YOUR RIGHT SIDE IS DEAD. Waking it up for DISTANCE and Consistency with @GRFGolf

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Okay so what we’re going to do now is we’re going to stand up go back on there for me okay with your golf club okay and just have a swing for me tell me how it feels a little over yeah the very okay okay cool right if I can take the

Club we’re going to swing the club and throw the ball okay so you’ve got a club in your hand body recognizes where it is spatially but now you’re throwing a ball let’s see how the body responds good and again as soon as you let go of the ball stop with the club

Okay so what’s the proceptive control like yeah and again very good now left hand good thing I took a I was not stopping no okay yeah you’re get you’re getting lower because you’ve got more side Bend with rotation so what the body tapping into is frontal plane torque it’s tapping

Into but it needs to be able to create frontal plane torque so lateral flexion it needs this to support otherwise you’ve got an unstable base and you’re trying to do this this is getting thrown straight away so there’s no stability from the ground stability Mobility stability Mobility so we’ve got to

Create the right chain through the right side shter swing and just throwing it into the floor this has got nothing to do with how you’re using the golf club or your wrists or hands no wrist conditions nothing like that it’s all about how you’re using the ground because the the

Distal end of the chain here the arms and the club are just reacting to the forces you really you literally can’t stop him if you go too far if you put too much force in is that right it’s not bad so just yeah firming to the floor

With the left side really throw the ball in yeah feel the right foot doing anything no okay cuz I do I do in in kind of the you know your drop and pop that yeah yeah yeah we’re going to go into all this stuff yeah yeah but then

Once once once then I reenter on this left this doesn’t do anything should it be trying to Shear this thing off this so we so so we don’t want to be trying to reenter okay okay if anything we want to be just I want you to explore just

Staying loaded in the right side almost like a reverse a reverse uh push it’s kind of pushing off the off the right side yes that’s better that was different okay because we’ve got to load the tissue as soon as you move this is gone so for us you talk about rotation

For you any movement in the lateral is shiting mass and it’s C we’re losing the couple effect we’re losing the torque from the ground so we’ve got to push off the back foot so you might even be a back foot player we’ve got to find out yes

Okay that’s a I’m using this for much longer exactly used to be here then I’m off of then it doesn’t do anything so time pressure is moving through the foot fantastic so so we know speed is distance and time yeah so it’s about it’s also pressure shift

Through the for so the pressure is moving from Heel To Toe if I move the pressure over a greater distance but move but it takes less time I’ve got more speed so I can recruit the muscles faster so essentially this is creating torque that foot as soon as I go into a pronation

I’m losing my ability to talk so you go early into what you perceive as a reentering but by doing that you’re moving yourself into more of a pronation which is more of a natural collapse in the gate which is a St a soft unstable State a very powerful state is when we

Start to push off and externally rotate and extend if we’re spending too long in here can’t push off so I can’t use the hip so what you just said was absolutely vital the feedback you’re getting and we never mentioned time in but that’s that’s these things start to emerge in

In terms of how you recognize what is taking place because you’re becoming more more immerse and more aware of what’s actually happening so you be we’re enriching your awareness so we can start to refine movement so here we’re going to start to use this a little bit

And start to feel how you’re pushing so as I was talking about that um rotation disc yeah we’re not going that way yeah I just want to feel how I feel we’re we’re pushing we’re moving away see the extension there through the whole it’s all triple extension

Now if we’re talking Force vectors what we’re doing is we’re creating a vector this way that’s going to elevate and rotate your Center Mass this we’ve got we’re going to have issues okay because sudden we’ve got to stabilize this is this is what you’re fighting so as soon as you

As soon as you go that way Vector this way you you’re rotating it’s going to be coming this way slightly but it’s underneath it’s not going we want it to going through the center of mass so we’ve got to be able to rec recruit it quicker so I just want you to

Put your right foot on there for me and just roll it back and forth now use that back and forth Mo movement to rotate your belt buckle to the Target so not no no no that’s just twisting the hips so think of the knee and the foot in that exercise we just

Did on the floor so I think if your knee going in this direction yes there you go that’s better so you can use the big toe now you can push push off the big toe to rotate the pelvis away from the knee and that’s using the right glue

Teals yes yeah yeah yeah this is exploration this is self organization of finding the pattern so you can recruit this the best way so here what I want you to do is I want you to use your knee M and push out towards the white line the white line okay yeah

Yeah push out the towards the right okay but I want you to now now rotate the body to the Target and you okay and push off the right side let the right heel lift not you not from here just push off to let that hit lift that’s better that was better Lu it

Was unstable the body’s not sure now push off and let your weight transfer to the left Brendan uh with this SE what should it be done yeah moving from heel rocking it so find The Rocking point and then push as you go yeah good now let your weight shift on

To the left I want you to load the left by pushing off the right now but without the knee driving in I don’t know if this is working that’s okay what we’re seeing is how much top down your the golf swings being driven as opposed to bottom up because

The map is skewed so that’s okay okay let me show you it’s okay so all right this is this is good all I want you to do is make a walking action okay and use the walking action to twist the hips to twist the belt bookle so notice there’s not a lot of

Rotation on the way back good start to rotate the pelvis a bit more and notice what part of the foot you’re using on the way through towards me yeah yeah once you destabilize it you’re going to to find where the patterns are that’s it now when you go back what I want you

To do now is go back and just sit down and I want you to go spring up to the Target by using the feet using that toe good that’s better not twist one sec I want you to we’ve got to get the pelvis going up okay it’s a bit locked out this right

Side so we need to do some work on that right side there yeah just a little jump like that off the toes that’s it now what you’re feeling here is what we want in your golf swing do that again not as deep as that no just like this so it’s

Look how I don’t have to use a lot of a lot of movement and on the force plate this would be big forces huge forces okay so we’re not assuming big movement is Big Force it’s the speed of how you move too that would absolutely Spike off

The chart on on the pressure plate Okay so I want you to think about this here just touch touch that Hip Flex of that there for me just in the gro there we go take the take your grip with your right hand and we’re going to feel how the

Flexion extension of that right hip throws the club okay so I just want you to just with the right hand throw it forward and that’s it I can certainly feel it push the ground and make a back swing yeah I don’t what I don’t want you to do is I

Don’t want you to raise the heel okay cuz watch this I’m using the hip the knee and the ankle and then pushing off the toe to extend it all you’re extending by stomping the heel so that’s a different way of extending the hip so

I want you to push up so here that’s it I just want you to feel that drop and pop it this way don’t even think of rotating Brendan just think of it as being sagittal that’s it yeah just don’t even rotate just go up and down there we go that’s

Better you’re going to get Rotation by not thinking of rotation you’re going to get Rotation by flexion extension good keep the heel don’t stomp the heel down don’t stomp it use this not the heel so keep the heel on the floor just drop and pop the hip here for

Me there we go that’s what you’re using know the difference yeah yes yes cuz this can move the pelvis quicker than stomping the heel and where do I so so that gets it going this way and then from this side you just drop don’t even go yeah that’s all you

Do all you’re doing is dropping it’s just going up and down okay like like a kid a kid on swing yes exactly that hip does not you’re not rotating the hip you’re just going it’s going up and down that’s better good sm’s better okay cool now both hands I can feel

Yes so you’re just dropping and popping and popping squashes the ball yes like throwing you don’t need to think about pushing off the ball again because you’ll go up sorry like jumping you’d go up anyway because you’re trying to you’re trying to swing the club you’re trying to you’re trying to go up

You’re we we’re getting the down and then and then back down again we’re going down it’s the pop drop so it’s the pop drop yes up and down yes well done you see what’s going to swing this golf club now is the angular momentum you’re creating through the chain so we just

Used to like coaches seeing it and then they see this you know you get kicked in the pants this way rather than you’re talking about a drop but not going yeah but still this no lat it’s just doing this cool turn it nice that is loading all this

Musculature Across The Joint here in flexion and then the natural recoil Brendon is the Rea is the now the sequence from the foot and that’ll fire everything okay yeah so if I pop here and then when I drop again make sure my big toe and everything

Yes from here and then it’ll react you don’t have to think about it it’ll react I just want you to drop there we go yeah that smells better just up and down yeah shorter swing D It Forward up and down that’s it well done so just want to show you

The last one yeah that’s good you might be able to see this so so watch this look where the handle is before it even and you’re off your back foot by the way go so there you go there’s the pop now you’re going to drop there’s the drop

Now it’s loading now I’m popping from with the right leg look where the handle is when you release look at that yeah then you pop so you get an external rotation and extension from that right hip at the right time to to enable you to use your

Torso so the Torso is delayed you see because it’s stable below play a shot off your right foot perfect just using little three4 swing with with some power but it’s just dropping and popping the right hip that’s the Focus like that y move the ball forward in your stance

That’s it bring your left foot closer to your right so it’s narrow the narrow the base like that yeah cool so the hip just goes yeah the hip just goes up and down and up it’s just can see where you get try and get your power from just a bit

Exaggerated yeah it’s exaggerated so this is at the moment it’s just an exaggeration so it’s out of time so it just wants to be a much shorter range more subtle so your legs not doing as much your legs don’t need to do yeah yeah just explore that okay pretty good have a

Look okay there you go there’s your problem the knet so yeah so it’s it’s showing exactly the reason why we need to do what we’re doing so we’re seeing we see in that and the early release so what we’ve done is we’ve yeah we what

We’ve put is we’ve put a demand on that side of the body and it can’t respond at the moment droing okay let’s have a look at that yeah don’t worry when you’re making changes like this you you haven’t got a release pattern for this you’re you’re using the early release to square the

Face yeah so often if you can’t Square the face it’s not a bad sign because you’re actually not using the early release you you can’t now does he push a little bit better but okay one sec a little bit better okay so there you see there’s

A that part looks really a lot better and then this needs to stay on that this is a lot better yeah so that’s see how the right knee’s gone into too much of a natural collapse yep look at that so then you’re going to get that early

Release well done okay that was a golf shot well done let’s have a look at that right now there’s a lot of thinking going on yeah that’s okay that’s fine it’s good very good that’s better yeah so just watch so you’re looking for the line up through up the toe through the

Knee through the hip this is better now okay yeah starting to get there and it wasn’t fat that was legit impact yeah yeah so and look out that feels like your torso’s forward of your hip and look where the Torso is yeah yeah okay a little behind yeah just a little behind

Still M okay so we can move the Torso further forward all you’re doing is moving your tors so your torso so sternum stays forward of the hip mhm okay Target side okay in the in the D swing yep okay and the knee goes down the white line so it’s all external in terms

Of lower body upper body just awareness of where you are in terms of where you’re using the lower body like right y cool so that’s knee goes towards the white line torso goes forward hold on better and let’s see here okay solid not awesome but solid it’s a little it’s a

Little passing me so this is giving you now some food for thought about where you could go with your body so think about how you can I like that whip to not crack yeah so yeah yeah that’s why the ball went yeah yeah you’re you’re shafts unloading to it really yeah

Yeah okay again which I like that you say that cuz most most coaches if I said that they’ like oh I could show you 100 players that have that I’m like yeah but I don’t it’s not me I don’t want to do that all right don’t yeah just stay just use the

Right or you think it is don’t you don’t have to rotate think about rotation just think of moving forward to the target with the stern and we we’re not we’re not thinking rotation we’re going to get rot we’re going to get rotation for free all these are the other components that

We need for rotation drop and po yeah the KNE on the line the knee to the white lines turn them to the Target okay yeah so what we’re going to do here specific for me specific for Brendan we’re going to really challenge his ability to strike this golf ball whilst

Being loaded through his hip but using these essentially push off mechanics and really have to use his upper body now and organize the release the timing of it so he can strike the ball on the turf so he’s going to have to shift and use his torso it’s going to be moving laterally

Rotating and starting to and starting to right laterally Flex so right band right Bend so it’s side Bend right side Bend essentially so you’ve got to get to that ball specific challenge so the challenge is to strike that golf ball but stay on the right side yeah

Okay very good yeah other than the strike location body well your body’s not got a release pattern for this it doesn’t recognize it cuz if you were striking these gray I’d be worried because you’re probably doing the same thing used to because your body’s adapted its release pattern to your body

To your sequencing so watch this now watch this at that yeah I mean that’s you retained it much nicer yeah yeah look at that post good line okay let’s try it again different feel mhm I feel crossed up feel rather than on the left with my pressure on the

Right with my mass I’m on the right with my pressure on the left with my pressure perfect that’s because normally you shift you cheat and do that okay just to get the pressure left whereas now what we’ve done is we’ve gone to the polar opposite place and then when we go back

To the ground you can start to regulate and find the middle ground so I’ll just show Lee what Lee you see the problem see the thing is for somebody who’s externally rotated if you cheat Brendan and just shift you’re externally rotating the FEMA more so now you’ve not

Got any external rotation but vertical so so you have to go early with the release to get some speed so if you stay on the right side you’ve got to be able to use your upper torso well done well done that was a lot better that one yeah the other ones I

Was staying right but doing this rather than really let’s go again okay well done yeah I felt great okay oh I drew it up that was a good that was a perfect cut just like we wanted I felt more comfortable that was really good I mean it is a

Pitching wedge so I don’t know if you would call that low but I like I’m looking at the right hip I’m looking at the the hands the relationship between the the knee the hip the hands now where you tosso is watch the drop now you start to push it’s amazing

Because people work on early extension we haven’t talked about early extension but that is the opposite of it look where you go in mhm now watch what happens with the Torso now you rotate now comes back out it’s getting it’s coming back out with your rotation so the mass has to be

Behind but then you’re rotating now what you what what you started to time is the rotation of your torso whereas you’ve been this way pre previously your pre-existing kind of actions been this yes and this okay whereas now you’re here and you’re having to rotate so now

The timing of your rotation so when I talked earlier about speed agility quickness it’s about the ability to push and rotate with the Torso because you’re naturally going to side Bend because of the way you push in you’ve got a torque that’s rotating your torso this way so

You can go forward as much as you like with the Torso that’s nice and straight


  1. This. THIS. Marcus is extraordinary. His depth of understanding of the human body is awesome. He doesn't approach things like a golf coach and fixes the symptoms. He fixes the root cause. Brendan, you have to stick with this and not get rabbit ears. Of course you have to have other instructors on the channel but this is the most insightful analysis you've ever had including Dr Kwan. Please focus on this. I am so glad I am a GRF student and have the infinity board.

  2. Am I missing the spike mat link? And I am so jelly I would love to do what you have done over the years. I do have one more question. From all the "teachers" you have seen and been tutored by, who was the most impactful for your game?

  3. I've followed you from the start and have a lot of same issues. This is the one instructor who finally can translate how to obtain feels in order to change movement patterns. Great stuff.

  4. As much as I like Zen golf, Eric Cogorno with Mike Malaska (This one hip move) has said the right side follows the push back of the left side, which leaves me more confused with YT instructors.

  5. On this move, how would you describe the timing of getting to the left? Doesn't seem like he wants you recentering in transition. Getting left as you are going through the ball?

  6. This is the eternally frustrating part of golf instruction. You spend 2 years deadening your right side because everyone says early extension is killing your and along comes another guy who says the exact opposite thing and boom, your lost again for the millionth time in an abyss of conflicting swing thoughts even more frustrated that before. ugh

  7. Give me a break!!! Gentlemen, this video is a perfect demonstration of completely convoluted nonsense bullshit…..and absolutely nothing more. Move over Christo Garcia and Todd Graves because here’s the new KING OF BULLSHIT in town! Congratulations Marcus! You did what I thought was the impossible.

  8. Brilliant. Marcus absolutely nailed it for you. Try throwing a frisbee with right knee collapsing and then with your torso ahead of the knee using the right flexor engaged and using that leverage you will immediately know the difference. You really had a dead right side and not been using the GRF. Even the motorcycle gets easier and balances precisely with the centripetal torque exerted on the handle.

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