he go better better quit don’t quit Don’t Quit You Came the war what is this P driver P driver you bleeding Georgie but bed say it you don’t even there’s all options you don’t even know what you’re doing sit just just sit down and shut up not

It’s okay I mean see I’m working with you right I’d be scared too now the B will be on maybe he will have a little bit better ACC that’s not even your word why are you saying talking like Georgie why you talking like Gennady old genady

Okay look at all we’re trying to do is put the strap on hold it elbows down elbows down we’re just trying to get the strap on D small Advantage for we’ve been here we’ve been here here you tired geie Dennis was not able to they were in that position swing

That’s what Gori is doing this top roll is defit Top Notch don’t give up why you giving up all the time Geor got a win you gave up twice Georgie two Z Deon larett does what he said he will do what happened no difference no difference yet

Draining the soul out of gor righted you don’t get to touch my hand don’t get to do that don’t do that Georg really you got to stop doing but the thing is same as when Jerry when Georgie was pulling Jerry C same thing Georgie same thing ah come on come on still gorgi

Cannot keep it he took the hand but he cannot keep it look at this great and opponent gorov but I feel like from here it’s just it’s de L boom P driver do what he said he going to do we saw already two see I’m way bigger

Than you Georgie you never had a chance just too big okay it’s massive okay you need to bring him same thing Georgie same thing very similar story every round again holding on it’s over that was your chance that was your big chance geie that was an attempt of something at

Least stretch him out but uh time to get on a big diet Georgie armrest of Ls yeah Georgie foul one more time foul one more time foul out Georgie off the bat buddy that’s what I want to see foul off the back foul off the back there we go big elbow

Don’t take it off again one more time off the B yeah it’s such a it’s such a terrible position to be right where Gori is because he cannot win like there like he can’t win and D is talking mad [ __ ] to him all the time

Mad he put stuff on my hand out when he drops down to 75 kilo to get uh belted there but n not 90 no I don’t want this experience off the back Georgie off the back off the back Georgie off the back don’t do it no no don’t come on come on

Come on in come on in there we go Devon L you want to do it again buddy oh I it thank you so much hand is incredible I could do nothing with your hand I did my best


  1. I'm a huge devon fanboy and have been for, it seems 20 years. Originally only because I'm Canadian and seeing oldschool hellboy Larratt dominate pealed my interest. He is not a master of trash talk, it's part of the battle for him. 90 percent of his banter is cringe and makes me embarrassed to be a fan around folks who don't know how many weapons he has mastered. The absolute best armwrestler of all time by far. Don't get all pissy, John's the GOAT but Devon's the BOAT!

  2. Georgi never took his hand. Neither had full hand control. Match barely went off center just a few times.

  3. Psychological warfare just works if you’re better and your opponent knows and feels you’re actually better and stronger. I think it can make them less confident then. Or with very instable opponents.
    But if the opponent is stonger and better and he knows that during the match, you can trash talk whatever you want, but the chance it will backfire (fuel the opponent) is bigger.

  4. В 2018-м году Девон точно так же запугивал Дениса Цыпленкова, но проиграл позорно. Не помогло ему это запугивание. Против Левана Сагинашвили Девону это тоже совсем не помогло. Это не психологическая война, а клоунада.

  5. the constant stream of breating him is brilliant!
    That compliment at the end was pure magic!
    "your hand is incredible, I could do nothing with your hand"

  6. There should be a short of all the forehead sweat Devon put on Georgi. Retaliation for his multiple hand touches. ROFL!

  7. I'm a big Devon fan, but some of these tricks are just non-champion worthy.
    Like putting sweat on opponent's hand, come on, you can be better than that.

    You really want the community to remember the world champion doing this stuff?

  8. I wasn’t a fan of the warfare with Georgi.

    They couldn’t grip of for the first 15 minutes of the match. Didn’t really like that part.
    I am a fan of good ol’ grip up and go.


  10. I think Georgi would have lost to Devon even if Devon didnt play those mind games. I think Georgi did a good job not letting him into his head.

  11. This is awesome. The comments way down on the bottom with no likes are the soft cry baby haters 😅 at first I was shocked at all the positive comments, but I just had to scroll way further down for you soft babies. You fit right in with current culture and politics. We wouldn’t want to hurt your feelings 😢

  12. All this bullshit did nothing vs levan. That horsepower tore Devons bicep and it will happen again, no chance.

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